Baby instructions for using the washing machine. How to use a “baby” washing machine

Household washing machine SM-1 “Malyutka-2”





In the store that sells the machine, you should be familiarized with the rules of use and check its serviceability through a test run,

Start the machine when the tank is not filled with liquid for no more than 3 seconds.

Check the package contents. Please ensure that the "Acceptance and Sale Certificate" section includes the store stamp and the date of sale.

Transport the machine at a temperature not lower than minus 20°C.

Protect the machine from impacts and falls, especially when transporting in winter.

After storing the machine in a cold room or after transporting it in winter, before plugging it in, allow the machine to warm up to room temperature for 2-3 hours without unpacking it.

Please read this manual carefully before using the machine.


The machine provides fast, high-quality washing of clothes, requires a small amount of water, is compact, reliable, easy to use and store, “Malyutka-2” is intended for individual use.


nominal load of dry laundry, kg. ...1

Tank capacity up to the mark, l. no more...28

Nominal speed of the activator, rpm. ...1360

Power consumption, W, no more than 5

Overall dimensions, mm, no more than 570X450X420

Weight, kg, no more. .10

Specific electricity consumption, kWh/kg, no more than...0.05


Washing, min., no more than...5

Rinse, min., no more..4.2

Pause between each wash and rinse, min., not less than 3

The machine should operate normally at a voltage of 220 +-22 V single-phase alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz.


Washing machine, pcs. ...1

Laundry grabber, pcs. ...1

Inlet hose, pcs. ...1

Drain hose, pcs. ...1

Operating manual, copy. ...1

Packaging, pcs. ...1



1) plug in a machine with damaged cord and plug insulation, and also

use faulty plug sockets;

2) plug in the machine with the removed or

damaged cap (item 0) of the switch (see Fig. 1);

3) touch the plug and switch (pos. 5) plugged into the socket with wet rivers;

41 when removing the plug from the socket, pull the cord;

5) simultaneously touch the machine body and grounded parts (pipelines, water heating radiators, bathtub, etc.);

6) use a machine that has signs of short-circuiting of live parts to the body (pinching when touching wet parts of the machine);

7) install the machine in the water by going to the bottom of the bath;

8) douse the casing (item 3) with water or soapy water to prevent liquid from getting on the electrical equipment.

9) leave the machine running without supervision, because when operating the machine, the activator may become jammed with laundry, which can lead to failure of the machine

10) operate the machine when a significant amount of water leaks through hole “B” (see Fig. 2), which indicates a violation of the cuff;

11) lift, carry and turn over a machine filled with liquid;

12) tilt or turn over a machine connected to the network;

13) disassemble and repair the machine without removing the plug from the socket;

14) allow children to work on the machine;

15) use the tank of the machine to soak laundry.


Washing in a machine occurs under the influence of the circulation of a soap solution that penetrates between the layers and pores of the material.

The structure of the washing machine is shown in Fig. 1 and 2.

The washing machine consists of a tank (item I), a cover (item 2) and a casing (item 3), in which an electric motor (item 4) and other electrical equipment are installed.

The tank, lid and casing are made of plastic.

The casing with electrical equipment has a threaded flange (pos. P), onto which the activator housing (pos. II) is screwed. A cuff is installed in the flange (item 10).

The activator (pos. ]2) is screwed onto the electric motor.

A switch (pos. 5) with a cap screwed onto it (pos. 6) is installed on the casing and the symbols 1 or “on” and 0 or “off” are indicated.

The lid has “B” latches that ensure the lid is tightly secured to the buck. Some of the cars were released from the roofs -

us without latches “B”, while the lid is freely inserted into the upper part of the tank.

The electrical circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 3.

The plant reserves the right to make changes to the design and electrical circuit that do not affect the quality of the machine.


1. Preparing the laundry.

Sort your laundry into groups:

By type of fiber:

a) cotton and linen;

b) wool;

c) silk and viscose;

By color:

b) colored;

By contamination:

a) slightly polluted;

b) heavily polluted.

It is recommended to soak cotton and linen underwear before washing.

Wash very delicate items with lace or fringe in a fine fabric wrapper or mesh.

Pre-soap particularly contaminated areas of laundry.

Make sure that torn clothes are repaired before washing.

For an approximate calculation of the machine's loading, use the table of the mass of individual items given in Appendix 1.

2. Preparing the machine for work.

Place the washing machine securely in a convenient place near an electrical outlet. To install the machine above the bathtub, we recommend using a special stand or board that prevents the machine from falling.

To make it easier to drain liquid from the machine tank, either plug the threaded bushing (pos. 7) with a plug (pos. 8), or install a drain hose, the second end of which inserts into slot “A” at the top edge of the tank (see Fig. I).

To avoid accidental spillage of liquid on electrical equipment, we recommend covering the handle of the casing with a piece of cloth or plastic film. Fabric or film should not cover the ventilation slots of the casing.


Fill the machine tank with water to the liquid level mark.

ATTENTION! The temperature of the water poured into the tank should not exceed 80°C. You cannot heat water with a boiler installed inside the tank.

1. Washing clothes.

Pour washing powder into the machine tank in accordance with the amount indicated on its packaging.

ATTENTION! Do not add more washing powder than normal, because if there is too much foam, the laundry will clump at the bottom of the tank.

cotton and linen (washing solution temperature 70-80°C);

silk (washing solution temperature 50-60°C);

wool and viscose (washing solution temperature 30-40°C).

To avoid staining, do not wash white items with colored items.

It is advisable that each batch of linen consist of products of different shapes and sizes. This will prevent the laundry from curling into a rope during washing. For example, we recommend washing a sheet with a pillowcase and a towel, a tablecloth with a shirt and napkins, etc. at the same time.

Wash the more soiled laundry last in each group.

Load laundry individually.

Please ensure that there are no air bubbles in the laundry that hold it on the surface of the solution.

Close the tank with a lid.

If the lid of your machine is made with latches, then make sure that the latches “B” of the lid press it tightly against the tank.

Insert the cord plug into the outlet.

Turn on the machine with the switch (item 5) installed on the casing. In the future, turn it on and off only with the switch.

Wash clothes made of cotton or linen fabric for 4-5 minutes, clothes made of silk, wool or synthetic fabric for 2-3 minutes.

Wait at least 3 minutes between each wash.

ATTENTION! Increasing the washing time or shortening the duration of pauses can lead to premature wear of the laundry, as well as damage to the machine.

For lightly soiled laundry, the washing time can be reduced.

To stop the machine, turn the switch lever. Remove the cover.

If the cover is made with “B” latches, then open the cover by grasping the special protrusion located above the casing with electrical equipment.

Remove the laundry from the tub.

Remove the plug from the outlet.

Drain the solution. Remove any remaining liquid by slightly tilting the tank towards the drain hole.

Rinse the tank with clean water.

2. Rinsing laundry.

Fill the machine tank with clean water (temperature 30-40°C).

Load the tank with laundry, close the lid and turn on the machine.

Rinse lasts about 2 minutes.

Repeat rinsing 2-3 times, changing water.

After finishing work, remove the plug from the socket and wash the tank and lid. Wipe the machine thoroughly with a dry cloth.


Protect the surfaces of the washing machine from damage.

Do not allow the surfaces of plastic parts to come into contact with active solvents (acetone, dichloroethane, etc.), as well as with objects heated above 80°C.

Wash contaminated surfaces with baking soda and soapy water using a soft cloth.

The use of sand, metal brushes, soap-sand and other abrasives is not allowed.

The electric motor bearings are designed to operate throughout the entire operating life without the use of additional lubrication.


Store the machine in a dry, heated room at an air temperature of no lower than 5°C, a relative humidity of no more than 80%, and in the absence of acidic or other vapors in the air that are harmful to the materials of the machine.

Before storing the machine, place the drain and inlet hoses, a grip and a cord with a plug inside the tank.


The plant guarantees the normal operation of the washing machine for 2.5 years from the date of sale by the store, provided that the consumer complies with the rules of operation, transportation and storage established by this operating manual.

The plant is not responsible and does not guarantee normal operation of the machine in the event of:

1) non-compliance with operating rules;

2) repair or disassembly of the machine by the consumer to an extent greater than that provided for in the list of possible faults;

3) violation of factory sealing;

4) operation of the machine by organizations

or enterprises;

5) the absence of a store stamp indicating the date of sale in the section “Certificate of Acceptance and Sale”;

6) other reasons that were not the fault of the plant.

During the warranty period, all defects identified by the buyer that were caused by the fault of the plant are repaired free of charge at technical warranty repair points.

The list of warranty repair companies is given in Appendix 2 of this manual.

Thanks to new technologies, new items appear every year to make physical labor easier. Automatic washing machines have become a common household appliance found in almost every home. Among the many models of washing machines, there are very compact ones, which are called “Malyutka”. What is this mini-model and how to use it?

The device of the washing machine “Malyutka”

Home appliance stores offer a wide range of modern washing machines with a bunch of programs, but they are in great demand small-sized model “Malyutka”. This is how everything is called, regardless of manufacturer or model. This technique belongs to the activator type devices and, of course, is inferior in equipment to its automatic counterparts.

The popularity of “Malyutki” is easy to explain. It costs a lot, and it is often quite difficult to place it. Another thing is a mini-machine, which is easy to install in any room. If necessary, it is very easy to transport it to the right place. Moreover, it is very cheap.

Such a machine has a very simple design and is lightweight and portable. “Baby” consists of a plastic tank in which washing takes place. Basically, such models can only wash and operate in reverse mode. In this mode, the drum rotates in the opposite direction, improving the quality of washing. The small unit is equipped with a timer that allows you to control the entire process.

You need to fill such a machine with water yourself, at any temperature. Dirty laundry is loaded into the container and then the machine is turned on for a certain time using a timer. To wash the machine, you need water and access to an electrical outlet. In standard models, you can wash up to 3 kg of laundry at a time. 1 wash cycle takes no more than 10 minutes, and the soap solution is used several times if necessary. Laundry is loaded vertically because the lid is located on top. There is a hole at the bottom of the case for draining water.

More modern models have a spin function and equipped with a centrifuge. After the washing is completed, the dirty water is drained and a centrifuge is installed in the tank, after which the washed items are loaded. Now you can turn on the “spin” function to completely finish the wash. There are also models equipped with two tanks:

  • for washing and rinsing;
  • spinning clothes.

Linen can only be shifted manually, which is very inconvenient and requires human intervention. The weight of “Baby” is about 10 kg.

Washing machine “Malyutka” 2: operating instructions

Small cars are very popular among people living in hostels. They are often bought by young mothers and summer residents. Washing in this machine is very easy, but it should not be left unattended while washing.

First, you need to fill the tank through the top hatch with water at the desired temperature, load laundry and detergent into it. Now the machine can be plugged into the network and set the time on the timer. The engine starts and “Malyutka” erases until the timer goes off.

It is very convenient to soak heavily soiled items in the car and leave them there for a while. This will help wash things better. Dirty water after washing or rinsing is drained manually. There are units with a removable centrifuge, as well as models with two containers - for washing and spinning.

It is recommended to place rubber mat for car so that she doesn't move. It is light in weight and during the washing process it can move due to the operation of the electric motor. After finishing washing, be sure to wipe the inside and outside surfaces of the machine from moisture.

Advantages of “Malyutka” washing machines

Despite the fact that many models of automatic machines have appeared that independently perform the entire washing process from start to finish, “Malyutka” remains in demand. This is due to several important arguments:

  • compactness;
  • a light weight;
  • you can add items during washing;
  • easy operation;
  • does not require additional care;
  • saving water, electricity and detergents;
  • low cost.

Compact models are a great option for small washing. The “Malyutka” mini washing machine is especially convenient for a family with a newborn. It is possible not to turn on a large unit every day, but to wash in just a few minutes with the help of a small assistant, saving time and costs.

Such small models can always be placed in any apartment, dorm room, car trunk, or country house. The unit does not contain complex systems or technologies, so this machine will last a long time without repair if used correctly.

Right choice

It is not difficult to buy a washing machine of this category. However, when choosing, you should consider some features. The maximum load in this technique can be from 1 to 6 kg. This indicator must be taken into account, since too large items cannot be washed with a small load.

Low weight and dimensions are the main criteria when choosing a mini car, but despite this you need to pay attention to its parameters. Some models differ in size, so you need to know them exactly so that the machine can fit freely in the chosen location.

Choosing the right mini washing machine will help you save money and this will not affect the quality of washing. Such equipment is always reliable, easy to operate, and will therefore last for many years.

Small washing machines are not very popular now, but despite this, they are compact and convenient. Malyutka class machines belong to the activator type of washing machines, but this does not make them worse. The question often arises of how to use a washing machine. Having such a “device” as the “Malyutka” machine, using it will not be difficult. You just need to fill it with water not to the brim, sprinkle the powder on your eye and you can wash it. The drum of this type of machine is located at the bottom. It is worth considering that this type of machine is more suitable for washing towels, bed linen and the like, but it is better not to wash branded and high-quality items in it. After all, she is very rude and can ruin the right thing. Also, before you start washing with the Malyutka machine, you need to lay something under it, for example, a rubber mat. Otherwise, having a small mass, it will move on a flat surface due to the operation of the electric motor.

One of the popular and puzzling questions is the question of how to open the Malyutka washing machine. You need to open it using a drum. It is located, as mentioned in the above written text, below. Basically, such machines were used before, so it is worth looking at the exact instructions for opening this model of washing machine, because this “device” is different from the automatic machine that prevails in modern society. Although a modern washing machine also opens through the drum. Like all equipment, washing machines sometimes break down, no matter what type they are. This raises the question of how to make a “Baby” washing machine. You can repair this machine yourself, to do this you need to find what is broken, identify the cause, read the instructions and start doing it. But it's not worth it. It is best to call a specialist - since this washing machine is inexpensive, repairing it will not impoverish anyone. The master himself will do everything efficiently and quickly.

Many questions about washing machines arise regarding their installation. How to install a washing machine is a burning question. First you need to find a place to install it, measure the length and width of the machine and compare it with the parameters of the found place. Since this article describes the “Baby” washing machine, the installation will concern it specifically. First, you need to unpack the machine. Secondly, it is worth inspecting the machine in order to check it for various defects. The next step is to install a grate or rubber mat at the future location of the “Malyutka” machine. Then you need to place the washing machine on the selected surface. In order to connect it, you need to read the instructions. But if there is no special knowledge about this subject, then it is better to call a washing machine installation specialist. The Malyutka washing machine is indispensable for a summer residence. Many people use it specifically on vacation, because it is very compact, and transferring it to the dacha will not be difficult.

A washing machine is a fairly common type of household appliance, which is in great demand and is found in every home. Despite the large assortment of such devices, which are fully automated, the Malyutka machine does not lose its position in demand. The feature of the product is simple and clear, because it has many advantages and is considered very convenient, especially if there are small children in the house.

A mini washing machine has many advantages.


  • Simple configuration;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Little weight;
  • Efficiency in energy consumption;
  • Fast washing mode.

The equipment does not require connection to a water supply or drain pipe, since the filling is done from above manually, and there is a special hose for draining. These devices are considered very beneficial for dachas, because it is very rare to see laid water pipes there.

The washing cycle is approximately 10 minutes, so you can wash a batch of laundry in literally 20 minutes, while removing dirt, rinsing and spinning it.

This model is very beneficial for young families, for those who live in a rented apartment and for small spaces. The advantage is its compactness and low weight, which allows you to easily transport the structure to any convenient place and this does not require too much force.

Disadvantages of the Malyutka machine

Along with the advantages, this little semi-automatic machine also has a number of disadvantages, but relative to the advantages, most often they become insignificant.


  1. The capacity of this device is only 2 kg, and therefore it can be washed only in small portions, and the use of large and heavy items is also excluded.
  2. The device is too noisy.
  3. Most models do not have a spin cycle, and therefore washed and rinsed laundry must be wrung out manually.

In general, in terms of application, the Malyutka is considered very light and belongs to a number of activator washing machines, which have a simple design designed exclusively for one cycle.

Product configuration includes:

  • Engine;
  • Control module.

Some models have a mechanical timer that stops the engine from running after a set time.

Instructions: Malyutka washing machine

The instructions for the washing machine, called Baby, are even simpler than the product itself.

In order to use the device, you just need to connect it to the network, and also:

  • Fill with water;
  • Add powder;
  • Load laundry;
  • Turn on the unit.

It is permissible to fill this machine with water at a high temperature, but such that it will not be hot to take out the laundry later. If pre-soaking is needed, then you need to perform the same steps, but do not turn on the engine and at the same time pour water only halfway, so that there is room to add boiling water for the washing period. The product is not difficult to use, and installation after purchase is even easier.

Initially you need:

  • Remove packaging;
  • Inspect the equipment for defects;
  • Test the operation of the equipment.

After this, it is quite possible to use the equipment for washing. It is worth noting that for washing it is best to install the device on a rubber mat or a special wooden grid. This will avoid vibration during operation of the unit. If you look at the reviews of those who purchased such a device and prefer to do laundry on it, they are extremely positive. It is almost impossible to meet a negative opinion, since the washing machine is truly unique, simple and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Naturally, one can come across such conclusions as that:

  • The machine is capable of tearing things;
  • It works so noisily that it is impossible to stay indoors;
  • The device is not intended for washing delicate items.

However, in practice, you can be convinced that all this is not true, since the product, although simple, is well thought out and will allow you to wash things quite quickly and efficiently. In order for the Fairy or Lily washing machine, which is a type of baby, to serve for a long time, you will need to properly care for it and ensure its proper functioning. You only need to buy a special powder and dose it taking into account the hardness of the water poured into the washing machine.

To wipe the washer, you should use a soft cloth and only with products that do not contain abrasive particles that can scratch the coating.

After finishing washing and draining the water, the device must be wiped dry from the inside. This will help prevent the formation of rust, bacteria and mold. After wiping, you do not need to close the lid to avoid a musty smell. Before washing, you need to check your clothes to identify small objects that could get into the tank and cause damage to the device. It is advisable to fasten buttons and zippers before washing.

Convenient washing machine Malyutka with spin

If the machine is equipped with a centrifuge, then it will have a spin cycle, which greatly simplifies the washing process in terms of time and labor. Unfortunately, not all models have such additions and therefore have to be rinsed manually. If the model has a spin cycle, then after washing you need to take out the laundry, rinse it in a separate container, and then put it in the spin compartment.

There are models in which the spin cycle is a nearby container, and there are those in which you need to put a centrifuge after washing and draining the water.

Models with two tanks are considered semi-automatic, which allows you to wash and spin clothes at the same time. If you wash your clothes first, drain the water, then pour clean water in, then instead of washing it you can use it for rinsing. The Malyutka is a budget washing machine, the cost of which varies around 3 thousand rubles. You can purchase this product at any hardware store or online. They are publicly available, and finding the most suitable model is not difficult and can be done in just a couple of minutes.

Washing machine Kharkovchanka

Some people call the washing machine Malyutka – Kharkovchanka. In order to purchase this product only in the best possible condition and of the highest quality, you will need to pay attention to a number of points and tips from experts, thanks to which you can eliminate mistakes.

There are a lot of washing machines on sale, and therefore it is better to focus on specific criteria:

  1. What is the maximum load of the device, which affects the ability to wash larger volumes. Some people buy Babies as an addition to a large washing machine to speed up the washing process or to use for items such as baby clothes or T-shirts that can be washed in just 10 minutes.
  2. No less important are the dimensions of the structure, the choice of which must be made based on where the structure will be installed, who will use it and how the operation is planned, temporary or permanent. It is worth noting that in general they do not take up much space and weigh the same, but if you need to put it away after washing, then it is advisable to choose a more compact model.
  3. It is advisable to choose domestically produced products, since the configuration is simple and it is not at all necessary to pay attention to imported goods. It will be quite difficult to find components if necessary, and most often experts recommend simply sending them to a landfill.

In order for the washing machine to truly live up to your expectations and investment, you need to completely follow the instructions and do not forget about the restrictions on the water you can add, the powder you can add, and the amount of laundry you can load. In this case, the tank will not be overloaded, the engine will not begin to gradually slow down, and breakdowns will be excluded.

Review of the Malyutka washing machine (video)

It is not difficult to cope with the operation, but only if you follow all the recommendations and purchase a quality product. Such a machine can last for a long time. The average service life is 15 years.

Mini-Vyatka appeared in my rented apartment, until that moment I had never used such units. Having studied the instructions that came with it and the advice of experienced “washers” from the Internet, I was able to wash bed linen and towels normally in it, and over time I got used to washing absolutely everything that could fit in it. Here I will share with you my experience and some secrets of successful washing.

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Mini-Vyatka - basin with motor

Mini-Vyatka belongs to the Malyutka class washing machines. It is light in weight and size, which allows it to be moved not only within the apartment, but also beyond its threshold when moving. I lifted it myself without any problems, and it certainly won’t cause any difficulties for men.

With the help of this element, the laundry is spun in the machine and washed. Torsion occurs in different directions, so the fabric is not damaged during washing.

As you can see from the photo, the machine consists of a plastic body and a stand. The body has a built-in motor, timer and other necessary parts for washing. The stand has protrusions with which the machine can be placed directly on the sides of the bathtub. I haven’t tried this myself and always washed on the floor because I thought it was a safer option.

At the bottom of Vyatka there is a hose for draining water. There is a second hose that you can attach to the water faucet and fill the machine. It was not useful to me because it did not fit the size of the faucet in the bathroom.

Equipment: hose for filling water, instructions, stick for removing laundry, stand elements

Instructions on how to wash

Before washing, you need to understand that a little washing machine is nothing more than a basin with a motor. She can spin the laundry while washing it, but the rest is up to the person. The washing process is not complicated, but labor-intensive, although it is easier and more efficient than washing the same amount of clothes by hand.

Where to put

During washing, the Mini-Vyatka must stand on its stand. This will protect it from water that inevitably appears on the floor due to splashes. I don’t recommend placing it on the bathtub because it shakes when it works. High risk of falling.

Fully assembled stand. The “hooks” should hold the machine above the bathtub if you decide to place it there.

How much water

To start using the machine, you need to pour water into it. The water level should not reach the mark on the body by about 2 cm. If you pour more, it will splash and flood everything around. I poured water with an iron bucket, having previously heated it on gas. If you have hot water in your water supply, you can pour it straight from the tap. The machine will hold 25 liters.

Watermark. It should be slightly lower than her (about 2 cm).

Select the water temperature to suit you. Bedding can be washed in very hot water, delicate items in lukewarm. You cannot wash it in boiling water: the mechanism will heat up from it through the thin plastic walls and deteriorate.

How much powder

For washing, you can use powder, gel or soap. The powder and gel must be dissolved in water before loading things. Their number should not be large. 50 ml of gel was enough for me to wash, which consisted of 3 loads of laundry. You also need literally 2 tbsp of powder. l., otherwise you won’t rinse it later.

The washer's plug is the most common one.

If you decide to use soap, then soak the items in water and then generously lather each item with it.

How much laundry

The instructions say that the size of one load of dry laundry should not exceed 1.5 kg, and the approximate weight of some types of items is also given there.

From the instructions: the approximate weight of some items.

I tried not to stuff the Mini-Vyatka to capacity: this way it doesn’t wash well and overheats faster, spinning heavy laundry:

  • My bed linen is 1.5 size. The duvet cover was always washed alone. Bed sheet with pillowcases.
  • Terry towels (50×70) fit 3-4 pieces at a time. To them it was possible to add thin kitchen ones, also in quantities of several pieces.
  • Jeans were washed only individually.
  • T-shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, leggings, panties, and socks were grouped together by eye. For example, I could combine pants + socks, pants + leggings, panties + leggings + T-shirts.
  • Windbreakers only alone.
  • Only one 150x200 bedspread fit.
  • Tulle and window curtains were washed separately.
  • I have never washed a blanket, pillows, or down jackets in the Mini-Vyatka, because they do not fit there in volume.

How much time

I expect 3 loads of laundry per wash. For example, first comes a pile of towels. I take them out and put on the duvet cover. After this comes the turn of sheets and pillowcases. Each batch is washed 3 times for 6 minutes (the maximum time that can be set on the timer). This works out to a total of 18 minutes per load. I tried washing for less time, but the quality of the wash did not satisfy me.

Mechanical timer for 6 minutes.

When you wash, you need to make sure that the “baby” does not overheat. Its side, where the mechanism is located, becomes very hot, it begins to make a different noise and an unpleasant odor appears. To prevent this from happening, you must wait a few minutes before each timer reset. The machine will rest and you can continue washing.

My washes have always been protracted. The washing itself lasted 1.5 hours. Then I would give the machine a break, empty it, and refill it again. Only after that did I start rinsing. The rinse lasted about the same as the first stage. In total, each wash took me 3 free time.


Between settings of the timer, particularly dirty items can be washed with soap. I did this with socks. The machine stops, I catch the necessary things in it, wash it, put it back and start the timer again. In this way, I achieved better quality in washing problematic items.

How to rinse

Washed clothes can be rinsed manually in the bathtub, or directly in Vyatka. I chose the second option for myself. It takes more time, but less physical work.

The drain hose is attached directly to the machine. My plastic fastener broke, so I wrapped the hose with electrical tape.

To rinse in the machine, you need to change the water in it. The water is drained either through a hose or scooped out with a small vessel. I scooped it out with a liter bucket and poured the rest into the toilet, lifting and tilting the washing machine.

The first rinse is best done in warm water to rinse the detergent from the fabric. The rinsing process is similar to washing. You put in loads of laundry one by one, set the timer for 2-3 minutes, wait, take it out, put in the next one, and again follow the same algorithm.

There are recesses on all sides of the stand for the elements of the machine; they must be aligned with each other.

I needed to change the water in the machine 3 to 5 times to completely rinse out the gel. Although there were situations when the water continued to foam in the last rinse. This happened while rinsing terry towels.

How to squeeze

Mini-Vyatka does not have a wringing device, so all things are wrung out by hand. I twisted the bed linen and towels during the spin cycle, and simply squeezed everything else on the sides so as not to disturb the structure of the fabric. It's labor-intensive, but there's nothing you can do about it, you have to put up with it.

Model name and manufacturer. My car was produced in the late 90s.

After washing

At the end, the rinsed and wrung out laundry must be hung out to dry. Drain the water from the machine, rinse it, wipe it dry and place it in a corner without covering it with a lid. This will help it dry from the inside and not mold. As a rule, the floor also has to be wiped clean of splashed water. That's all, the washing is finished.