Who invented iPhone 5. When it came out and what the very first iPhone looks like: full review

Every year Apple presents a new iPhone model, which is sure to have a couple of interesting features. Next year marks 10 years since the start of sales first iPhone. So we decided to remember how it was until today.

And at the same time we want find out from you: Which of these iPhones was your first?

Let's go, Let's get nostalgic.

1. iPhone (2007)

The first iPhone was innovative in its own right. Restrained design, a minimum of elements on the body, a strict front panel.

Remember what smartphones looked like before the advent of the iPhone: protruding antennas, joysticks, a bunch of buttons under the screen (sometimes even above it), styluses, a sliding qwerty keyboard and indecent thickness. Now look at the windows of any electronics store. Most of the devices are very similar to what Steve Jobs showed off on January 9, 2007.

The company showed what Apple smartphones would look like in the next few years, and subsequently followed the laid down principle.

What was upsetting: Unfortunately, there are no minuses, the first generation iPhone did not receive a number of functions that competitors had (3G support, video recording, multitasking, etc.), the operating system was closed to the user, there were many Apple restrictions(you cannot transfer pictures and music to other users, limited support for data formats, download files only through iTunes).

The big problem was that the headphone jack was too deep, which did not allow the use of many 3.5 mm headsets.

2. iPhone 3G (2008)

The smartphone began to acquire functions, primarily due to the update of the mobile operating system. In iOS 2.0 we saw the App Store. From that time third party developers got the opportunity to earn money from us by releasing applications for the iPhone. Tim Cook reported on more than 2 million applications in the store.

And also with iPhone release 3G we saw support for UMTS, HSDPA, A-GPS and different body colors (black and white).

What was upsetting: plastic case and its low wear resistance. In just a few months back panel It was covered in scratches, cracks appeared near the cable connector, and pieces even broke off during active use.

3. iPhone 3GS (2009)

In 2009, we first learned that Apple wasn't going to update the design every year. After that, in odd-numbered years, “eski” began to be released with last year’s design, but new hardware.

The model was remembered for the appearance of a camera with autofocus and the ability to shoot video. For the first time, the iPhone received a digital compass. Among the software innovations, multitasking and voice control(Voice Control).

What was upsetting: old design.

4. iPhone 4 (2010)

With this model we learned about the screen with high density pixels – Retina Display. After holding such a device in my hands for 5 minutes, I didn’t want to use previous generation screens. Until now, a pixel density of over 300 per inch is considered the standard. The technology began to be used not only in the iPhone, it appeared on Apple tablets and computers.

The device is also memorable for its front camera, LED flash and gyroscope.

What was upsetting: antennagate was a big failure for Apple. With a certain grip, the iPhone 4 lost the network and this was widespread. Jobs and company had to apologize and hastily “invent” bumpers.

5. iPhone 4s (2011)

The main innovation latest smartphone, released under Jobs (the event was hosted by Tim Cook, and Steve died the day after the presentation), became voice assistant Siri.

Then the feature seemed unsuitable for use. Later, Siri learned a number of commands, learned several poems and jokes, and even mastered the Russian language.

The iPhone itself was able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, shoot Full-HD video, and broadcast images via AirPlay. The developers also combined GSM and CDMA models in one device.

What was upsetting: Lack of Russian language support in Siri.

6. iPhone 5 (2012)

In 2012, we learned that Apple could produce a device with a screen diagonal larger than 3.5 inches. The 30-pin connector is retired, replaced by Lightning, which is with us to this day.

With this model, many first learned about the nano-Sim format (remember how you cut your cards with scissors?) and the EarPods headset.

What was upsetting: strange paint on the back panel that quickly peeled off.

7. iPhone 5s (2013)

This device now has a fingerprint scanner finger Touch ID. It's hard to imagine how much time these sensors save us every day. Instead of entering long password just put your finger on it.

iPhone 5s was the first Apple smartphone to be released in gold.

We will not consider the iPhone 5c model. Apple went for an experiment that was never repeated; the device had no innovations, but was only a cheaper product a copy of the iPhone 5 in a colored plastic case.

What was upsetting: 64-bit processor and 32-bit applications, the App Store was not ready for the release of a model with a new processor. Until developers adapted programs and games, many 32-bit applications performed worse on the iPhone 5s than on the iPhone 5.

8. iPhone 6/6 Plus (2014)

In 2014, we saw the first “shovels” from Apple. Two years later we got used to this size of the smartphone, but then it was too much.

Slim body powerful filling, a camera with Full HD shooting at 60 frames per second and optical stabilization (in the Plus model).

What was upsetting: We haven't forgotten Apple's advertising with the ideal screen size for a smartphone. And for the first time we saw iPhones being bent en masse.

9. iPhone 6s/6s Plus (2015)

Last year's new products include a pressure-sensitive screen with 3D Touch and software news associated with the use of this technology. And there was also a new color " rose gold».

What was upsetting: too little innovation and software features of dubious benefit (“live” photos, pop-up menus).

There was also a “tuned” iPhone 5S with a clever name "SE"(who forgot), but the model can hardly be called innovative. The device did not bring anything new to the line, although it became the most powerful 4-inch smartphone on the market.

10. iPhone 7/7 Plus (2016)

This year, the iPhone stopped being afraid of water, began to use battery power more wisely, and began to produce stereo sound. A rather controversial decision was the abandonment of the 3.5 mm jack. Now headphones are only Bluetooth or Lightning.

And in the line there are as many as 5 body colors, this has not happened since the iPhone 5c.

What was upsetting: practically unchanged design and scratchy “black onyx”, which is impossible to buy.

Now try to remember how you reacted to the innovations of each model when it appeared. No one ran headlong for the iPhone just because it had 3G or LTE support, a front camera or flash, Siri or big screen. At the time these features appeared, many people thought they were unnecessary, but now we use them several times a day.

Today it is difficult to imagine the digital industry without Apple products. It has a number of advantages: versatility, compactness, excellent technical specifications, perfect quality. The most versatile among all Apple devices is the iPhone: in fact, it combines the functions of a phone, a tablet, and a player.

The giants of the digital industry, who have successfully controlled the global market for electronic products for decades, are trying to compete with Apple in this product category. Meanwhile, the story of Apple’s rise is very short: iPhone production is less than ten years old.

At the very beginning

The very first iPhone appeared in 2007: at the beginning of the year at the MacWorld exhibition, and in the summer – on sale. But the history of the famous Apple smartphone begins earlier. Back in 2002, Steve Jobs first voiced the idea of ​​creating a new universal device, which would combine the functions of a communicator, a mini-computer and a player. The story goes that Jobs originally intended to create a keyboard-free mini-computer that would allow you to type directly on the screen (i.e., a tablet). But after getting acquainted with the functions of the future tablet, which the developers provided, Jobs changed his mind and decided that all this could be made into a smartphone.

The company spent the next few years working on the iPhone. The first version (Motorola ROKR) was unsuccessful. It was a phone with a player that synchronized with iTunes, with an interface similar to an iPod. The know-how had weak functionality and was not very good design, users did not appreciate it.

At first, the history of iPhones did not go very well. The company had problems with its trademark: the name iPhone, which it intended to use, was already owned by another company, Cisco Systems. After the premiere of the Apple iPhone in 2007, Cisco Systems sued Apple. As a result, the two companies agreed on sharing brand.

Before iOS

The 2007 iPhone combined all the main promised functions: a player, a telephone and a pocket PC. But he, too, was still far from perfect. The biggest disadvantage is low-speed Internet access (EDGE). There was no 3G back then. The second drawback was insufficient security, so the corporate user was not interested in Apple's new product.

A year later, the company released the iPhone 3G. In addition to 3G, Apple now offered GPS users and A-GPS (with Google maps). A new operating system (OS 2.0) was installed on the device, and the design was improved. The 3G model was released with two sizes of built-in memory, 8 and 16 GB. Over this year, the geography of sales of the new Apple device has expanded to seventy countries.

The next model, iPhone 3Gs, was announced as high-speed. Indeed, the main differences between 3Gs and its predecessor are power and speed: more strong processor, larger capacity battery, 32 GB of memory. The device also had new functions: data encryption, digital compass, voice control.

The emergence of iOS

Story Apple smartphones entered a new stage with the advent of the new iOS operating system.

The fourth iPhone model did not contain G in its name, because... fourth generation networks were not supported in it. The iPhone appeared in 2010, OS 4.0 was renamed iOS 4 at the time of its announcement. The model used an A4 processor, the camera was improved, a gyroscope appeared, and a video communication camera appeared. The disadvantages that users of the four complained about were the fragile body and poor signal reception. The latter problem has been completely resolved in the new version of the operating system, iOS 4.0.1.

Steve Jobs died on October 5, 11, the day after the presentation of the new iPhone model, 4s (“speed”: the prefix s in the names of Apple iPhones appears when the emphasis in the new model is on improving speed qualities compared to its predecessor). Jobs was not present at the presentation; Tim Cook announced the new product. The model was equipped with a dual-core A5 processor ( clock frequency 1 GHz), the camera from 5-pixel became 8-pixel, appeared Siri function, GLONASS support. AND new version iOS, fifth.

Story apple smartphones continued in the fall of 2012: the iPhone 5 (actually the sixth generation) appeared. A6 processor (1.3 GHz), iOS 6 firmware, RAM 1 GB (predecessor 512 MB), support for fourth generation LTE networks, Lightning dock connector. The screen has increased (4 inches versus the former 3.5).

Finally, last fall, the iPhone 5s and iOS 7 firmware appeared. A7 processor (64-bit architecture), M7 coprocessor, know-how: a fingerprint scanner built into the home button. The LTE range has been expanded, the camera capabilities have been expanded, and a multi-shot mode has appeared. 5s has the most elegant design among all Apple smartphones (and perhaps among all smartphones in general). Available in silver-white, silver-black, gold, miniature (weighs only 112 g). New opportunities for protecting personal data have appeared and holes for jailbreaking (hacking software restrictions) have supposedly disappeared. The latter is unreliable.

What is Apple today

Today, Apple smartphones, tablets and players are sold in almost eighty countries around the world. The iPhone has transformed from an affordable device into a device for wealthy people (already in 2011 the price for Russian market reached 30 thousand rubles). Apple iPhones are being counterfeited at every turn; counterfeits have become an independent industry.

Smartphones are imperfect (almost every model has flaws). Users often criticize Apple for being late for current trends. However, each new model comes out improved compared to its predecessors.

Additional people also deserve a kind word Apple services: the company produces millions software applications for your devices. Most of them are either free or inexpensive. No other manufacturer currently has such a huge platform for downloading content.

Today the iPhone turns 10 years old. On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone, and 10 years later years old iPhone generates more than half of the company's revenue.

In 2005-2007, the iPod for Apple was like the iPhone for Apple today, i.e. it accounted for most of the revenue. It was in 2005 that the development of the iPhone began. Initially it was planned to use the developments of the Purple 1 project, i.e. The iPod was supposed to act as the base of the iPhone.

Purple 1

In parallel with the development of the first iPod, Steve Jobs was haunted by the idea of ​​​​creating his own phone. It was assumed that the iPod would serve as the basis, and the proprietary ClickWheel was supposed to be used to control the system.

The phone had to be completely devoid of the usual control buttons, which was unusual at that time. Judging by the patents, dialing should have happened like on the old ones wired phones. Interestingly, this option could well have a right to life. The most big problem For a solution like this, it involves working with text. Scrolling the wheel to type the desired letter is not the best best idea, Apple understood this and suggested using hints as help, which would still be inconvenient. The project was closed in 2002.

What does the iPad have to do with it?

Few people know, but the idea of ​​​​the touch screen in the iPhone was taken from the iPad. The idea to create your own tablet appeared before the idea iPhone creation. Here's what Steve Jobs said at the WSJ's D: All Things Digital conference in 2010:

“I’ll tell you a secret. Actually, I started with a tablet. I had the idea to get rid of the keyboard so that I could type directly on a glass multi-touch display. And I asked our guys if we could offer such a glass multi-touch display. On which you could print, just put your hands on it and print. And six months later they invited me and showed me a prototype of such a screen. And I took it to one of our wonderful guys who are working on it. user interfaces. A few weeks later he called me - he had an inertial scrolling ready. When I saw the ribbon and the inertial scrolling and a couple of other things, I thought, “Oh my god, we can make a phone out of this!” And I put the tablet project on the shelf. Because the phone was more important. We spent the next few years working on the iPhone."

Purple 2
Development of the first iPhone began in early 2005. In February, Steve Jobs begins negotiations with AT&T. For release own phone the company needed to enlist the support of the operator. At the beginning of negotiations, Apple did not even have a prototype; the iPhone was then at the discussion stage. Negotiations dragged on for a year, but in the end the operator gave his consent. At the same time, the development of the telephone was underway. The first half of 2005 was a time of preparations: recruiting engineers, discussing ideas. Development itself begins at the end of 2005. The iPhone should have had touch screen and a minimum of buttons. The idea of ​​a touch screen is taken from the iPad. All the complexity was in the interface. Steve Jobs hated styluses, this is what he said about them: “If you offer a stylus, you’re dead.” The user had to interact with the phone using a finger. The company took two paths: P1 became the code name for a phone developed using a proprietary wheel iPod control, and P2 is an alternative new product using a multi-touch screen.

Development of P1 was stopped after six months. Tony Fadell, responsible for P1, admitted that he and his team could not find a simple dialing solution.

Recently, screenshots of the prototype of the first iPhone surfaced online. It is not clear whose prototype this is. On the one hand, the iPod's scroll wheel, and indeed the entire iPod interface, is used as control, but it's all on the touch screen. Perhaps this is still one of the prototypes of the P2 shell.

All efforts were devoted to the development of P2. In 2005 year Apple buys a small company, FingerWorks, which owned patents for multi-touch technology. Since the phone must be controlled with a finger, certain difficulties arose, for example how to type text. Some employees suggested introducing a physical push-button or QWERTY keyboard, but Steve Jobs vetoed these ideas.

"A keypad seems like a simple solution, but it limits what we can do. Think of all the innovations we could do if we put a keyboard on the screen using software. Let's bet on that and then we'll find a way to make it work." .

The result was a device that could display different layouts depending on the task. Many solutions were new for 2007, such as the proximity sensor.


Initially, they planned to install a plastic screen in the iPhone, but Jobs decided to make a glass screen, so the phone would seem more solid and elegant. Steve Jobs didn't like the original iPhone design and decided to completely change the design. I even had to change the location of the device's internals. The result was a smartphone with an elegant metal body and a metal frame that connected the screen and body.

iPhone OS

In the first iOS versions, Then more iPhone OS, the phone was inferior to its competitors in terms of functionality. What was so special about him? It was a pleasure to work with, all applications launched smoothly and ran quickly, and some familiar things were simplified. The operating system was completely closed, again at the initiative of Steve Jobs, he wanted to completely control the phone. There was not even an App Store; the ability to install applications appeared only in the iPhone 3G. Apple didn't know what to call their operating system, so they said "iPhone runs OS X." The specifications also specified OS X as the operating system.

Interesting facts

  • The development of the first iPhone, like the development of any new product at Apple, took place in the strictest secrecy.

Here's what Apple engineer Greg Christie said:

"Interim meetings on progress in smartphone development were held twice a month. Jobs personally listened to reports from his subordinates in a small windowless room."

Developer Terry Lambert, responsible for the development of the iOS and OS X kernel, recalls the following:

"I wrote about 6% of the Mac OS X kernel in lines of code over 8 years. That's about 100 thousand lines of code per year. iOS has the same kernel. I was not involved in Project Purple, but I was unofficially in touch with it since I was an excellent kernel debugger, and the kernel must be well debugged. At some point you have to give up, because releasing the product is more important than maintaining excessive secrecy. In the end, I ended up in a zone where everything is covered with black fabrics. Those who when. -worked at Apple, they know that secret projects are hidden under the black fabrics. You have to pretend that you don’t notice them. I will only be able to see the device for remote debugging, not the product, but it was obvious that work was being done on a system based on. ARM If you want to make a witty Halloween costume at Apple, take a black sheet, cut out the eye holes and walk around like a "secret project". The understanding comes when you sign the NDA. You won't be able to see it. until you agree not to disclose it. A more Apple tells different code names to different groups of workers. You and someone else may be working on the same project and not know it, or you may simply not be allowed to discuss it. After signing, you gain access to the “secret laboratory”. This is a laboratory within the main laboratory. Not everyone with access to the main laboratory has access to the “secret laboratory”. You have no way to see the form factor. Initial work is being done with plexiglass prototypes. Were there any special cables for communication with prototypes? Yes, they were purple.

"Almost all the rehearsals that the team held in Silicon Valley failed. Not once did Jobs manage to complete the entire hour and a half presentation without problems. The phone either lost connection or did not connect to the Internet. But Steve Jobs continued to insist on a public presentation and showered curses on his engineers for every failure."

Every year Apple company pleases its fans and releases a new iPhone model, which definitely has several interesting new products. Sales of Apple smartphones are growing every year. 10 years ago the first one entered the market original iPhone. This is quite an era in terms of technology. Do you remember what the first iPhone looked like, what functions it had, and what capabilities were built into subsequent generations? After reading this article, you will learn about all the iPhone models that have been released from the very beginning.

iPhone: what is it and who created it

iPhone is a series of smartphones that was developed by Apple. Operating under operating room control iOS system, which is a simplified and optimized macOS version. These smartphone models were developed Apple Corporation. The iPhone was announced by Steve Jobs at the Macworld Expo on January 9, 2007.

Steve Jobs is an American entrepreneur who gained recognition in IT technology. He is one of the founders of Apple and the Pixar film studio. The name iPhone comes from the English word “phone”, which means “telephone” with the addition of the letter i. Steve Jobs said at the presentation that the letter "i" stood for the word "Internet".

iPhone smartphones: reviews of generations from 1 to 10 (All 10 generations)

The iPhone appeared thanks to the player from Apple - the iPod, since it became very popular all over the world in 2001. Steve Jobs has long wanted to develop a device that would combine all the gadgets people wear. From the very beginning they thought of making a tablet, but after they developed a touch screen and several other modules, it was decided to create a smartphone.

The prototype of the very first iPhone was mobile phone Motorola ROKR, which became a real failure of the year. Apple took into account all the errors that were in this phone and began developing its smartphone in strict secrecy. Below we will tell you about all iPhone models.

1. iPhone 2G (2007)

The first iPhone model was known as the iPhone 2G and was introduced in the United States on January 9, 2007. It sold 700 thousand copies in its first weekend. The new smartphone combined the capabilities of a telephone, a music player and a PDA. Sales of the new generation phone began on June 29, 2007. The first iPhone received:

  • Sensory LCD screen TFT with LED backlight;
  • Screen diagonal 3.5 inches;
  • Resolution 320x480;
  • Battery 3.7 V, 1400 mAh;
  • RAM 128 MB;
  • Weight 135 g;
  • Camera 2 megapixels;
  • 2G network support;
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

There were variations for 4.8 and 16 GB of flash memory. But there were some downsides. The iPhone did not support 3G, could not record video, and lacked multitasking. Also, the operating system was closed to users, and there were many restrictions, for example, it was impossible to transfer pictures or music to other users. This phone had a very deep headphone jack that did not allow the use of 3.5mm headsets.

2. iPhone 3G (2008)

A year later, the second iPhone model came out. This model was presented in San Francisco on June 10, 2008. And this smartphone went on sale on July 11, 2008. This model has some changes:

  • Battery 3.7 V, 1150 mAh;
  • Models were released only with 8 and 16 GB of flash memory;
  • Availability of 3G;
  • A compass and copy-paste function appeared;
  • iOS 2.0 introduced the App Store;
  • We started releasing applications for iPhone.

Quite a lot of people were upset by the fact that the iPhone was made of plastic, which had low wear resistance. Literally after 2-3 months the case was covered with scratches, cracks appeared near the connection connector, and sometimes even pieces broke off.

3. iPhone 3GS (2009)

With the advent of this model, everyone learned that Apple was not going to update the design every year. And S versions began to be released in odd-numbered years. Official release took place on June 8, 2009 and again in San Francisco, but the new model went on sale on June 19, 2009 in the USA, Canada and 7 European countries. A week later, iPhone 3GS began to be sold in Australia and the UK. Externally this model was no different, the company worked on what was inside it. And in the end we got:

  • 3 megapixel camera;
  • RAM 256 MB;
  • Powerful battery 1219 mAh;
  • Model with 32 GB flash memory;
  • Updated iOS operating system.

The camera now has autofocus, owners of this model can shoot video, and also have multitasking and the ability to control by voice.

4. iPhone 4(2010)

The fourth iPhone model was introduced on June 7, 2010, all in the same city as the previous models. And already on June 24, 2010, sales began new iPhone 4 in the USA, France, Germany, UK, Japan. The appearance of the smartphone has changed. It has become more square, and the corners of the phone are rounded. There have been other changes as well, namely:

  • Camera 5 megapixels;
  • RAM 512 MB;
  • Video shooting in HD format;
  • LED flash;
  • Resolution 640x960;
  • Battery 1420 mAh;
  • Front camera for video communication with a resolution of 0.3 megapixels;
  • Models with 8, 16 and 32 GB of flash memory.

5. iPhone 4S (2011)

In 2011, the fifth iPhone model was released, which was called iPhone 4S. The release dates were moved up and took place in Cupertino on October 4, 2011. Tim Cook led the presentation, since Steve Jobs was very ill and died the day after the presentation of the new phone model. Acceptance of pre-orders began on October 7. And again no external changes didn't happen. Only the filling has changed, namely:

  • The processor is installed instead of Apple A4, new A5;
  • Camera 8 megapixels;
  • Weight 140 grams;
  • Models with 16, 32 and 64 GB of flash memory;
  • Updated iOS version;
  • Voice assistant Siri;
  • Shooting in Full-HD format.

At first, Siri was of little use and almost no one used it. Later she learned to follow some commands, learned several poems and jokes, and even mastered the Russian language.

6. iPhone 5 (2012)

Despite the fact that this is already the sixth model, new iPhone released under the iPhone 5 brand. This happened on September 12, 2012. And on September 19, the new model went on sale. iPhone 5 has undergone significant changes. He changed not only internally, but also externally. Below are all the changes that befell this model:

  • Screen 4 inches;
  • Weight 112 grams;
  • The model is available in 16,32,64 GB variants;
  • RAM 1 GB;
  • The front camera has been upgraded to 1.2 megapixels.

Thanks to this model, the whole world learned about the nano-SIM format. Many began to cut their cards with scissors. The EarPods headset also appeared.

7. iPhone 5S and 5C (2013)

This year, Apple released on September 10 not just one model, but two at once: 5S- standard type and 5C-budget. The difference between them was only in the material from which the body was made. For the budget version, plastic was used instead of aluminum. Consequently, their weight was also different. The hardware of these models did not differ from its predecessor, all the same cameras, processor, screen diagonal. The operating system has changed and became iOS 7. Both models came in 16, 32 GB configurations, and the 5S also came with 64 GB of flash memory. A new feature is a fingerprint scanner. Now there was no need to enter a password, but simply put your finger on the scanner. Also, the 5S smartphone was released for the first time in gold color.

8. iPhone 6 and 6Plus (2014)

And in 2014, all iPhone fans saw “shovels” from Apple. Of course, after a few years everyone got used to this size, but at that time many thought it was too much. The release took place on September 9, 2014. The company released two smartphones at once. That's just the diagonal iPhone screen 6 was 4.7 inches with a resolution of 1334x750 pixels, and the iPhone 6Plus was 5.5 inches with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.

In the first 3 days, more than 10 million devices of this model were sold. They have a new dual-core A8 processor with a frequency of 1.6 GHz. These models were already released in 128 GB configurations, but were also available in 16 and 64 GB versions.

9. iPhone 6S and 6S Plus (2015)

Exactly one year later, on September 9, 2015, the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus were introduced. There were no obvious changes to them, but simply an improvement on previous models. And only the filling underwent such changes, namely:

  • RAM became 2 GB;
  • Camera 12 MP;
  • Touch screen (pressure level recognition using 3D Touch technology).

Many iPhone fans were disappointed by these models, as there were very few changes to them. A new color “rose gold” has appeared in this line.

10. iPhone SE (2016)

This model was introduced on March 21, 2016. Outwardly, it was very similar to the iPhone 5S, but despite this external characteristics he has an iPhone 6S. He works for operating system iOS11, has Apple processor A9, fingerprint scanner. Made in four colors, namely: gray space, silver, gold and rose gold. Display 4 inches. The picture shows clear and bright.

iPhone SE lets you shoot and edit 4K video at four times the resolution of HD video. Browsing the Internet, downloading games and applications can now be much faster.

11. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus (2016)

The new models were introduced on September 7, 2016. Many people liked the changes that occurred in these models. Below is a list of changes:

  • The “Home” button has become sensitive, rather than mechanical;
  • There is protection from water and dust;
  • Dual camera 12 +12 MP;
  • Flash with 4 LEDs;
  • Front camera 7 MP;
  • Two speakers (top and bottom);
  • There is no 3.5 mm jack, there is a headphone adapter.

Apple decided that it was time to give up regular headphones and therefore, following the new iPhone model, it released AirPods wireless headphones. With them you can listen to music, chat on the phone, call Siri and hear what she says. They can also analyze noise and muffle it to communicate.

12. iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ (2017)

On September 12, 2017, Apple released not two phone models, as usual, but three. Namely: iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ and iPhone X, also known as iPhone 10. Sales started on September 22, 2017, but many residents of other countries will be able to buy such smartphones closer to the New Year. First, let's look at what's new in the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8+. Compared to the previous model, these models have wireless charging. The gadgets will be available in black, silver and pink color. These models have the most durable glass while maintaining water resistance and dust protection. A new one will appear portrait mode, this means that you can adjust the lighting after shooting.

13. iPhone X, aka iPhone 10 (2017)

As for the iPhone X, aka iPhone 10, which was also released on September 22, 2017, this smartphone became larger, the screen diagonal was 5.8 inches, OLED display. It has a resolution of 2436 by 1125 pixels. At the top of the front panel there is a slot for the speaker, front camera and sensors. It is powered by a six-core A11 Bionic processor. Facial recognition technology has appeared. Now no one except you can unlock your smartphone.

The developers believe that this feature will work even if the phone owner changes his hairstyle or starts wearing glasses. This model is available in two colors: silver and space gray. iPhone X was released only in 64 and 256 GB. There is also a wireless charger.

Now you know how and when the first iPhone appeared, as well as who developed it. As you may have noticed, Apple does not stand still and every year releases better and better smartphones, coming up with new functions and capabilities for phones. We hope you liked this article on the site, and you learned a lot of new and interesting things about the iPhone.

14. iPhone XS

The new iPhone model was presented to the world on September 12, 2018. Unlike previous models The iPhone XS now has a 5.8-inch OLED display. It should be noted that there is a glass back panel, which is extremely durable. In addition, manufacturers have improved the camera: iPhone XS owners will be able to be content with a higher-quality dual vertical camera. Many people find similarities with the iPhone X and are right, but there are also certain innovations compared to the previous version. This includes:

  • Color range: gold color;
  • Memory: 517 GB;
  • Safety glass: stronger protection;
  • A12 Bionic processor: 8-core coprocessor.

It is worth highlighting the last point, because modern processor allows you to save battery charge for a long time, and also perform operations on your phone much more productively.

15. iPhone XS Max

On September 28, 2018, the iPhone XS Max hit the shelves worldwide, delighting customers with new features. The new device has a 6.5-inch wide screen, dual vertical storage and 4GB of storage on the phone. Every time the manufacturer pleases customers with new accessories for the phone. And this time the phone comes with the following:

In fact, it is not much different from previous models of the new iPhone generation(8, X, XS). But it’s worth focusing on the more advanced Bionic A 12 processor and improved sound. In addition, the iPhone XS Max will the perfect phone for game lovers: the creators have expanded the possibilities for gaming activities.

16. iPhone XR (2018)

iPhone XR was released in September 2018 and in a short time already managed to win consumer recognition. It is not for nothing that he is considered one of the the best new products from Apple for the current year. He has more low price, than the recently released iPhones before it. But it has many advantageous characteristics that not every expensive smartphone model can boast of. We will provide you with several main advantages of iPhone XR. This includes:

  • Camera: single module (with the same functions as the iPhone 2 modules);
  • Liquid crystal display with high-quality color rendering;
  • Large assortment of smartphone colors.
And the most pleasant thing for buyers, perhaps, is the affordable price. Buying such a smartphone will ensure that not every expensive iPhone model will exceed all expectations. It is best to proceed solely from your needs for use, but not from the trend for purchasing products from Apple. And then you will be less disappointed in such purchases, giving preference to a phone with the functions you need to use.

Today this smartphone is the best-selling smartphone in the world. mobile device. As soon as its new model goes on sale, queues form at the doors of stores of those wishing to purchase a gadget from a well-known company.

Today, the iPhone is a symbol of success and security. Many people believe that anyone who could afford such an expensive phone has achieved a lot in life.

The popularity of the device and its considerable price allow Apple to annually earn high profits amounting to billions of dollars. And thanks to regular improvements in functionality and appearance iPhone, developers receive additional income.

Today, the company's new managers are reaping the benefits of the success achieved by the legendary creator of the iPhone, Steve Jobs.

Often active users of this gadget do not even think about who invented the iPhone. But this is completely wrong, because... The biography of this man is interesting and instructive. What is especially striking is his tenacity in achieving his goals and desire to make the world a better place.

The outstanding founder of the Apple empire, his name and invention are today known to almost everyone who is even slightly interested in the world mobile gadgets. He belongs to the most remarkable figures in the mobile and computer technology, along with Bill Gates. Therefore, every day tens of thousands of users on the Internet search for information about who the creator of the iPhone is, first and last name.

In essence, the achievements of Jobs and Gates are in many ways similar: both created innovative electronic devices– smartphones and tablets. More than one film has been made about both developers. And the creator of the iPhone gained even greater fame after his death. During this period, a photo of the head of Apple was posted on home page resource on the network, indicating the years of his life.

The idea of ​​the iPhone and its development

Of course, everything did not happen overnight. A long time passed from the conception of an idea to its implementation and implementation.

Apple began assembling the very first computers back in the 1980s. And as in the situation with Microsoft, at first the matter was of a makeshift nature. The electronics were assembled in a regular garage, because... In fact, there was still neither a company nor an office.

Now probably no one will know how everything really happened. There are many rumors and speculations about this, which cannot be verified. So, there is information on the Internet that Jobs borrowed Gates’ ideas, introducing them into his devices. But, no matter what actually happened, sooner or later the innovative smartphone in question had to come to the world.

At first, Jobs had an idea in his head about what the perfect phone should become. The year was 1999, and during this period the developer had nothing but theory - no conditions to implement his idea, no investors, etc.

Only after six years, Jobs, having led the work of 200 specialists, began to work on the real implementation of his idea, together with the Motorola company. At that time, the phone created by this team was called Purple-1, but it was primitive and had only 2 functions - a player and, in fact, a device for making and receiving calls. For this reason, having decided that there was nothing to advertise yet, the developers did not present the product to the world. Moreover, they expected something new and unexpected from Jobs, who returned to work at the company.

A new round of developments began in 2007.

AT&T's role in the sales of the first iPhones

To commercially implement his idea, Jobs entered into a contract with the largest communications provider in the American market, AT&T. This was also something new for the company itself. Since before the relationship between producers mobile technology And mobile operators were built on completely different principles. Often communication companies imposed their conditions on developers, but in the case of the iPhone, everything turned out the other way around.

The fact is that the head of AT&T believed in Jobs's idea. Being confident that it will definitely lead to success, thanks to its unusualness and novelty. And as a result, the telecom provider began offering iPhones in addition to its services, thus introducing consumers to this product.

The first presentation of the iPhone: a breakthrough in the mobile market

There are no less rumors about the presentation event itself than about the creator of the iPhone. According to one version, Jobs began his speech by saying that the company he works for had finally developed a real smartphone, which was a manifestation of courage and even immodesty.

In addition, there are rumors that something was immediately wrong with the first version of the iPhone, as a result of which the information on the display was displayed incorrectly. Presentation innovative product Because of this, it was in danger of collapse. However, the brilliant developer still managed to impress the public, and soon more than 250 iPhones were sold.

Here the unique personality of the Apple founder emerges, who not only created something new with his talent, i.e. abilities computer developer, was able to achieve the heights of success, but also through perseverance, many years of work, and the talent to convince other people and make them believe in themselves and their idea.

Modern iPhone models

Today, Apple smartphones are known all over the world. The company, under the leadership of the new manager, continues to develop, and iPhones and other devices continue to improve. Numerous fans remain loyal to the company, expecting the release of a new gadget model every year.

Surprisingly, many others quality phones having more affordable price, do not distract consumers’ attention from Apple devices. The level of sales of these unique devices, despite the crisis, is only growing.

The new head of Apple, Tim Cook, copes well with his responsibilities, because he worked for many years in this company before becoming its leader. IN recent years Sales of iPhones, players and computers from Apple are constantly growing.

One of the most important tasks of the corporation today is not to let down those who have high hopes for the development of the brand once created by Steve Jobs. The company's plans include sales growth and the development of new market horizons. And achieving these goals is very difficult; it requires long and hard work, since competitors are not asleep and are constantly creating something new. In particular, we're talking about about the Samsung company. Both giants mobile market- both the Korean company and the American one constantly compete with each other, borrowing different features and technologies. For example, as was the case with the Siri assistant.

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