Is it possible to paint a satellite dish. Repainting a satellite dish

After long term operation, each technique needs, if not a major overhaul, then at least a current inspection and cosmetic repairs. What can we say about satellite equipment. During the time when satellite receiver sits quietly on the nightstand next to him LCD TV- but a satellite dish that is installed outside a residential area is affected by many different factors, including weather conditions. Rain, precipitation, snow, frost, sometimes icicles fall, slowly do their job and the antenna becomes unusable, the aesthetic appearance is disturbed, and the quality of work deteriorates significantly.

First of all, everything starts to rust. It all starts with small micro scratches made before the antenna was installed. At the same time, aluminum antennas are less susceptible to corrosion than metal ones. For well-known reasons, it is non-ferrous metal.

Your favorite satellite dish is rusty and the paint is peeling off - don't rush to buy a new one. In many cases, it is enough to clean, sand and paint it well. Small traces of rust should be done away with in advance during installation. Immediately paint over defective areas to prevent corrosion from spreading to the entire antenna.

As known at the factory satellite equipment painting of satellite dishes is carried out with special varnish and powder paints. Negatively charged particles of a powdery mass stick to the antenna and under the influence high temperatures melt and paint the desired surface. Of course, at home it is difficult to repeat such complex technologies and it is simply very difficult to put it into practice.

So what do you need to paint a satellite dish at home?

To begin with, we carefully grind with fine sandpaper. I think polishing will be superfluous. The main thing is not to damage the antenna itself, make dents or bend. Next, degrease with paint thinner or acetone.

For painting, you need to purchase the appropriate radio-transparent paint. Any will not work and it is not always possible to guess. For this, it is better to choose.

We apply a layer of the tested paint on plexiglass or on a sheet of textolite, wait until it dries and conduct an experiment.

On the tuned antenna, we fix the signal quality indicator from the transponder. We fix our sheet, while covering the converter, and look at the signal level from the transponder again. If the quality has not changed, you can safely use this paint.

Another way to check. In the microwave, cover a glass of water with our colored plexiglass or textolite, turn it on for 6 minutes. If plexiglass or textolite is cold, then our paint is suitable.

I think they will determine it better according to the first option, since the signal attenuation can be small, but we need the entire useful signal, while the accuracy of the indicators is more accurate. In addition, if something goes wrong, then the microwave is a pity, it costs more than the antenna.

The surface must be primed before painting. With a primer, we carry out the same series of experiments.

It is better to apply paint with a small roller in two layers, avoiding streaks, especially where the antenna is focused. back mirrors can be brushed. Matte paint will be better than glossy. In summer, the shine from the sun gathers in focus and melts the protective cover of the converter or multifeed. Therefore, we choose a matte without gloss.

There is also an option with an aerosol can of car paint. Such painting will turn out strong and durable.

Having ennobled the satellite dish, we extended the service life for a few more years. And if you are also a talented artist, then your antenna is a work of art.


Cosmetic repair, painting satellite dish

Donex© 2011


After a certain period of operation of the antenna, often the satellite antenna mirror begins to rust and it becomes necessary to paint it to stop corrosion and save the antenna.

This article is written on the basis of discussion materials devoted to this issue and is intended for those who feel sorry for parting with their old antenna, and he still decided to do it.

I will immediately warn you:

1. the process itself requires time, patience and finances;

2. The cost of restoration is comparable to the purchase of a new antenna. This is true for antennas of small diameter up to 1m. If you are the owner of a large antenna, then repainting will cost less than buying a new one.

In the case of small antennas, additional benefits can be obtained, for example, on-site old antenna hang a new one, and repaint the old one freely and use it to receive other satellites, thereby increasing the number of received channels.

Very often, the antenna does not rust evenly and even in separate thin stripes - these are scratches received before installation during storage or transportation.

It is also important to stop corrosion at the initial stage, because it can start in small areas and spread over a large area of ​​​​the antenna, for example, often the antenna begins to rust along the end edging, then the rust moves to the front of the antenna from the edges to the center. Therefore, it is better to paint the antenna entirely on both sides.

So let's start with the basic questions:

1. Most main question: Can it be painted with any paint? No, the paint must be radio-transparent! If the paint contains metals or their derivatives (oxides, etc.), then such paint is not suitable for painting antennas and can lead to a significant attenuation of the received signal, up to its absence.

The radio transparency of paints depends on the base and filler.

2. What paint is suitable for painting?

The choice of paint is reduced to the study of the composition of paints, because. paints do not indicate the property of radio transparency.

If the base is epoxy, then the paint is conditionally transparent.
If the filler is organic or does not absorb microwaves by itself, then such paint can be used in combination with epoxy.

Acrylic enamel without metal fillers is suitable.

Printing inks are mainly based on metals - therefore not suitable.

AS-599 is a special radio-transparent paint, sold in a minimum package of 50 kg.

EP-140 - radio-transparent paint up to 20 GHz. It happens gray, white, green, yellow. Base - epoxy, drying temperature -140 degrees. Durability - 50 years. Paint life time before crystallization: 5-6 hours.

An affordable option is to use automotive spray acrylic paint. The advantage is the uniformity of application and the thickness of the layer, as a result, the durability of the coating, and the gain in the quality of the painting, and hence the quality of the reception, compared to painting with a brush, where there may be drips and lint from the brush.

There are many practical cases of painting antennas with ordinary PF-115 white and blue flowers even without primer. According to people who have done this, the durability of painting is more than 3 years and the enamel has practically not led to a deterioration in the signal level.

From my experience, I can say that I painted the antenna with PINOTEX ULTRA paint intended for painting wood for exterior and interior use (there was no other handy). This paint is radio transparent, did not lead to a decrease in the signal, and what is surprisingly durable and did not peel off, though I applied it not to bare metal, but to the light paint of the antenna.

And more about the type and color of the paint. It is better to use matte, rather than glossy, light gray paint to diffuse the sun's rays. This is due to the fact that when painting with white bright glossy paint, there is a possibility of damage to the antenna heads by the sun's rays reflected by the antenna. Such a solstice does not always happen and lasts a maximum of 60-90 minutes.

In practice, there were cases of melting of the plastic housing of the heads and their further failure after rain as a result of loss of tightness of the housing.

Dark colors can also be used for painting, but this will lead to a strong heating of the plate in the sun.

3. How to test paint for radio transparency?

There are several ways to check the radio transparency of paint.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency in the microwave:

The paint is applied to the PTFE. After the paint has dried, the radio transparency test of the paint can be carried out. We put a cup of water in the microwave and our paint sample on PTFE is not close to each other. Heating time in the microwave is 5 minutes. If the plate is cold after irradiation, then the paint is radio-transparent.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency using paper
Pretty fast and convenient way. The paint is applied on thick paper (it can be an A4 sheet of paper from a drawing album, drawing paper, etc.). We bring the sheet between the antenna head, closer to the head and check if there is a signal drop, if not or very slightly, then the paint is suitable for painting the antenna.

4.Can the antenna mirror be sanded with sandpaper?

Yes. The permissible deviation from the profile is 0.1 wavelength. All this is equivalent for both receiving and transmitting antennas.

The wavelength is calculated as follows: the speed of propagation of radio waves (it is equal to the speed of light) must be divided by the frequency, i.e. for 12GHz - the wavelength will be 2.5 cm.

5. Does it need to be primed?

Desirable, but not required. Priming the surface increases the quality and durability of the painting.


1. Removal of old paint.

For this you can use special means, for example, autowash or paint remover, which you can buy at any auto shop.

2. Sanding.

Necessary to avoid further corrosion and durability of the newly applied paint.

At the first stage, we process rusted places to white metal, first with a large sandpaper or a grinding nozzle on a drill or grinder in the form of a brush.

Then uniform polishing of the entire surface of the mirror with emery cloth No. 150 or No. 180.

A rust remover (phosphoric acid or RustStop) may be used to remove corrosion before sanding.

3. Degreasing and dust removal.

It is carried out to prepare the surface for painting with a cloth moistened with acetone, thinner, white spirit, refined gasoline, etc.

4. Priming and drying.

The primer, like the paint, must be radio-transparent. Primers containing filler such as barite (GF-021) are not suitable, barite is used as an absorber of high-frequency radiation.

You can use imported light gray primer, auto-primers in aerosols can also be suitable, the main thing is to get acquainted with the composition, you can also check in the microwave.

Primer in aerosols, like paint, is preferable to painting with a brush.

The primer is applied evenly in a thin layer over all surfaces, from the beginning from a long distance, then from close, avoiding smudges.

If smudges appear, wash them off with acetone, etc.

After priming, let the antenna dry for 3 to 6 hours (see primer instructions) at a temperature close to 20ºС.

5. Painting and drying.

Painting is similar to the primer, we meet the same requirements as for the primer, dry it and continue to use the antenna.

And a few more words about painting:

●Of course, it is better to apply paint from an aerosol, it is difficult to apply paint and enamel evenly without streaks with a brush, it is better to use a small roller even then.

●When spray painting, first apply to the end of the antenna around the entire circumference, then paint the front of the antenna. A can is enough for just that (taking into account that you will apply paint in 2 layers). back side can be painted with any other paint for metal.

●When rust appears, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible, without starting, without waiting rapid spread corrosion. This is the fastest and cheap way local tinting of a separate section than a total repainting of the entire antenna.

●Because the thickness of the mirror is less than 1mm, when rust appears on one side, it often appears on the opposite side, which requires painting on both sides. So if there is a rusty spot on one side, check if it is on the opposite side (it may not be visible under a layer of paint).

●Solid grinding of the entire antenna from the old paint is more preferable, because. rust at an early stage is not always distinguishable by a layer of paint.

●Remember that the cost of repainting the entire antenna is almost equal to the cost of a new antenna, and besides, it will take a lot of time and also requires patience.

●Painting the antenna is justified by the fact that: you have a lot of time and nothing to do, itchy hands, a craving for creativity, the ability to paint in a specific and original color, drawing a picture or inscription, or having all the necessary materials.

And a few more examples from my personal experience:

After reviewing a lot of spray cans, I did not find the composition of the paint anywhere. There were a lot of metallic colors - they are definitely contraindicated, I bought the cheapest one - green (18 UAH = 2.25 $ 2011)

As a result, this paint did not reduce the signal level at all. The Kharkiv antenna 95 cm was painted, the cylinder was enough to paint the end and front side in 2 times. The back side and the bearing rod were painted with a brush. A lot of time and nerves were spent on removing the antenna, painting it and raising and adjusting it, but as a result new life antennas - I like to bring old things back to life, it's a pity to throw them away, and not at all because I can't afford new ones.

BUT, due to the thin layer of paint, and maybe even the quality, the paint was not enough for a year, after the winter, almost half of the antenna surface began to peel off and rust appeared.

So when painting with aerosol cans, I recommend pre-priming the antenna and applying paint in at least 2-3 layers.

After this bad experience with spray cans, I repainted the antenna with radiator enamel "ŚNIEŻKA".

Manufacturer's description:"ŚNIEŻKA FOR RADIATORS (modified acrylic enamel) This is a modified acrylic enamel. Thanks to a special recipe, the enamel withstands high temperatures and does not turn yellow. Designed for decorative and protective painting of radiators and elements of the central heating system.

I especially liked the resistance to high temperatures, because in the summer the metal heats up very strongly in the sun.

This time the result pleased - painting withstood the test for more than 2 years.

Donex© 2011
Posting an article with the permission of the author, indicating the link and the author

Repainting a satellite dish.

Cosmetic repair, painting of a satellite dish

Frequently asked Questions
Antenna repainting technology
Methods for checking the radio transparency of paint

After a certain period of operation of the antenna, often the satellite antenna mirror begins to rust and it becomes necessary to paint it to stop corrosion and save the antenna.
This article is written on the basis of discussion materials devoted to this issue.
Very often, the antenna does not rust evenly and even in separate thin stripes - these are scratches received before installation during storage or transportation.
It is also important to stop corrosion at the initial stage, because it can start in small areas and spread over a large area of ​​​​the antenna, for example, often the antenna begins to rust along the end edging, then the rust moves to the front of the antenna from the edges to the center. Therefore, it is better to paint the antenna entirely on both sides.

So let's start with the basic questions:

1. The most important question: Is it possible to paint with any paint? No, the paint must be radio-transparent! If the paint contains metals or their derivatives (oxides, etc.), then such paint is not suitable for painting antennas and can lead to a significant attenuation of the received signal, up to its absence.
The radio transparency of paints depends on the base and filler.

2. What kind of paint is suitable for painting?

The choice of paint is reduced to the study of the composition of paints, because. paints do not indicate the property of radio transparency.

If the base is epoxy, then the paint is conditionally transparent.
If the filler is organic or does not absorb microwaves by itself, then such paint can be used in combination with epoxy.

Acrylic enamel without metal fillers is suitable.

Printing inks are mainly based on metals - therefore not suitable.

AS-599 is a special radio-transparent paint, sold in a minimum package of 50 kg.

EP-140 - radio-transparent paint up to 20 GHz. It happens gray, white, green, yellow. Base - epoxy, drying temperature -140 degrees. Durability - 50 years. Time of life of paint before crystallization: 5-6 hours.

An affordable option is to use automotive spray acrylic paint. The advantage is the uniformity of application and the thickness of the layer, as a result, the durability of the coating, and the gain in the quality of the painting, and hence the quality of the reception, compared to painting with a brush, where there may be drips and lint from the brush.

There are many practical cases of painting antennas with ordinary PF-115 enamel in white and blue colors, and even without a primer. According to people who have done this, the durability of painting is more than 3 years and the enamel has practically not led to a deterioration in the signal level.

From my experience, I can say that I painted the antenna with PINOTEX ULTRA paint intended for painting wood for exterior and interior use (there was no other handy). This paint is radio transparent, did not lead to a decrease in the signal, and what is surprisingly durable and did not peel off, though I applied it not to bare metal, but to the light paint of the antenna.

And more about the type and color of the paint. It's better to use matte instead of
glossy, light gray paint to diffuse the sun's rays. This is due to the fact that when painting with white bright glossy paint, there is a possibility of damage to the antenna heads by the sun's rays reflected by the antenna. Such a solstice does not always happen and lasts a maximum of 60-90 minutes.
In practice, there were cases of melting of the plastic housing of the heads and their further failure after rain as a result of loss of tightness of the housing.
Dark colors can also be used for painting, but this will lead to a strong heating of the plate in the sun.

3. How to test paint for radio transparency?

There are several ways to check the radio transparency of paint.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency in the microwave:
The paint is applied to the PTFE. After the paint has dried, the radio transparency test of the paint can be carried out. We put a cup of water in the microwave and our paint sample on PTFE is not close to each other. Heating time in the microwave is 5 minutes. If the plate is cold after irradiation, then the paint is radio-transparent.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency using paper
Pretty fast and convenient way. The paint is applied on thick paper (it can be an A4 sheet of paper from a drawing album, drawing paper, etc.). We bring the sheet between the antenna head, closer to the head and check if there is a signal drop, if not or very slightly, then the paint is suitable for painting the antenna.

4. Can the antenna mirror be sanded with sandpaper?
Yes. The permissible deviation from the profile is 0.1 wavelength. All this is equivalent for both receiving and transmitting antennas.
The wavelength is calculated as follows: the speed of propagation of radio waves (it is equal to the speed of light) must be divided by the frequency, i.e. for 12GHz - the wavelength will be 2.5 cm.

5. Do I need to prime?
Desirable, but not required. Priming the surface increases the quality and durability of the painting.


1. Removal of old paint.
To do this, you can use special tools, for example, auto-wash or paint remover, which you can buy at any auto store.

2. Sanding.
Necessary to avoid further corrosion and durability of the newly applied paint.
At the first stage, we process rusted places to white metal, first with a large sandpaper or a grinding nozzle on a drill or grinder in the form of a brush.
Then uniform polishing of the entire surface of the mirror with emery cloth No. 150 or No. 180.
A rust remover (phosphoric acid or RustStop) may be used to remove corrosion before sanding.

3. Degreasing and dust removal.
It is carried out to prepare the surface for painting with a cloth moistened with acetone, thinner, white spirit, refined gasoline, etc.

4. Priming and drying.
The primer, like the paint, must be radio-transparent. Primers containing filler such as barite (GF-021) are not suitable, barite is used as an absorber of high-frequency radiation.
You can use imported light gray primer, auto-primers in aerosols can also be suitable, the main thing is to get acquainted with the composition, you can also check in the microwave.
Primer in aerosols, like paint, is preferable to painting with a brush.
The primer is applied evenly in a thin layer over all surfaces, from the beginning from a long distance, then from close, avoiding smudges.
If smudges appear, wash them off with acetone, etc.
After priming, let the antenna dry for 3 to 6 hours (see primer instructions) at a temperature close to 20ºС.

5. Painting and drying.
Painting is similar to the primer, we meet the same requirements as for the primer, dry it and continue to use the antenna.

And a few more words about painting:
●Of course, it is better to apply paint from an aerosol, it is difficult to apply paint and enamel evenly without streaks with a brush, it is better to use a small roller even then.
●When spray painting, first apply to the end of the antenna around the entire circumference, then paint the front of the antenna. A can is enough for just that (taking into account that you will apply paint in 2 layers). The reverse side can be painted with any other paint for metal.
●When rust appears, it is better to deal with it as soon as possible without starting, without waiting for the rapid spread of corrosion. This is the fastest and cheapest way to locally touch up a separate area than to completely repaint the entire antenna.
●Because the thickness of the mirror is less than 1mm, when rust appears on one side, it often appears on the opposite side, which requires painting on both sides. So if there is a rusty spot on one side, check if it is on the opposite side (it may not be visible under a layer of paint).
●Solid grinding of the entire antenna from the old paint is more preferable, because. rust at an early stage is not always distinguishable by a layer of paint.
●Remember that the cost of repainting the entire antenna is almost equal to the cost of a new antenna, and besides, it will take a lot of time and also requires patience.
●Painting the antenna is justified by the fact that: you have a lot of time and nothing to do, itchy hands, a craving for creativity, the ability to paint in a certain and original color, drawing a picture or an inscription, or having all the necessary materials.

And another example from my personal experience:

After reviewing a lot of spray cans, I did not find the composition of the paint anywhere. There were a lot of metallic colors - they are definitely contraindicated, I bought the cheapest one - green (18 UAH = 2.25 $ 2011)

As a result, this paint did not reduce the signal level at all. The Kharkiv antenna 95 cm was painted, the cylinder was enough to paint the end and front side in 2 times. The back side and the bearing rod were painted with a brush. A lot of time and nerves were spent on removing the antenna, painting it and lifting and tuning it, but as a result, a new life for the antenna - I like to bring old things back to life, it's a pity to throw them away, and not at all because I can't afford new ones.

Cosmetic repair, painting of a satellite dish

1. The most important question: Is it possible to paint with any paint? No, the paint must be radio-transparent! If the paint contains metals or their derivatives (oxides, etc.), then such paint is not suitable for painting antennas and can lead to a significant attenuation of the received signal, up to its absence.
The radio transparency of paints depends on the base and filler.

2. What kind of paint is suitable for painting?

The choice of paint is reduced to the study of the composition of paints, because. paints do not indicate the property of radio transparency.

If the base is epoxy, then the paint is conditionally transparent.
If the filler is organic or does not absorb microwaves by itself, then such paint can be used in combination with epoxy.

Acrylic enamel without metal fillers is suitable.

Printing inks are mainly based on metals - therefore not suitable.

AS-599 is a special radio-transparent paint, sold in a minimum package of 50 kg.

EP-140 - radio-transparent paint up to 20 GHz. It happens gray, white, green, yellow. Base - epoxy, drying temperature -140 degrees. Durability - 50 years. Time of life of paint before crystallization: 5-6 hours.

An affordable option is to use automotive spray acrylic paint. The advantage is the uniformity of application and the thickness of the layer, as a result, the durability of the coating, and the gain in the quality of the painting, and hence the quality of the reception, compared to painting with a brush, where there may be drips and lint from the brush.

There are many practical cases of painting antennas with ordinary PF-115 enamel in white and blue colors, and even without a primer. According to people who have done this, the durability of painting is more than 3 years and the enamel has practically not led to a deterioration in the signal level.

3. How to test paint for radio transparency?

There are several ways to check the radio transparency of paint.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency in the microwave:
The paint is applied to the PTFE. After the paint has dried, the radio transparency test of the paint can be carried out. We put a cup of water in the microwave and our paint sample on PTFE is not close to each other. Heating time in the microwave is 5 minutes. If the plate is cold after irradiation, then the paint is radio-transparent.

Method for testing paint for radio transparency using paper
Pretty fast and convenient way. The paint is applied on thick paper (it can be an A4 sheet of paper from a drawing album, drawing paper, etc.). We bring the sheet between the antenna head, closer to the head and check if there is a signal drop, if not or very slightly, then the paint is suitable for painting the antenna.

4. Can the antenna mirror be sanded with sandpaper?
Yes. The permissible deviation from the profile is 0.1 wavelength. All this is equivalent for both receiving and transmitting antennas.
The wavelength is calculated as follows: the speed of propagation of radio waves (it is equal to the speed of light) must be divided by the frequency, i.e. for 12GHz - the wavelength will be 2.5 cm.

5. Do I need to prime?
Desirable, but not required. Priming the surface increases the quality and durability of the painting.

1. Removal of old paint.
To do this, you can use special tools, for example, auto-wash or paint remover, which you can buy at any auto store.

2. Sanding.
Necessary to avoid further corrosion and durability of the newly applied paint.
At the first stage, we process rusted places to white metal, first with a large sandpaper or a grinding nozzle on a drill or grinder in the form of a brush.
Then uniform polishing of the entire surface of the mirror with emery cloth No. 150 or No. 180.
A rust remover (phosphoric acid or RustStop) may be used to remove corrosion before sanding.

3. Degreasing and dust removal.
It is carried out to prepare the surface for painting with a cloth moistened with acetone, thinner, white spirit, refined gasoline, etc.

4. Priming and drying.
The primer, like the paint, must be radio-transparent. Primers containing filler such as barite (GF-021) are not suitable, barite is used as an absorber of high-frequency radiation.
You can use imported light gray primer, auto-primers in aerosols can also be suitable, the main thing is to get acquainted with the composition, you can also check in the microwave.
Primer in aerosols, like paint, is preferable to painting with a brush.
The primer is applied evenly in a thin layer over all surfaces, from the beginning from a long distance, then from close, avoiding smudges.
If smudges appear, wash them off with acetone, etc.
After priming, let the antenna dry for 3 to 6 hours (see instructions for the primer) at a temperature close to 20°C.

5. Painting and drying.
Painting is similar to the primer, we meet the same requirements as for the primer, dry it and continue to use the antenna.

And a few more words about painting:
?Of course, it is better to apply paint from an aerosol, it is difficult to apply paints and enamels evenly without streaks with a brush, it is better to use a small roller even then.
?When painting from a spray can, first apply to the end of the antenna around the entire circumference, then paint the front of the antenna. A can is enough for just that (taking into account that you will apply paint in 2 layers). The reverse side can be painted with any other paint for metal.
?When rust appears, it is better to deal with it as early as possible, without starting, without waiting for the rapid spread of corrosion. This is the fastest and cheapest way to locally touch up a separate area than to completely repaint the entire antenna.
? Due to the fact that the thickness of the mirror is less than 1 mm, when rust appears on one side, it often appears on the opposite side, which requires painting on both sides. So if there is a rusty spot on one side, check if it is on the opposite side (it may not be visible under a layer of paint).
?Solid grinding of the entire antenna from the old paint is more preferable, because. rust at an early stage is not always distinguishable by a layer of paint.
?Remember that the cost of repainting the entire antenna is almost equal to the cost of a new antenna and also takes a lot of time and also requires patience.
?Painting the antenna is justified by the fact that: you have a lot of time and nothing to do, itchy hands, a craving for creativity, the ability to paint in a specific and original color, drawing a picture or inscription, or the presence of all the necessary materials.

After a certain period of use, each technique needs, if not repair, then at least those inspections. What can we say about satellite equipment.

While the receiver is quietly standing on its nightstand, the satellite dish is affected by many different factors, weather conditions. Rain, snow, frost, sometimes icicles fall, slowly do their dark work and the antenna becomes unusable, the aesthetic appearance and quality of its work deteriorate significantly.

Pretty much everything starts to rust from small scratches applied before the antenna was installed. Moreover, aluminum is less susceptible to corrosion than iron. For well known reasons.

Your satellite dish is rusty and the paint is peeling off in chunks - don't rush to buy a new one. In many cases, it is enough to clean, sand and paint it well.

Small traces of rust should be done away with in advance to prevent corrosion from spreading to the entire antenna.

As you know, at the factory, the painting of satellite dishes is carried out with special powder paints. Negatively charged particles of powdered paint adhere to the antenna and, under the influence of high temperatures, melt and paint the desired surface.

We do not need such complex technologies and simply cannot implement this at home.

So what does it take to paint a satellite dish at home?

To begin with, we carefully grind with fine sandpaper. I think polishing will be superfluous. The main thing is not to damage the antenna itself (make dents or bend).

For painting, you need to purchase the appropriate radio-transparent paint. Any will not work and it is not always possible to guess. For this, it is better to choose.

We apply a layer of the tested paint on plexiglass or on a sheet of paper, wait until it dries and conduct an experiment.

On the tuned antenna, we fix the signal quality indicator. We fix our sheet, while covering the converter, and look at the signal level again. If the quality has not changed, you can safely use this paint.

Another way to check. In the microwave, cover a glass of water with our colored plexiglass and turn it on for 5 minutes. If the plexiglass is cold, the paint is suitable.

I think they will determine it better according to the first option, since the signal attenuation can be small, but we need the entire useful signal, while the accuracy of the indicators is more accurate. In addition, if something goes wrong for a microwave oven, it's a pity.

Before painting, it is desirable to prime the surface. With a primer, we carry out the same series of experiments.

It is better to apply paint with a small roller in two layers, avoiding streaks. The back of the mirror can also be brushed.

Matte paint will be better than glossy. In summer, shine from the sun gathers in a beam and melts the converter cover or multifeed. And do we need it? Of course not. For this we choose matte.

There is also an option with an aerosol can of car paint. Such painting will turn out strong and durable.

Having transformed the satellite dish, we extended its service life for several more years. And if you are an artist, then your antenna is also a work of art.