Who is a hacker definition. What do hackers do

For decades since the creation of operating systems, the problem of protecting personal data has not been addressed, but today this is one of the most pressing issues in the Internet space. Since the moment the Internet has firmly entered our way of life, it has become an instant means of exchanging messages, filling out reports, paying bills, it is very important to maintain the confidentiality of information.

People began to pay attention to this problem several years ago after an incident with an American bank, which lost about 500 thousand dollars from its account in a matter of minutes. The bank administration immediately turned to specialized analytical computer centers for help, which began searching for problems that had arisen in the system’s protection system against unauthorized access from outside. Of course, hackers were to blame for this case; they hacked the system and stole the money. Of course, the crime was later solved.

Today, almost everyone knows how to spell the word “hacker.” This concept has entered modern life, but is not yet completely clear to everyone. So who are these people and what does the word “hacker” mean? Let's try to understand the details.

general information

So, what kind of people are these hackers? The word “hacker” has a fairly wide range of meanings. They are all close in meaning. How is the word "hacker" translated? It is believed that this concept stems from the English word “to hack” - literally translated as “to chop”, that is, to understand. This term is applicable specifically to the computer field; you can see completely different expressions with this term: hack in computer games, hack in computer parameters, hack in the functioning of software.

Interpretation of the meaning of the word

So, there are several meanings of the term in question. In the understanding that a hacker is a person who is well versed in computer software, of course, we will not stop. There are other interpretations, after all. Let's take a closer look at the history of the word "hacker" and the meaning of this term.

At the lowest level we can identify hackers who do just that - “hack”. Such a hacker is a person who hacks various Internet resources, making them public to everyone. Thanks to the activities of such individuals, the average Internet user receives torrent links, cracks of new video games, and free keys for licensed software components. As a rule, such hackers carry out hacking for their own benefit, that is, for amateur interest, self-development in this area, to show themselves as a specialist, to show off in front of the public. In the latter case, special hacks appear on the Internet, signed by hackers like hack Mr.N. As a rule, a person does not stay at this level for long. Either he develops and turns this fun into working on truly complex projects, or he gives up at various barriers in the work process.

When is hacking no longer fun?

The sentence with the word “hacker” is not clear to everyone. But those who know how serious this activity is may well realize that sooner or later such an activity ceases to be just entertainment. Hackers are both specialists who help companies or individuals protect business/personal information and criminals.

The next level is occupied by hackers who are masters in computer information security. The interpretation of the word “hacker” in this case is as follows: this is a specialist who is engaged in a close study of the Internet space, looking for various schemes and ways to bypass resource limitations. And when he finds such ones, he tries to develop his own concept for protecting such a software hole. This meaning of the word “hacker” is very often equated with a system administrator or system administrator. At this stage, the hacker no longer cares whether he will be adored in the Internet space; he does not particularly want to show himself on the Internet and is engaged in analyzing the space out of simple personal interest.

Hacking is a way of existence

The next lexical meaning of the word “hacker” is a person interested and passionate about working in the field of information security. He already fully understands how the Internet network works, understands various methods of manipulating this space, and creates various technological tools and program scripts for any purposes he needs. As a rule, at this stage a person returns again to make himself known on the Internet. But no longer for popularity and attention. The goals here are completely different, the person now wants to find a real working base for his knowledge, that is, he needs customers.

What are the characteristics of being a hacker?

Let us dwell on the interpretation that a hacker is a cracker specializing in the computer field, with the highest level of skills, who is capable of breaking the security of an information system. The hacker's work is characterized by the following personal characteristics:

  1. A person must be highly erudite, quickly understand new daily technological and software innovations, and immediately develop methods for administering new components.
  2. Patience and the desire to find as much information as possible. Before actual work, the hacker conducts a preliminary analysis of the system. From all kinds of registers, closed and open sources, he searches for information about the resource.
  3. Tricks and everything to achieve goals. Sometimes, in order to obtain reliable information, you have to arm yourself with illegal means, such as listening to the client, connecting to his website or even the laptop’s webcam.

Timeliness is the main principle of a hacker

As a rule, preparing for hacking and collecting information takes quite a lot of time, unlike the work itself. Hacking is carried out in just a few minutes so that the system does not have time to detect foreign elements in its database. The hacker chooses the simplest hacking methods, since complex methods can lead to unexpected errors.

Anonymity on the Internet

The hacker operates under a false name, a VPN address, and carefully hides his data in the Internet database. Thinks through various methods through which you can quickly exit the system, leaving false traces. It is also necessary to carry out deliberately false system attacks before the decisive hack. This is done in order to distract system workers and analyze their level of competence in this area. A hacker is also characterized by a high level of programming. For hacking, only our own programs and scripts are used. Very often scripts are used that are automatically destroyed after the operation is completed.

How long does it take to learn hacking skills?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. There are a number of factors at play here. For example, what does the word “hacker” mean to you? If you imagine a hacker as the first-level craftsman described above, then you don’t have to study at all. Similar “hacker” programs and scripts are available in the public domain. All that remains for a person to do is press a couple of buttons. Of course, everyone starts at this level, and if you are interested in this topic, then you will try to create your own individual hacking programs. This is where this characteristic training in hacker art comes into play.

What is a hack?

Hacking systems is considered a difficult process and literally means actions that are aimed at eliminating restrictions on access to a certain database or certain resources. How does this hack happen in practice? There are various methods and methods for hacking resources:

  1. Analysis of the source that needs to be hacked, searching for vulnerabilities in its system. Of course, systems are also developed by real people who are trying to do everything to ensure that there are no failures in this system. Nothing is perfect - this is precisely the principle that hackers adhere to. Carefully examining the system, they wait for it to fail - bugs, which are used to hack system data. In this case, the hacker needs to quickly implement his idea due to a system failure, and administrators need to quickly eliminate the problem that has arisen. Administrators should make a new version of their product with new product features as quickly as possible. This method, of course, has many difficulties: perfect knowledge of programming, knowledge of the system, product analytics, selection of program code, as well as incredible patience are required.
  2. Brute force is too much. This method is based on the brute force principle to find the required key to access the program. This has its own difficulties: there may be a thousand options for keys, suitable computer software for compiling the code, access scripts to the system, restrictions from one IP address.
  3. The psychological method is considered quite ambiguous, because the interaction occurs directly with the person. Hacking in this case is aimed specifically at a person. You need to gain trust and find out all the data necessary for work. The most famous hacker in this direction is Kevin Mitnick.

Stealing code data

In the psychological method for stealing a password, a direct influence is made on a person, an attempt is made to lead him through a system of false arguments to personal information. Here are some other methods hackers use to gain access to personal or corporate information:

  • analysis of information stored in the system;
  • viewing entered passwords through the administration system;
  • external media with saved passwords;
  • sometimes even looking at personal notes and diaries, which may contain relevant and necessary information.

There is also a method for selecting passwords through special programs. A hacker can organize viewing of files stored on a computer's hard drive. A thorough analysis will show which files in the directories and storage areas of your hard drive contain errors. Based on the errors already found, hacking will be carried out, an attempt to take over the administrative parameters of the computer. In order not to be visible in the system, the hacker uses the principle of anonymity and quickly removing his presence in the system registry.

User cart analysis

Very often, a computer user believes that deleting a file and then emptying the Recycle Bin completely removes unnecessary materials from the computer's operating system. However, it is precisely in this ignorance that the hacker catches the user, who really likes to tinker with such a garbage heap. As a rule, among such unnecessary and forgotten information by the user there is a lot of useful information.

Why do people do this?

As a rule, curiosity, a hobby, a habit always develop into a favorite activity that can feed you in life. This is what happens in this case too. Hackers who achieve recognition find their way in life. And what it will be like depends entirely on the personal qualities of the person. Someone is trying to make money by hacking into the computers of individuals and organizations, contrary to moral rules, and always balancing on the fine line of the law. Others try to organize a much more legitimate life, analyze a certain organization, find their own flaws in it, hack this system and propose their candidacy within the framework of protecting the information data of this organization.

Should the average user be afraid of a hacker attack?

Don't assume that hackers only want big companies. Every day there are more and more cases where hackers attack desktop computers of users connected to the Internet that are unprepared (or poorly protected) for intrusion. The attack can also come from the inside - from a spyware program that penetrates along with a file downloaded from the Internet.

Hacker division

Based on a person's beliefs and desire to make a profit, there are different meanings of the word "hacker" within a given culture.

At the first level described above, they are guided by white hat - hackers who set their goals to heroically help other people. They hack various paid programs to provide people with free access, develop bot programs, cheating configurations for the gaming industry, consisting of a special code that gives an advantage in the gaming environment. Actually, these people earn their share of income from such actions.

There is a category of so-called blach hat. Literally this term can be translated as a villain. These are exactly the hackers who carry out their activities not for the people, but in order to tell the people something. They hack and change the structure of organizations, groups, websites, adding their slogans there. They hack street banners to write their own message on them. In everyday life, such hackers are usually called crackers.

The main principle of their cyber-attacks is dudos, changing the appearance of a resource, including obscene notes in large font in public places, hacking the user’s personal information with the introduction of the following for unknown purposes, zombifying users’ computers for the purpose of using them as a botnet for mass distribution of data. A few hackers have as their goal the complete destruction of the original resource in order to seize the fundamental component of the project’s structure. And here there can be no other words; professional crackers cannot but be called criminals.

There is also a group of hackers called phreakers. Their main specialization is hacking telephone networks. Why is this being done? In most cases, the ultimate goal is to be able to make a free phone call from absolutely anywhere in the world.

Famous Russian hackers

Igor Klopov is considered one of the most famous Russian hackers. He was the head of his own hacker organization, which included graduates of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Hackers have hacked more than one famous person. A group of 5 people was able to rob many famous Western millionaires. We searched for potential clients very simply, focusing on the world-famous Forbes magazine.

However, American law enforcement agencies noticed this group and themselves led Klopov to a wealthy client in the United States. As it always happens: a man was ruined by his greed. The Russian hacker was promptly discovered and caught in New York, where he was convicted in 2008.

Vladimir Levin is a Russian hacker who managed to hack Citibank and withdraw $13 million from its account. The crime, of course, was solved. All money has been returned to the bank account. The convict was also detained in the United States, since Russian legislation did not have articles corresponding to the cyber threat.

Thus, the goal of the attacker is, having studied the existing security of the organizational system, to develop the necessary requirements and conditions for increasing the level of its security. On the other hand, the main goal of a cracker is to specifically hack a system in order to gain unauthorized access to someone else's personal information.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Hacker(originally someone who makes furniture with an axe):

  1. A person who is keen on studying the details of programmable systems, studying the issue of increasing their capabilities, as opposed to the majority of users who prefer to limit themselves to studying the required minimum. RFC 1983 strengthens this definition as follows: "A person who enjoys a thorough understanding of the internal workings of systems, computers, and computer networks in particular."
  2. Someone who programs with enthusiasm (even obsessively) or enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming.
  3. A person who can appreciate and understand hacker values.
  4. A person who is good at fast programming.
  5. An expert on a particular computer program or someone who frequently works with it; example: "Unix hacker". (Definitions 1-5 are interrelated, so one person may fall under more than one of them.)
  6. Expert or enthusiast of any kind. Someone might be considered an "astronomy hacker", for example.
  7. Someone who enjoys intellectual challenges involving creatively overcoming or working around limitations.
  8. (disapproving) An attacker who obtains confidential information by bypassing security systems (for example, “password hacker”, “network hacker”). The correct term is cracker, cracker. cracker).

Historically, the word is now often used in the latter meaning - “computer attacker.” Moreover, in movies, a hacker is usually presented as a person who is able to “hack” any system right away, which in fact is impossible in principle. For example, in the movie “Swordfish Password,” the programmer cracks the Vernam cipher, the only existing encryption system for which absolute cryptographic strength has been theoretically proven.

Recently, the word “hacker” is often used to describe everyone network hackers, computer virus creators and other computer criminals such as carders, crackers, script kiddies. Many computer crackers can rightfully be called hackers, because they truly correspond to all (or almost all) of the above definitions of the word “hacker.”

Types of Hackers

Hackers' values

Among hackers, it is customary to value the time of oneself and other hackers (“not to reinvent the wheel”), which, in particular, implies the need to share one’s achievements by creating free and/or open source programs.

Computer security: legal aspects

In Russia, Europe and America, computer hacking, destruction of information, creation and distribution of computer viruses and malware are punishable by law. Malicious hackers are subject to extradition under international cybercrime laws, similar to war criminals.

“The new capabilities available to U.S. troops allow them to engage the enemy and change the tide of battle from a remote location. Unfortunately, there were no awards that such people could receive for their services.”
- US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta

Historical reasons for the differences in meaning of the word "hacker"

The original meaning of the word "hacker" probably originated within the walls of the 1960s, long before the widespread use of computers. Then it was part of the local slang and could mean a simple but crude solution to a problem; a damn cunning trick by students (usually the author was called a hacker). Until that time, the words “hack” and “hacker” were used for various reasons, regardless of computer technology in general.

Initially, the slang word “to hack” appeared. It meant the process of making changes “on the fly” to one’s own or someone else’s program (it was assumed that the source code of the program was available). The verbal noun “hack” meant the results of such a change. It was considered a very useful and worthy thing not only to inform the author of the program about an error, but to immediately offer him a hack that would correct it. The word “hacker” originally came from here.

The hack, however, was not always intended to correct errors - it could change the behavior of the program against the will of its author. It was precisely such scandalous incidents that mainly became public, and the understanding of hacking as active feedback between the authors and users of programs was never of interest to journalists. Then came the era of closed source code, the source codes of many programs became unavailable, and the positive role of hacking began to fade away - the enormous time spent on hacking closed source code could only be justified by very strong motivations, such as the desire to make money or scandalous popularity.

As a result, a new distorted understanding of the word “hacker”: it means an attacker who uses extensive computer knowledge to carry out unauthorized, sometimes malicious actions on a computer - hacking computers, writing and distributing computer viruses. The word “hacker” was first used in this meaning by Clifford Stoll in his book “The Cuckoo’s Egg,” and the Hollywood movie “Hackers” greatly contributed to its popularization. In such computer slang, the words “hack” or “hack” usually refer to breaking the security of computer networks, web servers, and the like.

An echo of the negative perception of the concept of “hacker” is the word "kulhatsker"(from English cool hacker), which became widespread in the domestic computer environment almost with the growing popularity of the original word. This term is usually used to describe an amateur who tries to look like a professional at least in appearance - by using supposedly “professional” hacker terms and jargon, using “hacker-type” programs without trying to understand their work, etc. The name “kulhatsker” is ironic about the fact , what kind of person considers himself a cool hacker (eng. cool hacker), is so illiterate that he cannot even read correctly in English what he calls himself. In the English-speaking environment, such people are called “script kiddies”.

Some of the personalities known as champions of free and open source software - such as Richard Stallman - call for the use of the word "hacker" only in its original sense.

A very detailed explanation of the term in its original sense is given in Eric Raymond's article How to Become a Hacker. Eric Raymond also proposed in October 2003 an emblem for the hacker community - the “glider” symbol from the game “Life”. Since the hacker community does not have a single center or official structure, the proposed symbol cannot be considered official symbol of the hacker movement. For the same reasons, it is impossible to judge the prevalence of this symbolism among hackers - although it is likely that some part of the hacker community adopted it.

Hackers in literature

Hackers in movies

  • Virtual Reality / VR.5 (1995)
  • Master of the Network / Skyggen (1998)
  • Antitrust / Antitrust (2001)
  • Code Hunter / Storm Watch (Code Hunter) (2001)
  • Network 2.0 / The Net 2.0 (2006)
  • Bloody Monday (2008) - drama based on the manga of the same name
  • Seventh (2015)
  • CSI: Cyber ​​(2015)
  • Citizen Four (2015)

Famous people

Known burglars

  • Robert Morris is the author of the 1988 Morris Worm. (In fact, the Morris worm was a laboratory experiment, so it can be considered a cracker.)
  • Adrian Lamo - known for hacking Yahoo, Citigroup, Bank of America and Cingular.
  • Jonathan James, an American hacker, became the first minor to be convicted of hacking. His foreign accomplice, nicknamed “xmolnia,” was never caught.
  • John Draper is one of the first hackers in the history of the computer world.
  • Kevin Poulsen - hacked into the FBI database and gained access to classified information regarding wiretapping. Poulsen hid for a long time, changing addresses and even appearance, but in the end he was caught and sentenced to 5 years. After leaving prison he worked as a journalist, then became editor-in-chief of Wired News. His most popular article describes the process of identifying 744 sexual predators from their MySpace profiles.
  • Gary McKinnon - accused of hacking 53 Pentagon and NASA computers in 2001-2002 in search of information about UFOs.
  • Edward Snowden - at the beginning of June 2013, Snowden gave the newspapers The Guardian and The Washington Post classified NSA information regarding the total surveillance of American intelligence services over information communications between citizens of many countries around the world.

Famous hacker writers

  • Julian Assange - in 1997, co-authored with Seulette Dreyfus, a book about hackers “Underground”.
  • Chris Kaspersky is the author of popular books and articles on computer topics.
  • Kevin Mitnick is the most famous computer hacker, now a writer and information security specialist.
  • Bruce Schneier is an American cryptographer, writer, and computer security specialist.

Ideologists of hacker ethics

Famous hackers and programmers

  • Linus Torvalds - created the free Linux operating system, which became an alternative to Windows.

see also

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  • Ivan Sklyarov. Puzzles for a hacker. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2005. - P. 320. - ISBN 5-94175-562-9.
  • Maxim Kuznetsov, Igor Simdyanov. Puzzles in PHP for a hacker. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2008. - P. 554. - ISBN 978-5-9775-0204-7.
  • Joel Scambray, Stuart McClar. Secrets of hackers. Security of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - ready-made solutions = Hacking Exposed Windows® Server 2003. - M.: Williams, 2004. - P. 512. - ISBN 0-07-223061-4.
  • Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz. Secrets of hackers. Network security - ready-made solutions = Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions. - M.: Williams, 2004. - P. 656. - ISBN 0-07-222742-7.
  • Mike Shiffman. Protection from hackers. Analysis of 20 hacking scenarios = Hacker's Challenge: Test Your Incident Response Skills Using 20 Scenarios. - M.: Williams, 2002. - P. 304. - ISBN 0-07-219384-0.
  • Steven Levy. Hackers, Heroes of the computer revolution = Hackers, Heroes of the computer revolution. - A Penguin Book Technology, 2002. - P. 337. - ISBN 0-14-100051-1.
  • Skorodumova O. B.// Knowledge. Understanding. Skill: Journal. - M., 2005. - No. 4. - pp. 159-161.
  • Savchuk I. S.// Computer news: newspaper. - 2010.


  • (English)

Excerpt characterizing Hacker

Finally, the sovereign stopped next to his last lady (he was dancing with three), the music stopped; the preoccupied adjutant ran towards the Rostovs, asking them to step aside somewhere else, although they were standing against the wall, and the distinct, cautious and fascinatingly measured sounds of a waltz were heard from the choir. The Emperor looked at the audience with a smile. A minute passed and no one had started yet. The adjutant manager approached Countess Bezukhova and invited her. She raised her hand, smiling, and placed it, without looking at him, on the adjutant’s shoulder. The adjutant manager, a master of his craft, confidently, slowly and measuredly, hugging his lady tightly, set off with her first on a glide path, along the edge of the circle, at the corner of the hall, he picked up her left hand, turned it, and because of the ever-accelerating sounds of the music, only measured ones were heard the clicks of the spurs of the adjutant’s quick and dexterous legs, and every three beats at the turn, his lady’s fluttering velvet dress seemed to flare up. Natasha looked at them and was ready to cry that it was not she who was dancing this first round of the waltz.
Prince Andrei, in his colonel's white (cavalry) uniform, in stockings and shoes, lively and cheerful, stood in the front rows of the circle, not far from the Rostovs. Baron Firgof spoke with him about tomorrow's supposed first meeting of the State Council. Prince Andrei, as a person close to Speransky and participating in the work of the legislative commission, could give correct information about the meeting tomorrow, about which there were various rumors. But he did not listen to what Firgof told him, and looked first at the sovereign, then at the gentlemen who were getting ready to dance, who did not dare to join the circle.
Prince Andrei observed these gentlemen and ladies timid in the presence of the sovereign, dying with desire to be invited.
Pierre walked up to Prince Andrei and grabbed his hand.
– You always dance. There is my protegee [favorite], young Rostova, invite her,” he said.
- Where? – asked Bolkonsky. “Sorry,” he said, turning to the baron, “we’ll finish this conversation somewhere else, but we have to dance at the ball.” “He stepped forward in the direction that Pierre pointed out to him. Natasha’s desperate, frozen face caught the eye of Prince Andrei. He recognized her, guessed her feeling, realized that she was a beginner, remembered her conversation at the window and with a cheerful expression on his face approached Countess Rostova.
“Let me introduce you to my daughter,” said the countess, blushing.
“I have the pleasure of being an acquaintance, if the countess remembers me,” said Prince Andrei with a polite and low bow, completely contradicting Peronskaya’s remarks about his rudeness, approaching Natasha and raising his hand to hug her waist even before he finished the invitation to dance. He suggested a waltz tour. That frozen expression on Natasha’s face, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit up with a happy, grateful, childish smile.
“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time,” as if this frightened and happy girl said, with her smile that appeared behind the ready tears, raising her hand on Prince Andrei’s shoulder. They were the second couple to enter the circle. Prince Andrey was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced superbly. Her feet in ballroom satin shoes quickly, easily and independently of her did their job, and her face shone with the delight of happiness. Her bare neck and arms were thin and ugly. Compared to Helen's shoulders, her shoulders were thin, her breasts were vague, her arms were thin; but Helen already seemed to have a varnish on from all the thousands of glances sliding over her body, and Natasha seemed like a girl who had been exposed for the first time, and who would have been very ashamed of it if she had not been assured that it was so necessary.
Prince Andrei loved to dance, and wanting to quickly get rid of the political and intelligent conversations with which everyone turned to him, and wanting to quickly break this annoying circle of embarrassment formed by the presence of the sovereign, he went to dance and chose Natasha, because Pierre pointed him out to her and because she was the first of the pretty women to come into his sight; but as soon as he embraced this thin, mobile figure, and she moved so close to him and smiled so close to him, the wine of her charm went to his head: he felt revived and rejuvenated when, catching his breath and leaving her, he stopped and began to look on the dancers.

After Prince Andrei, Boris approached Natasha, inviting her to dance, and the adjutant dancer who started the ball, and more young people, and Natasha, handing over her excess gentlemen to Sonya, happy and flushed, did not stop dancing the whole evening. She did not notice anything and did not see anything that occupied everyone at this ball. She not only did not notice how the sovereign spoke for a long time with the French envoy, how he spoke especially graciously to such and such a lady, how prince such and such did and said this, how Helen was a great success and received special attention from such and such; she did not even see the sovereign and noticed that he left only because after his departure the ball became more lively. One of the merry cotillions, before dinner, Prince Andrei danced with Natasha again. He reminded her of their first date in the Otradnensky alley and how she could not sleep on a moonlit night, and how he involuntarily heard her. Natasha blushed at this reminder and tried to justify herself, as if there was something shameful in the feeling in which Prince Andrei involuntarily overheard her.
Prince Andrei, like all people who grew up in the world, loved to meet in the world that which did not have a common secular imprint on it. And such was Natasha, with her surprise, joy and timidity and even mistakes in the French language. He treated and spoke to her especially tenderly and carefully. Sitting next to her, talking with her about the simplest and most insignificant subjects, Prince Andrei admired the joyful sparkle of her eyes and smile, which related not to the speeches spoken, but to her inner happiness. While Natasha was being chosen and she stood up with a smile and danced around the hall, Prince Andrei especially admired her timid grace. In the middle of the cotillion, Natasha, having completed her figure, still breathing heavily, approached her place. The new gentleman invited her again. She was tired and out of breath, and apparently thought of refusing, but immediately again cheerfully raised her hand on the gentleman’s shoulder and smiled at Prince Andrey.
“I would be glad to rest and sit with you, I’m tired; but you see how they choose me, and I’m glad about it, and I’m happy, and I love everyone, and you and I understand all this,” and that smile said a lot more. When the gentleman left her, Natasha ran across the hall to take two ladies for the figures.
“If she approaches her cousin first, and then another lady, then she will be my wife,” Prince Andrei said to himself quite unexpectedly, looking at her. She approached her cousin first.
“What nonsense sometimes comes to mind! thought Prince Andrey; but the only thing that is true is that this girl is so sweet, so special, that she won’t dance here for a month and get married... This is a rarity here,” he thought when Natasha, straightening the rose that had fallen back from her bodice, sat down next to him.
At the end of the cotillion, the old count approached the dancers in his blue tailcoat. He invited Prince Andrei to his place and asked his daughter if she was having fun? Natasha did not answer and only smiled a smile that reproachfully said: “How could you ask about this?”
- More fun than ever in my life! - she said, and Prince Andrei noticed how quickly her thin arms rose to hug her father and immediately fell. Natasha was as happy as she had never been in her life. She was at that highest level of happiness when a person becomes completely trusting and does not believe in the possibility of evil, misfortune and grief.

At this ball, Pierre for the first time felt insulted by the position that his wife occupied in the highest spheres. He was gloomy and absent-minded. There was a wide crease across his forehead, and he, standing at the window, looked through his glasses, not seeing anyone.
Natasha, heading to dinner, passed him.
Pierre's gloomy, unhappy face struck her. She stopped in front of him. She wanted to help him, to convey to him the excess of her happiness.
“How fun, Count,” she said, “isn’t it?”
Pierre smiled absently, obviously not understanding what was being said to him.
“Yes, I’m very glad,” he said.
“How can they be unhappy with something,” Natasha thought. Especially someone as good as this Bezukhov?” In Natasha’s eyes, everyone at the ball were equally kind, sweet, wonderful people who loved each other: no one could offend each other, and therefore everyone should be happy.

The next day, Prince Andrei remembered yesterday's ball, but did not dwell on it for long. “Yes, it was a very brilliant ball. And also... yes, Rostova is very nice. There is something fresh, special, not St. Petersburg, that distinguishes her.” That's all he thought about yesterday's ball, and after drinking tea, he sat down to work.
But from fatigue or insomnia (the day was not a good one for studying, and Prince Andrei could not do anything), he kept criticizing his own work, as often happened to him, and was glad when he heard that someone had arrived.
The visitor was Bitsky, who served on various commissions, visited all the societies of St. Petersburg, a passionate admirer of new ideas and Speransky and a concerned messenger of St. Petersburg, one of those people who choose a direction like a dress - according to fashion, but who for this reason seem to be the most ardent partisans of directions . He worriedly, barely having time to take off his hat, ran to Prince Andrei and immediately began to speak. He had just learned the details of the meeting of the State Council this morning, opened by the sovereign, and was talking about it with delight. The sovereign's speech was extraordinary. It was one of those speeches that are given only by constitutional monarchs. “The Emperor directly said that the council and the senate are state estates; he said that government should not be based on arbitrariness, but on solid principles. The Emperor said that finances should be transformed and reports should be made public,” said Bitsky, emphasizing well-known words and significantly opening his eyes.
“Yes, the current event is an era, the greatest era in our history,” he concluded.
Prince Andrei listened to the story about the opening of the State Council, which he expected with such impatience and to which he attributed such importance, and was surprised that this event, now that it had happened, not only did not touch him, but seemed to him more than insignificant. He listened to Bitsky's enthusiastic story with quiet mockery. The simplest thought came to his mind: “What does it matter to me and Bitsky, what do we care about what the sovereign was pleased to say in council! Can all this make me happier and better?”
And this simple reasoning suddenly destroyed for Prince Andrei all the previous interest in the transformations being carried out. On the same day, Prince Andrei was supposed to dine at Speransky’s “en petit comite,” [in a small meeting], as the owner told him, inviting him. This dinner in the family and friendly circle of a man whom he admired so much had previously greatly interested Prince Andrei, especially since until now he had not seen Speransky in his home life; but now he didn’t want to go.
At the appointed hour of lunch, however, Prince Andrei was already entering Speransky’s own small house near the Tauride Garden. In the parquet dining room of a small house, distinguished by its extraordinary cleanliness (reminiscent of monastic purity), Prince Andrei, who was somewhat late, already found at five o’clock the entire company of this petit comite, Speransky’s intimate acquaintances, gathered. There were no ladies except Speransky's little daughter (with a long face similar to her father) and her governess. The guests were Gervais, Magnitsky and Stolypin. From the hallway, Prince Andrei heard loud voices and clear, clear laughter - laughter similar to the one they laugh on stage. Someone in a voice similar to Speransky’s voice distinctly chimed: ha... ha... ha... Prince Andrei had never heard Speransky’s laughter, and this ringing, subtle laughter of a statesman strangely struck him.
Prince Andrei entered the dining room. The whole company stood between two windows at a small table with snacks. Speransky, in a gray tailcoat with a star, obviously still wearing the white vest and high white tie he wore at the famous meeting of the State Council, stood at the table with a cheerful face. Guests surrounded him. Magnitsky, addressing Mikhail Mikhailovich, told an anecdote. Speransky listened, laughing ahead at what Magnitsky would say. As Prince Andrei entered the room, Magnitsky’s words were again drowned out by laughter. Stolypin boomed loudly, chewing a piece of bread with cheese; Gervais hissed with a quiet laugh, and Speransky laughed subtly, distinctly.
Speransky, still laughing, gave Prince Andrei his white, tender hand.
“I’m very glad to see you, prince,” he said. - Just a minute... he turned to Magnitsky, interrupting his story. “We have an agreement today: dinner of pleasure, and not a word about business.” - And he turned to the narrator again, and laughed again.
Prince Andrei listened to his laughter with surprise and sadness of disappointment and looked at the laughing Speransky. It was not Speransky, but another person, it seemed to Prince Andrei. Everything that had previously seemed mysterious and attractive to Prince Andrei in Speransky suddenly became clear and unattractive to him.
At the table the conversation did not stop for a moment and seemed to consist of a collection of funny anecdotes. Magnitsky had not yet finished his story when someone else declared his readiness to tell something that was even funnier. The anecdotes mostly concerned, if not the official world itself, then the official persons. It seemed that in this society the insignificance of these persons was so finally decided that the only attitude towards them could only be good-naturedly comic. Speransky told how at the council this morning, when asked by a deaf dignitary about his opinion, this dignitary answered that he was of the same opinion. Gervais told a whole story about the audit, remarkable for the nonsense of all the characters. Stolypin, stuttering, intervened in the conversation and began to speak passionately about the abuses of the previous order of things, threatening to turn the conversation into a serious one. Magnitsky began to mock Stolypin’s ardor, Gervais inserted a joke and the conversation again took its previous, cheerful direction.
Obviously, after work, Speransky loved to relax and have fun in a circle of friends, and all his guests, understanding his desire, tried to amuse him and have fun themselves. But this fun seemed heavy and sad to Prince Andrei. The thin sound of Speransky's voice struck him unpleasantly, and the incessant laughter, with its false note, for some reason offended the feelings of Prince Andrei. Prince Andrei did not laugh and was afraid that he would be difficult for this society. But no one noticed his inconsistency with the general mood. Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun.
Several times he wanted to enter into conversation, but each time his word was thrown out like a cork out of water; and he could not joke with them together.
There was nothing bad or inappropriate in what they said, everything was witty and could have been funny; but something, the very thing that is the essence of fun, not only did not exist, but they did not even know that it existed.
After dinner, Speransky’s daughter and her governess got up. Speransky caressed his daughter with his white hand and kissed her. And this gesture seemed unnatural to Prince Andrei.
The men, in English, remained at the table and drinking port. In the middle of the conversation that began about Napoleon's Spanish affairs, which everyone was of the same opinion approving, Prince Andrei began to contradict them. Speransky smiled and, obviously wanting to divert the conversation from the accepted direction, told an anecdote that had nothing to do with the conversation. For a few moments everyone fell silent.
After sitting at the table, Speransky corked a bottle of wine and said: “nowadays good wine goes in boots,” gave it to the servant and stood up. Everyone got up and, also talking noisily, went into the living room. Speransky was given two envelopes brought by a courier. He took them and went into the office. As soon as he left, the general fun fell silent and the guests began to talk to each other judiciously and quietly.
- Well, now the recitation! - said Speransky, leaving the office. - Amazing talent! - he turned to Prince Andrei. Magnitsky immediately struck a pose and began to speak French humorous poems that he had composed for some famous people in St. Petersburg, and was interrupted several times by applause. Prince Andrei, at the end of the poems, approached Speransky, saying goodbye to him.
-Where are you going so early? - said Speransky.
- I promised for the evening...
They were silent. Prince Andrei looked closely into those mirrored, impenetrable eyes and it became funny to him how he could expect anything from Speransky and from all his activities associated with him, and how he could attribute importance to what Speransky did. This neat, cheerless laughter did not stop ringing in the ears of Prince Andrei for a long time after he left Speransky.
Returning home, Prince Andrei began to remember his life in St. Petersburg during these four months, as if it were something new. He recalled his efforts, his searches, the history of his draft military regulations, which were taken into account and about which they tried to keep silent only because other work, very bad, had already been done and presented to the sovereign; remembered the meetings of the committee of which Berg was a member; I remembered how in these meetings everything related to the form and process of the committee meetings was carefully and lengthily discussed, and how carefully and briefly everything related to the essence of the matter was discussed. He remembered his legislative work, how he anxiously translated articles from the Roman and French codes into Russian, and he felt ashamed of himself. Then he vividly imagined Bogucharovo, his activities in the village, his trip to Ryazan, he remembered the peasants, Drona the headman, and attaching to them the rights of persons, which he distributed in paragraphs, it became surprising to him how he could engage in such idle work for so long.

Want to know about a router with incredibly good performance? There is an Archer AX50 device - this is the latest wireless router from the Chinese company TP-Link. Unlike conventional routers released by TP-Link, this model is equipped with the latest Wi-Fi technology that promises to improve Wi-Fi connections at lightning speeds - thanks to the implementation of the sixth generation wireless standard IEEE 802.11ax.

News about routers today: The new model of the TP-Link Archer AX50 router supports Wi-Fi 6, up to 3 Gigabit per second, 4K streaming, connecting 40+ devices, saves batteries, has an antivirus.

The innovative design of the TP-Link Archer AX50 router has a classic rectangular design with plenty of ventilation holes to keep the device cool. The model has four external non-removable antennas and several LED indicators to display the status of the router.

Which Wi-Fi router is better?

The new TP-Link Archer AX50 router has been unveiled by the Chinese brand as an Intel-powered device that offers users access to the latest connectivity options in a ready-to-use system. It supports the latest 802.1ax wireless standard, also known as WiFi 6, to improve overall speed and performance to prepare users for the future while upgrading their existing home networking solutions.

The latest version of Wi-Fi 6 wireless technology promises to make WiFi communications much faster than the 802.11ac standard. Nowadays, high performance wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi 6) is already available on some mobile phones such as Samsung Galaxy S10 and Apple iPhone 11.

While many Wi-Fi 6 routers are extremely expensive at the moment, it is possible that the TP-Link Archer AX50 variant is designed to bring Wi-Fi 6 connectivity to the masses.

Video review of TP-Link Archer AX50: Quick setup and how the new router model with Wi-Fi 6 works

What a router can do:

Wi-Fi 6 with Intel technology delivers three times faster speeds, greater capacity and lower latency than previous generation Wi-Fi 5, while a dual-core Intel processor ensures smooth performance;

Next-generation (data) speeds of up to 3 Gbps (2402 Mbps on the 5 GHz band and 574 Mbps on the 2.4 GHz band) for faster 4K video streaming, video chatting and online gaming;

The use of “revolutionary” MU-MIMO and OFDMA technologies allows you to connect more than 40 devices.

Protection with HomeCare antivirus from TP-Link, which has parental controls;

Target Wake Time technology reduces device power consumption, which increases battery life;

Easy router setup using the powerful TP-Link Tether app in minutes;

There is backward compatibility, the Archer AX50 router model supports all previous 802.11 standards and many devices with Wi-Fi;

Recently, TP-Link's new Archer line of routers meets the growing need for improved connectivity solutions as consumers continue to integrate smarter devices into their homes that require increasing bandwidth.

The new aircraft, called the Flying Gondola, optimizes flight performance through center of gravity control technology. Reliability, which allows people to move safely, is an integral part of air mobility. However, in order to widely use the Flying Gondola aircraft as a means of transportation in the airspace, its creators from Aeronext Inc (Japan) believe that achieving both "safety" and " comfort." So that every passenger can easily use the aircraft without any reason to doubt.

Latest aircraft news: Japanese developer Aeronext has introduced the "Flying Gondola" for ease of air travel.

According to developer Aeronext, the new concept of mobile air mobility "Flying Gondola" not only provides "safety" but also "comfort", which is different from the traditional concept of air mobility, which mainly focuses only on the ease of movement of passengers.

When will the Flying Gondola replace a regular airplane?

The Flying Gondola provides a new flight experience that, according to Aeronext, allows passengers to have fun and enjoy the freedom of flight and the scenery in the sky. Development is moving forward and the next project “Next Mobility” will become the first fundamental prototype of the “Flying Gondola”, but more on that later in the review.

The aircraft's vertical take-off and landing are controlled by a center of gravity technology called "Tiltbody".

The technology that is integral to the new Flying Gondola concept is the recently announced "Tiltbody" technology (an umbrella term for Aeronext's center of gravity control technology).

The developed technology stabilizes the takeoff and landing of VTOL aircraft (the term stands for vertical takeoff and landing). During the transition from takeoff to level flight, unlike traditional aircraft where the rotor is fixed, the rotor's movable arm (called the "propeller arm") moves to achieve optimal flight performance while maintaining cabin level with the ground. Perhaps this could mean that comfort and safety are maximized.

The company is also developing the first fundamental prototype of a single-seat passenger aircraft, Next Mobility. This is a prototype that embodies a new concept of air mobility like the Flying Gondola. It features 4D GRAVITY center of gravity technology and the recently announced VTOL Tiltbody center of gravity technology. The all-new Next Mobility model is the first prototype to be a 1/3-size model of a single-seat aircraft.

Video review of the flight of the Aeronext flying vehicle: The Next Mobility prototype embodies the concept of the “Flying Gondola”.

In the future, the Japanese developer Aeronext promises to announce similar aircraft that can be used by several people.

Commentary on how the Flying Gondola drone was created, from the creators:

Natsuko Ito, global director of marketing, Aeronext Inc.:

"Aeronext is a technology startup for drone architecture founded in Japan in 2017, and we have invented a unique 4D GRAVITY® center of gravity control technology that greatly improves stability.

We have already announced several concept models for specific industrial applications using 4D GRAVITY®, such as for use in delivery and inspection.

And this time, to further demonstrate the effectiveness of 4D GRAVITY®, we have created the Flying Gondola aerial mobility concept, equipped with 4D GRAVITY® and other patented technologies that provide both safety and comfort.

We believe this is a realistic solution that will increase the social acceptability of air mobility by providing people with a new flying experience.

We used a unique "split architecture" using our patented 4D GRAVITY® technology, which separates the cabin portion from the flight portion so that the cabin remains level with the ground at all times.

The original idea of ​​4D GRAVITY® was invented by our technical director, Mr. Suzuki, and this concept model of the "Flying Gondola" was created by him and his team of engineers. "

Technical characteristics of the Aeronext aircraft and advantages declared by the developer:

A vehicle with remote-controlled automatic navigation that does not require a pilot on board;

Smooth and stable transition from takeoff to level flight;

Comfortable entry into the device because the seat is flush with the ground.

The passenger can relax and enjoy a conversation on a mobile phone;

It is easy to board the aircraft even in a skirt or high heels;

The front, left and right sides of the device are covered with glass to enjoy the view of the flight;

The aircraft is specially equipped with wings and a propeller system to prevent collision even in an emergency during landing.

Whether you're expecting iOS 14 to release secrets or not, it's important to know. The new operating system iOS 14 from the technology company Apple may share the list of gadget compatibility with iOS 13. What could this mean for users of Apple electronic devices? According to rumors from news sources, the full version of iOS 14 may support around eighteen iPhone models. Naturally, the new list of smartphone support is expected to include this year's iPhone 12 series, as well as the long-awaited iPhone SE 2 smartphone model. Plus, an iPadOS update is expected to coincide with the release of iOS 14.

Operating system news and rumors: Which Apple device models will be updated to iOS 14 and when will the update be released? Read on.

If you've been keeping track of updates from Apple's iOS team, it won't be surprising to see that with every new update, Apple comes up with an iPhone compatibility list. For example, while iOS 11 and iOS 12 were released for iPhones up to the iPhone 5S version. This particular phone was an exception to the iOS 13 compatibility list.

As you know, Apple periodically disables support for older devices in its updates. The suspected reason for the change in the compatibility list is the device's processor architecture. However, it looks like this may not be the case this year when iOS 14 releases. According to French source "iPhone Soft", Apple's new iOS 14 system (it's still in development) could run on all those iPhones. which are currently supported by iOS 13. Supposedly, this is information from a “developer friend at Apple.”

Naturally, the list may be replenished with iPhone models of the current year (12 and SE 2). So, according to rumors, if this is true, when the iOS 14 update comes out, it will be available for all iPhone models in the following list:

iPhone 12 Pro Max (rumored only);
- iPhone 12 Pro (rumored);
- iPhone 12 (rumors);
- iPhone SE 2 or known as iPhone 9 (still rumored);
- iPhone 11 Pro Max;
- iPhone 11 Pro;
- iPhone 11;
- iPhone Xs Max;
- iPhone Xs;
- iPhone X;
- iPhone XR;
- iPhone 8 Plus;
- iPhone 8;
- iPhone 7 Plus;
- iPhone 7;
- iPhone 6s Plus;
- iPhone 6s;
- And the iPhone SE model.

There's a pretty long list of Apple phone models coming out for the new OS than ever before. Additionally, if this is the case, the update may also affect the 7th generation iPod Touch media player.

However, the same cannot be said about tablet computers. The report adds that the debut is in a couple of months, again according to rumors, the iPadOS 14 system may bypass the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4 (that is, support for tablets with Apple A8X and A8 chips will be discontinued). For iPadOS 14, users can only assume the following list:

9.7-inch iPad Pro;
- 10.5-inch iPad Pro;
- 11-inch iPad Pro;
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro;
- iPad Air 3rd generation;
- iPad 5th generation;
- iPad 6th generation;
- iPad 7th generation;
- And the 5th generation iPad Mini model.

The list may be replenished, according to rumors, with an upcoming version of the iPad Pro 5G tablet.

In 2019, with the release of iOS 13, the popular iPhone 5s model in Russia “found itself without support.” The smartphone has received six major updates to its mobile operating system throughout its life.

Considering that the iPhone SE, iPhone 6S Plus, and iPhone 6S were the last iPhone models to feature headphone jacks, many Apple smartphone users preferred to hold on to their older iPhones as long as possible. So if you're still using a 2015 iPhone, you can probably breathe easy. A new rumor claims that iOS 14 will be compatible with the original iPhone 6S and iPhone SE.

New iOS 14 features and secrets:

What will iOS 14 be like?

As for the functionality of the new system, there is absolutely no information about what you can expect from iOS 14. IT corporation Apple, like every year, is likely to present a new version of iOS at its annual WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) conference, which will be held in the United States around June 2020. The latest version of iPadOS will also debut at the event.

On this day, not only an announcement is expected about the main changes, but also about the release date of iOS 14 for download to developers (for beta testing), and the release date for download to ordinary users.

We will definitely write a review of what new things will be added to the system, what are the advantages of iOS 14 over version 13. Is it worth updating, about the end of support and possible device problems after updating.

Summary of iOS 14:

Apple has an incentive to maintain support for as many iPhones and iPads as possible for the new version of iOS 14 to increase the chance of attracting users to the latest features of subscription services such as Apple Arcade and Apple TV+.

But since this is the first time we are hearing about iOS 14 in 2020, the information should be taken with the understanding that these are rumors. After all, details from leaks and rumors are sometimes misunderstood. We will all be able to be convinced of the reality of the forecasts only after Apple itself introduces a new version of the operating system at the end of this year.

Soon, we will discuss the burning secrets of iOS 14. We expect good news for older devices.

The most elegant computer case yet, the AZZA Pyramid 804 features a design inspired by the shape of a pyramid. On all four edges, the innovative case features four tempered glass side panels, allowing you to show off your beautiful computer design from every angle. And user access to USB Type-C, HD Aduio and USB 3.0 ports can be achieved through the opening glass door of the case. The package already includes a 120mm Hurricane II digital RGB fan, allowing you to customize its color to the taste of the owner of an unusual computer.

News about the most beautiful computer cases: The innovative model AZZA Pyramid 804 was created as a glass pyramid that transforms into a table.

The eye-catching Pyramid 804 computer case from AZZA is designed not only to demonstrate one assembly of powerful hardware. It is capable of supporting most builds that fit into any regular mid-rack case. For example, it supports an EATX form factor motherboard, a 300 mm long video card, bays for two 2.5-inch SSD drives, a bay for one 3.5-inch HDD drive (the bay is also compatible with a 2.5-inch SSD inches) and also supports water cooling up to 360 mm in length or three 120 mm fans in the lower part of the case. In other words, you can change the hardware as needed or as desired by the computer user.

As mentioned above, the cool computer case is equipped with a built-in 120mm Hurricane II digital RGB fan, which, thanks to its futuristic lighting, will be a cool highlight. But it's not all about pleasing aesthetics for the user.

Multifunctionality of the computer case

An absolute plus is that the unusual case of the Pyramid 804 computer can be demonstrated to others in more than one way. In addition to the usual installation on the bottom surface, like a pyramid, the manufacturer also offers an optional four-legged stand that allows you to mount the computer case upside down (inverted). The bottom of the computer case then becomes a flat surface, allowing the case to practically be used as a glass table.

No matter what you do with this unusual computer case, it will prove functional and pleasing to look at in any circumstance.

Video review of the AZZA Pyramid 804 computer case with an elegant pyramidal design:

Physical dimensions of the AZZA pyramid case: Height 585 mm, width and length of the base 490 mm each.

At the new consumer electronics exhibition CES 2020 (in Las Vegas, America), a huge collection of amazing robots was presented, designed to perform almost any task, from everyday chores to nurturing kindness in people. Perhaps as a reflection of our increasingly busy lifestyles, this year's tech show was also filled with a surprising number of robots designed to provide companionship and ease feelings of loneliness.

Latest robot news: Reviews and videos of the best robots presented at the international electronics exhibition in 2020.

Filled to the brim with the latest robotics technology, CES 2020 began showcasing fun robots and wowing visitors from all over the world. Here are some bright innovations that aroused the interest of visitors.

Ball-shaped robot Ballie.

Ballie from Samsung, a surprise announcement of a companion robot. The new product is a bright rubber ball with built-in camera lenses. How adorable can this spherical mini robot be? The commercial shows Ballie (the size of a tennis ball) happily rolling around a luxury apartment, interacting with the owner, a pet, a TV, a robot vacuum cleaner, and mechanical curtains.

For now, the ball-shaped Ballie robot is just a concept. The idea is that the robot moves around rooms, interacting with existing gadgets. Here it is, the era of the Internet of Things!

Video review of the spherical robot Ballie: announcement of capabilities.

Thus, Ballie the spherical robot can improve the quality of your day and take care of your loved ones and your home. If you are interested in other new products in household robotics, write to us and we will publish a new thematic review.

Therapeutic robot Petit Qoboo.

Petit Qoboo is a robot created by Yukai Engineering. If tickling and belly rubs are your main reason for wanting a feline friend, then the Petit Qoboo robot may be a little strange, but almost animal-like for you. The robotic companion is a fluffy therapy pillow with an expressive tail that looks like a cat substitute.

A larger model of the robotic therapy pad with a tail can already be purchased on Amazon for about $150, but the new Petit Qoboo robot model, which debuted last year at the 2020 CES electronics show, is still in the prototype stage. The creator of the new robot is working on an ambitious schedule and hopes his miniature cat replacements will hit store shelves later this year.

Video review of Petit Qoboo: Comparison of the old and new model of the companion robot.

Comment on the history of the creation of the robot "Petit Qoobo", from the developer:

Saaya Okuda, overseas marketer at Yukai Engineering Inc:

"Yukai Engineering Inc. decided to create a new companion for Qoobo, "Petit Qoobo", as a result of listening to the voices of Qoobo owners and fans. We received comments hoping for a smaller, more portable version of Qoobo that could be carried around. There were also requests for additional features that would make Qoobo more realistic. "Petit Qoobo" and its features are a response to these voices.

"Petit Qoobo" is much smaller than the original Qoobo, and users can easily carry it with them when going out, taking it to a friend's house, and so on. In addition to Qoobo's original feature of wagging its tail in response to touch, "Petit Qoobo" also responds to loud sounds such as clapping its hands or saying its name. Users can also feel slight heartbeat and breathing movements, which provide a more realistic quality. "

Friends, what do you think of the Japanese therapeutic robot in the shape of a cute pillow with a tail? BellaBot service robot with delivery function.

We continue our review of new robots of 2020, sticking to the cat theme. Bellabot from Chinese manufacturer PuduTech is a quirky cat-trolley hybrid that will bring you dinner and let you pet its ears. This particular waiter can load 10 kilos.

According to the developer, “BellaBot is the latest model of PuduTech delivery robot. On the one hand, it is not inferior to the previous generation product, with features such as a four-level structure of large food trays, rich delivery functions, high-precision positioning and navigation, a stable and efficient system planning and, on the other hand, shows breakthroughs in appearance design and human-machine interaction, making BellaBot a new type of cute yet powerful delivery robot that is popular in this field."

Serving robots have been roaming Chinese restaurants for some time. A similar Peanut robot servant could be seen from the manufacturer Keenon Robotics Co., Ltd., but the fun addition of ears and whiskers makes the BellaBot robot much more attractive and individual. Next, look at what robot manufacturers showed.

Video review of the BellaBot delivery robot: a new product from PuduTech.

It is worth noting that BellaBot is not the only such robot from PuduTech. Last year, Chinese engineers developed a less emotional robot waiter, PuduBot. The 30-kilogram device, similar to the BellaBot design, holds 3 to 5 pallets with a lifting capacity of about 10 kilograms.

Home robot or bionic cat MarsCat.

MarsCat from Elephant Robotics is a robotic pet that at first glance appears to be a feline version of Sony's Japanese robot puppy Aibo, but in fact, the two robots are completely different. You may not be able to teach the old Japanese robot Aibo new tricks, but MarsCat is open source and controlled by a small Raspberry Pi computer, so you can play with MarsCat to your heart's content.

Even if you're not into customizing robots, the MarsCat model still has a lot to offer, performing a variety of cat tasks regardless of your involvement. The new robot will also respond to your touch on its head or chin, and you can even give it voice commands. Frequent interaction with a robot can develop its personality, which will determine how friendly, vocal and playful it is.

It's worth noting that the MarsCat robotic project has already more than quintupled its funding goal on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, and there is still time left before the funding round is completed. The MarsCat robot is expected to retail for US$1,299, which is a hefty sum of course, but less than half the price of Japan's latest robot, Aibo.

Video review of the bionic cat MarsCat: now the pet is a robot.

Fully autonomous, interactive and easy to program, MarsCat is the ideal companion with endless possibilities.

Interactive humanoid robot Reachy Pollen Robotics.

Also at the CES 2020 conference, Reachy from the French developer Pollen Robotics, a new open-source interactive robot, was presented. It has a wide range of capabilities, such as performing tasks that people only perform with their upper body.

The Reachy robot's quivering antennae make it look like an insect, a remarkable feat of engineering to create an impression on the user. Each arm of the humanoid robot has seven degrees of freedom, and its specialized neck joint allows its head to turn and tilt in amazingly realistic ways. The robot's head itself is equipped with a camera, microphone and speaker.

Like the MarsCat home robot, the new Reachy model is open source - you can use the Python programming language to create your own robot control programs. Developer Pollen Robotics also suggests using it for research and development, as a robot receptionist, or as a useful interactive guide with artificial intelligence (AI).

What is the price for such a robot? A full version of Reachy with a head, body and two arms will cost around US$17,000. Yes, it's an expensive robot, but a cheaper version of the robot with one arm is currently available for $9,000.

Video review of the Reachy robot:

Is it possible to customize the robot's functions to suit your tasks? As per the developer's plan, Reachy's open source software tools are open source and can be freely modified or customized by the end user according to their needs.

Comment on the creation of the Reachy robot, from the developer:

Pierre Rouanet, technical director of Pollen Robotics:

"We decided to create Reachy to allow users to run their own interactive robotic applications in the real world. Building simple service robotics applications should be easy, and Reachy was designed as a platform to speed up the development process.

We started by designing just the arm, and then, working with our clients (prosthetics researchers, a university, event planners and a design agency), we added the torso and head for emphasis and put more emphasis on human interaction.

We firmly believe that by designing a robot that looks attractive and has simple interactions, we can truly improve and make many service robotics applications more natural. "

Such miracles of robotics can be applied to different lifestyles. Surely we will be presented with even more curious, unusual and very useful robots in 2020. We will definitely add news and videos about technological advances in robotics.

The new Air Pix device from the legend AirSelfie is a small drone for taking selfies (photos or videos). It can be used as the easiest and most enjoyable way to free your hands when taking selfies. The Air Pix drone, hovering in the air, allows the user to create stunning panoramic photos and videos in high resolution. You can use your own pocket-sized personal photographer in almost any environment and share the created selfies on social networks.

Latest drone news: AirSelfie's miniature, portable Air Pix flying camera.

The flying camera drone started out as a crowdfunding project (using crowdfunding on Indiegogo and Kickstarter). He raised more than two million dollars for his development.

What can a user do with the Air Pix mini drone?

The quadcopter can easily capture stunning HD aerial photos and videos, edit them right in the app, and then instantly share them on your favorite social networks.

Technical characteristics of Air Pix drone with camera

AirSelfie Air Pix has a compact size (pocket size), weighs lighter than a golf ball, creates 12 Megapixel photos or videos in 1080p format with 30 frames per second, can track people's faces during autonomous flight, is additionally controlled by a touch mobile application, and has built-in memory for 8 Gigabyte. To connect your smartphone to the Air Pix selfie drone, a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi connection is used.

Video review of the flying small drone Air Pix:

Why do you need a mobile version of the site? In the complex modern world, more and more advanced technologies are being created. Over the past decade, we have witnessed amazing growth in the development of mobile technology. Almost every week we see new gadgets appearing on the global market. Smartphones and tablets seem to be outpacing laptops and computers. More and more people use mobile devices in their lives. Entertainment, getting information or even running a business, all this can be done easily. Despite this obvious growth in mobile technology, there are still some webmasters who are too stubborn to convert their websites into mobile websites.

Website Building Technology News: The Benefits of Converting Your Website to a Mobile Optimized Website.

In this article, let's start discussing a very hot topic that seems to irritate webmasters a lot, why we should convert an existing website into a mobile website. The first obvious reason is that most websites that have not been converted to mobile sites will not display correctly on mobile devices. You can easily lose repeat visitors and sales in this situation. For example, if a mobile user is looking for something to buy on your website, but finds out that your site structure is loading too slowly, he will certainly leave to look for the required item on other mobile websites.

Mobile sites are the best

Why does a website need a mobile version? Moreover, mobile websites also rank higher in search engines. It is clear that in classic search engine optimization (SEO), things have already gone too far. But with mobile SEO, it's just the beginning! The largest search engine in the world, Google will, in fact, first display results that are optimized for mobile users. Here's how you can get the means to achieve your goals and beat the competition!

With mobile websites, you can be there for your visitors all the time. Most mobile phone users are on the move and search for information on the go. If you display a phone number on your mobile site, your visitor can call you directly from their mobile device. For example, if you are a restaurant owner, this hungry user appears to be passing through your site. He can call the restaurant directly from his mobile phone and inquire about the food, location or any other information he needs! That's what the mobile version of the site is for.

Now you can see how great it can be to convert your existing website into a website for mobile devices (phones, smartphones, phablets, tablets)!

Before you finish reading, consider some numbers. The world population is 6.7 billion people. Of these, five billion are mobile users. If that's not enough to convince you to convert your site to a mobile website version, here's another fact; an incredible 80 percent of these mobile users access the Internet using mobile devices every day! That's four billion users every day. It is undoubtedly clear that the mobile industry is moving very quickly. Over the next two years, the mobile Internet will overtake the natural website industry. So, friends, don't forget to take care of your mobile website today!

Electronics manufacturer Cooler Master has a range of hardware products such as keyboards, power supplies, headsets, computer (PC) cases, mice and, of course, coolers. Each of its products has been specifically designed based on community feedback. Including hybrid keyboards. Cooler Master even had a Kickstarter project for an analog keyboard with pressure-sensitive keys called the ContolPad. With that said, let's take a closer look at what can make the new Cooler Master SK621 keyboard special for the user.

Keyboard news today: Cooler Master SK621 review - a mechanical wireless keyboard with a separate wired connection option.

The first thing that is noticeable during the review is the ability to conveniently pair the wireless keyboard with three different devices. Connecting your device is as simple as holding the function button and Z, X or C. This feature makes it very easy to switch from using your phone to your computer. Turning on the Cooler Master SK621 keyboard is also easy. Either connect it via a USB Type-C cable, or on the left side activate the very simple switch for wireless mode.

Technical characteristics of the Cooler Master SK621 wireless keyboard:

You can map a wide variety of colors (shades) to any key, customize lighting modes, or customize macros using the Cooler Master software.

How does a wireless keyboard work?

When using the SK621 for the first time, it is recommended to connect to your computer via USB Type-C and install the Cooler Master Portal. This will allow you to control the different lighting effects and settings of the wireless keyboard. It is possible to create preset profiles, which makes it easier to switch between profiles when using elements. You can also adjust the lighting effects using the controls, but the above mentioned portal is more user friendly. The wireless keyboard setup is very easy to use and has many combinations. There are options - adjusting the speed, direction and brightness of the keyboard backlight effects.

Macros can also be programmed. It’s also worth adding that all functions such as RGB lighting, macros and controls are also available when using the SK621 via a Bluetooth connection. The wireless keyboard's battery life is also impressive. It may take a couple of full business days before the light turns red, indicating that the battery is low. Charging the SK621 wireless keyboard is also easy. Just connect your keyboard via USB Type-C. The keyboard can still be used as a wired keyboard as long as the cable charges the keyboard's battery.

The keyboard's body is crafted from polished aluminum, making it lightweight, durable, and provides a premium appearance. There's also a nice sleek aluminum edge accent that adds a touch of elegance. The keys are made of plastic and don't have much texture.

Low-profile Cherry MX keys are quiet enough for office use. The key switches are incredibly sensitive and using the Cooler Master SK621 Wireless Keyboard takes some practice. This is because the keys register key presses to within a millimeter or less.

The SK621 hybrid keyboard is designed to be compact and quite portable. A nice addition is the velvet bag. It's definitely made for gaming thanks to its Cherry MX keys, but it's easy to use for work.

The Cooler Master SK621 does everything it's designed to do. However, the keys are great for gaming but are too sensitive for typing. Plastic keys are also prone to oil stains on your fingers, so eating while gaming can be difficult. Perhaps if the keys had some kind of oil-resistant coating or more texture, the oil marks wouldn't be as pronounced.

Features of SK621 Wireless Keyboard:

Brushed aluminum body design;

Featuring a flat, brushed aluminum keyboard top, floating keycaps, and a slim, minimalist body design.

Colored keyboard backlight Cooler Master (RGB LEDs);

Individually customizable LED key backlighting and surrounding LED ring.

Hybrid wired and wireless;

Connect up to three devices via Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology or wired connection and charge the battery at the same time.

Minimum keyboard layout by 60%;

We can say that this thin wireless mini keyboard has a unique design for maximum portability.

Easy to use software.

Low profile Cherry MX keys;

The reduced travel distance and actuation point performs with equal durability and accuracy (according to the wireless keyboard manufacturer).

Available controls;

In real time, you can customize keyboard backlighting and macros without the need for software.

Summary of the Cooler Master SK621 wireless keyboard:

Overall, electrical and keyboard maker Cooler Master exceeded all expectations. It's especially impressive because it can make a really interesting wireless keyboard. The SK621 model has a variety of lighting effects and individual settings, has a compact design and a lot of user-friendly functions. Using the SK621 at work and then bringing it home for gaming could make it a favorite wireless keyboard for the price of nearly $200.

ETH Zurich has unveiled details of "Concrete Choreography", an installation that recently opened in Riom, Switzerland. The innovative installation features the first robotically constructed 3D printed concrete stage, consisting of formless columns 3D printed to full height in 2.5 hours. The process is expected to significantly improve the efficiency of concrete structures while achieving the fabrication of complex material components and construction robots.

3D printing news: ETH Zurich creates concrete columns using a special 3D concrete printer.

In Riom, Switzerland, the Origen festival features nine 2.7-meter-high columns. Each column is 3D printed concrete. The new columns were individually designed using custom software and manufactured using a concrete printer, a new automated concrete 3D printing process developed by the ETH Zurich team with support from NCCR DFAB.

3D concrete printing like this

MSc Digital Fabrication and Architecture students explore the unique capabilities of multi-layer extrusion printing, demonstrating the potential of computer-aided design and digital fabrication for the future of concrete construction. Perhaps in the construction industry, this process will become more environmentally friendly in the future if they develop new eco-friendly concrete for 3D printing.

Video review of 3D concrete printing: Concrete choreography.

This is how easy and fast 3D concrete printing works.

3D printing of houses and buildings made of concrete is a prospect for construction.

Hollow concrete structures are printed for the strategic use of materials, resulting in a more sustainable approach to specific architecture. Additionally, the calculated material structure and surface textures are an example of the versatility and significant aesthetic potential of 3D concrete printing when used in large-scale structures.

The new review will be about printing on a 3D printer with metal.

It is worth noting that there is technology to carry out 3D printing with metal. This is also a promising direction for construction, but for this, other materials are used (for example, powder), programs and other types of printers (which we will talk about soon).

Honor News: With new 3D holographic color phones from Honor, it's possible to add a little new color to life.

It's no surprise that most people don't mind hiding the backs of their phones behind an opaque plastic case. In cases, the user can choose a suitable color for the phone case to give the mobile a little personality. But China's new Honor 20 Pro and Honor 20 series phones are the world's first smartphones with 3D dynamic holographic design, and their reflective appearance could become a new industry standard.

"Always better" is the company's motto. Perhaps this motto suggests that she refuses to follow the industry standard by simply experimenting with layers of paint with each new phone model.

Color 3D holography for the phone case.

In order for the phone body to achieve a shimmering optical illusion, the manufacturer Honor designed its Honor 20 model with a deep layer containing millions of shimmering microscopic prisms, and on top of this a so-called 3D curved glass layer is placed. The combination of these technologies causes the light to "play and dance" on the back of the phone as the user turns it in different directions.

Two colors for the Honor 20 phone can be found under these dynamic layers, Midnight Black and Sapphire Blue. Unlike the newfangled phrases for some phone colors, Honor mobile has color gradients for phones that actually evoke the effect of a shimmering night sky or a shimmering jewel.

While the color options sound exciting, you can go even further with the Chinese Honor 20 Pro phone. This upgraded model features the signature "Triple 3D Mesh" containing three layers. Instead of just painting the back of the phone itself, this time a layer of body color sits between the outer 3D layer and the inner depth layer. According to the phone maker, this makes color shifting effects much more dynamic.

The Honor 20 Pro mobile phone is actively sold in two colors such as Phantom Black and Phantom Blue. Although the names of these phone colors are not so metaphorical, do not think that their rear panels are less dynamic.

Honor's obsession with choosing the right colors may seem overly dramatic, but in the UK, for example, a survey of hundreds of Brits found that forty-nine percent of them consider color when choosing a phone to buy.

Why is a phone with a changing color scheme being sold?

What is a phone for? Choosing a mobile phone, as Honor designer Jun-Soo Kim puts it, is “Extending human life.” Essentially, Honor is saying that customer identity cannot be captured in one unchanging color.

The history of the creation of Honor color phones.

The Honor 20 demonstrates the natural evolution of the company's experiments with dynamic color in phone design (irridescent colors). The Honor 8 model started the trend of a 2.5D multi-layer back wall, which creates a 3D lattice effect. Then the Honor 9 version turned into a phone with a curved 3D glass, echoes of which can already be found in the Honor 20 model. Well, last year, the Honor 10 model was equipped with an Aurora rear glass that reflected colors from all sides.

What is the screen like on an Honor phone?

Honor's design innovations don't stop at the color of the phone's body. It's worth paying attention to the placement of the Honor 20's camera. Instead of trimming the screen to make room for the "selfie" camera. The phone maker has cut a 4.5mm hole in the top left corner of the screen, thereby leaving more screen space for the user's needs.

Camera with artificial intelligence or AI camera in your phone.

According to the description of the phone, it is worth noting that on the back of the device, the Honor 20 AI camera has four lenses and is located so as to leave more space for a battery with more memory. But most importantly, the result is a 48-megapixel camera that uses the Kirin 980 AI microchip to take DSLR-quality photos and enhance photos.

Summary of Honor phone color.

Bottom line, phone descriptions, technical compatibility and cutting-edge hardware innovations are what usually attract attention to Chinese Honor phones. But in this case, the technology is almost overshadowed by the uniquely colored body design, which may make some users reluctant to go back to simple 2D phone body colors in the future.

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[Dedicated to everyone who
starts with the terrible win32 trojans:]

Hacking is knowledge,
it's thinking about whether you have enough
self-esteem to learn
program or master assembler, this
challenge yourself.

You can't become
hacker overnight, although no one ever gave
precise definition of the word “hacker”. Who are they?
Administrator who gives ftp users full-shell
privilege? Or someone who can
program in most languages? A
maybe someone who can assemble blue/beige/black boxes
with your eyes closed? Are these people hackers? Because
what can they do? But will they? For example, maybe
serve as an experienced system administrator
– he has knowledge of who will
trying to get into his system. Know
your enemy. Do system administrators hack?
In most cases, yes. Why not? They have
less incentive to do so (scandals,
lawsuits, job loss), but, as it were,
whatever it is, it's still pretty good

Then a hacker is someone who
smart enough to study and learn
properly. This is the one who can
penetrate most computers
systems without making unnecessary noise (not in all
cases, of course).

If you can save
activity until 3-4 o'clock in the morning, figuring out something
or learning new information, then you are definitely on
the right way.


First of all, put
get yourself a decent operating system. Like me
I already said, know your enemy. If you are
you have something against SunOS 5.7, then get it
get yourself a copy of this operating system (quite
difficult;). Although it's much more fun to hack
windoze boxes.

When was OOB first revealed?
many “hackers” started using this:
it’s so easy to type cc winnuke.c and see
timeouts throughout IRC and killed Windows users:] (What
well, in one night...). Don't be like them, you
you can get stuck in a routine, get carried away
sitting on IRC for many hours, talking about these
“cool” hacks, think about them, but you don’t
you'll do something else. (though still
there may be new acquaintances on IRC, with such
aka “hackers” :)

Operating system,
the one I recommend is Linux. Study at
it’s much easier for her because they are open to you
all the insides of the operating system, and you can
just examine the sources for
vulnerabilities found by someone and
overflows that lead to DoS (Denial Of
Service – denial of service)

Open source allows
you code addons, modifications for
basic system functions that are very
useful. Of course, your coding skill should
reach a certain (high) level
before you can even understand five
source lines. Some people think
game hacking - finding a solution to a problem,
which is suitable in a particular case. IN
In principle, this is the essence of hacking.

Problem: the target is hidden
behind the firewall. Solution: write a Trojan that
after launching through a well thought out
inline JavaScript will send password/port/login
to the left email account somewhere on Yahoo.

Obviously that's all
very difficult, but no less fun.
Programming is also a problem, but
also solvable :) If you can, then learn C. Yes,
many can, but if you can’t, then no problem:
master the principles and fundamentals using more
a simple language such as Visual Basic or Pascal.

These languages ​​were created
to learn programming on them. Although
they have now progressed into something
more than that, I don't believe that there are people in
actually coding in Visual Basic :)

As soon as you place
Linux (it's not difficult, manuals for this subject
at every step) and start trying to code,
then you will need info. I always find
something useful at www.technotronic.net.

Of course you should
gain some fame, you
you can do this by looking for vulnerabilities with
subsequent writing of exploits for them.

I sometimes think about
pomposity, and this applies to everyone who
finds exploits and then reports them...
especially reports them to Microsoft. If you are
I found another bug in IIS 4, then just
use it.

Don't think for a second
that you can't. Microsoft is
the most exploited object of all time and
peoples:] The developers are so crazy
that the quality of the code leaves much to be desired
– this is already a tradition.

They tell us (in rare cases)
cases) that they are simply participating in some kind of “competition”.
I wonder with whom? My personal opinion is that this
just pulling out the next portion
cash from user wallets,
purchasing Upgrades. UPgrades? Rather Sidegrades
case with Microsoft, i.e. movement to the side, and
not upward, towards progress.

As soon as you purchase
the required minimum knowledge, don’t start doing it
nonsense that you can talk about later
greatly regret it. If you have a cable modem
or some other permanent connection with
Network, then don’t even think about any hacking
from your box. You must learn
cover your tracks well enough, just
remember that the telnet connection is via a box somewhere
in Germany it's a damn good idea
even if you can't stand the lag.

Well, we can say more
a lot and I will definitely return to this

Example program (C++):

#include using namespace std;

int main()

cout<< "I"m l33t"

The concept of hacker is characterized by two definitions, one of which is the most popular and therefore more truthful. For most people, a hacker is an attacker who is trying in one way or another to find out confidential information stored on a personal computer, cause a system failure, or simply download a virus. Such people are characterized by a different definition, namely “crackers” - people who hack a computer. As an example, a person being able to hack a computer's security system does not make him a hacker, in essence the same as being able to open cars does not make him a car mechanic. Another definition of the word hacker is programmers who essentially created the Internet, the Unix operating system, namely what it is today, they ensure the operation of the World Wide Web. As a result, one word has two different definitions, the main difference between which is that hackers build things, and crackers break them.

How to become a hacker

It turns out that people trying to become hackers can either deceive and steal information from other people, or they are really trying to become a programmer who is well versed in their field of activity, help other people, etc. Being just such a hacker is undoubtedly a pleasure, but it requires a lot of money effort. Such people enjoy solving various kinds of problems that come their way, honing their skills to perfection, etc. Otherwise, if a person does not want to improve himself in this way, then, most likely, the philistine definition of this term is inherent in him.

Of course, in order for a person to become at least a “cracker,” he will need certain knowledge in the field of automation of information processes, programming in basic languages, knowledge of information security, and many others. Do not forget that if you are not able to think logically or If you just don’t like solving complex problems that stand in your way, then it’s better to give up the idea of ​​becoming a hacker, since this type of activity mainly requires logical thinking, and only then perseverance and other character traits. Sometimes it may seem that what a hacker does is monotonous and boring work, which is why a person who does not have perseverance is unlikely to become a hacker.

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