Why is a laser pointer needed? Typical models, form factors and power

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Laser pointer power, beam visibility, burning ability

  • Tell me, how much does the brightness of a laser pointer beam depend on its power?

A beam with a power of up to 20-30 mW is quite poorly visible even at night, but from 50 mW the situation changes dramatically and further increases in power no longer give such stunning indicators. Those. if you had a 5 mW pointer and you changed it to 50 mW, then your joy and surprise will be much greater than if you change the 50 mW to 200 mW. And although the brightness of the beam of 50 mW and 200 mW is not so different, in terms of its burning, incendiary and other similar abilities, 200 mW should not be compared with a 50 milliwatt pointer.

  • Tell me how much the power of the pointers written on them matches real situation business?

It often happens that the pointer says 200 mW, but when measuring the power it turns out that it somehow produces 100. Such situations happen quite often. The Chinese are very fond of gluing stickers with a power that is obviously higher than it actually is. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish the power of 200mw from 100mw with the naked eye and is only possible if you place two pointers next to each other - 200 and 100 mW. If you just turn on a pointer with a power of 50 mW, give it to a person and say that this pointer has a power of 100 mW - everyone will believe it. Here you have to rely on experience.

  • There are many stores online that sell these pointers. How are they different from yours? And why are your prices suspiciously cheaper than others?

When in any store they tell you - “Our laser pointers are the best!” - don’t believe this because in China (where these pointers come from), the laser diodes that are used in these pointers are manufactured at the same factory. And all manufacturers of laser pointers (and there are a lot of companies selling them in China) buy these diodes for their products from one manufacturer, and metal cases are not particularly important in these devices. Therefore, our pointers are no better or worse than those in other stores. Absolutely the same. All pointers are the same for everyone!

Regarding the price, selling laser pointers is not our priority, so we do not set ourselves the goal of making as much money as possible from these laser pointers.

  • Tell me, is the beam of your green lasers completely visible or just a point?

During the day, the beam is completely invisible from any pointer! Only a point is visible, the brightness of which, however, depends entirely on the power laser diode. But with the onset of twilight, everything depends on the power of the pointer. The greater the laser power, the earlier in the day you will be able to enjoy this spectacle - a bright, juicy beam. Starting with a power of 50 mW, the beam from the pointers will be visible already in the early twilight, and in the dark it will appear as a thick green rope and plow the sky over a radius of several thousand meters. At a power of 150-200 mW, the beam will hit distant clouds, and from 300 mW it will travel many tens of kilometers.

  • What is the continuous operating time of the laser? Well, that is. Here you press the button and the light shines.

Firstly, it all depends on the power of the laser pointer, and secondly on the type of batteries or accumulators used. Thirdly, in any case, the manufacturer does not recommend using the pointer continuously for more than 2 minutes, because the laser diode gets very hot during operation and this deteriorates its characteristics, and fourthly, the current flowing through the diode is quite large, and therefore the battery will discharge very quickly soon if you shine your pointer continuously.

The recommended operating mode is as follows: We shine for 30 seconds - rest for 20 seconds. or we shine for 20 seconds - rest for 7-10 seconds, so that during this time the diode can cool down and the battery can restore its performance characteristics. In the mode, we light for 5-6 seconds and then rest for 1-2 seconds - the work is continuous up to complete discharge batteries. It is this mode that will be the most interesting and optimal for you.

  • At what power do the “burning” and “incendiary” abilities begin?

Pointers with a power of up to 100 mW do not burn or set anything on fire. In reality, these properties appear on laser pointers with a power of 200 mW or more. But keep in mind that the further the distance to the object, the weaker these properties are. A green laser from 300 mW, and a violet laser from 200 mW, already fully burn and set fire to dark and red objects. Keep in mind that you will not set white objects on fire with any laser pointer! White reflects the laser beam and you will not get anything other than a bright light spot.

  • How much pointer power is required for wood burning?

If the wood is painted black, red (or a very dark color), then with a power of 200 mW you will already be able to burn through the wood, and from 300-400 mW the smoke will come out immediately as soon as you start shining the light on the piece of wood.

Methods of application and use of lasers and laser pointers in life

A laser pointer is an inexpensive, portable laser that is similar in appearance and size to a regular pen.

It is superior to older pointing devices because it only laser pointer can be used at a distance of several hundred meters, producing a bright spot of light very visible to the human eye.

Laser pointers are widely used in offices for various meetings. Now the presenter does not have to get up and go to the board on which the slides are displayed.

In some schools, teachers use laser pointers instead of regular wooden ones.

In many institutes, teachers use only laser pointers during lectures because the board at the institute is much larger than at school.

In planetariums, green laser pointers have long been used so that even a person not versed in astronomy can show any star and constellation.

Laser pointers are commonly used in educational institutions and at business presentations instead of the usual pointers.

Red laser pointers Can be used indoors and in open spaces in the evening.

Green laser pointers can be used in the same conditions, but green laser pointers, unlike red ones, are clearly visible on the street during the day and at long distances.

The spot of light produced by a laser pointer attracts cats (and dogs), causing a strong desire to catch it, which is often used by people in games with these pets.

Green laser pointers can be used for amateur astronomy. On a moonless night, the beam of a green laser pointer can be used to point to stars and constellations.

A precisely positioned laser pointer can be used as a laser sight to aim firearms or air guns.

Laser pointers are used in their designs by radio amateurs as an element of communication within visual range.

A pointer with the collimator removed is used in home holography. This is the only known use of a laser in everyday life, where the most valuable property of a laser is used, which fundamentally distinguishes it from an LED - the monochromaticity of the radiation.

Psychologists have long proven the influence of a color stimulus on decision making, namely green will create peace and harmony.

Your presentations will be impressive and effective, you will easily outperform your competitors.

This convenient and elegant item in a beautiful case can also be a good gift for your loved ones or partners.

The compact laser pointer consumes very little battery power and has long term service 3000-5000 hours.

As we see nowadays, laser pointers are used everywhere.

Usage and questions

Various ways to use laser pointers in real life. Laser pointers - questions and answers.

Types of pointers

Theoretical foundations of semiconductor lasers. Variety of laser pointer colors.

Details »

Hazard classification

Hazard classes of lasers and laser pointers. Danger of laser radiation to humans and vision.

Safety precautions

Safety precautions when working with laser pointers and lasers. Laser terrorism and laser bans.

Demonstration of how pointers work

A selection of interesting videos about laser pointers - burning abilities, power, beauty!

Applications of lasers

Types of pointer lasers

Hazard classes

The danger of lasers

Video about lasers

Application of laser pointers

There are a lot of options for using a laser pointer in life!

The proposed design may be useful for protecting non-permanent openings - windows, passage doors - or installed along the perimeter of an open object. The operating principle is triggered when the laser beam is interrupted by an intruder. Despite its simplicity, the system turned out to be quite reliable and economical, and the red laser operating in short pulse mode is practically invisible to the intruder.

Figure 1. Laser security system transmitter diagram

The transmitter, the diagram of which is shown above, consists of a short pulse generator and a current amplifier loaded onto a laser pointer, which is easy to find in almost any stall. The generator is assembled using elements DD1.1, DD1.2 and, with the ratings of the frequency-setting circuit indicated in the diagram, operates at a frequency of about 5 Hz. Next, the signal goes to the differentiating circuit C2R3, which generates short pulses with a duration of about 10 μs. This not only makes the device economical (one six-volt battery type 476 is enough for more than a year of continuous operation of the transmitter), but also invisible to the intruder.

Next, the pulses are equalized in shape and amplitude by elements DD1.3, DD1.4 and are sent to an amplifier assembled on transistor VT1. The amplifier is loaded onto a laser pointer, which is modified - the batteries are removed and the cone-shaped tip is removed. Resistor R7, connected in series with a resistor “imprinted” into the laser flashlight board itself (its nominal value is about 50 Ohms), is current-limiting for the laser LED, toggle switch SA1 turns on the continuous operating mode of the emitter, necessary for adjusting the transmitter-receiver system.

For greater economy and frequency stability, the DD1 microcircuit is powered by a voltage reduced to 3-4 V, the excess is suppressed by resistor R6. The average current consumption by the transmitter does not exceed 10 μA; the LED consumes about 20 mA per pulse, so there is no power switch. The transmitter remains operational (of course, with a decrease in range) when the supply voltage is reduced to 4.5 V.

The receiver, the diagram of which is shown in Figure 2, is assembled on integrated circuit DA1, the sensitive element is the photodiode FD263-01. When replacing it, you need to take into account the length of the illumination pulses - the response time of the LED to illumination should be 5-10 times lower than the laser pulse duration.

In its place, for example, FD320, FD-11K, FD-K-142, KOF122 (A, B) and many others will be able to work. In response to each flash of the transmitter, the receiver generates a pulse at the output high level CMOS amplitude. It can be used for further processing. To exclude external illumination, the photodiode must be installed in an opaque tube that acts as a hood.

Setting up the system comes down to its alignment. This is done visually, aiming the laser beam at the photodetector as accurately as possible. To do this, switch SA1 to switch the transmitter to continuous radiation. After completing the adjustment, both the receiver and the transmitter must be firmly secured. In principle, such a system does not require “micron” adjustment. During the experiments, it worked reliably when the photodetector, spaced 50 m from the transmitter, was located in a circle of radiation scatter with a diameter of 30 cm.

Based on materials from “Radio” No. 7, 2002.

Laser pointers have long ceased to be a newfangled curiosity. This bright and unusual gadget has many different uses. The operating principle of a laser pointer is based on the continuous passage of a beam, which is generated by an infrared LED, through a system of special lenses and crystals. As a result of optical conversion at the output, the radiation is concentrated into a beam and turns into a powerful laser stream visible to the human eye.

Theoretically, the color can be very diverse, but in practice it turned out that using a laser in everyday life and at work can be a risky endeavor: not the entire range of laser radiation is safe for humans. Currently, pointers with green, blue and red luminescence are being mass produced and put on sale. Let's get creative with the question: what is a laser pointer for?

Science at the service of people: the most common areas of laser use

  • The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word pointer is school or any other educational institution. Of course, a laser pointer can also be used for educational purposes in order to focus the audience's attention on a specific object. Particularly relevant will be use in large lecture halls and on projected screens large size.
  • In high school or university physics classes, a laser pointer can be used as a visual aid to demonstrate the capabilities of a laser beam.
  • Business presentations. The laser pointer does not take up much space and fits easily into your pocket. However, this small device will help you to effectively present the developed project and make the presentation layout more visual. Do not hold the target at one point for a long time to avoid jerking.
  • In adventure films and action films, you may have repeatedly noticed a red dot, with the help of which a sniper keeps a potential victim in his sights. A laser pointer is a powerful target indicator that has long been used by the military for firearms as well as air guns.
  • Green laser pointers are often used in scientific laboratories: they help detect impurities or liquids in transparent substances, and when combined with appropriate light filters, they effectively detect fluorescent emission associated with contamination of surfaces with residual amounts of organic compounds.
  • The bright laser light is a great aid for miners developing new passages and tunnels.
  • Why do you need a laser pointer in astronomy? They are actively used in the process of adjustment - setting up telescopes and studying the surface shapes of their mirror systems.
  • Unlike red beams, green beams of laser pointers are clearly visible during the day at fairly long distances, so tour guides actively use them not only indoors, but also in open spaces.

Recreation and hobbies: what is a laser pointer for?

If you are a fan of the good old radio communication, it can be used in designs as a communication element in the field of view.

Astronomy enthusiasts will appreciate the bright green beam, which can be used to point to stars and comets on a moonless night. The contrasting glow of the laser in the starry sky will create an additional romantic atmosphere for a couple in love. You can also instill an interest in learning the constellations and planets in your children by entrusting them with a pointer under close supervision.

By removing the collimator from the red pointer, you can use the gadget in amateur holography.

Fans of hiking and mountain passes can use laser pointers as indicators of the planned route and a signaling device in case of falling behind the group. Also, the laser pointer easily lights matches and dry wood chips.

Fishermen who prefer boat net fishing can easily operate on the water in absolute darkness with the help of bright laser beams.

A DJ with a laser pointer in a nightclub will quickly attract the visual attention of an appreciative and enthusiastic audience.

Pets, especially cats, love to play with the light spot. Be careful not to scare the animal with the bright glow.

Household use of a laser in any case requires caution: direct exposure of the beam to the eyes of a person or animal can cause damage to retinal cells and even cause temporary blindness.

Laser pointers have long been firmly established in our lives. They are used not only in schools and institutes, but also in training centers for future sailors, pilots and astronauts. After all, in order to show something on a board the size of a mini-golf course, you won’t be able to use any pointer other than a laser one.

Laser pointers are also used in military operations to give signals. Collimator sights operate on their basis. Everyone probably remembers action films and the red dot aimed at the victim’s forehead - this is a laser pointer-sight. Military pointers are customized to give specific commands and resemble a laser projectile more than a pointer.

How does a laser pointer work?

The principle of operation of a laser pointer is as follows: an infrared LED generates a continuous beam with a wavelength of about 808 nanometers, which passes through the lens and hits a crystal of neodymium, yttrium and vanadium oxides. There it is converted into a beam with a wavelength of 1064 nanometers.

Laser pointers are used not only in everyday life, but also in military affairs

Then the beam passes through the next crystal - potassium-titanium-phosphorus. There, radiation invisible to the human eye is converted into a beam with a wavelength of 532-670 nanometers. Then, using an infrared filter and a lens that concentrates the radiation into a beam, a laser pointer beam emerges.

Features of laser pointers

Many people have probably heard that shining a pointer into your eyes is unsafe. That’s right - if the beam of a laser pointer is directed frontally into the eye of a person or animal, then in a few seconds it will irreversibly damage individual cells of the retina. At the same time, you can shine the pointer on your skin or clothing as much as you want - nothing bad will happen. Remember:

  • Laser pointers are designed for a long service life - up to 50,000 hours. Although, of course, cheap Chinese pointers break down very quickly. If you bought a laser miracle for pennies, do not expect that you will be able to use it for a long time. Children's disposable pointers in the form of keychains and flashlights can be used at school and for playing with a cat.
  • If you need a good laser pointer long time, you need to buy one that has a battery and can be charged from the network. Battery-powered pointers are considered less reliable, and rechargeable pointers can last 12 hours without interruption.

The Myth of Laser Pointers

The main rumor about laser pointers is their effectiveness in fog. Alas, in fog, drizzling rain, snowfall or bright sun, a laser pointer is absolutely useless - the beam is not visible at all. But in classrooms, in dim and dark presentation halls, a laser pointer is capable of “piercing” a distance of up to 1.12 km.

This only applies to pointers with a red beam, which have a power of no more than 20 mW. Pointers with a green beam have a power of up to 1 W, and with a blue beam - up to 3 W. But they are considered too expensive for household use and therefore are used only for special needs.

Laser - acronym for L ight A amplification by S stimulated E mission of R adiation, which literally translates as “light amplification by stimulated emission,” is a device that converts pump energy into the energy of a narrowly directed radiation flux.

Exists large number various types lasers. They can be divided into groups according to the pumping source, working fluid, and area of ​​application. Because In this article, lasers will be considered in the context of the safety of working with laser levels and rangefinders, then attention will be paid to such parameters as operating wavelength (nm) and radiation power (mW).

Wavelength , if it is in the visible range, determines the color of the laser beam. Radiation power determines the brightness of the beam, certain capabilities (aiming, demonstrating optical effects, reading barcodes, cutting and welding materials, laser surgery, pumping other lasers).

Radiation in laser levels And rangefinders works like a regular laser pointer - a portable generator of coherent and monochromatic electromagnetic waves visible range in the form of a narrow beam. It is made on the basis of a red laser diode, which emits in the range 635-670 nm. Their radiation power does not exceed 1.0 mW.

There are several classifications of the dangers of lasers, which, however, are very similar. Below is the most common international classification.

Class 1
Lasers and laser systems are of very low power and are not capable of creating radiation levels that are dangerous to the human eye. Radiation from Class 1 systems does not pose any danger even under long-term direct eye observation. Class 1 also includes laser devices with a higher laser power, having reliable protection from the beam exiting the housing
Class 2
Low-power visible lasers that can cause damage to the human eye if you specifically look directly at the laser for an extended period of time. long period time. These lasers should not be used at head level. Lasers with invisible radiation cannot be classified as Class 2 lasers. Typically, class 2 includes visible lasers with powers up to 1 mW
Class 2a
Lasers and laser systems of class 2a, located and secured in such a way that the beam cannot enter the human eye when used correctly
Class 3a
Lasers and laser systems that emit visible radiation, which do not usually pose a hazard if the laser is viewed with the naked eye only for a short period (usually due to the blink reflex of the eye). Lasers can be dangerous if viewed through optical instruments (binoculars, telescopes). Typically limited to 5 mW. In many countries, devices of higher classes in some cases require special permission to operate, certification or licensing
Class 3b
Lasers and laser systems that pose a hazard when looking directly at the laser. The same applies to mirror image laser beam. A laser is classified as class 3b if its power is greater than 5 mW
Class 4
Lasers and high power laser systems that are capable of causing severe damage to the human eye in short pulses (< 0,25 с) прямого лазерного луча, а также зеркально или диффузно отражённого. Лазеры и лазерные системы данного класса способны причинить значительное повреждение коже человека, а также оказать опасное воздействие на легко воспламеняющиеся и горючие материалы

Design requirements and technical specifications, rules safe work and methods of protection from laser radiation on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are regulated by SanPiN “Laser radiation and hygienic requirements for the operation of laser products” and STB IEC 60825-1-2011 “Safety of laser products. Part 1. Classification of equipment and requirements " is the national standard of the Republic of Belarus, which is identical to the international IEC standard.

A significant part of the laser equipment produced in the world is produced and labeled in accordance with standards published by the American organization Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).

Laser levels And rangefinders are laser class 2 in accordance with this classification, which allows their use following the following precautions:
- do not look at the laser beam, the laser beam can damage your eyes, even if you look at it from a great distance;
- do not direct the laser beam at people or animals;
- the laser must be installed above eye level;
- use the device only for measurements;
- do not open the device;
- keep the device out of the reach of children;
- do not use the device near explosive substances.

The structure of green rays is more complex: the first laser, infrared, with a wavelength of 808 nm, shines into the Nd:YVO4 crystal - laser radiation with a wavelength of 1064 nm is obtained. It hits the “frequency doubler” crystal - and it turns out 532 nm.

Some lasers have an infrared filter, but this significantly increases the price of the device, which means it can only be present in expensive models. It is also worth noting that green diodes, devices that emit a green beam, are much more expensive to produce (several times due to the higher number of defects compared to red ones). And the working life of the green diode is much lower. In total, this is reflected in the final cost of the laser level. The result is the following picture. A laser level with a green beam creates projections that are better visible, the service life of such a device is lower, the cost is higher (sometimes one manufacturer sets a price that differs by 1.5-2 times for identical models that differ only in the laser).

It should be noted that according to the characteristics declared by level manufacturers, the power of such a laser is up to 2.7 mW(for red up to 1.0 mW), and safety according to class 3(red has 2).

To summarize, laser green is indeed better visible in conditions daylight than red, but we must not forget that it much more unsafe And unreasonably expensive .

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