Microsoft Windows and file systems. File systems

Anyone who has ever installed an operating system has encountered the fact that at the stage of formatting the installation partition of the hard drive, the program prompts you to select the file system type FAT or NTFS.

And those who happened to format a flash drive or other external storage device needed to decide between three file systems: FAT32, NTFS and exFAT. Most often, users choose the default formatting because they do not know what the difference is.

This article is addressed to those who want to fill this gap in their knowledge.

FAT file structure: principles and purpose

File structure or File system was developed in the 70s of the last century by Microsoft and represented a certain procedure for organizing space for storing and accessing data on computers and other digital devices.

The purpose of the functionality is to provide the user with convenient management of information stored on a disk or external gadget. The file system includes files, folders and directories, as well as a set of system tools that interact with them to perform the functions of read-write, create-delete, copy, name, etc. In addition, this structure organizes shared access to information between users and provides protection against unauthorized actions through encryption, operation in read-only mode, etc.

Structurally, the entire disk space area is divided into clusters, like a sheet of checkered paper. Each cell is a block, the size of which is set during formatting and must be a multiple of 2. The minimum size can be 512 bytes (for a flash drive), for a hard drive it is 32 KB. One file can occupy several such clusters. You can figuratively imagine disk space as a notebook, where the cluster is a letter, the file is a word, and the file structure is the table of contents of the notebook.

When accessing a file, the operating system must find it in several clusters located in different places on the disk, thus forming a chain of clusters. Each cluster has its own label, which identifies it as one of three types:

  1. Free, ready to record data.
  2. Busy, which stores part of the information and has in the label data about the next cluster in the chain, while the latter is marked with a special label.
  3. BAD block is a cluster with errors that is no longer accessible after formatting.

The size of the label is determined by the type of file structure: for FAT32 it is 32 bytes.

The entire file system consists of the following parts:

  • the boot sector, which is located at the beginning of the disk, is activated after the OS boots and stores the partition parameters;
  • a file allocation table (“table of contents”) that stores cluster labels;
  • copies of the file allocation table to recover data if the file structure is damaged;
  • root directory;
  • data areas;
  • cylinder to perform read/write operations.

There are three types of FAT file systems: FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32. FAT has been replaced by NTFS, and exFAT is an extended version of FAT32 and is mainly used for flash drives.

Advantages and disadvantages of FAT32, NTFS and exFAT file structures

In order to decide on the choice of the most optimal file system for formatting, we will consider descriptions of all three options, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of each.


Among the three file structures considered, FAT32 is the oldest. It replaced FAT16 and until recently was the most progressive. The release of FAT32 was timed to coincide with the release of the Windows 95 OSR2 operating system in 1996. The main distinguishing features: 32-bit cluster addressing and size limitations: a file of no more than 4 GB and a volume of 128 GB.


Despite some moral backwardness, FAT32 has a number of advantages over other file systems. Its main attraction is compatibility and versatility. FAT32 works with all versions of operating systems, including Windows (comparison of all versions), Linux and MacOS, and is suitable for any game consoles and other gadgets with a USB port. Today it is used in all external drives (flash drives, CD cards) by default, since many old devices: PCs, laptops, set-top boxes with a USB input can only work with FAT32.

Other important advantages of the file system are: high-speed performance, low demands on the amount of RAM, productive work with medium and small files, and low disk wear due to smaller head movements. However, it is also subject to fragmentation, and periodic defragmentation will definitely not hurt.


The main disadvantage of this file system is its size limitations. For clusters, it cannot be more than 64 KB, otherwise some applications may incorrectly calculate disk space.

The file size should not exceed 4 GB, so the maximum disk size for a cluster size for a 32 KB file allocation table would be about 8 TB.

When formatting a disk using ScanDisk, which is a 16-bit program, taking into account the FAT tables themselves and with a maximum cluster size of 32 KB, the volume size is limited to 128 gigabytes.

Considering that not many computer devices are equipped with a hard drive larger than 8 TB, this drawback will not be noticeable for most users. However, the fact that FAT32 works with files up to 4 GB in size is a significant disadvantage, since most high-quality video files in the modern 4K format today are larger than these 4 GB, and therefore are not compatible with this file system.

Besides its size limitations, FAT32 has other disadvantages. It does not support long file names, which is not very convenient for users who want to identify files logically based on their contents. There are complaints about the security system (an additional anti-virus scanner would not hurt) and file protection in case of failures (features of hard drives), as well as low speed when working with directories containing many files.

Thus, FAT32 is more suitable for portable, low-capacity devices and older computers. The latest versions of Windows can no longer be installed on a disk formatted with the FAT32 system; reformatting to NTFS is necessary.

The main use of the FAT32 file system today is in portable flash drives and SD cards (features), which contain few files and are compatible with a variety of digital devices.


This file system was developed by Microsoft in 1993 and introduced with Windows NT 3.1. In the title itself new technology file system, which means new technology file system, lies its progressive essence.

After formatting a disk in NTFS, it is divided into three zones:

  • MFT - zone or general file table (Master File Table), where information about files and directories is stored;
  • user data;
  • metafiles containing service information.

Each of the metafiles is responsible for a specific area. For example, LogFile is a logging file in which all operations are recorded in the log, Boot is the boot sector, Bitmap controls the free space in the partition, etc. This structure reliably protects files from any failures, be it OS freezes or power outages.


Unlike FAT32, this file structure has virtually no restrictions on the size of files and directories. The cluster size can vary from 512 bytes to 64 KB; the optimal size is 4 KB.

Thanks to many significant improvements to improve security, such as support for file access rights, HPFS quotas, encryption, journaling, access control and auditing, hard links, etc., NTFS is ideal for formatting a disk for the system area. Other hard drive partitions can also be formatted in this system, since NTFS allows optimal use of disk space when there are many small files.

The advantage of this file organization is the fast access speed to small files, high performance when working with large files, and the ability to use long file names.


The main disadvantage of the NTFS system is its incompatibility with all operating systems below Windows NT, as well as limitations in compatibility with other operating systems. So, Mac OS reads files from NTFS disks, but cannot write them, the same situation with Linux file compatibility. The most popular gaming consoles Playstation and Xbox 360 do not work with NTFS, only Xbox One can interact with it.

Disadvantages of NTFS also include high RAM requirements, lower speed compared to FAT32, and difficulty managing medium-sized directories.

Thus, it is more advisable to use the NTFS file structure on hard drives, including SSDs, running the latest versions of Windows, starting with NT.


This file system is the latest to be reviewed in terms of release time. It appeared in 2008 with regular updates to Windows XP and is, in fact, an extended version of FAT32.

The main goal of the developers is to create a productive, convenient and universal file structure for portable storage devices: flash drives, SD cards and removable hard drives.


  • Simple organization without specialized features and restrictions on file and partition sizes.
  • Excellent compatibility with all Windows operating systems, as well as Mac OS and Linux. In the latter option, installation of additional software is required.
  • Support from all modern Apple devices, as well as Xbox One and Playstation 4 game consoles.

The main disadvantage of the exFAT file organization is Microsoft's licensing policy, which prohibits its free use in the public domain.

The most optimal file structure

Having considered the descriptions of three popular file systems, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • for computer devices with an operating system higher than Windows NT, it would be more appropriate to format the hard drive in the NTFS system;
  • for older devices, as well as for the purpose of compatibility with various modern digital gadgets, the best option would be to choose FAT32;
  • for any removable media it would be ideal to use the system

And lastly: information about what file structure is implemented on your disks can be found in the “General” tab (right mouse button “Properties”).

The FAT (File Allocation Table) file system gets its name from a simple table that specifies:

Directly addressable sections of a logical disk, allocated for placing files or their fragments in them;

Free areas of disk space;

Defective areas of the disk (these areas contain defective areas and do not guarantee that data can be read and written without errors).

In the FAT file system, the disk space of any logical drive is divided into two areas (Fig. 6.1): system area And data area.

Rice. 6.1. Logical disk structure in FAT

The system area of ​​a logical disk is created and initialized during formatting, and subsequently updated when working with the file structure. The data area of ​​a logical disk contains regular files and directory files; these objects form a hierarchy subordinate to the root directory. Catalog element

File system FAT________________________________________________ 167

ga describes a file object, which can be either a regular file or a directory file. The data area, unlike the system area, is accessible through the operating system user interface. The system area consists of the following components (located one after the other in the logical address space):

Boot Record (BR);

Reserved Sectors (ResSec);

File Allocation Table (FAT);

Root Directory (RDir).

File Allocation Table

The file allocation table is a very important information structure. We can say that it is an address map of the data area, which describes both the state of each section of the data area and its belonging to a particular file object.

The entire data area is divided into so-called clusters. A cluster is one or more adjacent sectors in the logical disk address space (more precisely, only in the data area). A cluster is the smallest addressable unit of disk memory allocated to a file (or non-root directory). Clusters are introduced in order to reduce the number of addressable units in the data area of ​​a logical disk.

Each file occupies an integer number of clusters. In this case, the last cluster may not be fully used, which, with a large cluster size, can lead to a noticeable loss of disk space. On floppy disks, a cluster occupies one or two sectors, and on hard disks its size depends on the size of the partition (Table 6.1). In the FAT table, clusters belonging to the same file (or directory file) are linked into chains. The FAT 16 file system uses a 16-bit word to specify the cluster number, so you can have up to 2 10 = 65,536 clusters (numbered 0 to 65,535).

Table 6.1. Relationship between partition size and cluster size in FAT16

Partition capacity, MB Number of sectors in the cluster Cluster size, KB

Note that in Windows NT/2000/XP, FAT file system partitions can be up to 4097 MB in size. In this case, the cluster will already unite 128 sectors.

The cluster number always refers to the disk's data area (the space reserved for files and subdirectories). The cluster numbers correspond to the elements

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ments of the file allocation table. The first valid cluster number always starts with 2.

The logical division of the data area into clusters as a collection of sectors instead of using single sectors has the following meaning:

First of all, the size of the FAT table itself is reduced; - possible file fragmentation is reduced;

Access to a file is accelerated, since the length of the chains of disk space fragments allocated for it is reduced several times.

However, too large a cluster size leads to inefficient use of the data area, especially in the case of a large number of small files. As we just noticed, on average about half of the cluster is lost per file. From the table 6.1 it follows that with a cluster size of 32 sectors (the volume of the partition is from 512 to 1023 MB), that is, 16 KB, the average loss per file is 8 KB, and with several thousand files 1 losses can be more than 100 MB. Therefore, in modern file systems, cluster sizes are limited (usually from 512 bytes to 4 KB), or the ability to choose the cluster size is provided.

The idea of ​​a file system using a file allocation table is illustrated quite clearly in Fig. 6.2.

Rice. 6.2. Illustration of the basic concept of FAT

The figure shows that the MYFILE.TXT file is located starting from the eighth cluster. In total, the MYFILE.TXT file occupies 12 clusters. The chain of clusters for our example can be written as follows: 8, 9.0A, 0B, 15,16,17,19,

1 For example, the number of 10,000-15,000 files (or even more, especially when the files are small) on a 1000 MB logical drive is quite common.

File system FAT169

1A, 1B, 1C, 1D. Cluster number 18 is marked with a special code F7 as bad; it cannot be used to host data. When formatting, the surface of a magnetic disk is usually checked, and those sectors from which errors occurred during test reading are marked in FAT as bad. Cluster 1D is marked with the FF code as the final (last in the chain) cluster belonging to this file. Free (unoccupied) clusters are marked with code 00; When a new cluster is allocated for writing a file, the first free cluster is taken. Possible values ​​that can be assigned to the elements of the FAT table are given in table. 6.2.

Table 6.2. FAT element values

Value Description

OOOOh Free Cluster

fffOh-fff6h Reserved Cluster

fff7h Bad cluster

fffSh-ffffh Last cluster in the chain

0002h-ffefh Number of the next cluster in the chain

Since files on the disk are changed (deleted, moved, increased or decreased), the mentioned rule of allocating the first free cluster for a new portion of data leads to fragmentation files, that is, the data of one file may not be located in adjacent clusters, but sometimes in very distant ones from each other, forming complex chains. Naturally, this leads to a significant slowdown in working with files.

Because the FAT table is used very intensively during disk access, it is usually loaded into RAM (in I/O buffers or cache) and remains there for as long as possible. If the table is large and the file cache is relatively small, only the most recently accessed fragments of the table are stored in memory.

Due to the extreme importance of the FAT table, it is usually stored in two identical copies, the second of which immediately follows the first. Copies of FAT are updated simultaneously, but only the first copy is used. If for some reason it turns out to be destroyed, then the second copy will be contacted. For example, the ScanDisk utility for checking and restoring the file structure from Windows 9x OS, when it detects a discrepancy between the primary and FAT backup copies, offers to restore the main table using data from the copy.

The root directory differs from a regular directory file in that, in addition to being located in a fixed location on the logical disk, it also has a fixed number of elements. For each file and directory, information is stored in the file system in accordance with the structure presented in Table. 6.3.

To work with data on magnetic disks in DOS systems that have the FAT file system, it is convenient to use the well-known Disk Editor utility from

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Peter Norton's utility kit. She has many advantages. First of all, it is compact, easily placed on a system floppy disk with MS DOS, and is equipped with a built-in hint system and the necessary reference information. Using it, you can save, modify and restore the boot record, restore the FAT table if it is damaged, and also perform many other operations. The main disadvantages of this program today are limitations on disk and partition sizes and the lack of support for working with such common file systems as FAT32 and NTFS. Instead, the Partition Magic utility is now often used, but the best alternative to this program today can be considered the Disk Administrator utility from Acronis.

Table 6.3. Catalog Item Structure

Data field size, bytes Field content

11 File or directory name

1 File attributes

1 Reserve field

3 Creation time

2 Creation date

2 Date of last access

2 Reserved

2 Time of last modification

2 Date of last modification

2 Starting cluster number in FAT

4 File size

DOS Boot Record Structure

The sector containing the DOS system loader is the very first sector on the C: logical drive. Let us recall that on a floppy disk the system bootloader is located in the very first sector; its physical address is 0-0-1. The boot record consists, as we already know, of two parts: disk parameters block(Disk Parameter Block, DPB) and bootloader(System Bootstrap, SB). The disk options block serves to identify the physical and logical formats of a logical disk, and the system boot loader plays a significant role in the DOS boot process. This information structure is shown in Table. 6.4.

The first two bytes of the boot record are occupied by an unconditional jump instruction (JMP) to the SB program. The third byte contains code 90H (NOP - no operation). Next is an eight-byte system identifier, which includes information about the developer and version of the operating system. This is followed by a block of disk parameters, and after that comes the system bootloader.

To work with the DOS boot record, as well as with other service information structures, it is convenient to use the already mentioned Disk program

File system FAT________________________________________________ 171

Editor from Peter Norton's suite of utilities. Using it, you can save, modify and restore the boot record, as well as perform many other operations. Working with this utility is described in sufficient detail in.

Table 6.4. Boot record structure for FAT16

Field Offset, Field Length, Designation Field Contents
byte field byte

UN (0) 3 JUMP 3EH Unconditional jump to start


OZN (3) 8 System ID

OVN (11) 2 SectSize Sector size, bytes

UN (13) 1 ClastSize Number of sectors in the cluster

0EN(14) 2 ResSecs Number of reserved sectors

10Н (16) 1 FATcnt Number of FAT copies

11Н (17) 2 RootSize Maximum number of Rdir elements

13Н (19) 2 TotSecs Number of sectors on the logical disk,

if its size does not exceed 32 MB; otherwise 0000Н

15Н (21) 1 Media Media descriptor

16Н(22) 2 FATsize FAT size, sectors

18Н(24) 2 TrkSecs Number of sectors per track

1АН(26) 2 HeadCnt Number of working surfaces

1СН(28) 4 HidnSecs Number of hidden sectors

20Н (32) 4 Number of sectors on the logical disk,

if its size exceeds 32 MB

24Н (36) 1 Logical disk type (UN - flexible,

80N - hard)

25Н (37) 1 Reserved

26Н (38) 1 Marker with code 29Н

27Н (39) 4 Serial number of volume 1

2ВН (43) 11 Volume label

36Н (54) 8 File system name

ZEN (62) Boot Loader

1FEH (510) 2 Signature (word AA55N)

1 Volume is a single logical address space. A volume can be a regular logical disk or multiple disk spaces.


FAT file system architecture

General characteristics of the FAT file system. Partition structure with the FAT file system

The FAT (File Allocation Table) file system was developed by Bill Gates and Mark McDonald in 1977 and was originally used in the 86-DOS operating system. To achieve portability of programs from the CP/M operating system to 86-DOS, the previously accepted restrictions on file names were retained. 86-DOS was subsequently acquired by Microsoft and became the basis for MS-DOS 1.0, released in August 1981. FAT was designed to work with floppy disks smaller than 1 MB and did not initially provide support for hard disks.

The structure of the FAT partition is shown in the figure.

In the FAT file system, the disk space of a logical partition is divided into two areas - the system area and the data area (see Fig. 1). The system area is created and initialized during formatting and subsequently updated when the file structure is manipulated. The system area of ​​FAT file systems consists of the following components:

  • boot record (BR);
  • reserve area;
  • file allocation tables;
  • root directory area (does not exist in FAT32).

The data area of ​​a logical disk contains files and directories subordinate to the root one, and is divided into sections of the same size - clusters. A cluster can consist of one or several sectors located sequentially on a disk. The number of sectors in a cluster must be a multiple of 2N and can take values ​​from 1 to 64. The size of the cluster depends on the type of file system used and the size of the logical disk.

Purpose, structure and types of file allocation table

FAT got its name from the file allocation table of the same name – File Allocation Table, FAT. The file allocation table stores information about the clusters of a logical disk. Each cluster has a corresponding FAT table element containing information about whether the cluster is free or occupied with file data. If the cluster is occupied by a file, then the address of the cluster containing the next part of the file is indicated in the corresponding element of the file allocation table. The number of the initial cluster occupied by a file is stored in the directory entry containing the file's entry. The last element of the cluster list contains the end of file sign (EOF – End Of File). The first two FAT elements are reserved.

The FAT file system always fills free disk space sequentially from beginning to end. When creating a new file or increasing an existing one, it looks for the very first free cluster in the file allocation table. If during operation some files were deleted and others changed in size, then the resulting empty clusters will be scattered across the disk. If the clusters containing the file data are not located in a row, then the file becomes fragmented.

The following types of FAT exist – FAT12, FAT16, FAT32. The names of FAT types are derived from the size of the element: FAT12 element has a size of 12 bits (1.5 bytes), FAT16 - 16 bits (2 bytes), FAT32 - 32 bits (4 bytes). In FAT32, the four most significant bits are reserved and are ignored during operating system operation.

Root directory

The file allocation tables are followed by the root directory. Each file and subdirectory in the root directory has a 32-byte directory entry containing the file name, its attributes (archived, hidden, system, and read-only), and the date and time it was created (or last modified) , as well as other information. For FAT12 and FAT16 file systems, the position of the root directory on the partition and its size are rigidly fixed. In FAT32, the root directory can be located anywhere in the partition's data area and can be of any size.

Filename formats

One of the characteristics of earlier versions of FAT (FAT12 and FAT16) is the use of short file names. The short name consists of two fields - an 8-byte field containing the actual file name, and a 3-byte field containing the extension ("8.3" format). If the file name entered by the user is shorter than 8 characters, then it is padded with spaces (code 0x20); if the entered extension is shorter than three bytes, then it is also padded with spaces.

The directory element structure for a short file name is presented in Table 1.

The first byte of the short name serves as a directory busy indicator:

  • if the first byte is 0xE5, then the directory entry is free and can be used when creating a new file;
  • if the first byte is 0x00, then the directory entry is free and is the start of a clean directory area (there are no enabled entries after it).

Table 1. Directory element structure for a short file name


Size (byte) Content
0x00 11 Short file name
0x0B 1 File attributes
0x0C 1 Reserved for Windows NT.
0x0D 1 A field specifying the file creation time (contains tens of milliseconds). The field is processed only in FAT32
0x0E 1 File creation time. The field is processed only in FAT32
0x10 2 File creation date. The field is processed only in FAT32
0x12 2 Date of the last access to the file to write or read data. The field is processed only in FAT32
0x14 2 The most significant word of the file's first cluster number. The field is processed only in FAT32
0x16 2 Time of last write operation to file
0x18 2 Date of the last write operation to the file
0x1A 2 Low word of the file's first cluster number
0x1C 4 File size in bytes

There are a number of restrictions on the use of ASCII characters in a short name:

  • you cannot use characters with codes less than 0x20 (except for code 0x05 in the first byte of the short name);
  • you cannot use characters with codes 0x22, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x7C;
  • You cannot use a space character (0x20) in the first byte of the name.

The FAT32 and VFAT (virtual FAT, extension FAT16) file systems include support for long file names (LFN). To store a long name, directory elements adjacent to the main element are used. The file name is not written in ASCII characters, but in Unicode. You can store a fragment of up to 13 Unicode characters in one directory entry. The unused portion of the last fragment is filled with 0xFFFF codes. The directory element structure for a long file name is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Directory element structure for a long file name

Bias Size (byte) Content
0x00 1 Fragment number
0x01 10 Characters 1-5 of the file name in Unicode
0x0B 1 File attributes
0x0C 1 Flags byte
0x0D 1 Short name checksum
0x0E 12 Characters 6-11 of the file name in Unicode
0x1A 2 Number of the first cluster (filled with zeros)
0x1C 4 Characters 12-13 of the file name in Unicode

Boot sector

The first sector of a logical disk with a FAT system contains the boot sector and a block of BIOS parameters. The initial section of this block is identical for all types of FAT (Table 3). Differences in the structure of boot sectors for different FAT types begin at offset 0x24. For FAT12 and FAT16, the structure is shown in Table 4, for FAT32 - in Table 5.

Table 3. Initial section of the boot sector

Bias Size, bytes Description
0x00 3 Unconditional jump (jmp) to boot code
0x03 8 Manufacturer ID
0x0B 2 Number of bytes in sector (512)
0x0D 1 Number of sectors in a cluster
0x0E 2 Number of spare sectors in the spare area of ​​the partition, starting from the first sector of the partition
0x10 1 Number of tables (copies) FAT
0x11 2 For FAT12/FAT16 - number of 32-byte file descriptors in the root directory; for FAT32 this field has the value 0
0x13 2 Total number of sectors in the partition; if this field contains 0, then the number of sectors is specified by the field at offset 0x20
0x15 1 Media type. For a hard drive, the value is 0xF8; for a floppy disk (2 sides, 18 sectors per track) – 0xF0
0x16 2 For FAT12/FAT16 this field contains the number of sectors occupied by one copy of FAT; for FAT32 this field has the value 0
0x18 2 Number of sectors per track (for interrupt 0x13)
0x1A 2 Number of working surfaces (for interrupt 0x13)
0x1C 4 Number of hidden sectors before partition
0x20 4 The total number of sectors in the partition. The field is used if the section over 65535 sectors, otherwise the field contains 0.

Table 4. Structure of the FAT12/FAT16 boot sector

Bias Size, byte Description 0x24 1 Drive number for interrupt 0x13 0x25 1 0x26 1 Extended boot record flag (0x29) 0x27 4 Logical drive number 0x2B 11 Disc label 0x36 8 Text string with file system type abbreviation

Table 5. FAT32 boot sector structure

Size, byte Description 4 Number of sectors occupied by one copy of FAT 2 Active FAT number 2 FAT32 version number: high byte - version number,junior – revision number. Currently the value is 0:0 4 Cluster number for the first cluster of the root directory 2 Sector number of the FSINFO structure in the reserve area of ​​the logical disk 2 Sector number (in the spare area of ​​the logical disk) usedto store a backup copy of the boot sector 12 Reserved (contains 0)


In addition to the 2nd and 3rd fields listed in the tables, the zero sector of the logical disk must contain the code 0x55 in the byte at offset 0x1FE, and the code 0xAA in the next byte (offset 0x1FF). The two bytes indicated are a sign of the boot disk.

Thus, the boot sector performs two important functions: it describes the structure of the data on the disk, and also allows the operating system to boot.

A logical disk with a FAT32 organization additionally contains an FSInfo structure located in the first sector of the reserve area. This structure contains information about the number of free clusters on the disk and the number of the first free cluster in the FAT table. The structure format is described in Table 6.

Table 6. Structure of the FSInfo sector and the FAT32 backup boot sector

Size, byte Description 4 The value 0x41615252 is a signature that indicates that this sector contains the FSInfo structure 480 Reserved (contains 0) 4 Value 0x61417272 (signature) 4 Contains the current number of free clusters on the disk. If the field contains the value 0xFFFFFFFF, then the number of free clusters is unknown and must be calculated 4 Contains the cluster number from which the disk driver should start searching for free clusters. If the field contains the value 0xFFFFFFFF, then the search for free clusters should begin with cluster number 2 12 Reserved (contains 0) 4 Signature 0xAA550000 – a sign of the end of the FSInfo structure


To access the contents of a file located on a partition with the FAT file system, you need to obtain the number of the first cluster of the file. This number, as we have already established, is part of the directory entry containing the file entry. The first cluster number corresponds to the FAT table element, which stores the address of the cluster containing the next part of the file. The FAT element corresponding to the last cluster in the chain contains the end-of-file signature. For FAT12 this value is 0xFFF, for FAT16 – 0xFFFF, for FAT32 – 0xFFFFFFFF.

Let's look at the software implementation of the reading algorithm for each FAT type, and let's start with FAT16.

All source texts discussed in the article are available on the journal's website.

Software implementation of the algorithm for reading a file from a logical partition with the FAT16 file system

Let's develop a module that reads the first N clusters of a file created on a partition with the FAT16 file system. The parameter N (number of clusters to read) is a variable value and is specified by the user. The file name corresponds to the “8.3” format, i.e. is short. The module operates under Linux OS.

Let's define the necessary header files:






#include "split.h"

The header file split.h has the following content:


#define SHORT_NAME 13 // maximum length of a short file name

struct split_name(

U8 name; // file name

U8 ext; // file extension

Int name_len, // file name length

Ext_len; // file extension length

The split_name structure is designed to store the components of a short file name (name and extension) and their lengths.

The header file defines structural types that describe the main components of the FAT file system - the boot sector, the FSInfo sector, directory element structures for short and long file names.

Let us briefly consider the fields that are included in each of these structures.

    1. Boot sector structure struct fat_boot_sector:
      • __s8 system_id– system identifier;
      • __u8 sector_size – sector size in bytes;
      • __u8 cluster_size– cluster size in sectors;
      • __u16 reserved– the number of spare sectors in the reserve area of ​​the partition;
      • __u8 fats– number of FAT copies;
      • __u8 dir_entries– the number of 32-byte file descriptors in the root directory;
      • __u8 sectors– number of sectors on the partition; if this field is 0, the total_sect field is used;
      • __u8 media– type of media on which the file system was created;
      • __u16 fat_length– FAT size in sectors;
      • __u32 total_sect– size of the FAT partition in sectors (if the sectors field == 0).
      • __u32 fat32_length– FAT32 size in sectors;
      • __u32 root_cluster– number of the first cluster of the root directory;
      • __u16 info_sector– number of the sector containing the FSInfo structure.

The following fields of this structure are used only by FAT32:

  1. Sector structure FSInfo struct fat_boot_fsinfo:
    • __u32 signature1– signature 0x41615252;
    • __u32 signature2– signature 0x61417272;
    • __u32 free_clusters– number of free clusters. If the field contains -1, the search for free clusters must begin with cluster number 2.
  2. Short name directory element structure struct msdos_dir_entry:
    • __s8 name,ext– file name and extension;
    • __u8 attr– file attributes;
    • __u8 ctime_ms– this field specifies the file creation time to ms (only FAT32 is used);
    • __u16 ctime– file creation time (only FAT32 is used);
    • __u16 date– file creation date (only FAT32 is used);
    • __u16 date– date of last access to the file (only FAT32 is used);
    • __u16 starthi– the most significant 16 bits of the file’s first cluster number (only FAT32 is used);
    • __u16 time,date,start– time and date of file creation, number of the first cluster of the file;
    • __u32 size– file size (in bytes).
  3. Long name directory element structure:
    • __u8 id– element number;
    • __u8 name0_4– characters 1 – 5 of the name;
    • __u8 attr– file attributes;
    • __u8 alias_checksum– short name checksum;
    • __u8 name5_10– symbols 6 – 11 of the name;
    • __u8 name11_12– symbols 12 – 13 of the name.

Let's continue to consider the software implementation of the algorithm and determine the name of the partition on which the FAT16 file system was created:

#ifndef FAT16_PART_NAME

#define FAT16_PART_NAME "/dev/hda1"


Global structures:

struct fat_boot_sector fbs; // boot sector structure

struct msdos_dir_entry dentry; // directory element structure

Global variables:

U16 *fat16; // copy the FAT16 table here

U16 sector_size; // sector size (from FAT16)

U16 dir_entries; // number of 32-byte descriptors

// in the root directory (0 for FAT32)

U16 sectors; // total number of sectors in the partition

U32 fat16_size; // FAT16 size

U32 root_size; // root directory size

U16 byte_per_cluster; // cluster size in bytes

U16 next_cluster; // next cluster in the chain

int fat;

Let's start with the main function:

int main()

Int num;

We specify the full name of the file whose contents we want to read. Let me remind you that we only work with short file names. The procedure for working with long names is not discussed in this article.

U8 *full_path = "/Folder1/Folder2/text.txt";

Open the device file:

Hard = open(FAT16_PART_NAME, O_RDONLY);

If(hard< 0) {



We read the first 10 clusters of the file. Reading is performed by the fat16_read_file() function. The function parameters are the full file name and the number of clusters to read. The function returns the number of clusters read or -1 if an error occurred while reading:

Num = fat16_read_file(full_path, 10);

If(num< 0) perror("fat16_read_file");

Else printf("Read %d clusters ", num);

Close the device file and exit:


Return 0;

The function for reading file clusters has the following form:

int fat16_read_file(__u8 *full_path, int num)

Struct split_name sn; // structure for storing file components

U8 tmp_name_buff; // buffer for temporary storage of components of the full file path

Static int i = 1;

Int n;

U8 *tmp_buff;

U16 start_cluster, next_cluster;

We listed the function parameters when considering the main function.

Preparatory operations - reset the tmp_name_buff buffer and the struct split_name sn structure:

The first character in an absolute pathname of a file must be a forward slash (/). Let's check this:

Read the boot sector from the partition:

If(read_fbs()< 0) return -1;

The read boot sector is now located in the global structure struct fat_boot_sector fbs. Let's copy the sector size, the number of entries in the root directory and the total number of sectors on the partition from this structure:

Let's determine the cluster size in bytes:

Byte_per_cluster = fbs.cluster_size * 512

Let's display the information located in the boot sector:

Printf("System id - %s ", fbs.system_id);

Printf("Sector size - %d ", sector_size);

Printf("Cluster size - %d ", fbs.cluster_size);

Printf("Reserved - %d ", fbs.reserved);

Printf("FATs number - %d ",fbs.fats);

Printf("Dir entries - %d ", dir_entries);

Printf("Sectors - %d ", sectors);

Printf("Media - 0x%X ",;

Printf("FAT16 length - %u ", fbs.fat_length);

Printf("Total sect - %u ", fbs.total_sect);

Printf("Byte per cluster - %d ", byte_per_cluster);

We calculate the size of FAT16 in bytes and read it:

Fat16_size = fbs.fat_length * 512;

If(read_fat16()< 0) return -1;

Reading the root directory:

If(read_root_dentry()< 0) return -1;

The dir_entry pointer is now positioned at the memory location containing the root directory entries. The size of this memory area is equal to the size of the root directory (root_size).

Let's save (for control) the contents of the root directory in a separate file:

#ifdef DEBUG



We calculate the beginning of the data area:

Data_start = 512 * fbs.reserved + fat16_size * fbs.fats + root_size;

Having all the entries in the root directory, we can get to the contents of the test.txt file. For this purpose, we organize a cycle. In the body of the loop, we will parse the full file name, highlighting its elements - subdirectories (we have two of them, Folder1 and Folder2) and the name of the file we are looking for (test.txt).

While(1) (

Memset(tmp_name_buff, 0, SHORT_NAME);

Memset((void *)&sn, 0, sizeof(struct split_name));

For(n = 0 ; n< SHORT_NAME; n++, i++) {

If((tmp_name_buff[n] == "/") || (tmp_name_buff[n] == "?")) (



Tmp_name_buff[n] = "?";

We fill the struct split_name sn structure with the appropriate information. The split_name function performs the filling and checks the file name for compliance with the “8.3” format:

< 0) {

Printf("not valid name ");

Return -1;

For each element of the full file name, we define an initial cluster. To do this, we look in the directory elements (starting from the root) for an entry corresponding to the full name element, and read this entry. The search procedure is performed by the get_dentry() function:

If(get_dentry(&sn)< 0) {

Printf("No such file!");

Return -1;

Checking the file attributes. If this is a directory, read its contents and continue the loop:

If(dentry.attr & 0x10) (

If(read_directory(dentry.start)< 0) return -1;


If this is a file, we read the first num clusters. For control, we will save the read information in a separate file:

If(dentry.attr & 0x20) (

Start_cluster = dentry.start;

Tmp_buff = (__u8 *)malloc(byte_per_cluster); // the contents of the cluster will be read here

N = open("clust", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); // save the read information in this file

If(n< 0) {


Return -1;

To read file clusters, we organize a loop:

For(i = 0; i< num; i++) {

We read the contents of the cluster into the tmp_buff buffer and save it in a separate file:

< 0) return -1;

< 0) {



Return -1;

We read from FAT16 the number of the next cluster occupied by this file. If this is the last cluster, we interrupt the loop and return to the main function:

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("OK. Readed ");

Printf("file`s next cluster - 0x%X .. ", next_cluster);


If(next_cluster == EOF_FAT16) (

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("last cluster.");




Return ++i;

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("stop reading ");


Return i;

Reading the FAT16 boot sector is performed by the read_fbs() function. The result is placed in the global fbs structure:

int read_fbs()

If(read(hard,(__u8 *)&fbs, sizeof(fbs))< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

Reading the file allocation table of the FAT16 file system is performed by the read_fat16() function:

int read_fat16()

U64 seek = (__u64)(fbs.reserved) * 512; // offset to FAT16 from the beginning of the partition

Fat16 = (void *)malloc(fat16_size);

If(pread64(hard, (__u8 *)fat16, fat16_size, seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

The read_root_dentry() function reads the root directory:

int read_root_dentry()

U64 seek = (__u64)fbs.reserved * 512 + fat16_size * fbs.fats; // offset to the root directory from the beginning of the partition

Root_size = 32 * dir_entries; // calculate the size of the root directory

Dir_entry = (__u8 *)malloc(root_size);

If(!dir_entry) return -1;

Memset(dir_entry, 0, root_size);

If(pread64(hard, dir_entry, root_size, seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

Reading a cluster belonging to a file is performed by the read_cluster() function. The input parameters of the function are the cluster number cluster_num and a pointer to the buffer __u8 *tmp_buff, where the reading result should be placed. The offset to the cluster on the partition is calculated using the formula (see):


  • SEEK– offset to the cluster on the partition
  • DATA_START– start of data area
  • CLUSTER_NUM– cluster serial number
  • BYTE_PER_CLUSTER– cluster size in bytes

int read_cluster(__u16 cluster_num, __u8 *tmp_buff)

U64 seek = (__u64)(byte_per_cluster) * (cluster_num - 2) + data_start; // calculate the offset to the cluster

< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

The read_directory function reads entries from a directory (not the root directory) and places the result in the memory location that the dir_entry pointer is set to:

int read_directory(__u16 start_cluster)

Int i = 1;

U16 next_cluster;

For(; ;i++) (

We allocate memory to store the contents of the directory, read the contents of the starting cluster and get the value of the next cluster from the FAT16 table:

If(!dir_entry) return -1;

< 0) return -1;

Next_cluster = fat16;

Let's save the contents of the directory in a separate file (for control):

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("Next cluster - 0x%X ", next_cluster);

Fat = open("dir16", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0600);

Write(fat, dir_entry, root_size);



If the last cluster is reached, we exit the loop, otherwise we continue reading the directory, increasing the size of the dir_entry buffer by one more cluster:

If(next_cluster & EOF_FAT16) break;

Start_cluster = next_cluster;

Return 0;

The get_dentry() function searches the contents of the directory for an element corresponding to the file being searched for. The input parameters of this function are a pointer to the structure struct split_name *sn containing the elements of the short file name:

Int i = 0;

The global buffer dir_entry contains an array of directory entries in which we are going to look for a file (or directory) entry. To search, we organize a cycle. In the body of the loop, we copy the directory elements into the global dentry structure and compare the values ​​of the name and ext fields of this structure with the corresponding fields of the struct split_name *sn structure. The match of these fields means that we have found an entry for the file we are looking for in the array of directory elements:

for(; ; i++) (

If(!(memcmp(, sn->name, sn->name_len)) &&

!(memcmp(dentry.ext, sn->ext, sn->ext_len)))


If(! return -1;

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("name - %s ",;

Printf("start cluster - 0x%X ", dentry.start);

Printf("file size - %u ", dentry.size);

Printf("file attrib - 0x%X ", dentry.attr);


Return 0;

All the above code is located in the FAT16 directory, file fat16.c. To obtain an executable module, create a Makefile with the following content:

INCDIR = /usr/src/linux/include

PHONY = clean

Fat16: fat16.o split.o

Gcc -I$(INCDIR) $^ -g -o $@

%.o: %.c

Gcc -I$(INCDIR) -DDEBUG -c $^


Rm -f *.o

Rm -f ./fat16

Software implementation of the algorithm for reading a file from a logical partition with the FAT12 file system

In general, the algorithm for reading a file from a FAT12 partition is identical to the algorithm for reading a file from a FAT16 partition. The difference lies in the procedure for reading elements from the FAT12 table. We considered the FAT16 table as a simple array of 16-bit elements. To read the elements of the FAT12 table, the following algorithm is proposed:

  • multiply the element number by 1.5;
  • extract a 16-bit word from FAT using the result of the previous operation as an offset;
  • if the element number is even, perform the AND operation on the read word and the mask 0x0FFF. If the number is odd, shift the word read from the table by 4 bits towards the lower digits.

Based on this algorithm, we implement the function of reading elements from the FAT12 table:

int get_cluster(__u16 cluster_num)

U16 seek;

U16 clust;

We calculate the offset in the FAT12 table and read a 16-bit word from the table:

Seek = (cluster_num * 3) / 2;

Memcpy((__u8 *)&clust, (__u8 *)(fat12 + seek), 2);

If the starting number of the cluster is an even number, we shift the value read from the table by 4 bits towards the low-order bits, if it is odd, we sum it up with 0x0FFF:

If(cluster_num % 2) clust >>= 4;

Else clust &= 0x0FFF;

This fragment can also be implemented in assembler:

" xorw %%ax, %%ax "

" btw $0, %%cx "

"jnc 1f"

" shrw $4, %%dx "

"jmp 2f"

"1: andw $0x0FFF, %%dx "

"2: movw %%dx, %%ax "

:"=a" (next)

:"d" (clust), "c" (cluster_num));

We return the result:


Let's take a closer look at the algorithm itself. Let's assume that a file has been created on a FAT12 partition that occupies the 9th and 10th clusters. Each FAT12 element takes up 12 bits. Because from the table we read 16-bit elements, then the offset to the 9th element will be equal to 13 bytes (9 * 1.5 = 13, the rest is discarded), while the lower 4 bits will belong to the 8th FAT element. They need to be discarded, and to do this, it is enough to shift the read element by 4 bits towards the lower digits, which is provided by the algorithm. The offset to the 10th element will be 15 bytes, and the most significant 4 bits will belong to the 11th FAT element. To discard them, it is necessary to perform an AND operation on the 10th element and the mask 0x0FFF, which also corresponds to the above algorithm.

The source texts of the module for reading a file from a FAT12 partition are located in the FAT12 directory, file fat12.c.

Software implementation of the algorithm for reading a file from a logical partition with the FAT32 file system

The algorithm for reading a file from a partition with the FAT32 file system is practically no different from the algorithm for FAT16, except that in FAT32 the root directory can be located anywhere on the partition and have an arbitrary size. Therefore, to make it more interesting, let’s complicate the task - suppose that we only know the number of the partition with the FAT32 file system. To read information from this partition, you must first determine its coordinates - the offset to the partition from the beginning of the disk. And for this you need to have an idea of ​​the logical structure of the hard drive.

Logical structure of a hard drive

Let's consider the logical structure of a hard drive that complies with the Microsoft standard - “main partition – extended partition – non-DOS partitions”.

Hard disk space can be organized into one or more partitions, and partitions can contain one or more logical drives.

The Master Boot Record (MBR) is located on the hard drive at physical address 0-0-1. The MBR structure contains the following elements:

  • non-system bootstrap (NSB);
  • table describing disk partitions (partition table, PT). Located in the MBR at offset 0x1BE and occupies 64 bytes;
  • MBR signature. The last two bytes of the MBR must contain the number 0xAA55.

The partition table describes the placement and characteristics of the partitions available on the hard drive. Disk partitions can be of two types - primary (primary, main) and extended (extended). The maximum number of primary partitions is four. The presence of at least one primary partition on the disk is mandatory. An extended partition can be divided into a large number of subpartitions - logical drives. A simplified structure of the MBR is presented in Table 7. The partition table is located at the end of the MBR; 16 bytes are allocated to describe the partition in the table.

Table 7. MBR structure

Bias Size, bytes 0 446 0x1BE 16 0x1CE 16 0x1DE 16 0x1EE 16 0x1FE 2

The partition table entry structure is shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Partition table entry structure

Bias Size, bytes Content
0x00 1 Sign of activity (0 - partition is not active, 0x80 – partition is active)
0x01 1 The number of the disk head from which the partition begins
0x02 2 Cylinder number and sector number from which the section begins
0x04 1 System ID partition type code
0x05 1 Number of the disk head where the partition ends
0x06 2 Cylinder number and sector number that ends the section
0x08 4 Absolute (logical) number of the starting sector of the partition
0x0C 4 Partition size (number of sectors)

The first byte in the section element is the section activity flag (0 – inactive, 0x80 – active). It is used to determine whether the partition is system boot and whether there is a need to load the operating system from it when the computer starts. Only one section can be active. The partition activity flag is followed by the coordinates of the beginning of the partition - three bytes indicating the head number, sector number and cylinder number. The cylinder and sector numbers are specified in the interrupt format Int 0x13, i.e. bits 0-5 contain the sector number, bits 6-7 – the most significant two bits of the 10-bit cylinder number, bits 8-15 – the least significant eight bits of the cylinder number. This is followed by a System ID code, indicating that this section belongs to a particular operating system. The identifier occupies one byte. Behind the system identifier are the coordinates of the end of the section - three bytes containing the numbers of the head, sector and cylinder, respectively. The next four bytes are the number of sectors before the partition, and the last four bytes are the size of the partition in sectors.

Thus, a partition table element can be described using the following structure:

struct pt_struct (

U8 bootable; // section activity flag

U8 start_part; // coordinates of the beginning of the section

U8 type_part; // system identifier

U8 end_part; // coordinates of the end of the section

U32 sect_before; // number of sectors before the partition

U32 sect_total; // partition size in sectors (number of sectors in the partition)

The primary partition element points directly to the boot sector of the logical disk (there is always only one logical disk in the primary partition), and the extended partition element points directly to a list of logical disks made up of structures called secondary MBR (Secondary MBR, SMBR).

Each disk of the extended partition has its own SMBR block. SMBR has a structure similar to MBR, but it does not have a boot record (filled with zeros), and only two of the four partition descriptor fields are used. The first element of the section points to the logical disk, the second element points to the next SMBR structure in the list. The last SMBR of the list contains a partition code of zero in its second element.

Let's return to the module for reading a file from a FAT32 partition.

Header files:






MBR signature:

#define SIGNATURE 0xAA55

Device file from which partition information will be read:

#define DEVICE "/dev/hda"

Partition table element size (16 bytes):

#define PT_SIZE 0x10

The following array of structures maps a section's type code to its symbolic representation:

struct systypes (

U8 part_type;

U8 *part_name;

struct systypes i386_sys_types = (

(0x00, "Empty"),

(0x01, "FAT12"),

(0x04, "FAT16<32M"},

(0x05, "Extended"),

(0x06, "FAT16"),

(0x0b, "Win95 FAT32"),

(0x0c, "Win95 FAT32 (LBA)"),

(0x0e, "Win95 FAT16 (LBA)"),

(0x0f, "Win95 Ext"d (LBA)"),

(0x82, "Linux swap"),

(0x83, "Linux"),

(0x85, "Linux extended"),

(0x07, "HPFS/NTFS")

Let's determine the number of elements in the i386_sys_types array using the PART_NUM macro:

#define PART_NUM (sizeof(i386_sys_types) / sizeof(i386_sys_types))

Let's set a limit on the number of logical drives:

#define MAX_PART 20

The following structure array will contain information about the logical drives on the device (hard drive):

struct pt_struct (

U8 bootable;

U8 start_part;

U8 type_part;

U8 end_part;

U32 sect_before;

U32 sect_total;

) pt_t;

int hard; // device file descriptor

U8 mbr; // count MBR here

Number of the partition on which the FAT32 file system was created:

#define FAT32_PART_NUM 5

Structures of the boot sector, FSInfo sector and directory entry (defined in the file ):

struct fat_boot_sector fbs;

struct fat_boot_fsinfo fsinfo;

struct msdos_dir_entry dentry;

U32 *fat32 = NULL; // copy the FAT32 table here

U16 sector_size; // sector size (from FAT32)

U16 dir_entries; // 0 for FAT32

U16 sectors; // number of sectors on the partition

U32 fat32_size; // FAT32 size

U32 data_start; // start of the data area

U16 byte_per_cluster; // how many bytes are in the cluster (cluster size in bytes)

U32 next_cluster; // next cluster in the chain

U32 root_cluster; // ROOT cluster - initial cluster of the root directory

U8 *dir_entry = NULL; // pointer to directory entries

U64 start_seek = 0; // starting offset to the partition (in bytes)

Main function:

int main()

Int num = 0;

Int cluster_num = 5; // how many clusters to read from the file

U8 *full_path = "/Folder1/Folder2/readme"; // file to read

We open the device, get information about the partition table on the device and display information about the partitions:

Hard = open(DEV_NAME, O_RDONLY);

If(hard< 0) {



If(get_pt_info(hard)< 0) {




We calculate the starting offset to the partition:

Start_seek = (__u64)(pt_t.sect_before) * 512;

Read the clusters belonging to the file:

Num = fat32_read_file(full_path, cluster_num);

If(num< 0) perror("fat32_read_file");

Else printf("Read %d clusters\n", num);


Return 0;

Information about the partition table is read by the get_pt_info() function:

int get_pt_info(int hard)

Int i = 0;

U64 seek;

We read the partition table from the MBR and check the signature:


If(check_sign()< 0) {

Printf("Not valid signature!\n");

Return -1;

We are looking for the extended section identifier. If there is one, we calculate the offset to the extended partition and read information about the logical drives:

for(; i< 4; i++) {

If((pt_t[i].type_part == 0xF) || \

(pt_t[i].type_part == 0x5) || \

(pt_t[i].type_part == 0x0C)) (

Seek = (__u64)pt_t[i].sect_before * 512;

Read_ext_ptable(hard, seek);


Return 0;

Partition table reading function read_main_ptable():

void read_main_ptable(int hard)

If(read(hard, mbr, 512)< 0) {




Memset((void *)pt_t, 0, (PT_SIZE * 4));

Memcpy((void *)pt_t, mbr + 0x1BE, (PT_SIZE * 4));


Signature checking function check_sign():

int check_sign()

U16 sign = 0;

Memcpy((void *)&sign, (void *)(mbr + 0x1FE), 2);

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("Signature - 0x%X\n", sign);


If(sign != SIGNATURE) return -1;

Return 0;

Extended Partition Table Read Function:

void read_ext_ptable(int hard, __u64 seek)

Int num = 4; // starting from this position, the array of pt_t structures will be filled with information about logical drives

U8 smbr;

Input data:

  • hard– device file descriptor;
  • seek– offset to the extended partition from the beginning of the disk (in bytes).

To obtain information about logical drives, we organize a loop:

For(;;num++) (

We read SMBR, located at the seek offset from the beginning of the disk:

Memset((void *)smbr, 0, 512);

Pread64(hard, smbr, 512, seek);

We fill two elements of the pt_t table, starting from position num. The first element will point to the logical drive, and the second will point to the following SMBR structure:

Memset((void *)&pt_t, 0, PT_SIZE * 2);

Memcpy((void *)&pt_t, smbr + 0x1BE, PT_SIZE * 2);

We make an amendment to the “Start sector number” field - counting is from the beginning of the disk:

Pt_t.sect_before += (seek / 512);

If the partition type code is zero, then there are no more logical drives:

If(!(pt_t.type_part)) break;

We calculate the offset to the following SMBR:

Seek = ((__u64)(pt_t.sect_before + pt_t.sect_total)) * 512;


The show_pt_info() function displays information about the found logical drives on the device:

void show_pt_info()

Int i = 0, n;

#ifdef DEBUG

Printf("The number of partitions on the disk is %d\n", PART_NUM);


For(; i< MAX_PART; i++) {

If(!pt_t[i].type_part) break;

Printf("\nPartition type %d - ", i);

For(n = 0; n< PART_NUM; n++) {

If(pt_t[i].type_part == i386_sys_types[n].part_type) (

Printf("%s\n", i386_sys_types[n].part_name);


If(n == PART_NUM) printf("unknown type\n");

Printf("Boot sign - 0x%X\n", pt_t[i].bootable);

Printf("Sectors in partition %d - %d\n", i, pt_t[i].sect_total);

Printf("Sectors before partition %d - %d\n\n", i, pt_t[i].sect_before);


Reading file clusters from a FAT32 partition is performed by the fat32_read_file() function. This function has a lot in common with the fat16_read_file() function, so please refer to point 6 for detailed comments:

int fat32_read_file(__u8 *full_path, int num)

Struct split_name sn;

U8 tmp_name_buff;

Int i = 1, n;

U32 start_cluster, next_cluster;

U8 *tmp_buff;

Preparatory operations - we clean the buffer, structure and check the first slash:

Memset(tmp_name_buff, 0, SHORT_NAME);

Memset((void *)&sn, 0, sizeof(struct split_name));

If(full_path != "/") return -1;

Reading the boot sector:

If(read_fbs()< 0) return -1;

Memcpy((void *)§or_size, (void *)fbs.sector_size, 2);

Memcpy((void *)&dir_entries, (void *)fbs.dir_entries, 2);

Memcpy((void *)§ors, (void *)fbs.sectors, 2);

We read the FSInfo structure and display the signature located in it:

If(read_fs_info()< 0) return -1;

Printf("Signature1 - 0x%X\n", fsinfo.signature1);

Printf("Signature2 - 0x%X\n", fsinfo.signature2);

Fat32_size = fbs.fat32_length * 512; // FAT32 size in bytes

Data_start = 512 * fbs.reserved + fat32_size * 2; // start of the data field

Byte_per_cluster = fbs.cluster_size * 512; // cluster size in bytes

Root_cluster = fbs.root_cluster; // cluster number of the root directory

Reading FAT32:

If(read_fat32()< 0) return -1;

Allocate memory for directory entries:

Dir_entry = (__u8 *)malloc(byte_per_cluster);

If(!dir_entry) return -1;

Reading the root directory:

If(read_directory(root_cluster)< 0) return -1;

We parse the full path of the file and divide each element into its components:

While(1) (

Memset(tmp_name_buff, 0, SHORT_NAME);

Memset((void *)&sn, 0, sizeof(struct split_name));

For(n = 0 ; n< SHORT_NAME; n++, i++) {

Tmp_name_buff[n] = full_path[i];

If((tmp_name_buff[n] == "/") || (tmp_name_buff[n] == "\0")) (



Tmp_name_buff[n] = "\0";

If(split_name(tmp_name_buff, &sn)< 0) {

Printf("not valid name\n");

Return -1;

If(get_dentry(&sn)< 0) {

Printf("No such file!\n");

Return -1;

To obtain the starting number of a cluster in the FAT32 file system, you must use the highest word of the number of the first cluster of the file - the starthi field of the dentry structure:

Start_cluster = (((__u32)dentry.starthi<< 16) | dentry.start);

Checking the attribute byte:

If(dentry.attr & 0x10) ( // this is the directory

If(read_directory(start_cluster)< 0) return -1;


If(dentry.attr & 0x20) ( // and this is a file

Tmp_buff = (__u8 *)malloc(byte_per_cluster);

N = open("clust", O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600);

If(n< 0) {


Return -1;

Printf("file`s first cluster - 0x%X .. ", start_cluster);

For(i = 0; i< num; i++) {

Memset(tmp_buff, 0, byte_per_cluster);

If(read_cluster(start_cluster, tmp_buff)< 0) return -1;

If(write(n, tmp_buff, byte_per_cluster)< 0) {


Return -1;

If(next_cluster == EOF_FAT32) (



Return ++i;

Start_cluster = next_cluster;

Return i;

The purpose of the next three functions is to obtain the contents of the system area, i.e. boot sector, FSInfo structure and FAT32 table:

1) the read_fbs() function reads the boot sector:

int read_fbs()

If(pread64(hard, (__u8 *)&fbs, sizeof(fbs), start_seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

2) the read_fs_info() function reads the FSInfo structure:

int read_fs_info()

U64 seek = (__u64)fbs.info_sector * 512 + start_seek;

If(pread64(hard, (__u8 *)&fsinfo, sizeof(fsinfo), seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

3) the read_fat32() function reads the FAT32 table:

int read_fat32()

U64 seek = (__u64)fbs.reserved * 512 + start_seek;

Fat32 = (void *)malloc(fat32_size);

If(!fat32) return -1;

If(pread64(hard, (__u8 *)fat32, fat32_size, seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

The read_cluster() function reads the cluster with the specified number:

int read_cluster(__u32 cluster_num, __u8 *tmp_buff)

U64 seek = (__u64)(byte_per_cluster) * (cluster_num - 2) + data_start + start_seek;

If(pread64(hard, tmp_buff, byte_per_cluster, seek)< 0) return -1;

Return 0;

The read_directory() function is used to read directories (including the root directory):

int read_directory(__u32 start_cluster)

Int i = 2;

U32 next_cluster;

The function parameters are the starting cluster of the directory. We read the contents of the directory into the global buffer dir_entry:

If(read_cluster(start_cluster, dir_entry)< 0) return -1;

Next_cluster = fat32;

If the directory occupies one cluster, exit; if not, increase the memory size and continue reading:

For(; ;i++) (

Start_cluster = next_cluster;

Dir_entry = (__u8 *)realloc(dir_entry, i * byte_per_cluster);

If(!dir_entry) return -1;

If(read_cluster(start_cluster, (dir_entry + (i - 1) * byte_per_cluster))< 0) return -1;

Next_cluster = fat32;

If((next_cluster == EOF_FAT32) || (next_cluster == 0xFFFFFF8)) return 0;

Return 0;

The last function we'll look at searches the contents of a directory for an element that matches the file we're looking for:

int get_dentry(struct split_name *sn)

Int i = 0;

The dir_entry pointer is set to an area of ​​memory containing an array of directory entries in which we are going to search for the file (or directory). To search, we organize a cycle and place the found record in the global dentry structure:

For(;;i++) (

Memcpy((void *)&dentry, dir_entry + i * sizeof(dentry), sizeof(dentry));

If(!(memcmp(, sn->name, sn->name_len)) &&

!(memcmp(dentry.ext, sn->ext, sn->ext_len)))


If(! return -1;

Return 0;

This concludes our review of the module for reading a file from a FAT32 partition.

The source code for the module is located in the FAT32 directory, file fat32.c.

Differences in the organization of storing file records in directories for the FAT and EXT2 file systems

A few words about the differences in organizing the storage of file records in directories for the FAT and EXT2 file systems. The structure of the EXT2 file system was discussed in .

We just got acquainted with FAT - in it, all directory elements have a fixed value. When a file is created, the file system driver looks for the first unoccupied position and fills it with information about the file. If the length of the directory does not fit in one cluster, then another cluster is allocated for it, etc.

Let's look at how things are in EXT2.

Let's say we have a partition with the EXT2 file system, the block size is 4096 bytes. In this section we create a directory. The directory size will be equal to the block size - 4096 bytes. In a directory, the operating system immediately creates two entries - an entry for the current directory and an entry for the parent directory. The current directory's entry will take 12 bytes, while the parent's entry will be 4084 bytes long. Let's create a file in this directory. After this, there will be three entries in the directory - an entry of the current directory with a length of 12 bytes, an entry of the parent directory with a length of 12 bytes, and an entry of the created file with a length of, as you probably guessed, 4072 bytes. If we delete the created file, the length of the parent directory entry increases again to 4084 bytes.

Thus, when creating a file, the EXT2 file system driver looks for the maximum length entry in the directory and splits it, making room for a new entry. Well, if there is still not enough space, another block is allocated for the directory, and the length of the directory becomes 8192 bytes.

And in conclusion, a small edit to the article “Architecture of the EXT2 file system”.

This change concerns the get_i_num() function for determining the inode number by file name. The old version of this function looked like this:

int get_i_num(char *name)

Int i = 0, rec_len = 0;

Struct ext2_dir_entry_2 dent;

For(; i< 700; i++) {

If(!memcmp(, name, dent.name_len)) break;

Rec_len += dent.rec_len;

Return dent.inode;

Corrected version:

int get_i_num(char *name)

* The function parameter is the file name. The return value is the inode number of the file.

Int rec_len = 0;

Struct ext2_dir_entry_2 dent; // this structure describes the format of the root directory entry:

* The global buffer buff contains an array of directory entries. To determine the serial number of the inode file, you need to find

* in this array there is an entry with the name of this file. To do this, we organize a loop:

For(;;) (

/* Copy directory entries to the dent structure: */

Memcpy((void *)&dent, (buff + rec_len), sizeof(dent));

* A filename length of zero means we have iterated over all directory entries

* and no entries with our file name were found. So it's time to go back:

If(!dent.name_len) return -1;

/* The search is performed by comparing file names. If the names match, we exit the loop: */

If(!memcmp(, name, strlen(name))) break;

/* If the names do not match, move to the next entry: */

Rec_len += dent.rec_len;

/* If successful, return the inode number of the file: */

Return dent.inode;


  1. V. Kulakov. Programming at the hardware level: a special reference book. 2nd ed. / – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003 – 848 p.
  2. A.V.Gordeev, A.Yu.Molchanov. System software / – St. Petersburg: Peter – 2002
  3. Meshkov V. Architecture of the ext2 file system. – Magazine “System Administrator”, No. 11(12), November 2003 – 26-32 p.

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You must have heard many times about file systems such as FAT32, NTFS and exFAT. But what is the difference between them? Each type has its own set of pros and cons. This is why there is no single option. In this article we will look at the main differences between the three file systems.

Speaking about the Windows operating system, we know for sure that it is installed only on a logical partition in NTFS format. Removable drives and other USB-based storage devices use the FAT32 type.

One of the formats that can be used to format Flash drives is exFAT, the successor to the old FAT32 file system.

Thus, we have three main data storage formats, widely used both for Windows and for various types of storage media.

What is a file system

A file system is a set of rules that determine how documents stored on a device are stored and retrieved. This could be a hard drive, Flash drive or SD card.

For a better understanding, let’s take the office of an ordinary company as an example. Fragments of installed documents are stored in a certain place, for example, in a desk drawer. And when it needs to open them, the file system accesses the files in an attempt to read information.

Let's assume for a second that such a system is out of order and we will immediately receive a huge amount of unidentified data, which there will be no way to study.

There are actually a large number of file systems, such as Flash File System, Tape File System and Disk File System, however, we will only focus on the main ones - FAT32, NTFS And exFAT.

What is FAT32

The FAT32 file system is the oldest and most experienced in the history of computer technology. Its journey began with the original 8-bit FAT system in 1977, which operated inside a standalone disk Microsoft Standalone Disk Basic-80. It was launched specifically for Intel 8080 NCR 7200 in 1977/1978, operating as an 8-inch floppy data input terminal.

After discussions about introducing the system with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the code was written by the company's first employee, Mark McDonald.

The main task of the FAT file system was to work with data in the Microsoft 8080/Z80 operating system based on the MDOS/MIDAS platform, written by Mark MacDonald.

Subsequently, FAT underwent some changes, gradually moving from its original form to FAT12, FAT16 and, finally, FAT32, the name of which is now closely associated with external drives.

The main difference between FAT32 and its predecessors is to overcome the limited amount of information available for storage. 32-bit The system was released in August 1995 along with the release of Windows 95 and in its updated version made it possible to increase the upper limits of file size and data storage to 4 GB and 16 TB.

Thus, FAT32 is not intended for storing large amounts of data and installing heavy applications. This is the reason why hard drives use a file system. NTFS, which allows users to stop thinking about the amount of information they download.

To summarize, the FAT32 system is ideal for storing data, the volume of which does not exceed 4 GB, on any removable media. Its popularity is not limited only to the computer field. It is used in game consoles, HDTVs, DVD players, Blu-Ray players and any other device with a USB port. FAT32 is supported by all versions of Windows, Linux and MacOS.

What is NTFS

In 1993, Microsoft introduced a new file system NTFS(New Technology File System) in parallel with the advent of the Windows NT 3.1 operating system.

The main feature of the NTFS system is the absence of any restrictions on the size of downloaded files. Even if we tried to exceed this limit, we would fail - it is so large.

Development began in the mid-1980s during a period of collaboration between Microsoft and IBM, the goal of which was to create a new operating system that would surpass the previous ones in graphics performance.

However, the union of the two companies did not last long and, without completing the common project, they decided to stop cooperation. Subsequently, Microsoft and IBM concentrated on producing their own file systems.

For computer technology, 1989 saw the creation of HPFS from IBM, which was used for the OS/2 operating system. A few years later, in 1993, Microsoft launched NTFS v1.0, which became the official file system for Windows NT 3.1.

The theoretical size of an NTFS file is 16 EB - 1 KB, which is 18,446,744,073,709,550,502 bytes. The development team included Tom Miller, Harry Kimura, Brian Andrew, David Goebel.

The next version of the file system was NTFS v3.1, launched specifically for Microsoft Windows XP. Subsequently, it did not undergo any special changes, although many different additions were made to it. For example, it became possible to compress logical partitions, restore and NTFS symbolic links. In addition, the initial file system capacity was only 256 MB out of a whopping 16 EB - 1 KB in the new versions launched with the release of Windows 8.

Speaking of useful features introduced in NTFS v3.1, we can note the expansion of supported file formats, disk usage quotas, file encryption and the creation of reparse points. Notable is the fact that new versions of NTFS are fully compatible with previous ones.

The NTFS file system has an important feature when it comes to its recovery due to any damage. It contains a specific data structure that monitors any changes in the system and with the help of which you can always restore NTFS functionality.

This file system is supported by all versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP. Unfortunately, MacOS doesn't share Microsoft's commitment to compatibility. Apple left the option for users to read data from NTFS drives, but they will not be able to write to them. Linux support for this file system is limited to only a few versions.

What is exFAT

ExFAT(Extended FAT) is a new, extended file system from Microsoft that successfully replaces its predecessor on the field when it comes to large amounts of information.

As you probably know, most modern digital cameras use the exFAT system, since it is much lighter than NTFS, but, at the same time, allows you to save files larger than 4 GB, unlike FAT32.

Thus, when copying a 6 GB document to a Flash drive with the exFAT file system, you will not encounter the negative consequences that can be observed when using the previous version of the system.

The exFAT format is becoming increasingly popular and is used primarily with high-capacity SDXC memory cards. The main reason for this is the small size of the file system and, as previously described, the ability to save documents larger than 4 GB.

An interesting fact is that Microsoft holds US Patent 8321439, which allows you to quickly find a file using a hash of the name. Thanks to this function, any document can be found many times faster.

It is worth noting that all available add-ons for the exFAT file system have not been released to the public. To purchase them, suppliers are required to purchase a limited license from Microsoft.

This action was taken to prevent vendors from trying to monetize a Microsoft product by marking themselves as part of the company, since they would have the source code for the file system.

Since Microsoft is stubborn in its stubbornness, many users have started creating their own modifications of exFAT, one of which was exfat-fuse. It provides read and write operations for Linux distributions, including FreeBSD.

Created in 2006, the exFAT file system, which has a general limit on the amount of information as NTFS, is lighter because it does not contain all kinds of additions, like the second.

ExFAT supports read, write and is compatible with Mac, Android and Windows operating systems. For Linux you will need supporting software.

Comparison of file systems


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS, Linux, game consoles and devices with a USB port.
  • Pros: Cross-platform compatibility, lightweight file system.
  • Minuses: restrictions on file sizes (documents up to 4 GB are available) and partition sizes up to 16 TB.
  • Purpose: removable drives. Used to format Flash drives, but exFAT is preferred.


  • Compatibility: Windows, MacOS (read-only), Linux (read-only on some distributions), Xbox One.
  • Pros: no restrictions on the size of files and partitions.
  • Minuses: limited cross-platform compatibility.
  • Purpose: well suited for internal hard drives because it allows you to store large amounts of information that other file systems cannot handle.


  • Compatibility: Windows XP and later, MacOS 10.6.5 and later, Linux (using FUSE), Android.
  • Pros: shares the positive effects of FAT32 and NTFS, which include the ability to store files larger than 4 GB.
  • Minuses: Microsoft restricts the use of the license.
  • Purpose: allows you to eliminate file size restrictions for removable drives. Much preferable to its predecessor FAT32.

If you need to recover a logical partition with an unknown, damaged or deleted file system, Starus Recovery tools will help you.

Tool Starus Partition Recovery, or its analogues, Starus FAT Recovery, Starus NTFS Recovery, are designed to work with certain file systems - FAT and NTFS. The main software is able to interact with both. You can download and try programs for restoring FAT32 and NTFS file systems completely free of charge!

This article is dedicated to file systems . When installing the OS, Windows prompts you to select a file system on the partition where it will be installed, and PC users must choose from two options FAT or NTFS.

In most cases, users are content to know that NTFS is "better", and choose this option.

However, sometimes they wonder and what exactly is better?

In this article I will try to explain what is a file system, what they are, how they differ, and which one should be used.

The article simplifies some technical features of file systems for a more understandable perception of the material.

File system is a way of organizing data on storage media. The file system determines where and how files will be written on the storage media and gives the operating system access to those files.

Modern file systems have additional requirements: the ability to encrypt files, access control for files, and additional attributes. Typically the file system is written at the beginning of the hard drive. ().

From an OS point of view, a hard drive is a collection of clusters.

Cluster is a disk area of ​​a certain size for storing data. The minimum cluster size is 512 bytes. Since the binary number system is used, the cluster sizes are multiples of powers of two.

The user can figuratively imagine the hard drive as a checkered notepad. One cell on the page is one cluster. The file system is the contents of the notepad, and the file is the word.

For hard drives in PCs, there are currently two most common file systems: FAT or NTFS. Appeared first FAT (FAT16), then FAT32, and then NTFS.

FAT(FAT16) is an abbreviation for File Allocation Table(in translation File Allocation Table).

The FAT framework was developed by Bill Gates and Mark McDonald in 1977. Used as the main file system in the DOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems (before Windows ME).

There are four versions of FAT - FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 And exFAT. They differ in the number of bits allocated to store the cluster number.

FAT12 mainly used for floppy disks, FAT16- for small disks, and the new one exFAT mainly for flash drives. The maximum cluster size supported in FAT is 64Kb. ()

FAT16 first introduced in November 1987. Index 16 in the name indicates that 16 bits are used for the cluster number. As a result, the maximum disk partition (volume) size that this system can support is 4GB.

Later, with the development of technology and the advent of disks with a capacity of more than 4 GB, a file system appeared FAT32. It uses 32-bit cluster addressing and was introduced with Windows 95 OSR2 in August 1996. FAT32 limited volume size to 128GB. This system can also support long file names. ().

NTFS(abbreviation NewTechnologyFileSystem - New Technology File System) is a standard file system for the Microsoft Windows NT family of operating systems.

Introduced on July 27, 1993 along with Windows NT 3.1. NTFS is based on the HPFS file system (an abbreviation HighPerformanceFileSystem - High Performance File System), created by Microsoft together with IBM for the OS/2 operating system.

Main features of NTFS: built-in capabilities to limit access to data for different users and user groups, as well as assign quotas (restrictions on the maximum amount of disk space occupied by certain users), use of a journaling system to increase the reliability of the file system.

File system specifications are proprietary. Typically the cluster size is 4Kb. In practice, it is not recommended to create volumes larger than 2TB. Hard drives have only just reached this size, perhaps a new file system awaits us in the future. ().

During installation of Windows XP, you are prompted to format the disk in the system. FAT or NTFS. This means FAT32.

All file systems are built on the principle: one cluster - one file. Those. one cluster stores data from only one file.

The main difference between these systems for the average user is the cluster size. “A long time ago, when disks were small and files were very small,” this was very noticeable.

Let's look at the example of one volume on a disk with a capacity of 120GB and a file of 10KB in size.

For FAT32 the cluster size will be 32Kb, and for NTFS - 4Kb.

IN FAT32 such a file will occupy 1 cluster, leaving 32-10=22Kb of unallocated space.

IN NTFS such a file will occupy 3 clusters, leaving 12-10 = 2Kb of unallocated space.

By analogy with a notepad, a cluster is a cell. And having placed a dot in a cell, we already logically occupy it all, but in reality there is a lot of free space left.

Thus, the transition from FAT32 To NTFS allows you to use your hard drive more optimally when there are a large number of small files on the system.

In 2003, I had a 120GB disk, divided into 40 and 80GB volumes. When I switched from Windows 98 to Windows XP and converted the disk with FAT32 V NTFS, I got about 1GB of freed up disk space. At that time this was a significant “increase”.

To find out which file system is used on the hard disk volumes of your PC, you need to open the volume properties window and on the tab "Are common" read this data.

Volume is a synonym for a disk partition; users usually call a volume “drive C”, “drive D”, etc. An example is shown in the picture below:

Currently, disks with a capacity of 320GB or larger are widely used. Therefore I recommend using the system NTFS for optimal use of disk space.

Also, if there are several users on the PC, NTFS allows you to configure file access so that different users cannot read and change the files of other users.

In organizations, when working on a local network, system administrators use other NTFS capabilities.

If you are interested in organizing access to files for several users on one PC, then the following articles will describe this in detail.

When writing this article, materials from the sites were used.

Author of the article: Maxim Telpari
PC user with 15 years of experience. Support specialist for the video course "Confident PC User", after studying which you will learn how to assemble a computer, install Windows XP and drivers, restore the system, work in programs and much more.

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