Mega dinosaur on Franz Joseph's land. Mega dinosaur

Franz Josef Land is an archipelago, the main part of which is located in the Arctic Ocean, in northern Europe. Part of this archipelago is part of the Russian Federation. It includes 192 islands, with a total area of ​​16,134 km². It was here that the famous Russian geologist Arkady Simkin decided, together with his group, to explore gas and oil deposits.

One day the group was carrying out routine reconnaissance by helicopter, looking from the air for a place that would be suitable for geological exploration. And then suddenly all the crew members saw an unusual formation, which was sharply different from the usual picture of the northern landscape. It became obvious to everyone that the remains of a huge living creature were sticking out of the snow; its size simply shocked the imagination of geologists.

By the way, you may notice that at 39 seconds of the video a flat panel with hieroglyphs is visible from the snow.

The size of this ancient lizard is truly enormous compared to the remains of dinosaurs and mammoths known to science. As Arkady Simkin himself says, this creature is a hundred times larger than the Tyrannosaurus itself.

After this discovery, Simkin’s entire group was fired and signed a non-disclosure agreement; it can be assumed that very influential forces became interested in the find.

All the video materials filmed by Simkin’s group were also confiscated; only a few frames remained, indicating that the giant’s corpse found was not fiction.

In addition, geologists managed to conduct seismic exploration in the area of ​​the find, and processed the data on a computer, creating a 3D model in which the ancient lizard is very clearly visible, whose body lies on its side.

Background to this topic. Yesterday Pyotr Petrov wrote to me on VKontakte, here is his post:

- I’m watching a video now, yours, about dinosaurs in the recent past, and I remember something that I met about 10 years ago. Then there was a moment when this information was erased, but I managed to read this person’s report, about what they found and how it all happened. He had his own page on the Internet with photographs. She later disappeared. As well as almost all information about the person himself. Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. His name was Arkady Simkin. I'll give you the address where something is left. It may be useful and interesting.

And gives a link to the material dated November 13, 2011.

There is not a word more about Simkin on the RuNet... unlike English-language sites.

I recorded a video using Petrov’s link, here it is and I give the text of the article below:


Link to my first video on this topic:

Geologist Arkady Simkin and his group carried out exploration of oil and gas fields

deposits on the territory of Franz Josef Land.

One day the group was flying in a helicopter as usual, looking from the air for a suitable

a place for geological exploration work. And then everyone’s attention was attracted by an unusual

formation, sharply different from the structure of the local landscape. It was obvious that

these are the remains of some living creature sticking out of the snow, the size of which stunned the imagination.

A fragment of this video is 1 minute 14 seconds long. you can see. This is all that remains on the Internet. All other materials - photos and videos were confiscated:

By the way, pay attention: at 39 seconds, some kind of panel with hieroglyphs is visible from the snow.

The size of the fossil lizard is truly enormous: compared to the known remains of mammoths, the dinosaur, according to Arkady Simkin, is a hundred times larger.

Judging by the fact that Simkin’s group was fired, having previously signed a non-disclosure agreement, someone influential became interested in the find.

Only a few frames remain from the film shot by geologists, but they also indicate that the found remains are not fiction.

In addition, geologists made a 3D model based on the results of seismic exploration in the area of ​​the find, which clearly shows an ancient dinosaur lying on its side.


What started in the comments under my video with this topic, after I posted it yesterday on my Web Story channel! Almost every second person wrote that this was a publicity stunt for the release of a game by the famous company Sony.

But the fact is that a group of geologists Arkady Simkin found this mega beast in October 2005 and in the same month a game for the Sony PlayStation 2 game console in the Action-adventure genre called Shadow of the Colossus was released in the USA and Japan, and in other countries Europe in February 2006.

One of the colossal monsters in this game is exactly the same as the monster found by Simkin, and therefore it was announced that this was a publicity stunt from Sony.

Let's say this is a publicity stunt.

Then why delete Arkady Simkin’s website with the remaining photos of the monster and video confiscated from him?

Why delete all his pages and any mention of this find, Pyotr Petrov directly writes to me that he witnessed how all this information was erased before his eyes...

The image of the monster was introduced into the game. Simkin's group and his find were discredited, presenting everything in such a way that it was an advertising campaign for the upcoming game.

And many fell for this trick.

There was no find - forget it!


Simkin says about the discovery of a dinosaur (this is an online translation from English, so some phrases are formed the way a machine translates them)

Franz Josef Land

There has been a lot of talk lately that our civilization is reaching "peak oil" - this is when less than half of all fossil fuels will remain.

All I can say on the subject is that I have traveled to more and more remote locations over the years in search of oil.

Franz Josef Land is an archipelago of several hundred islands covered in ice and snow. It is the second most northern part of the world in the world, and the northernmost in Europe. While several oil and natural gas reserves have been found on nearby islands (like Novaya Zemlya) and also in Siberia, no one has yet undertaken a full survey of Franz Josef Land because its location is too remote and its climate is often too harsh.

However, with the increasing need for new sources of oil, Polarneft has been granted the right to explore, survey and drill the entire group of islands. I was contacted by Polarneft late last year to be part of the survey team and I was assigned to several central islands, the first of which is called Wiener-Neistadt Island, to map them. I've compiled my experiences below because although we didn't find oil, we did find something quite unusual.

October 5, 2005

Today was a strange day. The radar data I received from Polarneft did not correspond to the preliminary data. In fact, they weren't even close, which naturally made me question the original Viner-Neyshtadt data. As the discrepancies continued, we then decided to investigate the site in person and what we found was definitely unusual.

A huge expanse of the site now appears to have the remains of a very large animal. It's massive, just massive. I took a video of this animal, but I can't understand how no one has ever found this before. The only thing that makes sense is that navigating this area has always been difficult. Even though the island is in the center of the archipelago, it has always had very unfavorable ice conditions.

The sea conditions here are similar to the northern Avstryisky Straits and are difficult to explore, but with the recent decline in polar sea ice and glacial melt, this area has now become more accessible. However, only photographs can truly do it justice.

A huge four-legged animal with horns like a bull. In fact, it is a hybrid of an ox, a mammoth and a rhinoceros - if such a thing existed. But its size is truly colossal. The body is covered in a combination of coarse fur and hard armor. As the temperature dropped we had to leave, but we recorded everything we could. We weren't hallucinating! The site I marked - 80·47'N, 58·10'E and approximately 2.5 miles from a serious glacial cliff at the northern end of the mountain range - is impossible to miss.

October 7, 2005

It's as if we live on another planet. Our tiny group is still baffled by what we found. One of the geologists who does 3D seismic surveys with me thinks global warming, retreating glacial levels and unseasonably strong winds this year helped identify the animal.

We took more videos and photos today as the weather was much better, but it didn't last long. As for Polarneft, they asked us not to visit the site due to security reasons. Our small group plans to return again tomorrow to record what we can.

October 11, 2005

Polarneft sent a "rescue team" which saved all our equipment. After a very quiet flight back to Nenetsky, Polarneft called our group for an impromptu "briefing" of what we had seen.

“Work on the Franz Josef Land Exploration project was temporarily delayed due to a geological anomaly on the Wiener-Neistadt Island. Project geologists believe that the Franz Josef Land archipelago is volcanic in origin. As a result, further work on the site has been delayed until appropriate tests are done.”

The only thing I can agree with is that there is something protruding from the glacier, but it is certainly not volcanic! I also received a message from a radio manufacturer in England. He wants to talk to me about Viner-Neyshtadt.

October 13, 2005

the situation became much more difficult after several of us decided not to sign non-disclosure agreements. I don't think any of us expected such a serious reaction from the company. Obviously, I do not agree with their point of view, but at the same time, I signed the agreement because I was not very convinced that they would allow me to leave Nenets. Since I returned, I have not been able to contact any of my former colleagues - an alarming fact. I understand the importance of this information becoming known. I'm also looking forward to the interview I'm scheduled to have with a British journalist. If anyone else has information regarding ‘Taurus Chief’ they should want to share – anonymously or otherwise – please contact me.

, at the end of the article there are links to the video and audio file that can be downloaded. Audio file - Simkin's interview with an English radio correspondent, immediately after the discovery in English.

Interview with Arkady Simkin

Instead of a second podcast on the Giantology blog, Eric Belson published a link to an audio interview with Arkady Simin. Below is a transcript of this interview.

Interview transcript.

Interviewer: ... And to finish, we have what many paleontologists call... well, a bunch of old crap, actually - but our guest is here to tell you that it's all one hundred percent true. We were joined by geologist and former employee of Oil and Gas Polyarneft Arkady Simkin. Mr. Simkin was an independent contractor on the Franz Josef Land development project. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Simkin.

Arkady Simkin: Hello.

Interviewer: Now... what are you doing for Polarneft?

Simkin: I'm a geologist, and I specialize in seismic research and permafrost and how that affects our ability to drill. I work with small teams; we are going to potential places for oil and gas reserves,

Interviewer: Now, these are all very remote areas, in the far north?

Simkin: Yes, yes.

Interviewer: And I guess I should provide some context for our listeners; We received a videotape that contains some pretty interesting footage from the discovery you and your team made on the ice. It's in a very remote area, so can you just clarify?

Simkin: The place where we look for these reserves is because there is something called "peak oil"... I don't know if your guests are familiar with this, but basically this is the point where you have extracted the most amount of oil at the end; from then on everything became smaller and smaller until... there was no one left; and so we have found that there are very many reserves all over the world; most have been discovered, have been discovered, and now we are looking for oil in other places that are more difficult and difficult to reach. So now we are in the Franz Josef Land archipelago, which is a group of islands very close to the North Pole... and it's all locked in ice, making it very difficult to get to. So no one goes up; perhaps tourists from time to time, perhaps scientists...

Interviewer: Okay, tell us about it.

Simkin: We were flying overhead, we were looking for a landing spot to do one of our seismic surveys, and our pilot... it was impossible to miss. We saw something on the ice, sticking out of the ice, clearly detached from the local geology and topography. So we land and it looks like it's... a giant creature of some sort, sticking out half in and out.

Interviewer: Now to most of us this sounds... surprisingly bizarre. I mean, for most of our audience - actually, for me too - if I hadn't seen the video, I would definitely think you were some kind of crazy person. In fact, most of the scientific community has rejected -

Simkin: Well, no, the point is not that it was rejected - it was completely ignored. No, no, no one pays attention to this. I'm trying to get some kind of notification and someone will look into this, but no one is interested; they probably think it's fake, I don't know.

Interviewer: Well for most people, the idea of ​​a giant creature that hasn't been discovered... well, I mean, of course someone has seen this creature before

Simkin: No, it’s not true, because this place, as I already said, is still in the north; and this island, Wiener Neustadt Island, is very difficult to reach, and very few people in the whole world have seen this place; and we believe because there is a significant reduction in ice caps around the world, and we believe that this is due to global warming, and perhaps someone was in this place, maybe... ten years ago, or... . twenty; but at that time since then we have now lowered the ice, and now this creature... which was buried in the ice earlier, is now almost half exposed in the ice.

Interviewer: We really don't have much time left, so let's get on with the creature. Describe to me what you actually found.

Simkin: Well... you have to see the video to really understand the scale of this thing. This is absolutely incredible. You see in the video that we have helicopters and it's absolutely... dwarfed. People dwarf this creature... it's huge. Even one small part of it is bigger than anything, any type of creature, even a dinosaur or a giant whale... I don't even know how, how to describe it...

Interviewer: I would just like to say for our listeners that they can check out the video on our website, so go and watch it.

Simkin: Right, right. And I put it on my website and I'm trying to track... we made a 3D seismic model that shows its full size, inside the ice and outside the ice.

Interviewer: And this is also on your website, which is, I believe?

Simkin: Oh, yes... he’s not there yet; I have a problem with this because this is what I say about "nobody is interested" - the company, Polarneft, basically fired me and my team shortly after; In fact, they sent a team and brought us back to Nenetsky, a city in northern Siberia, and they talked to us and told us to sign an agreement not to talk about it. And they gave us more money than usual.

Interviewer: They told you directly that you couldn't say anything about it?

Simkin: ...Yes. They confiscated all of our - all of our personnel! The only evidence I have now is this videotape that I copied for a local television station.

Interviewer: I understand that you are currently involved in some kind of court case.

Simkin: Well, I don’t know; I'm currently working with a lawyer. I'd like to sue, but... in Russia it's very difficult to do this kind of thing against a big company because it's actually subsidized by the government, and it's not like in England - we can't just sue the government.

Interviewer: So you're suggesting some kind of cover-up, some kind of desire to remain calm?

Simkin: Absolutely, absolutely. Everyone who was on the team either made threats, paid off, or didn't talk about it anymore, so it's hard for me. One of my team members has this 3D video, I'm trying to find it; Once I find it, I'll post it on my website because I really want people to see it.

Interviewer: Yeah, I mean, I'd love to see it myself, so maybe we can get you back on the show when it comes out.

Simkin: Yes, yes, I would, and if anyone... would be interested in this, if there is, maybe a paleontologist or other type of scientist who is interested in helping study this creature and get the word out, because it needs to be studied... we can't just pretend it doesn't exist.

Interviewer: So how big are we talking here? I mean, we're talking about the size of a woolly mammoth, something on that scale?

Simkin: No; such a woolly mammoth, as I said, would outshine this creature. This is hundreds of times more than something similar. This is something we couldn't even dig up or move - unimaginably huge. I don't know, it's almost impossible that this thing exists. And yet I have video, I saw it with my own eyes, and we have these 3D models that we're trying to find.

Interviewer: Do you have any idea about the time scale of this creature? I mean is there a way to wait for the ice?

Simkin: Well, there is - yes, yes. We know that this ice cap is probably about ten... fifteen thousand years old, roughly speaking, because we know it from woolly mammoths that were found in permafrost - permafrost - permafrost, in Siberia [trying to declare " Siberia” and apologizes] . Some of the findings of this allow them to meet, so it's about the same age as me. We call it "prehistoric", but early humanity may have been involved in this, because one of the things I discovered when I returned was called the "Myth of Khatanga". Khatanga is a small northern Siberian city, and their local culture tells a story about a giant creature that will take them all - when hunters or fishermen go out and they hoard their food - this creature will come and eat it all, and sometimes even attack people and eat them Also. And they think - because these are nomadic tribes now - the story basically ends with them being so afraid of this creature that they became nomadic to run and hide from it at any time. If they had villages they would find them, so if they don't have villages the creature won't be able to find them. But at a certain point in history, the creature simply... disappeared. He never returned, but they were nomads from then on.

Interviewer: Well, this is very interesting and we are running out of time, and as I said, for those who are interested, Mr. Simkin's website is

Simkin: Yes.

Interviewer: Thank you very much for joining us; It's all very sci-fi, and we'll be back next week with another talk about prehistoric life forms and comets. So thank you very much, Mr. Simkin.

Geologist Arkady Simkin and his group carried out exploration of oil and gas deposits on the territory of Franz Josef Land.

One day, the group, as usual, was flying in a helicopter, looking from the air for a suitable place for geological exploration. And then everyone’s attention was attracted by an unusual formation, which was sharply different from the structure of the local landscape. It was obvious that these were the remains of some living creature sticking out of the snow, the size of which shocked the imagination.

By the way, pay attention: at 39 seconds, some kind of panel with hieroglyphs is visible from the snow. The size of the fossil lizard is truly enormous: compared to the known remains of mammoths, the dinosaur, according to Arkady Simkin, is a hundred times larger.

Judging by the fact that Simkin’s group was fired, having previously signed a non-disclosure agreement, someone influential became interested in the find. Only a few frames remain from the film shot by geologists, but they also indicate that the found remains are not fiction.

In addition, geologists made a 3D model based on the results of seismic exploration in the area of ​​the find, which clearly shows an ancient dinosaur lying on its side.

And this, guys, is not fake. Here is an excerpt from an interview with group leader Arkady Simkin to an English radio correspondent (transcript):

And I suppose I should provide some context for our listeners; We received a videotape that contains some pretty interesting footage from the discovery you and your team made on the ice. It's in a very remote area, so can you just clarify?

The place where we look for these reserves is because there is something called peak oil... I don't know if your guests are familiar with this, now we look for oil in other places that are more complex and difficult to get to. So now we are in the Franz Josef Land archipelago, which is a group of islands very close to the North Pole... and it's all locked in ice, making it very difficult to get to. So no one goes up; perhaps tourists from time to time, perhaps scientists...

Okay, tell us about it.

We were flying overhead, we were looking for a place to land to do one of our seismic surveys, and our pilot... it was impossible to miss. We saw something on the ice, sticking out of the ice, clearly detached from the local geology and topography. So we land and it looks like it's... a giant creature of some sort, sticking out half in and out.

Now, to most of us, this sounds... surprisingly bizarre. I mean, for most of our audience - actually, for me too - if I hadn't seen the video, I would definitely think you were some kind of crazy person. In fact, most of the scientific community rejected it.

Well, no, it's not that it was rejected - it was completely ignored. No, no, no one pays attention to this. I'm trying to get some kind of notification and someone will look into this, but no one is interested; they probably think it's fake, I don't know.

Well for most people, the idea of ​​a giant creature that hasn't been discovered... well, I mean, sure, has anyone seen this creature before?

No, it’s not true, because this place, as I already said, is still in the north; and this island, Wiener Neustadt Island, is very difficult to reach, and very few people in the whole world have seen this place; and we believe because there is a significant reduction in ice caps around the world, and we believe that this is due to global warming, and perhaps someone was in this place, maybe... ten years ago, or... . twenty; but at that time since then we have now lowered the ice, and now this creature... which was buried in the ice earlier, is now almost half exposed in the ice.

We really don't have much time left, so let's continue with the creature. Describe to me what you actually found.

Well... you have to see the video to really understand the scale of this thing. This is absolutely incredible. You see in the video that we have helicopters and it's absolutely... dwarfed. People dwarf this creature... it's huge. Even one small part of it is bigger than anything, any type of creature, even a dinosaur or a giant whale... I don't even know how, how to describe it... .

I would just like to say for our listeners that they can check out the video on our website, so go and watch it.

Franz Josef Land

There has been a lot of talk lately that our civilization is reaching "peak oil" - this is when less than half of all fossil fuels will remain. All I can say on the subject is that I have traveled to more and more remote locations over the years in search of oil. Franz Josef Land is an archipelago of several hundred islands covered in ice and snow.

It is the second most northern part of the world in the world, and the northernmost in Europe. While several oil and natural gas reserves have been found on nearby islands (like Novaya Zemlya) and also in Siberia, no one has yet undertaken a full survey of Franz Josef Land because its location is too remote and its climate is often too harsh. However, with the increasing need for new sources of oil,

Polarneft has been granted the right to explore, survey and drill the entire group of islands. I was contacted by Polarneft late last year to be part of a team of surveyors and I was assigned to several central islands, the first of which is called Wiener-Neistadt Island, to map them. I've compiled my experiences below because although we didn't find oil, we did find something quite unusual.

Today was a strange day. The radar data I received from Polarneft did not correspond to the preliminary data. In fact, they weren't even close, which naturally made me question the original Viner-Neyshtadt data. As the discrepancies continued, we then decided to investigate the site in person and what we found was definitely unusual.

A huge expanse of the site now appears to have the remains of a very large animal. It's massive, just massive. I took a video of this animal, but I can't understand how no one has ever found this before. The only thing that makes sense is that navigating this area has always been difficult. Even though the island is in the center of the archipelago, it has always had very unfavorable ice conditions.

The sea conditions here are similar to the northern Avstryisky Straits and are difficult to explore, but with the recent decline in polar sea ice and glacial melt, this area has now become more accessible. However, only photographs can truly do it justice. A huge four-legged animal with horns like a bull. In fact, it is a hybrid of an ox, a mammoth and a rhinoceros - if such a thing existed.

But its size is truly colossal. The body is covered in a combination of coarse fur and hard armor. As the temperature dropped we had to leave, but we recorded everything we could. We weren't hallucinating! The site I marked - 80·47'N, 58·10'E and approximately 2.5 miles from a serious glacial cliff at the northern end of the mountain range - is impossible to miss.

It's as if we live on another planet. Our tiny group is still baffled by what we found. One of the geologists who does 3D seismic surveys with me thinks global warming, retreating glacial levels and unseasonably strong winds this year helped identify the animal.

We took more videos and photos today as the weather was much better, but it didn't last long. As for Polarneft, they asked us not to visit the site due to security reasons. Our small group plans to return again tomorrow to record what we can.

Polarneft sent a "rescue team" that saved all our equipment. After a very quiet flight back to Nenetsky, Polarneft called our group for an impromptu "briefing" of what we had seen. “Work on the Franz Josef Land Exploration project was temporarily delayed due to a geological anomaly on the Wiener-Neistadt Island.

Project geologists believe that the Franz Josef Land archipelago is volcanic in origin. As a result, further work on the site has been delayed until appropriate tests are done.” The only thing I can agree with is that there is something protruding from the glacier, but it is certainly not volcanic! I also received a message from a radio manufacturer in England. He wants to talk to me about Viner-Neyshtadt.

The situation became much more difficult after several of us decided not to sign non-disclosure agreements. I don't think any of us expected such a serious reaction from the company. Obviously, I do not agree with their point of view, but at the same time, I signed the agreement because I was not very convinced that they would allow me to leave Nenets. Since I returned, I have not been able to contact any of my former colleagues - an alarming fact.

I understand the importance of this information becoming known. I'm also looking forward to the interview I'm scheduled to have with a British journalist. If anyone else has information regarding ‘Taurus Chief’ they should want to share - anonymously or otherwise - please contact me.

Background to this topic. Yesterday Pyotr Petrov wrote to me on VKontakte, here is his post:

- I'm watching
I’m watching your video right now about dinosaurs in the recent past, and I’m remembering
something I came across about 10 years ago. Then there was a moment of erasing this
information, but I managed to read this person’s report that they
found and how it all happened. He had his own page on the Internet with photographs.
She later disappeared. As well as almost all information about the person himself.
Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you haven't. His name was Arkady Simkin. I'll give you the address where something is left. It may be useful and interesting.

Not a word more about Simkin on the RuNet ...unlike English-language sites.

Geologist Arkady Simkin and his group carried out exploration of oil and gas fields

deposits on the territory of Franz Josef Land.

One day the group was flying in a helicopter as usual, looking from the air for a suitable

a place for geological exploration work. And then everyone’s attention was attracted by an unusual

formation, sharply different from the structure of the local landscape. It was obvious that

these are the remains of some living creature sticking out of the snow, the size of which stunned the imagination.

A fragment of this video is 1 minute 14 seconds long. you can see. This is all that remains on the Internet. All other materials - photos and videos were confiscated:

By the way, pay attention: at 39 seconds, some kind of panel with hieroglyphs is visible from the snow.

The size of the fossil lizard is really huge: compared to the known remains

mammoths, dinosaurs, according to Arkady Simkin, a hundred times more.

Judging by the fact that Simkin’s group was fired, having previously taken a non-disclosure agreement, someone influential became interested in the find.

Only a few frames remain from the film shot by geologists, but they also indicate that the found remains are not fiction.

In addition, geologists made a 3D model based on the results of seismic exploration in the area of ​​the find, which clearly shows an ancient dinosaur lying on its side.

You can watch a short video with a 3D model of the animal here:

**************************************** **************************************** ***************

What started in the comments under my video with this topic, after I posted it yesterday on my Web Story channel! Almost every second person wrote that this was a publicity stunt for the release of a game from the famous company Sony

But the fact is that a group of geologists Arkady Simkin found this mega beast in October 2005 and in the same month a game for the Sony PlayStation 2 game console in the Action-adventure genre called Shadow of the Colossus was released in the USA and Japan, and in other countries Europe in February 2006.

One of the colossal monsters in this game is exactly the same as the monster found by Simkin, and therefore it was announced that this was a publicity stunt from Sony.

Let's say this is a publicity stunt. Then why delete Arkady Simkin’s website with the remaining photos of the monster and video confiscated from him? Why delete all his pages and any mention of this find, Pyotr Petrov directly writes to me that he witnessed how all this information was erased before his eyes...

The image of the monster was introduced into the game. Simkin's group and his find were discredited, presenting everything in such a way that it was an advertising campaign for the upcoming game. And many fell for this trick. There was no find - forget it! Forgot.

Simkin talks about the discovery of a dinosaur (this is an online translation from English, so some phrases are formed the way a machine translates them)

Franz Josef Land

There has been a lot of talk lately that our civilization is reaching "peak oil" - this is when less than half of all fossil fuels will remain.

All I can say on the subject is that I have traveled to more and more remote locations over the years in search of oil.

Franz Josef Land is an archipelago of several hundred islands covered in ice and snow. It is the second most northern part of the world in the world, and the northernmost in Europe. While several oil and natural gas reserves have been found on nearby islands (like Novaya Zemlya) and also in Siberia, no one has yet undertaken a full survey of Franz Josef Land because its location is too remote and its climate is often too harsh.

However, with the increasing need for new sources of oil, Polarneft has been granted the right to explore, survey and drill the entire group of islands. I was contacted by Polarneft late last year to be part of the survey team and I was assigned to several central islands, the first of which is called Wiener-Neistadt Island, to map them. I've compiled my experiences below because although we didn't find oil, we did find something quite unusual.

Today was a strange day. The radar data I received from Polarneft did not correspond to the preliminary data. In fact, they weren't even close, which naturally made me question the original Viner-Neyshtadt data. As the discrepancies continued, we then decided to investigate the site in person and what we found was definitely unusual.

A huge expanse of the site now appears to have the remains of a very large animal. It's massive, just massive. I took a video of this animal, but I can't understand how no one has ever found this before. The only thing that makes sense is that navigating this area has always been difficult. Even though the island is in the center of the archipelago, it has always had very unfavorable ice conditions.

The sea conditions here are similar to the northern Avstryisky Straits and are difficult to explore, but with the recent decline in polar sea ice and glacial melt, this area has now become more accessible. However, only photographs can truly do it justice.

A huge four-legged animal with horns like a bull. In fact, it is a hybrid of an ox, a mammoth and a rhinoceros - if such a thing existed. But its size is truly colossal. The body is covered in a combination of coarse fur and hard armor. As the temperature dropped we had to leave, but we recorded everything we could. We weren't hallucinating! The site I marked - 80·47'N, 58·10'E and approximately 2.5 miles from a serious glacial cliff at the northern end of the mountain range - is impossible to miss.

It's as if we live on another planet. Our tiny group is still baffled by what we found. One of the geologists who does 3D seismic surveys with me thinks global warming, retreating glacial levels and unseasonably strong winds this year helped identify the animal.

We took more videos and photos today as the weather was much better, but it didn't last long. As for Polarneft, they asked us not to visit the site due to security reasons. Our small group plans to return again tomorrow to record what we can.

Polarneft sent a "rescue team" which saved all our equipment. After a very quiet flight back to Nenetsky, Polarneft called our group for an impromptu "briefing" of what we had seen.

“Work on the Franz Josef Land Exploration project was temporarily delayed due to a geological anomaly on the Wiener-Neistadt Island. Project geologists believe that the Franz Josef Land archipelago is volcanic in origin. As a result, further work on the site has been delayed until appropriate tests are done.”

The only thing I can agree with is that there is something protruding from the glacier, but it is certainly not volcanic! I also received a message from a radio manufacturer in England. He wants to talk to me about Viner-Neyshtadt.

the situation became much more difficult after several of us decided not to sign non-disclosure agreements. I don't think any of us expected such a serious reaction from the company. Obviously, I do not agree with their point of view, but at the same time, I signed the agreement because I was not very convinced that they would allow me to leave Nenets. Since I returned, I have not been able to contact any of my former colleagues - an alarming fact. I understand the importance of this information becoming known. I'm also looking forward to the interview I'm scheduled to have with a British journalist. If anyone else has information regarding ‘Taurus Chief’ they should want to share - anonymously or otherwise - please contact me.

My second video Continuation of the mega dinosaur - Simkin talks, I recorded immediately on the same day when additional material arrived:

Here's the story. Believe it or not.

Web Story