Beautiful photos of Winx. Sale of diplomas and certificates

The new heroine of the second season of “Shadow of the Phoenix. Winx Club - School of Sorceresses, fairy Leila in a bright green suit, is the princess of the planet Andros, and her power lies in the magic morphix - a pink adhesive substance.

To make your site even more attractive and popular, use sparkles. Variety of topics animated pictures wide enough so that you can choose the animation you need. Animation is always at the peak of popularity. After all, no matter how old we get, we always remain children at heart. And highlighting your story with a moving picture is now a very fashionable feature. Everyone tries to find something new, unusual, to shine among millions of boring and identical sites. This is what they were created for beautiful pictures cartoon animations. They will emphasize your originality of thinking and creativity. They will also increase your popularity among your fans. You can easily give any drawing to your friends by transferring it to the wall on the popular VKontakte website. The choice is yours, choose and download. Do virtual world more rosy! The Winx School of Sorceresses opens its doors to its fans, offering to download animations of its beloved heroines.

And here is a site dedicated to the entire Winx cartoon

Lin Pu from Alfea - With bright pink hair, wearing a pink top and gym shorts, she is often seen in Cloud Tower.

Little funny princesses from the school of sorceresses shone in new clothes presented to them by the skillful hands of designers. Vivid pictures brilliant Winx animations will decorate any website and theme, giving it fun and childish spontaneity. Passionate people know how to ignite everyone around them with their hobby.


An attractive girl with golden hair is Princess Stella, her parents are the king and queen of Solaria - Radius and Luna.

Any use of Winx pictures with cartoon effects will allow you to stand out from the crowd. And such a gift for a friend may become the basis of her new hobby. The collection is constantly updated with new stories, which you can download freely and completely free of charge. Now the choice is yours!

The cartoon "Winx Club" first appeared in 2004. During this time, 6 seasons of the series have already been released, and in 2015 the creators promised to release new episodes. The cartoon does not lose its popularity, and many girls love Winx pictures, sketches and coloring pages.

They can be downloaded or printed for free on our website.

The animated series "Winx Club" talks about fairy girls. They unite in the fight against evil forces. The cartoon was shown in more than 100 countries, and DVD sales exceeded 10 million. Thanks to our site, you have the opportunity not only to watch all seasons, but also to use Winx pictures, sketches and coloring pages to draw real fairies with a pencil.

Fairy transformations

All seasons present girls in various transformations:

  • Myfix;
  • Sirenix;
  • Butterflies;
  • Mermedics;
  • Dimentix;
  • Angelix;
  • Rusalix;
  • Glumix
  • and others.

The cartoon features more than 10 transformations. In each of them, fairies appear in a new form. You can view, print or download Winx pictures and coloring pages with each of the girls’ transformations on our portal, and thanks to the detailed instructions, you can try to draw a fairy yourself.

The girls from the cartoon have an unusual appearance. They have beautiful wings and gorgeous designer clothes. In each of the transformations, the wings take a different shape: they can be carved, single, multi-layered or butterfly-shaped. Also, the wings have different colors and decorations: they can be plain, with patterns, with rhinestones, with rims, etc.

Each of the winx transformations, of which there are more than 10, carries a certain meaning. Whatever the transformation (myfix, sirenix, bloomix, butterflyix, mermedix, dimentix, anglix, rusalix, glumix, angelix and others), the cartoon heroines receive not only new outfits, but also new powers and capabilities.

Thus, Sirenix gives girls the opportunity to draw strength from their own feelings. To gain the power of Sirenix, they have to collect stones, each of which represents a feeling.

In Mythix, the heroines receive a magic wand, and each fairy has its own shape. You can find pictures and coloring pages of fairies in Myfix on the website.

The amazing power of Mermedix allows fairies to transform into mermaids and live underwater. In the form of Mermedix, modern fairies are very reminiscent of mermaids from folk tales. The winx fairies experience a similar transformation in the transformation of Rusalix.

The transformations of Dimentix and Angelix are also very similar. They give girls wings that are as similar to angels as possible. Hence the name - Angelix.

The new power of Butterfly will be introduced in Season 7, which will be released this year. This time the fairies will appear in a form similar to butterflies.

Other transformations also bring something new to the appearance and essence of fairies. Pictures and coloring pages of girls in various transformations are also available on our website. You can watch, download or print them and enjoy viewing them in free time or try to draw a fairy with a pencil.

Series characters

The main character of the cartoon is a fairy and her boyfriend the prince. Only fairy girls have beautiful wings: heroes like Skye do not have wings.

Bloom and Sky are an almost perfect couple. She and Bloom love each other and overcome any obstacles with honor. Bloom and Sky are not the only lovers in the series. Each of the girls finds their love. Their lovers are not always as perfect as Skye, but for the sake of love they overcome the most serious obstacles.

The site also contains pencil pictures and coloring pages of ponies - beautiful fairy pets, toys, things and much more. The creators of a series of dolls based on the cartoon offer dolls not only of heroines, but also of ponies. The package with this doll also includes her pets. First of all, those fairies who are closely connected with nature and animals, for example, Roxy, have pets. Their pets are not just pets, but also the most best friends. Ponies are fairy-tale characters who appear not in the first modern cartoon. Their images are echoes of ancient people’s faith in the power of horses. And here ponies also represent magical power.

Any cartoon character is quite easy to draw with a pencil. On our website you will find detailed instructions, how you can easily draw this or that image. For example, to draw a fairy, you must first outline the main lines of the figure and choose the pose in which the character will stand. When the main lines are ready, you can draw the rest of the details.

You can draw with a pencil not only a character, but also ponies, things that girls own. Little girls will certainly be interested in making toys with Winx pictures. All this is quite accessible on the website, you just have to look into the magical Winx Club.

Numerous toys were also created based on the plot of the series. These include dolls and toys of ponies and other fairy pets from the cartoon “Winx Club,” because it’s not for nothing that sales of the cartoon video exceeded 10 million. You can see the new products for 2015.

This is what the Butterfly doll collection looks like.

Butterflyix Winx.

You can watch it absolutely free on the website, as well as download and print pictures of all the heroines. Enjoy!

Coloring pages

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