LastPass: Free password manager. Am I really an idiot? After all, I still use a password manager. What is lastpass for Yandex browser

Many sites require registration to view, download or publish some information; over time, you begin to wonder where and what password you entered, and if all sites have the same password, the risk of hacking increases. You can remember passwords using a browser, but this way you will be tied to one computer and everyone who sits down at your computer will be able to find out the password... But how to remember different passwords and logins on a bunch of sites and use them from any device? There is only one piece of advice - install and use a password manager! Yes, you can take a piece of paper and a pen, always carry it with you in your pocket, and then remember where the piece of paper went and try to recover passwords that have accumulated over the years... There are many password managers and we will talk about them in the following articles, but today we will analyze LastPass.

What is LastPass and why is it needed?

LastPass is a password management tool that you can access from any computer, anywhere in the world, and access sites with your data when you need it. Don't be alarmed, no one will be able to use your password manager without you, there are many security settings and only you can use passwords. LastPass can generate passwords, and you won’t need to come up with a password for each site, it will come up with it itself - it will remember it itself 🙂 (and use it itself 🙂 - just kidding).

Another advantage of LastPass is the ability to work with devices running Windows, Linux, OS X, as well as mobile devices Android, BlackBerry, WindowsMobile, Symbian, WebOS. It includes the ability to automatically fill out forms, as well as automatically click login. You can work with it on any browser!

Installing and setting up LastPass:

Let's start by registering for a LastPass account and then you'll also need to download the software for your computer. Run the downloaded file => select the language and click “additional options” at the bottom => either leave everything by default, or add the necessary parameters and select the installation folder

In the next step, log in to your existing account or create a new one. When creating a new account, you need to come up with a master password, it must be strong and it is better not to forget it! When entering a password, the strength of the password below will show how reliable it is; if you are not sure of your memory, it is better to write down this password and hide it somewhere in a safe :)

After creating or logging in, you will be prompted to import passwords from browsers, if you don’t mind, click “Import”

The finishing touches! Enter your email and password, check the boxes if you want this browser and this computer to be logged in automatically

Now in each browser (which you selected at the beginning of the installation) the lastpass add-on will appear. Right-click on the icon and select options

Here you can customize the password manager to your taste: automatic exit when closing the browser or after some time has passed, automatic filling of fields, settings for various notifications and tips, hot keys and much more.

You don't have to configure anything and leave everything as default. Once configured, we can get to work!

Using LastPass to generate and store secure passwords:

During registration on any resource, lastpass will prompt you to create a secure account. For example, we register a mailbox on => fill in the fields and in the field where you need to come up with a password, right-click, select lastpass, and secure password generator

in the window that opens you will be prompted to select the password length and the password itself. If the password suits you, click accept and it will automatically appear in the “password” and “password confirmation” fields, after registration lastpass will remember this password for this account

If you log into any site using your account, LastPass offers you the option to save your password or never save it. If you save, then every time you enter the site, the password manager will offer auto-fill, that is, automatic login.

With the installation and basic settings completed, in the following articles we will look in more detail at the additional features of the LastPass password manager. Good luck to you :)

Passwords, passwords, passwords - they surround us everywhere. Any modern person today uses dozens of the most, for each of which he must have his own separate, rather complex password. A real salvation in such a situation are special programs - password managers, which allow you to conveniently manage all your keys. The most popular of them is LastPass.

On the one hand, storing all passwords in one place is quite convenient, but at the same time it exposes our security to additional threats when, if your LastPass account is hacked, an attacker can gain access to all your accounts. Let's see how we can reduce these threats to zero.

This article will give you some simple tips on how to change your LastPass settings to make it more reliable and secure. To access these settings, you must log into your account on the site and click on the button in the left column Settings.

1. Automatic exit

Any, even the most stringent security settings will be completely powerless if your LastPass is always active and anyone who has access to your machine can use it freely. Therefore, first of all, in the settings on the tab Are common set the time interval after which you will be logged out of your account.

If you use the LastPass browser extension, open its settings and be sure to enable auto-logout after closing the browser and after a certain period of inactivity.

2. Limit the list of countries

In the LastPass settings window, on the General tab, find the Only allow login from selected countries option, check it and select from which countries you can log in to your account. For example, if you live in Ukraine and do not intend to travel in the near future, then this location should be noted.

3. Disable Tor Login

Tor is a special anonymizer network that is often used by attackers to hide traces of their crimes. Therefore, if you do not use this network, it is better to disable this feature altogether. To do this, check the corresponding checkbox on the tab Are common.

4. Increase password iteration

All your data is stored in LastPass in encrypted form, and the larger the iteration value, the more difficult it is to decrypt. The site recommends setting this value to 500, which will significantly increase security.

5. Multi-Part Authentication Grid

Two-factor authentication is the best way to keep your LastPass vault secure. To activate it, open the tab Safety and check the appropriate option. After that click the link Print Grid Table and a special table consisting of numbers will be generated for you. Print it out and save it. Now, when logging in from a new device or unfamiliar location, you will be asked to enter a combination of numbers consisting of the columns and columns of the table specified to you.

6. Notifications about password changes

LastPass can notify you via email not only when your master password changes, but also when stored logins and passwords for different sites change.

7. Using a secret email address

To provide additional security, you can specify a special additional mailing address instead of regular email. All messages related to the security of your account will be sent to this address, for example, a password hint, instructions for password recovery, and so on.

This address should be an extra-secure one that only you know. Even if someone gets access to your regular email, they won't be able to access LastPass. You can set this additional secret address on the tab Safety.

Using the simple tips above can greatly increase the reliability and security of your personal data stored in LastPass. Remember that it is better to spend ten minutes digging through the settings than to mourn the stolen information later.

This week, hackers broke into the popular password manager LastPass. In this regard, a number of questions arise. If the service you use to protect your passwords has been hacked, is it still worth using? Is it really safe to store passwords in the cloud?

You are not an idiot!

First of all, I would like to say that you are not an idiot if you use a password manager. Moreover, using a password manager is much safer than simply using the same password for all resources or using a password that is easy to remember and guess. You probably realize that you need complex, long, and unique passwords, and are looking to a password manager as a way to remember them. It’s better to use a password manager than last year’s most popular password, “123456.”

Password managers such as LastPass, 1Password, KeePas all implement the same basic model. They store passwords in one secure place. Except, of course, your main password, which allows you to access the service.

LastPass and other online password managers actually store your passwords encrypted in the cloud, which may actually be vulnerable, while KeePass and 1Password by default store your encrypted password database locally as a file on the device (your PC, smartphone or tablet) . Local storage is certainly much safer, but less convenient.

Many password managers can generate strong passwords for you and control their strength by removing weak passwords. But the main benefit of using a password manager is that you need to remember essentially one password for your password store, called a master password. Naturally, it must be long and durable.

But but but

It's worth noting that most password managers are a mediocre option to protect yourself. Yes, you get a way to generate strong passwords, but don't you feel like you're putting all your eggs in one basket? After all, now everything depends on how secure your password manager service is, right?

Let's pay attention to LastPass hack. Today it is one of the most popular and respected services in this area. And not some outdated development.

LastPass is confident that hackers did not gain access to user password vaults because they use strong cryptography for encryption. However, the first thing LastPass managers did after the service was attacked and some information was still at risk of being compromised was to send chain letters to users with a recommendation to change their master passwords.

Of course, there are doubts about the reliability of the service, because this is the second LastPass hack in four years. Plus, researchers found several critical defects in LastPass and other online password manager services such as PasswordBox, RoboForm, My1Login and NeedMyPassword, with the latter being the most serious. Today these defects have been eliminated.

It's worth noting that you always take on the risk of using a password manager, but such a service reduces the risks of using weak passwords. And so far, none of the major managers, such as LastPass or 1Password, have actually had their user password vaults hacked. Thus, these services still have a really decent track record.

Passwords are a nuisance!

The use of passwords is the main problem with online authentication today. You need a unique password for every online service, but the human brain can't remember the vast number of long, unique, and complex passwords, and simple ones are extremely easy to crack.

We are put in a classic situation of choosing the “lesser of two evils.” Unless you're going to write down your passwords manually and physically store them, you'll have to use a password manager. Whether you like it or not.

It turns out that to avoid problems with passwords, you should use two-factor authentication, despite the fact that its use will cost significantly more.

LastPass (also known as the LastPass virus) is the name of a fake Google Chrome browser extension that can introduce you to potentially dangerous web content and applications through redirects. Actually this Rouge app just uses the popularity program of the same name. The original software is a password manager like Keychain and 1Password. But this fake extension does not even have any function other than actually loading a specific web page and presenting you with potentially unsafe third-party advertisements. You should not keep this useless tool on your computer unless you plan to download more malware. In fact, we advise you to uninstall LastPass as soon as possible. If you want to have an application that can actually store your passwords securely, we suggest that you download one from its official website. Please continue reading our article to know more about this infection.

Where does LastPass come from?

According to researchers on our malware website, this fake application was developed by AdGetBlock. If you check the official website of the original and legitimate LastPass software at, you can clearly see that the developer's name is actually the same as the application. This fake extension is used to be posted on the Chrome Web Store at, but we believe it was adopted in recent weeks. Rather, this infection has been reported as potentially harmful. This should be enough reason for you to uninstall LastPass if you find it on your computer.

In fact, hundreds of tools are actually blocked in this store and Chrome browsers too. Therefore, you should not accept this provided when installing applications through this store. We advise you to always run a web search before downloading or installing software indeed. You may find out, for example, that your target is really an adware application or worse. We also suggest that you stay away from untrustworthy file-sharing sites, including torrent and freeware sites, if you want to download legitimate movies or software, because these sites usually host unsafe third-party ads. One click on the wrong content can infect your computer with a whole host of malware threats. If you have ever visited such sites, we believe that you better run a malware scanner on your system to detect all possible threats after you uninstall LastPass.

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

How does LastPass work?

In reality, this extension has no real function. All it does is that it redirects to a specific page, appfor, where you may be exposed to a number of indirectly and potentially harmful third-party advertisements. These advertisements may take you to promotional sites that are trying to convince you to install potentially unreliable Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc. applications. This company is notorious for its dubious programs, such as its useless tools and new tab pages, which can introduce you to unsafe web content and more infections. It is very easy to get confused on who chrome appfor clicking on such advertisements instead of actually downloading a link that is actually barely noticeable. We do not think that it is safe to keep such a useless extension on your computer as it can also be used by hackers. Although it seems that this infection is not spreading on the website anymore, it is still likely that some users have it on their systems. We hope you understand the potential danger this application could mean to you and your system. Removing LastPass is the only way to ensure that your computer becomes less vulnerable.

How can I uninstall LastPass?

The only good thing about this annoying browser extension is that you can easily get rid of it if you uninstall it through Google Chrome browser settings. If you have never done this before, please use the guide we have included in this article below. It is quite easy to end up with such infections on your computer. Many times, you wouldn't even think about how harmful malware could be. You may only see a number of annoying but harmless-looking advertisements or browser changes. However, in reality, all these can expose you to malicious websites and cyber criminals. If you want to protect your computer from threats similar or worse, you should avoid visiting unfamiliar and shady file-sharing sites and click on third-party advertisements. This simple rule can save you from many security issues.

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

How to remove LastPass from your browser

Google Chrome

  1. Click Alt+F keys and select Options.
  2. In the left pane, select extensions.
  3. Select unwanted extension And click to the icon baskets on right.
  4. Click Delete in the popup.

100% free spyware scanning and tested LastPass removal

Step 1: Uninstall LastPass related programs from your computer

By following the first part of the instructions, you will be able to track and completely get rid of uninvited guests and clutter:

  1. To complete LastPass applications from the system, use the instructions that suit you:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7: Select a button Start and then go to Control Panel .

  • Windows 8: Moved the mouse cursor to the right side, edge. Select Search and start searching " Control Panel" Another way to get there is to right click on hot corner left(simply, start button) and go to Control Panel choice.

How do you get to Control Panel , then find the section programs and select Uninstalling a program . If the control panel has Classical view, you need to double click on programs and components .

When programs and functions/remove the program Windows appears, Take a look at the list, find and remove one or all programs, found:

  • LastPass; HD-total plus; RemoveThaeAdAopp; UTUobEAdaBlock; SafeSaver; SupTab;
  • ValueApps; Lollipop; Software version update; DP1815; Video player; Convert files for free;
  • Plus HD 1.3; BetterSurf; Trusted Web; PassShow; LyricsBuddy-1; ;
  • Media Player 1.1; Saving a bull; Feven Pro 1.1; Websteroids; Saving a bull; 3.5 HD-Plus; Re-markit.

Additionally, you should uninstall any application that was installed a short time ago. To find these recently installed applcations, click on Installed on section and here the investigation programs based on dates have been established. It's best to look at this list again and remove any unfamiliar programs.
It may also happen that you cannot find any of the above programs that you advised to remove. If you understand that you do not recognize any untrusted and invisible programs, follow the next steps in this uninstallation guide.

Step 2: Remove LastPass pop-ups from browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome

Remove LastPass pop-ups from Internet Explorer

Based on the tips provided you can have your browsres return to normal. Here are tips for Internet Explorer:

Eliminate LastPass pop-up ads from Mozilla Firefox

Use WiperSoft Malware Removal Tool only for detection purposes. and .

If the Mozilla Furefox browser on your system is somehow broken due to the entry of viruses, you should restrore it. Restoring in other words means resetting the browser to its original state. Don't worry about how your personal choices on the browser will be secure, such as history, bookmarks, passwords, etc.

Important: how to restore the browser was carried out, be informed that the old Firefox profile will be saved in the folder old Firefox data located on the desktop of your system. You may need it in this folder, or you can simply delete it, as it owns your personal data. In case the reset was not successful, have your important files copied from the specified folder back.

Remove LastPass pop-ups from Google Chrome

  1. Find and click on Chrome menu button (browser toolbar) and then select tools . Continue with extensions .

  1. In this tab you can delete any unfamiliar plugins by clicking on the trash can icon. The main thing is to have all or one of these programs removed: LastPass, HD-total-plus, SafeSaver, DP1815, video player, convert files for free, plus-HD 1.3, BetterSurf, Media Player 1.1, PassShow, LyricsBuddy-1, 1.2, Media Player 1.1, Bull's savings, Feven Pro 1.1, Websteroids, savings bull, HD Plus 3.5.

* WiperSoft scanner, published on this site, is intended to be used only as a detection tool. . To use the removal functionality, you will need to purchase the full version of WiperSoft. If you wish to uninstall WiperSoft, .

For a long time I used the Roboform program to store my passwords for sites and fill out web forms for registration on various sites (I was happy with everything about it, except that it was paid).

But somehow I got tired of constantly, before reinstalling the operating system, first saving the folder of the specified program, which is responsible for storing information with logins and passwords for my sites.

Then, after reinstallation, look for a new version again and carry out manipulations with replacing files and folders. And then the unexpected happened: after the operating system failed, I lost access to all data.

I don’t consider myself a specialist in recovering information from a hard drive, so I didn’t restore anything, but set myself 2 tasks: 1 – find a free and reliable password manager; 2- have access to all your passwords and logins from any place where there is an Internet connection.

While searching for an alternative password manager, I found an add-on for browsers (Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera) called LastPass Password Manager with all the functions that I need (remembering logins and passwords, filling out web forms, a password generator) and I don’t have to pay for these functions.

Plus, the data is stored in encrypted form, to which only you have access. The addition has shown excellent performance for more than six months. Let's do the installation using the Firefox Internet browser as an example.


After installation, restart the browser by clicking the “Restart now” link.

The browser is restarted and a window appears with the beginning of the LastPass setup procedure, where the first thing we need is to select a language and click the “Create an account” button.

In the next window, enter your current email address, the most important master password (you must remember it or write it down somewhere if you are forgetful. We will need it to gain access to all our passwords and the manager’s control panel.

Create a password reminder (optional), and be sure to check the box “I have read and agree to the Terms of Use.” Next, check the box “I understand that my encrypted data will be sent to LastPass.” Select the remaining items as desired and click on “Create an account.”

We read the extremely important information, enter your main master password again and click “Create an account.”

We import or not (optional) our logins and passwords from other storages of confidential information on the computer and click on the “Continue” button.

You can immediately set up information for filling out web forms.

At the last step, accept Congratulations on the successful installation and click on the “Continue” button.


We are automatically taken to the online storage of your account.

A branded manager button with the functions we need appears in the right corner of the browser.

To make using a password manager as convenient as possible, I would recommend going to settings and unchecking the “Use compact toolbar” checkbox.

We will have a convenient control panel on top of the entire line in the browser. Now, when you enter your username and password on any website, LastPass will prompt you to save the information.

Now you can access any website you need using the website name dropdown in the manager's top control panel.

A convenient feature is to import all logins and passwords from various popular managers.

Worth mentioning is the highly customizable password generator.

Now, after reinstalling the operating system, be it Windows or Linux, you just need to install the LastPass Password Manager add-on and all your confidential data is back with you.

In conclusion, I will say that in the Google Chrome browser, its version for some reason has fewer settings (in particular, I did not find how to disable the compact toolbar to display the manager in the entire browser line). I will also mention that this password manager has not been tested in Opere.