Livesurf client does not work on Linux. Thin diskless client based on Ubuntu that does not require mounting the file system over the network

I didn’t specifically create a post until I was convinced of the effectiveness and safety of the wonderful service for increasing traffic to my two blogs. Now I can say with complete confidence: yes - it works ! To prove it, I’ll just give you a screenshot of the traffic to this blog over the past couple of weeks. However, from the statistics picture it is easy to determine at what time I started using the services of

How it works

I found this completely by accident by following a referral link on one of the social networks, for which I am very grateful to its author.

A detailed description of the operation of this service does not make sense - there are quite a lot of functions on it and how everything works there is described very clearly and in detail on the pages of this site.

I will include only a few explanations in my task so that those who come to the website for the first time will not be confused, but will turn for explanations at the very beginning of using the system to the most important and necessary functions.

The first thing I will recommend after completing a simple registration on the site (it’s better to do this by following a referral link or banner - then you’ll understand why)

study the most important instructions on the pages indicated in the footer of the site: “About the system”, “How it works”, “Rules”.
Then on the main page, click on the most important icons (highlighted in blue).

Having more or less familiarized yourself with the principle of operation of the service, you can click on the “Add site” button. The words add site should not be taken as adding the main page of your resource (resources) - although this can be done. Adding sites is adding URLs (any pages) from your sites, which will then be visited by customers and which can be changed and new ones added after your ranking ("experience") increases. From this point of view, it is better to use the necessary pages on your sites. Attendance, as you understand, improves pages and improves their ranking. This is perhaps the most important function assigned to the lifesurf service.

Another tip: before adding pages, I recommend downloading and installing it on your computer client program , which allows you to automatically visit other sites from your computer and thereby earn credits right away. After all, the whole system is based on earning credits, which allows, in accordance with their savings, to visit the pages of your sites by other users and in the same way.

After installing the client program (you can study the principle of its operation and download it directly on the website itself), windows of the “sites you visit” will open one by one on the desktop at certain intervals.

The program will start automatically by default, but you can disable it from startup (as you wish) and run it every time you turn on the computer.

At the top left is a timer: as soon as zero is set, a transition to another site occurs, and so on. I think there is no need to explain that the longer the client program runs (and therefore the computer is turned on), the more credits you will earn for your sites. Everything is free, except for the electricity used :). If your computer will work constantly (or long enough to cover the limits automatic mode- namely I suggest enabling this mode in working on the service) - increased traffic and improved PF - guaranteed.

Main features that can be used on

I won’t go into depth, I’ll just list it with a brief description - all detailed instructions can (and should) be found on the service’s website. However, in the future, I recommend that you very carefully read all the functionality of the service, its capabilities, and operating instructions - you will discover a lot of things that I will not tell you about only on this page.

  1. Installation client programs and earning credits through the automated process of visiting sites included in the system.
  2. Opportunity to become a promoter (earning credits by attracting referrals).
  3. Participation in affiliate program(placing the service code on the website pages, confirming rights, placing banner codes in special blocks and receiving rewards for clicks - real earnings).
  4. Adding your own contextual advertising on the website and promotion of personal resources.

I hope that I have convinced you, dear readers and friends, that using the service is guaranteed to increase traffic and improve PF on your sites. If my arguments are not convincing - just go to the service using my referral link below the cut, register and try it in action. If you don’t like it (which I deeply doubt) - you can refuse his services. If you have any questions, ask them in the technical support of the service or me in the comments.

I wish you success!

(Visited 27 times, 1 visits today)

1) Address pool. To do this, add the following line to the end of the file /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf:

2) We come up with an algorithm (I just stole it) and write it to a file:
#!/bin/sh max_rank=-1 max_server="" for server in $MY_SERVER_LIST; do rank=$(nc $server 9571 | sed -n "s/rating://p") if [ "$rank" -gt "$max_rank" ]; then max_rank="$rank" max_server="$server" fi done echo "$max_server"
We do:
chmod a+x /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/get_hosts
Nothing complicated, we just go through all the NetCat servers and select the least loaded one. This script can be changed so that it uses the balancing server, but I don’t want to do this, because using such a simple script, in principle, it will be possible to get rid of lbagent and lbserver.

3) During the setup and installation of all additional servers, we had already generated pairs of DSA and RSA keys. In order for clients to connect to additional servers, the generated public keys from the additional servers should be copied first to the main server and then to the image. To do this, first do the following on each additional server:
ltsp-update-sshkeys --export ssh_known_hosts. scp ssh_known_hosts. [email protected]:/etc/ltsp/
And on the main server:
ltsp-update-sshkeys && ltsp-update-image --arch i386 && echo -e "default ltsp\nlabel ltsp\nkernel vmlinuz\nappend ro initrd=initrd.img quiet splash nbdroot=\n" > / var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
We check:
cat /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts

The only thing I don’t understand is why do we need a balancing server at all... Probably in future releases there will be a file /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/get_hosts, but at the moment this is not the case. But one way or another, now the balancing definitely works.

By the way, you can check how loaded a particular application server is using the script /usr/share/pyshared/lbserver/ First, indicate the address of the required server in it:
rpcserver = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("")
And then we execute it and look at the result:
$ python /usr/share/pyshared/lbserver/ [("name": "MEMTOTAL", "value": 507788), ("name": "CPUFREQ", "value": 3502.64), ("name ": "CPUCOUNT", "value": 1), ("name": "DISTRO", "value": "Ubuntu 11.04"), ("name": "IP", "value": "" ), ("name": "HOSTNAME", "value": "ltsp-appserv01"), ("name": "ADDRESSES", "value": ""), ("name": "MEMFREE" , "value": 476144), ("name": "MEMUSED", "value": 31676), ("name": "LOADAVG", "value": 0.0), ("name": "USERS", " value": "kafeg"), ("name": "NBUSERS", "value": 1), ("name": "NBX11SESS", "value": 1)]
No less useful is the script /usr/share/pyshared/lbserver/, which can contact the main server and also return some information:
rpcserver = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("") $ python /usr/share/pyshared/lbserver/ [("default": True, "nodes": [("active": True, "lastWeight": 100, "values": [("critic": False, "name": "MEMTOTAL", "value": 507788), ("name": "LOADAVG"), ("critic": False, "name": "ADDRESSES", "value": ""), ("critic": False, "name": "IP", "value": ""), ("critic ": False, "name": "HOSTNAME", "value": "ltsp-appserv01"), ("critic": False, "name": "NBUSERS", "value": 1), ("critic": False, "name": "NBX11SESS", "value": 1), ("critic": False, "name": "MEMFREE", "value": 476052), ("critic": False, "name": "CPUCOUNT", "value": 1), ("critic": False, "name": "CPUFREQ", "value": 3502.64), ("critic": False, "name": "USERS", "value ": "kafeg"), ("critic": False, "name": "MEMUSED", "value": 31768), ("critic": False, "name": "DISTRO", "value": "Ubuntu 11.04")], "name": "ltsp-appserv01", "address": "")], "name": "default")] Add tags

In preparation for writing 2 articles about behavioral factors (for everyone and for registered subscribers), I decided to introduce readers to services that promise good results in this area.

At first I briefly looked at the service - it seems to be quite good and there are good reviews from serious people, but for some reason all the decent optimizers were not experimenting on their own sites. But I was interested in one point in their FAQ: to the question “How to become the executor of your tasks?” a stunning answer was given - “We fundamentally do not involve users in installing software.” In other words: no way!

If a person who comes to their service for the first time and asks a question is already considered a user, then this should be understood - in no way will you become a performer, because we recruit performers in another place and under a different brand. I then thought that apparently the performers were paid mere pennies and, in order not to upset webmasters and optimizers, it was better to remain silent about it.

By the way, in order to have good conditions for site visitors in terms of behavioral factors, it is necessary to make the site’s usability good. If you don’t know how to do it correctly, turn to professionals, they know this well.

Where can I get them? I'll give you a hint. For example, if you live in Zelenograd, then this is the request you need to make to find them - “website development in Zelenograd”. This is especially important if you are going to make a website with a clear commercial focus, for example, an online store.

The description of how the Live Surf system works is quite attractive.

The principle of operation is this. Each user of the system can install software on their computer that will simulate visiting someone else's website. In return, you will receive visitors to your site: the dwell time is 30 seconds (standard), but you can increase it, add multiple page views, etc. Automatic mode is recommended - connect it and clip coupons without doing anything else. I mean, attendance is growing by leaps and bounds and the problem of refusals will be almost solved (and they are, like, struggling with it).

Moreover, when registering with the service, you receive 100 credits (local currency) for free, for which you can get 100 visitors.

Credits can be earned by writing reviews, placing banners, participating in an affiliate program, or simply buying them at the ridiculous price of 0.001 rubles or, what is the same, for 0.1 kopecks of an almost real visitor. Imagine, for some unfortunate 100 rubles you will get a whole ten thousand visitors– and let the fools write articles, optimize them, fight for the TOP, etc.

You think that I made a mistake in the price, see for yourself (to enlarge, click on the picture):

But you can even get visitors for free using the installed program. This, apparently, is for those who don’t even have 0.1 kopecks. Who are they? - I'm at a loss. Even schoolchildren can save 100 rubles on ice cream. Are they targeting kindergarteners?

When registering (name + email), you just need to activate your account in the email sent, then indicate your website and that’s it - the system starts working instantly. I was surprised to see how loans began to be written off and the number of visits began to increase. But I haven’t made any settings yet! Then it turned out that the default mode is automatic, and there is also a manual mode, but with that, as with many other things, I didn’t figure it out and ran away: the essence of the matter became clear from the very beginning.

I didn’t have time to think much about all this, because I wanted to use Yandex. Webvisor to see what kind of visitors they are and what they are doing on the site. Looking ahead a little, I will say that the Live Surf service fulfills its promises: according to their data, 12 visitors came to my blog and Webvisor recorded them all.

Eh, it would be better if they didn't come. Judge for yourself:

  • All 12 accessed the request “”;
  • All 12 were on my blog for the first time (and how did you find out the URL?);
  • All 12 stayed for 15 seconds (they promised 30 seconds);
  • All 12 were only on the main page - they came there, from there and left (where is the page view?);
  • All 12 did not make a single action on the site, even Webvisor tracking was not turned on.

All I have in the end are 12 Webvisor messages like this:

Of course, I immediately withdrew the site from the service: for several years I had practically no requests with the site name, but here there will be 30 of them every day, all the same. No, everyone’s IP is different, but the same page is always visited and all visitors do nothing on it. And 30 visits each because this is the default - I saw this later.

What would you do if you were a search engine with such a site?

That's what I'm afraid of.

Of course, the site will last for some time, but then... And then I understood why the phrase “site is blocked” is repeated many times on their service website, they even have a special subject for letters - about blocking the site. Your website, by the way. By the way, in their “Help” it is immediately indicated that if the site is blocked, there is nothing to count on for their help.

So, if you want to get a 100% ban for your 100 rubles, you won’t have to wait long.

And you won’t be able to buy loans: they don’t sell them for money anymore, they write – for technical reasons. Now you can get loans only by installing a program on your computer, which, by the way, many are very unhappy with. Read reviews online. Some pioneering craftsmen from among the “cool money makers” even whine about the 15% load on the processor. They are funny, but how else can you earn 0.05 kopecks per visit (the Webmaster receives half a credit for one visit).

Therefore, even such fake visitors cannot be bought for money - you are simply forced to install the program. I wish I knew why?

And since the founding fathers of Live Surf do not want to earn rubles and pennies from the service participants, it is logical to assume that they (the participating webmasters) are secretly used in more decent services like movebo.

Draw your own conclusions: should you participate in such games or not. I was a member of this service for 50 minutes - so long because I went out to drink tea.

Added later. And if you want to influence factors on your behavior, then here is a good service for you - This is a task exchange where for very little money (within a ruble) you can have someone write a comment, publish it on social networks, or participate in voting, etc. Moreover, the completion of your tasks is checked there and only then payment is made.

Read the article about this service - “”. Or go straight away.

P.S. Do you think Yandex and Google will count this article to me as a confession? LOL

P.P.S. By the way, I completely forgot to write right away in the article: instead of improving bounce rates, you will get them WORSE. The founders of the service should read the help from Google and Yandex, which explicitly states that a refusal is counted when only one page has been read. Instead, they are trying to convince us that (quote) “The default settings cannot cause suspicion among statistics services.” Haha.

P.P.P.S. Please warn your friends about this service, the buttons are below.

Image from


Back in 2013, one bank used thin clients based on DisklessUbuntu. There were some problems with them; in my opinion, mounting the root file system over the network in large branches with a weak network did not work very well. Then my good friend @deadroot made the first version of a thin client that loaded entirely into memory, without requiring anything to be mounted over the network to work.

Then I actively completed this client; many useful things were done there, specific to our use case. Then the bank closed (the license was revoked), the remains of the client’s source code were moved to my github: thunclient. A couple of times I slightly finished it to order.

Recently I got around to making a fairly easy-to-use solution out of this bunch of scary unreliable scripts:

  • Vagrant provides a virtual machine that can be configured like a regular workstation.
  • One script collects files from it that are ready for downloading over the network, and cuts out the excess.
  • Vagrant raises a virtual PXE server and a network client to test the resulting build.

What can he do?

  • It is completely loaded into memory and does not require mounting the root file system over the network to operate.
  • Built on the basis of Ubuntu, almost any software can be installed from its rich repositories, and third-party ones can be connected if something is missing. It’s especially nice that security updates arrive in Ubuntu quite quickly.
  • Able to mount additional overlays on top of the root file system. You can add some software only for some workstations without building a new image
  • It can do zram - memory compression, useful for old clients with a small amount of RAM. Although for new ones, as a rule, it won’t hurt.
  • Out of the box, a lightweight desktop (LXDE) with an RDP client is assembled; the addresses and parameters of the RDP servers are simply transferred from the PXE server through parameters during boot.
  • You can change one parameter in the config and a minimal console system will be assembled without unnecessary software - the basis for some of your custom builds.
  • If the download fails due to server or network problems, it will briefly show an error message and try to download again. It’s convenient that when the problems are fixed, the workstations will rise on their own without unnecessary movements.

The bank used VNC to remotely connect to the user’s thin client (x11vnc to connect to an already running Xorg session). Not everyone needs this (usually the ability to connect to an RDP session on a terminal server is enough), and everything is very individual in terms of convenience/security requirements. That's why I didn't post this part.


Why not just use Thinstation?

If you are completely satisfied with Thinstation, then it is better to use it; it is an older and more mature project. Plus, it is one and a half times smaller in size; after all, this is an assembly specially tailored to the minimum volume, and not a slightly modified regular Ubuntu.

But the software versions in it are quite ancient and there is little of it there. If you need something additional, in addition to RDP/Citrix/… clients, you will need to assemble it manually, and so on with each update.

Vagrant vs chroot

Previous versions used chroot, as did most similar projects, like Thinstation for example. This is not difficult, but still, a separate program launched in a chroot does not correspond to what is happening on the real machine: there is no interaction with the system init, with other programs and services. Plus, Vagrant made it possible to make the process of creating a client as simple as possible: the virtual machine is configured like a regular machine.

Of course, using Vagrant comes with some complications.

The virtualbox-guest-utils service must be running on the machine for shared folders to work. In addition, you need a boot manager (grub), which is mandatory for a machine with a disk and useless for a client booting over a network. I solved these problems by excluding all files of these packages from the build. Therefore, they do not affect the size of the resulting image.

In addition, Vagrant requires ssh running on the machine, allowing the user with the generated key. I exclude from the build the home directory of the vagrant user used for setup, along with his ssh keys. The keys for the user's Ubuntu can be placed in his home directory.

Well, to work, Vagrant generates network interface settings that will be erroneous for a real machine. During assembly, I had to replace the interfaces file and write a script that, on a real machine, generates a config for configuring all available interfaces via DHCP.

Provisioning is done using Ansible. This is a very convenient tool for configuring all kinds of software and hardware. But I wouldn’t want to include Ansible and the second python it requires with the necessary libraries in the final image: it’s useless ballast. I also don’t want to install Ansible on a machine where the virtual environment is messed up: it will complicate the work.

Vagrant allows you to do a trick: install Ansible on one machine (test PXE server), and deploy other machines from it, within the same playbook. To do this, machines must have a static IP in order to register it in the ansible inventory. Well, we solved the problem with interface configuration in the last paragraph.

Starting from this article, I will periodically talk about the main programs for Linux(which, of course, can be installed in Kubuntu). Often, users who have just switched to Linux have little idea of ​​what applications can be used on Linux, how to install programs in Kubuntu, what they are called and where to even start working on this system. At first, I myself didn’t know many basic things: what program can I use to watch a movie, what client should I use to set up my email, and are there any analogues of the programs in Kubuntu that I’ve gotten used to over the years of working on a computer? Fortunately, there are more than enough applications and various utilities in Linux, so it’s impossible to consider them all in one review. The first article will be devoted to Internet applications - programs for communicating and working with the Internet.

Summary of the review of Internet applications for Linux:

Web browsers for Linux

All popular web browsers are available in Kubuntu:

Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome and a developer repository that will automatically connect when you install the browser.

Opera: available as a DEB package:


Rekonq: Available from the default repositories and the developers' repository: ppa:yoann-laissus/rekonq-ppa.


Chromium: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:chromium-daily/ppa.

Midori: Available from default connected repositories.

Epiphany: Available from default connected repositories.

Instant messaging clients for Linux

In Kubuntu, you can use various instant messaging clients that support the popular protocols ICQ, XMPP and many others:

Kopete: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:kubuntu-ppa.

Pidgin: Available from the default repositories and the developers repository: ppa:pidgin-developers/ppa .

QutIM: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:qutim/qutim .

Empathy: Available from default connected repositories.

SIM: Available from default repositories and as a DEB package:

Skype: Available as a DEB package:

Psi: Available from default connected repositories.

Gajim: Available from default connected repositories.

Quassel IRC: Available from default connected repositories.

Conversation: Available from default connected repositories.

Chatzilla: Available from default connected repositories.

KMess: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:kmess-packages/kmess-stable .

Emesene: Available from default connected repositories.

aMSN: Available from default connected repositories.

Mail clients for Linux

There are many email clients for Kubuntu:

KMail: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:kubuntu-ppa.

Thunderbird: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa.

Evolution: Available from default connected repositories.

Balsa: Available from default connected repositories.

RSS Readers for Linux

I will highlight the most functional applications for reading RSS feeds in Kubuntu:


available from the default repositories and the developers' repository: ppa:kubuntu-ppa.

Liferea: Available from default connected repositories.

Thunderbird: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa.

Programs for blogging and microblogging

Let's look at applications for working with full-fledged blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter) that can be installed in Kubuntu:

Blogilo: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:kubuntu-ppa.

BloGTK: Available from default connected repositories.

Blog Entry Poster: Available from default connected repositories.

Lekhonee: Available from default connected repositories.

Qwit: Available from default connected repositories.

Choqok: Available from default connected repositories.

Gwibber: Available from default connected repositories.

Torrent and DC++ clients

We list torrent clients and clients for working with hubs in DC++ networks:

KTorrent: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:kubuntu-ppa.

Transmission: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:transmissionbt/ppa .

Deluge: Available from the default repositories and the developer repository: ppa:deluge-team/ppa .

aMule: Available from default connected repositories.

Vuze: Available from default connected repositories.

Linux DC++: Available from default connected repositories.

Eiskalt DC++: Available from default connected repositories.

FTP clients for Linux

The following programs are available for working with FTP in Kubuntu:

FileZilla: Available from default connected repositories.

KFTPgrabber: Available from default connected repositories.

BareFTP: Available from default connected repositories.

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