Who produces components for iPhone. Where is iPhone developed and produced?

On the bottom of the back cover of most iPhones, in small print it says Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China - "Designed by Apple in California, assembled in China".

In disputes with iPhone fans, owners of Xiaomi, OnePlus, Meizu and other typically Chinese Android smartphones often speculate on this. They insist that their devices differ from Apple devices only in price, but country of origin they have one.

Tim Cook is confident that the iPhone is an American smartphone

In this case, the question of availability of production capacity, qualified personnel, availability of natural resources, logistics convenience, and, in total, the overall price of such an undertaking will immediately arise.

That's why geography of Apple suppliers for the production of the flagship iPhone X is quite extensive:

  • Korean Samsung is responsible for OLED screens and RAM
  • Safety glasses are produced by American Corning.
  • Mobile communication modules are supplied by American Intel and Qualcomm
  • Wireless chips are made by American Broadcom
  • A series processors are produced by Taiwanese TSMC
  • NFC chips for the device are created by the European AMS
  • Printed circuit boards are made by Japanese Fujikura and other Asian companies
  • Cameras for iPhone X are supplied by Japanese Sony
  • The speakers are mainly produced by the Chinese AAC Technologies
  • Other components are made by Korean LG, Japanese Nissha, Korean Interflex and many others

And these are just the companies that I managed to pull out from a study of the Chinese information resource iChunt, which tried to calculate the cost of all components of the current Apple flagship.

Components for the iPhone are produced in various countries around the world - exactly where they can be made with sufficient quality and relatively inexpensively.

Chinese giant factories are responsible for assembling the iPhone

iPhones and other Apple equipment are assembled by Chinese giant factories Foxconn and Pegatron. This is not least due to the cost of labor, which is 3-5 times less here than in the USA.

However, not only the price, but also the qualifications of the employees play a huge role. Tim Cook has already emphasized this in an interview with CBS News.

“If you could get all the stampers in the United States, they could fit in the room we’re sitting in right now. In China, you need several football fields for this.”

But we are sure that the first place in the issue of assembly location has long been taken Natural resources- rare earth elements, which as of 2014 were mined in China more than 10 times more than in the United States.

As far as we know, it is almost impossible to export them from the country in a “raw” state in Chinese realities, but in the form of finished products - no problem.

China will likely continue to use its influence over Apple and other smartphone companies over the next few years. Therefore, the inscription will continue to appear on the cover of the iPhone Assembled in China.

The main thing is that the smartphone is being developed by American minds

Yes, the iPhone has enough components that are not directly related to the USA. Yes, Apple smartphones are not assembled by American hands. But is this enough to call them Chinese, European, Japanese or something else?

Let's draw a banal parallel. Your favorite Coca-Cola is produced by the American company The Coca-Cola Company, but it does this not only in the USA, because transporting soda from one continent to another is definitely not the most profitable idea.

Therefore, it builds factories and licenses production in almost every country in the world - including Russia or Ukraine. But we do not believe that “Coca-Cola” is a local drink and do not put it on a par with our “Baikal”, “Crushon”, “Duchess” or anything else.

The question arises, why then are we comparing the iPhone with other smartphones that are assembled in China? This is fundamentally wrong, because it is important not where the device was assembled, but where it was invented how to do it correctly.

Employees in the USA are responsible for the concept, design, appearance and other features of Apple smartphones, so the iPhone should be considered an American smartphone, and not some other one.

When last February Barack Obama joined a dinner in California, where all the luminaries of Silicon Valley gathered, everyone present at the feast had the opportunity to ask the US President a question.

But when it came to Steven Paul Jobs' turn, President Obama interrupted him with his own question: what does it take to make the iPhone in the US?

Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were assembled in America. Today - quite a bit. Nearly all of the seventy million iPhones, thirty million iPads, and fifty-nine million units of other Apple products that the company sold last year were assembled overseas.

"Why can't this work be done at home?" Obama asked.

Jobs' answer was clear:

"This job can't go back».

The president's question, as they say, hit Apple's bull's eye. The point is not at all that jobs are cheaper abroad. Rather, Apple management believes that the sheer scale of its overseas factories, as well as the flexibility, industriousness and professional skills of its foreign workers, still outstrips those of its American counterparts. " MadeinU. S. " is unlikely to be a viable option for most Apple products.

Apple has become one of the best known, most beloved and most imitated companies in the world, in part due to its relentless mastery of global operations. Last year the company made $400,000 in profit per employee. That's more than Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobil or Google.

What has vexed Obama, economists and policymakers, however, is that Apple - and its high-tech peers - are not as active in creating jobs in America as other big-name companies in their prime.

Apple has 43,000 employees in the United States and 20,000 abroad. That's just a fraction of the more than 400,000 Americans who worked for General Motors in the 1950s, or the hundreds of thousands who worked for General Electric in the 1980s. Many of the people who work for Apple are contractors: about 700,000 engineers who piece together iPads, iPhones and other Apple equipment. But almost none of them work in the United States. Instead, they work for foreign companies in Asia, Europe and other countries.

"Apple is an example of why it is so difficult for the middle class to find work in the US today," said Jared Bernstein, a former White House economic adviser. “If this is the pinnacle of capitalism, we should be concerned.”

Apple management, however, cites that looking to the East is the only way out for the company. One former executive said the company instructed the Chinese factory to upgrade its production capacity just weeks before the device hit shelves. Apple redesigned the iPhone display at the last minute, requiring a major overhaul of the assembly line. The new screens arrived at the plant around midnight.

The manager immediately called 8,000 workers living in the dormitories. Each worker received a biscuit and a cup of tea so that, having eaten them, they would appear at their workplace in half an hour and start a 12-hour shift. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing 10,000 iPhones per day.

“The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. “There is not a single American plant that can compare with a Chinese one.”

Similar stories can be found across a wide range of electronics companies - outsourcing has become widespread in hundreds of industries, including accounting, legal services, banking, automotive and pharmaceuticals.

But while Apple is far from alone in this area, it has lifted the lid on why the success of many well-known companies has not translated into many jobs at home. Moreover, the company’s decisions provoke the emergence of other issues that affect the economy of the country and the world as a whole.

"Companies are just starting to feel the need to support American workers, even if it's not the best financial choice," Betsey Stevenson, chief economist at the Labor Department, said last September. - “All this has disappeared. Profit and efficiency have eclipsed generosity.”

Many people who are asked about where are iPhones made?, answer with confidence that the manufacturing country is the USA or some other countries developed in the production of electronics. Almost no one talks about China as a manufacturer of such high-quality devices. Everyone associates this country with low-quality products that are incomparable to Apple technology. But in vain, because China is the main manufacturer of equipment for all large companies, including Apple.

You may also be interested and useful in our article on how. Often many people do not remember what version of the operating system is on their iPhone and because of this many applications may not work.

In general, the creation of an iPhone can be divided into two stages:

  1. Development.
  2. Production.

The first stage is handled by one country, and the second by another.

Where are iPhones developed?

The starting point for the production of Apple devices is their development at the head office in Cupertino, located in California, as indicated by the corresponding inscription on the back of each iPhone. It is people from the USA who are working on the most important issues related to the production of new gadgets:

  • Development of a new design;
  • Development of appearance;
  • Innovative ideas;
  • Software;
  • Internal filling;
  • Software optimization.

The USA is the brain of the company. We can safely say that the bulk of Apple devices are produced in this country. Therefore, the statement that the manufacturer is the USA has strong roots.

For almost every buyer, the question of not only the development of smartphones is important, but also where the iPhone they carry is made. This is where disappointment awaits all fans of Apple technology, who claim that their gadgets are made in the USA or, for example, Finland. All iPhones are assembled in China.

Some unscrupulous sellers distribute counterfeit iPhones that list manufacturing countries other than China. Knowing where the original iPhones are made, the chance of running into a fake is sharply reduced. If you need to purchase an iPhone second-hand or in an untrustworthy store, then the country of origin is the first thing you should pay attention to.

Why did such a large company, with huge profits, choose China and not its “homeland” to produce its equipment? In fact, it's simple:

  1. Labor in China is very cheap, and there is no shortage of workers.
    Huge demand requires intensive production, which is easiest to implement in China.
  2. This allows you to keep the cost level at an acceptable level. If production is transferred to the USA, then costs will increase many times, and with them the cost of production.
  3. Manufacturing in China is subject to very low taxes compared to most other countries.
  4. China is the main producer of some metals used in the production of modern gadgets. Exports to other countries are limited, which would have disrupted iPhone production in other countries due to material shortages.

In fact, iPhone production in China is not as bad as it might seem. This approach from Apple has a lot of advantages, and the quality still remains high, which is very important.

Most recently, iPhone production started in India.

Domestic users of Apple devices believe that their mobile phones come from the USA, Japan, Taiwan - anywhere, but not from China. Russians have long had an extremely negative image of Chinese production - as if they do everything “on the knees”, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and prefer quantity to quality.

This is actually a misconception. In China, the situation is the same as in other countries (for example, in Russia): there are underground production facilities that assemble penny devices from low-grade components, and there are also official factories whose assembly lines produce first-class products.

Apple produces the iPhone and iPad in cooperation with China, but this is by no means a reason to hang offensive labels on Apple devices.

iPhones and iPads are developed at Apple's head office, which is located in the American state of California, in the city of Cupertino. This is confirmed by the inscription that is present on the rear edges of all Apple devices: “ Designed by Apple in California».

The following activities are performed at Apple headquarters:

Mobile market experts claim that 99% of the total contribution to the creation of Apple gadgets is made by the employees of the Cupertino office - despite the fact that many of these employees have never seen how the devices are assembled.

Where are iPhones assembled?

The plant of the Taiwanese company Foxconn is where iPhones are made for Russia and other countries. The Foxconn plant is located in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. He has been collaborating with Apple since 2007. Apple is not the only company that partners with Foxconn; a giant Chinese factory produces almost 40% (!) of the world's electronics.

The Foxconn factory area is 5.6 million square meters. km, number of employees – 1 million 250 thousand people. Every day, 400 thousand new iPhones roll off the Foxconn assembly line, each of which fully meets the high standards set by Apple.

Foxconn has been repeatedly accused of forcing its employees to work in truly slave-like conditions. Chinese workers allegedly spend 12-14 hours at work, 6 days a week, eat rations of food sold on the streets, and are also discriminated against by their Taiwanese colleagues. Apple conducted many audits, which resulted in the discovery that most of the accusations of violation of labor laws are unfounded.

Buyers often wonder: why doesn’t the Apple company produce gadgets in its own country? There are many reasons for this:

  • Americans are too highly educated. In the United States, there is a shortage of citizens with secondary technical education who are able and willing to perform routine, monotonous operations every day.
  • Chinese labor is quite cheap. The salary of a Foxconn employee is 300 – 400 dollars per month. An American would have to pay four or five times more.
  • The USA has high taxes. If iPhones were assembled in America, then due to additional insurance and taxes, the final cost of the Apple product would be doubled.
  • China produces the lion's share of rare earth metals, which are necessary when creating mobile gadgets. If Apple were to move its smartphone production to another country, it would have to negotiate exports with China—not an easy task.

Foxconn has factories not only in China, but also in other countries - in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and India. In 2010, the factory was opened in Russia - in the village of Shushary, Leningrad Region. Now there is information that Foxconn is going to build a plant in the USA. Who knows - perhaps this is the first step towards starting the production of native American iPhones?

Who supplies components for iPhones?

Workers at the Foxconn plant assemble iPhones from components that are sourced from many countries. There are no Chinese components in Apple devices, but there are American ones. Among them:

  • Audio chips are manufactured in the USA by Cirrus Logic.
  • Radio modules are produced by the famous company Qualcomm.
  • Controller chips are created by American organizations PMC Sierra and Broadcom Corp.
  • Touch Screen Controllers – Also manufactured by Broadcom Corp.

Other components are supplied by European and Asian manufacturers - for example:

  • Induction coils - Japanese company TDK.
  • RAM - Taiwanese organization TSMC.
  • Gyroscopes - Italian-French company STMicroelectronics.

The situation with iPhone displays is interesting. Now 3 companies produce this component for the Apple company - Japanese Japan Display and Sharp, as well as Korean Display. However, for the iPhone 8th and 9th modifications, Apple plans to purchase panels only from Samsung - and in huge quantities.

Among the suppliers of components for the iPhone there is a “full” international. Apple prefers to cooperate with trusted and reputable component manufacturers - regardless of the countries in which their factories are located.

What is the cost of an iPhone?

Experts from IHS Markit, immediately after the release of the iPhone 7 in 2016, tried to calculate the cost of an Apple device by adding up the costs of all its components, including:

  • A10 Fusion processor – $26.9.
  • Intel module – $33.9.
  • Cameras – $19.9.
  • Electromechanical components – $16.7.

According to expert calculations, the cost of the iPhone 7 turned out to be equal to 220 dollars (approximately 13 thousand rubles). The market value of the Apple gadget at the time of inspection was $649 - 37 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate. It is worth saying that this price was relevant for the USA. In Russia, the seventh iPhone even now costs 50 thousand rubles. It’s easy to calculate that in our country, the rate of promotion on Apple devices is almost fourfold.

It is curious that the difference in cost between iPhones of different generations is very small. Let's look at the diagram:

The cost of the iPhone 7 is only $8 higher than that of the iPhone 6S – in fact, 500 rubles. Gadgets of the same generation, but of different modifications (for example, 5 and 5S), as a rule, require equal costs for components. But what was most surprising was that the iPhone SE turned out to be the most economical smartphone in the Apple line (cost price: $160). Even the iPhone 3GS was more expensive to produce.


In 2016, Donald Trump, entering the presidential race, announced that he would force Apple to produce iPhones in the United States. If this day comes, then for Russian fans of Apple products it will definitely become “black” - the final cost of an iPhone created by American workers on American soil will be “unaffordable” for Russians.

Now Russian users can afford to buy Apple products only because they are assembled in China. By collaborating with the Chinese, Apple saves on labor resources. A worker from a developed country in America or Europe would not agree to work for an amount three times greater than what a native from the Middle Kingdom receives.

In the modern world it is almost impossible to do without a smartphone; this modern gadget has all the necessary functions and programs accumulated by humanity over many years. Maybe you've decided to replace your old cell phone with a more advanced one, or you just want variety, but don't know where to stop. This article will tell you about Apple smartphones, their characteristics, and why they are the flagship gadgets of the modern world.

About company

Having existed on the electronics market since the 70s of the twentieth century, Apple did not initially specialize in the production of phones. Their first successful product was the personal computer, which was designed to help people. It was only in 2007 that the company introduced the world to its first smartphone, called the iPhone.

Initially, it seems to us that the meaning of this name is two words “I” and “telephone”. But initially the prefix “-i” meant the abbreviated word Internet. The creators also laid down the meaning of several more English words starting with “i”, which in translation mean “personal”, “learning”, “communicating”, “inspiring”.

First smartphone

The history of the iPhone begins in 2008, when the first smartphone from this line was presented. Just after going on sale, the smartphone conquered the US market with its quality and originality. The next iPhone model, iPhone 3G, became the flagship of that generation. It was cheaper and significantly improved compared to the firstborn. Don’t also forget that this phone was the first iPhone to appear on the electronics market in the CIS countries, and in Russia in particular.

About Apple smartphones

What is an iPhone?

It would be fair to answer that this is the flagship among modern smartphones. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the manufacturer relies on impeccable quality and perfect design. Without exception, all Apple iPhone phones run on the iOS operating system, which fundamentally distinguishes them from their contemporaries. This is a special OS designed for iPhone.

Who invented the iPhone?

The main creator of the Apple iPhone smartphone, as well as the creator of Apple itself, is Steve Jobs. Although some of the first projects were failures, he did not give up hope and for a long time the company worked on the first iPhone released to the world, which is still subject to criticism.

Where are iPhones assembled?

The country of origin of iPhones is America, California, Cupertino. It is there that the creation and development of everyone’s favorite smartphones takes place - all the details are developed there. However, assembly is carried out in China.

Why is that? The answer to this question lies in the cost of the smartphone. Since it is much cheaper to assemble a smartphone in China, and the plant is not taxed as much as it would be in America. Moreover, if the assembly took place in the homeland of the smartphone, where it would cost customers almost twice as much. The assembled smartphone is delivered back to America.

In which countries is iPhone sold?

Basically, official Apple stores are located in America, Canada, as well as European countries. Stores are also open in major cities and capitals of the East and Asia. Where can you buy an iPhone if there is no official store in your city? To do this, there is no need to go to the nearest point of sale. You can easily order a phone on the official website, and then choose a delivery method convenient for you.

Flagships of our time

The latest models, the six and seven, have won the hearts of buyers the most. Moreover, both are unique and interesting to use.

Very often people wonder how the iPhone differs from a regular smartphone, why is it recognized as better, what is an iPhone? In fact, there are many factors that confirm his primacy:

1 If you compare the iPhone with other modern smartphones, the display, namely the touchscreen, is more pleasant and responsive to use. Users who had smartphones from other manufacturers before purchasing an iPhone note a huge difference in sensations. 2 Fast application recall. The likelihood of system freezes in these devices is minimized, and the phone is also quite optimized for various types of applications. 3 Even older iPhone models support new operating systems, and this is a very rare quality in modern smartphones. The company was able to achieve such results thanks to hard work on each new OS. Now, when buying a phone from Apple, you can easily be sure that you will be using the latest OS in a couple of years.

iPhone 6

The Six is ​​the first iPhone to come in maxi sizes. Before the release of this line, all the company’s smartphones were released under the motto “Easy to use with one hand.” But since the size of phones has increased significantly all over the world, Apple decided to keep up and created a wonderful phone that still holds its place in the market.

Characteristics 6 and 6 plus

The main change was the increase in screen diagonal, up to 4.7 in the regular version and up to 5.5 in the plus version. The phone was also released on the basis of the new iOS 8 operating system, the 64-bit Apple A8 processor, as well as the updated Apple M8 coprocessor. The smartphone also added a payment function using Apple Pay, where you can use your smartphone to pay for goods in the store , and the rear camera has also been significantly improved.

About 6s and 6s plus

On iPhone 6s and 6s plus There have been significantly more changes than with regular sixes. Now the prefix “S” means strong, translated from American. First of all, the changes affected the technical characteristics of the gadget:

1 Now the iPhone has a brand new A9 processor, as well as an M9 coprocessor; 2 The amount of RAM has been increased to 2GB and the new operating system iOS 9 has been installed; 3 Both cameras have been significantly improved, where the main one has 12 megapixels and the front one has 5 megapixels; 4 A system for recognizing the force of pressing the screen has also been introduced, as well as many other unique features.

iPhone 7

The Seven is an innovative model, during the release of which a new unique design of smartphones was developed, about which controversy still continues. Also, the 3.5 connector was removed from the latest model, which caused a lot of discussion among potential buyers. However, when you take the iPhone phone in your hand, all questions disappear on their own.

Characteristics of 7 and 7 plus

There are also some drastic changes: since the 3.5 mm jack has disappeared, special wireless AirPods headphones are now included in the package , as well as an adapter for a standard connector.

Design also became an integral part of the changes to the seven. The new model came out in five colors, two of which caused a lot of controversy. The colors of the sevens are gold, rose gold, silver, as well as two black ones - matte black and Black Onyx. This phone has also become waterproof and, according to the creators, protected from dust and water. From technical changes:

1 The seven has a new A10 Fusion processor, as well as the iOS 10 operating system; 2 The regular version and the plus version received a new camera with 12 megapixels, but in the extended version it is also supplemented with a wide-angle lens. 3 And the innovation of stereo speakers located on both sides of the smartphone will help you hear the full sound of music; 4 Do not forget that the seven received a new display with an even better Retina HD color gamut.

Comparison of past and present models

iPhone mobile phones have been renowned for their quality and convenience over the years. For decades now, Apple has been diligently striving to achieve ideals for its customers, and one can argue that it is now succeeding. Currently, the iPhone is recognized as the best among modern smartphones.

With each release of a new apple iphone smartphone model, emphasis is placed on the most basic parameters of the phone - speed and functionality. At the same time, the developers do not forget to provide us with a beautiful and ergonomic design, which in total gives a very positive result. With almost every update there is a new version of the operating system, as well as significant development of processors.

Now the iPhone is a phone that will always come to your aid without fail, as well as a technological gadget that keeps up with the times.

Almost everyone dreams of purchasing an Apple gadget, but for some, the price becomes an insurmountable obstacle to their dream. Many users do not buy phones from official Apple dealers. This is primarily due to the fact that the price of such gadgets is much cheaper, and in addition, you can get the coveted iPhone much earlier than it appears in official stores.

But do not forget that when buying an iPhone through the Apple website or in the official store, you will definitely receive a PCT - a device that is specially adapted to work in your country. If you purchased the phone from a “gray” dealer, then you may encounter a number of problems.

Where to look for your iPhone model

To determine the country for which the iPhone was manufactured, we need its serial number. By recognizing it, we will find out where the device itself comes from.

You can do this directly in the store by looking at the information on the back of the iPhone box. Although we recommend checking the model number directly through the phone menu to rule out any discrepancy (such cases are not uncommon).

To do this, you need to turn on your iPhone, go to “Settings”, find the “General” section, and then go to the “About this device” item.

Once you have found the serial number you can go in two ways:

  1. An easy way to determine the “homeland” of an Apple gadget is to use the website. You just need to enter the full model number of your phone and find out all the information you need about the origin of your phone and whether or not it is tied to a specific operator.
  2. If it is not possible to check your phone number through the website, then you can find out the information you are interested in yourself. The model number of the device consists of four letters and three numbers, but in order to determine which country your iPhone came from, you only need the last two letters. For example, if the model number looks like this - MC354LL, then you need to pay attention to the letters LL.

Deciphering the iPhone model number

  • A - Canada
  • AB - UAE, Saudi Arabia
  • AE - UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
  • AH - Bahrain, Kuwait
  • B - Great Britain or Ireland
  • BZ - Brazil
  • C - Canada
  • CH - China
  • CN - Slovakia
  • CZ - Czech Republic
  • D - Germany
  • DN - Holland, Austria, Germany
  • E - Mexico
  • EE - Estonia
  • ET - Estonia
  • F - France
  • FB - Luxembourg
  • FS - Finland
  • FD - Liechtenstein, Austria, or Switzerland
  • GR - Greece
  • HB - Israel
  • HN - India
  • IP - Italy
  • J - Japan
  • KH - China, South Korea
  • KN - Denmark or Norway
  • KS - Finland or Sweden
  • LA - Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador
  • LE - Argentina
  • LL - USA
  • LP - Poland
  • LT - Lithuania
  • LV - Latvia
  • LZ - Paraguay, Chile
  • MG - Hungary
  • MY - Malaysia
  • NF - Luxembourg, Belgium, France
  • PK - Finland, Poland
  • PL - Poland
  • PM - Poland
  • PO - Portugal
  • PP - Philippines
  • QL - Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • QN - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland
  • RK - Kazakhstan
  • RM - Russia or Kazakhstan
  • RO - Romania
  • RP - Russia
  • RR - Russia
  • RS - Russia
  • RU - Russia
  • SE - Serbia
  • SL - Slovakia
  • SO - South Africa
  • SU - Ukraine
  • T - Italy
  • TA - Taiwan
  • TU - Türkiye
  • UA - Ukraine
  • X - Australia
  • X - New Zealand
  • Y - Spain
  • ZA - Singapore
  • ZD - Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, France, Switzerland, Monaco
  • ZP - Hong Kong, Macau

Checking iPhone on UnLock

In many countries, iPhones are sold specially locked for a specific telephone operator. In this case, the use of the device in other countries may be limited. It is possible to fix this problem and use a brand new phone, but one way or another, this requires additional time and money.

To make sure that your iPhone will function normally in your country, it is better to check when purchasing where your Apple gadget came from and whether it is locked to a specific operator.

Domestic users of Apple devices believe that their mobile phones come from the USA, Japan, Taiwan - anywhere, but not from China. Russians have long had an extremely negative image of Chinese production - as if they do everything “on the knees”, in conditions of terrible unsanitary conditions and prefer quantity to quality.

This is actually a misconception. In China, the situation is the same as in other countries (for example, in Russia): there are underground production facilities that assemble penny devices from low-grade components, and there are also official factories whose assembly lines produce first-class products.

Apple also produces the iPad in collaboration with China, but this is by no means a reason to hang offensive labels on Apple devices.

iPhones and iPads are developed at Apple's head office, which is located in the American state of California, in the city of Cupertino. This is confirmed by the inscription that is present on the rear edges of all Apple devices: “ Designed by Apple in California».

The following activities are performed at Apple headquarters:

Mobile market experts claim that 99% of the total contribution to the creation of Apple gadgets is made by the employees of the Cupertino office - despite the fact that many of these employees have never seen how the devices are assembled.

Where are iPhones assembled?

The plant of the Taiwanese company Foxconn is where iPhones are made for Russia and other countries. The Foxconn plant is located in the Chinese city of Shenzhen, near Hong Kong. He has been collaborating with Apple since 2007. Apple is not the only company that partners with Foxconn; a giant Chinese factory produces almost 40% (!) of the world's electronics.

The Foxconn factory area is 5.6 million square meters. km, number of employees – 1 million 250 thousand people. Every day, 400 thousand new iPhones roll off the Foxconn assembly line, each of which fully meets the high standards set by Apple.

Foxconn has been repeatedly accused of forcing its employees to work in truly slave-like conditions. Chinese workers allegedly spend 12-14 hours at work, 6 days a week, eat rations of food sold on the streets, and are also discriminated against by their Taiwanese colleagues. Apple conducted many audits, which resulted in the discovery that most of the accusations of violation of labor laws are unfounded.

Buyers often wonder: why doesn’t the Apple company produce gadgets in its own country? There are many reasons for this:

  • Americans are too highly educated. In the United States, there is a shortage of citizens with secondary technical education who are able and willing to perform routine, monotonous operations every day.
  • Chinese labor is quite cheap. The salary of a Foxconn employee is 300 – 400 dollars per month. An American would have to pay four or five times more.
  • The USA has high taxes. If iPhones were assembled in America, then due to additional insurance and taxes, the final cost of the Apple product would be doubled.
  • China produces the lion's share of rare earth metals, which are necessary when creating mobile gadgets. If Apple were to move its smartphone production to another country, it would have to negotiate exports with China—not an easy task.

Foxconn has factories not only in China, but also in other countries - in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and India. In 2010, the factory was opened in Russia - in the village of Shushary, Leningrad Region. Now there is information that . Who knows - perhaps this is the first step towards starting the production of native American iPhones?

Who supplies components for iPhones?

Workers at the Foxconn plant assemble iPhones from components that are sourced from many countries. There are no Chinese components in Apple devices, but there are American ones. Among them:

  • Audio chips are manufactured in the USA by Cirrus Logic.
  • Radio modules are produced by the famous company Qualcomm.
  • Controller chips are created by American organizations PMC Sierra and Broadcom Corp.
  • Touch Screen Controllers – Also manufactured by Broadcom Corp.

Other components are supplied by European and Asian manufacturers - for example:

  • Induction coils - Japanese company TDK.
  • RAM - Taiwanese organization TSMC.
  • Gyroscopes - Italian-French company STMicroelectronics.

The situation with iPhone displays is interesting. Now 3 companies produce this component for the Apple company - Japanese Japan Display and, as well as Korean Display. However, for the iPhone 8th and 9th modifications - and in huge quantities.

Among the suppliers of components for the iPhone there is a “full” international. Apple prefers to work with trusted and reputable component manufacturers, regardless of the countries in which their factories are located.

What is the cost of an iPhone?

Experts from IHS Markit, immediately after the release of the iPhone 7 in 2016, tried to calculate the cost of an Apple device by adding up the costs of all its components, including:

  • A10 Fusion processor – $26.9.
  • Intel module – $33.9.
  • Cameras – $19.9.
  • Electromechanical components – $16.7.

According to expert calculations, the cost of the iPhone 7 turned out to be equal to 220 dollars (approximately 13 thousand rubles). The market value of the Apple gadget at the time of inspection was $649 - 37 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate. It is worth saying that this price was relevant for the USA. In Russia, the seventh iPhone even now costs 50 thousand rubles. It’s easy to calculate that in our country, the rate of promotion on Apple devices is almost fourfold.

It is curious that the difference in cost between iPhones of different generations is very small. Let's look at the diagram:

The cost of the iPhone 7 is only $8 higher than that of the iPhone 6S – in fact, 500 rubles. Gadgets of the same generation, but of different modifications (for example, 5 and 5S), as a rule, require equal costs for components. But what was most surprising was that the iPhone SE turned out to be the most economical smartphone in the Apple line (cost price: $160). Even the iPhone 3GS was more expensive to produce.


In 2016, Donald Trump, entering the presidential race, announced that he would force Apple to produce iPhones in the United States. If this day comes, then for Russian fans of Apple products it will definitely become “black” - the final cost of an iPhone created by American workers on American soil will be “unaffordable” for Russians.

Now Russian users can afford to buy Apple products only because they are assembled in China. By collaborating with the Chinese, Apple saves on labor resources. A worker from a developed country in America or Europe would not agree to work for an amount three times greater than what a native from the Middle Kingdom receives.

The first thing you need to know is that the iPhone is made in China, where labor is much cheaper than in the US. However, Chinese manufacturers were chosen by Apple not only because of the desire to reduce costs as much as possible. In China there is a well-functioning chain of work execution processes, and the manufacturing factories are located there. Agree, it is more convenient to have almost all the necessary elements of the future device within one country - they can be delivered to the factory for assembly in the shortest possible time. In the case of the iPhone 6, for example, only a few types of components will be brought from abroad to China, including protective sapphire crystals produced in the USA.

The iPhone and all other Apple equipment are designed in the offices of Cupertino, California, USA. Here they develop and approve the design of devices, software features, and also manage issues of advertising, promotion and much more. Experts say that Chinese manufacturers, although they have the best potential in the world for assembling devices, but their work is estimated at only one hundredth of the total contribution to the creation of gadgets.

However, despite the secondary role assigned to China in the creation of the iPhone and other Apple devices, manufacturers are fiercely fighting for this right, not shying away from being at their beck and call. Contracts with Apple are concluded by manufacturers on very favorable terms, and the number of devices produced exceeds all conceivable limits, so the struggle for a “place in the sun” only gets fiercer every year.

As for the factories themselves, you can take a closer look at one of the factories of Foxconn, Apple's main manufacturing partner. Take for example a factory in Sichuan province that was inspected by hundreds of journalists a couple of years ago. The factory area is 5.6 million (!) sq. m., its production capacity is about 400,000 iPhones per day. With all this, the plant fully complies with safety and environmental standards.

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Almost everyone dreams of purchasing an Apple gadget, but for some, the price becomes an insurmountable obstacle to their dream. Many users do not buy phones from official Apple dealers. This is primarily due to the fact that the price of such gadgets is much cheaper, and in addition, you can get the coveted iPhone much earlier than it appears in official stores.

But do not forget that when buying an iPhone through the Apple website or in the official store, you will definitely receive a PCT - a device that is specially adapted to work in your country. If you purchased the phone from a “gray” dealer, then you may encounter a number of problems.

Where to look for your iPhone model

To determine the country for which the iPhone was manufactured, we need its serial number. By recognizing it, we will find out where the device itself comes from.

You can do this directly in the store by looking at the information on the back of the iPhone box. Although we recommend checking the model number directly through the phone menu to rule out any discrepancy (such cases are not uncommon).

To do this, you need to turn on your iPhone, go to “Settings”, find the “General” section, and then go to the “About this device” item.

Once you have found the serial number you can go in two ways:

  1. An easy way to determine the “homeland” of an Apple gadget is to use the website. You just need to enter the full model number of your phone and find out all the information you need about the origin of your phone and whether or not it is tied to a specific operator.
  2. If it is not possible to check your phone number through the website, then you can find out the information you are interested in yourself. The model number of the device consists of four letters and three numbers, but in order to determine which country your iPhone came from, you only need the last two letters. For example, if the model number looks like this - MC354LL, then you need to pay attention to the letters LL.

Deciphering the iPhone model number

  • A - Canada
  • AB - UAE, Saudi Arabia
  • AE - UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
  • AH - Bahrain, Kuwait
  • B - Great Britain or Ireland
  • BZ - Brazil
  • C - Canada
  • CH - China
  • CN - Slovakia
  • CZ - Czech Republic
  • D - Germany
  • DN - Holland, Austria, Germany
  • E - Mexico
  • EE - Estonia
  • ET - Estonia
  • F - France
  • FB - Luxembourg
  • FS - Finland
  • FD - Liechtenstein, Austria, or Switzerland
  • GR - Greece
  • HB - Israel
  • HN - India
  • IP - Italy
  • J - Japan
  • KH - China, South Korea
  • KN - Denmark or Norway
  • KS - Finland or Sweden
  • LA - Peru, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador
  • LE - Argentina
  • LL - USA
  • LP - Poland
  • LT - Lithuania
  • LV - Latvia
  • LZ - Paraguay, Chile
  • MG - Hungary
  • MY - Malaysia
  • NF - Luxembourg, Belgium, France
  • PK - Finland, Poland
  • PL - Poland
  • PM - Poland
  • PO - Portugal
  • PP - Philippines
  • QL - Italy, Spain, Portugal
  • QN - Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland
  • RK - Kazakhstan
  • RM - Russia or Kazakhstan
  • RO - Romania
  • RP - Russia
  • RR - Russia
  • RS - Russia
  • RU - Russia
  • SE - Serbia
  • SL - Slovakia
  • SO - South Africa
  • SU - Ukraine
  • T - Italy
  • TA - Taiwan
  • TU - Türkiye
  • UA - Ukraine
  • X - Australia
  • X - New Zealand
  • Y - Spain
  • ZA - Singapore
  • ZD - Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, France, Switzerland, Monaco
  • ZP - Hong Kong, Macau

Checking iPhone on UnLock

In many countries, iPhones are sold specially locked for a specific telephone operator. In this case, the use of the device in other countries may be limited. It is possible to fix this problem and use a brand new phone, but one way or another, this requires additional time and money.

To make sure that your iPhone will function normally in your country, it is better to check when purchasing where your Apple gadget came from and whether it is locked to a specific operator.

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