It's better to defragment your hard drive. Everything you need to know about defragmenting your hard drive

Various types of information are stored, changed or deleted on a hard drive, flash drive or any other storage medium; if this happens without subsequent defragmentation, then fragmentation occurs. That is, if there is a gap between the end of one content block and the beginning of another, then this means fragmentation. This concept should be understood as a chaotic order of storage (dispersion) of files on media.

This occurs due to the fact that after the first deletion of a file that previously occupied a certain space on the media, there remains space that is not filled with anything. New files fill the subsequent space. Thus, it turns out that a kind of gap appears between the files. It is impossible to see it without special software.

Defragmentation, in turn, allows you to organize files on the media and after the procedure is completed, they will be stored exactly one after another, without any gaps. It is worth noting that there are several types of defragmentation, these are: complete (after the procedure is completed, the files will be located as close to each other as possible) and partial defragmentation (there may be spaces between the files). It is not necessary to defragment the disk if there are not many spaces between blocks (files).

Defragmentation programs

To defragment the disk, special software is used, which is available in all versions of Windows operating systems. To do this, just open “My Computer,” right-click on the drive you want to defragment and select “Properties.” Next, you should go to the “Service” tab, where you can see several items: “Disk Check”, “Disk Defragmentation”, and also “Backup”. To start the defragmentation procedure, you need to open the appropriate section and click on the button to start the procedure.

In addition, specialized software, such as the Auslogic Disk Defrag program, can be used for the same purposes. The key feature of this program is a fairly simple and intuitive interface that even a novice PC user can handle. All you need to do is download this program on the Internet (distributed), install it and run it. When the program window opens, you should select the partition that will be subject to defragmentation and start using the Start button. The process itself can take from half an hour to several hours, depending on the contamination and capacity of your hard drive.

Almost all Windows users, of any version, notice that over time the system begins to work somewhat slower than after installation. And this may be due not only to the accumulation of computer garbage, but also to slower access to the hard drive. Defragmentation can help in such a situation. The only question is how to get the maximum performance boost on Windows 7. Let's figure this out together.

What is defragmentation and why is it needed?

First, a brief overview of theoretical information. When constantly using the system to create or delete files and folders, most objects are broken into fragments, and they are not stored in one place, but end up scattered throughout the hard drive.

That is why, in order to “assemble” one file from fragments together, the system has to “jump” from one sector to another, which, naturally, sometimes takes quite a lot of time, especially if there is a large number of fragments and file size.

In addition, if the “bricks” that make up the file are located closer to the outer areas of the hard drive, the time it takes to find and read them is much greater than that spent when performing similar procedures with the internal areas. Thus, the defragmentation process is to move the most frequently used files (and their fragments) to the fastest areas of the hard drive and so that these fragments are located next to each other if possible.

But how to defragment a disk on Windows 7 so that the result is the best? There are several simple methods for this. Although some of them may differ from each other in the algorithms used.

How to defragment a disk on Windows 7 using the system's built-in tool?

Any operating system in the Windows family, including Windows 7, has its own tool (standard defragmenter). You can access it from the usual “Explorer” or any other file manager via RMB and selecting the properties item. Calling the defragmenter through the Start menu and the utilities section looks longer and more inconvenient.

To begin with, on the general tab, it is advisable to clean up the disk and remove all computer junk. You can use some third-party utility for this (this is precisely what allows you to achieve the best effect during defragmentation).

After this, the question of how to defragment a disk on Windows 7 can be solved quite simply by using the corresponding item on the service tab. When entering the standard application, it is first recommended to carry out an analysis by clicking on the corresponding button. If the fragmentation result is 10% or lower, defragmentation may not be carried out. Otherwise, you just need to press the start button for the process and wait for it to complete. Depending on the degree of fragmentation and the size of the hard drive, it may take quite a lot of time.

How to defragment a disk on Windows 7 Professional using the Shell?

If you don’t like this method, you can also use the standard command line, which must be launched with administrator rights (cmd in the “Run” console, which is quickly called up via the Win + R combination).

How to defragment a disk on Windows 7 in this case? Nothing complicated either. In the console window you need to write the line defrag C: /W /V and press Enter. The following attributes are optional. Their full list can be viewed by entering the command defrag /?, and then select the required combination. Accordingly, for other disks or logical partitions you will need to change the letter, since the command above was given specifically for the system disk.

Application of specialized programs and optimizers

In principle, you don’t have to resort to the standard tools of the system itself, but use special programs like Smart Defrag or complex optimizers like CCleaner.

CCLeaner solves the question of how to defragment a disk on Windows 7 quite quickly and simply. In this application, as in any other similar program, you can apply optimization in one click by checking the disk optimization module before starting scanning and searching for problems, or go to analysis in the service menu.

The defragmentation algorithm is somewhat different from the one used in Windows, and the process itself is much faster in time. This, by the way, can be seen in the graphical display of the progress of the operation if you compare both options.

Instead of an afterword

Finally, it’s worth answering one more question that some irresponsible users ask: “How to defragment a disk on Windows 7 via BIOS?” The answer is clear: NO. Firstly, the question itself is posed incorrectly, since the participation of the operating system in the defragmentation process in this case is not even hypothetically provided for. Secondly, there are no such tools in the settings of the primary system.

Finally, to automate the process so as not to constantly call the defragmenter, you can use the “Task Scheduler” built into the system. You need to create a new task, select standard defragmentation or run the optimizer and specify the desired execution (run) period.

Good afternoon!

Whether you want it or not, to make your computer work faster, you need to carry out preventive measures from time to time (clean it of temporary and junk files, defragment it).

In general, I can download that most users very rarely carry out defragmentation, and in general, do not pay due attention to it (either out of ignorance, or simply because of laziness)...

Meanwhile, by doing it regularly, you can not only speed up your computer a little, but also increase the service life of the disk! Since there are always a lot of questions regarding defragmentation, in this article I will try to collect all the main things that I myself encounter quite often. So...

FAQ. Questions about defragmentation: why do it, how often, etc.

1) What is defragmentation, what is the process? Why do it?

All files on your disk, while being written to it, are written sequentially in pieces onto its surface, often called clusters (many have probably already heard this word). So, while the hard drive is empty, file clusters can be nearby, but when there is more and more information, the scattering of these pieces of one file also increases.

Because of this, when accessing such a file, your disk has to spend more time reading the information. By the way, this scattering of pieces is called fragmentation.

Defragmentation is aimed precisely at collecting these pieces compactly in one place. As a result, the speed of your disk and, accordingly, the computer as a whole increases. If you have not defragmented for a long time, this may affect the performance of your PC, for example, when opening some files or folders, it will begin to “think” for a while...

2) How often should you defragment the disk?

Quite a common question, but it’s difficult to give a definite answer. It all depends on how often you use your computer, how it is used, what drives it uses, what file system it has. In Windows 7 (and higher), by the way, there is a good analyzer that will tell you what to do defragmentation, or not (there are also separate special utilities that can analyze and notify you in time that it’s time... But about such utilities - below in the article).

To do this, you need to go to the control panel, enter “defragmentation” in the search bar, and Windows will find the desired link (see screenshot below).

3) Do I need to defragment SSD drives?

No need! And even Windows itself (at least the new Windows 10; this can be done in Windows 7) disables the analysis and defragmentation button for such disks.

The fact is that an SSD disk has a limited number of write cycles. This means that with each defragmentation, you reduce the life of your disk. In addition, SSD drives do not have mechanics, and after defragmenting, you will not notice any increase in operating speed.

4) Do I need to defragment the disk if it has an NTFS file system?

In fact, there is an opinion that the NTFS file system practically does not need defragmentation. This is not entirely true, although it is partly true. It’s just that this file system is designed in such a way that defragmenting a hard drive under its control is required much less frequently.

In addition, the speed of operation does not drop as much due to strong fragmentation as if it were on FAT (FAT 32).

5) Is it necessary to clean the disk of junk files before defragmentation?

It is highly advisable to do this. Moreover, not only clean from “garbage” (temporary files, browser cache, etc.), but also from unnecessary files (movies, games, programs, etc.).

If you clean up the disk before defragmenting, then:

  • speed up the process itself (after all, you will have to work with fewer files, which means the process will complete earlier);
  • make Windows run faster.

6) How to defragment a disk?

It is advisable (but not necessary!) to install a separate special. a utility that will deal with this process (about such utilities below in the article). Firstly, it will do it faster than the utility built into Windows, and secondly, some utilities can defragment automatically, without distracting you from your work (for example, you started watching a movie, the utility, without disturbing you, defragmented the disk at this time).

But, in principle, even the standard program built into Windows does defragmentation quite well (although it does not have some of the “goodies” that third-party developers have).

7) Should I defragment a disk other than the system disk (i.e., the one on which Windows is not installed)?

Good question! It all depends again on how you use this disk. If you only store movies and music on it, then there is not much point in defragmenting it.

It's another matter if you install, say, games on this disk - and during the game, some files are loaded. In this case, the game may even begin to slow down if the disk does not respond to it in time. As it should be, with this option, it is advisable to defragment such a disk!

How to defragment a disk - step by step steps

By the way, there are universal programs (I would call them “harvesters”) that can carry out complex actions to clean your PC of junk, remove erroneous registry entries, configure your Windows OS and perform defragmentation (for maximum speed!).

1) Cleaning the disk from garbage

For example, I can recommend CCleaner. Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it is very easy to use and there is nothing superfluous in it. All that is required from the user is to click the analyze button, and then clean the disk from the found garbage (screen below).

2) Removing unnecessary files and programs

At worst, you can use the standard utility built into Windows (to open it, use the control panel, see the screenshot below).

3) Start defragmentation

Let's consider running the disk defragmenter built into Windows (since it eats me by default for everyone who has Windows).

First you need to open the Control Panel, then the System and Security section. Next, next to the “Administration” tab there will be a link “Defragmentation and optimization of your disks” - click on it (see screenshot below).

An alternative way to run defragmentation in Windows

1. Open “My Computer” (or “This Computer”).

3. Then in the disk properties, open the “Service” section.

4. In the service section, click the “Optimize disk” button (everything is illustrated in the screenshot below).

Important! The defragmentation process can take quite a long time (depending on the size of your disk and the degree of fragmentation). At this time, it is better not to touch the computer, not to run resource-intensive tasks: games, video encoding, etc.

The best programs and utilities for disk defragmentation

Note! This subsection of the article will not reveal to you all the capabilities of the programs presented here. Here I will focus on the most interesting and convenient utilities (in my opinion) and describe their main differences, why I chose them and why I recommend trying them...

1) Defraggler

A simple, free, fast and convenient disk defragmenter. The program supports all new versions of Windows (32/64 bit), can work both with entire disk partitions and with individual files, supports all popular file systems (including NTFS and FAT 32).

By the way, regarding defragmentation of individual files - this is, in general, a unique thing! Not many programs can allow you to defragment something specific...

2) Ashampoo Magical Defrag

To be honest, I like products from Ashampoo- and this utility is no exception. Its main difference from similar ones of its kind is that it can defragment a disk in the background (when the computer is not busy with resource-intensive tasks, which means that the program is running and will not hamper or interfere with the user in any way).

What is called - once installed and forgotten this problem! In general, I recommend paying attention to it to everyone who is tired of remembering defragmentation and doing it manually...

3) Auslogics Disk Defrag

This program can move system files (which need to be the fastest) to the fastest part of the disk, thereby speeding up your Windows operating system somewhat. In addition, this program is free (for normal home use) and can be configured to start automatically when the PC is idle (i.e., similar to the previous utility).

I also want to note that the program allows you to defragment not only a specific disk, but also individual files and folders on it.

The program is supported by all new Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits).

This is one of the fastest disk defragmenters! Moreover, this does not affect the quality of defragmentation. Apparently, the program developers managed to find some unique algorithms. In addition, the utility is completely free for home use.

It is also worth noting that the program treats data very carefully, even if during defragmentation some system error occurs, a power outage or something else... - then nothing should happen to your files, they will still be read and opened . The only thing is that you will have to start the defragmentation process again.

The utility also provides two operating modes: automatic (very convenient - set it up once and forget it) and manual.

It is also worth noting that the program is optimized to work on Windows 7, 8, 10. I recommend it for use!

Defragmenting your hard drive is necessary to unite all fragmented files into groups. Essentially, it arranges certain parts of the file. This allows you to quickly read the data stored in this file when accessing it. Naturally, after defragmenting the hard drive, the speed of writing data to this medium also increases. After grouping scattered files, groups of free clusters appear, located quite close to each other. Now, to record new information, there is no need to distribute it between different disks. Disk defragmentation has a positive effect on computer performance and operating system speed. Even if a file was written to a newly defragmented disk, there is no guarantee that it will not end up distributed among different sectors. A huge number of operating system files are constantly changing. This means that clusters are cleared and rewritten multiple times. Naturally, new data for certain files cannot be written “next to” the file itself. It is recommended to defragment your hard drive at least once a month. Keep in mind that this process reduces the number of times the hard drive's read head must be moved. Considering the fact that hard drives have a certain operating life, defragmentation can extend the life of the hard drive. You can defragment your hard drive using standard Windows operating system tools or additional utilities. The choice depends on your preferences, but this process is extremely useful, and neglecting it can lead to irreversible consequences.

Video on the topic

When using a computer for a long time, the data on it becomes fragmented. Defragmentation eliminates this deficiency, helps increase computer performance and extends the life of drives.

If a user makes large changes to a file in use, the available disk space may become insufficient. Then the data is written in fragments. A similar situation occurs when writing large files to an almost full disk. When there is little empty space left on the disk, all new data is written to it in any free space. The files end up torn into many pieces located in different parts of the disk. If the processes of erasing and writing data occur frequently enough, then most of the disk becomes fragmented. This significantly reduces the performance of the operating system, the time it takes to access files and launch programs. All these unpleasant consequences can be prevented by starting the disk defragmentation process. The file is ultimately collected into one whole, the data is saved at the beginning of the disk, and free space remains at the end, which also increases the speed of access to files and folders. With regular defragmentation, the service life of the disk increases, since the read head makes significantly less movements. You can perform defragmentation using special programs. The operating system usually has a built-in program for this process. To use it, in the “My Computer” window, right-click on the disk on which you want to defragment and select “defragment” from the “Tools” menu. Next, you will see a program window where you can first select to analyze the disk for the degree of fragmentation, and then perform the necessary actions. There are many commercial defragmentation programs available. They perform the process more thoroughly, it is possible to run the process in the background and according to a given schedule. But for the average user, the built-in defragmentation program is most often sufficient.

Video on the topic


  • Overview of hard drive defragmenters
  • Defragmenting your hard drive

The process of defragmentation is usually called organizing the contents of clusters to increase the speed of access to necessary files and improve computer performance.

Information is stored on the hard drive in encrypted form. The minimum unit of data storage is a bit with a value of 1 or 0. A byte is equal to 8 information in various combinations, i.e. 256 characters. Bytes are combined into Kilo-, Mega-, Giga- and Terabytes. A grouping of a certain number of bytes designed to store a certain amount of information is called a cluster. The size of the clusters does not allow storing all the selected information in one single cluster, so the data is divided into fragments (a fragmentation process occurs). The computer operating system provides the required number of clusters to record all the necessary information, but does not provide the sequence of its storage. In addition, during the work process, some files are edited, added and deleted. All this leads to further fragmentation of data and an increase in the level of fragmentation. Fragmentation of information does not affect its functionality, but can lead to a decrease in the speed of the computer and slowdown of the programs installed on it. Defragmentation of the hard drive allows you to restore the sequence of placement of fragments of information on the disk and combine empty clusters. The Microsoft Windows operating system has a built-in defragmentation tool that allows you to carry out this procedure without the use of additional third-party software. To perform the operation, you need to select the disk to be defragmented and call its context menu by right-clicking. You will need to select the “Properties” item and go to the “Tools” tab of the dialog box that opens, where you select the “Perform defragmentation” option. It should be remembered that performing a defragmentation operation is recommended when actively adding and deleting files and folders, installing and uninstalling new applications and implementing procedures for updating the operating system used.


  • Defragmentation - useful tips

The speed of the Windows operating system gradually decreases under the influence of various factors, one of which is the fragmentation of files on the hard drive. Disk defragmentation helps solve this problem.

Defragmentation is the process of optimizing and updating the logical structure of disk partitions to organize files into a continuous sequence of clusters. Defragmentation allows you to speed up reading and writing files, which leads to increased speed of various programs and the entire operating system. This happens because write and read operations are performed at a higher speed than random accesses. In a more simplified form, defragmentation is the operation of redistributing files on a disk so that they are located in contiguous areas.

Large files occupy several clusters. When writing to an empty disk, clusters belonging to the same file are written in a row. A full disk does not have sufficient areas to accommodate the file. However, the file is still written if the disk has several small areas of sufficient total size for recording. In this case, the file is written as several fragments.

Splitting a file into fragments during the recording process is called fragmentation. If there are a large number of fragmented files on the disk, the read speed of the media decreases, since it takes time to search for clusters containing files. Compared to other media, such as flash memory, the search time on them does not depend on how the sectors are located, so fragmentation practically does not occur on them.

Some software requires that files be stored in sequential sectors (for example, the built-in emulator in the Zalman VE-200 drive makes such a requirement for image files). In this case, even installing a solid-state drive will not save you from the need for defragmentation.

How is defragmentation performed?

Defragmentation is necessary on file systems such as MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, since the programs they support do not protect system components from fragmentation. It can start even on a practically empty disk with a light load.

Defragmentation is carried out using special defragmenter programs, which are available among the applications preinstalled on the system and are capable of literally collecting files from their fragments. Their only drawback is the low speed of the operation: sometimes you have to wait for several hours for defragmentation to complete.