Local wifi network. Create a home network using a router

A local home network via a WiFi router opens up a wide range of possibilities for users mobile gadgets and personal computers with the Internet. The user can set up such a network independently, even without deep knowledge in network management.

Wi-Fi router allows you to organize your home wireless Internet, to which you can connect from several devices simultaneously.

Since computers and laptops are no longer luxury items, anyone can buy these devices; many even have several personal gadgets. For ease of use, it is recommended to combine them into a local network (LAN).

A home local network has a lot of functions and allows you to share files, distribute Internet, play online games and much more. It's quite easy to set up.

What is a local network?

Figure 1. Changing adapter settings.

A local network is a group of devices such as personal computers, laptops, printers, TVs, etc. combined through interfaces via a specific data transmission medium (cable, radio channel).

The main benefits that the user receives by installing a local network:

  1. Direct file sharing. You can transfer photos, music, movies and other files between computers directly via LAN, without using external drives, such as flash drives, disks, etc.
  2. Access to shared network resources. These include, for example, a printer. If it is connected to local network, this allows you to print on it necessary information from any computer in it.
  3. Organization of the play area. Video games often have a mode network game, which allows players to compete.
  4. Access to the Internet. Each device located on the home network can access the Internet if it is connected to one of the computers, allowed and configured general access.

Figure 2. Creation home group.

In a classic local network, the connection between computers is provided using a cable. However, in the age portable devices And wireless technologies the use of this connection method is no longer relevant.

Instead, it is proposed to build home network via a WiFi router, it will be possible to include devices that support WiFi: tablets, smartphones and others.

They will also have access to all the functionality of the local network, for example, file transfer and Internet access, possibly with some restrictions related to the specific use of mobile devices.

What do you need for a home network?

So, the task is to create a network through a router. To organize it, it is necessary to provide the following equipment configuration:

Figure 3. Network location settings.

  1. Wi-Fi router with DHCP support. Must be connected to the Internet.
  2. Stationary personal computer.
  3. Notebook, laptop.
  4. Tablet, smartphone.

Before setting up a network through a router, you need to take several steps. First, you need to make sure that the DHCP server is turned on and active on the router. The network protocol serves to automatically assign network parameters (for example, IP address) to nodes connected to the router. Then it’s worth understanding the concept of “working group”. For security reasons, all computers being joined must belong to a single workgroup. This is necessary so that extraneous devices, whose inclusion in the network structure was not intended, are not able to use its resources and penetrate network nodes.

You can configure whether the system belongs to a particular workgroup by following the following path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “System”.

Figure 4. Opening public access.

In the subsection titled “Computer name, domain, workgroup settings” you need to click the link on the right “Change settings”, then in the window that opens click the “Change” button (Fig. 1).

This window allows you to configure parameters such as computer name, workgroup and others. The workgroup field may initially contain the standard name Workgroup; instead, you can enter proper name eg Homenetwork.

In the same window you can specify a unique computer name. Then you need to restart your computer. This operation must be repeated exactly on all computers on the local network. The group name should be the same for everyone, but it is advisable to make the names different.

How to create a homegroup?

You need to create a local home network group - homegroup. You should follow the path: “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Network and Access Management”. The router, with the help of which a home local network is organized, must be connected and connected in advance.

Figure 5. Enabling password protection.

In the subsection active networks on the right there is a line “Home group”, next to it you need to click on the “Ready to create” link, then on the “Create home group” button (Fig. 2).

It should be noted that if in the network viewing section the local network you are setting up does not have the home status, you can assign it to it by clicking on the “Networks” link (Network 5 in the figure). The network location settings window will open, where you can select one of three types (Fig. 3):

  1. Home network. It is designed that all nodes are known and safe, the user knows about all devices and completely trusts their work. Access is practically unlimited.
  2. Enterprise network. Optimized for office or corporate local systems.
  3. Community network. Serves for work in public in public places, where it is important to maintain the anonymity and security of each node. Computers on such a network are invisible to each other, which provides high protection from unauthorized entry.

Figure 6. Connecting to your home network.

By clicking on the “Create Home Group” button, you can select the directories and devices that you want to open for common use(Fig. 4).

After applying these parameters, the system will generate a password. This needs to be written down separately (or screenshotted) as it may be required for the WiFi connection.

Otherwise, setting up a local network through the router will not be possible (Fig. 5).

How to connect to your home network?

After completing all the specified actions, the home group is considered created. It is recommended to reboot the device to full application configurations. Since you need to set up a network for several computers, then you should definitely check the connectivity various computers to the created homegroup. The second computer (for example, a laptop) must be connected to the Wi-Fi point of the router. On it, go to “Network Management”, look for the “Home Group” item, click on the “Join” button (Fig. 6).

Figure 7. Network setup for multiple computers.

After entering the recorded password, we repeat the setup cycle, specify the allowed folders and reboot the device. If the connection cannot be established, you need to disable all third-party firewalls and firewalls(firewalls). When the connection is made, everything network devices should become visible, access to resources and directories should be open.

By default, your computer has access to only a few special shared folders. But this is far from the limit of possibilities; it is possible to make almost any directory in the system accessible. To do this, you need to open the folder properties, find the “Access” tab, click on “Advanced settings” and check the box that opens sharing. We apply the parameters, the folder should become visible to other computers (Fig. 7).

Now let's figure out how to get with using WiFi from tablet to computer.

You can additionally include tablets and smartphones running Android in the created home network.

The ES Explorer application will help with this. After installing it, you need to connect to Wi-Fi. The program has a LAN tab (this is access to a local network). Once there, you need to click on the “Search” button. The application will find all available computers, and you can now log into each of them and view the contents of open folders.

The main purpose of the router is to create an access point to Internet resources. A router serves as a connecting element for creating a home local network; an on-router provides the ability to connect peripheral devices located at home or office to the Internet provider channel. A home network via a wifi router is very convenient, modern and practical!

Let's look in detail at how to create a home network via a wifi router, and also consider the advantages of working with a home local network.

Benefits of creating a local network

A local network is usually understood as a group of devices connected to each other using two types of networks:

  • Wired type;
  • Wireless type.

Classic type - connection via cable elements. Today, this approach can easily be superseded by the router and wireless LAN.

Such a group of devices connected via LAN has advantages:

  • Possibility of direct transmission of information arrays– data and files between separate devices groups. At the same time, the need to use physical media no data required;
  • Uninterrupted and permanent access to Internet resources;
  • Creating a local network will also allow you to have access to all resources of any of the devices in the group. For example, it will be possible to easily carry out via a PC document printing located on a mobile gadget;
  • A local network via a wifi router allows you to organize single playing space, which will be useful for fans of online games.

What you need to organize a local group

The task at hand - creating a network through the use of a router - will require certain equipment:

  • Directly the router;
  • A personal computer, which will serve as the center of all subsequent manipulations;
  • Laptop or netbook;
  • Tablet computer or smartphone;
  • Printer
  • Other devices that support data transfer via Wi-Fi


Before you do and implement your plan, it is important to make sure that the server is available and active DHCP: the protocol will allow you to automatically set network parameters for all devices in the group. In the tab DHCP there is a subsection "DHCP Clients List" in it you will see all the devices connected to the router. Of course, you can do without deploying DHCP, but in the absence of automatic distribution of addresses, to connect to the router, you will have to set network parameters manually on each device.


Appearance of the D-Link switch

The router has ports on the side or back for connecting your devices. One of the ports is highlighted in color (usually yellow) and is intended for connecting an Internet provider cable; it is called the WAN port. LAN ports are intended for connecting devices. If there are not enough sockets to connect all your gadgets, you can purchase a special eight port switch. Then you connect the switch to the router, and then connect all your devices to the switch. Switches can be:

  • Megabit;
  • Gigabit (if you need a higher speed connection to the disk).

Learn more about creating and configuring a local network

So, how is a home network created via a router? Let's present all the required actions in the form of a list:

Before carrying out all the necessary manipulations:

To configure your home network correctly, as well as for its proper functioning, you need to provide shared access to certain folders or drives - the network through the router must be open for access by one technical means to each other and vice versa. To do this, in the properties of the object - file, folder or disk - set general access and select the ability to write and read.

What's next: connection

Once the HomeGroup is ready, installed, and organized, it is recommended that you restart the central PC.

Now you can check whether everything was done properly. To do this, it is recommended that from another device of the created group, for example, a laptop connected to wi-fi, go to the “network management” menu and in the “home group” option connect to it.

Then, after entering the security password and carrying out the manipulations described in the previous paragraph - opening access to disks and files, folders - we reboot the laptop. Connection between internal networks separate equipment should become available. In this case, the required “bridge” between the computer and the laptop is built correctly.

What you need to connect your tablet or smartphone to your HomeGroup

To connect to your home local group With tablet computer or smartphone (which should preferably support app installation and be powered by operating system Android), you will need to perform a number of actions:

Install the “ES Explorer” application on the device from which you plan to connect;

After installing the program, you need to connect to a wireless Wi-Fi network;

“ES Explorer” has an option (tab) LAN – access to your home local network. By accessing this tab, we initiate the search procedure;

The search result will display a list of computers available for connection;

By selecting any of the homegroups, you can safely access it and exchange data packets between your tablet or smartphone and your computer.

Checking connection and operation

To make sure the newly created home network is working, you can use two ways:

Refer to " network environment" If all of the devices required for connection are found in the list that opens, then everything is in order;

Use command line and the command “ping + device address”. We build a chain of checks according to this command. If satisfactory results are obtained and responses are received from each of the home or workgroup devices (depending on the previously specified settings), the process can be considered completed normally.

Summing up

A competently and correctly built local group and, subsequently, connection, has a number of advantages compared to cable analogs from the past: it’s not only high quality new level data transmission, but also convenience and practicality of use.

We figured out how to set up a local network, how to organize communication between all the equipment located in the group we created on central computer. The main nuances and subtleties of organizing this method of communication between home computers, regardless of their functionality, are also considered: both static all-in-one PCs and laptops, netbooks, smartphones and tablets can be connected. Access to shared data is open to any of the devices.

You, dear user, just have to carry out all the considered operations yourself and enjoy the technology and all the benefits of your new local group connected wirelessly.

Today, creating a local network through a router has become so possible that even a beginner can handle it. All you need for this is a computer, Internet access, and the router itself. Regardless of its model, the process of creating and configuring a local network is the same.

Setting up a local network through a router on Windows XP begins with disabling security programs on home computer. If you have a firewall or other software installed, they should be temporarily disabled so that local network traffic is not blocked.

To set up and two or more computers could recognize each other and receive open access, you need to place them in the same workgroup, under any name. How to do it? Follow the directions:

  • Select the “properties” tab by clicking (right) on the “My Computer” icon;
  • We go further to the “computer name” tab, then click the button called “change”;
  • Enter the required name in the work group field and click “Ok”.

Next we move on to IP addresses. To set up a local network through a router, the IP addresses of all working computers must be located in the same subnet. It should be noted that by default all PCs receive from the router following settings:

  • IP address;
  • DNS - servers with addresses.

There are times when setting up a local network through a router is impossible without enabling NetBios. To overcome this obstacle, you should go to “ Network connections» via the control panel and open the TCP/IP settings window. NetBios is turned on additional parameters, on the "general" tab. This completes the setup.

Creating a local network through a router on Windows 7 has significant differences, so the setup should be written separately. First you need to find out the computer name. To do this, go to the “properties” section, where we will need to find the “change parameters” tab. Next, after changing the machine name and the name of its workgroup, you need to reboot for the changes to become active and take effect. Attention! The PC name must be specified in Latin letters, otherwise the router may contain irreparable errors. Then we configure automatic receipt addresses and DNS:

  • Select “Control Panel”;
  • Center that manages public access;
  • Local network > Properties;
  • Select TCP/IPv4 and check the box to obtain an IP address automatically.

In order for the local network setup via the router to be successfully completed, you must enable NetBios. To do this, go to another section called Internet Protocol Properties, select “Advanced” and in the “WINS” tab check the necessary “Enable NetBios” checkbox. Click “Ok”. At this stage of your actions, setting up a local network through the router is considered complete. and you can enjoy the benefits.

It is worth noting that if you have routers from TP-Link or Belkin, then setting up your computer can be done in two ways, depending on the type of connection. If you connect equipment using wi-fi, then first of all you should set the necessary properties of the wireless connection. If you connect the router using a blue cable (patch cord), then you should set the local network properties to automatically obtain IP addresses.

As for setting up a login and password to access the router itself, regardless of the model chosen, the settings follow a standard form. To do this, in the browser window, enter the address indicated on back cover equipment (for example and then enter the desired settings.

Now you can safely begin and cope with the task yourself. If done correctly, you are guaranteed success!

We will consider creating such a network at Windows example 7, 8, 10. None additional equipment except for a router and computers (there should be at least 2 of them), you won’t need it. If all devices support Wi-Fi, then create wireless connection It is possible without using a router. But in this article we will look at how to create a connection using a wireless router.

Set up a network via wireless router (WiFi router) can be done in two ways. First– connect the computers that need to be combined using network cables. Second– set up a wireless connection via Wi-Fi. This connection is preferable for connecting laptops to it, and therefore is more often used at home.

First you need to check the settings of the router itself.

Router settings

Open the router settings window by entering address bar browser For example D-LINK router DIR-615 this window will look like this.

For other routers, the operating principle will be similar, the only differences are in the interface.

For creating Wi-Fi network go to basic settings. Here we assign a network name (SSID), make the access point open, turn on wireless connection. After that, click “ Apply».

Next we move on to security settings. Here we select the type of data encryption and enter the key.

After this, also click “ Apply» — Wi-Fi network created. All of these settings may be set by default, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

Computer settings

Opening Control Panel. The easiest way to do this is through the Start menu by right-clicking on it.

Opening the Network and the Internet - top line.

You can open the same window by right-clicking on the notification icon next to the date and time in the lower corner of the screen.

First, click Change additional. sharing options.

Setting up points responsible for network discovery, auto setup and access. Almost everything, except for the last section.

Sharing with password protection disabled for ease of use.

Now you have the opportunity to interact over a local network.

For example, through Explorer, all network devices will now be displayed in the corresponding section.

By default, the workgroup name is created "WORKGROUP". This name should be on all devices on the network. You can change it in the properties window by entering “ sysdm.cpl" in field Execute(Win+R).

System Properties will open, Computer Name tab. To edit the name you need to click the button Change. Use letters of the Latin alphabet.

Share folders and files

After all the manipulations have been carried out, you will be able, for example, to play or send documents for printing. However, you still won't be able to fully use the files. network computers. By default, only the Users folder is open.

If you want to grant permission to a directory or an entire partition, you need to right-click to open its properties - Access tab.

Next, open “ Advanced setup", you need to check "Share the folder". Then click “Apply”.

You can configure permissions for users to read and write data to this directory or partition.

It is important to check the options of your personal antivirus firewall (or firewall). Trigger type and filter mode should be set to " Automatically».

Basically, a Wi-Fi router is used as an access point to the Internet. But it can act as a connecting element when creating a home local network to connect all the devices that are in your home. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s done via Wi-Fi or using a patch cord. You will learn more about how to create a home network via a Wi-Fi router correctly and configure it in this article.

Advantages of a home local network

A local network is a group of devices (computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.) connected to each other via wired or wireless communication. The main advantages of such a group:

  • direct transfer of data and files between objects without the need to use removable media(flash drives, external HDDs or SSD drives);
  • Internet access;
  • access to shared network resources (the printer can print information from any device connected to the network);
  • building a common gaming area (many modern games have a network play function).

Choosing a router

To create a home local network using Wi-Fi router you will need:

  • Wi-Fi router with DHCP support;
  • connected devices (among them there must be at least one stationary PC).

When choosing a router, you should know what type of connection the provider uses. Phone line requires an ADSL connector in the selected model. When using a separate cable, the router must have a WAN socket.

Important! IN Lately ADSL connection is practically not used.

Take into account the number of LAN ports in the router, through which peripheral computers or laptops are connected to it. wired connection. The standard quantity is 4 ports. If this number is not enough for you, use a network switch.

Use a router that works with the 802.11n standard because it provides better performance and a larger signal coverage area compared to the 802.11g standard.


For example, the setting will be shown on a router, to which one PC is connected using a patch cord, and the second via a wireless connection.

Make sure your router is connected to the Internet. The corresponding indicator on the front panel should blink. If for some reason access to World Wide Web no, check the quality of the wire connection to the WAN connector or update the router firmware to latest version by downloading it from the manufacturer’s website.

Checking physical connection

Before you start creating a network, check the connection between the computers connected to the router:

If packets are exchanged between devices, you can create a local network. Otherwise, check the connection of all devices to the router or set up an antivirus. In the second case, in the program settings, set the switch to allow general network access, to the “on” position.


Check the name of the devices and which workgroup they belong to (both entries must consist of Latin letters). If necessary, change these parameters:

Important! Follow these steps for all devices that connect to your local network. Working group must match in name, but the computer name does not.

We set up the network by creating a home group. More details on how to do this are described in the article “Creating, setting up, deleting a home group on computers with Windows 10”. Repeat the same steps on all devices that are connected to the network, then reboot them and check whether all connected gadgets are displayed in the Network section.

Sharing folders and files

To share access on your home local network to specific folder or disk, do the following:

Connecting two or more routers on the same network

Often a user needs to connect two or more routers on one home network. First, think about what result you want to get:

  • combining two local networks;
  • creating a common access point for accessing the Internet;
  • connecting various devices to a second router.

Routers can be connected wired or wirelessly.



When connecting wirelessly on the secondary router, set the search wireless networks. After that, enable the DCHP function on the main and automatic detection IP addresses on the secondary router.

Installing and setting up the printer

If you need to connect the printer to a local network, read the article “ Setting up a home printer to print from a PC running Windows 10”. It describes all the features in detail.

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