Lecture "external devices connected to a personal computer." What devices can be connected to the computer?

Left - VGA, middle - DVI, right - HDMI.

It often happens that both the monitor and the video card support all three interfaces. In this case, we recommend using DVI or HDMI interface, at your discretion.

Well, you say, they began to express themselves in all sorts of incomprehensible terms. But don’t be afraid ahead of time. Computer language is full of terms that you will need to gradually learn. There is no way without this.

An interface is, simply put, interaction, pairing.

Let's move on... The video card can be built into the motherboard ( integrated), and external (discrete), that is, being a separate device connected to the corresponding connector on the computer motherboard.

In the picture in the rectangle numbered 1 video card connector is closed, built into the motherboard. In this example, this connector is VGA. Rectangle number 2 shows external video card connectors. And here, as we see, are all three video interfaces described above.

If on your computer both video cards are present, then it would be better and more correct to use an external one. Why? An integrated video card does not have its own RAM, so it will use system memory, which cannot be said about an external video card. An external video camera has not only its own RAM, but also its own processor. But now let’s not go deeper into the jungle, we have a different task...

So let's see what interfaces supports your video card and monitor, take the appropriate cable (as a rule, they come with the monitor) and connect them to each other.

Connecting the power cable to the monitor

We insert the network cable into monitor connector, other end to the surge protector. A surge protector is an extension cord to connect several(usually at least five) devices and a power button. There is also a fuse there, so if there is a strong voltage drop in the electrical network, then the fuse will trip, and your PC will not be harmed.

Connecting the network cable to the power supply

Connecting a keyboard and mouse to a computer

Keyboard and mouse connect to the system unit via a PS/2 connector or via regular USB. Green for mouse, green for keyboard lilac.

Do not confuse with USB 3.0. These connectors differ in color; USB 3.0 connectors are blue.

Connecting speakers

Connecting audio speakers. Almost all motherboards have a built-in sound card. On the back panel of the system unit you can see from three to six multi-colored inputs.

The green input is for speakers, the pink one is for a microphone. All the others are not needed if you have regular speakers.

Checking connections and turning on the computer

All! Your computer is ready to turn on. Let's check all connections again. We connect the surge protector to the power supply and press the red button on it. Also check the position of the switch on the power supply. Naturally, it must be turned on. Keep in mind that not all power supplies have such a switch.

Workplace organization

Well, in conclusion, a few words about choosing the location of your PC and organizing your workplace. When choosing a location for your computer, be sure to so that the system unit is not located near heating devices. Otherwise, the system may overheat and cause an emergency shutdown if the overheating protection system is triggered. But it's better not to experiment.

Recommended distance from monitor to eyes should not be less than 70 cm. More is possible, less is not. It is advisable that the center of the monitor is at eye level. What is it for? For ease of perception of information from the monitor screen.

Make sure you have good lighting your workplace. It should not be too bright, but not dull either. If your computer is installed in a poorly lit area, install an additional light.

You have a new computer and are ready to install it, but don't know how. You may think that this is a difficult and impossible task for beginners. In fact, everything is very simple. And it doesn’t matter what brand your computer is, because the connection diagram for all computers is similar.

If you want to connect a computer you just bought, which may still be in the box, then you will probably find instructions in it describing the connection process. Even if there are no instructions, you can connect your computer and peripherals with just a few simple steps. In this lesson you will learn step by step how to do this.


If you have a laptop, the connection process is extremely simple: just open it and press the power button. If the battery is not charged, then you need to connect external power to the laptop. You can use the laptop while charging.

If the laptop has any peripherals, such as external speakers, then you can read the instructions below, since the connection diagram of a laptop and a desktop computer are basically the same.

Installing and connecting a desktop computer

Step 1

Unpack the monitor and system unit from the box. Remove all plastic protective films. Place the monitor and system unit on the table.

Think about where your workplace will be located, where the monitor, system unit, and peripheral devices will be located. It is recommended to place the system unit in a well-ventilated place. This will help avoid overheating.

Step 2

Find monitor cable. Typically this is either a VGA or DVI cable. It may look similar to the picture, or blue colors. (If you have an all-in-one PC, you can skip to step 4).

Step 3

Connect one end of the cable to monitor port on the back panel of the system unit, and the second - to the monitor. Tighten the plastic bolts tightly to secure the cable.

Many computer cables only connect to certain ports. Therefore, if the cable cannot be inserted, do not force it to avoid breaking the connector. Make sure the plug fits into the port and then connect the two.

To understand which cables belong to which ports, study our lesson.

Step 4

Unpack your keyboard and determine whether its cable connector is USB (rectangular) or PS/2 (round). If you are using a USB connector, connect it to any USB port on the rear panel of the system unit. If you are using a PS/2 connector, insert it into the purple keyboard port on the rear panel of the system unit.

Step 5

Unpack your mouse and determine whether its cable connector is USB (rectangular) or PS/2 (round). If you are using a USB connector, connect it to any USB port on the rear panel of the system unit. If you are using a PS/2 connector, insert it into the green mouse port on the rear panel of the system unit.

If your keyboard has a USB port, then you can connect the mouse through it rather than directly to the computer.

If you have a wireless mouse or keyboard, you may need to connect a Bluetooth adapter (via USB) to your computer. However, many computers have built-in Bluetooth, so you may not need an adapter.

Step 6

If you have external speakers or headphones, then you can connect them to the audio port (on the front or rear panel of the system unit). On many computers, ports are identified by colors. Speakers or headphones are connected to the green port, and a microphone to the pink one. The blue port is a line input that is intended for other types of devices.

Some speakers, headphones and microphones have USB plugs instead of regular audio plugs. They can be connected to any USB port. In addition, many monitors have built-in speakers and microphones.

Step 7

Take the 2 power cables that came with your computer. Connect the first cable from the back to the system unit and to the surge protector. Then connect the second cable to the monitor and to the surge protector.

Step 8

Finally, plug the surge protector into the wall outlet. You may also need to turn on the surge protector itself, if it has a switch.

If you don't have a surge protector, you can plug your computer directly into an outlet. However, this is not recommended, as a power surge can damage the computer.

Installation and connection of the computer is completed

Your basic computing devices are now ready to go. Before turning on your computer, spend a little time organizing your workspace. A well-organized workplace can increase productivity and improve health.

Computer users may sooner or later need to connect two or more computers to each other. You need to connect a friend’s laptop to your computer, or you had one computer at home and bought another, or you need to use your computer as a means to distribute the Internet to other PCs - there can be a lot of options. In this material I will tell you how to connect a computer to a computer using a connection via a network cable, Wi-Fi and USB.

The easiest way to connect is to connect two computers via a network cable. Network cards are now built into almost all models of desktop computers and laptops, and if suddenly for some reason you don’t have one, then you can always purchase it at the nearest computer store or order it online.

Make the cable yourself. Since two types of crimping network cables (twisted pair) are now used, you will need “computer-to-computer” crimping, so-called “crossover”. Of course, you can crimp it yourself using special tools, but I would advise you to contact any computer company where they will do this for you in a couple of minutes at a cheap price. Don't forget to indicate that you need a crossover, and also indicate the required comfortable length of your cable.

When you have such a cable, one end of it must be connected to one computer into the network card connector, and the other end into the same connector of another computer. After connecting the computer to the computer, you need to go to the settings of these computers and configure the connection between them.

How to connect computer to computer via cable:

Checking PC to PC connection. The computers should now be visible to each other.

The main part of the work is done. Now you can play computer games with each other, your machines will see each other. But if you want to send files to each other, then you need to make some directory on your PCs common so that both your computers can write to or read the necessary files from there.

Let's share the folder. When you have determined which folder on your computer will be shared, right-click on it, select properties, go to the “Access” tab, click on sharing, and in the user column, click on the arrow on the right, select “Everyone”. Click on “Add” on the right, and then on “Sharing” at the bottom. Your folder will become accessible to another computer, the user from there will be able to download files and upload their own there.

By the way, the same mechanism applies both to a separate directory and to the entire logical drive, which can also be shared using the above technique.

Method 2. How to connect a computer to a computer using a homegroup

You can also connect our machines to each other by creating the so-called. "home group" We connect the laptop to the laptop using a network cable, indicate their IP and the desired subnet mask as described above.

  1. After specifying the parameters on both computers, go to the control panel, there select “Network and Internet”.
  2. Next, go to the Network and Access Control Center, and at the bottom left click on “Home Group”.
  3. In the window that appears, click “Create a home group” and click “Next”.
  4. Select groups of files for sharing (videos, pictures, etc.).
  5. Again, click on “Next”, and in the next window we receive a password to access the group (you need to write it down).

Now any other computer can join our group if they know the password. To do this, you need to enter the “Home Group” component on another computer (the path is indicated above), and click “Join” there, following the wizard’s prompts. That's all.

Method 3. Connect computers using Wi-Fi

Typically, this connection option is used when connecting laptops to each other, which by default (unlike desktop PCs) are equipped with built-in Wi-Fi modules.

  1. To configure the computer-to-computer connection settings, go to control Panel.
  2. Then go to "Network and Internet", then click on the network control center, where on the left select “Change adapter settings”.
  3. Right-click on the icon "Wireless Network Connection", then click on "Properties".
  4. There we select the Internet protocol fourth version, double-click on it and check the boxes to automatically receive IP and DNS, then press "OK".

These operations must be performed on both computers. After this, we need to create a wireless network.

Click Start, type in the search bar, right-click on the command line icon that appears and select run as administrator in the menu that appears.

On the command line we type:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid= droidovtest.mcdir.ru key=458654452

You can use a different network name instead, and instead 458654452 – another password if desired.

The launch of our Wi-Fi network is carried out by the team netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Now we go to another computer, click on the wireless networks icon (at the bottom right of the screen), in the list of networks we see the network under the previously specified name, click on it and click “Connect”. The system will ask for a password, and after entering it you will be connected to the network with the first computer.

Method 4. How to connect a computer to a computer via a USB cable

I’ll say right away that connect one computer to another viaUSB-the cable will not work directly, since the USB cable itself is wired in such a way that there must be a master and a slave device. To create such a connection, you will need a special USB cable with a built-in chip, which are sold on various websites.

Typically, such a cord comes with a disk with drivers that ensure the operation of this device. If drivers are not included, they can be supplied automatically by the system itself. The cord may also include a file manager specially created to provide the functionality of this device. With its help, you can easily exchange files, just run it on both computers.

  1. After connecting and installing drivers, additional network adapters will appear in your network connections.
  2. Let's go to Network Sharing Center along the path described above, we find our virtual adapter that appears and, by right-clicking on it, select Properties.
  3. And then double click on Internet Protocol 4 versions, and set the address IP168.3.1 (standard subnet mask) on one computer, and (same mask) on the other.
  4. We confirm and exit, now in the network environment of each computer we will see another computer.


As you can see, there are simple methods for connecting a computer to a computer using a power cord, wireless connection or USB connection. Usually, a crossover of a regular cord and a couple of settings is enough so that computers can see each other, and their users can enjoy joint gaming or sending various files to each other. If you find this difficult, just try to follow the above tips, you will definitely succeed.

To him. They brought it from the store, but how to connect all this equipment? For a novice user, this will seem like a complex task that will require a specialist to complete. In addition, you still need to pay the specialist. So let's become this expert and connect the computer ourselves.

Connect the computer yourself. Device Location

There is nothing complicated about connecting a computer. All connectors are standardized, and it is simply impossible to plug in any device in the wrong place. Although if you try...

As a rule, all computer facilities are arranged as follows:

  • is on the table and located at a comfortable distance from the eyes. The distance depends on the size of the monitor screen, but should be at least 60 cm.
  • placed on the floor or a special shelf at the bottom of the computer desk. The location for the unit should allow free air circulation to prevent overheating.
  • fits on the pull-out shelf of your computer desk. If you have a simple desk, then the keyboard can be placed on the table with the monitor.
  • located next to the keyboard on the right or left, depending on which hand is more convenient for you to operate the mouse.
  • The speakers are located on the sides of the monitor in the same plane or slightly behind.
  • All peripherals are placed in free space, it all depends on the length of the cables.

The best option for placing the entire computer equipment would be to have a special table, the so-called computer table. There are a great variety of tables of this type on the market: corner and straight tables, with various compartments and shelves for various devices.

If you have a laptop, then everything is simple: you just have to open the lid and press the power button. The periphery is located in any convenient place where power and connection cables can be reached.

Self-installation and computer connection

Once all the components of your system are combined into a single whole, turn on the red key on the surge protector. The voltage indicator on it will light up. On the back panel of the system unit, switch the power key to the “on” position.

Press the power button on the front panel of the monitor and system unit. The computer will turn on and the operating system will begin to load.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about connecting a computer yourself.


Additional devices can be internal (inserted into the system unit) or external (connected externally using connectors).

Internal additional equipment was considered. This includes a video card, sound card, network card, and disk drives. Why do I say that "can be attributed" to internal equipment? Simply because technology development is progressing so quickly that “everything secret becomes clear” and many internal components of a system unit (or laptop) can now be made external. This applies to the video card, sound card, network card, disk drives, and hard drive.


Additional equipment is also called peripheral equipment or abbreviated periphery. Let's look at examples of peripheral equipment.


Let's start with a computer modem. The modem connects the computer to the Internet using a regular telephone cable. Accordingly, data reception and transmission occurs through the telephone network.

Another analogue for connecting to the Internet is an ADSL modem, which works much faster than its older brother and is an external device.

There are many other possibilities to connect to the Internet, for example, using wireless modems Yota, Sky Link, Megafon, etc.

A modem is needed to connect a fax to a computer and it is usually installed inside the system unit (fax modem).

Internal modem (fax modem)


The printer is designed for printing text and graphic information on paper. There are matrix, inkjet and laser printers, and in terms of print color - black and white (monochrome) and color.

The printing process is called printing, and the resulting document is a printout or hard copy.

Dot matrix printers are veterans of printing, as they appeared much earlier than inkjet and laser printers. Just as all old films are black and white due to the technology of their time, dot matrix printers are black and white. Many consider them outdated.

However, dot matrix printers are still actively used for printing where continuous paper supply (in rolls) is used, namely in banks, accounting departments, laboratories, libraries for printing on cards, etc.

Inkjet printers can be color or black and white. They print on paper using ink taken from cartridges.

The disadvantage of inkjet printers is that they are expensive to print; ink from paper is usually washed off with water. When the ink in a cartridge runs out, you need to buy a new cartridge or give the old one for refilling.

Laser printers Also available in color and black and white. They print using a laser beam. The laser beam bakes the toner onto the paper, which falls from the cartridge onto the paper.

These cartridges are filled with toner (powder). Laser printers have high printing speed and inexpensive printed sheets.

A scanner is designed to enter information from paper into a computer. Performs functions opposite to a printer, which outputs, that is, prints information onto paper.

If a printer prints a picture from a computer onto paper, then a scanner, on the contrary, transfers the image from paper to the screen.

Often a printer and scanner are combined in one device, which is colloquially called a printer, although the more correct name would be MFP - short for “Multi-Functional Device”.

An uninterruptible power supply for a computer is called an uninterruptible power supply (abbreviated UPS). It is indispensable if there are problems with energy supply. Electric grids are overloaded and blackouts are unfortunately becoming the norm. The laptop then switches to power from its own built-in battery.

And for stationary computers, a UPS is required: it maintains the power supply to the computer for some time (usually short) after a power outage or power surge. This allows you to save all your work and shut down your computer correctly.

Speakers, tuner, Skype

connect to the computer via a sound card. In principle, you can do without them.

But for listening to music and watching movies, sound speakers are indispensable.

TV tuner for a computer allows you to play a television signal (from an antenna or cable) on a computer and record television programs on it.

There are external and internal TV tuners. Typically, an internal TV tuner is used when it is necessary to use a computer as a TV.

An external TV tuner is used to turn a monitor into a TV, without the need for a system unit.

Skype(reads Skype) for a computer - these are free calls from one computer to another, with video communication possible.

You can make paid calls from your computer and to regular phones, and it will be cheaper than calling from phone to phone over long-distance or international calls.

( Flash Drive) is a device for storing information with the ability to be rewritten multiple times.

It is sometimes called a USB flash drive because it connects to your computer via a USB port.

A very convenient thing: now you don’t have to carry a bunch of floppy disks or CDs with you, for example, to transfer information from one computer to another. The capacity of the flash drive can reach up to 256 gigabytes. I think that this is not the limit, over time there will be even more capacious flash drives!

Recently, it is not uncommon to meet a person who takes out an external hard drive instead of a flash drive. A very convenient thing, especially if you have a laptop!

External hard drive with USB connection

It works on the principle: “Just turn it on and it works!” In this case, there is no need to disassemble the computer in order to replace the hard drive with a more capacious one or in order to add a second, internal hard drive to the existing hard drive.

True, such simplicity and mobility in using an external hard drive will cost you more than replacing the old one or adding a second internal hard drive to your system unit. An external hard drive is usually more expensive than an internal one, but it is more convenient, including for backing up your valuable information!

The difference between an external hard drive and a flash drive is the amount of information that can be placed on them. There are external hard drives that are larger than a terabyte. However, the advantage of a flash drive is its small size - you can put it in your pocket.

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