Configuring dos. Selecting lines of text

© Alexander Frolov, Grigory Frolov
Volume 4, M.: Dialogue-MEPhI, 1993, 271 pp.


Like the DOS operating system, IBM OS/2 has a config.sys file located in the root directory of the boot disk. This file is intended for connecting drivers, setting parameters for various IBM OS/2 subsystems, and setting environment variables.

To view the contents of the config.sys file, enter the following command from the IBM OS/2 prompt:

type c:\config.sys | more

After the humble config.sys file of the DOS operating system, the config.sys file of IBM OS/2 may seem huge and very complex. However, as you will soon see, this file is quite understandable.

Why might you need to edit the contents of the config.sys file?

The fact is that some parameters defined in it greatly affect system performance. In addition, when adding new programs and applications, you have to edit the definitions of environment variables or create new environment variables. When connecting new devices to your computer, you usually must include the appropriate driver by adding a line to the config.sys file.

On a DOS operating system, the config.sys file is read and interpreted once. Since IBM OS/2 is capable of working with different file systems, during the boot process it has to scan the config.sys file several times, gradually connecting all the drivers specified in it and starting various subsystems.

5.1. Editing the CONFIG.SYS file

Editing the config.sys file can be done with any text editor that can save the file without font or other design. However, the most convenient way to do this is to use the tedit.exe editor, which is available after loading the first two floppy disks of the IBM OS/2 Warp distribution kit.

Saving and restoring the config.sys file

Before you make changes to the config.sys file, we strongly recommend that you make a copy of it. To do this, you can, for example, create a directory called cfgold and copy this file into it:

c: cd\md cfgold copy config.sys cfgold

If you make a mistake while editing a file, you can easily restore the original version.

Please note that some errors in the config.sys file may result in an inability to boot operating system IBM OS/2. In this case, you can boot IBM OS/2 Warp from the first two floppy disks of the distribution and, by pressing the key , exit to the IBM OS/2 Warp command prompt. Then you need to restore the config.sys file using the copy you created:

cd cfgold copy config.sys c:\config.sys

If you are unable to boot IBM OS/2 Warp due to errors in the config.sys file, you can also use the keyboard shortcut at the very beginning of loading, when a white rectangle is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.

TEDIT text editor

In this section, we will provide a brief description of the tedit.exe editor, which you can use to modify the contents of the config.sys file.

To edit the config.sys file or some other text file, you must pass the file name or path to tedt.exe, for example:

tedit c:\config.sys

In this case, you will see the contents of the config.sys file (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. Editing the config.sys file

If you need to create a new text file, you should run the tedit.exe program without parameters.

Start the tedit.exe editor from the IBM OS/2 Warp prompt. If you are using a windowed session for your work, increase the size of the window to its maximum limits using the maximize button located on the right side of the window title bar. After this, the window will take the form shown in Fig. 5.2.

Rice. 5.2. Creating a new text file using the text editor tedit.exe

At the top of the window, between the lines "Top of File" and "End of File", you can enter lines of text, which you can then save to a file. At the bottom of the window there is a line for entering commands that control the text editor.

Immediately below the command line on the right side of the screen, the row and column number are displayed, as well as the operating mode - inserting (Ins) or replacing (Rep) characters. The mode can be switched using the key .

If you press the key , the text file tedit.hlp will be loaded into the editor, which contains reference information on using the tedit.exe editor (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. View help information for using the text editor tedit.exe

The first screen shows a table of contents with line numbers (not pages, but lines). In order to view a section, you need to enter the number of the corresponding line of the file in the command line of the text editor. Using the key you can go from editing text to entering commands and back again.

The function keys are shown below:

Key Purpose
F1 Display a file containing help information about using the tedit.exe editor
F2 Saving a file
F3 Finishing a file
F4 Save the file and finish working with it
F5 Temporarily exit to the IBM OS/2 command prompt. To return to text editing at the IBM OS/2 prompt, issue the EXIT command
F6 Not used
F7 Renaming the file being edited
F8 Loading a new text file for editing
F9 Undo changes made to the current line of text
F10 Switch to the next editing window
F11 Switch to previous editing window
F12 Move the current line to the top of the editing window

Now let's look at some techniques for using the tedit.exe editor.

As we have already said, the name of the file to be edited can be passed to the tedit.exe program as a parameter (you can also specify the full or partial path to the file).

You can also launch the tedit.exe editor without parameters by loading the file into it using the key . In this case, the command “EDIT” appears in the line for entering commands, after which you need to add the file name or path to the file, then press the key .

The text editor tedit.exe can work with several text files simultaneously. In particular, if you run it without parameters and then load a file for editing using the key , two texts will be edited at the same time - new and just downloaded.

Using the key you can switch to the next editing window, and using the key - return to the previous one.

Saving a file

If you loaded an existing file for editing by specifying its name as the tedit.exe parameter, to save the current changes to the file, just press the key .

In the case where the tedit.exe editor was launched without parameters to create a new file, you must specify the file name or path to save the changes. This can be done if using the key switch to entering commands for a text editor and enter the following command:

save FileName

The file can be saved later using the key .

Finish editing a file

Before finishing editing, you must save the changes to the file (if any). The corresponding procedure has just been described.

To complete editing, press the key . If there are unsaved changes to the file, you will be asked to ignore the changes at the bottom of the editor window:

Throw away changes? (Y/N)

Answering "Y" will cause the changes made to the file to not be saved when the tedit.exe editor exits. If you answer "N", editing the file will continue.

There is another way to shut down the tedit.exe editor and automatically save changes - using the key . If you need to save the new file and then exit the editor, enter the following command:

file Filename

Selecting lines of text

To delete, copy, or move lines of text, you need to select them.

Selecting rows is done using a keyboard shortcut . Place the cursor on the first line of the selected text fragment and click . Then move the cursor to the end of the piece of text and press that key combination again.

Operations with selected text fragment

To perform operations on a selected piece of text, you can use the following key combinations:

Adding and Removing Rows

To add a new line, press the combination .

To delete an unnecessary line, you need to place the cursor on it and press the key combination and kill keys.

OS/2 System Editor

More convenient to use, but not always available, is the text editor OS/2 System Editor, the icon of which is located in the Productivity folder. You can find this folder in the OS/2 System folder.

The OS/2 System Editor application is located in the file os2/e.exe. You can launch this editor from the IBM OS/2 Warp command prompt by specifying the name or path of the file to edit as a parameter, for example:

e c:\config.sys

The appearance of the OS/2 System Editor application resembles the appearance of the Notepad application from the Microsoft Windows operating system (Fig. 5.4). The techniques for working with these editors are also similar, so we will not dwell on them in detail.

Rice. 5.4. Using the OS/2 System Editor to Make Changes to the config.sys File

Using the "New" line of the "File" menu, you can create a new file. To save the file for the first time, use the "Save as..." line. You will be prompted to enter a file name.

When saving a file, you can assign it a type, which will be stored in extended attributes. The file can be saved as plain text, as an IBM OS/2 batch file (OS/2 Command File), or as a DOS batch file (DOS Command File). The config.sys file type can be set to PlainText.

If you are going to edit an existing file, open it using the "Open..." line in the "File" menu.

The "Edit" menu (Fig. 5.5) provides options such as canceling editing ("Undo" line), deleting a selected piece of text with copying to the universal clipboard Clipboard ("Cut" line) or without such copying ("Clear" line) , copying the selected text fragment to the Clipboard (the "Copy" line) and pasting text from the Clipboard buffer to the cursor position (the "Paste" line).

Using the "Find..." line you can search a file for a given text string, and using the "Select all" line you can select all the text.

Rice. 5.5. OS/2 System Editor "Edit" menu

The "Options" menu (Fig. 5.6) allows you to set the font, letter color and background that will be used to display text. You can also turn word wrapping on or off by selecting "On" or "Off" from the second-level "Word wrap" menu.

Rice. 5.6. OS/2 System Editor Options menu

5.2. Drivers for IBM OS/2 Warp

Just like in the DOS operating system, in IBM OS/2 drivers are connected in the config.sys configuration file. However, unlike DOS, the configuration file can contain two commands for connecting drivers - BASEDEV and DEVICE. The first of them connects the basic drivers, without which the operation of IBM OS/2 Warp is impossible, the second - all the others.

Basic drivers

During the IBM OS/2 initialization process, the base drivers described by the BASEDEV commands are first installed. These drivers are absolutely necessary for the operating system to function properly. All other drivers are connected using the DEVICE command.

The syntax of the BASEDEV command is simple:

BASEDEV=Driver_Name [Options]

Note that the BASEDEV command is given the name of the file containing the driver, not the path to it. Basic drivers are loaded either from the root directory of the disk on which the IBM OS/2 operating system is located, or from the os2/boot directory.

Below is a fragment of the config.sys file in which the basic drivers are connected:


The order in which the base drivers are loaded does not depend directly on the location of the corresponding lines in the config.sys file, but is determined by the name extension of the driver program file:


According to this list, the basic drivers with the SYS name extension are loaded first, then BID, etc.

The base driver cannot have any name extension other than the extensions listed above. Otherwise it will not be loaded.

Let's briefly consider the purpose and features of the above and some other basic drivers.


Parallel adapter driver for ISA, EISA and PCI architectures (for computers with Micro Channel architecture, the PRINT02.SYS driver is installed). A printer is usually connected to this adapter.

An interesting fact is that the PRINT01.SYS driver immediately after installation works without using interrupts, polling the parallel adapter's ready bit. This eliminates possible conflict with audio adapters that often use IRQ 7.

However, the survey method is not the most effective. If there is a large print volume, system performance may be severely reduced.

The situation can be corrected by specifying the /IRQ parameter to the driver:


After fixing the config.sys file, be sure to restart your operating system. You should also make sure that IRQ 7 is not used by other adapters, such as network adapters.


The IBM1FLPY.ADD driver services the floppy disk drive controller. During the boot process, it automatically detects all the necessary parameters such as the address of the I/O port it uses, interrupt number, direct access channel, maximum floppy capacity, etc. However, you can specify these parameters in the config.sys file.

Since you will hardly need to configure the parameters of the HDD driver, to save space in the book we will not describe them. You can get all the necessary information from the Command Reference hypertext help system.


This driver is only needed for computers with Micro Channel architecture. If you have a computer with an ISA, EISA or PCI bus, you can disable this driver by placing a comment character at the beginning of the corresponding line:



The XDFLOPPY.FLT driver is designed to work with floppy disks that have the eXtended Density Format (XDF) format. These floppy disks have a capacity of 1.8 MB.

The XDFLOPPY.FLT driver is required for the XDFCOPY command, which can be used to copy IBM OS/2 Warp distribution diskette images to files and back. This command was described in the chapter on installing IBM OS/2 Warp.


This driver is used in most cases, as it supports hard drives in the MFM, RLL, ESDI standards, as well as the most popular IDE standard today.

Like the HDD controller driver, the IBM1S506.ADD driver detects disk controller parameters automatically, although you can set the parameters in the config.sys file. You can find a description of the parameters in the Command Reference hypertext help system.


Our computer was equipped with an Adaptec SCSI model 1540 controller, so the installer included the AHA154X.ADD driver. Depending on the model, another driver may be installed, for example, AHA164X.ADD, AHA7870.ADD, etc.

If you have a SCSI controller made by another company, a different driver may be loaded for it. For example, for many Future Domain SCSI controller models, the FD16-700.ADD driver is loaded.


If the installer does not “recognize” the disk controller without selecting a suitable driver for it, it installs the IBMINT13.I13 driver.

This driver enables IBM OS/2 Warp to run through the BIOS. Of course, this way of working with a disk cannot but affect the performance of the system as a whole, but it is still better than nothing...


The IBMKBD.SYS driver services the keyboard, providing scan codes for the keys pressed and processing hardware keyboard interrupts.


Our computer had a Philips LMS-206 CD reader installed, so the installer included the LMS206.ADD driver. If you have a different type of CD-ROM drive, a different driver will be included in the config.sys file during the installation of IBM OS/2 Warp.


The OS2DASD.DMD driver provides the transport layer for all direct access devices (such as disks). It is always needed, so it is installed in any case.


The OS2SCSI.DMD driver provides a transport layer for SCSI controllers, providing programs with a hardware-independent interface for working with the SCSI controller.


This driver is designed to work with the Adaptec SCSI controller drivers to provide an ASPI programming interface. This hardware-independent interface is used by some programs, for example, to work with a streamer.

Basic SCSI controller drivers

In this section we provide a list of basic SCSI controller drivers that are included in the IBM OS/2 Warp version 3.0 distribution. When purchasing a SCSI controller, use this list to ensure that IBM OS/2 Warp includes the appropriate driver for it.

Manufacturer Driver SCSI controller model
Adaptec AHA152X.ADD AHA-1510/1522, AIC-6350/6360
- // - AHA154X.ADD AHA-1540/1542
- // - AHA164X.ADD Models designed for Micro Channel architecture
- // - AHA174X.ADD AHA-1740/1744
- // - AIC1770.ADD AHA-2840VL/2842VL, 2740/2742,AIC-7770
- // - AIC7870.ADD AHA-2940, AIC-7870
BusLogic BTSCSI.ADD BT-445S, 542B, 542S, 640A, 646S, 742A, 747S, 946
IBM IBM2ADSK.ADD IBM 16-bit Micro Channel SCSI Adapter
- // - IBM2SCSI.ADD IBM 32-bit Micro Channel SCSI Adapter
Future Domain FD8XX.ADD Future Domain 8-bit SCSI Adapter
- // - FD16-700.ADD Future Domain 16-bit SCSI Adapter, Future Domain 16-bit SCSI Adapter for PCI bus, Future Domain 16-bit ISA FAST SCSI Adapter
- // - FD7000EX.ADD TMC-7000EX EISA SCSI Adapter

Basic CD-ROM Drivers

A CD reader is becoming an integral part of any modern computer. Therefore, IBM OS/2 Warp includes drivers for many types of CD-ROM drives.

Here is a short list of drivers and device models for which these drivers are intended.

Device manufacturer Driver SCSI controller model
- IBMIDECD.FLT Driver for CD-ROM devices connected via the IDE interface. For example, Sony CDU55E, Philips LMSCM207, Mitsumi FX001DE
Mitsumi MITFX001.ADD CRMC-FX001, FX001D, LU002S, LU005S
Sony SONY31A.ADD CDU -31A, 33A, 7305
- // - SONY535.ADD CDU-531, 6201, 6205, 535, 6205, 7205
Philips LMS205.ADD CM205, 225
- // - LMS206.ADD CM205MS, CM225CM, CM206, CM226
Panasonic SBCD2.ADD Creative Labs OmniCD, 521, 522, 523, 562, 563, IBM ISA CD-ROM

Other drivers

All other drivers are loaded using the DEVICE command, similar to the command of the same name in the DOS operating system. This command is usually given the full path to the driver program file, followed by additional parameters that the driver uses during the initialization process.

Here is a fragment of the config.sys file in which drivers are loaded with the DEVICE command:


Drivers installed using the DEVICE command are loaded in the order they are listed in the config.sys file (as opposed to base drivers loaded with the BASEDEV command).

Let us list and briefly describe some of the drivers that are included in the distribution of the IBM OS/2 Warp operating system and are loaded with the DEVICE command.


This driver adds enhanced keyboard and console support to DOS sessions. In terms of its purpose, it fully corresponds to the ANSI.SYS driver from the DOS operating system.


The COM.SYS driver services the asynchronous serial adapter. It is necessary for system and application programs that work with such an adapter.

If the system uses another driver that works with the asynchronous serial adapter (for example, a mouse driver), it must be loaded before the COM.SYS driver.


The EGA .SYS driver is needed to work with EGA video adapter registers in DOS sessions. As you know, the contents of many registers of the EGA video adapter are not readable, which is very inconvenient in a multitasking environment. To correct this drawback, the EGA.SYS driver remembers the contents of the registers of the EGA video adapter.


The system error logging driver LOG.SYS is used in conjunction with the LOGDAEM.EXE program, which must be loaded using the RUN command from the config.sys file (the RUN command will be described below).


As you might guess, the MOUSE.SYS driver is designed to serve the mouse. Before this driver, the POINTDD.SYS driver is usually loaded, and after it the VMOUSE.SYS driver. the latter enables mouse operation in full-screen DOS or IBM OS/2 sessions, as well as in Win-OS/2 sessions.


The POINTDD.SYS driver is used to operate the mouse in IBM OS/2 text sessions. It loads before the MOUSE.SYS driver.


The OS2CDROM.SYS driver is needed to work with the CD reader.


The PMDD.SYS driver is needed to draw the mouse cursor in IBM OS/2 sessions. Without this driver, the IBM OS/2 operating system will not start.


This driver enables touch input devices (such as a pen input device).


Virtual disk driver. With this driver you can organize a high-speed electronic disk in RAM. However, a more effective method of increasing file system performance is caching.

The VDISK.SYS driver can specify parameters that determine the disk size ("P_Disk"), the sector size in bytes ("P_Sect") and the maximum number of files in the root directory ("Number_of_Files"):

DEVICE=VDISK.SYS [R_Disk|,] [R_Sect|,] [Number of Files|,]

For example, to create a 512 KB RAM disk, you could use the following line:


Missing values ​​must be replaced with a comma.


An ASPI interface driver that is used by DOS programs to access devices connected to the SCSI controller (such as a tape drive).


The VEMM.SYS driver provides emulation of Expanded Memory in the EMS specification for DOS sessions. The size of the additional memory created in this way in KB is specified as a parameter:


By default, the amount of emulated additional memory is 2048 KB.


The VXMS.SYS driver provides XMS specification Extended Memory emulation for DOS sessions:


If the /UMB parameter is specified, the VXMS.SYS driver additionally creates UMB (Upper Memory Blocks), which can be used, for example, to load drivers and resident programs in DOS sessions.

5.3. Configuring file system settings

Disk caching has the greatest impact on IBM OS/2 file system performance. In this case, it is very important to choose the correct size of the cache buffer - it cannot be made very large, since this reduces the amount of physical memory available to programs.

In addition, DOS session parameters such as the maximum number of open files, the number of buffers, and (less commonly) the number of FCB blocks usually require tuning.

Disk Caching

Let us recall that IBM OS/2 Warp is capable of working simultaneously with FAT and HPFS file systems. Caching options for these file systems are configured differently.

If you are working with two different file systems at the same time, you need to determine the caching settings for each of them, allocating the optimal memory size for each cache.

HPFS file system

To install file systems such as HPFS and CDFS, specify the IFS command in the config.sys file:

IFS =Path_to_driver_file [Options]

To work with the HPFS file system, use the following command:


The purpose of the HPFS .IFS driver parameters is given below:

Parameter Purpose
/CACHE:xxx The /CACHE parameter specifies the size, in KB, of memory that IBM OS/2 allocates for caching HPFS disks. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, one tenth of the physical RAM is allocated for caching
/CRECL:x The minimum size of a record that will be cached (specified in KB). The default is 4 KB. You can increase the recording size to 64 KB
/AUTOCHECK:x This parameter allows you to specify which HPFS disks should be checked for logical integrity when booting IBM OS/2. You can specify multiple drives as "x", marking some of them with a "+" symbol:

The marked drives will always be checked, regardless of whether IBM OS/2 was shut down correctly or not. In this example, this check is assigned to drive D. Drives C, E and F will only be scanned in the event of an abnormal shutdown of IBM OS/2 (for example, a sudden power outage)

/F:x The /F parameter specifies the check level for the CHKDSK command (see the description of this command in the previous chapter). Default is level 2

As we already said, the cache size should not be too large. Since the IBM OS/2 Warp operating system kernel is approximately 7 MB, you should not use a cache larger than 1 - 1.5 MB, even if the system has 16 MB of RAM. Otherwise, when loading bulky applications, memory swapping will begin, which will dramatically slow down the system. It is best to determine the cache size experimentally for a specific software configuration.

If your computer has 16 MB of memory, it is recommended that you also increase the recording size to 64 KB by changing the /CRECL parameter accordingly.

CACHE command

Using the CACHE command, you can control the operation parameters of the HPFS file system. The appropriate program can be loaded via the RUN command in the config.sys file or from the IBM OS/2 prompt.

The CACHE command has four optional parameters, listed below:

Parameter Description
/LASY:state You can use the /LASY parameter to enable or disable lazy recording mode. If the /LASY:OFF parameter is specified, the delayed recording mode will be disabled, if /LASY:ON is enabled
/MAXAGE:time The /MAXAGE parameter specifies the time in milliseconds after which frequently stored data on disk will be written to cache memory. By default this time is 5000 ms
/DISKIDLE:time The /DISKIDLE parameter specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a disk must remain idle before cache data can be written to disk. By default this time is 1000 ms
/BUFFERIDLE:time The /BUFFERIDLE parameter specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the cache buffer must remain inactive before the cache can be written to disk. By default this time is 500ms

File system FAT

Caching parameters for disks on which the FAT file system is located are determined by the DISKCACHE command:

DISKCACHE =n[,LW][,t][,AC:x]

Here n specifies the size of the memory area in KB allocated for the cache. You can specify a value from 48 to 14400 KB or the character "D". In the latter case, the cache size is determined automatically based on the size of RAM installed in the computer.

If the LW parameter is specified, the mode of lazy writing of changed data to disk is enabled. In this case, all changes are not written to disk immediately, but only when the system is free from performing other operations. Lazy write mode improves overall system performance, but if there is a sudden power outage, the contents of some files may be destroyed. For greater reliability, we recommend that you use a UPS uninterruptible power supply. At the same time, if problems arise with the power supply, you will have time to close all files and correctly shut down the IBM OS/2 Warp operating system.

Using the t parameter, you can specify a threshold value for the number of disk sectors to be cached. This value determines the minimum block size that must be cached.

Valid values ​​for the t parameter range from 4 to 128, with the default value being 4.

Finally, the AC parameter specifies the list of devices to be checked for file system integrity when IBM OS/2 Warp is initialized. This check is performed when IBM OS/2 Warp shuts down abnormally, such as when there is a sudden power outage.

For example, in the DISKCACHE command, which was installed by default, such a check is performed only for the C drive:


If you put a "+" symbol in front of the drive designation, the drive will be checked every time, even if the operating system was shut down correctly:


In this example, drive D: is checked even if the file system was closed normally.

CDFS file system

The CDFS file system is used to access data located on CD-ROMs. Mounting this file system is done using the IFS command in the config.sys file:


In this command you can specify initialization parameters, which can be used to, among other things, specify caching parameters. Caching the CD-ROM drive can improve the speed of programs running on this still relatively slow device.

Let us list and briefly describe the initialization parameters of the CDFS file system:

Parameter Description
/P:n Serial asynchronous port used for debugging. A value of n equal to 1 corresponds to port COM1, equal to 2 - COM2
/K Using the additional KANJI volume descriptor (needed for working with Japanese)
/C:n The number of 64 KB memory segments that will be used for CD-ROM caching. Default is 2 segments
/M:n The number of file sectors that are read from the CD in one read operation. By default, 8 sectors are read at once
/Q This option disables the display of initialization messages.


The config.sys file defines three settings that are used when working with the file system. These are the FILES , BUFFERS and FCBS parameters you know from DOS:

FILES =20 BUFFERS =90 FCBS =16.8

These settings, specified in the config.sys file, are the default for all DOS sessions. However, using the Workplace Shell, you can configure it individually for each DOS program or for the Win-OS/2 system (which runs in a DOS virtual machine).

If you are working with Microsoft Windows applications, we recommend immediately increasing the FILES setting to 255, otherwise you will receive strange messages saying that the disk has no free space or is write-protected. It is especially unpleasant when such a message appears when you try to save a document, for example, from a Microsoft Word for Windows word processor running in a Win-OS/2 environment.

The BUFFERS parameter specifies the number of I/O buffers. These buffers are used by both DOS and IBM OS/2 sessions. When choosing the number of buffers, keep in mind that caching is more effective than simple buffering.

The FCBS parameter is needed only for DOS sessions and only for those programs that work with files using FCB (File Control Block) control blocks. Modern DOS programs do not create FCBs because they perform file operations using file handles.

5.4. Setting Environment Variables

The DOS autoexec.bat file typically contains SET commands that set environment variables. These are string variables that are available to the operating system and programs during their execution.

The IBM OS/2 operating system also uses environment variables, but the values ​​of these variables are set by SET commands located in the config.sys file. In this section, we will describe the most important variables that you may need to configure for your software configuration.

Search programs, DLLs and data

The purpose of the PATH environment variable is to specify a list of directories to search for programs to run. The DOS operating system also defines an environment variable with this name and for the same purpose.

Here is an example of the PATH environment variable definition that appears in the config.sys file immediately after installing IBM OS/2 Warp with Multimedia:


In this example, we had to break the line due to its length. In fact, defining the PATH variable only takes one line in the config.sys file.

If necessary, you can add paths to other directories to this list, separating them with a semicolon.

In addition to the PATH variable, two more environment variables named DPATH and the LIBPATH command are used to search for program and application components in the IBM OS/2 operating system.

The LIBPATH command is used to find dynamic link libraries (DLLs). Here is an example of defining a list of directories to search for DLLs:


Note that LIBPATH is not an environment variable and therefore cannot be set with the SET command.

You can use the DPATH environment variable to define a list of directories in which data files are searched if they are not found in the current directory:


Some software installations require changes to the PATH, DPATH variable definitions, and LIBPATH command parameters. A good installer will make these changes automatically, but sometimes you have to edit the config.sys file manually.

After changing the config.sys file, be sure to restart the operating system, otherwise the changes will not take effect.

Recovering Deleted Files

To enable the ability to recover accidentally deleted files using the UNDELETE command described in the previous chapter, you must find the definition of the DELDIR environment variable in the config.sys file and uncomment the REM character:


The DELDIR environment variable specifies the paths to directories in which deleted files will be automatically written, as well as the maximum size of files in these directories.

Let us remind you that immediately after installing IBM OS/2 Warp, the ability to recover accidentally deleted files is disabled to improve system performance.

IBM OS/2 Command Processor

The OS2_SHELL environment variable specifies the location of the shell program file:


This processor executes commands that the user enters at the system prompt, such as DIR or COPY.

By changing the definition of the OS2_SHELL variable, you can connect your custom command processor, which will be launched immediately after IBM OS/2 boots, instead of the standard cmd.exe.

Additionally, the config.sys file defines the COMSPEC variable, which also points to the shell file:


This variable is used to find the shell file.

The PROMPT variable determines the appearance of the prompt that is displayed in the IBM OS/2 text session window:

SET PROMPT =$i[$p]

Re-entering commands

The KEYS environment variable allows you to enable or disable the ability to retrieve previously entered IBM OS/2 commands. To enable this feature, use the following option for setting the KEYS variable:


In this case, you can edit the entered command at the IBM OS/2 system prompt, and also repeat the entry of commands that were entered earlier. You can invoke such commands using the up and down cursor keys.

Workplace Shell Options

The config.sys file contains definitions for numerous environment variables needed by the Workplace Shell.

os2.ini and os2sys.ini parameter files

The USER_INI and SYSTEM_INI environment variables, always defined in the config.sys file, specify the access paths to the os2.ini and os2sys.ini files, respectively:


The os2.ini file is used by the Workplace Shell to store program settings and other objects. The os2sys.ini file stores similar information for system objects such as printers and fonts.

AUTOSTART variable

The AUTOSTART variable specifies the Workplace Shell components that will be activated immediately after the IBM OS/2 Warp operating system boots:


If you don't know exactly what you need it for, you shouldn't change the AUTOSTART environment variable - it could have unpleasant consequences.

For example, if you delete the FOLDERS component, after restarting the system you will not see a single folder (the desktop will also disappear). Here is a list of the Workplace Shell components specified in the definition of the AUTOSTART environment variable:

Component Purpose
PROGRAMS Launch programs from folders and from the desktop surface. If this component is not activated, only programs from the Startup folder will be launched. Thus, by removing this component, you will prevent all programs from starting, except those that start automatically when the system boots. This can be convenient for servers operating in automatic mode, as well as for workstations designed to solve a single task
TASKLIST Displaying a Window List
FOLDERS Displaying folders and the desktop (which, strictly speaking, is also a folder)
CONNECTIONS Ensuring the ability to work on a network of computers
LAUNCHPAD LaunchPad object selection panel


The RUNWORKPLACE environment variable specifies the path to the program file that acts as the Workplace Shell:


If necessary, you can replace the Workplace Shell with your own by editing the definition of this variable.

reference system

The environment variables HELP , GLOSSARY and BOOKSHELF describe the paths to access files of the IBM OS/2 Warp hypertext help systems:


The HELP and GLOSSARY variables describe directories containing hlp files, and the BOOKSHELF variable describes directories containing inf files.

When installing new programs that have their own help systems, you must supplement the directory lists defined with these variables, or move the hlp and inf files to the os2\help, os2\help\glos and os2\book directories.

5.5. Setting up the memory management system

Now let's take a look at the commands designed to configure the memory management system.


The MEMMAN command is designed to manage the swap process. Swap allows you to dump temporarily unnecessary memory segments onto disk (in a special swap file) to free up free space and load segments from disk into RAM if they are needed again.

Swap allows you to create the illusion of a very large memory, but the performance of such memory is very low.

The syntax of the MEMMAN command is given below:

MEMMAN =Parameters

You can specify the following parameters separated by commas:

Parameter Description
SWAP Enabling the swap mechanism
NOSWAP Disable swap. If swapping is disabled, your computer must have at least 8 MB of RAM installed to run IBM OS/2 Warp
MOVE This parameter was added for compatibility with IBM OS/2 version 1.3. It is not used in IBM OS/2 Warp version 3.0
NOMOVE Similar to the previous one
COMMIT The system creates a swap file on disk. The size of this file must be large enough to run all applications. If there is too little memory, the program will receive the corresponding error code from the system
PROTECT This setting is required by some applications to use protected memory and dynamic data transfer

Here is an example of the MEMMAN command parameters immediately after installing IBM OS/2 Warp version 3.0:


Swap file swapper.dat

For swapping, the operating system creates a file called swapper.dat, placing it immediately after installation in the os2/system directory.

The path to this file, its initial size and other parameters are specified in the SWAPPATH command, which after installing IBM OS/2 Warp looks like this:


The first number after the directory path determines the minimum allowed free disk space. When the swap file grows during operation, if the amount of free space becomes less than the minimum, a message indicating insufficient memory is displayed on the screen. You can specify a value between 512 and 32767 KB.

The second number determines the minimum size of the swap file. When IBM OS/2 Warp boots, there must be free disk space large enough to accommodate the swap file.

To increase the performance of the swap system, it is best to place the swap file on a separate disk or on the disk that is most often used. It also makes sense to move the swap file to the root directory of the disk and increase its initial size, for example, like this:

SWAPPATH =C:\ 10240 10240

Memory for DOS sessions

By default, DOS sessions have 640 KB of memory available within the first MB of their allocated address space. If necessary, you can reduce the amount of memory available to DOS sessions by specifying a new value in the RMSIZE command:


This will allow more efficient use of virtual memory needed by IBM OS/2 programs. This is especially useful in cases where DOS programs do not require a lot of memory.

By default, immediately after installing IBM OS/2 Warp version 3.0, upper memory is not available for DOS sessions due to the DOS command parameters:


If DOS sessions are running resident programs and drivers, you can place them (and the DOS kernel) in the upper memory area by specifying new parameters in the DOS command:


5.6. Task Scheduler Options

In this section, we will look at three commands that can be used to control the IBM OS/2 task scheduler, which is responsible for multitasking. These commands are THREADS, MAXWAIT and PRIORITY_DISK_IO.


The THREADS command specifies the maximum number of subtasks (threads) that can be executed simultaneously on IBM OS/2.

Immediately after installation, this number is 256:


If you use your computer for complex tasks (for example, software development), it makes sense to increase the number of concurrent tasks to the maximum possible (up to 4095).

If there is no THREADS command in the config.sys file, the IBM OS/2 Warp operating system can only run 64 tasks at a time.


Using the PRIORITY_DISK_IO command, you can control the distribution of priority for access to I/O devices between background and main tasks.

Immediately after installing IBM OS/2 Warp, the PRIORITY_DISK_IO command has the YES parameter:


In this case, an application that runs in foreground mode has a higher I/O priority compared to background applications.

If NO is specified in this command, all applications will have the same I/O priority. This mode is convenient for file servers: server maintenance and management programs running in the main mode should not have a higher priority than tasks that implement collective access of workstations to server resources. Therefore, for the server, specify the PRIORITY_DISK_IO command as follows:


MAXWAIT command

Using the MAXWAIT command, you can specify how long subtasks should wait before increasing their priority. This time is specified in seconds:


When the scheduler encounters a task that has been waiting for more time than specified by the MAXWAIT command, it temporarily increases its priority. You can reduce this time to, for example, 2 seconds.

5.7. Other commands

Let's briefly talk about the purpose of other commands that appear in the config.sys file.


The PROTSHELL command specifies an interface shell that is loaded instead of the usual cmd.exe command processor. Immediately after installation, Workplace Shell acts as such a shell:


You can replace the interface shell by editing the parameter of this command.


The SHELL command is intended to specify a shell for a DOS session. The default shell is



In the first chapter we told you about rings of protection. We said that a typical program running in the IBM OS/2 environment does not have direct access to system memory, processor system registers, and I/O ports.

However, some non-system programs still require access to computer ports, such as ports on a non-standard device. Such a program must be located in the second protection ring, which is indicated when editing it.

Using the IOPL command, you can allow or deny access to hardware registers by programs running in the second ring of protection. By default, the following programs are allowed:


However, you can prevent non-system programs from accessing registers by specifying the NO parameter to the IOPL command:


This prohibition improves the stability of IBM OS/2.


If the PROTECTONLY command is specified with the YES option, IBM OS/2 sessions will access memory below the 640 KB limit. In this case, it will become impossible to run DOS programs in the IBM OS/2 environment.

By default, the PROTECTONLY command has the NO option:



The BREAK command allows you to enable or disable interruption of DOS programs using a key combination . By default, this interrupt is disabled:


To enable it, specify the YES parameter to the BREAK command:



The PRINTMONBUFSIZE command allows you to set the size of the print buffer that is used by the parallel adapter driver:


This command has three parameters that determine the buffer sizes for ports LPT1:, LPT2: and LPT3:, respectively.

The default minimum buffer size is 134 bytes. You can increase this size to 2048 bytes for port LPT1: (if this is the port the printer is connected to), for example:



The COUNTRY, CODEPAGE and DEVINFO commands are intended to specify parameters such as country code, code table number, to determine the keyboard layout and font file:


General information

The CONFIG.SYS file is designed to configure the operating system for a specific computer hardware configuration. It, like the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, is present on almost any computer and is located in the main directory on the drive from which the operating system is loaded (usually drive C).

Its main purpose is to load into RAM the necessary drivers (control programs) to control the computer hardware: connecting various types of memory (cm. Fig.4.7, 4.8), keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.

If this file is not present, the operating system configuration settings are set to default. It starts automatically every time the MS DOS operating system is loaded. (cm. rice. 9.13).

The CONFIG.SYS file is created and edited as a text file in any text editor.


§ The CONFIG.SYS file consists of special commands of the MS DOS operating system for setting up the equipment. The format of these commands is:

Command name = value

§ Each command occupies a separate line.

§ After completing the formation of the construction of each command, you must press the key .

§ The command structure can be written in characters of any size.

§ After editing this file, you must reboot the operating system to install the new configuration setting.

Commands most commonly used in the CONFIG.SYS file

BREAK= ON or OFF– setting the test mode for simultaneous key presses or . If the ON parameter is set, then during I/O operations with the disk you can interrupt the work, otherwise (the OFF parameter) this cannot be done and the operation will be completely completed.

BUFFERS= number – allocates the amount of RAM in accordance with the number of buffers (standard length cells) specified in the command. These buffers are allocated for intermediate storage of data transferred from disk to memory and vice versa during I/O operations with the disk. This increases the speed of exchange between the disk and RAM. It is generally recommended to use at least 40 buffers.

Example 9.36.

DEVICE= driver name [parameters] – connect a driver to control a device, such as a mouse.

DEVICEHIGH= driver name [parameters] – loads the device driver into upper memory (UMA – Upper memory, cm. rice. 4.7).

Remember! The order in which the DEVICE and DEVICEHIGH commands are written in the CONFIG.SYS file is very important! First, drivers are installed that allow you to work with different types of memory that complement the standard 640 KB memory, and then drivers that use this memory are installed.

Example 9.37.

DOS= parameters – sets the mode of using the high memory area (HMA) and providing access to high memory blocks (UMB) (cm. rice. 4.7).

Example 9.38.

FILES= number – sets the maximum number of simultaneously open files. Typically this number should not be less than 20.

Example 9.39.

NUMLOCK= ON or OFF – sets the key state . The OFF parameter disables the action of this key, the ON parameter enables the mode of entering capital letters from the keyboard.

REM or ; - a comment.

LASTDRIVE– setting the number of logical drive letters.

Installable drivers in the CONFIG.SYS file

To control external devices, standard (built-in) and downloadable (installed) drivers are used.

Standard drivers BIOS ensure the operation of a standard computer configuration, which includes: a monitor, hard and floppy drives, a keyboard, and external communication ports.

Downloadable drivers allow you to connect additional devices, such as a mouse, laser disk drive, laser printer, etc. In addition, drivers can provide additional settings for standard devices, for example, a localization driver for a standard keyboard with a Latin font.

Let's get acquainted with the purpose of the most commonly used drivers included with the MS DOS 6.22 operating system:

Example 9.40. Consider the CONFIG.SYS file option


Operating system boot algorithm Basic input/output system BIOS Basic module of disk operating system MSDOS.SYS Access Driver: loaded standard Device driver Loader (BOOT RECORD) Operating system loading Directory entry Hierarchical directory structure File name Directory Current (active) directory Passive directory Directory empty Command Resident command Transit command Command line Command processor COMMAND.COM Command file Command file AUTOEXEC.BAT Commands for working with disks Commands for working with directories Commands for working with files Module Extension module IO.SYS Modular structure of the operating system Operating system Reloading the operating system Subdirectory Full file name Interrupts: hardware logical software Operating system prompt Path System disk Special file attributes File specification: short form full form File allocation table ( FAT table) File type Utility File Configuration file CONFIG.SYS File system Disk file structure Command format File name pattern


1. The role and purpose of the operating system.

2. What is a file and what are its characteristics?

3. How are the file name and full file name formed?

4. Ways to access a group of files. When is a file specification used?

5. What is a directory and what is its purpose in a file system?

6. The role of the file system.

7. What is included in the concept of disk file structure?

8. What is a main directory, parent directory, subdirectory? Examples.

9. Why is the concept of a path introduced and what does the operating system prompt indicate?

10. How does the operating system differentiate between where it should search for a file, from the main directory or from the current directory, and what does the entry C:\T1\T2\K1\AST.TXT mean?

11. What main modules does the MS DOS operating system consist of?

12. Where is the MS DOS operating system located on the disk?

13. How is the MS DOS operating system located in RAM?

14. How to reload the operating system into RAM?

15. Tell us about the algorithm for loading the MS DOS operating system into RAM.

16. What are the functions of the permanent BIOS module?

17. What are the functions of the IO.SYS expansion module?

18. What are the functions of the basic module of the disk operating system MSDOS.SYS?

19. What are the functions of the COMMAND.COM command processor?

20. What are the functions of the bootloader?

21. What is the command format and how to write it?

22. What types of commands do you know based on the method of implementation and what is their difference?

23. What does it mean to classify commands by function and what groups of commands do you know?

24. Why is the DIR command needed and what is the purpose of the /P, /W parameters? Examples.

25. Write a command to view a passive directory.

26. What condition must be met when deleting a directory?

27. Is it possible to create a 2nd level directory if you are in a 3rd level directory?

28. Give an example of a command to move from the current directory to a lower-level directory.

29. Write a command to move to the parent directory, the main directory.

30. What does the TYPE command determine when a text file is sent to a printer?

31. Write the TYPE command for the A.TXT file, which is located:

in a subdirectory;

in a 2nd level directory of another branch of the directory hierarchy.

32. How to delete one file, all files?

33. How to copy a file from the current directory to a directory on another branch? What will change in the command if the copy is carried out at the same time as the file is renamed?

34. Write a command to merge two files.

35. How to replace a file with characters entered from the keyboard?

36. How to print the contents of a file using the COPY command?

37. COPY command capabilities.

38. What is the FORMAT command for and how to use it?

39. How to create a disk backup and check the correctness of this procedure?

40. What operating system commands do you know besides the basic ones?

41. When does a prompt appear when loading the operating system to reset the date and time?

42. What is a batch file and what are the rules for creating it?

43. Explain the rules for creating and using the AUTOEXEC.BAT configuration file. Give an example.

44. Explain the rules for creating and using the CONFIG.SYS configuration file. Give an example.


1. Bogumirsky B.S. . Personal Computer User's Guide. In 2 volumes - St. Petersburg: OILCO Association, 1992.

2. Bogumirsky B.S. MS-DOS 6.2. New opportunities for the user. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1994.

3. Bryabrin V.M. Personal computer software. - M.: Nauka, 1988.

4. Deitel G. Introduction to operating systems: In 2 volumes: Transl. from English - M.: Mir, 1987.

5. Jordain R. Programmer's Handbook for personal computers such as IBM PC, XT and AT. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1991.

6.Makarova N.V., Gurevich V.I. We work on a personal computer of a single system. - L.: Mechanical Engineering, Leningrad. department, 1989.

7. Figurnov V.E. IBM PC for the user. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1990.

8. Fodor J., Boniface D., Tanguy J. . Operating systems for IBM PC / Transl. from French - M., 1989.

9. Chizhov A.A. PC system software: Directory. - M.: Finance and Statistics, SP Paragraph, 1990.

Configuration file CONFIG.SYS A comfortable working environment for the PC user can be created as a result of thoughtful configuration and initial setup of the system. DOS makes it possible, when starting the machine, to automatically set certain initial conditions that affect the user’s further work. This is done using the contents of two special files: CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. The specified files, if they are present in the root directory of the system disk, are processed whenever the machine is turned on or restarted. Using the CONFIG.SYS configuration file, you can expand the operating system and change some parameters that affect the operation of external devices. One of the most important features of DOS is the ability to add new external devices and connect special programs to control their operation. These programs, called external device drivers, can be included in the system by listing them in the CONFIG.SYS file. In addition, in the configuration file you can specify how many files in the system can be opened simultaneously, set the number of buffers for exchanges with external drives and some other parameters. Example. Let's look at a typical CONFIG.SYS file: break=on flles=30 device=C:\sys\ device=C:\sys\vdisk.sys 20 device=C:\sys\ansi.sys device=C:\ sys\mouse.sysThe first line uses the expression BREAK=ON to set the mode in which the user will be able to interrupt any running program under certain conditions. To do this, an interrupt command is given, called by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl and Break control keys. A running program will be interrupted if these keys are pressed while performing input/output operations (including printing to a printer, exchange with disks, etc.). In the second line, the FILES=30 command sets that the number of simultaneously open files can reach 30. The next four lines have the same appearance and contain commands for connecting additional external devices to DOS. On the right side of each expression, after the equal sign, the name of the file that is the driver of the new device is specified: RK.COM - a driver that provides reception from the keyboard and display of letters of the Russian alphabet; VDISK.SYS - driver of a virtual disk created in RAM; ANSI.SYS - driver for advanced keyboard and display control; MOUSE.SYS - mouse driver. In addition to the commands specified in the example, in the configuration file you can set a non-standard number of buffers for exchanging information with disk drives. Setting the number of buffers is done using an expression of the form; BUFFERS = (number of buffers) Another option allows you to specify the name of a file that will play the role of a non-standard command processor (instead of the standard COMMAND.COM file). This indication is carried out using an expression of the form: SNELL = (file_name_with_new_command_processor) Thus, using the CONFIG.SYS configuration file, the user can set his own, non-standard capabilities that are valid during the current work session.

Batch files Batch files belong to the executable file category. Such files are supplied with the type .BAT (from the English word batch - pack). Launching a batch file is carried out in exactly the same way as launching a COM or EXE file: specify the file name without extension and, if required, parameters. The role of batch files is special. They can contain a whole group of DOS commands or calls to application programs that are executed sequentially or in a more complex manner. A command file, unlike the other two types of executable files, does not contain machine code of the program, but text that is interpreted by the DOS command processor. Thus, in form it is a regular text file. Its lines can be: built-in DOS commands, calls to executable programs, calls to other command files, special commands for controlling screen output, special commands for organizing branches and loops, labels. All these constructions (with the exception of labels) can not only appear in command files, but also simply entered by the user from the keyboard. However, in practical work, only commands of the first three types are entered by the user, and the remaining constructs, including labels, serve mainly for creating non-trivial command files. Let's consider several simple examples of using command files. Example 1. Let's say our regular work is carried out in the WORK directory, but from time to time we want to go to the GRAPH directory, launch the VICONT graphics package there, and after finishing working with this program, return to the WORK directory. The sequence of commands should be as follows: cd \GRAPH VICONT cd \WORK This sequence can be placed using a text editor in a command file. Each command must appear on a separate line. Let's give this file the name V.BAT. It is enough now to set the name of this file as one command - V, and the several commands contained in it will begin to be interpreted one after another, saving us from having to enter their text from the keyboard. The first command will change the directory, and the second will immerse us in the operating environment of the VICONT system. When, after completing the necessary steps, we are finally done with VICONT, control returns to the batch file. Executing the third command will return us to the WORK directory. Note that when each command is executed in this example, a prompt is printed on the screen, then the text of the command itself (echo) and, finally, the result of its operation. Example 2. Let's say we want to minimize the number of manipulations to create the necessary working environment when starting the system. We can force DOS to automatically carry out all the necessary preparation of the operating environment using a batch file like the following; echo off mode co80 path C:\;C:\EXE;C:\TURBO cd \WORK turbo Giving this file a name, for example, START. BAT, we will save ourselves from a systematic set of these commands: it is enough to type only the word START. The first command of this file, ECHO OFF, disables echo, that is, it blocks the display of DOS prompts and the texts of subsequent commands. The next three commands configure the necessary parameters (setting the display mode, setting alternative routes and working directory), and the last command starts the TURBO Pascal system. Example 3. To prepare the printer for printing Russian text, we can use a special font loading program, access to which looks like: LFONT 0. Before starting this program, we need to do preparatory steps - turn on the printer, insert paper. You can create a small batch file that will display a notification and then run the LFONT program with the specified parameter. This file looks like this: echo off echo Turn on the printer, insert paper echo The Russian font will be loaded pause lfont 0 Let's give this file the name LF.BAT. To load a Russian font, just type the LF command. Execution of this command file begins, as in the previous example, with the ECHO OFF command. The following two ECHO commands display messages specified in the file as text strings - command arguments: “Turn on the printer, insert paper” and “Russian font will be loaded.” The fourth command, PAUSE, pauses further processing of the LF file until the user presses a key. The pause is needed so that you can slowly turn on the printer and load the paper. Finally, the last command runs the LFONT program. In the last example, the ECHO and PAUSE commands were used to control the display of information on the screen. This category also includes the REM command, which is used to add a comment to the text of a command file. The line following sa with the REM character is not interpreted by the command processor in any way - it is used only for clarification to the user. Using the REM command, it is convenient to block the execution of certain commands without removing them from the text of the command file. Using the ECHO, PAUSE, and REM commands is only useful in batch files; entering them from the keyboard for direct execution does not make much sense. There are other commands that are primarily intended for use in batch files. These include: GOTO - unconditional jump (to a label); IF - condition checking and branching; FOR - control of repeated execution of commands; SHIFT - shift the list of formal parameters. Let us note another important property of command files - the ability to use formal parameters inside them. To explain this possibility, let's look again at the first example. Let's say we would like to use the same sequence of commands given in example 1 to launch different subsystems. Then you can modify the above text of the V.BAT file by replacing the directory name GRAPH and the name of the called program VICONT with formal parameters. The command file then takes the form: cd \%1 %2 cd \WORK The symbols %1 and %2 denote formal parameters, instead of which, when accessing the V.BAT file, the actual parameters specified on the command line will be substituted in text form. An appeal to V.BAT can look like: V graph vicont The lines graph and vicont will take the place of parameters %1 and %2, respectively, resulting in exactly the same text as in example 1. However, the new command file, unlike the previous one , can be used to launch other subsystems, for example: V ss symph or V ww word In the first case, the symph program will be called from the SS directory, in the second case, the word system will be called from the WW directory.

Advanced batch files Let's look at the action of special commands that allow you to control the interpretation of batch files. These include the GOTO, IF, FOR, SHIFT commands, as well as the EXIT command, which plays a special role when calling command files recursively. GOTO command. Allows you to transfer control to a label and thereby re-execute sections of the command file or, conversely, bypass some sections (which usually makes sense in combination with the IF branch command). Example 1. Let the command file PR.BAT look like echo off:m1 echo Outputting the file %1 to the printer echo To stop, press Ctrl-C copy %1 prn pause goto m1 In this example, the second line contains the label m1 (the sign of the label is the colon in the beginning of the line), and the last line is a command to move to this label. Four commands inside the repeatable section of the command file are used to display explanatory messages on the screen (ECHO commands) and copy to a printer (i.e., print) a file whose name is substituted in place of the formal parameter %1. The PAUSE command pauses execution so that the user can look around and either interrupt the work or continue further. Let's say the user gives the command from the terminal: pr spectr.doc Then cyclic execution of the PR file begins. BAT with the actual parameter SPECTR.DOC. Copies of this text file will begin to be output to the printer one after another, interrupted by pauses after each copy. The user can interrupt the execution of this command file by pressing the Ctrl and C keys simultaneously. IF command. Allows you to check a condition and execute a command depending on the result of its verification. What can be set as a condition? There are three possibilities for this: 1. Checking the exit code of the program that ran before the IF statement. In this case, at the beginning of the IF statement, a construction of the following form is used: IF ERRORLEVEL "N" Any program can, using a special DOS interrupt, generate a so-called termination code at the moment of its termination. This code is compared with the number N. The condition is considered satisfied (true) if the generated exit code is equal to or greater than the specified number N. 2. Checking the presence of the file in the directory. In this case, the beginning of the IF statement looks like; IF EXIST (filename) In this case, the IF command checks whether a file with the given name actually exists in the specified or current directory. When a file is found, the condition is considered fulfilled. 3. Comparison of two strings, which, in particular, can be specified through formal parameters. The corresponding design may look like; IF %(N)=(text_string) Here the value of the formal parameter %(N) is matched to a specific string. If two strings match absolutely, the condition is considered fulfilled. FOR command. Provides cyclic execution of DOS commands. In this case, you can specify a formal parameter and a list of actual parameters (usually file names), which are sequentially substituted instead of the formal parameter in the text of the executable command. Example 2. Let there be a need to systematically copy the files PROG.PAS, PROG.OBJ and PROG.EXE from the working directory to drive D:. To this end, you can issue the command in the appropriate command file: for %%A in (PAS OBJ EXE) do copy PROG.%%A D: Here the formal parameter %%A is sequentially matched with the list of actual parameters in parentheses and used by the COPY command, which in this case it is performed 3 times in a row. By substituting another formal parameter %1 as the second parameter of the COPY command instead of the name D:, you can change the purpose of copying by specifying it from the terminal. SHIFT command. Causes a shift of the list of formal parameters relative to the list of actual parameters. So, if the formal parameters %1 and %2 appear in the command file, and the actual parameters A, B, C, D appear in the call to the command file, then first the correspondence between the formal and actual parameters looks like this: %1=A %2= B A single application of the SHIFT command gives the following correspondence: %1=B %2=C A double application causes a further shift: %1=C %2=D Example 3. Consider the inverse problem of example 2, namely, you need to copy to disk D: files whose names the user will enter from the terminal. This problem can be solved by a command file of the following form: echo оff:1ор copy %1 D: shift goto loop If you name this file D.BAT and call it with an arbitrary number of arguments: d f.1 f.2 f.3 f.4 f.5 then the formal parameter %1 will be sequentially assigned the values ​​f.1, f.2, f.3, f.4, f.5 and the COPY and SHIFT commands will be cyclically executed. After running out of actual parameters, the COPY command will generate an error because its first argument will be missing. At this point, the user will be able to abort the command file by pressing the Ctrl and C keys. The SHIFT command is also used in cases where the number of parameters in the command file exceeds 9, since only formal parameters %0 to %9 can be addressed in the command file.

Autorun file AUTOEXEC.BATFrom the point of view of the information contained in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it is a regular batch file. However, it plays a special role because during the initial startup and initialization of the system, following the processing of CONFIG.SYS, the operating system tries to find the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the root directory of the system disk and begins processing it automatically, without any prompting from the user. It is convenient to enter various commands into the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that will carry out all the necessary system settings. Example. Consider the following file AUTOEXEC.BAT: echo off path C;\;C:\EXE prompt $p$g set ABC=C:\ABC ver fkeys.bat Starting from the second line of this file, there are commands that ensure the creation of a specific operating environment. Let's look at them in order. 1. The PATH command sets alternative routes to search for executable files. In the example, one of the routes points to a system subdirectory named EXE. In addition, the root directory of the C: drive is indicated as a possible location for the programs used. In some cases, application programs use directories named BIN. In this case, it is useful to specify its name in the PATH command. For users who frequently access a single programming system or application system (such as Turbo Pascal), it may be useful to include the name of the appropriate subdirectory among the alternative routes. 2. The PROMPT command specifies the DOS prompt format. The invitation format is specified by the command parameter - a string consisting of regular text and special control characters. Control characters are prefixed with the $ sign, which distinguishes them from ordinary characters.

config.Sys File Commands

The following commands can only be used in CONFIG.SYS:

BUFFERS= n [ , m ]

Sets the number of disk I/O buffers that will be created and used by DOS.


Sets the maximum number of simultaneously open files (8-255, default 8).

COUNTRY = with [, [,file]]

Configures DOS for use in a given country by setting the country's date and time format

STACKS = n, s

Sets the number of stacks n (0-64) and their size s (0-512 bytes) for hardware interrupts

SHELL = file [args] [switches]

Provides configuration and replacement of standard CI with a new one

SWITCHES = [switches]

Specifies special options for MS-DOS


Specifies a list of valid logical drive names for the SUBST command

DEVICE = file [args] [switches]

Designed to connect external device drivers


Designed to load resident DOS modules into high memory and provide DOS communication with high memory

DEVICEHIGH ] = file [arguments] [switches]

Designed to load an external driver not into standard, but into upper memory

General commands

These commands can be used in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, as well as on the DOS command line:

Autoexec.Bat File Commands

This file can include any general purpose DOS commands, as well as any batch (batch) file commands. But it is advisable to use a number of other commands:

MODEdeviceCP PREPARE = ​​((cp [,cp]...) file)

Designed to prepare the cp code page

MODEdeviceCP SELECT = cp

Serves to load the prepared page into the character generator of a specific device

KEYB [code [,cp] [,file]]

Designed to configure the keyboard to the national alphabet

LOADHIGH | LH ] file

Designed to load a resident program not into standard memory, but into upper memory

MSCDEX /D:driver[keys]

Organizes access to CD-ROM drives specified by driver specifications as logical drives with the FAT file system

Loads the mouse driver into memory, which is a resident program and is located in the external file

7 . TeamLASTDRIVE = d

Specifies a list of valid logical drive names for the SUBST command. Indicates that letters A through can be used d inclusive.

8 . Command DEVICE = file [arguments] [switches]

Designed for connecting external device drivers.

Drivers are usually formatted in the usual way and have a sys, bin or com extension. In the latter case, the driver is connected in the Autoexec.bat file, For example , mouse driver.

9 . TeamDOS = HIGH | UMB | HIGH, UMB

Designed to load resident DOS modules into high memory and provide DOS communication with high memory.

The HIGH argument specifies moving resident DOS modules from standard memory to high memory, if available. Otherwise, these modules remain in standard memory. The default is LOW, which instructs resident DOS modules to remain in standard memory.

The UMB argument specifies that DOS should provide a link to the upper memory generated by the Emm386.exe driver. When the upper memory is not formed, this argument is ignored.

The NOUMB argument disables DOS high-memory organization and is accepted by default.

Note: The DOS command can only be used in the Config.sys file; the Config.sys file may contain one or two DOS commands that do not contradict each other; moving resident DOS modules to high memory frees up to 60K of standard memory;


10. Command DEVICEHIGH ] = file [arguments] [switches]

Designed to load an external driver not into standard memory, but into upper memory.

The DEVICEHIGH command is analogous to the DEVICE configuration command, however, it loads the driver not into standard memory, but into upper memory and provides the user with clarification of the loading location of this driver using the /L key.

1). The PC must have upper memory configured; 2). DOS communication with the upper memory must be ensured; 3). There must be at least one free block in the upper memory that is large enough to accommodate the driver.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, then the DEVICEHIGH command is executed in exactly the same way as its counterpart, the DEVICE command, loading the driver into standard memory and connecting it to the system.

When the /L switch is not specified, the driver is loaded into the largest free block of upper memory. This switch allows you to specify the region of upper memory in which the driver should be loaded. Upper memory regions are numbered with integers starting from 1. Standard memory is considered to be region number 0. You can get the numbers of regions that have free memory blocks by executing the MEM command with the /FREE switch.

The size of the driver immediately after it is loaded into memory is called the driver boot size. It usually matches the length of the file containing the driver. Sometimes this size changes during driver operation. It can be larger than the original if it is expanded due to information objects created by the driver. Or it may decrease after performing actions related to module initialization.

To prevent driver “swelling” from leading to system crash due to lack of adjacent free memory, the /L switch allows you to specify the second number s1, which determines the minimum size of the free block into which the driver can be loaded.

The /S switch ensures that the memory allocated to the driver is truncated after it is loaded in the most efficient manner. used only in conjunction with indicating the number s1.

Example: team


- loads the CD-ROM driver into the first region if it has a free block of at least 18160 bytes in size.

Note: This command can only produce the expected results when it is given after the DEVICE command that allows the Emm386.exe driver to connect to the system; this command does not load resident programs into upper memory;

In this example, the string $p$g as a parameter to the PROMPT command produces the prompt that is most frequently used. It contains the name of the current directory and looks, for example, like this: C:\WORK> If the line were of the form $t $d $b $p$g, then the prompt would include rather long messages about the time and date: 13: 55:34.05 Mon 11 - 26 - 98 | C:\WORK) The PROMPT command can also issue other information parameters, for example, user name, organization name, etc. 3. The SET command allows you to enter various names with parameters into the system operating environment, which can then be used by application programs. A typical use of such parameters is to specify the names of the directories where all the working files for a given application system (for example, a database or text editor) should be located. In the example under consideration, the SET command enters the name ABC with the parameter C:\ABC, which is an indication to the word processor where to get auxiliary files (fonts, drivers, etc.). The PATH and PROMPT commands discussed above also codify the environment, but with respect to fixed names (namely, they set parameters for the PATH and PROMPT names). The SET command allows you to do the same for arbitrary names, and can thus be considered a generalization of the commands discussed above. The SET command can be used, for example, to specify a directory dedicated to serving a specific application program. 4. The RKVGA.COM team launches a font cracker. 5. The VER command in the sixth line of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is a built-in DOS command. Its task is very simple - to display a message on the screen about the version number of the operating system. 6. The last command in the autorun file, FKEYS.BAT, calls another command file, FKEYS.BAT, which redefines some function keys to allow the user to quickly type some frequently used commands. Thus, the considered autorun file contains commands with the help of which a certain operating environment is created that facilitates convenient further work for the user. Often, screen control commands are also inserted into the autorun file in order to make color screensavers, display messages, etc. before starting work. The MODE command is also used to set screen, printer and communication channel parameters, as well as the ASSIGN command to reassign logical drive names.

Controlling external devices Some DOS commands allow you to control the way your computer and peripheral devices operate. One of these commands is the Mode command. The Mode command is a multi-purpose command, but all its goals have the same meaning, with slight variations: changing the operating mode of the equipment. Typically, this command is used in the autorun file Autoexec.bat so that the reconfiguration of the operation of peripheral devices is performed automatically every time the operating system boots. The Mode command is used for the following purposes: - setting printer operating modes; - setting monitor screen modes; - setting the operating modes of the PC serial port; - preparation for operation of a serial printer; - installation or replacement of the code page (when working in alternative languages); - obtaining information about the current settings of equipment modes; - setting the frequency of repetition of the pressed key input. For detailed information on how to use the Mode command in specific cases, consult your DOS reference documentation. You can also control the monitor screen using the ANSI.SYS driver - a special program that connects to DOS through the CONFIG.SYS configuration file. This sub-2K driver provides additional display control functions: setting character and background colors, cursor positioning, redefining characters entered from the keyboard, etc. The implementation of these functions is carried out using the following technique - special control sequences of characters (the so-called Esc sequences) are sent to the driver, which force it to perform certain operations.

Let's look at connecting the main device drivers.

, EMM386.EXE), screen (ANSI.SYS, DISPLAY.SYS), CD-ROM drive, etc.


Under DOS, CONFIG.SYS is processed by the system kernel IO.SYS. After processing CONFIG.SYS, the MSDOS.SYS file is loaded and the command line interpreter specified by the shell= directive in CONFIG.SYS or, in the absence of this directive, COMMAND.COM . The command interpreter is already responsible for executing the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

This occurs in all versions of DOS up to MS-DOS 7.x (which Windows 95 and Windows 98 are based on). Also, starting with MS-DOS 6.0, it became possible to skip CONFIG.SYS processing using function keys F5 and F8 , but this feature can be disabled using the switches= directive in the same file. IN previous versions MS-DOS (before version 6.0) there was no way to bypass processing CONFIG.SYS when loading, as a result, a spelling error (for example, specifying a regular executable file instead of a driver) could lead to fatal crashes and the inability to boot, and booting from removable media (floppy disk) was required for recovery.

Windows NT does not use the CONFIG.SYS file.

In operating systems of the OS/2 family, the CONFIG.SYS file is used at various stages of loading by the OS2LDR kernel loader, the OS2KRNL kernel, as well as a number of other system components, depending on the current system configuration.

config.nt file

In operating systems of the Windows NT family, the CONFIG.SYS file is not used, and when starting DOS sessions (to launch applications written for DOS in emulation mode), the file is used instead config.nt. This file should be located in %systemroot%\System32 and its syntax is similar to CONFIG.SYS.

CONFIG.SYS in DOS clones

DOS clones, in addition to the CONFIG.SYS file, can use files with other names, which makes coexistence easier different versions DOS on one disk. For example, in the free operating system FreeDOS CONFIG.SYS is searched only if the file FDCONFIG.SYS is not found, and in some versions of DR-DOS the file DCONFIG.SYS is searched.

It should be noted that the syntax of CONFIG.SYS in FreeDOS differs from the syntax in MS-DOS - namely, FreeDOS has a different syntax for organizing the boot menu.


CONFIG.SYS has its own special syntax. Basically, it consists of directives of the form command=value (or the same thing, but without the equal sign - for example, numlock off). List of some commonly used CONFIG.SYS commands:

Team Description
; Comment line
break Sets the behavior of the system when pressing the Ctrl + C combination while programs are running
buffers Reserves space for the specified number of disk buffers
country Sets regional settings (date and time format, currency name, sort order, etc.)
device Loads the driver
devicehigh Loads the driver into the UMB
dos DOS boot options (for example, moving part of the kernel to HMA)
fcbs How many FCBs can be opened at the same time?
files How many files can you open at the same time?
install Loads a resident program (regular executable module not in driver format)
installhigh Loads a resident program into UMB
lastdrive Specifies the last letter available for assignment to drives
numlock Sets the state of the Num Lock switch
rem Comment line
set Sets the value of an environment variable
shell Specifies a command line interpreter other than and/or its options
stacks Reserves space for hardware interrupt stacks
switches Additional options downloads

Also, immediately after the command you can put a question mark ("?", for example dos?=high) - in this case, confirmation of execution is requested before executing the directive.

Some obsolete or undocumented commands:

Some commands specific to OS/2 only:

Team Description
autofail Suppresses hardware error messages
basedev Loads basic drivers devices
cache Controls HPFS file system caching
dllbasing Improves use virtual memory
dumpprocess Activates dump dump
iopl Controls access to security rings
libpath Controls the search for dynamic libraries (DLLs)
maxwait Pause before giving a task top priority
memman Manages swapping
priority Controls the priority of subtasks
protectonly When set to yes, prevents DOS or Windows applications from running
rmsize Sets available memory for DOS session
threads Sets the number of subtasks
vme Disables 486DX2 processor virtual mode extensions

Multiple configurations and menus

Starting with MS-DOS 6.0, it became possible in CONFIG.SYS to group directives into sections and describe menus. Sections allow you to set several configurations, and the menu allows you to select one of them when the system boots. The section starts with the section name in square brackets [<имя секции>] and ends with the beginning of the next section (or the end of the file). In this case, the section is used to describe the menu, and the section is processed before processing any configuration selected in the menu. The following commands have been added to CONFIG.SYS to set the menu:

When you select a menu item, the section name specified in this item is saved in the CONFIG environment variable. This allows the goto %CONFIG% and if "%CONFIG%"== commands in AUTOEXEC.BAT (and other batch files) to perform different actions depending on the boot configuration selection.

CONFIG.SYS file examples

numlock = off break = on dos = high,umb country = 7,c:\dos\country.sys files = 40 device = c:\dos\himem.sys device = c:\dos\emm386.exe ram i=b000 -b7ff shell = /p /e:512

Example CONFIG.SYS with menu:

Menuitem=WIN, Windows menuitem=XMS, DOS with only Extended Memory menudefault=WIN, 10 dos=high,umb country=7,c:\dos\country.sys device=c:\dos\himem.sys shell=command. com /e:512 /p device=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram devicehigh=c:\windows\mouse.sys devicehigh=c:\dos\setver.exe device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems

Example CONFIG.SYS with FreeDOS style menu:

screen=0x12 MENU Please Select Configuration: MENU MENU Option 0 basic stuff only MENU Option 1 CD-ROM MENU Option 2 TROUSERS MENU Option 3 CD-ROM and TROUSERS device=c:\dos\himem.exe device=c:\dos\ emm386.exe dos=high,umb country=7,c:\dos\country.sys shell=c:\dos\ /p /e:512 /p 13? DEVICE=CDROM.SYS /D:CDDRIVE1 23? DEVICE=TROUSERS.SYS 0? ECHO Warning: basic stuff only!

  • Among all the .sys files that come with MS-DOS, CONFIG.SYS is the only text file that can be modified by users.

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  1. (English) . Microsoft (November 16, 1999). Retrieved December 21, 2008. .
  2. (English) . Microsoft (January 27, 2007). Retrieved December 21, 2008. .
  3. (English) . Microsoft (January 27, 2007). Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  4. Reines.(English) (inaccessible link - )(August 15, 2000). Retrieved December 21, 2008. .
  5. (English) . TechNet Library. Microsoft. - Environment for Windows 3.x, MS-DOS and OS/2 applications on Windows NT. Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  6. (English) . Microsoft (June 28, 2005). Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  7. (English) . Microsoft (May 10, 2007). Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  8. MDGx/AXCEL216.(English) . Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 + DOS 7.xx/8.00 Tricks + Secrets Files. Retrieved June 7, 2009.
  9. (English) . Microsoft (January 23, 2007). - “The Jo.sys file is used by Windows 98 andWindows Me in a dual-boot environment with MS-DOS" Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  10. See also: (English) (March 12, 2002, version 1.4). - Alternative option JO.SYS. Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  11. (English) (inaccessible link - ). Retrieved July 10, 2008. .
  12. (English) . Retrieved July 10, 2008. .
  13. (English) . Retrieved July 10, 2008. .
  14. (English) . Microsoft (January 24, 2007). - A copy of the CONFIG.TXT file that came with Windows 98. Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  15. (English) . TechNet Library. Microsoft. Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  16. (English) . TechNet Library. Microsoft (January 21, 2005). - MS-DOS subsystem commands included in Windows Server 2003. Retrieved June 7, 2009. .
  17. (English) . Retrieved July 28, 2008. .
  18. (English) . Retrieved July 29, 2008. .

Excerpt characterizing CONFIG.SYS

– Vladyka never agreed with this, Isidora... Magdalena and Radomir went against his will, revealing this knowledge to people. And I still don’t know which of them was truly right...
– But you saw how greedily the Occitans listened to this Knowledge! And the rest of Europe too! – I exclaimed in surprise.
- Yes... But I also saw something else - how simply they were destroyed... And this means that they were not ready for this.
“But when do you think people will be “ready”?..,” I was indignant. – Or will this never happen?!
– It will happen, my friend... I think. But only when people finally understand that they are able to protect this same Knowledge... - here Sever suddenly smiled like a child. – Magdalena and Radomir lived in the Future, you see... They dreamed of a wonderful One World... A world in which there would be one common Faith, one ruler, one speech... And in spite of everything, they taught... Resisting The Magi... Not obeying the Lord... And with all this, well understanding that even their distant great-grandchildren will probably not yet see this wonderful “single” world. They were just fighting... For the light. For knowledge. For the Earth. This was their Life... And they lived it without betraying.
I again plunged into the past, in which this amazing and unique story still lived...
There was only one sad cloud that cast a shadow on Magdalena’s brightening mood - Vesta was deeply suffering from the loss of Radomir, and no amount of “joy” could distract her from this. Having finally learned about what had happened, she completely closed her little heart from the outside world and experienced her loss alone, not even allowing her beloved mother, the bright Magdalene, to see her. So she wandered around all day, restless, not knowing what to do about this terrible misfortune. There was also no brother nearby, with whom Vesta was accustomed to sharing joy and sorrow. Well, she herself was too young to be able to overcome such a heavy grief, which fell like an exorbitant burden on her fragile children’s shoulders. She wildly missed her beloved, the best dad in the world and could not understand where those cruel people who hated him and who killed him came from?.. His cheerful laughter was no longer heard, their wonderful walks were no longer... There was nothing left at all that was connected with their warm and always joyful communication. And Vesta suffered deeply, like an adult... All she had left was her memory. And she wanted to bring him back alive!.. She was still too young to be content with memories!.. Yes, she remembered very well how, curled up in his strong arms, she listened with bated breath to the most amazing stories, catching every word, afraid to miss the most important... And now her wounded heart demanded it all back! Dad was her fabulous idol... Her amazing world, closed from the rest, in which only the two of them lived... And now this world is gone. Evil people took him away, leaving only a deep wound that she herself could not heal.

All the adult friends around Vesta tried their best to dispel her dejected state, but the little girl did not want to open her grieving heart to anyone. The only one who would probably be able to help was Radan. But he was also far away, along with Svetodar.
However, there was one person with Vesta who tried his best to replace her uncle Radan. And this man’s name was Red Simon - a cheerful Knight with bright red hair. His friends called him this harmlessly because of the unusual color of his hair, and Simon was not at all offended. He was funny and cheerful, always ready to help, and this, indeed, reminded him of the absent Radan. And his friends sincerely loved him for this. He was an “outlet” from troubles, of which there were very, very many in the life of the Templars at that time...
The Red Knight patiently came to Vesta, taking her on exciting long walks every day, gradually becoming a true trusted friend to the baby. And even in little Montsegur they soon got used to it. He became a familiar welcome guest there, whom everyone was glad to see, appreciating his unobtrusive, gentle character and always good mood.
And only Magdalena behaved warily with Simon, although she herself probably would not have been able to explain the reason... She rejoiced more than anyone else, seeing Vesta more and more happy, but at the same time, she could not get rid of an incomprehensible feeling of danger, coming from the side of Knight Simon. She knew that she should only feel gratitude to him, but the feeling of anxiety did not go away. Magdalena sincerely tried not to pay attention to her feelings and only rejoice in Vesta’s mood, strongly hoping that over time her daughter’s pain would gradually subside, just as it began to subside in her... And then only deep, bright sadness would remain in her exhausted heart for the departed, kind father... And there will still be memories... Pure and bitter, as sometimes the purest and brightest LIFE is bitter...

Svetodar often wrote messages to his mother, and one of the Knights of the Temple, who guarded him together with Radan in distant Spain, took these messages to the Valley of the Magicians, from where news with the latest news was immediately sent. So they lived, not seeing each other, and could only hope that someday that happy day would come when they would all meet together at least for a moment... But, unfortunately, then they did not yet know that this happy day it will never happen for them...
All these years after the loss of Radomir, Magdalena nurtured a cherished dream in her heart - to someday go to the distant Northern country to see the land of her ancestors and bow there to the house of Radomir... Bow to the land that raised the person dearest to her. She also wanted to take the Key of the Gods there. Because she knew that it would be right... Her native land would save HIM for people much more reliably than she herself was trying to do.
But life ran, as always, too quickly, and Magdalena still had no time left to carry out her plans. And eight years after the death of Radomir, trouble came... Sharply feeling its approach, Magdalena suffered, unable to understand the reason. Even being the strongest Sorceress, she could not see her Fate, no matter how much she wanted it. Her Fate was hidden from her, since she was obliged to live her life fully, no matter how difficult or cruel it was...
- How is it, mother, that all Sorcerers and Sorceresses are closed to their Fate? But why?.. – Anna was indignant.
“I think this is so because we don’t try to change what is destined for us, honey,” I answered not too confidently.
As far as I could remember, from an early age I was outraged by this injustice! Why did we, the Knowers, need such a test? Why couldn’t we get away from him if we knew how?.. But, apparently, no one was going to answer this to us. This was our Life, and we had to live it the way it was outlined for us by someone. But we could have made her happy so easily if those “above” had allowed us to see our Fate!.. But, unfortunately, I (and even Magdalena!) did not have such an opportunity.
“Also, Magdalene was becoming more and more worried about the unusual rumors that were spreading...” Sever continued. – Strange “Cathars” suddenly began to appear among her students, quietly calling on the others to “bloodless” and “good” teaching. What that meant was that they called to live without struggle and resistance. This was strange, and certainly did not reflect the teachings of Magdalene and Radomir. She felt there was a catch in this, she felt danger, but for some reason she could not meet at least one of the “new” Cathars... Anxiety grew in Magdalena’s soul... Someone really wanted to make the Cathars helpless!.. To sow in their brave doubt in the hearts. But who needed it? Church?.. She knew and remembered how quickly even the strongest and most beautiful powers perished, as soon as they gave up the fight for just a moment, relying on the friendliness of others!.. The world was still too imperfect... And it was necessary to be able to fight for your home, for your beliefs, for your children and even for love. This is why the Magdalene Cathars were warriors from the very beginning, and this was completely in accordance with her teachings. After all, she never created a gathering of humble and helpless “lambs”; on the contrary, Magdalene created a powerful society of Battle Mages, whose purpose was to KNOW, and also to protect their land and those living on it.
That is why the real Cathars, the Knights of the Temple, were courageous and strong people who proudly carried the Great Knowledge of the Immortals.

Seeing my protesting gesture, Sever smiled.
– Don’t be surprised, my friend, as you know, everything on Earth is natural as before - true History is still being rewritten over time, the brightest people are still being reshaped... It was so, and I think it will always be so... That is why, just like from Radomir, from the warlike and proud first (and present!) Qatar, today, unfortunately, only the helpless Teaching of Love, built on self-denial, remains.
– But they really didn’t resist, Sever! They had no right to kill! I read about this in Esclarmonde’s diary!.. And you yourself told me about it.

– No, my friend, Esclarmonde was already one of the “new” Cathars. I will explain to you... Forgive me, I did not reveal to you the true reason for the death of this wonderful people. But I never opened it to anyone. Again, apparently, the “truth” of the old Meteora is telling... It has settled too deeply in me...
Yes, Isidora, Magdalene taught Faith in Goodness, taught Love and Light. But she also taught FIGHT, for the same goodness and light! Like Radomir, she taught perseverance and courage. After all, it was to her that after the death of Radomir, knights from all over Europe of that time strove, since it was in her that they felt Radomir’s brave heart. Do you remember, Isidora, from the very beginning of his life, when he was very young, Radomir called for a fight? Called to fight for the future, for children, for Life?
That is why, the first Knights of the Temple, obeying the will of Magdalene, over the years recruited faithful and reliable help - Occitan warrior knights, and they, in turn, helped them teach ordinary villagers the art of war in case of special need or unexpected disaster. The ranks of the Templars grew rapidly, accepting the willing and worthy into their family. Soon almost all the men from the aristocratic Occitan families belonged to the Temple of Radomir. Those who left for distant countries, at the behest of their families, returned to replenish the brotherhood of the Templars.

Despite their busy lives, the first six Knights of the Temple who came with Magdalene remained her most beloved and most faithful students. Either because they knew Radomir, or for the simple reason that they all lived together for so many years and seemed to have grown into a powerful friendly force, but it was these Templars who were closest to Magdalene’s heart. She shared with them the Knowledge that she did not trust to anyone else.
They were the real Warriors of Radomir...
And they once became the first Perfect Mage of the Valley...
The Perfect ones were excellent warriors and the strongest magicians, Isidora, which made them much stronger than everyone else alive (except for some Magi, of course). Maria trusted them with the lives of her children, trusted herself. And then one day, feeling something was wrong, in order to avoid any trouble, she decided to entrust them with the secret of the Key of the Gods... Which, as it turned out later, was a cruel and irreparable mistake that destroyed the Great Empire of Knowledge and Light a century later... Pure and wonderful Empire of Qatar.
A terrible betrayal (with the help of the church) of one of his close friends, after the brutal death of Magdalene, gradually transformed Qatar, turning strong and proud warriors into defenseless and helpless... Making the Empire of the Sun and Light easily vulnerable and accessible. Well, the church, as usually happened at that time, quietly and calmly continued its dirty work, sending dozens of “new” Cathars to Occitania, “confidingly” whispering to others how wonderful their life would be without murder, how pure they would be without shedding blood their bright souls. And the Cathars listened to the beautiful sounding words, completely forgetting what the Golden Mary once taught them...

5.2 Creation system files Autoexec.bat and Config.sys

The CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files play a major role in establishing the DOS configuration. DOS reads from the root directory when booting boot disk files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT and executes the commands contained there.

The CONFIG.SYS file is a text file that contains special teams to configure DOS configuration: connecting various drivers, determining the size of DOS system tables, etc. The commands specified in the CONFIG.SYS file are executed during the DOS boot process.

When the CONFIG.SYS file completes execution, the AUTOEXEC.BAT command file is automatically executed, if present in root directory boot disk. As a rule, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains commands for launching resident programs and other programs that are advisable to run every time DOS boots, as well as commands for setting DOS environment variables (Set command), specifying a list of directories in which programs to be launched are searched ( Path command), and setting the DOS prompt format (Prompt command).

The CONFIG.SYS file contains special commands used when DOS boots up. These commands set DOS parameters and also indicate which drivers (that is, programs that extend the capabilities of the operating system) must be loaded into RAM. The CONFIG.SYS file must be located in the root directory of the disk from which DOS is booted. If the CONFIG.SYS file is not there, the DOS settings will be set to default.

CONFIG.SYS is a text file, most of the lines in this file contain commands that are executed when DOS boots up. These lines look like:

command-name = value

Additionally, the CONFIG.SYS file may contain following lines:

· comments are lines that are ignored when DOS boots up. Comment lines begin with either the ";" character or the "REM" characters (in any case) followed by a space;

· block headers - lines that contain (starting from the first column) the name of the block in square brackets. The block header precedes lines with commands related to this block. Commands from the block may or may not be executed, depending on the user's choice in the start menu.

Executing the CONFIG.SYS file. If there are no block headers in the CONFIG.SYS file, then the commands in this file are executed in turn, in the order in which they are specified in the CONFIG.SYS file. Comment lines are ignored.

If the CONFIG.SYS file contains block headers, then the block must specify the start menu that is displayed at the beginning of the CONFIG.SYS file execution. The user must select one of the items in this menu, after which DOS begins executing the CONFIG.SYS file, but only commands from the block corresponding to the user-selected menu item, as well as from the block, are executed. The contents of other blocks are ignored (as are comment lines). When a block is executed, its commands are executed in turn.

DEVICE = driver_file_name (parameters) - loading the driver into

ordinary memory;

DEVICEHIGH = driver-file-name (parameters) - loading the driver into the upper memory (i.e. into memory with addresses from 640 KB to 1 MB);

INSTALL = full program-name [parameters) - installation of a resident program.

Use of upper memory and intangibles. The DOS command of the CONFIG.SYS file allows you to enable the use of upper memory (UMB), that is, memory with addresses from 640 KB to 1 MB, drivers and resident programs, as well as move part of the system DOS files in the first 64 KB of extended memory (the so-called NMA area). All these measures are intended to free up regular memory for application programs:

DOS=HIGH - move part of the MS DOS code to the first 64 KB of extended memory;

DOS=UMB - allow the use of upper memory blocks (with addresses from 640 KB to 1 MB) for loading drivers and resident programs;

DOS=HIGH,UMB (and also DOS=UMB,HIGH) - equivalent to the DOS=HIGH and DOS=UMB commands.

Commands for setting the sizes of internal DOS structures. A large group of commands in the CONFIG.SYS file is used to specify the characteristics of various internal DOS structures:

BUFFERS = number_buffers - set the number of buffers for disk I/O operations. For a computer without a hard drive, it is recommended to use 4-5 buffers, with a hard drive with a capacity of up to 20 MB - 15-20 buffers, with a hard drive with a capacity of 20-40 MB - 30-40 buffers, over 40 MB - 40 buffers. When caching the hard drive, the number of buffers can be set to a minimum (4-5). Example: Buffers= 8 ;

LASTDRIVE = letter - sets the last letter that can be used as a drive name. Example: LASTDRIVE=Z ;

FILES = number_of_files - setting the maximum number at once open files. When working with some databases, a larger value of the FILES parameter is required - from 50 to 80. Example: FILES=50 ;

FCBS = number of FCBs - sets the number of file control blocks (FCBs) that DOS can open at the same time. FCB blocks (the default number is four) are used mainly in programs designed for very old versions of DOS (before 3.0). Example: FCBS=8 ;

STACKS = number_of_stacks, size_of_stacks - setting the number and size of stacks for processing hardware interrupts. By default, on the original IBM PC and on the IBM PC XT, STACKS=0.0 is accepted, on other computers - STACKS=9.128. If there are insufficient interrupt stacks, DOS may display the message “Stack Overflow” or “Exception error 12” and freeze. In this case, it is necessary to increase the number and/or size of interrupt stacks (for example, STACKS=18, 512). Many new computers work successfully with STACKS=0,0 specified.

Controlling the DOS boot process. The following group of commands is used to control the DOS boot process:

SHELL=full_name_of_file_of_command_processor (parameters) - allows you to specify the name and location of the MS DOS command processor (command interpreter). Typically the command is used in the form

Shell = C:\COMMAND.COM /E:number of bytes /P, which allows you to increase the size of the memory area in which environment variables are stored. The number of bytes specifies the size of this area. If the size of the memory area for storing environment variables is insufficient, then DOS displays the message: “Out of environment space”.


SWITCHES /F /N - skips the two-second pause after the “Starting MS-DOS” message during the DOS boot process and blocks the ability to bypass the execution of commands in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files using the F5 and F8 keys.

Commands for setting various DOS modes. The following group of commands in the CONFIG.SYS file is used to set various DOS modes:

Break = on or Break = off - set or cancel for DOS programs the mode of checking the Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C keys during I/O operations with the disk. This allows programs to be interrupted that would otherwise run to completion. Change this mode You can also subsequently use DOS commands: BREAK ON and BREAK OFF ;

Country = country_code, code_page, full_file_name_COUNTRY.SYS - setting to the rules adopted in the country for displaying time, date and monetary amounts, transfer capital letters to lowercase and vice versa, etc. In MS DOS, starting from version 6.2, settings for Russia are provided: country code 007, code page 866. In previous versions of DOS, the most suitable are country code 049 and code page 437.

country=007,866,c:\exe\msdos\country.sys ;

Numlock = on or Numlock = off - enables or disables locking numeric keypad(i.e. "Num Lock" mode, indicated by the keyboard's "Num Lock" indicator light).

When you boot into DOS, after the CONFIG.SYS file has finished executing, the command file AUTOEXEC.BAT is automatically executed if it is present in the root directory of the boot disk. It is advisable to write commands in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that must be executed every time the operating system boots up. These commands can implement necessary settings operating system and install a convenient working environment.

Typically, the following commands are written to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:

· commands to launch resident programs and other programs that are advisable to run every time DOS boots;

· commands for setting DOS environment variables (SET command);

· the Path command to specify a list of directories in which programs to be launched are searched;

· Prompt command to set the DOS prompt format.

If the AUTOEXEC.BAT file is present, DOS does not ask questions about the current date and time during the boot process.

Setting the list of directories in which programs are searched. Using the DOS Path command, you can set which directories will be searched for executable programs. After entering any command that is not a DOS native command, the program is searched first in the current directory and then in the directories specified in the Path command. Directories in the path command are listed separated by semicolons. Command Format:

path directory-name (; directory-name)...

Directories specified in the Path command are viewed in the same order in which they are specified in the command. In the list of directories specified in this command, you should list the directories in which you are located, separated by semicolons. executable programs general purpose. It is better to specify the more frequently used directories first. It is not advisable to specify many directories in the Path command, as this will lead to a long search on the disk for the required command, especially if there is no disk caching.

Setting the DOS prompt format. To change the appearance of the DOS prompt (that is, the text that indicates that DOS is ready to accept user commands), use the Prompt command. Command format: prompt (text). In the text specified in the Prompt command, you can use special combinations of characters $p, $n, $d, $t, $h, $e, $g, etc. Their meaning is explained in Chapter 16. Thus, the PROMPT $p$ command g sets up a DOS prompt containing information about the current directory and a ">" character, such as C:\W0RK\DOC . This kind of invitation is usually used.

Setting environment variables. DOS has a special area of ​​memory called the environment in which it stores a set of Character Strings that can be used by programs. Each string of characters in the environment has the form variable-name-value, where

variable_name is a character string containing no equal signs or spaces, and value is any character string. The DOS Set command can be used to set environment variables. Command Format:

set variable = value

Here, the variable is any string that does not contain equal signs or spaces, and the value is any string of characters. When executing a command, DOS converts the variable name (but not the value) from lowercase letters to uppercase letters. The most commonly used environment variables are:

TEMP - specifies the name of the directory in which many programs create temporary files; TMP - some old programs create temporary files in the directory specified by the TMP variable;

BLASTER - indicates the parameters of the sound card; without this, some DOS programs cannot work with Sound Blaster-compatible sound cards. For example, SET BLASTER=a330 i9 d1 t2 tells programs that the sound card has a base I/O port of 330, is assigned IRQ number 9, DMA channel 1, and card type is 2 (Sound Blaster Pro compatible);

COMSPEC - Specifies the name and location of the DOS command interpreter (usually COMMAND.COM). The COMSPEC variable is also set by the Shell command in the CONFIG.SYS file (see above).

Launch necessary programs. In the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it is advisable to include commands for launching programs that establish a familiar working environment on the computer. However, you should not overload the AUTOEXEC.BAT file unnecessarily, as this will increase the loading time. It is better to include only commands for launching the most necessary programs, deleting or turning into comments those commands that are no longer needed. Particular attention should be paid to running resident programs, since they occupy such valuable RAM.

The programs that are most commonly included in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file are discussed below.

Loading screen fonts. If the computer's video controller is not Russified in hardware, then to display Russian letters in the text mode of the monitor, you must first load Russian letters into the character generator of the video controller.

Keyboard drivers. In order to DOS programs Since it was possible to enter Russian letters from the keyboard, it is necessary to install a keyboard driver that could switch the keyboard to the mode for entering Russian letters.

MSCDEX program - access to CDs. If your computer has a CD-ROM drive, you must include a call to the MSCDEX.EXE program in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to provide access to the CD-ROMs.

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