The best examples of landing pages for a dental clinic.

How much does it cost to develop a landing page in the Dentistry category?

The cost of each landing page adds up individually based on what you want your future sales page to look like and what goals you plan to achieve. Before starting work, we hold a personal meeting where we discuss in detail what the landing page should be like. We take into account all the wishes and preferences of the customer during the work process. Depending on which option you prefer - a colorful landing page that allows you to attract a significant number of new customers, or a simpler and more concise option, it will be different. Elaborated landing page with a set of functions and an eye-catching design it’s worth 50 thousand rubles. If you want to complicate your landing page and add additional functions and do more detailed work, the cost will increase.

We are ready to modify the landing page if changes are required. Developing a landing page in the Dentistry theme is a labor-intensive process, but the costs are worth it. They will more than pay for themselves within the first months from the moment of launch. You'll get many new clients which will bring increased profits. Rest assured that we employ competent professionals and our methods are proven and accurate.

How to attract new clients using a dentist landing page?

Attraction of new clients– the final, but not the only goal of the sales page. The Zexler company will help not only increase profits, but also increase your popularity, and win customer trust. All you need to do is contact us. We will take care of all other worries. So, our specialists:

  • They will take care of the well-thought-out structure of the landing page: navigation will be convenient, the arrangement of blocks will be logical, and overall the page will look organic.
  • They will create a unique design for you. Selling design is the key to the success of the landing page, so it is given Special attention. Corporate colors, beautiful graphics that match the theme, as well as a special style of headings and text - there can be no detail in the landing page design elements!
  • Think about the content of the landing page. From the headline to the final phrase, absolutely everything will be readable and speak about the reliability of the company.
  • Will be convenient form applications. This will speed up your conversions.

The Zexler company employs professionals: a team will work on your landing page experienced specialists, and the result will not be long in coming. Contact us and Your business will flourish!

Website template on a medical topic. Perfect for dentistry, medical institutions, private clinics of any kind.

One page html landing page the template is adapted for all types mobile devices. The layout is made using the bootstrap3 framework.

Technical features and capabilities:

  • HTML5 and CSS3.
  • CSS3 animations, parallax block effect.
  • Cross-browser layout.
  • Fonts from Google Fonts.
  • Fully responsive - the site will look good on all popular devices.
  • Font Awesome font icons.
  • Well-documented template settings and capabilities.
  • Forms feedback with ajax + php script with a convenient and simple configuration.
  • Validation of forms on correct filling fields.
  • Input mask mobile phone with the ability to change or disable.
  • 16 preset background schemes.
  • Possibility to change the layout width to a fixed one.
  • Ability to disable the preloader, animation, and fix the top panel.
  • Yandex map.

If you are interested in the development and prosperity of your dental clinic, then don't forget about mandatory availability a high-quality website that favorably presents your services. From us you can order a website template for a dental clinic that fully meets all basic requirements.

The structure of the landing page allows it to be slightly altered and used for similar narrowly focused medical topics.

Careful attention to the smallest details allows us to create website templates that differ high conversion. An important role here is played by the elaboration of each block, but also by the external design of the resource. Buying a website template for a dental clinic from us means getting a high-quality website template that can sell. Moreover, sell your services, and not the services of competitors.

Contents of the dental clinic website template:

  • The main, top block provides information about the advantages of choosing your clinic. It uses a themed background depicting the work of a dentist. It is supplemented with a “Get a consultation” button for greater communication convenience.
  • Next block, contains information about the services provided by the clinic. This allows you to maximize the interest of the client by showing your capabilities.
  • Then, a block with an image of a dentist containing information about why the client should contact you? This block is also supplemented with a “Get a consultation” button.
  • Next is a block with photographs of clinic specialists. In this way, you win the client over by calling trust to the work you do.
  • A block with an application form for making an appointment and a “Send application” button, for greater convenience, making an order.
  • Then, in the template block, information about the cost of providing services is presented. It is also presented in such a way that the client is convinced that only you have the most reasonable prices. It is supplemented with a “Download price list” button, which allows the patient to independently find out the cost of treatment.
  • Scrolling down, you can see a block containing reviews from your clients. As a rule, this block plays an important role in helping you convince the client that you really provide quality services. After all, many people make their choice based on reviews from other clients.
  • Next, there is a block with information about the advantages of your clinic. They are described in the form of small icons with a description, making this information not too intrusive.
  • The last block of the template contains information about the actual address of your dental clinic and all contacts for communication. Also, this block is supplemented with a map that allows the client to find your address as quickly as possible.

The template is presented as an archive of HTML+CSS files. It is enough to replace the information in the template with real data from your company and the site is ready for use. Unnecessary blocks can be easily removed or can be replaced with similar ones. If necessary, the template can be easily integrated into any CMS for easy data editing. Editing data in the HTML code of a template requires special knowledge and understanding of your actions.

Ordering a dental clinic website template from us means getting a highly converting website template, thought out to the smallest detail.

Today we will talk about one of the most highly competitive areas. Many medical school graduates aspire to private practice, and dentistry may be the most lucrative option. If you are related to this niche, then this article will show whether any of your clients were able to create a truly outstanding “dentistry” landing.

Traditionally, we have selected from search results several examples - both successful and not so successful. Let's analyze cases of existing dental clinics and companies.

Runet landing pages

The first example is successful in the following aspects: thoughtful design, stylish colors, adequate use of interactivity and modern web design features. The format used here is not quite familiar parallax scrolling, but a kind of golden mean.

The first window in in this case not so much about functionality, but about design. There is a minimum of information - but at the same time it is clear to the visitor that he has come to the “right address”. A medical chair is placed in the background - an element that everyone has associated with a dentist since childhood. Below are navigation elements.

Below the fold line is an attempt to justify the cost and the “Download price” CTA. To be honest, the need to download price lists or assortments from resources is rather an irritating factor. Really, after spending money on an effective landing page, marketers couldn’t create separate page with prices?

The “sliders” with percentages are also unclear (see the screenshot above). Their meaning is not obvious. Why did aesthetic dentistry receive 75% and periodontics 45%? Is this a percentage of the total treatment time? Or the level of competence of doctors in each discipline? :)

In addition, there are a lot of mediocre stock photos on the landing page - and, what’s most unpleasant, they are adjacent to David’s world-famous profile. David and dentistry, of course, are already a strange combination, but against the backdrop of the elegant design, the sculpture of the hero looks good. A sculpture, but not an image from a photo bank.

The company's landing page itself is quite long and contains many beautiful, interactive elements. Here is the “Good Dentist Blog”, all offers are described in detail. Yes, on this landing page dentistry is presented in all its variety of services. But - no customer reviews. This is alarming, especially considering that reviews of the clinic on the forums leave much to be desired.

On the plus side, the navigation elements (see the first screenshot) follow the visitor as they scroll to the very end of the page. General impression crumpled - on the one hand, a beautiful, elegant landing page that inspires confidence. On the other hand, trust is broken after several stock photos and lack of feedback from clients. And the reviews about the clinic on Google are mostly negative.

Finally, let's highlight the most terrible flaw - in fact, this page does not collect leads. The constantly flashing phone number of the clinic and the call to download the price list (without providing anything in return) do not count. Apparently, for this landing page, dentistry is not as important as dust in the eyes of visitors.

The next case is exactly the opposite of the first, especially in terms of design. Judge for yourself.

One glance at the first window causes an aesthetic shock: a stock photo, the fonts are unreadable due to the background, the aggressive call “Get in before prices go up” is on the right top corner(not far from the treasured red cross, which is tempting to click), etc. The designer’s attempt to simulate a “smile” with a green zone, the edges of which tend upwards, is touching. Plus, the “Submit Application” text on the CTA button is boring.

There are two good aspects on the main window: a call to action “Sign up for a free consultation” and a data collection form. There are only two fields, and the button is designed nicely (despite the banal text).

Below, the main stages of dental prosthetics are explained very clearly to visitors.

The achievements of the best specialists of the clinic are shown.

And at the very bottom the form for collecting data from the main window is duplicated.

Let's look at the third case - here marketers avoided both unforgivable mistakes and obvious successes.

Just an adequate landing page for dental prosthetics. The first thing that catches the eye is the sentence free consultation, then we notice an offer about “turnkey implantation”, and finally - an element of urgency, a timer.

Below the fold line there is a justification for the price and a presentation of the clinic’s specialists

At the very bottom is a wonderful contact form with one field and good text on the button.

In short, there is no special genius in design or revolutionary solutions here, but everything is simple and good.

Template from LPgenerator

In the store selling target LPgenerator pages There is one landing page “dentistry”. Let's consider it.

Once on the first window, the client immediately understands the essence of what is happening. From the title it is clear what, where and at what level is offered to the visitor. Under the title there are three mini-offers that can encourage further scrolling.

Health is the main value that a person has. If a person carefully preserves his health, then he creates a springboard for himself for many years of life. As you know, teeth are a mirror. human body. If the teeth are well-groomed and healthy, then harmony reigns in the body. In addition, beautiful snow-white teeth are the key to good self-esteem. After all, the first impression of a person is formed precisely with the first visual acquaintance.

Landing page for dentistry

In order to draw the attention of the audience to your company and attract new customers, you need to actively engage in advertising. One of the most effective ways promotion is rightfully considered the creation of thematic Internet resources. A good website for a dental company is already half the success of the company. But a competent corporate website cannot always achieve all its goals, namely, attract niche clients. To solve such a problem, a landing page for dentistry would be more appropriate.

When properly implemented, a landing page for a dental clinic can significantly increase the flow of clients. So what should it be perfect landing page page for dentistry?

You need to realize that a person who wants to cure his teeth or have teeth inserted imputes his health to the dentist. And therefore, he must be as loyal as possible to the clinic he has chosen from a number of others. In order to potential client If you have gained confidence in you and your landing page, you need to take into account several important aspects on your one-page website.