Mac mini will there be a sequel? Modular Mac Pro

I must admit right away: I have always been madly in love MacBook Pro and tried never to think about what would happen if I was suddenly forced to switch to another computer. Apple has consistently updated the line, and I didn't have any problems switching from an older version of the MacBook Pro to a newer one. I clearly remember the moment when I switched from an old, thick MacBook Pro to a new “tag” with a Retina display. Those things that had to be sacrificed for the sake of a thinner body did not evoke any compassion.

FireWire gone? And to hell with it, I've never had to use it once in my life. Removed Ethernet? It's okay, at home, at work and in everyone in public places Wi-Fi has been around for a long time. Disappeared optical drive? Well, that’s great, it was high time to get rid of him. Overall, the transition was as painless as possible. The next generations of the Pro line did not bring anything fundamentally new, except for new processors and the appearance of trackpads with Force Touch. But with the 2016 MacBook Pro, everything turned out to be much more complicated.

Shortly before the start of sales of the new MacBook Pro, if you remember, I wrote a skeptical column “”. I didn't have any experience at the time, but now that I've been using the 15-inch MacBook Pro 2016 for two months, I have to admit that it's not as bad as I previously thought. In case you missed it, we already had a classic one, so there will be no tests, no measurements here, but only personal impressions of what “has become” in comparison with what “has been.”

MacBook is no longer Pro and we have ourselves to blame

It must be admitted that the majority of MacBook Pro users are not at all hardcore professionals working with photos, videos, sound or computer graphics. Not at all. The typical owner of a "professional" Mac is a hipster with no budget who just likes the way his computer looks. Of course, professionals still use Macs, but from a business perspective their share is extremely small. Alas, I cannot give specific numbers here. But just look around. The guy at the table on the right uses a 13-inch MacBook Pro as a typewriter, a terminal for distributing Facebook likes, and as a browser-based gaming console. The girl from the next department is unlikely to edit videos; most likely, she sometimes plays solitaire, watches TV series, and never opens more than five or six tabs in her browser. No, I'm not exaggerating. Among Mac users Book Pro has become too many of those who, figuratively speaking, hammer nails with a microscope. And there is no longer any “Think Different”, now the MacBook Pro is mainstream, and Apple has been striving for this for a long time.

The good news is that technically the MacBook Pro is still suitable for the most hardcore tasks, but from an ergonomic point of view things have become much worse. It's like buying a new floor lamp and finding out that instead of the usual E14/E27 light bulbs that are in every store, you now need to order special branded elements in advance or buy an adapter (again, branded, for only $49.99) and come to terms with the fact that that the lamp protrudes slightly beyond the ceiling. Well, or another example, especially for photographers. Imagine that you bought a Nikon D7 or Canon EOS 5D Mark VIII, and replaced the old mount with a new one. But all your optics, on which you spent tens of thousands of dollars, new camera doesn’t fit, and there won’t be enough new lenses for another two or three years. I’m exaggerating, of course, but now you understand what a person for whom the MacBook Pro has always been a convenient work tool might feel.

Big trackpad for the sake of a big trackpad

For a long time, the MacBook Pro had the largest touchpad among laptops. After the tiny touchpads of Windows laptops, sitting down with a MacBook Pro was a pleasure. But time is running, and in a competing sect support for gestures appeared, and the average size of the touchpad doubled. Apple decided to reclaim the lead in the most obvious way by making the trackpad even bigger. I already said that 99% of users gain nothing from this. Fine work with graphics it’s unthinkable without Wacom or, at worst, without a mouse, but there was already enough space for gestures.

But suddenly an artist I knew asked interest Ask, which was probably raised among Apple designers as well. Could such a trackpad be as pressure sensitive as iPad screen Pro? To make it just as convenient to draw on it with a stylus. Theoretically yes. And here big size will only be a plus, but in the current iteration the large trackpad does not bring any tangible benefit.

But Touch ID is, of course, very cool and great. In general, a fingerprint scanner in a laptop is not a new phenomenon. Corporate models were equipped with them back in the early 2000s, and maybe even earlier. But only Apple was able to implement the fingerprint sensor properly. Everything works exactly the same as on the iPhone - to remove the lock, to confirm purchases on App Store and iTunes, for Apple works Pay. It can be assumed that in individual applications in the future it will be possible to log in using a fingerprint - from my set of software at the time of writing this column, not a single program offered such a function.

Touch Bar as a thing in itself

Again, the idea additional screen in a laptop is not so fresh, but here again Apple acts as the main innovator. The Touch Bar looks absolutely amazing and definitely adds a new look to the laptop, even though the overall design hasn't changed much. But some of the functions that are assigned to it look frankly far-fetched. For example, switching between tabs in a browser. It works great when you have 2-3 or even 5-6 tabs open, but when there are 20 or 30 of them, it becomes difficult to point to the right one right away. Moreover, you won’t be able to see anything on the tab preview itself.

But the main thing that strikes me as meaningless is the typing tips. This function works great on a smartphone when you type on a small on-screen keyboard, trying to simultaneously catch up with a departing train on the subway, but in a laptop with a gorgeous hardware keyboard (I say this completely without sarcasm, the new keyboard is just a bomb, and I’m sure that among Windows laptops the most shameless copying will begin in the near future) this is completely unsuitable what. Selecting the current month in the calendar looks quite organic, as does the slider for changing the selected picture parameter in graphic editor. It’s especially nice here that the dialog box does not overlap the image on the main screen and allows you to see better final result. But moving the position on the timeline in Final Cut becomes inconvenient if the video is long enough. In general, there is still work to be done on the functionality of the Touch Bar in the near future. And, as it turns out, I’m not at all against this kind of innovation, but I still can’t say the same about the new approach to ports and connectors.

Less necessary, more unnecessary

To this day I have not been able to come to terms with the lack of the usual USB ports, HDMI and card reader. Yes, there are now adapters for all occasions. Both from Apple itself and from third-party manufacturers. But if you look at the problem more broadly, it turns out that Cupertino made the laptop smaller and lighter so that we could then compensate for this difference with external devices. If earlier I could only put a laptop in my backpack, which weighed two kilograms, now the “weight loss” is compensated by a pack of additional accessories. And even if in the end the weight turns out to be less, transportation of such a set can hardly be called convenient. The required set in my case looks like this: laptop, charger, USB-C to SD adapter, USB-C to USB adapter, universal adapter for HDMI, USB and USB-C.

But the most annoying loss is, of course, the MagSafe connector. I can well call myself a neat person - I always watch my step, I try not to put equipment in potentially dangerous places, but I often have to work in cramped press centers and conference rooms, where there are a lot of people who want to trip over my wire. I used to not worry about this at all, but now I have to watch everything with triple vigilance. Yes, there are already several adapters with a magnetic connector, but do not forget that if you have one, you will have one less connector, and there are only four of them. In my opinion, this is not enough for the MacBook Pro.

Another thing that I can't wrap my head around is a voice assistant on a computer. To tell you the truth, I don’t use Siri on my iPhone either. During the entire existence of Siri on the iPhone, I could not think of a single situation where I would need it. But I can easily imagine situations where it might be needed - while driving, for example, it’s much easier to create a reminder for yourself via Siri. Or call someone. But why do all this on a computer, where the most convenient and advanced controls are at your service? No answer.

I was not lazy and asked all my friends who had managed to switch to the 2016 MacBook Pro. There were as many as 9 people like this, but none of them use Siri. Many people regularly turn to the voice assistant on the iPhone. Perhaps in the future something will change, but for now all this does not make much sense.

Best laptop I would never buy

Can I say that the 2016 MacBook Pro is... good computer? Undoubtedly! It's still best laptop On the market. Anyone who switches to a MacBook Pro from some Dell or Lenovo will be absolutely delighted. The one after MacBook Air If you decide to fork out for something more, you won’t leave disappointed either. But if we talk about professionals who have been using Macs for a long time, then everything is not so simple. I remember how an editing director I knew complained about life after his employer replaced old Macs Pro new, and I also reassured him, saying, relax, buddy, you’ll get used to it, and everything will be fine. After three years, he never got used to it, and today I sincerely understand his disappointment, looking at the MacBook Pro 2016 in comparison with his trusty MacBook Pro 2015.

I am absolutely sure that Apple will be able to improve the functionality of the Touch Bar, and that the problem with the lack of ports will be solved in the coming year, when everyone switches to USB-C. I have no doubt that over time we will look at old keyboards and not understand how we could work on keys with such a large power reserve. But on this moment I’m not ready to change the old “tag” for a new one, despite the fact that I’ve been wanting to update my main working tool for a long time.

The German publication CURVED shared its vision of what the new Mac Pro, which Apple promised an update next year. It's a mixture of Pro and Mac Mini, but it looks great.

Modular Mac Pro

Not better times experiencing computer made by Apple. On the one hand, not the best successful update MacBook Pro and a fall from first to fifth place, on the other hand, the Mac Pro, which had not been updated for a long time, which was released back in 2013. Craig Federighi, Apple's head of software development, admitted that the concept for the 2013 Mac Pro was flawed. The design of this computer does not allow for regular updates, as a result of which updating the firmware is quite problematic. The possibility of upgrading with external Thunderbolt devices also did not justify itself. Therefore, next year we may see a new professional computer from Apple with a modular design for easier access to key components. Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller promised this in an interview. Modularity will imply a convenient upgrade of the computer by replacing the main components or modules in which RAM will be installed, HDD or video card. In addition, Schiller promised that the Thunderbolt display would also be updated.

Mix of Pro and Mini

What modular might look like apple computer showed the German publication CURVED. Their 3D project resembles a mixture of Mac Mini and Mac Pro with modular replacement of components. The aluminum body of the alleged Mac Pro, the German fantasy has equipped a Touch Bar with a fingerprint scanner, a large number of connectors, including Thunderbolt, SD, USB-C and standard USB-A, which Apple abandoned in the new one. The idea of ​​such a modular and compact Mac Pro would appeal to many users. Possibility of easy upgrade, fast access to SSD and a large number of The connectors look nice, but are by no means in the Apple spirit. Most likely we will see a completely different device. Phil Schiller stated that the development new Pro It will take at least a year, which means we will see a new professional computer and monitor no earlier than next spring.

The main news is Mac Pro. It will be updated. Waiting for us completely new computer, nothing to do with previous model will not be. The shape and size of the current Mac Pro has stymied the company, making upgrading the device very difficult. Due to the dense layout and cooling methods of the components, the use of more powerful video cards was not possible.

In the new solution, the company promises to use a more user-friendly modular system for easy replacement of components. An update will be available for all major components of the Mac Pro: processor, video card, RAM and storage. It seems that the developers also decided to abandon the use of two video cards, because they did not justify their worth in the current generation of computers.

In addition to information about the new Mac Pro, company representatives spoke about plans to return Thunderbolt Display. The name of the device may be different, but in 2018 we will see a screen with Apple logo. Most likely, this decision was caused by the dissatisfaction of the company’s fans, because the LG monitor, developed in collaboration with Apple (which is offered instead of the Thunderbold Display), in addition to the “non-Mac” design, had some problems in operation. You can read more about this.

They won't forget about the iMac. The company did not expect that all-in-one PCs would be so popular in the Pro segment. So when updating the iMac, designers will focus on the needs of professionals (photographers, programmers and video editors).

I really hope that computers will retain all their connectors, because progress is progress, but the new Macbook Pro turned out to be completely unadapted to modern realities. USB Type-Cgreat interface, but in professional solution There should be the usual connectors, not to mention a card reader. And running around with a bunch of adapters is both frivolous and inconvenient.

There is no official information, but most likely the iMac will come with new keyboard. This is confirmed by a patent that Apple recently received. The keyboard will be equipped with a Touch Bar, the same as we saw in the new Macbooks. This screen will display the necessary shortcuts and buttons for managing applications, according to the developers. True, the real usefulness of this touchpad is a big question.

But the Mac mini seems to be surviving last days. There is no news about him, which personally made me very upset. This was the first MacOS computer I used. The simplest and most affordable device to get to know another operating system. And for undemanding users, the Mac mini was an excellent replacement for a hefty and noisy PC.

But in order to appease its fans even more, Apple has slightly “pulled up” the characteristics of the current Mac Pro. Basic model equipped with a six-core Xeon processor, 16 GB of RAM and AMD D500 video cards (previously the base included a quad-core processor and AMD D300 video cards). The older version has also changed a little - now it has eight cores and is equipped with AMD D700 video accelerators. But I wouldn't rush for the "updated" Mac Pro and would wait for the next generation of computers. It promises to be very cool.

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I started to notice interesting feature: Since the release of the updated MacBook PRO with Touch Bar, it has either been a strong favorite or a complete disappointment.

I myself use an old MBP 2013 15-inch “top”. I also had the opportunity to work on new cars, updated in the summer of 1917. Next, I would like to express my thoughts in the context of the possible development of Apple laptops.

Processor and integrated graphics

At the moment, real “movement” has begun in the market of processors and video cards. At the beginning of 2017, these segments were largely ruled by Intel and Nvidia. But, within a year, the situation changed dramatically: AMD entered the market with a new confident solution of Ryzen processors in the CPU market, and an all-new VEGA architecture in the GPU market.

And away we go.

So what can we expect in terms of processors and integrated graphics in the new 2018 MBPs? Let's analyze it.

At the last CES2018 exhibition, Intel, together with AMD, presented a unique solution of its kind: an Intel processor coexists on the same substrate with discrete graphics from AMD! so-called G-series processors.

The Radeon RX Vega M GPU will include up to 24 compute units and will be connected to 4GB of HBM2 memory via a 1024-bit bus. Note that several processors with different versions GPU, as well as different TDPs of 65 and 100 W.

Communication between the central and graphic processors is carried out via a special high-speed EMIB bus, which uses only eight PCIe lanes, but at the same time provides sufficient throughput for full GPU operation even with high loads. And the remaining PCIe lines can be used to connect other devices.

In my opinion, potentially possible variant for MBP – 65 W. But this is just top, compared to what is installed in laptops now.

For clarity, the performance level is as follows. Core G-series processor with older Radeon RX Vega M GH graphics vs. Core processor i7-7700HQ and Geforce video cards GTX 1060 Max-Q (6 GB).

  • 3DMark 11 (Graphics), 1.07 times better result
  • HITMAN, 1.07 times higher FPS
  • DEUS EX: Mankind Divided, 1.13 times higher FPS
  • Total War: Warhammer, 1.09 times higher FPS

That's not all.

Intel has been releasing 8th generation processors for half a year now, so far only desktop ones. But it's 2018, it's time mobile solutions top segment. This 8th generation is considered the most serious upgrade in the last 10 years, since for the first time in a long time the number of physical cores in processors was increased. For example, i7 desktops have as many as 6 physical cores.

So, for the current generation, Intel plans to have a mobile processor line i9. Just imagine such stuffing in a laptop :) This is evidenced by a leak in the update popular program for computer monitoring AIDA64.

As we see from of this screenshot, Intel is already working hard on new high-performance mobile solutions.

In fact, Core i9 is unlikely to be relevant in laptops, because the TDP of such processors will be quite high, and, therefore, slim body It is unlikely to meet MBP and its heat package (35-45W).

Judging by Intel graphics, then Apple may well receive new processors in the first quarter, especially since AMD is breathing down its neck.

As a result, we should receive at least 6 nuclear processors new generation. Or maybe something else...

An unlikely option, but: this year, the same AMD enters the market mobile processors, which include their own built-in graphics. The solutions are very interesting from a technological and price point of view.

They promise an acceptable thermal package and slightly better performance compared to Intel+Nvidia combinations. Although Apple is unlikely to replace Intel processors in your devices.

Discrete graphics

Modern MBPs have discrete video cards of the generation Polaris. The old generation, which was replaced last year by Vega.

At the CES 2018 exhibition held this year, journalists were able to interview AMD employees who provided information about one of the main directions - this year it will be released mobile VEGA.

I want to assure you that it is much cooler than Polaris, which was renamed several times. Mobile GPUs Vega in its maximum version will offer all 2048 stream processors. We can also assume the presence of 128 texture units and 64 raster operations units. And of course a 1024-bit memory bus.

Excellent performance is promised, which can compete with NVidia at the level of a 1060 video card. The solutions will have an acceptable thermal package, fast memory type HBM2 and new technological process.

For MBP this will be a real leap forward and a breath of fresh air (as well as for the cooling system: D), because Lately there was no significant increase in productivity in these areas. Stable paper 5-10% growth from year to year.


Have you seen the concepts of frameless laptops? Tell me, it's a treat. Current Apple laptops have too large frames.

It’s already 2018 and the frames are 1.5-2 centimeters... seriously, Apple? It seems to me that if not ~~All new product~~ new display, then at least the same one, just without frames, would already be Amazing.

It would look beautiful, sophisticated, conceptual. It seems to me that we should expect something similar this year.


It's no secret that MBPs get quite hot under load. Thinner, lighter and hotter. It works out all the time. This has its downsides: higher temperatures, lower frequencies and lower performance due to processor throttling under high load.

As a result, some of the productivity simply goes down the drain. It’s also worth noting that the Intel i7 processors that are installed in the latest MBPs, despite the stated 45W TDP, most likely have 35W, because you simply can’t handle more in such a thin case - or fry the eggs.

ARM for more autonomy

There are rumors about Apple using A-series mobile chips in its devices. Everything was presented at the same CES2018 Lenovo laptop 2-in-1 type on base Snapdragon processor 835. Autonomy up to 20(!) hours. Well, knowing Apple, it will turn out much better than its competitors.


The second generation keyboard is simply a delight. Personally, I really like it, you quickly get used to it and don’t want to go back. But it is not without its shortcomings. Sometimes the keys get stuck and you have to blow them out with compressed air.

Let's hope that the company's engineers will be able to modify the mechanism in order to structurally almost eliminate such a situation.

This post was written reader V







Reader Rating: ( 6 Rates)



  • More or less acceptable price for the premium segment
  • Specifications
  • Build quality
  • 4k display
  • Touchscreen


  • Design compared to competitors
  • Lack of required USB ports

IN last time, an update to the MacBook Pro line was announced at WWDC on May 7, 2017. As a result of this update, Apple laptops have processors based on the architecture Kaby Lake– just 8 months after the release of the Touch Bar MacBook Pro in October 2016.

In November 2017, Apple's design director Jonathan Ive said that he was aware of widespread disappointment and criticism towards latest models MacBook. At the Future of Design conference held by Smithsonian Magazine in December last year, Ive said:

“Naturally, we listen to the feedback and opinions of users of our products. As carefully as possible."

Obviously, this statement will set the vector for the development of the MacBook Pro line in 2018. The Company will do its best to take into account and correct past mistakes. So, what will the new MacBook Pro surprise us with in 2018? When will it come out and how much will it cost? After all, one of the possible innovations may be the use of 6-core processors in models with a 15-inch screen diagonal .

Most likely, Apple will share the release date of the new MacBook Pro in June 2018, at the same exhibition. Perhaps, as part of the report, the new laptop itself will be presented to the audience.

However, despite the company’s awareness of the dubiousness of its latest decisions, this alone does not guarantee the appearance of a new MacBook Pro in 2018.

Possible proof of this could be recent information that Apple plans to almost completely transfer the task of manufacturing its products to the Taiwanese company Foxconn. It is logical to assume that for now Apple is focused on increasing production volumes of existing models.

“Since Apple has not made significant changes to the MacBook since the release of the new MacBook Pro in late 2016 and does not plan any innovations in 2018, the US company will order large volumes of products from its manufacturing partner Foxconn to further reduce costs and risks,” directly the report says.

Price of a new laptop from Apple in Russia and the world

It is impossible to say with certainty what the price of the new MacBook will be. However, we can say with confidence that the price tag will not be lower, but most likely higher than $3,000 (today’s price latest version 15 inch laptop Apple). Is it expensive? Of course, but more on that a little later.

MacBook Pro 2018 design update

Concerning appearance future MacBook, it is extremely unlikely that Apple will deviate even one step from the 2016 design. However, now the trend is frameless laptops. It is quite possible that we will see a significant reduction in the screen bezels, however, we can only guess and wait for WWDC 2018.

One of the frameless versions of the laptop that exists today is the Dell Precision M5520

This is far from the most important parameter, however, the new 2018 MacBook Pro may arrive with additional color palette. For now, the product is available in classic silver and gray options, while regular version The MacBook can also be purchased in gold and rose-gold colors. Is it possible that the next incarnation of the MacBook Pro will have a touch of gold?

Why not. But, most likely, Apple will still leave the gold color as a privilege for models aimed at the general consumer. The MacBook Pro still belongs to business-class laptops, and therefore will retain a more formal appearance.

I would like to separately note that a couple of years ago MauBook had no competitors in terms of design, but now the situation has changed. The weight of the current (and possibly future) MacBook Pro is 1.83 kg, which is 900 grams more than the LG Gram and HP EliteBook, and the device itself cannot be called compact.

In the future, Apple will be able to reduce the size of the boards to make more room for additional connectors. More efficient and multi-tasking boards will mean that the MacBook Pro may have room for USB 3.2 and other I/O ports.


Many people are wondering, is it worth buying a new MacBook Pro? Today it is impossible to give a definite answer. The industry is growing incredibly quickly, and the exit Apple laptop will not be until summer 2018. A lot can change in these few months and perhaps a competitor will emerge that will outperform the MacBook 2018 in all respects.