Replace glass on iPhone 4. Replace glass separately on iPhone if touchscreen works

On my iPhone everything is working, only the glass broke, can you change it?
- Yes, of course, replacing the touchscreen will cost...
- No, you did not understand, touchscreen and screen works, there is no need to change it!! You can replace glass only ?!

This kind of dialogue can be heard almost every day in the service center.

In such a situation, understanding customers is quite simple. Update rate model range, as well as saturating the market with a wide range of diverse services and individual parts becomes so high that even professionals begin to get confused, not to mention people who are not sophisticated with the abundance of information about and those who are trying to imitate him.
It must be said that such a question became popular in the era of the advent of capacitive ones, i.e. glass sensors. When users knew only resistive (soft, plastic) touchscreens, such a question did not arise, because such a sensor is practically unbreakable. He simply refuses or stops reacting adequately - in this situation there was no other choice but to change him.

If we talk in simple language- then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that sensors are divided into two types. They differ in their operating principle. “Does it matter?” - you ask. If you are asking a question about Is it possible to replace the glass separately from the touchscreen?, then knowledge, and most importantly, understanding of this issue is very important.

So the first one sensor type, resistive, only creates the illusion that it listens to your touch, in fact, it responds to pressure. That is why resistive touchscreen no matter what you press on it with, a finger, a stylus, a pencil - in the place where you pressed, the layers closed and if the touchskin is working, then the correct reaction to “touch”. That's how it works. Need I say that there can be no talk of any separation of the touchscreen layers from each other?
Second touchscreen type, capacitive, has a completely different operating principle. It's not multi-layered! This glass. This glass has a layer of resistive material applied to it. This layer is fed AC voltage, and since you and your finger are able to conduct electricity, That when touching the touchscreen a leak occurs, the location of which is recorded by the controllers. This touchscreen is responsive to the touch of your finger. He is completely indifferent to styluses, etc.

Glass with or without a touch layer is still glass. A glass, as is known beats. But the resistive coating does not disappear anywhere, it remains on broken glass and continues to perform its function. This is the secret of a broken but still working touchscreen.
Even a very badly broken glass touchscreen can continue to function.

For replacing glass on iPhone(after iPhone versions 3gs, where the manufacturer provided possibility of replacing glass separately from the display ) the following algorithm is used:

How to replace the glass on an iPhone yourself

The display is removed from the iPhone (on iPhone 4, 4s you need to completely disassemble the phone for this)
- Carefully remove the old broken glass in pieces (heating the display is also used here)
- Use a special solvent to remove the adhesive from the touchscreen display (you can’t get the display too wet and you need to make sure that the solution gets under the display). To get the display clean, you only need to get rid of two layers.
- Clean the display from small particles. To do this, it is better to use a microscope or other magnifying device.
- Apply special ultraviolet glue to the display
- Install a new glass with a touch screen and squeeze out the bubbles. Glass must be High Quality, otherwise the work will differ significantly from the original. Please note that the manufacturer must apply an oleophobic coating on the outside of the glass
- Dry for 5-20 minutes depending on the type of glue and lamp/fan
- Remove the remaining glue and glue it back onto the frame
- Assembling the phone

After this operation, if you had high-quality glass and glue, not much display damaged(there are cases when the display visually looks like new, but after a fall micro-damage appears on it), and you also did everything correctly and dried it - then in the near future if your phone is not exposed to much sun or the phone is not in a relatively high or low temperature (otherwise the glue will leak) - you can use it as if you had installed a new display.

Is it worth or not to change the glass on your iPhone separately?



Saving time on travel to the workshop and back When replacing the display in the service, a professional will do everything for you and you will receive a guarantee
Relatively cheaper to buy glass and glue than new display For one-time replacement a new display will cost less than the tools needed for plywood
The opportunity to do everything yourself and gain new experience There is a high probability of breaking not only the display, but also other parts of the iPhone
When re-gluing glass, even if all requirements are met, after a short time the glue may leak or the touch-screen may fail
The likelihood of purchasing low-quality parts and getting poor results
Replacement glass cannot be provided separately. guarantee
Not a single re-glued display can compare in quality and service life with a new one installed in the service.

Remember do-it-yourself repair iPhone does not guarantee its continued trouble-free operation!

First of all, it’s up to you to decide whether or not it’s worth replacing the glass on your iPhone separately, but...
If you do not have much experience or desire to change the screen on your iPhone yourself -

The main, if not the only, damage to the iPhone4 is broken glass. Careless and careless handling of such equipment can lead to the phone losing its usual appearance and becoming a source of constant irritation for the owner.

How to replace broken glass on iPhone 4 yourself?

The main, if not the only, damage to the iPhone4 is broken glass. Careless and inaccurate handling of such equipment can lead to the fact that a beautiful and convenient phone, suddenly loses its usual appearance and becomes a source of constant irritation for the owner. A damaged screen with cracked glass causes discomfort when working with the phone, and the more unsightly appearance of the device causes a lot of negative emotions. The iPhone 4 is designed to have a single glass and display module, so a display with broken glass renders the device unusable. further use. The first thing you can do in this case is to contact one of the service departments that carries out repairs. mobile phones. Another option is to try to replace the broken screen unit yourself. For those owners who have an idea about mobile phones, replacing the glass of an Iphone 4 is quite possible to carry out the repair themselves. The procedure for replacing a touchscreen is labor-intensive, so in addition to the availability the necessary tool, you need to be patient.

Buy new screen It is best to buy a new module in a specialized store, this will protect you from purchasing a counterfeit. The entire repair may not take much time, depending on the skills and availability of the right tools.

The repair will have to start with disassembling the entire phone. In order to gain access to the screen unit, you need to remove back cover. Then you need to disconnect the cable and battery. Then the protection of the upper loops is removed and only then the protection of the lower loop is removed charger. By following the order of disassembly, you can quickly gain access to the mobile phone display. When contacting cables, you must be extremely careful so as not to damage them. Then everything is done in order. Each functionality is removed in a certain sequence. After removing the GSM antenna, you should pay attention to the state of the water indicator. Depends on its color general state mobile device. Then comes the turn of the camera and microphone speaker.

The entire procedure for replacing the screen unit involves thoroughly disassembling the phone. Now that all the contents of the device have been removed, you can replace the glass of the iPhone 4, together with the display itself. You need to remove the broken module very carefully so that the parts broken glass did not hit the phone case. After thoroughly cleaning the phone case and the place where the new screen unit will be installed, you can install a new touchscreen and reassemble the device in the reverse order. The whole operation takes no more than an hour, especially since by replacing the module you can significantly save on repairs. A simple glass replacement operation, and the phone is like new again. At the service center, in addition to paying for repairs, the repair itself could take an indefinite period of time.

Thanks to this guide, you can do it yourself. Replacing the display module will give you new glass, touch screen and LCD display. The LCD screen is glued to the glass at the factory and it is very difficult to separate them without damage. After successful replacements display module in iPhone 4, we recommend protecting your new display from scratches, it is necessary install protective film.

iPhone 4 disassembly tools

  • Plastic tools Opening
  • Small flathead screwdriver
  • Spudger
  • iPhone 4 5-point Pentalobe screwdriver if iPhone has external pentalobe screws
  • iPhone SIM card removal tool or paperclip

Step 1 — iPhone 4 Back Panel

iPhone 4 back cover May have either a 2#000 Phillips screw or an Apple 5-Point "Pentalobe" screw. Check what screws your model has and make sure you also have the right screwdriver to remove them.

Remove the two 3.6mm Pentalobe or Phillips #000 screws next to the dock connector. During reassembly, we recommend that you replace the 5-point screws with the same type as Phillips screws.

Step 2 - Remove the back panel

Press back panel at the top of the iPhone 4 and move the panel 2mm.

Step 3 – Remove the back cover of iPhone 4

Step 4 - iPhone 4 Battery

Remove the one 2.5mm Phillips screw holding the battery connector to the board. Some models may have 2 screws, one of which holds the pad, which is located above the screw.

Step 5 - Metal Connector

Use iPod opening tool To remove the battery connector, pry it close to the top and bottom edges of the iPhone 4. Be very careful to only lift the metal connector, not the black connector on the motherboard. If you try to lift the board connector, you may break the connector completely.

Step 6 - Remove the battery from the iPhone 4

Pull the transparent plastic tab to remove it iPhone battery. Be careful when removing the battery with the plastic tab. On some models, Apple uses a large number of glue, which makes it almost impossible to remove the battery this way, and therefore the plastic tab can be torn off.

To remove the batteries, use a plastic scribe. To do this, pick up the battery on the right side, since there is no glue used at all.

Remove the battery.

Before replacing or reinstallation batteries, make sure contact pads(shown in red) are correctly located next to the battery.

Before assembly, make sure all metal contact pads are clean, if not, use a special lubricant such as Windex (96% ethanol alcohol, and make sure the contacts are dry after wiping). Oil on the fingers can impair the electrical conductivity of some contacts and cause interference.

Step 7 - Removing the SIM Card from the iPhone 4

Using the tool for removing the SIM card or a paper clip to remove the SIM card and its holder.

Step 8 - IPhone 4 Dock

Remove the following two screws:

  • One 1.2mm Phillips
  • One 1.6mm Phillips

Pull out the thin steel connector of the iPhone 4 cable management dock.

Before reassembling, be sure to clean the pads on the dock connector cable cover.

Step 9 - Dock Cable Connector

Gently lift the dock cable connector up from motherboard.

Step 10 - Dock Cable

Carefully remove cable for docking station and lower speaker. Do not use excessive force to disconnect docking station cable from the system board, the cable can easily break.

Step 11 - Antenna

Disconnect the lower antenna connector at the top from its slot on the board.

Step 12 — Fastening the iPhone 4 motherboard

Remove the 1.9mm Phillips screw at the bottom that holds motherboard to the body.

Step 13 - iPhone 4 Wi-Fi Antenna

Remove the next 5 screws securing Wi-Fi antenna to the board:

  • One 2.3mm Phillips
  • Two 1.6mm Phillips
  • One 1.4mm Phillips
  • One 4.8mm Phillips

When assembling, start with the 4.8mm Philips screw and then the 2.3mm. This is done in order not to confuse the sequence and avoid damage to the LCD and touch screen. Also make sure that the long 4.8mm Philips screw is put back in the correct order. Since it is the basis for Wi-Fi antennas and is often the culprit bad wifi reception after assembly.

Step 14 - Pull out the Wi-Fi antenna

Slightly lift the top edge of the Wi-Fi antenna away from the system board.

Pull out Wi-Fi antenna for iPhone 4. Try not to lose the metal clips on top cover and 4.8 mm screw. Their loss is the main reason bad WiFi signal after assembly.

Step 15 — iPhone Rear Camera

Carefully lift and remove rear camera from the socket on the board.

Step 16 - Warranty sticker and water ingress indicator

Remove the small round white sticker - this is warranty sticker and water ingress indicator, covering the screw next to the battery tab. Remove the 2.4mm Phillips screw that was hidden under the sticker.

Step 17 - Cables

Use the edge of the plastic opening tool to carefully pry the following connectors out of their sockets on the motherboard:

  • touchscreen cable
  • LCD screen cable
  • headphone jack and cable volume buttons
  • microphone
  • front camera cable

Step 18

Using a small screwdriver, remove the 4.8mm screw next to headphone jack. When assembling the device, this screw sets the height WiFi screen , filmed earlier. The screen should be flush with the headphone jack.

When assembling the board, make sure that the edge of the board is under the circle, otherwise the screws will not fit.

When assembling, make sure that the small rubber gasket is in its place at the top iPhone 4 motherboard. Without this gasket on the motherboard, the cable around it may be damaged.

Step 19 - iPhone 4 Motherboard

Remove carefully systemic iPhone board 4 , disconnecting any cables that might come in your way. Be careful not to damage the small gold plated contact (marked in red at the top) - it is a very fragile part.

Step 20 - Speaker

Remove one 2.4mm Phillips screw from the speaker housing towards the inside of the frame.

Step 21 - Speaker

Remove the housing iPhone speaker 4 .

Step 22 - Vibration Motor

Remove the next 2 screws holding vibration motor to the inner frame:

  • One 6mm Phillips
  • One 1.4mm Phillips

Pull out iPhone 4 vibration motor.

Step 23 - Headphone Jack

Remove the 1.5mm Phillips screw on the front panel next to headphone jack.

Step 24 – Volume Side Button on iPhone 4

Remove 3 large 1.5mm Phillips screws lengthwise side volume button on iPhone 4. Be careful not to lose the washers under each of the screws.

Step 25 - Microphone

Unscrew the 1.5mm Phillips screw near the bottom microphone.

Step 26 - Dock

Remove the 1.5 mm Phillips screw next to the ribbon cable from the connector docking station.

Step 27 — SIM card holder and sleep button

Unscrew the 3 large 1.5mm Phillips screws lengthwise SIM holder iPhone cards 4 . Don't forget the washers under each screw.

Unscrew the 1.5 mm Phillips screw near sleep buttons.

Step 28 - Opening the front panel of the iPhone 4

Insert the opening tool into the gap between rubber frame around a glass front panel and a steel internal frame. Do not try to insert the tool between the glass and the rubber frame.

Carefully lift the top edge of the front panel away from internal steel frame.

Step 29 - Separating the Front Panel

Carefully separate top edge of front panel from the inner steel frame.

Carefully separate bottom edge of front panel from the internal steel frame.

Be careful sometimes Home button sticks to the front panel and you can break the cable from it.

Step 30 — Touchscreen and screen cable

Before reattaching the front panel to the internal steel frame, ensure that cables from LCD screen and touchscreen are not twisted or pinched between the inner frame and the front module - this could damage the cable. When the front panel is installed correctly cable from LCD and touch screen should be next to each other and the same length, and should just hang over the steel frame.

When replacing the front module, remember that you may have to re-install change speaker grille And clear plastic rings around the anterior chamber. It all depends on where you bought it Iphone 4 spare parts.

After assembly, protect your new display from scratches by gluing it to protective film.

Step 31 — Replacing the Iphone 4 Screen

Usually new lcd screens for iphone 4 Come with red plastic film on the back l cd display. If you have one, use the tab near Home buttons to remove the film from lcd screen before installing a new one display on iPhone.

Video instructions for disassembling iPhone 4

IN Lately on forums and in social networks The question is often asked: how can you replace the glass, screen, display on iPhone models 4 and 4s yourself? It doesn’t matter what users call the screen module, the main thing is that they need detailed advice on replacing the display module, which consists of the LCD display itself, the touchscreen and a new protective glass, which is practically impossible to replace separately, and the chances that the replacement will take place without loss of quality tend to zero.

The fact is that the glass on the iPhone 4 (like the 4s) is glued to the screen in the factory assembly. Even if you manage to successfully separate the module elements from each other, glue new protection to the screen will be even more difficult, because there is a huge probability of dust, moisture and other particles getting between them, and this will negatively affect the appearance, and on the performance of the Apple Phone.

What's the solution? Change display parts iPhone module fourth and fifth generations are needed only using a ready-made modular assembly. This is the only way you will completely eliminate the problem and solve all your problems with your iPhone without unnecessary headaches. And in order to protect your new screen from the risks of soon repeating the fate of its predecessor, it is best to immediately stick it on it protective film. It will definitely protect against scratches and abrasions.

However, even ready module You can't install it with your bare hands. This will require specialized repair tools. portable equipment. Among them: plastic accessories for disassembling mobile phones Apple phones: small flat screwdriver, Pentalobe screwdriver, tool for removing the SIM card holder (the latter can easily be replaced with a paper clip).

Now that you have been warned about the pitfalls of replacing the iPhone screen module and the tools that are simply vital for disassembling and repairing the device, you can proceed directly to step by step description the process itself.

Step 1. Removing the rear panel. To do this, you need to unscrew the two screws located next to the dock connector on the bottom edge of the phone. They can be of two types: Pentalobe or Philips - this is iPhone feature 4/4s. When the screws have already been removed, just gently press top part cover, slide and remove it.

Step 2. Accumulator battery and removing its protective plate. Unscrew the screw securing protection plate and the battery connector to the board, and then use a spatula to remove it. After this, you can safely but carefully disconnect the battery connector and peel it off directly. Removing the battery connector will require special concentration. You need to lift it without touching the black connector on the motherboard - if you pull it carelessly, you can break it completely.

Filming myself iPhone battery, caution should also be exercised. It cannot be bent too much, since it does not take much effort to damage the cell shell, and when this trouble occurs, you will also have to buy a new battery.

Step 3. Removing the SIM card. The most straightforward stage. During it you can even do without professional tools. You can remove the SIM card and the holder tray from the device using a regular paper clip.

Step 4. Removing the docking station, docking cable and cable. First you will have to unscrew a couple of screws, remove the thin steel connector of the docking station, very carefully lift the docking cable connector up away from the system board and carefully, without applying force, remove the cable of the docking station and the bottom speaker.

Step 5. Wi-Fi antenna. Lift the connector WiFi antennas, check the functionality of the blue fuse, unscrew the screw at the bottom of the case and the whole series of screws holding the antenna. Using a plastic stack, lift the antenna and pull out the bracket from the housing, and then the antenna itself. It would be a good idea to degrease the surface of the Wi-Fi antenna.

Step 6. The main camera of the smartphone. There's nothing complicated here. Disconnect the camera connector and carefully lift and remove your iPhone's rear camera from its socket.

Step 7. Warranty sticker and humidity indicator. Peel off the warranty sticker and unscrew the screw hidden under the sticker.

Step 8. Motherboard. Sequentially, using a plastic stack and a screwdriver, you need to disconnect and remove all elements of the motherboard - sensor cable, LCD screen, audio jack, volume button, on/off button, microphone, selfie camera. After all connectors are disconnected, you can remove the motherboard and pull it out of the case without touching the existing cables.

Step 9. Removing components. You'll have to do a little more work with the screwdriver. Unscrew the screw holding the speaker housing; remove the speaker housing; Unscrew the two screws connecting the vibration motor to the inner frame; remove the vibration motor; Unscrew the screw located near the audio jack on the front panel and three more screws in the area of ​​the side volume buttons; unscrew the screw near the bottom microphone and the screw near the docking station cable; remove the series of screws along the SIM card tray slot and the sleep mode button.

Step 10. Screen module. We insert a plastic stack between the rubber frame of the front panel and the steel frame iPhone cases 4/4s from the top side. Carefully lift and disconnect the panel from the main part. For convenience, you can use a special suction cup to remove the display module. But, in any of the two options at the final stage of disassembly, do not forget to be careful: the “Menu/Back” button may stick to the front panel from the inside. If you pull too hard, removing the bottom of the screen can damage the integrity of the button cable.

Step 11. Installing a new display module on your iPhone. All points are done exactly the opposite. Having installed new module, do not forget to make sure that the display and touchscreen cables are not twisted or pinched between the parts. This arrangement can lead to damage to the cable and rapid failure of the module.

iPhone 4 smartphones serve not only as a phone, but also as a player and Internet tablet. Thanks to convenient interface They are often taken with them on the road and used at home and at work. Despite their functionality, the devices often break down. The most vulnerable spot they still have a screen. Unlike previous models iPhone 4 has a single display. It consists of protective glass and a sensor. The latter is responsible for the perception of touches. If one of the parts breaks, the entire module has to be replaced.

Why does the display need to be replaced?

The most common cause of failure is mechanical influences. If the smartphone body can withstand such loads, then the operation of the display is disrupted even with a slight impact on a hard surface. This part can also be damaged by fire or water. To protect the screen from liquids and shocks, experts recommend always carrying your smartphone in a special case.

iPhone 4 glass repair may be required in some other situations:

  • when stripes appear;
  • when cracks are detected;
  • if part of the screen does not respond to touch and some others.

Service centers will offer you to repair or completely replace the display. It is possible to determine what is necessary in a particular case only after a detailed diagnosis. This service is mandatory, as it allows you to identify other malfunctions in the operation of the smartphone.

Is it possible to replace the glass on an iPhone 4 yourself?

Many users wonder whether it is possible to change the display on a gadget themselves. Today you can buy it in numerous online stores. At the same time, no one can guarantee that the purchased product is not a fake and will perform all its functions in full.

If you want to do all the necessary manipulations yourself, you will need not only a special tool, but also a certain skill. This is due to the fact that the screen replacement procedure often leads to disassembling the entire phone. Some device parts are so close to the screen that they can easily be damaged during the “repair” process. This is a welcome sign that more complex and expensive manipulations may be required in the future. Therefore, replacing broken glass may seem like a simple task only at first glance.

Professional approach to glass replacement

If you want to extend the life of your gadget, seek help from specialists. The cost of the service usually depends on the number and severity of damage. It includes the price of components and labor. At the same time, diagnostics and backup data is often provided free of charge. More information about these services can be found on the website Experts note: people often bring the phone thinking that the screen is not working. During diagnostics, it may turn out that in addition to the broken display, it also needs to be replaced internal components. Therefore, only an integrated approach can restore the functionality of a smartphone.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the largest service centers, located in Moscow, have several branches. This allows iPhone users find the desired center and quickly get to it. Engineers will be sure to pre-announce the cost of all repairs and will try to make sure that you can use your gadget again in the near future. We use only original components, which must be tested and have the necessary documentation.