Briefly about the main thing: the basics of SEO optimization and promotion. On-page optimization basics

Many people constantly ask what's happenedSEO, what are its basics and how to study them for a beginner, a beginner, a blogger. After all, without knowledge of SEO, you will not be able to promote and develop your website. SEO is search engine optimization, which means promoting and setting up a website for search engines Google, Yandex and others.

In the article you will learn what SEO is, what the basics of SEO optimization are, and how easy it is for a beginner to learn it. After all, everything is really simple, but 85% of all sites on the Internet do not use the knowledge and secrets of SEO optimization available to everyone.

Definition of what SEO is

SEOis search engine optimization, for ways and methods of raising the site’s position in search results and search engines (Google, Yandex and others) for certain keywords and queries that users enter in search engines when looking for the material they need, in order to promote and promote the site.

As we see, everything is simple and SEO is translated as search engine optimization of a website, which allows you to increase the position of your website in search engines for certain queries and keywords. Since the higher the position of your site and articles on it, the more visitors you will receive to your site.

SEO Basics for Dummies

IN SEO basics, there are a lot of concepts, methods and methods of search engine promotion, so we will analyze only all the essentials for work, for website promotion in search engines.

Uniqueness of text and material on the site

Of course, search engines have many parameters and algorithms for calculating the best site and article in the search results, but the uniqueness of the text and material on the site is taken into account first of all. Therefore, try to write high-quality, unique and relevant text and content, then the site’s position will be higher and more visitors will come to the site. Therefore, if you do not have time to write articles, order this service we have:


It is impossible to promote a website without having certain keywords, since they are the ones that enable users to find your website in searches. If you have not created the semantic core of the site, then even if you raise the site’s position in the search results, it is not a fact that people will click on them. If you don’t know how to compose a semantic core or simply don’t have time for it, order from us

Also, there is no need to overspam articles and the site with keywords, they should be there, but in moderation, preferably 2-3% of the exact occurrences of keywords in the article.

In fact SEO includes not only internal text optimization: uniqueness, keywords, article size, and so on, but also external optimization. Off-site optimization means: links that lead from other sites to your site. Therefore, after you have carried out internal optimization, but the site is not on the first pages of search results, you need to carry out external optimization of the site by making a few links from other sites to your site and material. You can also visit your website with us.

But you also need to be careful with links, just like with keywords, they should be there, but in moderation and only from high-quality and reliable resources. How and where to get free links to your website in a natural, safe and reliable way, we will talk to you in other articles.

Behavioral factors

Also parsing SEO – search engine optimization, you not only need to know what is SEO , what its types, types and basics are, but also how search robots choose the best sites and articles in their results. In addition to links, keywords, external and internal promotion, one should not forget about behavioral factors, since they can lower or, on the contrary, increase the site’s position in the search results. Behavioral factors include: time spent by the user on the site, user actions, transitions and entry point.

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When doing search engine optimization, learn to use natural language, similar to what we use in everyday speech. Make it interesting to users and understandable to search robots - these are the basics of SEO.

  • SEO Basics: TITLE, description, H1
  • The basis of copywriting

Three Key SEO Basics

For , use an SEO preview tool.

1. Indicate keywords at the beginning of the TITLE. It is they who receive the greatest weight when ranking, like a series of indexes according to the content of the document - from main to secondary.

SEO Basics and Keywords in TITLE

2. Use the exact occurrence of keywords in the description meta tag. This will ensure that they are highlighted in the snippet and will increase the clickability of the link in the search results. Please note that the presence of a description is a good user experience and this is a plus for the trust. trust- trust) for the site.

3. Place the title of the web page in the H1 tag. Try to have one H1 tag per web page. In this case, it will receive more weight for search engines. The H1 heading may differ from the line in TITLE, but is built on the same principle.

Note: make sure that every web page unique: TITLE, description and H1 are 90% of the basis of SEO.

Structuring data in search engine optimization

Use SEO tools to analyze your site and content

4. Place the keyword in at least one of the subheadings H2, H3, etc. Don't overuse subheadings, use them to structure the content of the web page.

5. Use bullet points and numbered lists. This will allow you to bring your web page content to life and structure small, interconnected data.

6. The shorter the URL, the better. Use the main keyword in the original, transliteration, translation as a CNC. See highlighted keywords in competitor snippet URLs.

Note: Data structuring is the human language of communication with search robots.

Visual information and behavioral factors

7. Add at least one picture or video to every web page. This should encourage user interaction and reduce bounce rates. Attracting attention is important, but meeting visitors' expectations is more important.

8. Use keywords in file names and alt attributes of pictures. Try to maintain consistency between keywords and the documents for which they are used to describe their content. Disturbing this “balance” will worsen the search robot’s understanding of your content.

Note: visual information - SEO fundamentals funnel.

Copywriting Basics

Consider word order, use the operator square brackets in wordstat.

10. Use exact match keyword within the first 100 words of the article. This will allow the search robot to make sure that the TITLE, description and H1 match the content of the web page.

11. Link to relevant pages with the fewest inbound links. This will allow you to get the largest reverse trust (from the English. trust- trust) due to these links. Use via tech BLOCKQUOTE.

12. Add 2-3 links to similar articles on your resource in the context of the current article. Such linking will allow the search robot to make sure that the resource maintains a general thematic direction, which will give it additional weight when ranking.

13. Use synonyms for keywords. This will avoid suspicion of an attempt to over-optimize the text and keep it readable for people.

14. Improve web page loading speed without sacrificing user experience. When checking the site in the same PageSpeed ​​Isight, do not forget that these are only technical tips. The user experience of interacting with the site will always be more important. Do everything to make the web page load faster, but not to the detriment of the user experience. Track the results in the same Webvisor of the Yandex.Metrica statistics collection service.

15. Date of publication - tells the search engine that you are the original source. The best way protect content from copying, even by rating sites - inform the search engine that you published it first. Therefore, there is no need to hide the publication date.

Note: content is king - when it is interesting to users and understandable to search robots.

Liquid Building Basics

16. Don't spam and earn natural links. Solving the problem of negative SEO is difficult, but you can always make money from natural links. Become an expert in your niche and you will receive links from colleagues, people working in the same direction or partners.

17. Dilute the link mass with links with a domain name in the anchor. According to Searchmetrics, 10% of sites in the TOP 10 of Google have a domain name in their link anchors. But this is necessary primarily to reduce suspicion of overspam.

18. Announce articles on social networks. Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte are enough. Use cross-posting services, such as "", but wisely. Try to achieve event social booms, because event traffic can be temporary, but large.

19. Ask, give what you need and get links. Find out what exactly “they” want. Give it to them. As a result, you will receive many natural links. This is the best way to get started quickly in link building.

Note:“Don’t spam” is the main rule of link building.
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1. Where does SEO begin?

From the analysis - the site being prepared for promotion and its competitors, who have already taken a place in the top 10 search results on this topic.

Analysis of competitors' web resources gives the SEO optimizer and business owner an understanding of what allowed the top 10 sites to win such high positions in Yandex and Google and what needs to be done so that a site that has just started promoting can not only compete with them - could become better than them.

2. What search engines are looking for

Search engines want to do their job the best way, providing users with links to such sites and pages, the content of which most closely matches what the user is looking for. How is this match determined:

  • Content: defined according to the given topic, text on the page, headings and descriptions;
  • Performance: how fast your site is and whether it works as expected;
  • Authority: your site has good enough content to be linked to, or other sites link to your site, or have accessible information from your site;
  • Interaction: What does your site look like? Is it easy to navigate? Does it look safe? Does it have a high bounce rate?

3.What search engines don't look for

Search bots have a certain amount of data to store, so if you use questionable methods or try to “trick” them, you will likely only hurt yourself in the long run. What search engines don't like:

Filling these platforms with keyword phrases will not only help you promote, but will also gradually teach users how to use those specific phrases.

6. The domain name must be appropriate

The domain name is an extremely important factor, and the best solution is to use a sub-root domain directory ( rather than a sub-domain directory ( .ru). Here are some other domain name tips:

  • Consecutive Domains: If you type .ru and then just site .com, without "WWW", the search engine may not redirect to www. something .com, that is, search engines see two different sites.
  • Old domains: These are better than new ones, but when buying an old domain, make sure that its previous owner did not “cheat”, otherwise the domain may be blocked.
  • Keywords in the URL itself: Having these words in the URL is a great idea.

7. Website usability.

This is an indicator of how convenient it is for the user to interact with the site: navigate the menu and find necessary information. This behavioral factor, among others, is assessed by search engines and taken into account when ranking.

The simpler and clearer the site navigation is, the fewer visitors will leave it. The resource thus proves to the person and search engines its usefulness. And what, for example, is the benefit of a site to a visitor who accessed it from a phone, but cannot make out the small contacts in the header and read about the services, because the Internet resource is not adapted for mobile devices? Read more about this in

Hello friends! The other day I came up with a great idea, to sit down and write an article on the topic of SEO website optimization yourself, step-by-step instructions for beginners, after studying which, it will immediately be clear what needs to be done with your website in the first stages for effective promotion.

The stated topic is very popular and at the same time voluminous in order to reveal its most important points and at the same time do it in the form detailed guide I ended up with more than 20,000 characters, so I divided all the material into 2 parts. You are now reading part 1, link to part 2 at the end of the article.

I hope you understand that it is impossible to fully disclose the stated topic within the framework of one post, but I will try to give you all the information on the most important actions in website SEO optimization, which you can do yourself and right now. After publishing this post, I will gradually fill it with additional links to articles with detailed instructions.

For example, I will tell you about a file robots.txt, as soon as I publish a note on my blog dedicated to setting up and creating this file, I will immediately attach a link so that you can follow it and get acquainted with more comprehensive and detailed information. Agreed? Great, then let's continue the conversation.

High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

Formally, this point of my step-by-step instructions can be considered the first, and before starting a conversation on the topic of today’s post, I want to ask you a question. What hosting do you use? If this free hosting, then throw it in the trash immediately. You must understand perfectly well that if you are going to promote your Internet project, then it must work on high-quality and reliable hosting.

This may seem trivial to you, but search engines take this issue quite seriously. And if you have free hosting or cheap and slow hosting, then without warning they lower such resources in search results. Do you need this? More likely no than yes. Your web resource should work smoothly and be always online - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Most likely you wanted to ask which good hosting and which one would I recommend? First, read the article “Which hosting to choose”, but I can only recommend the proven hoster Makhost, because I have been using it for a long time and all my Internet projects, including this blog, are hosted on it.

Now, let's get back to the topic of today's post. Do you know where the construction of a house begins and what will determine its strength and durability? Did you guess it? Of course, from the foundation, so, before promoting a web resource and engaging in its SEO optimization, you need to draw up semantic core and do it right.

The semantic core is the basis of website SEO optimization

Perhaps someone has already heard these 2 words, and for some they may seem strange and incomprehensible. Therefore, I propose to start with a definition, and then I will tell you several ways how to compose it and where to get a ready-made one SY.

Semantic core- this is an ordered list of keywords that most accurately describe and characterize the site’s niche, as well as its type of activity.

This element in promotion is extremely important; traffic and the further fate of promotion of the web resource in search engines will depend on the correctness of its composition.

The semantic core is a hierarchical structure of search queries. As a rule, it is headed by one or more high frequency queries (home page), and lower in the hierarchy mid-frequency(headings, categories) and low frequency queries(articles, product cards).

If we take as an example a web resource dedicated to DIY construction, then it SY might look something like this:

Keep in mind that this is a very abbreviated and exaggerated example, SY usually consist of several thousand words. And now there are several options for where and how to create semantics for your Internet project:

Compose it yourself using free keyword selection tools - and

A more advanced option, which is used by professionals, is to use SEO software, the key-collector program and its brother with reduced functions Slovoeb, and you can also use the free Bukvarix database.

If you don’t want to sweat and rack your brains on how to correctly assemble semantics and at the same time want quick results, then contact the professionals from the web studio; they will do everything quickly and efficiently. Trusted guys, for the quality of their work I vouch.

Clustering of search queries

The next important stage of the step-by-step instructions, which comes after compiling the NL, is the effective distribution of key phrases throughout the site. In other words, the task this stage distribute queries as accurately as possible into the most appropriate groups, namely by pages, sections, headings and articles.

Many novice webmasters are lazy to do key distribution, but when they realize the importance of this stage, they have to redo everything all over again. Just imagine how much work needs to be done when a web resource has several hundred articles, several dozen pages and subsections.

Of course, it’s easier to do everything right right away, and then fully control the promotion process and know which direction to move next and what needs to be done for this. How to quickly and efficiently cluster search queries? There are several options:

Do it yourself by hand Microsoft Excel(long, but high quality)
special software, for example, Key Collector (it turns out quickly and efficiently, minus that the program is paid)
take advantage of special online services, there are paid and free ones (they do it quickly, but not always good quality, you have to modify it manually)

From my point of view, the best option is to use seo software - Key Collector. Yes, it is paid, but it is worth the money and even more. I do many labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks in the collector in a few minutes and have never regretted buying it. Google him on the Internet and you will be very surprised to find out what he is capable of.

By the way, I have the opportunity to purchase Key Collector at a discount, if anyone needs it, write through the form feedback. I don’t take interest or commission, I just help in a friendly way. The only condition is that you must be my regular reader.

Internal website optimization

Now we have reached the most interesting and large section. After distributing the keys, you can begin work on the internal optimization, which consists of several stages. Next, I will try to briefly and clearly talk about each of them.

It would be better to write a separate article for each stage. I will definitely do this in the near future. So, let's begin.

1. We optimize each page for search queries from the local language

We correctly write meta tags (title, description, keywords) for pages, subsections, categories and articles. All pages must have: unique titles, descriptions, meta tags and text. Remember the golden rule, there should be only one heading in h1 format on a page.

Use headings h2-h6 in articles, use key phrases in them and in the text. With their help, the readability of the text increases and its attractiveness to search robots increases. Know when to stop, everything should look harmonious and natural, remember that you are writing for people.

Attention! The title and h1 must contain a key phrase in direct entry and it is advisable that they are not the same.

Text in articles or pages must be at least 3000 characters. Keep in mind that search guards are not asleep and strictly punish with penalties for over-optimized, spammed and non-unique text.

Be sure to place thematic images in articles and tailor them to the search query. To do this, write meta tags images (title, description, alt) using key queries.

Some webmasters ignore this point, but in vain, because this is an additional plus to the overall SEO optimization of the site, as well as a small increase in traffic due to transitions from services Yandex Pictures And Google Images.

As you may have guessed, for the process that is popularly called SEO website optimization, step-by-step instructions can serve as an excellent assistant for effective promotion in search engines. So, we have dealt with this point, now let's move on to the next one.

2. We make internal linking of the site

Another important point my leadership. To make it clear to everyone what this is, let's start with brief definition. Internal linking is the process of placing thematic links within a site from one page or article to another that is similar in meaning.

For example, if a page is dedicated to the topic of how to catch pike with a spinning rod, then it would be useful to place a link here to another page of the same web resource, which talks about 5 popular lures for catching pike with a spinning rod. Did you get the point?

How is internal linking useful? Firstly, behavioral factors are improved, since users will follow links and receive the necessary information in full, and this in turn increases the total time spent on the web resource and the number of page views.

Secondly, accelerated indexing of the entire resource occurs, since search bots, when indexing, like to follow all the links found on the page. You need to remember this and try to use at least one thematic link on the page.

Thirdly, the overall usability quality. Remember that your Internet project is created for people and it should be convenient and understandable to use. These are not all the benefits and useful properties internal linking, in fact there are many more of them.

Within the framework of this article, I cannot fully cover this topic, so subscribe to blog updates, because a separate, detailed article will be coming soon.

3. Correct CNC setup

For those who don’t know what it is, I’ll give you a breakdown. CNC- these are human-readable URLs (links). The appearance of links plays an important role, both for people and for search engines. If your web resource, like mine, runs on the WordPress engine, then setting up the correct display of links will not be difficult for you. I will write more about this in future articles.

As an example, look at how links should look correctly:

  1. http:///kak-vesti-blog/kak-pisat-stati-dlja-bloga.html
  2. http:///2016/post-36=?274-

4. Setting up Sitemap.xml

Don't be alarmed if you hear this strange word for the first time :) Now I will tell you what it is and why it is needed. Sitemap.xml- this is a map of your web resource, intended exclusively for search robots, it contains information about the pages and links of your site that are subject to indexing.

Simply put, this is a special file that helps search engines do their work faster and better. Why is Sitemap.xml useful? It makes the indexing process much faster. As an example, you can see my Sitemap at http:///sitemap.xml.

If you still don't have this file, create it right now. For those who have WordPress engine, download and install plugin Google XML Sitemaps, it will automatically generate a map and update it as needed. For those who have another content management platform or a self-written website, Google information on this topic on the Internet.

5. Setting up an HTML sitemap for people

This map increases ease of navigation for visitors, improves behavioral factors, and also helps to increase the speed of indexing the site as a whole, as it contains a large number of internal links.

HTML map- this is a separate page that is available to visitors and search engine m. Bloggers often call it “All Articles” or “Site Map”. This page displays all sections, categories, pages and articles of the Internet resource. In WordPress, an HTML map can be created in a few clicks using plugins Dagon Design Sitemap Generator or WP DS Blog Map.

This is what the html map of my blog looks like - http:///vse-stati-bloga.html

6. Setting up the robots.txt file

Robots.txt file- this is normal text file, which contains a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for search engines, which spell out the rules for indexing pages, sections, files, folders, directories, etc.

This file is located in the root folder. What is it for? Robots.txt - plays an important role in SEO optimization, since it can be used to prevent search engines from indexing system files, pages that do not contain useful content, and much more.

7. Use micro markup

At the beginning of 2011, the search giants Yandex, Google, Yahoo and others announced to the whole world that they were introducing into the algorithms of their systems, innovative technology entitled micro markup, also called semantic markup.

Micro markup- this is SEO markup of website pages, which uses special tags and attributes thanks to which search robots (SR) recognize and analyze the information presented on the web resource much faster.

See what websites look like with and without micro-markup:

Advantages of micro markup from an SEO point of view:

attractive appearance snippet in search results
increase in the number of clicks on article titles
improving overall relevance

As you probably noticed, the topic is quite large, despite the fact that I tried to talk about everyone important points short and to the point. As I said at the beginning of the post, I divided this material on the topic of SEO website optimization on your own, step-by-step instructions for beginners, into 2 parts.

>>> You can read the second part by following the link - “How to competently do SEO optimization of a website yourself - step-by-step instructions for a beginner, part 2.”

After studying, do not forget to implement the acquired knowledge, remember that water does not run under a lying stone. How do you like the article? Which points from the step-by-step instructions do you implement on your website? What would you add from yourself?