Mobile cellular base stations. Construction of cellular base stations

IN Lately At literally every Moscow intersection, strange pillars appeared, hung with antennas and other communication devices. Muscovites are increasingly complaining about feeling unwell. MN correspondents tried to figure out whether technology can really seriously undermine the health of citizens and why the capital’s authorities are ignoring people’s demands to remove these towers.

When in the Otradnoye area The first tower, covered with transmission equipment, appeared, and local residents were even happy. Mobile phones in many homes worked very poorly, so the authorities’ desire to correct the situation brought only approval from Muscovites. But less than six months later, the entire area near the metro was literally covered with new towers. Transmitting equipment hung over the playgrounds; one support appeared right near the entrance to the dairy kitchen; in addition, attentive citizens noticed that the signalmen had managed to place their equipment on the roof of the children's clinic. Sometimes the distance between the masts was no more than thirty meters. And people began to complain about headaches, pressure surges, and some began to have heart pain.

Last September, residents' discontent grew into protests. On Sannikova street people took to the street to prevent workers from hanging their devices on another pole. When it became clear that a fight would soon break out between the warring parties, someone called the police and government officials. It turned out that the aliens had neither pole rental agreements nor permits.

“Then specialists arrived and began measuring the radiation. Moreover, they did this on a pole where devices that were not yet connected were hanging. Soon we received an official response that no excess radiation standards were detected,” says a member of the public council under the Otradnoe district administration Svetlana Balashova.

Residents of the Tverskoy district also believed for a long time that the mast at the intersection of Lesnaya and Novolesnaya streets would be removed immediately after experts detected a dangerous background there. After several complaints to the prefecture and other supervisory authorities, Muscovites received a response letter.

“This was the standard answer that there is no excess near our tower. Only later it turned out that according to the documents she was listed in another place. They must have measured it there. Of course, no radiation was found in that place,” says Larisa Razumovskaya, a member of the community of residents of Lesnaya Street, and cites figures that became known as a result of an independent examination carried out by residents of the Tverskoy district. Radiomagnetic radiation standards were violated several times. That is why Muscovites listen to statements that in 2015, out of 366 complaints from Muscovites, only one was justified, with skeptical smiles. And certainly the affected residents do not believe the assurances of officials that the base stations located on the towers provide less than 1 percent of the total background. The rest of the harmful radiation allegedly comes from cell phones, electrical appliances and the Internet.


Almost three years ago, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued an order to improve Information Support capital, and the signalmen immediately had a new headache. Installing base stations on the roofs of residential buildings turned out to be expensive and difficult. The fact is that Civil Code requires first obtaining permission from residents to place equipment.

“This is very difficult, so it was decided technical solution use lighting poles that are on the balance sheet of the State Unitary Enterprise Mossvet. As of January of this year, 2,170 supports were installed,” said the head of the department for working with operators cellular communications Department information technologies Moscow Victor Barantsev.

Cellular operators were very pleased with this state of affairs. In order to rent the roof of a residential building, you not only need to go through a long procedure of collecting signatures from residents, but also pay decent money - an average of 80 thousand rubles per month. And renting a place on a lamppost will cost 20 thousand. That is why they were occupied by all the recognized “monsters” on the market mobile services. Often more than 30 high-frequency devices hang on one pole.

Coordinator of the protest group from the Nagatino and Saburovo districts Anton Skuratov spent six months understanding the kitchen of this business.

“After 2013, officials rushed to carry out Medvedev’s orders. Now the Department of Information Technology collects data from operators on “holes” in the coverage of their networks. In these places, special organizations make dual-use supports, that is, they prepare towers for connecting equipment. Then they are transferred to the balance sheet of the State Unitary Enterprise Mossvet, which is responsible for all lamp posts in the city. Thus, almost everyone solved their problems. Operators are happy to pay Mossvet very small amounts compared to renting attics of residential buildings.

Mossvet is glad that literally every pillar brings money. Officials are glad that they have fulfilled another order of the prime minister. Only we, the residents, are not happy, but our opinion, as usual, is not taken into account,” reflects Skuratov. He also doubts the objectivity of the measurements. “A 20-30-watt antenna within a radius of 30 meters cannot meet the standards. But formally they will tell you that everything is fine. Some kind of oncology will appear in five years, and then it will no longer be up to normal,” the activist reflects.

Deputy of the Moscow City Duma Elena Shuvalova assumes that very senior and interested officials are involved in the project.

“The Moscow government canceled the approval of the work on wiring communications with municipal deputies. And immediately the builders dug up all of Moscow - they laid a new cable. There is a suspicion that it was intended specifically for dual-use supports. This means that people are very high level are vitally interested in this project, their material interests are here. It was necessary not only to lay the cable, but also to ensure that this work was not coordinated with the public. Not everyone can do this,” says Shuvalova.


Oncologist Anatoly Khaustov from district Troparevo-Nikulino also participates in the movement against dual-use supports. He says that experts know about the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, but this phenomenon has not been fully studied. The simplest problem that a tower that appears next door can cause is insomnia and headaches. Then vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, and cardiosclerosis arise. Some experts suspect that radiation can cause cancer, but so far the connection between base stations and the occurrence of this diagnosis has not been proven.

The most safe distance from the radio signal source to a residential building – 200 meters. Moscow officials adhere to other standards - 65 meters. In practice, this distance most often does not exceed 40 meters . Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Nikitina claims that previously base stations were placed only on the roofs of high-rise buildings so that apartments did not fall into the main beam area. “Recently we have seen that the antennas have gone down. They are often located on two-story buildings, at a height of only a few meters from the ground. Thus, the radiation is directed towards residential buildings. Once in such an apartment we measured indicators. It turned out that they were 50 times higher than the standards,” says Nikitina.

Meanwhile, Muscovites have already noticed that soon after the towers appeared, cockroaches disappeared from apartments in the capital. Meeting the once ubiquitous sparrow is already a rarity. Municipal Deputy Alexandra Andreeva speaks with horror about the activities of the Department of Culture - officials have installed Wi-Fi in most of the capital's parks. “There won’t be a single insect left there!” - she is indignant.

They say that several years ago a resident of the Moscow region forced officials to remove the pole from his cottage. This man managed to convince the judge that the unit violated his constitutional right to favorable treatment. environment. Muscovites' successes are more modest - none of them managed to achieve the elimination of the tower with transmitting devices under their windows. Capital officials respond to all their complaints with standard replies.

Natalia Purtova



Most of Russia's territory is densely covered with so-called base stations. In the open field they look more like red and white. But in the city they were located on the roofs of high-rise buildings. These stations are able to pick up a signal from any cell phone located within a radius of no more than 35 kilometers.

Experts say that the antennas “shine” where they are directed, so there is no danger to the residents of the house on the roof of which they are installed. They will “catch” radiation only if the emitters are directed downward. The same principle applies to towers located in an open field or on the street. In this case, people living in close proximity to the mast are least at risk. Residents of areas where the “beam” coming from the tower is directed may have reason to worry. Experts say that it is places located a short distance from the base station that need constant monitoring. There, the radiation level may exceed permissible standards.

Cellular communication towers are now being actively installed all over the world, and most likely these towers are multifunctional and, according to one version, are designed to read information from chips that they want to stuff all of humanity with. In some countries, there are protests against the installation of these towers, since physical level people feel a dangerous effect on their body. To reduce the degree of conflict between the government and the people, some countries use a trick: they disguise cell phone towers as the surrounding nature. For example, like this:

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As is known, the coverage of any cellular network is a cellular (cellular) structure formed with the help of (BS). Each base station can serve one or more, depending on the network configuration and the need for capacity and quality of coverage in a given area. Base station equipment in the most general case can be divided into 3 components: transceivers, antenna-feeder device (AFD) and auxiliary equipment (air conditioning, power supply, fire extinguishing, security complex and etc.). Possible ways There are countless implementations. Depending on the generation, capacity, standard used, coverage area, the BS can be made either in a free-standing container in combination with a 72-meter mast, or in the form of a small compact case for coating inside buildings -. Let's consider the most typical cases of implementing full-scale BS for coverage both in urban environments and outside the city.

The most typical way of placing BS equipment is to install a special or, at the foot of which there are one or more containers for transceiver equipment. The main purpose of installing an antenna-mast structure is to place an antenna-feeder device. It includes a set of antennas to create radio coverage of an omnidirectional, but more often sectoral type, as well as feeders that connect the antennas to the transceiver equipment. In addition, in rural areas, signal amplifiers in the uplink direction (low noise amplifiers) are often used together with antennas, which expand the coverage area. The tower is also necessary to accommodate transport equipment if RRLs are used ( radio relay lines communications). They usually include directional parabolic antenna, a radio module that converts a low-frequency signal into a high-frequency signal for transmission to a remote side and a separate feeder that transmits a low-frequency signal from the BS equipment or a separate transport module inside the equipment room.

The container holds transceivers, transport equipment, as well as equipment designed to ensure uninterrupted operation and safety. Transceiver equipment usually combines a control unit, transceivers (TRX) and combiners that combine the radio signal from various antennas and TRX in different configurations. The equipment room may contain equipment operating in several frequency ranges or even different standards and generations ( and ). At BS located far from large settlements usually used to form transport channels to the controller base stations. However, in some cases, electrical wired communication lines or satellite communications. An integral element of the BS equipment is the power supply system. Usually this is a special source direct current 48V, tangleable alternating voltage 220 or 380V. It also switches to the battery ( rechargeable batteries) in case of loss of external power and ensure their recharging - after resumption. Any hardware BS is equipped with a system for maintaining operating temperature and air humidity values. Typically this is a split system, one or two operating either alternately or as active/standby. Typically, any high-rise structure must be marked with special obstruction lights to ensure its detection by aviation pilots in poor visibility conditions or at night. Therefore, in the hardware room you can also find additional source power supply and battery kit for powering the tower lighting system.

Separate towers are rarely installed for placement in cities, because it is both expensive and ineffective. Therefore, antennas are usually installed on residential and industrial buildings and structures, as well as chimneys and other existing structures tower type. The main requirement is that the location complies with all hygienic standards for the installation of such objects. This method of placing equipment usually does not change the composition of the BS. In this case, the container is usually replaced by a partition in the attic or technical floor or a separate room in the building, and antennas and feeders are often disguised as the appearance of the building so as not to spoil its appearance.

In addition to the container method of placing equipment, many manufacturers offer to install special outdoor ones. Their placement does not require a separate room, and all equipment is placed in special thermal boxes and can be mounted in any convenient place: wall, roof, attic, etc. This significantly saves the company's operating costs. However, the main disadvantage of such BSs is their low capacity and the difficulty of expanding their capacity. Therefore, they are not used as widely as with a container.

Also, recently, many manufacturers have offered so-called. In this case, the transceiver equipment is divided into two parts: one is installed in a container and serves as the main control and signaling processing unit, and also provides interfaces to the base station controller. The other part is installed in close proximity to the antennas and converts the signal received from the control unit into a high-frequency radio signal transmitted to the antennas via feeders. Both parts are usually connected to each other using an optical patch cord or, less commonly, a twisted pair cable. At the same time, savings on the length of the feeder can reach tens of times, which accordingly significantly reduces attenuation and simplifies installation. This scheme has become especially widespread for the implementation of BS.

Mobile phones have become a part of everyday life modern man. And even despite the fact that many have heard about the harm that this type of communication brings, no one is in a hurry to abandon such communications. You can protect yourself and your family a little by reducing the time you use mobile phones, since the harm to the health of cell phone towers is quite noticeable. This is especially reflected in the younger generation and people with a bunch of chronic diseases.

Radiation hazards from towers

Absolutely all exogenous factors that have an effect on the human body lead to some consequences, and radiation from cell towers is not an exception to the rule. Towers emit electromagnetic signals for communication between subscribers who use mobile communications. Such radiation is considered conditionally harmless to people, but the tower mobile communications near a residential building still has harmful effects on health.

Based on the research conducted, we can say for sure that telephone towers installed in residential areas lead to a number of pathologies of various internal organs.

Any mobile communication towers that are installed near residential buildings are harmful to health, but the intensity harmful effects directly dependent on the signal that this tower reproduces.

Pulse spread per different distance depends on several factors, among which are the following:

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  • What load does the structure itself bear and are there similar transmission towers nearby.
  • Special equipment that was used by the mobile operator when building the tower, as well as equipment that is used to receive signals by communications subscribers.
  • Density of buildings near a mobile tower. The greater the building density, the more difficult it is to receive a signal, so when installing towers, not only the territory is important, but also the buildings that are nearby.

The damage from the operation of the tower is directly proportional to the radiation from installed antenna cellular communications, and therefore the intensity of its work. This physical quantity depends on the applied load on the direct source of signals. If you say in simple language, how more people will use the radiation services of a specific antenna support, the more intensely it will reproduce harmful impulses.

With intensive operation of a mobile communication tower, which is located in close proximity to residential buildings, the health of the people living there steadily deteriorates.

Physical features of radiation

The negative impact of cell towers on human health has already been proven, but at the same time, controversy surrounding mobile base stations continues. Developers unanimously insist that such towers do not harm human health, because they are erected in accordance with accepted norms and rules. Based on legislation, the impact from the towers should not exceed the maximum permissible values. But scientists have a different opinion and advise people to be wary of radiation of this type, especially if the antenna support is located next to a residential building.

Mobile operators claim that the harm caused by communication towers to humans is indirect and therefore does not cause significant harm to health. They explain this by saying that the signals emitted by a mobile phone tower are generated at the highest point of the metal structure and propagate at a decent height from the ground. A fraction of the radiation reaches the ground, but it is almost 1000 times less than that which passes above. But do not forget about physical laws. According to one of them, energy dissipation is directly proportional to the square of the distance. Therefore, than longer distance to a residential property, the greater the negative impact will be on all living organisms. This is even taking into account the fact that an order of magnitude less radiation comes down than is present in the air.

The damage from cellular antennas installed on the roofs of high-rise buildings is also quite noticeable. Although these metal structures produce much less radiation than towers, their dimensions are also proportionally reduced. Because of this, the distance between the point where the signal is generated and the room with people decreases. Typically, radiation in such areas significantly exceeds the permissible 10 μW/cm, which is considered conditionally safe for human health. Added to this radiation is that produced by other devices found in every home - television, microwave oven, radio and others.

From a biological point of view dangerous action electromagnetic radiation can be the cause of many diseases.

What diseases can be caused by mobile towers?

Mobile communication towers are undoubtedly harmful, especially if they are installed in close proximity to houses, without respecting the distance of the sanitary zone
. The consequences depend only on how much harmful radiation falls on the human body. It is worth considering that the closer people live to the source of such radiation, the more energy is absorbed by the body, which then leads to the following dangerous consequences:

  • The functions of the central nervous system are inhibited. This is manifested by persistent migraines, apathy, weakness, atypical drowsiness and irritability.
  • The risk of cardiovascular disease increases, which ultimately leads to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Hormonal levels change, which leads to the occurrence of genitourinary diseases. With constant exposure to radiation from a mobile communication tower, men develop impotence, they lose the ability to fertilize, while women have difficulty bearing a child.
  • Development of various chronic diseases. For example, people who suffer from allergic reactions may develop asthma.
  • Violation of the functions of all organs due to changes in homeostasis in the body.

It must be remembered that the effect of cell towers on health depends on a person’s genetic predispositions and the presence of chronic diseases. Thus, strong and resilient people are at the lowest risk.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should beware of harmful radiation from mobile phone towers. The developing fetus in the womb is very susceptible to both endogenous and exogenous factors. Radiation can lead to various pathologies in the unborn child, and in severe cases, termination of pregnancy is possible. early stages or fetal freezing. In women during lactation, radiation can lead to changes in the composition of breast milk, which will affect the nervous and digestive systems of the baby.

How to protect yourself from the negative effects of communication towers

There are several methods that can reduce harmful effects mobile towers or neutralize it altogether:

  • Certain building materials reduce radiation. So, glass can reduce this figure by almost 3 times, and concrete by 30 times. That is, the person who is inside the house is practically protected.
  • Frequent cleaning of the room will also help reduce the negative effect. Moisture partially reduces the harmful energy that has accumulated in the house.
  • Use mobile phones as little as possible, especially children and adolescents.

Every home has a mobile phone, and some families have about a dozen. And although people have heard about the dangers of mobile communications, no one is in a hurry to give it up. Cellular towers located in close proximity to residential buildings pose a danger to human health. When choosing an apartment or private house, you should take this fact into account.

Do you know what happens after you dial a friend's number on your mobile phone? How does the cellular network find it in the mountains of Andalusia or on the coast of distant Easter Island? Why does the conversation sometimes suddenly stop? Last week I visited Beeline company and tried to figure out how cellular communication works...

A large area of ​​the populated part of our country is covered by Base Stations (BS). In the field they look like red and white towers, and in the city they are hidden on the roofs of non-residential buildings. Each station picks up signals from mobile phones at a distance of up to 35 kilometers and communicates with mobile phone via service or voice channels.

After you have dialed a friend's number, your phone contacts the Base Station (BS) closest to you via a service channel and asks to allocate a voice channel. The Base Station sends a request to the controller (BSC), which forwards it to the switch (MSC). If your friend is a subscriber of the same cellular network, then the switch will check the Home Location Register (HLR) to find out where in this moment the called subscriber is located (at home, in Turkey or in Alaska), and will transfer the call to the appropriate switch, from where it will forward it to the controller and then to the Base Station. The Base Station will contact your mobile phone and connect you to your friend. If your friend is on a different network or you are calling a landline, your switch will contact the corresponding switch on the other network. Difficult? Let's take a closer look. The Base Station is a pair of iron cabinets locked in a well-conditioned room. Considering that it was +40 outside in Moscow, I wanted to live in this room for a while. Typically, the Base Station is located either in the attic of a building or in a container on the roof:


The Base Station antenna is divided into several sectors, each of which “shines” in its own direction. The vertical antenna communicates with phones, the round antenna connects the Base Station to the controller:


Each sector can handle up to 72 calls simultaneously, depending on setup and configuration. A Base Station can consist of 6 sectors, so one Base Station can handle up to 432 calls, however, a station usually has fewer transmitters and sectors installed. Cellular operators prefer to install more BS to improve the quality of communication. The Base Station can operate in three bands: 900 MHz - the signal at this frequency travels further and penetrates better inside buildings 1800 MHz - the signal travels over shorter distances, but allows you to install a larger number of transmitters in 1 sector 2100 MHz - 3G Network This is what the cabinet looks like with 3G equipment:


900 MHz transmitters are installed at Base Stations in fields and villages, and in the city, where Base Stations are stuck like hedgehog needles, communication is mainly carried out at a frequency of 1800 MHz, although any Base Station may have transmitters of all three ranges simultaneously.



A signal with a frequency of 900 MHz can reach up to 35 kilometers, although the “range” of some Base Stations located along highways can reach up to 70 kilometers, due to the reduction in the number of simultaneously served subscribers at the station by half. Accordingly, our phone with its small built-in antenna can also transmit a signal over a distance of up to 70 kilometers... All Base Stations are designed to provide optimal radio coverage at ground level. Therefore, despite a range of 35 kilometers, a radio signal is simply not sent to the aircraft’s flight altitude. However, some airlines have already begun installing low-power base stations on their aircraft that provide coverage within the aircraft. Such a BS is connected to a terrestrial cellular network using satellite channel. The system is complemented by a control panel that allows the crew to turn the system on and off, as well as certain types of services, for example, turning off the voice on night flights. The phone can measure the signal strength from 32 Base Stations simultaneously. It sends information about the 6 best (in terms of signal strength) via the service channel, and the controller (BSC) decides which BS to transfer the current call (Handover) if you are on the move. Sometimes the phone can make a mistake and transfer you to the BS with worst signal, in this case the conversation may be interrupted. It may also turn out that at the Base Station that your phone has selected, all voice lines are busy. In this case, the conversation will also be interrupted. They also told me about the so-called “upper floor problem.” If you live in a penthouse, then sometimes, when moving from one room to another, the conversation may be interrupted. This happens because in one room the phone can “see” one BS, and in the second - another, if it faces the other side of the house, and, at the same time, these 2 Base Stations are located at a great distance from each other and are not registered as “ neighboring" mobile operator. In this case, the call will not be transferred from one BS to another:

Communication in the metro is provided in the same way as on the street: Base Station - controller - switch, with the only difference being that small Base Stations are used there, and in the tunnel, coverage is provided not by an ordinary antenna, but by a special radiating cable. As I wrote above, one BS can make up to 432 calls simultaneously. Usually this power is enough, but, for example, during some holidays the BS may not be able to cope with the number of people wanting to call. This usually happens on New Year when everyone starts congratulating each other. SMS are transmitted via service channels. On March 8 and February 23, people prefer to congratulate each other on via SMS, sending funny poems, and the phones often cannot agree with the BS on the allocation of a voice channel. I was told an interesting case. In one area of ​​Moscow, subscribers began to receive complaints that they could not get through to anyone. Technical specialists began to figure it out. Most voice channels were free, but all service channels were busy. It turned out that next to this BS there was an institute where exams were going on and students were constantly exchanging text messages. Long SMS phone divides it into several short ones and sends each separately. Employees technical service It is recommended to send such congratulations using MMS. It will be faster and cheaper. From the Base Station the call goes to the controller. It looks as boring as the BS itself - it’s just a set of cabinets:


Depending on the equipment, the controller can serve up to 60 Base Stations. Communication between the BS and the controller (BSC) can be carried out via a radio relay channel or via optics. The controller controls the operation of radio channels, incl. controls the subscriber’s movement and signal transmission from one BS to another. The switch looks much more interesting:



Each switch serves from 2 to 30 controllers. It occupies a large hall, filled with various cabinets with equipment:




The switch controls traffic. Remember the old movies where people first dialed the “girl”, and then she connected them to another subscriber by switching the wires? Modern switches do the same thing:


To control the network, Beeline has several cars, which they affectionately call “hedgehogs.” They move around the city and measure the signal level own network, as well as the level of the network of colleagues from the Big Three:


The entire roof of such a car is covered with antennas:


Inside there is equipment that makes hundreds of calls and takes information:


24-hour monitoring of switches and controllers is carried out from the Mission Control Center of the Network Control Center (NCC):


There are 3 main areas for monitoring the cellular network: accident rates, statistics and feedback from subscribers. Just like in airplanes, all cellular network equipment has sensors that send a signal to the central control system and output information to dispatchers’ computers. If some equipment fails, the light on the monitor will begin to “blink.” The CCS also tracks statistics for all switches and controllers. He analyzes it, comparing it with previous periods (hour, day, week, etc.). If the statistics of any of the nodes began to differ sharply from previous indicators, then the light on the monitor will again begin to “blink”. Feedback accepted by operators subscriber service. If they cannot solve the problem, the call is transferred to technical specialist. If he turns out to be powerless, then an “incident” is created in the company, which is resolved by the engineers involved in the operation of the relevant equipment. The switches are monitored 24/7 by 2 engineers:


The graph shows the activity of Moscow switches. It is clearly visible that almost no one calls at night:


Control over the controllers (forgive the tautology) is carried out from the second floor of the Network Control Center:



Mobile communications today have become an integral part of our Everyday life. Knowing about the harm and possible negative consequences, we continue to use this type of communication.

We can limit and protect ourselves from the effects of this harmful factor by reducing the use of the device. But the question remains, the exact answer to which is not yet known: “How to reduce the impact of cell phone towers on human health and is such an impact dangerous at all?”

How dangerous is cell tower radiation?

Any exogenous factor that acts on the body leads to certain consequences, and radiation from a cell tower is no exception. In this case, the above-mentioned design generates electromagnetic signals for communication between subscribers who use mobile communications. Such radiation is considered relatively safe for society as a whole, but a cell phone tower near your home still causes harm to your health. Therefore, we can confidently say that the influence of such a source on a person can lead to negative consequences in the form of pathologies and diseases of certain organs.

Any cell tower near the house (the harm of such a structure was determined earlier) has Negative influence on human health. However, the intensity of such an effect depends on the amount of signal it produces.

The propagation of a pulse over a particular distance depends on many factors, among which are the following:
  • Load on the structure itself, that is, the number of similar towers nearby
  • Equipment used by the operator when building the tower itself and when receiving a signal from mobile users
  • The number of buildings nearby, that is, the density of communications near the tower. The more there are, the worse the signal propagates, so with such construction great importance has not only territory, but also objects that are nearby
Radiation (and therefore harm from cell towers) is directly proportional to the intensity of its operation. This physical quantity depends on the load on the source of signal generation, that is, the more subscribers use the radiation of a particular tower, the more actively it will produce pulses. Therefore, the more intensively the tower operates, and the closer it is located, the conditionally worse the consequences it can cause for human health.

Physical characteristics of radiation from towers

Today, a lot of research is being conducted on the study of structures called cellular base stations, which have actually been proven to be harmful to health. However, opinions are divided here, since developers claim that such towers are absolutely safe for humans, because they are built in accordance with the standards current legislation and their harmful effects do not exceed the maximum permissible threshold. Scientists still advise to beware of this type of radiation, especially if the tower is built next to the house.

Mobile operators say that the operation of the tower has a very indirect effect on a person and actually cannot cause harm to health. This is due to the fact that the signal that propagates goes at a high altitude from the surface of the earth (since it is actually generated at the very high point structures), downward radiation reaches approximately 700-1000 times less than the main path according to the principle of cellular construction. However, according to physical laws, energy dissipation is directly proportional to the square of the distance. That is, the closer the distance to the source of radiation, the greater the impact it will have on a living organism, even taking into account the fact that much less energy reaches the ground than is in the air.

Cellular antennas on residential buildings also cause harm to human health. Such structures produce much less radiation, but their dimensions are also proportionally reduced. As a result, the distance between the room where people are and the point in space where more harmful energy is generated is reduced. Radiation in such places significantly exceeds the permitted 10 μW/cm for safe exposure to the human body. Added to this is electromagnetic energy from other devices. household items and devices for public use, which also serve as a source of hazardous exposure.

Therefore, the harmful effects produced by a cell phone tower near the house (the harm of such a neighborhood has been indisputably proven) from a biological point of view, affects the human body extremely negatively, since it can cause many diseases of internal organs.

The impact of cell towers on human health

Cell towers undoubtedly harm human health. The only question is how much harmful radiation falls on the human body and, in proportion to this, what harmful consequences this may entail.

The closer a person is, the more energy his body absorbs, which in turn can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Deterioration of the central nervous system, which is manifested by general weakness, drowsiness, headaches, sleep problems, etc.
  2. Increased risk of developing disorders of the cardiovascular system, including pathologies of the bloodstream, myocardium, epicardium, pericardium, up to the occurrence of a heart attack
  3. Changes in hormonal levels, against the background of this, the development of diseases of the genitourinary system is possible, which over time, in extreme forms, can lead to the development of impotence or the inability to fertilize in men or failure to bear a child in women
  4. Deterioration of well-being, development of acute conditions in chronic diseases, up to the development of bronchial asthma in people suffering from allergic diseases of various origins
  5. Disruption of the body by changing its homeostasis, which leads to inflammatory diseases in internal organs
This list is not exhaustive. The effect of a cell phone tower on a person (the harm to health was described above) depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the body, the possibility of its adaptation and protective abilities in relation to the action of harmful exogenous factors. Therefore, you need to take into account that a hardy and hardened organism is conditionally in a lower risk zone.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should also be wary of radiation from cell towers. A child, while in the womb, especially in the first months of pregnancy, is very susceptible to the effects of negative influence factors of both endogenous and exogenous origin. In this case, radiation acts as a teratogenic factor, which can cause various pathologies of fetal development or even cause termination of pregnancy due to fetal death in particularly severe cases. Nursing mothers should also be wary of radiation, since negative energy can cause changes in the structure of milk, which in turn will lead to disturbances in the development of the nervous or digestive systems of the child's body.

How to protect yourself from the influence of a cell tower near your home?

There are several ways to reduce exposure to harmful radiation or eliminate it completely. First of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of energy that can conditionally affect a person. Answering the question "from a cell tower?" It is worth advising to contact specialists from the relevant services, who will determine the level of harmful effects on human health directly at the structure, as well as in houses located next to it.

It is also worth remembering that radiation from a cell tower (we will consider the safe distance to be conditionally violated, as is often the case during the construction of such structures) can be reduced with the help of certain building materials. For example, glass reduces harmful effects by 2-3 times, and concrete structures transmit 30 times less radiation . We can conclude that by being indoors, a person reduces the harmful effects of a cell tower on his body.

Cleaning your apartment or house will help partially reduce this. The influence of moisture relatively neutralizes the harmful energy that certain time accumulated in the house.

If you initially have the opportunity to choose to build a house, it is advisable not to start it in places where towers are located or their construction is planned in the near future. In circumstances where there is no choice of location for the future construction, it is necessary to minimize the harmful effects on the body. You should be wary of radiation of this origin and its contact with the body, as this can lead to negative consequences such as the development of pathologies or diseases caused by this external factor.