Is it possible to recognize the anonymous person in the ask? Find out who left an anonymous opinion in a contact? View anonymous users

29.03.2017— a social network for communication using questions and answers. Created in Latvia and is a competitor Formspring). Using this site, users can answer questions and also ask other users. The main function of such a service is the ability to ask an anonymous question. Actually, this is the reason for this question.

Probably, many site users have received the same question, after which you want to find the person who wrote it. Often these are questions of an offensive or piquant nature. Let's try to resolve this issue.

How to calculate an anonymous person

Of course, there are ways to expose an anonymous person. But you shouldn’t trust such “magic” sites that can find an anonymous person just by the page number. The scammers write so believably that even the most advanced user can believe that this service works. There are a large number of such sites on the Internet. Their task is to defraud you of money or infect your computer with malware that can steal your personal data (for example, data from an electronic wallet). An example of such a site:

Attention! Don't trust sites that ask you to send a message from your phone. Sites that require phone verification automatically send you a message with a code that you need to enter.

Now let’s look at some really working methods that won’t steal your money or harm your computer.

Method 1: Psychology

Every person can be brought to clean water. But for this you need to find the right approach. This can be done in several ways:

  • Try to talk with an anonymous person, ask him a couple of leading questions. Perhaps the person will miss something and let it slip, and you will be able to guess who is hiding their identity.
  • Use the method that is popularly called “to show off.” In this case, you need to confidently and directly tell your interlocutor that you know everything about his tricks and ask why he did it. In most cases, the user who wrote an anonymous question will be scared. After this, he can begin to make excuses and reduce everything to a joke, and in the meantime you will be able to figure out the person’s personality based on some characteristics. If the anonymous person does not admit his guilt in any way and you think that he is telling the truth, then ask him to log in and, if necessary, tell the truth.

Method 2: Link Trap

To calculate an anonymous user, you can use the link to catch guests. To apply this method, you need to place in the column "Web site", link to profile in "In contact with" or "Classmates". To catch an anonymous person, we will use the application "My guests". To do this, you need to do the following:

After this, the construction of the trap will be completed. All users who follow the link will be displayed in the section "Guests". All you have to do is wait and periodically log into the application. This is where the methods of exposing an anonymous person end.


Services where you can ask an anonymous question to the page owner are gaining more and more popularity. However, human curiosity has no limits and sometimes you want to find out who asked a particular question.

Let's see if it is possible to find out this information.

Is it possible to find out who asked an anonymous question on the or service?

A rather pressing question for many users of the above services is how to find out the sender of a question, what is hidden behind the anonymous name.

Perhaps there are some ways to find out this information of interest. However, there are no official methods - the service administration does not disclose this information, even on a paid basis. Undoubtedly, within the depths of the service this information is monitored and recorded, but only for technical needs, as well as for government services, for example, law enforcement. In the event of illegal acts using this service, the administration is required by law to provide all available information to the competent authorities that would help solve the crime.

But if the data is collected, then it may be accessible from the outside; fortunately, on the Internet you can find offers that indicate that you can easily identify an anonymous sender, you just need to pay a certain amount of money.

It is worth especially noting and emphasizing that there are no third-party services that would show you, even for a fee, the anonymous sender of a particular question asked of you. All of this is pure fraud. In the best case, you will lose money, and you will be shown a random person who supposedly asked the question, and in the worst case, you will compromise your account (provided, of course, that in order to “identify” the author of an anonymous question you will need to enter the username and password for your pages on the anonymous question service).

Exactly the same applies to programs for computers, as well as applications for smartphones, the functionality of which promises to identify the user who asked you an anonymous question. Do not even think about installing them; these utilities are almost guaranteed to be viruses and other malicious elements.

It is necessary to understand that if you make it possible to disclose this data, then the very essence of the service, which asks questions on an anonymous basis, is lost. If a person asking an anonymous question knows that he may be recognized, then he will most likely simply refuse to submit the question. Traffic to the service and activity on it will suffer, so it’s unlikely that anything will ever change and the ability to find out who asked you an anonymous question will be introduced.

Recently, along with social networks, survey services have begun to develop, where users can ask each other questions and participate in discussions on various topics. But not all users want to show their true colors, but hide behind the mask of anonymity. In this regard, account owners have a question about how to reveal an anonymous person.

View anonymous users

It is worth noting that the survey resources where you have registered accounts do not provide the ability to view anonymous visitors.

In this case, you can use third-party resources that can reveal anonymous people in ask. Most of them work according to the same scheme. As an example, you can use the site antianonim. Here you need to enter the name of the anonymous person on the network or his IP address, by clicking on “Open anonymous”, you will receive the necessary information. Using this service, you can go to its page on social networks, such as VKontakte, etc., which the user specified during registration. This way you can uncover anonymous people on the ask network.

If you are registered in the network, then you can find out anonymous people on the website, using the instructions for the previous site. Additional recommendations can be found in the articles:

Many users who receive negative comments or questions often really want to recognize their ill-wishers and discourage them from their online page, which is why they turn to similar services for viewing anonymous users.

Those who receive positive responses generally don't do so unless they really want to know the person who commented.

It is worth noting that everything depends on the person and the situation in which he finds himself.

How to write anonymously in ask?

A resource called first appeared back in 2011, quickly becoming popular and gaining recognition from many users of the Vkontakte social network. Thanks to the wide functionality, anyone can ask non-anonymous, as well as anonymous questions to a request of any nature.

Many people wonder how to write anonymously in ask? Of course, this method attracts users more, because it gives them the opportunity to ask any question, even incorrect ones. Figure out, how to write anonymously in ask, not difficult. Today, there are separate services for this, where it is enough to log in, the same as on the main page of Subsequently, when you go to the pages of those to whom you want to ask a question, your data will no longer be displayed for other users of the site. You can add likes or subscribers to your page by clicking on link .

Today almost every person has access to the Internet, and more than 80% of them are registered on social networks. This means that for such users the concept of “ anonymous ask" will not become a new product, especially since today this resource is one of the most popular. Read more information about anonymous questions in

How to find out who writes anonymously in an ask?

Another equally popular question among social network users is how to find out who writes anonymously in ask. This is a little more difficult to do than writing your own question in anonymous ask, but quite doable.

Find out the site user who asks you certain questions anonymous questions on ask, is possible through services that receive sufficient information to calculate them. In particular, data about their IP addresses will become available, through which the person himself can subsequently be identified. VKontakte cheating is available.

Some sites designed to solve the issue, how to find out who writes anonymously in ask, they offer to go through a simple login procedure, after which all the necessary information appears in front of you. But be prepared: perhaps tricky and unpleasant questions were the work of those whom you did not even dare to suspect. You will find more detailed material about disclosing anonymous people in the ask in this section .

Unique services for exposing Ask users make it easier to use the site, but at the same time make it more interesting. Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity; try to personally find out who exactly is asking you questions, using the help of professional resources. To become more popular on Instagram, go to this

Not everyone knows that now anonymous questions on Ask can be easily resolved, and some additional services help with this.

For those who have not yet figured out how to write anonymously in Ask, we will help you quickly and easily understand this procedure. There are several ways to ask an anonymous question. After a short registration has been completed in the service and a new user’s own page has been created, offers an anonymous service when writing a question. This means that the user to whom the question is addressed will not see the original data of the person who asked the question. If you don’t need to write anonymous questions to Ask, just don’t select this function when sending your message. Read more about anonymous questions in the ask on the next page page.

Additional resources help determine who wrote a message in an anonymous ask or left a question. Some services make available the IP addresses of those who write anonymous questions, and subsequently such information can be useful in identifying the anonymous person.

Another type of site that helps identify the authors of anonymous questions offers users a quick and easy registration (usually such a site offers a transition through the main page to As a result, just one login to a unique resource is enough, and all questions asked on the page are no longer anonymous, but contain complete information about the user who is their author. What questions you can ask in the ask, read the next one