MTS support operator number. MTS support number

Every day, thousands of MTS clients throughout Russia have questions about their work mobile operator. You can get answers to your questions at service offices, but it is much easier to use the MTS help and call the hotline. Employees will promptly solve any problem or advise a way to solve it independently.

What is an MTS certificate

MTS certificate is an option hotline at MTS. All major mobile operators in Russia have similar services. Operators who work in technical support can:

This is an incomplete list of questions, because MTS help operators are ready to answer any question related to work mobile communications, Internet and television, which are provided by the company.

Please note that problems due to incorrect operation equipment are resolved in technical service manufacturer.

How to call MTS help from a mobile phone

Most MTS subscribers know only one support number, but there are several ways to call the operator:

  • 0890 – single toll-free number. Initially, there is a greeting from the autoinformer, who offers to listen to the necessary information or contact a live operator.
  • 08460 is another toll-free hotline number. Works similarly to the previous one.
  • +74957660166 – help desk for calls to international roaming. This phone number is used to record a call from an MTS subscriber, after which the service independently calls back. The conversation is not charged.
  • 84956360636 – service number for subscribers who use home Internet or TV.
  • 88002500505 – help desk of the MTS online store.

Call help desk You can call all listed numbers free of charge and around the clock. Calls are not charged even in national roaming.

How to contact the help desk for free

You can contact MTS help for free not only from your mobile phone, but also via the Internet. There is a form feedback link You can also find a feedback form if you go through the branches “Mobile communications” -> “Support” -> “Customer service” -> “Contact the company”.

Feedback form.

For subscribers who use home Internet or TV services, there is another form of feedback - You can find it in the section " Home Internet and TV" -> "Support" -> "Customer Service". A link will be highlighted in the section.

Call MTS helpline from another operator's number

Save so you don't lose.

On information line Subscribers of other mobile operators can also contact MTS; calls from landline phones are also available. To do this, you need to call the number: 88002500890.

The call is free, including when you are in national roaming. To receive information on their own SIM card, MTS subscribers will have to confirm their identity by dictating the details of the passport on which the SIM card was registered.

Help MTS Ukraine

On this moment MTS-Ukraine does not operate on the territory of Ukraine. Instead, the services are provided by the company cellular communications Vodafone. All owners of MTS Ukraine SIM cards were previously automatically transferred to the services of this cellular operator.

You can call Vodafon support for free at the following numbers:

  • 111 – for network subscribers;
  • 0800400111 – from numbers of other mobile operators in Ukraine.

MTS Russia users in Ukraine must use an international roaming number to contact information.

If the subscriber has problems with voice communication, he needs to contact the MTS help desk. Calls here are absolutely free, and specialists can solve almost any problem. People contact the help desk not only when problems arise, but also on many other issues.

MTS Help Desk

0890 or 8-800-250-0890

For example, here you can get full advice on tariff plans and options, find out about new offers from MTS, order Internet connection settings, activate or disable any communication services, check the remaining minutes. In order not to remember MTS technical support telephone numbers, it is better to write them down in your phone book.

On the pages of our website you will also find detailed review, which covers important MTS numbers and commands for effectively managing your number directly from your phone.

IN this review we'll consider:

  • How to call the MTS helpline from MTS phones;
  • How to call the MTS helpline from landline phones;
  • How to call the MTS helpline from other mobile numbers;
  • How to contact MTS help desk while in roaming.

The review will also indicate all the numbers by which you can call the MTS customer service.

How to call MTS technical support

The MTS technical support phone number can be seen on the package with the SIM card. It is also indicated on the pages of the contract for the provision of communication services. If the documents are not saved, then write them down in phone book MTS main reference number – 0890. This number operates in all Russian regions.

In order to contact an MTS support service consultant, you should go through voice menu. It is quite possible that in this menu you will be able to find useful information on your questions. If not, then wait until the system tells you how to contact the operator.

Calls to the MTS helpline from a mobile are free even when the subscriber is in intranet roaming across Russia. If you have any problems while roaming, feel free to call the helpline at 0890.

How to connect to MTS help desk from mobile

MTS support phone number is 0890. You can also use the number 8-800-250-0890. This is an analogue of the short number 0890; calls to it are not charged. But in intranet roaming, it is best to call a short number to avoid calling charges.

By the way, if you are on the territory of Belarus or Ukraine, and the phone is registered in the MTS-Belarus or MTS-Ukraine networks, then you can safely call to get help to number 0890 – the call will be free. If you are in international or national roaming, then to get help you need call +7-495-766-0166.

Calling the MTS help desk from other mobile operators

How to call the MTS operator help desk from mobile phones of other operators? In this case you need dial 8-800-250-0890, since the short number 0890 is available exclusively from MTS numbers. Using the same “long” number you can call the help desk from any landline phone.

Apparently, like me, you also thought that cellular communications from MTS were the best? And, they say, MTS’s technical support is generally excellent. That's what you thought? I thought.

And I believed in all this until I myself had to face the search for an answer to a seemingly simple question: How is it possible?

Well... This is completely justified and deserved - MTS’s connection is truly stable and reliable.

But if any problems arise, it turns out that MTS’s service is not so bright and rosy. And we must admit that it can be quite difficult to contact an MTS operator and get a “live” consultation with a specialist. Because the MTS company did almost everything possible so that you could not call the MTS operator.

As a result, when you call the MTS office, instead of the joyful voice of a living person greeting you with all the warmth and cordiality, you hear in response the voice of an answering machine. Also, of course, similar to a human, but indifferent to your problems, right?

But I really wanted something else... So that MTS would have a hotline whose telephone number would be available 24 hours a day, right? 😉

Well, is it impossible to contact the MTS operator, and is it time to fall into despair? But no! There is a way out, because there is a support phone at MTS, specifically created for such cases.

Moreover. In MTS, the operator's telephone number is quite simple, and you can almost always call the operator for free from both a mobile phone and a landline number.

In general, when you know the solution, then calling the MTS operator is not so difficult. There are 4 such methods. Let's talk about each of them in order.

The easiest way to call the MTS operator

In order to hear a “live operator”, you need to call the single MTS support service number 0890 .

A call to this “service” number of the MTS operator is free! It is not charged.

However, you must be located on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan or Belarus. But we believe that this is 99.9% true, and we continue to act further.

After the auto-informer starts dictating the menu, don’t wait for the end of his verbal diarrhea! Immediately press 2, then 0.

And here the long-awaited miracle will finally happen. The switch will switch to a connection with the “live” MTS operator.

Let's clarify. It may not happen right away. You may have to wait in line for a bit. You will be kindly notified about the duration of this. But still the main task completed - you can talk to the MTS operator.

How to contact the MTS operator from a landline phone

Well, if you call short number 0890 You can not? If a phone with an MTS SIM card is not available. What to do then?

The task becomes slightly more complicated. After all, MTS has created a support phone number for this case as well. You can call the MTS operator both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone of any other operator.

You just need to dial not 0890, but 8 800 250 08 90 .

In this case, you will call at the same time. Call center, as by number 0890 . Therefore, the further procedure will be exactly the same.

First you will hear a voice menu that will dictate the mass to you various information. You don't have to listen to everything - just Press button 2 immediately, then 0. And after a while you are connected to a representative of the MTS call center.

Moreover. This MTS operator phone is free in the same way as 0890.


If you are one of corporate clients MTS company, a separate telephone number has been created for you - 8 800 250 09 90 .

Or is it just short - 0990 . A “live” MTS operator will also answer you on it. The phone number is free for calls from mobile phones connected to MTS

How to call an MTS operator while roaming?

Stay outside Russian Federation? Not a problem either! The MTS operator has allocated a telephone number to contact a support specialist in this case as well.

You always have the opportunity to receive highly qualified advice from a “live operator” even in international roaming.

just call phone number +7 495 766 01 66 .

The best part:

All calls to this operator phone created by MTS are also absolutely free!

Even if you are in long-distance or international roaming

How to contact the MTS operator without a phone

Well, as a last resort. When suddenly you absolutely cannot make a call.

A method will help you that is needed just in case the MTS support number is unavailable for some reason. If you suddenly have difficulties with telephone communication, contact the official website of MTS for help.

On the website you can write message to customer support– you can ask it in a special feedback form. And in a very short time you will receive an answer to your question.

It's completely free and the number of questions is unlimited.

When using a SIM card, situations arise when you need to obtain information from the help desk of your mobile operator. This does not happen very often, so many subscribers do not know what numbers their mobile operator has.

I also have questions about how to make a call to my operator from other numbers (landline or another telecom operator).

This article will help users mobile operator MTS find out the contact numbers of the help desk so that in any necessary situation you can find out the answer to your question regarding communication services.

How to call MTS Russia technical support

Subscribers in the Russian Federation are provided with several options by which they can call the support service. The main call center number is 0890.

Having reached this phone number, you should follow voice prompts to begin “live” communication with an MTS specialist. Also, each region has its own numbers for subscriber support.

On the official website of the mobile operator you can find the name of your region, and next to it the required phone number.

In addition, those network users who are not able to make a call using their SIM card, or another user of their operator, have another option.

If necessary, you can call 8 800 250 0890. This phone can be used both from a city landline device and by another user mobile network.

And for those clients who are abroad and use the roaming service, you can call +7 495 76 601 66. This universal phone, which is available in international roaming.

How to connect to MTS help desk from mobile

In order to contact an MTS help desk employee, you need to perform a number of manipulations. First, dial the number 0890 on your mobile device. After the connection has occurred, you must first press 2 on the phone keypad, then the number 0.

But it is worth remembering that a large number of users are served by a small number of MTS specialists. In this regard, you need to be patient to wait for “live” communication with the operator.

According to those who have already made such calls, the waiting time can vary, sometimes the wait can reach up to half an hour.

In some situations, it may be necessary to call the MTS help desk from a landline number. In order to call the required service from your number, your cellular operator has several options.

But what to do when problems arise with your mobile device and you don’t have another gadget at hand?

To solve this problem, you need a long-forgotten landline phone. This stationary device will easily and without interruption in communication help you reach customer support.

To make a call from a landline phone there is the following contact number: 8 800 250 0890. After the numbers are on landline phone will be dialed, you need to wait for the connection, and then talk with a company employee.

If there is no landline phone or telephone booth nearby, you can make a call to the MTS help desk from other operators. To do this, you should also dial 8 800 250 0890 on your mobile device.

This universal number will allow subscribers to receive high-quality consulting assistance from employees of their mobile operator. The company's specialists will always help answer questions technical issues that arose during the use of the network.

This single federal number enables subscribers to solve problems in different situations, be it control of debiting funds from the balance, or management of connected services and subscriptions, as well as other issues that may arise when using a SIM card.

How to call MTS Ukraine technical support

In order to contact an MTS support service employee, simply dial 111 from any mobile device. This number is universal for all mobile network subscribers; you just need to first follow the voice prompts that will help you switch to required section, where you can get necessary information or subsequently seek help from a company employee.

To do this, you first need to select the section with the information you are interested in, and then press the 0 button on the keyboard of your mobile device, after which you should wait for a connection with a technical support representative.

There is also a contact center number 0 800 400 000, anyone who has mobile phone mobile operator of Ukraine. This hotline operates 24 hours a day, allowing anyone to seek help.