Mobile travel card Beeline. SIM card with NFC support from MTS

The service for paying for metro passes from a mobile account was launched in St. Petersburg on May 18. It works well, but whether it will take root in its current form is a moot point. In any case, the service itself is very popular and useful from all points of view.

Reducing the amount of cash in circulation is very much within the framework of government policy. It is clear that not for the convenience of the population, but primarily to facilitate control over the movement of money. But in many cases, the notorious “population” is also not at a loss. A textbook example is replenishing an account through a terminal with its cannibalistic interest rates after this money was withdrawn from a salary card the day before.

So-called micropayments, which include payment for travel on public transport, are perfectly implemented using NFC technology(Near Field Communications) and through the “intermediation” of operators mobile communications. Cell phone billings are perfectly suited for processing large quantity small transactions in real time, for them it is normal mode, not extreme load. Unlike billing, metro ticket sales points cope with peak loads much worse. Therefore any additional channel virtual sales are warmly welcomed.

Most of us always have our phone at hand and are easily accessible by definition, otherwise how can we answer the call? Balance personal account can also be replenished without problems anywhere and anytime. All these are obvious advantages of using your phone as a travel document. Unfortunately, it also has its downsides, and the proposed solution can hardly be called ideal.

"Science and Technology"

Several quotes from the description of how payment for travel on the St. Petersburg metro was implemented in Beeline. Then we will discuss the details of the project and specific pros and cons.

“...Beeline together with the Transport Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, payment system RURU and Ambik Tek SPb LLC announce the start of a joint project to pay for travel using mobile phone using NFC technology – the “Mobile Travel Pass” service.

NFC (Near Field Communication) is a high-frequency wireless communication technology that allows secure data exchange between devices located at a distance of about 10 centimeters.

Passengers just need to install a special NFC module under the cover of the mobile phone they are using. Having completed this simple operation once, the phone acquires the functions of a payment device and a travel ticket, and the subscriber can begin to use the mobile phone as a regular travel card. The cost of the NFC module is 125 rubles - while 5 trips of 25 rubles each will be loaded on the module itself, there is no subscription fee or fee for connecting the Mobile Travel Pass service.

When installing the NFC module, the “Travel” SIM menu is automatically installed on your mobile phone, allowing you to buy the required number of trips through the phone menu, as well as check the number of previously purchased tickets and their expiration date. The cost of trips is debited from your phone balance in real time. Next, to use the ride, you just need to touch your mobile phone to the reader on the turnstile. In the process of implementing the Mobile Travel Pass service, existing infrastructure will be used and limited quantity phone models. The client will be able to order a ticket without going to the city ticket office from his phone balance through a special mobile app. The service is available to subscribers - individuals with prepaid and postpaid tariff plans.

The service was developed taking into account the existing experience of passengers in purchasing tickets through vending machines and replenishing travel tickets.<...>More detailed information You can find out about the service on the website.”

The project was implemented within the framework of the strategic partnership of VimpelCom with the Transport Committee of St. Petersburg, RURU and Ambik Tech Spb. It is expected that in the future it will be possible to “build” an almost unlimited number of new services on the basis of this solution. One of the most obvious ones is the linking of bank cards and discount cards, of which there are a great many. Maria Azarova, CEO"Ambik Tech St. Petersburg" talks about the possibility of loading data from student cards and pension certificates into the module, but this is already in the long term.

The project has existed as a technical pilot since the middle of last year, and has now been launched into commercial operation. The predicted number of users is about 2000 people. By October 2012, it is expected to collect statistics and evaluate the performance of the system, after which it is possible to make the necessary changes to the settings.


The solution was to make the system universal and at the same time do without replacing SIM cards with special ones. There is probably some sense in this, but users of many modern “advanced” smartphones have been left out new service. It is sad. Full list You can look at supported phones, but even without a list the restrictions are clear.

The module involves placing the antenna between the battery and the battery compartment cover, the second part of the module is placed between the SIM card and the contacts of the phone board. Accordingly, “in flight” models of phones and smartphones:

  • WITH non-removable batteries(eg iPhone)
  • With batteries, part of the body of which is also the back cover of the phone (the battery is part of the body)
  • With SIM cards inserted from the side (eg Nokia 5800)
  • With metal battery covers or in all-metal cases (metal shields)

They claim that 80% of phones and smartphones do not interfere with the correct placement and operation of the module, but there are a lot of phone models on the list from very “shaggy” years. Which, naturally, contributed to that same 80% compatibility across models. I suspect that the calculation of devices actually registered on the network (such statistics exist) taking into account the percentage different devices would give slightly different compatibility statistics.

Built-in NFC modules of some modern models phones will not be able to be used. Perhaps sometime in the future, when they switch to solutions using special SIM cards.


The cost of the kit is 125 rubles, and five metro trips are already “hardwired” into the module at a cost of 25 rubles. each. That is, Beeline does not charge anything for the module itself and does not charge any commission for “issuing” virtual travel tickets. Will the price depend? starter kit from the fare, which tends to rise quarterly? In theory, it should, but I don’t know for sure.

You can purchase the module at Beeline offices or at one of five dealer showrooms; a list of addresses is on the website. It is quite possible to install the module yourself, but girls with highly artistic manicures should not experiment. Fortunately, they promise to install this exotic device upon purchase. Of course, the module is contraindicated for those who like to rearrange SIM cards every day; it’s a lot of unnecessary hassle, and a cable that is tormented every day is unlikely to last long.

Passing through the turnstiles does not cause any problems, just a short touch back cover A telephone number to the validator is sufficient for reliable operation. It is valuable that the “electronic tickets” already loaded into the module work regardless of the state of the phone’s battery. Actually, the phone itself can be turned off, the module is recognized by the turnstile as a regular travel ticket.

With the “buying” of tickets everything is much more interesting. After installing the module, a menu appears on the phone (STK - Sim Tool Kit), through which you can purchase tickets. The cost of a “pass” for the selected number of trips is debited from your phone account in real time.

For greater convenience and clarity, it is recommended to install a small Java application with similar functionality, but convenient graphical interface. Through it you can also check the number of remaining trips. Purchasing tickets is not possible between 00:00 - 05:45, checking travel balances is not available between 02:00 - 05:30.

You can top up the module in the usual way (like a travel card) for cash. To do this, place the phone in the receiving socket of the unit, preferably closer to the left wall. Unfortunately, this option is not available to owners of branded Beeline tablets due to the absence of a sledgehammer in the kit.

Buying tickets through a java application is the most pleasant way, everything is good and clear. But the application loads incredibly slowly, up to several minutes. Apparently, the delays are due to the need to exchange information with the database. By the way, although the traffic is insignificant, thanks to cunning operator rounding, each act of purchasing a ticket (tickets) will cost a certain amount. Within the ruble (depending on the tariff plan) or even free when you connect to the unlimited option.


As a “break-in” promising technology the project looks very promising. From the point of view of the end consumer, the advantages are not so obvious, but they are there. The main thing is to save precious morning minutes, which are much more pleasant to spend at home with a cup of coffee than standing in line in the lobby of a metro station. Plus, there is no need to get money from your wallet, wallet from your pocket, etc. Single “ virtual wallet» in the form of a personal phone account is convenient and practical, this is indisputable.

A significant disadvantage is the presence of an intermediate link in the form of the need to “virtually purchase” tickets. In this sense, a bank card with a metro chip is radically more convenient: you don’t need to worry about anything at all. The bank credits all movements of the cardholder and at the beginning of the next month debits the total amount from the balance with a discount determined by the number of trips. I don’t know how widespread this practice is in St. Petersburg.

If the system worked in the mode of automatically debiting money from the phone balance every time you pass the turnstile, then I would vote “yes” with my hands, feet and wallet. Categorically and with ardent enthusiasm. The current implementation is also not bad, but I’m not sure about the future popular recognition.

I wonder under what conditions operators would agree to take on some of the risks and hassles of micro-lending to their subscribers? Many cleverly constructed schemes and restrictions could turn out to be unnecessary if there is a certain goodwill of operators, appropriate adjustments in legislation and the willingness of subscribers to “freeze” a certain minimum balance on their balance sheet. But this is a completely different topic.

Sergey Potresov ()

For all Muscovites and guests of the capital who are Beeline subscribers, there is great news: they no longer have to stand in lines to buy a bus ticket or a metro token. Now a ticket for any type of Moscow transport is always available and lies in the user’s pocket. Thanks to the Mobile Ticket service, an ordinary smartphone will become this travel document.

Description of service

To use your smartphone as electronic ticket, just attach it to the turnstile at the entrance to public transport. The fare is debited from the subscriber's mobile account. The fare in this case will be:

  • 32 rubles for one trip on the metro;
  • 31 rubles for one trip on any type of ground transport;
  • 49 rubles for one trip by metro and an unlimited number of trips by ground transport for 90 minutes.

Terms of service

To use this option, several conditions must be met:

  1. the subscriber's smartphone must have NFS technology;
  2. The device model must be in the list of devices that support the Mobile Ticket service.

You can check the availability of connection on the company’s website. You must purchase a special SIM card with the function of connecting to the service. In Beeline offices located on the territory of the Moscow Ring Road, it is possible free replacement regular SIM card to a special one.

How to activate the “Mobile ticket” service

You can activate the “Mobile ticket” option in one of the following ways:

  1. insert special SIM card into the phone and follow the instructions from the operator from number 3210;
  2. request activation from a Beeline office specialist upon receipt of a special SIM card;
  3. go to the SIM menu of the phone and configure the service in the appropriate section.

To control the option, you can send the following commands to number 3210:

  • “Balance” to find out the account status of the “Mobile ticket” service;
  • “Payment 100” to credit the required amount to the balance (indicated after the word “Payment”);
  • "Help" to see the full list of available commands.

How to disable

To disable the service, the subscriber will have to go back to the SIM menu of the smartphone and disconnect it or contact the nearest Beeline store.

Features of debiting funds

When the “Mobile ticket” option is activated, a special service account is created, to which the amount of 150 rubles will be transferred from the main balance. All subsequent trips will be paid from a special account.

If the account balance on the service is less than 90 rubles, automatic replenishment. To do this, the subscriber's main account must have an amount sufficient to complete the operation.

Important! The main balance after debiting the payment must be at least 10 rubles. If the amount is less, then the size of the special balance will increase to 150 rubles only after replenishing the main account.

If the subscriber has a postpaid payment system tariff, then a special advance account is used for replenishment. In this case, when depositing funds, the phone number should be entered with the number 6, not 9 (for example, use the code (603) instead of (903)).

Special circumstances

Many users are concerned about the issue of managing the service in the event that something happens to their smartphone. Here are ways to solve the most common situations:

If the subscriber's phone is completely discharged, the Mobile Ticket service is automatically suspended;

To return funds from a special account if your phone is lost, you need to call the Moscow Metro at 3210 (free call).

For lovers of periodical literature and glossy magazines, Beeline has developed special service. Read the article for service features and connection conditions.

  • Tired of standing in line for tickets?
  • Is it inconvenient to pay for travel in cash?
  • Don't know the remaining trips on your transport card?

Quickly and easily pay for travel on Buses, Trams, Trolleybuses, Metro and Aeroexpress in Moscow from your phone account!

No commissions or overpayments for purchasing tickets!
The fare will be debited from your phone balance*
and is equal to the cost of travel using the Troika card

* Payment is made at the expense of Money paid as an advance for mobile radiotelephone services, with the involvement of the money transfer operator MTS Bank PJSC (License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2268 dated February 13, 2013)

Free at the nearest MTS store
replace your old SIM card

to a new, supporting
NFC technology. Your room number is
phone when replacing the SIM card
Will not change.

After installing the NFC SIM card into the phone, within 1 minute an SMS message will be sent from number 3210 informing about the conditions for providing the Mobile Ticket Service. To accept the terms and activate the service, you must send a response SMS message with the number “1”. 150 rubles will be debited from your phone account to your Mobile Ticket balance.

Now everything is ready to pay for travel in one touch
your phone!

Funds are debited from the balance of the “Mobile ticket” when making
every trip. When the Mobile Ticket balance reaches below 90 rubles,
its automatic replenishment up to 150 rubles using funds from the phone balance.

Replacement with a SIM card that supports the Mobile Ticket service in MTS stores is carried out upon availability of a completed application.

How to always be
in touch and with funds for travel?

With the Autopayment service, your mobile phone balance will be replenished automatically.

users of the Mobile Ticket service

If you have questions
on using the service,
call the Moscow Transport Contact Center
by phone: 3210
(calls within Russia are free).

Payment is made at the expense of funds paid as an advance for mobile radiotelephone communication services, with the involvement of the money transfer operator MTS Bank PJSC (License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2268 dated February 13, 2013)
The service is provided jointly with the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro", Electronic Money Operator LLC NPO "MOBI Money" and information technology partner LLC "Breeze Technologies"

We have already written about NFC-related services earlier. Today it’s the turn of another one – MTS “Mobile Ticket”.

This is a service that makes it possible to pay for travel on all types of transport using your phone with just one touch on the reader. True, the service is available only to Moscow residents. The rest of the regions will have to travel the old fashioned way and only dream of introducing new technologies.

The service operates on the basis of NFC technology – near field communication. Through high-frequency communication, information is transmitted from device to device close to each other at a distance of about 4 centimeters. Contactless phones work using the same technology. bank cards, so if you already appreciate the convenience modern technology and pay everywhere by phone, then you will appreciate this service from MTS. Here are just some of its advantages:

  • You don’t have to stand in line for a ticket;
  • No cash needed. You will save yourself from counting your change and generally your wallet or pocket with change;
  • Minimum fare without commission;
  • Replenishment occurs automatically from the mobile phone balance;
  • The service continues to work even when the phone is turned off or discharged.

How to connect MTS Mobile Ticket

In order for everything to work, several conditions must be met:

  • The phone must support ;
  • The SIM card must be replaced with a special one with the possibility of contactless payment.

If the device itself has required function, then it's up to the SIM card. It can be changed free of charge at any MTS office. Do not forget your passport and the fact that replacement is carried out only by the owner of the number. If you are not one, then either take care of a power of attorney, or prove that you have been a user of the number for a long time.

The SIM is issued in a universal size, so you can break it out of the slot of the format you need. Don’t forget that the data is not transferred to the new chip, so it makes sense to save the contacts on your phone, cloud or computer. In general, everything will remain the same and if you change your mind about using the service, you can turn it off at any time in the settings. But we'll talk about management later.

So, the SIM has been changed and installed in the phone. Turn on the device and wait for SMS from number 3210(service service number). You will be sent in a message information with the conditions for the option. If you agree, send the number “1” in response. From this moment on, the service is connected. At the same time, the amount of 150 rubles will be debited from the balance to the option account.

That's it, you can hit the road by bus, tram, trolleybus, metro or Aeroexpress, just by touching the phone to the turnstile or payment terminal. Let us remind you once again that the service is available only for the capital.

What to do if "Mobile ticket" does not work

There aren’t many reasons: either you didn’t enable something on your phone, or your number simply doesn’t have the ability to work with mobile commerce.

To get started, check the following:

  • The most obvious thing is whether the phone even supports contactless payments. This can be found in the instructions for the device; there should be a technology icon under the battery or on the phone body itself. If you don’t find it, then look in the phone menu;
  • Check if data transfer via NFC is enabled;
  • Check in the MTS SIM menu whether the service is enabled ( will be available when replacing the SIM card new item menu);
  • There is enough money on the balance sheet.

If there are no technical restrictions, it is worth checking the restriction by number:

  • Payment is made only from the number registered to individual. Corporate clients cannot use the service;
  • Again, check the availability of funds. Keep in mind that only your own money is taken into account. What is accrued on shares bonus programs, the initial balance of the card, etc. will not be suitable for write-offs. In addition, payments for communication services are written off first and only then travel;
  • If you have a credit payment method, then payment is made only at the expense of own funds, and not the limit allocated by the operator;
  • It will also not be possible to pay with the promised payment.

This is all typical problems that you may encounter. There are also a number of financial restrictions, but more on that later.

If you still do not understand the nature of the problem, we advise you to call the support service at 3210.

How much does an MTS Mobile Ticket cost?

Let's begin with the service itself is free, no one will ask you for money to replace the SIM either. Subscription fee or there are no commissions either. You only pay for travel. The cost of the trip is equal to the Troika card. At the time of writing, the prices are as follows:

  • Ground transport – 35 rubles;
  • Metro – 35 rubles;
  • Tariff “90 minutes” - 54 rubles;
  • Prices for Aeroexpress vary depending on the route.

Please note that this is additional service, and it does not affect your tariff plan and additional options.

Since prices are subject to change, better information call 3210 for details.

For beginners, the moment of replenishment will also be interesting. You have two options:

  1. Auto. The maximum balance up to which automatic debiting occurs is RUR 150. As soon as the ticket account has less than 90 rubles, the balance is automatically replenishes up to 150 RUR. Your intervention is not required. Don’t be alarmed by messages like: top up your balance with 160 rubles. This automatic mailing, which does not take into account the individual state of the account.
  2. Top up yourself. You can do this by sending an SMS to number 3210 with the text payment (space) amount. As an option, replenishment through the “My MTS” application.

Be aware of the limitations:

  • There must be at least 10 rubles left on the account after replenishing the ticket;
  • The maximum amount that can be deposited into the service account is RUB 3,000;
  • Number of payments – 10;
  • The maximum amount per month is 15,000 rubles;

The question often arises about whether it is possible to pay for several people. Technically possible. Move your phone to the payment terminal several times and that’s it. But with the travel rules it will be more difficult, because each passenger must have his own ticket, but most often there are no problems with this, so pay for anyone, but taking into account the restrictions.

How to check the balance of an MTS Mobile ticket

In general, there are three ways to manage a service:

  1. Sim menu. Look for the section “MTS services”, and already in it the subsection “Mobile ticket”. Here you can not only find out the balance, but also turn off and then turn on the service again.
  2. SMS requests. Service number We have already mentioned 3210 more than once. By sending a message to it, you can perform the following actions:
  1. Mobile, section “Mobile ticket”. Here you can also activate or deactivate the service, set up auto-replenishment, check your balance or top up your account.

“Mobile ticket” is a modern and technological means of payment that simplifies life. Don't be afraid of new things, use your smartphone to the maximum.

When you activate the MegaFon Mobile Ticket service, auto-replenishment of the service balance will become active on your personal account. When the balance drops to 90 rubles, it is automatically replenished to 150 rubles. The money is debited from your personal account. There is no fee for transferring funds or activating the service. You will always receive free SMS notification of transactions performed from number 3210 of the MegaFon Mobile Ticket service. A prepaid payment system is used.

Service Mobile ticket MegaFon

Available to all subscribers of the Moscow branch of PJSC MegaFon throughout the city of Moscow who have activated this option to pay for travel on public transport. Bring your smartphone back to the yellow validator circle in ground transport or in the subway. When sunbathing green signal come on in. You will be charged 30 rubles in the metro or 29 on the tram.

Megafon Mobile ticket how it works

Similar to the Troika electronic transport card payment service.

How to disable? To disable auto-replenishment of the balance of the Mobile Ticket service, send an SMS to the number 3210 “off”.

How to connect? To enable automatic replenishment of the balance of the Mobile Ticket service, send an SMS to the number 3210 “on”.

How to top up? To manually replenish your balance, send an SMS to number 3210 with the text “oplata 30” and your account will be replenished by 30 rubles.

How to check your balance? Sending to number 3210 SMS message“balance”, or in the SIM menu of the smartphone: “Mobile ticket” by selecting “Balance”.

How to connect to the MegaFon Mobile Ticket service? then just replace the SIM card at the nearest operator’s office. Sales consultants activate this option completely free of charge (don’t forget your passport when contacting the office, and at the same time turn off all unnecessary paid services). Installed in a smartphone new SIM card with the "Mobile ticket" you will receive SMS question to connect the service. Reply by SMS with the number “1”, without responding to this request you will refuse to activate the service.

Let us repeat that you can disable the option at any time by sending a message with the text “off” to number 3210.

MegaFon mobile ticket does not work

Turn on your smartphone - sometimes it turns off or is simply discharged. The service is available only to subscribers in the capital - it will not work in roaming. If you come to visit the capital, connect a capital SIM card and use it if your smartphone supports this service. Go to the office and get a consultation.

MegaFon is already testing the service of paying for travel in the St. Petersburg metro using a subscriber’s mobile phone. You can familiarize yourself with the terms of provision of the MegaFon Mobile Ticket service on the website mobile operator by clicking