Corporate IP telephony: useful tips for implementation and use! Basics of corporate telephony.

The market for voice communication services today is extremely broad. This includes local telephone communications for residential subscribers, payphone communications, long-distance and international communications, and corporate and office communications. All of these areas are currently dominated by “traditional” telephony. However, the rapid development in recent years of voice transmission technologies over data networks has sharply intensified competition between providers of “traditional” and IP telephony systems. It is quite difficult to understand the advantages and disadvantages of a particular method, and the end consumer is faced with the problem of choosing a solution that will allow him to meet all the requirements necessary for effective business.

IP telephony has received the greatest development in long-distance networks and in business telephony systems. First of all, this is due to the high intensity of development of these segments of the telecommunications services market and, consequently, higher rates of return on investment in the solutions being developed. Let's take a break from the prospects and trends in the development of packet voice transmission in long-distance communication systems, since this market is quite specialized, and turn to the problems facing the company's manager when making decisions on organizing intra-office and corporate communications.

Of course, in order to determine how telephone communications for the office will be organized, it is necessary to clearly clarify the functionality that is required for effective business. First of all, the office telephone system must provide the ability to connect to the service provider using any of the existing protocols. The next requirement is the ability to organize automatic city, intercity and international communications for each employee. In this case, the connection between employees of the same office should occur without using the resources of external connecting lines. The telephone system should provide the ability to establish two or more connections from one workplace - this will increase the efficiency of the organization's employees. An important requirement is the ability to control and charge outgoing long-distance and international calls in real time while storing information for subsequent analysis. Reducing urban rental costs telephone numbers it is possible if the office telephone system has the “automatic attendant” function, which allows you to forward incoming calls via a single telephone number to an additionally entered subscriber extension number. To ensure the highest quality service for customer subscribers, a routing function is required incoming call depending on the day of the week, time of day and busyness of the called subscribers. The telephone system must provide the ability to restrict user access to information resources depending on the service class assigned to the subscriber and the class of restrictions imposed. That is, not every employee of the company should be able to make outgoing long-distance or international calls, call the manager or have access to some built-in functions telephone system. If the office telephone system is connected to more than one service provider, it must support the ability automatic selection the cheapest route for installation outgoing connection. If the company is located in more than one office, then the telephone system must support the ability to organize a single internal numbering plan. An important feature modern systems office telephony is the ability to organize for each subscriber a universal mailbox for storing and processing personalized voice, fax and emails. And, of course, the telephone system must support all the functions that are already standard for office telephony today: intercom and conference calls, forced call forwarding, the ability to “pick up” an incoming call from another telephone, the ability to organize an automatic call back in case of no answer or subscriber busyness, the ability for subscribers to access personal, group and system lists to organize “short dialing” of telephone numbers or access to telephone system functions.

By and large, all of the above is the minimum set of functions that a telephone communication system must support to ensure effective information exchange. The specifics of the business and the pace of development of the company may require additional functionality, for example, the ability to organize a call center or create a geographically distributed corporate network. Therefore, the planned telephone system must be able to evolve to meet increasing demands without the need for radical changes to the architecture.

IN currently The level of development of packet voice transmission technologies is rapidly approaching the quality and quantity of services offered to “traditional” office telephony systems. At the same time, leading PBX manufacturers are actively introducing integrated modules into their products for organizing trunk lines and IP-based workstations. The choice of one or another scheme for implementing an enterprise telephone system is determined, in addition to the required functionality, by a number of factors, including the presence of installed active network equipment and an office telephone exchange, the state of the cable system, local telephone network and local data network, the required number of workstations, planned growth in the number of subscribers and prospects for the introduction of new information products... In principle, there are no standard solutions, since each scheme accurately reflects the individuality of the customer and his requirements for doing business. However, the experience of the CROC company allows us to differentiate the schemes used into several areas listed below.

Reduced costs for renting the “last mile” and outgoing intercity-international traffic

If the organization has already installed an office telephone exchange, organized the local network data transmission available network resources allow you to increase the number of jobs in accordance with the company's growth trends, there are no plans to change the set of services for subscribers of the office telephone system, then the most rational use of the capabilities of IP telephony will be to organize the transmission of outgoing long-distance and international telephone traffic using the network of the IP telephony provider. Such a service can be accessed by two methods: routing outgoing call via a standard telephone network with the organization of automatic dialing and authorization on the service provider’s equipment through the telephone network on the basis of a telephone exchange common use or organizing call routing to equipment for converting the voice signal into packets and further transmission of voice packets over a dedicated line between the office and the provider’s equipment. Taking into account the use of compression mechanisms, in the second case, significantly less channel capacity is required to organize a voice connection, which significantly reduces the cost of renting trunk lines while maintaining the quality of the connection.

Reorganization of the existing telephone system

Sometimes when designing information systems office there is a need to replace outdated telephone equipment with new one that meets modern requirements and has the necessary functionality. In this case, the choice of scheme will be determined primarily by the customer’s readiness to completely dismantle the local telephone network and reorganize the data network or the ability to obtain the required functionality at minimal financial costs. If the most preferable option is to use the existing telephone system cabling and telephone sets already installed at employee workplaces, then replacing the telephone exchange with a new generation PBX would be an acceptable and most economical option. Given the current trend of combining data and voice communication media, more and more large manufacturers UPBXs include in the new equipment the ability to organize connections both on the basis of a circuit switching mechanism and on the basis of packet switching, that is, the customer will not be strictly tied to “traditional” telephony, but will be able, if necessary, to introduce new IP-based services. It is also necessary to take into account that all new generation PBXs have very high intelligence, an expanded set of functions and, as a rule, support the ability to organize access to network information resources.

Designing a new telephone system

In this case, the average cost of a workplace for a given functionality will be decisive. Of course, the very idea of ​​​​a universal workplace, which allows for the implementation of voice transmission technology in the form of packets over a data network, is very rational, since it halves the costs of organizing cable network. However, often the cost of such a solution, taking into account the cost of IP phones, software and the necessary IP telephony licenses, significantly exceeds the total costs of organizing separate local, computer and telephone networks. This is typical for enterprises with a small number of jobs that do not have a geographically distributed structure.

It is much more difficult to make a choice when we're talking about about companies with a large number of regional offices. In this case, the use of a solution entirely focused on VoIP technology for organizing intra-office and corporate telephone communications is justified, since it significantly reduces operating costs for the telecommunications system as a whole. But, on the other hand, manufacturers of “traditional” PBX systems are already offering solutions that allow organizing remote offices as part of a single corporate distributed telephone network based on standard protocols telephone networks and based on VoIP technology. And taking into account the enormous experience of manufacturers of “traditional” telephone exchanges, their introduction of a new mechanism for transmitting a voice signal makes it possible to implement not just voice over IP, but full-featured telephony over IP.

Almost any solution developed today for enterprise information exchange systems is built on the principles not of conflict, but of the unification and merging of various technologies. To a large extent this also applies to telephony. The use of additional mechanisms for monitoring and ensuring the quality of speech and services within the framework of packet-switched voice traffic transmission allowed this technology not only to become competitive with “traditional” telephony, but also to de facto become another standard for building voice traffic service systems. This, of course, forces all the major players in the telecommunications equipment and services market to support VoIP technology in their product offerings. Already, the mutual penetration of VoIP and “traditional” telephony into each other is so great that it is almost impossible to make a choice in favor of one or another technology without taking into account the highly specialized requirements of a particular customer. Developing a solution that would meet all the requirements for functionality, a set of services and services, would be as efficient as possible in terms of investment and total cost of ownership, would have the necessary scalability, flexibility, stability and viability, and is today the primary task of the system integrator.

ComputerPress 10"2001

Corporate IPtelephony is a very broad concept and implies a set of protocols, technologies, and methods for transmitting regular telephone communications over the Internet.

The use of the concepts and meaning of this technology can be described in other words: SIP-telephony – IP is usedtelephony, but SIP signaling protocol, VoIP (voice over IP) is a more general concept is any voice transmission over a protocol IP, including voice from video, from microphones, video recorders.

Corporate IP telephony from canmos

Corporate IP telephony from canmos differs in that office telephony and the provider’s PBX are connected by an optical cable, and IP telephony can work on a local network, but by and large there is no big fundamental difference between these concepts for a telephone user.

Application of IP telephony allows you to reduce the cost of calls. I suggest you consider installing a server IP telephony in the corporation and reducing the cost of telephone communication.

Let's take the most common directions and tariffs (cost of 1 minute of conversation)

Moscow landline – 60 kopecks.
Moscow mobile – 1.27 rubles.
Russia mobile – 1.50 rub.
Europe from 1 rub. up to 4 rub.
USA – 1 rub.
Canada – 30 kopecks.
Other countries from 1 rub. up to 17 rub.

Any small or large business (corporation) uses telephone communications. Communication between employees, communication with clients, with suppliers, sometimes it is necessary to hold a meeting using a telephone connection - a conference call. Telephone communication was originally invented to facilitate communication, so as not to travel far away, but to be able to dial the subscriber’s number and talk while staying in place. Nowadays, in modern conditions, communication has become more diverse: WhatsApp, Viber and many other ways to communicate mobile connection. Due to the many in various ways communication, many managers of especially small businesses try to save on telephone communications by using employees’ personal mobile phones to communicate on work issues. If you are a manager, don't do this.

Why? First, the employee does not like to use his phone, which he pays for, for work purposes. Second, they are largely confused personal calls(home, mother, children, girlfriends, friends, etc.) and business calls for which a person actually works (communication with a client, supplier, with various government authorities). When mixing calls, you, as a boss, will not be able to complain to an employee about incorrect communication with a client, missing an important call, or wasting working time on empty conversations with friends. Using a virtual PBX to manage will significantly simplify call management.

IP telephony now allows any manager to purchase a telephone number with several communication channels, install it in the office or on the mobile phones of employees, fully control the situation and be the master of their corporate telephony. The cost of corporate telephone communication is now not so high that it would be possible to save on this, otherwise losing operational management of the company and employees. Modern telephone communication purchased by the corporation allows you to carry out full control(if necessary, or when the need arises) for incoming and outgoing calls: recording of conversations, time of call, caller number, etc. All necessary information can be obtained from your provider or system administrator your corporation. The monthly cost of owning a multi-channel telephone number starts from 500 rubles, it seems to me that this is not money worth saving. A mobile phone sometimes costs more!

IP telephony allows you to set a city telephone number on any device connected to the Internet: smartphone, computer, tablet or laptop. By purchasing a phone number and installing the program on an Internet device, you will be able to make and receive calls from the telephone network, managing the order of receiving a call through your personal account. You will be able to listen to all telephone calls and evaluate the quality of communication with the client, which is not available on personal mobile phones. Don’t skimp on corporate telephony; corporate telephony is necessary but must be used correctly.

Now I propose to talk about saving! Telephone communication at some point becomes expensive; when new employees are hired, the corporation grows; call volumes grow; call times increase; many employees use corporate communications for private purposes. So it's time to buy CANMOS B wear-ATS.

IP telephony, of course, does not exist on its own, but is directly related to such concepts as Internet telephony, VoIP, corporate Internet network, corporate data network, corporate intranet network, corporate WiFi network, corporate telephone network. In general, a corporation is an association of people to solve economic problems. And IP telephony is a technical way of such unification.

Important Note: in Moscow we provide significant discounts on our services, we provide the laying of optical communication channels and connections via optical lines communication services: Internet, telephony, installation of office IP-PBX, digital television. Purchasing IP phones at a discount.

Quick connection to IP telephony

Order IP telephony

To prevent IP telephony from turning into a headache and constant costs for the company, it is necessary to understand in advance what consequences the choice and implementation of a particular solution will lead to. Should I use my own PBX or a virtual one? Which provider should you choose? Which is better: softphone or IP phone? How to make it auto-updating phone book in the IP phones of company employees? Why do “phone numbers” force developers to redesign CRM? All this, as well as recommendations for choosing equipment, can be found in our selection of materials!

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Softphone or hardware IP phone: which is better?

When IP telephony technology is implemented in an office or as a home solution, the question arises: what is better to choose for making and receiving calls: a softphone or a hardware IP phone? This dilemma has an ambiguous solution. This article examines the pros and cons of software and hardware solutions, and also gives practical advice and recommendations for choosing communication terminal devices for office and home.

What is the advertising of “virtual PBX” silent about?

Virtual IP PBXs are a fairly recent product, or rather a service in the corporate telephony market. Advantages virtual PBX are very well known due to their widespread advertising. But it is not so easy to find out what problems and difficulties users of this service actually face. This material discusses the main distinctive features of virtual PBXs with a detailed analysis of the positive and negative aspects of this technology.

How to build telephony based on Skype For Business?

On Skype solution For Business from Microsoft It makes sense to pay attention if you need a unified communications system, that is: telephony, video conferencing, collaboration with documents, instant messages, presence status and other features in one “bottle”. In you will find an analysis of options for building telephony based on Skype For Business with a description of the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

How to make an auto-updating phone book in the IP phones of company employees?
One of the advantages of IP phones over conventional analog devices is a single telephone line. The address book, which is automatically updated when new employees appear. Why the unified address book feature is vital for organizations with a large number of subscribers (1000+), and also why it is better to choose VoIP equipment with support for the open LDAP protocol is clearly shown in this short video.

15 popular misconceptions about phone numbers!

If the company is developing its own CRM system, then be sure to show it to your developers. It examines typical misconceptions of programmers and ordinary people about telephone numbers, for example: a telephone number uniquely identifies a person; There are only two dialing formats; the country code corresponds to exactly one country; the telephone number contains only numbers; a person has only one phone number and it never changes, etc. In the future, this will help you avoid serious modifications.

What can modern modular VoIP gateways do?

AddPac company is one of the popular VoIP gateway providers in Russia. The equipment of this manufacturer is known for its reliability, which is why all major domestic landline and cellular operators use it in their networks. Record this webinar give you detailed information about the capabilities of the most modern modular VoIP gateways with dozens of ports, as well as an understanding of whether such devices are needed in your communication network.

IP phones: is there such a thing as “good and cheap”?

The crisis has forced many domestic companies to look for cheap alternatives to proven solutions. This also affected IP phones. Demand for cheap equipment Chinese manufacturers has grown many times over. But is cheap equipment ever good? Usually no, but there are exceptions. In the next video talks about one such example - the company ATCOM, which managed to release very inexpensive, fully Russified and, most importantly, stable working IP phones that are not inferior to market leaders (Yealink, Grandstream, Escene, etc.).

IP telephony is the youngest, yet promising and inexpensive type of communication, which has many advantages over a traditional connection. It's high quality new way data transmission without using a fixed telephone line. Making a call via IP can be compared to receiving mail via e-mail - it is convenient, free (or very cheap), available wherever there is an Internet connection.

MegaFon solution

How does IP telephony work?

When using a dedicated PBX line, you pay not only for the conversation, but also for the construction and maintenance of telephone exchanges. That is why, unlike IP telephony, PBX always assumes subscription fee, regardless of the number of calls made. Long-distance and international calls are charged separately and, as a rule, are not very profitable for the client. Data transmission via IP is an excellent alternative for those who keep up with the times and actively use advances in their business recent years and does everything to minimize costs without losing communication quality.

In what business is IP telephony applicable?

You can freely use IP telephony from anywhere in the world. If your business involves frequent travel around the country and abroad, communication via IP is the ideal choice. Using regular telephone lines, you are forced to pay for communication services in proportion to the distance between you and the interlocutor, while in the case of IP telephony, the cost of the call will change slightly, regardless of whether you and the other subscriber are in the same room or there are hundreds of kilometers between you.

IP telephony is an excellent solution for both small, medium and large businesses, and for individuals. While a dedicated telephone line is a specific connection to the office, IP telephony is suitable for mobile people and companies. Even if you decide to change your office or are forced to go on a business trip, you can continue to use IP telephony wherever there is Internet. Agree, each time setting up a new dedicated telephone line for your business is a feasible task, but it requires a certain amount of time and money. If you use IP telephony, you won’t even have to pay for the connection again, re-register your number, or perform other unnecessary manipulations. The number to contact your office will remain the same, since the IP to which it is associated has not changed. This means you can stay connected no matter where you are using IP data transfer.

Due to the rapid growth in popularity of IP telephony in Lately many operators are ready to provide such services.

What is the advantage of our offer?

  • Excellent communication quality, which is especially important during business negotiations. Stable connection with high quality data transfer is an important component of a company’s image.
  • High level of service: we value and respect our clients, so we try to solve any difficulties that arise as quickly and efficiently as possible, our specialists are always available to you. You can submit a request to connect to IP telephony, ask a question, or get help from a qualified specialist on our website, or by calling a toll-free number through an operator.
  • Affordable tariffs: conversation via IP technologies is very, very affordable in terms of price. You already pay for traffic to the selected operator, so outgoing calls to mobile and landline numbers have a maximum low prices. Incoming calls are free for you, connection to the service is also free of charge.
  • A high degree of protection of conversations from eavesdropping when using telephony via IP: data exchange via an IP connection guarantees the confidentiality of information. When using standard telephone communications, unfortunately, there are often cases of attackers connecting to your telephone line and, as a result, their long-distance and international calls at your expense. When using data transmission over IP, the risk of becoming a victim of intruders is eliminated.
  • Additional services that are always available to IP telephony users: Caller ID for incoming calls, the ability to set up call forwarding, organizing conference calls with the participation of several subscribers and much more. You can receive calls both on your phone and on your computer (this option is confirmed in Personal account user), funds are debited from one account, which is convenient for both individuals and legal entities.
  • Electronic document circulation system: you no longer need to worry about the safety of paper documents, organize their sending and receiving, use the services of couriers, or wait a long time for the necessary originals. We offer an electronic document management system that is popular among many international companies. You will be able to as soon as possible receive the necessary paper documentation in electronic form. Acts, invoices and other reporting documents are always available in your Personal Account.

IP telephony service is often used corporate clients, whose branches are located in different cities. They have the option to set short internal numbers for company employees, and also significantly reduce telephone costs by using traffic instead of dedicated telephone lines. A nice bonus is the ability to “unify” telephone numbers - you can choose uniform numbers for your employees or offices in different geographical locations.

What devices are required to make a call over IP?

You can access telephony via IP using simple IP equipment: PC (you will need to install a standard softphone), a special IP telephone device, easy to use, or an IP gateway. Which IP devices to choose for making and receiving calls is up to you. Many companies today actively use video communication; this is suitable for organizing a video call. mobile phone, laptop or PC. However, if you do not want to give up the equipment that is familiar to you and your employees, data transmission via IP channels can be configured on a regular radiotelephone and even a fax using an IP gateway.

How to activate the service?

Once again, please note that the procedure for connecting to IP telephony is free.

All instructions and explanations can be obtained from our specialist by leaving a request for connecting telephony via IP on our website. Becoming a MegaFon IP telephony user is easy: just be our client and apply for the service

Corporate IP telephony

It is beneficial to use IP telephony in a company. And that's why:
- IP telephony is an opportunity to use voice communication excellent quality between branches and representative offices of the same company;
- IP telephony is a real chance to reduce costs for Web server users when using voice communications between company employees.

Coordination of a corporate network is greatly simplified by combining information transmission networks and a telephony complex. At the same time, the level of costs associated with operation is reduced, and, accordingly, the total cost of ownership is reduced. The benefits of combining data and telephony networks become obvious when using the capabilities of new proposals that can radically change this technology. All of them use stencil industrial architectures that make it possible to implement solutions from a range of manufacturers. The main component of the integrated product is the IP protocol - an information protocol that acts as a universal independent transport. This protocol allows network connections on a global scale.

Let's look at an illustrative example:
The main office of the company is located in Moscow. Branches are located in Murmansk and Kazan. There is no office telephone exchange in Kazan; employees use city telephone lines. Both offices are equipped with Internet access or connected by dedicated lines. The management's task is to significantly reduce the costs associated with long-distance and international calls. This task is standard, and therefore its solution will become universal advice for all companies interested in this issue. To implement this plan, it is necessary to install a telephony gateway in each office and connect it to a telephone exchange related to this office. This will make it possible to talk with colleagues from other representative offices using any office telephone completely free of charge. It will also be possible to carry out intercity telephone conversations from a regular landline phone using corporate servers. This implies the presence the whole system passwords designed to regulate access to the city and other types of access.

Let's talk about the mechanism for saving on calls with subscribers from other cities and countries, since this problem worries the heads of many companies. Savings are possible when transmitting voice traffic via WAN - a global data network. An obvious cost reduction occurs when coordination functions are combined by all connections intended to access the Network, connecting international and local calls through a unitary voice gateway or router. Companies are also concerned about the issue of accelerated reimbursement of basic costs associated with the purchase and maintenance of equipment. It is obvious that information transmission technologies are developing at a pace that the process of improving telephone exchanges cannot keep up with. In the network industry, a product “lives” for about 1.5 years. At the same time, there is a constant reduction in prices for the necessary network hardware. Based on this, IP telephony will follow the development path characteristic of such equipment. That is, there will be a gradual reduction in prices, an increase functionality through implementation latest technologies and product consolidation high level. Therefore, we can expect an overall reduction in the costs associated with IP telephony systems. The same cannot be said about conventional telephony systems.

And therefore in Russian Federation There is a continuous development of corporate IP telephony. Today there are three ways to use its capabilities.

The first is related to the use of provider IP telephony:
- in the form of an agreement with the operator working with cards. IN in this case To make a call to another city, you must first dial the operator's number, then the identification number, then the card PIN code. And after performing the above operations - enter the number of the called subscriber;
- a more popular option: changing the settings of the telephone exchange of a given institution (PBX) in such a way that calls to other cities and countries are sent in the form of IP packets to the IP communication operator through an information transmission channel (that is, through the so-called “output number” on intercity route").

The second method is the use of a corporate information transmission network by companies whose structure consists of offices located in different geographical locations for the interchange of voice traffic. To do this, you need to connect IP gateways to the office PBX in places of presence and define routing rules. This approach to IP telephony allows “geographically” developed companies to reduce costs associated with paying bills for telephone conversations. But this method has a small disadvantage. Intercity and international phone calls, addressed to places where the company does not have a presence, are usually sent to the IP telephony operator.
The last, third, method allows you to use the capabilities of IP telephony more widely than the others presented here. It consists of building a unified enterprise-scale IP network with functions for transmitting voice and other data (for example, video, text information). This option It is not only profitable, but also promising. The undeniable convenience of this method is that the company receives digital telephone exchange(network) with uniform numbering and a unified control center. The company also receives big number additional services. For example:
1. hold incoming calls and transfer them to other numbers;
2. phonebook of this company, which the user can view using the IP phone screen. It is located on the corporate LDAP server;
3. personal call management system (personal call management) allows you to coordinate your phone using the Web interface: forward calls to other phone numbers (another work, home or mobile) if the called subscriber cannot answer due to his absence from the workplace ;
4. unified messaging systems (unified messaging systems) send electronic or voice messages and faxes to the general Mailbox, which can be used by phone or via email, as well as through a Web browser.
5. The company's IP phone can perform the function personal apparatus, which has its own number and settings selected by the user whose name and password were entered.

This method is based on combining two networks - corporate and data transmission - into one. This saves money spent on supporting these systems and their maintenance, increases operational efficiency and eliminates the “conflict” between IT and telephony support, while at the same time increasing the degree of their coordination.

When company management is faced with the question of implementing an IP-PBX level system, they are also concerned about the issue of economic efficiency and feasibility. To evaluate effectiveness, you need to take some points into account. No one doubts that corporate network infrastructure is necessary and important. Therefore, investing in the introduction of IP telephony into the work processes of an enterprise should be classified as mandatory. Why? Because companies with an information transmission network will see a lot positive points. Thus, it will be possible to abandon a number of serviced systems - technological, telephone, fire, network, security and others. That is, the costs associated with the implementation of IP telephony are the costs of everything listed systems simultaneously. Therefore, the economic feasibility is obvious: this is the modernization of the IP infrastructure, on the one hand, and the minimization of operating costs, as well as increasing employee productivity, on the other.

Thus, the introduction of IP telephony is profitable and effective, and is also necessary for companies interested in the long-term existence of their business and competitiveness.

If we talk about the specific capabilities of business IP telephony, then it is worth highlighting the opportunity:
- holding conference calls and meetings with absolutely any number of participants;
- creating group or individual alerts;
- design of broadcast announcements;
- notifications about the user status (for example, “busy”, “unavailable”, “online”, etc.) of subscribers or other users using “Presence” technology;
- taking advantage of the fact that an IP phone can determine “fate” incoming call: for example, forwarding an incoming call to voicemail or home phone (usually based on the time of the last outgoing call);
- support the exchange of “instant” messages appearing on the screen of an IP phone using the “Instant Messaging” program.

There are a lot of advantages from using IP telephony products (IP-PBX). Thus, the design of a unified network infrastructure for a company makes it possible to minimize costs (compared to the costs that are necessary to optimize the operation of infrastructures that can be replaced by IP telephony), implement different ways IP communications available today, as well as emerging ones. By the way, some of them cannot be implemented using established approaches: for example, Instant Messaging technology or corporate notification systems.

Employees will appreciate the lack of attachment to telephone channels, as well as the extreme ease of making adjustments to the operation of the corporate IP network. These factors affect the improvement of labor productivity of individual workers and the enterprise as a whole. Business mobility increases, as it becomes easier to monitor work groups and the stages of completing assigned tasks. This is achieved by combining IP products with CRM or ERP systems designed to improve the level of corporate governance.

The main advantage is the possibility of practical unification corporate systems management and information with multimedia communication systems: from group notifications (including voice reminders) and standardized messages to changing the entity of the company in the contact center (customer appeal management center). This center- a link in the CRM system, characterized by the ability to record, process and save in a single database all personal contacts, telephone calls, emails and faxes, that is full history relationships with certain clients. In this case, each employee of the enterprise plays the role of an operator involved in one of the groups.

It is also important that each employee of the company, regardless of his location (another office, foreign representative office), can receive the necessary set of information and services (including voice) if he has an IP channel with good bandwidth, by organizing a connection to the corporate networks via a VPN channel.

The main advantage that becomes real when introducing IP telephony is tangible savings on calls to cities and countries noted on geographical map a sign of the company's presence.