Mirka chat for gamers closed channel. Installing and configuring mIRC

The site has its own chat, which allows all site visitors to communicate in real time.

Where is the chat, how to get into it?

By default, the chat is minimized and pinned in the form of a narrow bar in the lower right corner of the screen. The chat position is fixed; when scrolling the page, the chat window always remains in the lower right corner. Visit the site and you can immediately start chatting. Click on the chat box to expand the list of users and write a message to the person you need. Remember that unregistered users cannot chat. To write a message, you need to register and log in to the site.

How to set up chat?

While in the chat, you can configure several parameters. To see them, click on the gear button.

Here are the settings available to you:

chat window size and position on the screen: adjust them as you wish;

contact list sizes: by default it opens at 2/3 of the page, but you can change its height at your discretion;

sound notification: If you receive a new message, you will hear a characteristic sound.

If for one reason or another you want to return to the default settings, simply reset the current settings.

How is the contact list formed?

The list of your contacts contains those users whom you read and whose updates you subscribe to. If you want to add a particular user to the chat, just go to his personal profile on the website and click on the button "Read". After that, he will always be in your chat contact list. When the chat window is minimized, you can see the number of your contacts in the chat on the bar.

How to chat?

If you wish, you can communicate with other users both in a general or group chat, and personally.

General chat
By default, it is at the very top of the contacts list. All users on the site can write messages to the general chat. The history of the general chat is saved: 50 are displayed there latest messages. Click on the "General Chat" button to see a list of users in the chat, and enter your message in the line at the very bottom.
Group chat
If you want to chat with several users at once (for example, with your clanmates), but a general chat for one reason or another is not suitable for you, create a group chat. To do this, click on the gear button in the settings, enter the name of the channel and add there those users with whom you want to talk. When you enter a group chat, you will see a list of users who are in it.
Personal correspondence
The list of contacts with avatars and user nicknames by default is located immediately below the “General chat”. To send a message to the person you need, click on his nickname to open the correspondence window, write a message and send it. Your personal chat correspondence will be stored in mail, in private messages (marked "Chat"). The correspondence window can be scaled and moved at your discretion. You can communicate with several users at once.

If you need to send a message to a user, but for one reason or another you do not want to subscribe to him, use the search option. Right below the contact list there is search string: enter the nickname of your interlocutor there, find him and send a message.

What features are there in the chat?

In addition to sending direct messages to the chat, you have access to some other options.

Citation is most relevant for general or group chat. If you want to respond to a specific message, click on the user's nickname next to this message, and then enter your response. In chat it will appear as a quote.
Sending links
To share the link with others, simply paste it into your reply. There is no need to perform any special actions. In the chat, the link will be clickable.
Inserting Images
To send an image to chat, you need its URL. To do this, you need to first post it on some hosting or, if the picture has already been posted somewhere else, copy its address and send it to the chat. You can send both static and animated pictures. A brief excursion into history:

What's happened IRC?

Abbreviation IRC means Internet Relay Chat and is a system that allows you to communicate with other users local network and the Internet. IRC was originally developed in 1988 by a certain Finn Jarkko Oikarinen, and over the following years it quickly spread throughout the world.

IRC- a multi-user communication system in which people communicate on special channels or in person. Channels can be compared to rooms - you go to a channel and after that any of your phrases can be heard by everyone who is on the same channel - regardless of the fact that one of your interlocutors lives in Moscow, and the other, for example, in Papua New Guinea :). If necessary, you can communicate in person - only the person to whom you sent it will see your message.

For communication, a special program is used - IRC client (this can be mIRC, KVirc, x-chat, pIRCH, etc.). It establishes a connection to the nearest IRC server. IRC servers are interconnected. Thus, it turns out to be a kind of network on the network - you just need to connect to any of its servers to start communicating.

Connecting to IRC:

I hope that you have already downloaded and installed mIRC (for example, from here)
If you are too lazy to deal with the settings, you can download .

After you run the program, the following window will appear:

You will need to enter your name (it is not at all necessary to write the truth), email (the same as with the name), your nickname and an alternative nickname. When choosing your nickname, be careful, as many people will only know you by this nickname after some time.

Then you need to specify the server to which you want to connect, in this case it is the Centel network server, therefore, by selecting the option Servers on the list Connect

press the button Add, after which, in the window that appears, indicate the connection properties:

Press the button again Add, after which you can click on Connect to server and connect to the IRC network, seeing something like this:

But our task is to set up mIRC and make it easier for ourselves to further work with it on the network. Therefore, the first thing we do is uncheck the box opposite - Pop up
favorites on connect
, press OK and restart the client. A window appears before us again mIRC options with the name, nickname and other information indicated in it.

Move to the tab Connect->Options, where we check and uncheck the boxes according to the figure:

Then click on the button Perform, and in the window that opens, put a tick opposite Enable perform on connect, and in the text window we write - /join #help(automatic entry to the desired channel; if not required, skip this step).

and press the button OK.

Then go to the menu Sounds and set the sound to private (personal) messages (although, as you like, you can do it without sound):

Please note that by clicking the button Event beep, you can choose sound file for a private message in the window that opens after clicking. By clicking on this button again, you can set the option No sound.

That’s it, we’ve probably set up everything vitally necessary in this menu, let’s move on. An attempt to join the network and channel #irc should be successful, this can be judged by the following picture:

After this, press one very cleverly hidden button located to the left of the menu File, after which a pop-up menu appears in which you can configure many parameters, for example, so that the window is always maximized at 100% (see the figure below). Also, this button is responsible for flashing and making sounds (beeping) mIRC (when messaging on a channel, private message) if it is minimized. The main thing for everyone open window, be it a channel window or a private window - don’t be lazy and configure everything the way you need.

About the chat directly:

When entering the channel, it is advisable to say something like Hello everyone and try to find out from the channel operators or visitors what can be done on the channel and what cannot be done. If your goal is to chat, then try not to remain silent on the channel, as most likely stranger At first, no one will start talking on their own. Start having conversations, try to get to know people yourself. Don’t try to act cool, but don’t bombard people with a bunch of questions, it’s very annoying and tiring. If you still have nothing to say, it’s better to remain silent or go to another channel.

Now about the well-known teams, which can be entered in the text field, in addition to the text messages themselves:

/join #channel Connect or enter the channel. If a channel with the same name does not exist, the channel is created and you receive operator status on it.
Example: /join #irc- Go to the channel called #irc

/part #channel Disconnect from the channel.
Example: /part #irc- Disconnect or leave the channel called #irc. You can also use the /part command, then you disconnect from the active channel, that is, from the one in the window in which you wrote the command. Or you can simply close the channel window.

/list Get a list of channels created on the server.

/nick nickname Changing your nickname to a new one.
Example: /nick Super_Vasya- Now your nickname will change to Super_Vasya.

/me message Message from a third party.
Example: /me went to smoke- If your nickname is acceptable Vasya, then the following message will appear on the channel:
* Vasya went to smoke.

/msg nickname message Sending a private message to a user without opening a private window.
Example: /msg Vasya Hello!- Sends a private message Hello! to a person with the nickname Vasya.

The remaining commands are not used that often, but if you are interested, you can find information on them by typing /help.

You can find answers to many questions in

This is not a chat, it is called a "web gate to an IRC server." When you log in, you are connected to the IRC server using your browser and can chat with those connected to the IRC server irc.site. Most of them use a special program for this, so everything is much simpler and more convenient for them than in the web gate. And the gate is for those who do not yet know what mIRC is.

- I didn’t understand anything at all from the previous paragraph :(

Fine. Let's try to figure it out. I hope you know what a web browser is? If you know, skip to the next paragraph. I’ll explain to the rest: A web browser is the program with which you are now reading this text. After all, when you connected to the Internet, you clicked on the little blue icon " Internet Explorer"? And you started this program in which you typed the address of some Internet site and, in the end, clicking on the links, got to this page? This program is called a “web browser” or simply “browser” .

A web browser is a program originally created to “browse” the “web” ( world wide web - " The World Wide Web"), that is, to browse Internet sites. Sites are simply pages with text, pictures and links to other pages, sometimes animation and the like. But in the process of their development, web browsers and Internet sites have improved so much that it has become possible through a regular web browser to read and respond to your mail, chat, play online games and much, much more. That is, do things that web browsers were not originally intended for. Therefore, when using a web browser for all these " additional" tasks the user has very few options and a lot of all sorts of problems.

For example, let's take free mail servers like mail.ru or hotbox.ru. In your browser, you type the address of this site, register there, then enter your username and password, and you can read your mail on this site, respond to letters, and so on. And do all this directly through a web browser...
But special programs have been created for mail!

Look in "Start" - "Programs" or "Start" - "Programs" - "Internet" - there you will find the icon " Outlook Express". This is what it is - a program for mail. And, although Outlook Express itself, like mail program, is quite pathetic, the fact that you can read and respond to letters without connecting to the Internet, and connect only for a couple of minutes in order to send your letters and receive new ones - this alone is an irreplaceable advantage of the “special program” over web browser. At the same time, you save precious minutes (and whole hours) of time and megabytes of traffic!

Of course, it must be configured before use. Indicate your name in it, Mailbox, pop3 addresses and smtp servers and a few more settings, but then you will be able to use your mail more efficiently. I think there is not a single person who, having once mastered Outglitch or TheBat, would return to using mail through a web browser. Or do you know someone like that?

No, of course, using a browser has its advantages. For example, when you are not working at your own own computer, and somewhere in a computer club, or at your home computer, your relatives are working, and you don’t want them to read your mail (by the way, in TheBat you can put a password on the mailbox specifically for this, and everything will be fine). But if these reasons don’t really bother you, use TheBat. Believe me, these few wasted minutes are worth it to “fly” for the rest of your life ;) Find a “computer specialist” among your friends who will help you do this, and now we will talk about installing and configuring IRC, which you can do yourself, without the help of a "computer maniac".

- Well, what is this “IRC” of yours?

Just as there are special programs for mail, special technologies and programs have also been invented and created for chats a long time ago. Web chats, which you may have already become accustomed to, are just a pitiful replacement. Just as email via a web browser will never be able to provide all the capabilities that a dedicated email program provides, web chat will never have all the capabilities that IRC has long had.

So, IRC. "IRC" (Internet Relay Chat, read "ee-er-tse" or "irka") is the name of a technology that was created specifically for communicating (that is, "chatting") on the Internet. Millions of people around the world use IRC to communicate, but for some reason web chats have become widespread in Russia. Perhaps because Russified IRC programs appeared not so long ago. But, in Lately, IRC networks in Russia are becoming increasingly widespread precisely due to the much wider capabilities of IRC.

- And I need to do something for this, right?

To connect, you need to install on your computer special program, which is called "mIRC". Mirk is the most popular and one of the most convenient programs for IRC. There are many other programs for chatting in IRC, but we will consider the Russified version of mIRC as one of the simplest and quick solutions for a beginner.

To install mIRC you will need:

  • about 10 minutes of online time (depending on the speed of your work and your Internet channel);
  • approximately 1.5 MB of your downloaded, that is, “incoming” traffic;
  • 28 left mouse clicks;
  • a little mental effort to do everything exactly as written in the instructions.

For this you will receive, or...

- How is mIRC better than web chat?

mIRC is separate program, which hangs in the taskbar separately from the browser windows, without interfering with your quiet work on the Internet. You can open at least 10 browser windows, you won’t interfere with mIRC. It won’t interfere with you either.

You no longer need the "right" browser with the "right" settings, you no longer need a browser at all to communicate!

The main advantage of IRC over web chats is the minimal traffic that is transferred from you to the server and back. And this means - minimum requirements To bandwidth your channel and a minimum fee for chat traffic.

IRC traffic is tens or even hundreds of times less than that transmitted by web chats. You can download music, surf the Internet simultaneously in several browser windows, and at the same time forever forget what “lag” is. Connection disconnection in mIRC occurs in the most extreme cases - only when the connection between the modem and the provider either breaks down completely, or problems arise somewhere at the provider or higher.

No matter what you do, no matter what program you are in, if someone appears in the chat, mIRC will immediately start winking at you with its window, so you will immediately notice it.

mIRC can easily be minimized to the tray (the panel next to the clock), and when something happens on the channel, it will blink for you from there.

After all, when using “regular web chat” you constantly have to switch to the chat window to see what’s going on. This is not necessary here - mIRC itself will inform you about everything that is happening.

You can configure mIRC so that it will blink only when the person you need comes to the channel and addresses you personally in private, the rest of the time it will silently hang in the system, “eating up” no more resources and traffic than ICQ. Invisible, away and many other ICQ modes were taken into it from IRC - all this has been there for a long time.

You can attach an “agent” to mIRC - an animated character that hangs on top of all windows and will tell you everything that happens in the chat, while you are doing completely different things in completely different programs. Several of these characters have already been created hundreds, very different, so I’m sure you’ll find someone to be your friends and helpers.

It's funny that an agent can be taught to speak with a “live” voice, or rather, with a computer voice, which will pronounce all the letters appearing on the channel, trying to form them into words. Some of my friends managed to adapt and understand what this program “says,” but so far this technology is still far from perfect.

With mIRC you can transfer sounds and any files to each other just like you do in ICQ. Tell me, what web chat can do this?

In fact, mIRC repeats all the features of ICQ, and personally I don’t remember when I even had ICQ. Of course, ICQ is a more centralized system with a single worldwide registration of users and a single numbering. But, for example, it does not have fully functional web gates (like our Sarovnetovsky one), so a person without ICQ will not be able to communicate with someone who is now “online”. And with the help of a web gate, I often connect to a chat from someone else’s office - I don’t need to install any programs for this, and at home I have mIRC configured.

Private in mIRC is separate window, in which only your phrases and those of your interlocutor appear. Nothing extra. The rest of the chat is happening in another window - it does not disturb you.

It’s probably hard to get used to this after a regular web chat in the first minutes, but after a quarter of an hour you’ll curse the web chats in which your private messages pop up mixed with the general “bazaar”.

mIRC can keep conversation logs. You can set it up so that all your conversations and general channel and in private will be recorded in text files to your computer's disk. And you can read them at any time, even without connecting to the Internet - find any necessary information, for example, passwords or website addresses that someone once told you - even a year ago!

There is a downside to this though - if you don't want anyone else on your computer to read your conversations, it's best not to enable this feature.

Finally, IRC is a system in which a great many channels (“rooms” for conversations) exist simultaneously on one server. By connecting to our IRC network, you can not limit yourself to the Sarov channel #sarovnet, but connect, for example, to #cstrike, where Counter-Strike players communicate, or #anekdot, where special robot publishes a new joke every 90 seconds, or to #arena - an online game.

At the time of writing this text, 732 channels were registered on the ircnet.ru network, on which 4,110 people from all over Russia communicated.

Join us!

It is impossible now to list all the possibilities of IRC, if only because there is no person in the world who knows absolutely everything about IRC. Dozens of development teams around the world develop IRC every day. Server and client programs are created for all popular operating systems. IRC supports most languages ​​of the world and is gaining increasing popularity in Russia.

Perhaps you don’t need all this, but you don’t mind trying, do you? After all, all you need to do is .

mIRC chat program

Not a single computer whose owner has looked at IRC at least once in his life can do without this program. And now, for a good five years, small, compact and practically free program mIRC ( http:// www.mirc.com) confidently competes in popularity with large and serious packages. Like a cheerful and impudent sparrow, managing to steal a tasty morsel right from under the noses of important turkeys...

Despite the fact that mIRC belongs to the class of shareware programs, and you can use it for free only for 30 days, the popularity of this program is unusually high. Simplicity and functionality turned mIRC into the leader of IRC programs, and even the almighty Microsoft could not knock the creation of programmer Khaled Mardam Bey off the leadership pedestal.

Of course, you don’t have to choose mIRC to work with chats. You can use other programs - for example, free client Virc ( http://www.visualirc.net). But, take my word for it, a program that could become a worthy competitor to mIRC is not so easy to find...

For beginners, a special Russified version of mIRC is ideal, which can be found on the NeoRa project website (http://www.NeoRa.ru ). By the way, in addition to the usual Russification of mIRC, the Neora website has the original Russian-language chat client Trion, which differs from mIRC in a lot of new features...

It is worth noting one feature of mIRC that distinguishes this program from most other IRC clients: the ability to expand the program’s functions using additional modules - scripts. With their help, in particular, you can create colorful multi-colored and even “animated” inscriptions, pseudo-graphics in the chat window, display (or vice versa, hide) additional information about yourself and your interlocutors.

Unfortunately, among mIRC scripts you can find many programs that can harm your system. And even real, full-fledged viruses. Therefore, before you start experimenting, get a good antivirus program.

Setting up personal data

When starting mIRC for the first time, go to the menu File? Setup or click the button Setup Info (second button from the left). You will be taken to the section mIRC Options.

Setting up mIRC

In the tab IRC-servers select the server name and IRC networks, which you want to connect to.

In the first window (Connect) indicate your chat nickname (nickname). Here mIRC transparently hints that it would not mind finding out your real name and address Email... But this is exactly what should not be indicated. Chat requires at least minimal privacy and anonymity, and the information you provide in this window may become available to other users. Hence the moral: you can specify an e-mail, but not the main one, but a special one created for cases like this. Even if they send you a virus or regular spam, it’s not a pity. The same thing applies to your real name.

The nickname must be written in Latin. Try to come up with a truly original nickname: there are enough faceless Petya and Tanya on IRC without you... Moreover, if your nickname coincides with one already registered on the network, you may not be allowed onto the server. In this case, mIRC provides insurance: next to the main pseudonym, you can specify an additional one. If your base nickname is occupied by a stranger for some reason, you will be able to log into the server using a backup one.

Some servers (for example, those belonging to the Russian Dalnet network) allow you to “link” a nickname to specific user– when you first log into the server, you are required to register a nickname, indicating a password and your email address.

After logging into the server under the selected nickname, you need to give the server a command like:

/msg nickserv register password e-mail

Network and server setup

Go to the next tab - Servers. Here we need to select the network and server to which we will connect.

mIRC has a built-in large database of IRC networks, so that the user can satisfy his thirst for communication immediately after installing the program. Each network is represented in the mIRC database by a good dozen servers, which is very useful: not all IRC servers will be working at the time of your connection, and some will not let you in due to large number already connected users.

We remember that there are several main networks in the IRC world. The largest are EFNet, DALNet and Undernet, with each network having its own set of channels. However, individual servers belonging to these networks also have their own characteristics.

Setting up servers

Most servers and channels are focused on English-language communication - so if this does not bother you, choose any one from the extensive list of mIRC servers - and go ahead! However, if you want to limit yourself to communicating in Russian, then you will need a special Russian-language server. Of course, there are not as many such servers as English-language ones... But they still exist:

Perhaps the most powerful of the Russian-language IRC networks is “Russian Dalnet” - it unites about 30 servers and offers users almost 1000 Russian-language channels!

I highly recommend visiting the site http://www.dal.net.ru where you can find mass useful information on IRC programs and working with them.

Adding a server

Any of these servers can be added to the mIRC library - just click the button Add and fill out a simple form. The name can be arbitrary, but the address must be specified accurately. Pay attention to the port for connecting to the server - usually its number is 6667, but variations are possible. For example, to the server irc.dalnet.ru you need to connect via port 6669.

Save the installation information with the button OK and return to the main window. Now just press the button Connect to Server... And we can continue to work.

By the way, mIRC remembers the last server you selected, so next time to connect you will just need to press the button with the lightning bolt (first on the left).

You can make mIRC independently connect to the selected server immediately after starting the program: to do this, return to the settings window again, select the tab Options and put a check mark next to the line Connect on startup.

Channel selection

Now you need to get full list channels and select those that interest you. To do this, click the button Channels List (fifth from the left on the button bar) and request the list with the command Get List!.

The process of obtaining a list of channels can take quite a long time - up to ten minutes! And this is not surprising; on the server of, say, the DalNet network, several tens of thousands (!) of chat channels can be registered.

Getting a list of channels

In the list that mIRC will offer you, you will find not only the name of the channel, but also its short description, as well as the number of active users. The channel list can be sorted as soon as it is received: click on it right click mouse and select Sort By…

The list has been received. Now what? Well, first you should save it to a file - we will have to work with it more than once. You can do this all through the same Context menu: Right-click and then select an item Save List.

The list of channels can not only be sorted, but also filtered by selecting necessary channels by part of their name or description. To do this, return to the channel menu and select the one you need keyword(or part thereof) in line Match Text, A then click the button Apply. In this case, the search will be performed using the saved channel list.

Creating a new channel

Now you can start working with separate channels. Connecting to the selected channel is simple - just click the mouse (this time with the LEFT button) on its name; mIRC will immediately open a new window for you - you can start chatting!

The channels you need most often should be listed in special folderFavorites . Click on the name of each channel you have selected with the left mouse button, calling for help from the Context menu, and add the channels you have selected to the folder of favorite channels using the command Add to Channels Folder.

Next time you log into the server, call up the channel folder by clicking on the fourth icon from the left on the button bar, and double click enter the channel of your choice.

If you are not satisfied with the existing channels, or you want to create your own, private corner for communication in a narrow circle, you can create a new chat channel. This is done very simply - just type his name (with the obligatory hash sign at the beginning - for example, #zemfira) in the window line Favorites and press the button Join.

Alas, the life of such a channel is short-lived - it will disappear as soon as the last user leaves it. In order for the channel to continue to exist after you leave, you need to go through a rather lengthy registration procedure. As a result, you will receive operator status (or simply “oops”) and will be able to create full-fledged, long-lived channels.

Chat window

The basic mIRC window, in which the communication process actually takes place, is very simple.

List of active users. More precisely, those who are connected to the channel in this moment. It’s not necessary for them to be “active” at all - even if you see a hundred names on this list, at most a dozen will make “weather” on the channel.

Right-clicking on any name will bring up the Context Menu. With its help, you can, for example, find out information about each user (command Whois). True, this information is unlikely to be useful to a beginner, but it can tell an experienced user a lot. For example, what city is this person from, through what provider does he access the network...

Please pay Special attention on the menu Control– thanks to it you can perform a lot of interesting actions. For example, add a user to the “ignore list”: messages from this person will not be displayed on your screen.

A simple click on your username will take you into “private chat” mode.

IN message window you will be able to follow the progress of the discussion. And to add your “two cents” to the general chatter pile, you just need to type your text in the message line- and press the button Enter.

In fact, IRC exists not only for communication: through the chat network you can exchange files (and of a significant size: there are even channels specializing in distributing music files, videos or programs). There are even special games developed for IRC! Alas, the size and subject matter of our book only allows for a short excursion into the world of IRC possibilities.

If you want to learn more about other programs for working with IRC, as well as about the most famous IRC networks and channels in Russia, then you should go to one of the many sites on this topic. For example, this one: http://www.dalnet.ru

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4.5.3. Program 3 Our third program for the eight queens problem is based on the following considerations. Each queen must be placed on a certain square, i.e. on some vertical, some horizontal, and also at the intersection of some two diagonals. For that,

From the author's book

9.3. apt-get Let's say you have package.deb. When installing it, I discovered that it requires the lib.deb package, which you do not have installed. Well, you find the missing package on the Internet, install it using the method described in section. 9.2 (that is, using

From the author's book

20.3. The bum program Previously, Ubuntu had a Services program (in the System | Administration program group), which allows you to enable/disable system services. IN modern versions Ubuntu does not have such a program. But you can install the Boot-Up Manager program, which is even better than

From the author's book

Program Below is a short program that allows you to find out the character code number even if your machine does not use ASCII code. main() /* determines the character code number */( char ch; printf(" Please enter a character. "); scanf(" %c", &ch); /* input

From the author's book

P1.1. AVZ program AVZ program (Zaitsev Antivirus) is very useful utility, and has helped me out more than once since the days of Windows XP. Then I used Kaspersky anti-virus, which could not work in safe mode. It turned out like this - everything that the main antivirus missed, in

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