Who owns MTS shares? Who owns MTS: interesting information

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, mass collectivization took place in rural areas on the initiative of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the USSR. The process of collectivization and the creation of large socialist-type agricultural enterprises was hampered by the lack of material and technical base in the countryside. The peasants were not interested in working for the state, which uses the physical labor of people without giving practically any payment for it.

What is MTS in the USSR?

In 1929, the situation in the country's agriculture was analyzed. The party leadership once again emphasized that it is necessary to create large agricultural production in the countryside so that the city is provided with bread, cereals and other products. Realizing that the state should provide newly created collective enterprises with equipment to reduce the share of non-mechanized production processes, Stalin positively assessed the work of the first MTS. By the way, what is the abbreviation MTS? The USSR created machine-tractor stations, which were called MTS for short.

History of the creation and development of machine and tractor stations

The first machine and tractor station in the Union was created in 1927. Place of creation - the village of Shevchenkovo, Odessa region, Ukraine. By the way, this is no coincidence, because the Odessa region has always been famous for its abundance of rationalization ideas, which almost immediately after their implementation showed their effectiveness and produced real material results. At the above-mentioned congress, the party positively assessed the activities of the first Soviet MTS.

Stalin saw in the development of a network of tractor stations one of the foundations for the implementation of the party concept of collectivization in agriculture. The task posed by the congress to the leaders of the agricultural sector was to actively cover the entire country with the service station system for tractor equipment. Many party employees personally (there was a tour) saw what MTS is. In the USSR, the number of such enterprises in 1931 was already 1228. Since the pace of collectivization was growing (1932 was the peak of the process of forming collective farms), it was necessary to create new technical enterprises. Analyzing statistical data, we see an increase in the number of MTS more than doubled (to 2886), and in 1934 the state opened about 500 more stations. The party leadership was not going to stop there either, so the next task was set. In 1937 (and we all know what time this is), the number of stations was supposed to be 6000. Of course, the result was achieved, because during the years of mass repression and the heyday of denunciations, failure to comply with party directives was often punishable by camps or execution.

The procedure for interaction between MTS and collective farms

What is MTS in the USSR for the collective farms themselves? In each collective farm, the leaders also saw the need for mechanization of labor, because this led to an increase in labor productivity and crop yields. Without their own equipment, collective farms, represented by MTS, saw support from the state.

How was the collaboration organized? The machine and tractor station owned equipment, the production of which was also constantly growing. Tractors, combines and other equipment were leased to collective farms. Collective farms paid MTS the cost of renting equipment from the money they received for delivering the harvest to the state. In the event of a breakdown of a tractor, combine, or seeder, MTS mechanics came to the collective farm when called, inspected the equipment and repaired it.

Political aspect of MTS activities

In the 1930s, any was directly related to political issues. Each tractor station had a political department headed by a deputy director for political work. The tasks of the department included the management of party organizations of the MTS and the collective farms attached to it. Responsibility for the quality work of MTS was borne not only by the director, but also by the political department. This is not surprising, because any failure in the operation of the economic mechanism in those years was regarded as sabotage, and this was already on the political side.

What MTS is in the USSR is now, we hope, clear to everyone. Without a technical basis, collectivization would most likely have been impossible.

Have you ever wanted to know who owns MTS? Many people use phone numbers with this mobile operator code. After all, MTS is one of the “big three” operators in Russia, along with Beeline and Megafon. The company's customer base numbers millions of people and has long gone beyond classic cellular communications. Under the auspices of MTS, equipment is being created and the scientific and technical base for data transmission is being developed. The company is expanding its range of services to meet customer needs.

general information

Closed joint stock company MTS (Mobile TeleSystems) was officially registered in 1993. Thanks to rapid growth and active attempts to monopolize the market of mobile operators, MTS is currently one of the largest telecommunications companies not only in Russia, but also in the CIS. Now it has many subsidiaries. Even on a global scale, the company is one of the ten most famous.


In recent years, MTS has significantly diversified the scope of its activities. For example, it began to produce phones under its own brand (the only drawback of most of them is that they only support MTS SIM cards). The company has become one of the most valuable brands in Russia. Its cost at the end of 2010 was more than two hundred million rubles.

The company's headquarters is located in Moscow, but MTS branches are located in many cities. Already in 2013, their number exceeded several thousand. About a quarter of these are flagship stores. This is where you can find branded models of mobile devices. A striking example is the touch MTS 970, released several years ago, as well as the MTS 945 GLONASS, which supports a satellite tracking system.

Despite its current greatness, the path the company has taken has not been the easiest. Those who own MTS now understand that the stories of their mobile communications corporation as a whole are closely intertwined.

Way of development

Until the nineties of the last century, no one could have imagined that the 900 MHz frequency range, intended for communication between pilots and military personnel, would not only be used for peaceful purposes, but would serve to create a cellular communications market.

In 1992, a prototype of a modern GSM system was introduced, and later a competition was announced for the ownership of the GSM-900 license. At that moment, a key event for the company occurred. The victory in this competition was won by the monopolistic association Mobile Moscow, which was later renamed MTS.

The rights to the company at that time were divided between OJSC MGTS (Moscow City Telephone Network), the German company DeTeMobil, Siemens and a number of small shareholders. Later, the shares were redistributed several times, but most of them remained in the hands of domestic entrepreneurs, who still own MTS.

The foundation of the company was laid. A new cellular operator was introduced to the world, and network coverage, which in 1994 had only one BSS station, began to rapidly expand. The customer base, initially numbering only a few thousand subscribers, exceeded a million in a few years.

This happened for two main reasons. First, the company moved from large centers to regions, actively expanding the scope of its service in places where there was practically no mobile communication. A recognizable number was spreading more and more throughout the country. MTS quickly captured the market. The success was affected by the effect of novelty, the lack of worthy competition, the expansion of the technical base and the construction of new networks. Those who owned an MTS number found themselves in an advantageous position.

The second reason for economic victories was the active takeover of small companies also providing communication services. This facilitated the legal side of the issue regarding the granting of a license to provide telecommunications services. Thus, a significant amount of shares of the Ukrainian operator UMC was purchased. The corporation grew like a snowball, sweeping away competitors along the way.


In many ways, the development of MTS depended on its leader. It was he who determined the vector along which the company had to move. This is a person for whom the success of the enterprise would come first among all other values.

Leonid Melamed and Mikhail Shamolin

After a global rebranding of the company, as a result of which it acquired its current appearance, Mikhail Shamolin took the helm, replacing Leonid Melamed. The latter did not renounce business and became president of AFK Sistema. But he is interesting not only for this. Melamed is the person who previously owned MTS. He proposed making the familiar red and white egg the symbol of the company, symbolizing the simplicity of its form and promising content.

Shamolin already had behind him not only the Automobile and Highway Institute, but also the knowledge acquired at the Russian Academy of Public Administration.

The School of Business (WBS) in the field of finance and management also influenced him. It was she who prepared the springboard for his career growth: from a position at McKinsey&Co to the managing director of the Ukrainian corporation Interpipe. Next, his path lay in MTS, where he first held the position of vice president of sales, and three years later became president of the company.

Andrey Dubovsky

In the spring of 2011, he was replaced by Andrey Dubovsky. By that time, the businessman was 45 years old, he graduated from VGIK and worked in the telecommunications industry. His disruptive nature also brought him to leadership positions. After working for some time as a director of one of the corporation's branches, he headed the company.

World brand

MTS, as mentioned earlier, is something more than a cellular operator. It was in its stores that sales of BlackBerry and Apple devices began. It was he who significantly influenced the spread of mobile Internet in Russia and the CIS.

In 2008, the corporation was included in the list of the hundred best global brands, and in 2009 it became one of the world giants in the field of cellular communications. By this time, more than 100 million people had become MTS subscribers. The company has passed international certification, as a result of which it has been standardized within the framework of ISO.

Despite the status of the most expensive brand in Russia, those who owned MTS actively interacted with the roaming system, reducing prices for their services. At the same time, the company did not reduce the quality of service, remaining one of the most reliable mobile operators.

She began to actively cooperate with banking systems. Thus, the MTS-Bank service was introduced, which allows you to use your phone as a payment device.

Scandals associated with the company

Such a large corporation could not avoid dark spots in its history. Those who own MTS phone numbers are probably familiar with the scandals and rumors that arise from time to time in the media.

The peak of the hype came in 2010. At that time, some of the old subscribers were affected. Without explaining any reasons, their tariffs were changed by the company itself to less favorable ones. They quickly “ate up” the account and drove subscribers into a state of chronic debt. Those who suffered the most were those whose SIM cards were inactive at that moment. These people were quite surprised to find receipts for debt to the company.

Roaming subscribers also suffered. Money could have been written off from their account just like that, which caused more than one lawsuit.

Criminal cases were brought against the company for introducing paid services without the knowledge of subscribers. This also had an adverse effect on the company's popularity.

How to find out who owns an MTS phone number

It often happens that subscribers receive calls from people they do not know. If a person simply has the wrong number, this is quite acceptable. If an unknown person is too annoying, no one likes it. Of course, such situations arise not only with MTS subscribers. How to find out who owns a phone? This is not as easy to do as it might seem.

The fact is that MTS operators do not have the right to disclose confidential information to private individuals. Only representatives of certain services, for example, the police, can recognize her. If they call you on the MTS number and threaten you, write a statement to the authorities.

You can find out information for a fee using the company directory. To do this, you will need to fill out a special form on the website “number. RU". Another option is to buy a database on the radio market.


MTS strives to diversify the services it provides, responds constructively to criticism, and tries to correct all shortcomings in the work noted by users. In order to not only stay afloat in the world of business related to mobile communications, but also develop successfully, it is necessary to modernize the service, use modern technologies, expand the range of capabilities of phone owners, increase the coverage area, and introduce programs that are interesting for customers. All this is carried out by the company's management and its employees.

Gadget manufacturers

The MTS company provides telecommunications services to the population of the Russian Federation and residents of other states of the former USSR. In recent years, it has also started producing phones under its own brand. In 2010, the company was named the most valuable domestic brand. Its cost was estimated at more than 213 million rubles. The company is based in the Russian capital.

MTS and its history are inextricably linked with the emergence of the domestic GSM market. Back in Soviet times, the 900 megahertz frequency range was intended not for ordinary people, but for aviation purposes (including military ones). However, in 1990, the first indications were presented regarding the possibility of another use of the standard, and a year later tests were carried out, the results of which confirmed the fact that the specified frequency range can also be used for cellular communications.

In 1992, the creation of the GSM system was announced, as well as another fully automatic standard. In addition, a competition for the right to obtain a GSM-900 license was launched. The winner of this competition was a monopolistic association, on the basis of which MTS was created.

It all started in the fall of '93. The founders of the joint stock company differed markedly from the original members of the above-mentioned consortium. Among them were companies such as Siemens, DeTeMobil, as well as several domestic shareholders. Two companies from Germany received a smaller share of shares than the Russian side. The following year, the work of the new cellular operator’s network was presented, and the first BSS station was put into operation. Very soon the number of such stations was eight.

Three years after the founding of the joint-stock company, the customer base amounted to five thousand subscribers. In addition, the number of base stations has almost doubled. Soon Siemens sold its shares to DeTeMobil, and a stake in MTS was acquired by a well-known Russian financial and industrial group.

The year 1997 was marked by the fact that the company began to actively move deeper into the regions. To do this, it acquired other companies that already had the right to provide the appropriate communication services documented at the legislative level, or it issued licenses itself. In the same year, a section of the 2-band GSM network was created. It should be noted that regional development progressed quite well (both in the Russian Federation and in the Urals). In total, the presence area increased to twelve, and later to seventeen regions.

In the late 90s, tests of WAP services were completed. In addition, the fee for incoming calls within the network was canceled, and per-second billing was established after one minute. By this time, the number of the operator’s subscribers had already exceeded one million people. In addition, the company continued its advance deeper into Russian regions, once again expanding its presence area.

By 2001, it provided services in twenty-one regions of the Russian Federation. Previously, the organization was awarded the title of Company of the Year. By the end of the summer of 2001, the subscriber base already amounted to two million people. Soon the company was present in almost three dozen Russian regions. In addition, she strengthened her position in the Urals. In the summer, the Belarusian network was also put into operation, and in the fall the first Jeans tariffs appeared.

In the summer of 2003, shares of the leading Ukrainian operator UMC were acquired. The company also made a number of other important strategic acquisitions. At the same time, it continued to build its own networks and launch them. Soon the subscriber base numbered more than fifteen million people. In mid-summer, the company also acquired a controlling stake in the largest Uzbek operator. The territory of MTS presence was rapidly expanding. By the beginning of the next year, it covered almost the entire country, with the exception of Chechnya and the Penza region (the company took care of this only a few years later). In addition, the company did not fail to expand into other countries.

The year 2006 was marked by rebranding. The initial purpose of this procedure was the need for a uniform design of all business units of the group. In just a year since the start of rebranding, MTS has become recognizable.

In 2007, sales of “smart” mobile devices of the brand began, and later - devices. The first operator in the former CIS countries to begin providing BlackBerry services was MTS Ukraine.

The purchase of other promising operators, including Armenian and Uzbek ones, also continued. The following year, it received the right to provide 3G services in the Russian Federation, and soon the corresponding network was launched in four Russian cities. A cooperation agreement was also signed with the largest British operator Vodafone. His goal was to expand the capabilities of both companies.

In the spring of 2008, the brand became the first domestic brand to be included in the Top 100 global brands. Very soon the company also became interested in other telecommunications areas. In addition, she focused on retail sales. By the end of the next year, its own network already numbered more than two thousand retail outlets.

The company has also managed to enter the Indian market. In mid-summer 2009, the subscriber base in seven countries already numbered more than 100 million people. In the same year, MTS became the only domestic telecommunications company that was certified according to the international ISO standard.

2010 and 2011 were also marked by a series of strategic acquisitions, contracts and agreements. The company has invested a lot of money in the development of broadband Internet access and entered into agreements with a number of large organizations. However, a particularly noteworthy event was the signing of a deal to purchase software with the American corporation Oracle and the domestic concern Sitronics. It was valued at $70 million, and was called one of the largest agreements in the Russian computer market. In 2011, the company also reduced call rates several times for its roaming customers, hoping to attract even more subscribers. Around the same time, the brand was recognized for the fourth time as the most expensive trademark in the Russian Federation. Let us add that, according to research conducted by a well-known Polish organization, the mobile communications of this operator were recognized as the most reliable in the Russian capital.

In 2012, the company provided its first solution based on , working together with MasterCard, as well as MTS Bank. Now owners of plastic payment cards of this financial institution could pay for goods and services by simply touching their mobile device to a special reader at the checkout.

In the summer of the same year, the company was among those who won the competition for a federal LTE license in the Russian Federation. Soon she made a number of other useful strategic acquisitions. Let us note that it has also strengthened its position on the territory of Turkmenistan.

2013 turned out to be no less productive. MTS has introduced many services and signed a number of agreements. In addition, she bought more than 25% of the shares of MTS Bank. In just a year, the brand value increased by more than 11%. In addition, the 4G network was expanded in the Russian capital. At the end of the same year, the company's turnover exceeded 398 billion rubles.

In mid-summer 2014, the operator was already working in all Russian regions. As for the customer base, it exceeded 107 million subscribers. This year has become a logical stage in summing up the company’s activities. Since throughout its existence, MTS actively acquired various operators, this allowed them to significantly expand the territory of their presence.

In addition, it has quite successfully advanced into various international markets, mainly in the countries of the former CIS. Thus, she managed to enter the Armenian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Kyrgyz, Turkmen and Uzbek markets. By that time, Andrei Dubovsky, one of the key figures in the organization, continued to be the president of the company.

The future famous businessman was born in 1966 and graduated from VGIK. Starting at the age of twenty-seven, he began working in the telecommunications field and managed to gain extensive work experience. He has repeatedly held leadership positions in various organizations. He was appointed to the post of president of MTS in the spring of 2011. Previously, he held the position of director of the company’s branch in Nizhny Novgorod.

In addition to cellular communications, the organization provides Internet services, wired communications, and so on. It is actively developing a retail network of branded communication stores throughout the Russian Federation. In the second half of 2013, their number exceeded four thousand (of which more than one thousand were flagship stores).

Previously, these outlets sold various models of mobile devices (like the MTS 736 slider), which are no longer produced. Today they mainly feature sensory devices. An example of such a device is the MTS 970 model, released in 2013.

It turned out to be a stylish black candy bar with rounded edges, working in three GSM bands, and also supporting the 3G standard. The manufacturer equipped it with a 1400 mAh lithium-ion battery and a 3.5-inch capacitive display. The mobile device had WAP support, 64-voice polyphony, a multimedia player, a radio, a 2-megapixel camera and GPRS. MTS also took care of integrated access to social networks, a voice recorder, a task scheduler, a digital compass, 4 gigabytes of internal memory, 512 megabytes of RAM, a 1 gigahertz processor and a built-in navigator. The smartphone ran Android OS.

Among the company's earlier models of touchscreen mobile devices is the MTS 960. The device was released in 2012 and ran on Android. The weight of the mobile device was one hundred and fourteen grams. It had a 1300 mAh lithium-ion battery, a 2.8-inch touch screen, a multimedia player, a 2 megapixel camera, WAP Internet, a full-fledged organizer, a 650 gigahertz processor and support for memory cards.

The smartphone could be purchased in black or white. The case turned out to be made of plastic. The mobile device also had a GPS navigator and a Bluetooth interface.

The MTS 955 model appeared in 2011. She had a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 1400 mAh, which allowed the device to work for four hundred hours in autonomous mode. In addition, the user could talk for up to six hours without recharging. Let us add that the smartphone had a 3.5-inch TFT touch screen. In the same year, the MTS 945 GLONASS model was released. It was equipped with a 1500 mAh battery, a 3.2-inch touch screen, an MP3 player, a 3-megapixel camera, support for mobile Internet (WAP and GPRS), a built-in browser, an organizer with a voice recorder and a currency converter, 130 megabytes of ROM (with the ability expansion up to 16 gigabytes by installing a memory card), Bluetooth module and the ability to synchronize with a desktop computer.

However, the main features of the device are support for GPS and GLONASS navigation. The smartphone ran on the Android platform.

Unfortunately, the company's history was not always cloudless, and was repeatedly overshadowed by various scandals. In the winter of 2009, it became known that it was forcibly transferring three thousand of its capital subscribers, who had not used its services for more than five months, to a not very favorable tariff.

Soon, this decision had to be changed in such a way that when the client reached a zero balance, no debt would arise. This was followed by another, no less unpleasant incident: a number of subscribers accused the operator of debiting funds while roaming. Soon, complaints arose about the company's imposition of paid services ordered through short messages.

Another unpleasant situation concerned the information that appeared that the operator’s subscribers were allegedly prohibited from using programs like Skype. However, it soon became known about the renewal of subscription agreements, and this information was refuted.

The MTS company was founded in October 1993 by OJSC Moscow City Telephone Network (MGTS), Deutsсhe Telecom (DeTeMobil), Siemens and several other shareholders as a closed joint-stock company. Four Russian companies owned 53% of the shares, two German companies - 47%. At the end of 1996, AFK Sistema acquired the stake from Russian shareholders, and DeTeMobil bought the shares of Siemens.

On March 1, 2000, as a result of the merger of MTS CJSC and RTK CJSC, Mobile TeleSystems OJSC was formed. On April 28, 2000, the Federal Securities Commission of the Russian Federation registered the initial issue of shares of MTS OJSC. In the same year, the company entered the world stock markets. Since June 30, 2000, MTS shares have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange (in the form of American Depositary Receipts) under the symbol MBT.

Having started in the Moscow license zone in 1994, MTS received licenses in 1997 and began to actively develop in the Tver region, Kostroma and the Komi Republic. In 1998, MTS bought the Russian Telephone Company and together with it acquired licenses to build a network in the Smolensk, Pskov, Kaluga, Tula, Vladimir and Ryazan regions. By participating in the work of the ReCom company, MTS began building a network in the Bryansk, Kursk, Oryol, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions. The agreement concluded with the Rosico company allowed MTS to develop the GSM-1800 standard in another 17 regions of central Russia and 11 regions in the Urals.

In 2000, the MTS network began operating in the Amur and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in the Republic of Udmurtia. In 2001, the company continued its regional expansion and entered the north-west of Russia, acquiring the Telecom XXI company; in the same year, MTS expanded its network to seven more regions of Russia.

In April 2002, MTS acquired the largest operator in the south of Russia, Kuban GSM, which made it possible to include the country's main resorts in the MTS network. In October, MTS strengthened its presence in this strategically important region by announcing the purchase of another operator in the Southern Federal District - Dontelecom.

In the same year, MTS strengthened its position in the Urals through the acquisition of a local operator in Bashkortostan and the construction of networks in Perm and Chelyabinsk. In 2002, MTS networks were launched in Murmansk, Tambov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Tyumen, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Republic of Karelia and Altai. In October 2002, the company expanded its licensing portfolio: the acquisition of Bit LLC brought MTS licenses to provide GSM-900 mobile communication services in four regions of Russia - Tuva, Sakhalin Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Kalmykia.

In June 2002, MTS launched a network in the Republic of Belarus.

In August 2003, MTS completed the acquisition of 100% of the shares of UMC, the leader in the Ukrainian mobile communications market.

Implementing a strategy of regional expansion, in 2003 MTS became the owner of a controlling stake in the largest operator in Tatarstan, TAIF-TELCOM. In addition, as a result of a series of transactions, MTS became the owner of 50% of the shares of Primtelephone (Primorsky Territory and Siberia), 50% of Astrakhan Mobile (Astrakhan Region), 50% of Volgograd Mobile (Volgograd Region).

In accordance with the consolidation strategy, the company increased its participation to 100% in the Kuban GSM company, to 88.5% in the Siberian Cellular Systems-900 company (Novosibirsk region, Altai Republic), to 99.85% in the Uraltel company " (Sverdlovsk region).

Along with the acquisition of regional cellular operators, MTS continued to build its own networks and in 2003 carried out their commercial launch in the Orenburg and Saratov regions, in the Altai Territory.

In 2003, MTS acquired 100% of the shares of a number of leading regional cellular operators: Sibchallenge (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia, Taimyr Autonomous Okrug), Tomsk Cellular Communications (Tomsk Region), MarMobile GSM (Republic of Mari El).

In total, in February 2004, the licensed territory of MTS OJSC and its subsidiaries expanded to the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of the Penza region and the Chechen Republic.

In 2004, MTS began providing cellular communication services in the Irkutsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Kemerovo regions, the republics of Yakutia, Sakha, Buryatia, Chuvashia, Mari El, Mordovia; in the Stavropol Territory, Kamchatka and the Magadan Region, as well as, thanks to the acquisition of Sibintertelecom, in the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

In March 2004, it increased its share to 99.5% in CJSC Siberian Cellular Systems - 900 (SSS-900), in April it increased its share to 91% in OJSC Mobile Communication Systems (MCS) in the Omsk region, acquired a controlling stake a stake in Telesot-Alania, a cellular operator in the Republic of North Ossetia.

In 2004, she increased her share in CJSC Far Eastern Cellular Systems - 900 (DVSS-900) and OJSC TAIF-TELCOM to 100%. MTS became the owner of 100% of the shares of Primtelephone and CJSC Digital Networks of Udmurtia - 900 (TsSU-900), CJSC Astrakhan Mobile and CJSC Volgograd Mobile.

On July 16, 2004, MTS announced the acquisition of a 74% stake in Uzdunrobita, the largest mobile operator in Uzbekistan.
In 2005, MTS began providing cellular communication services in Turkmenistan, announcing the acquisition of Barash Communications Technologies, Inc. (BCTI).

In Russia, in 2005, MTS increased its stake in the following subsidiaries to 100%: Horizon-RT in Yakutia, Uraltel, Telesot-Alania, Sibintertelecom, ReCom.

In the same year, MTS began providing cellular communication services in Kalmykia, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the republics of the North Caucasus - Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria; received a GSM-1800 license in the Chechen Republic.

In 2005, the company significantly expanded its portfolio of additional services and was the first among Russian operators to offer subscribers a range of services based on LBS and RBT technologies.

In April 2006, Leonid Melamed, who previously held the position of General Director of the insurance company ROSNO OJSC, became the president of MTS OJSC.

In May 2006, MTS completed the restructuring of the company, within which the following management levels were created: corporate center, business unit, macro-region, region. The corporate center determines the overall strategy of the company, uniform standards, regulations and management procedures. Business units are responsible for achieving planned indicators (P&L). Macro-regions carry out operational management of the activities of regional branches. Today there are nine MTS macro-regions, each of which unites regional branches in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In May 2006, at the Svyaz-Expocomm 2006 exhibition, MTS presented the updated brand of the company as part of the new end-to-end brand of the Sistema Telecom group of companies. “The visual solution chosen for the end-to-end brand - a simple and eternal symbol in the shape of an egg - very accurately reveals the essence of modern technologies: external simplicity that hides the fascinating complexity of the content,” MTS President Leonid Melamed commented on the event.

In June 2006, together with the “First” tariff, MTS introduced an updated line of tariff plans, where for the first time the “designer” principle was applied to tariffs without a subscription fee, which allowed users to “assemble” individual tariff plans, connecting various options to the basic tariff at their discretion services focused on the user profile of a specific subscriber. Developing its portfolio of tariffs, in 2007 MTS launched a credit system for paying for mobile communications on mass tariff plans based on the “Credit” service.

In July 2006, MTS acquired a controlling stake in Dagtelecom LLC, a cellular operator in the GSM-900 standard in the Republic of Dagestan.

In April 2007, MTS received licenses to build a 3G network in the UMTS format in Russia and Uzbekistan, a license to build a WiMax network in Uzbekistan, and frequencies for providing services in the 3G standard (UMTS) in Armenia.

In June 2007, MTS increased its stake in Uzdunrobita, a subsidiary in Uzbekistan, to 100%.

In September 2007, MTS acquired 80% of the shares of the leading Armenian operator K-Telecom CJSC (VivaCell trademark) and entered into an option agreement to purchase and sell the remaining 20% ​​stake.

In October 2007, MTS became the first operator in the CIS to launch BlackBerry services. MTS Ukraine subscribers received secure mobile access to corporate mail, applications and the Internet on modern BlackBerry smartphones.

In December 2007, MTS announced the acquisition of 100% of CJSC Bashcell (trademark BashCell), the cellular operator of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 2007, MTS provided communications to all metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where all MTS communication services, including data transfer services, became available to subscribers.

In January 2008, MTS launched commercial operation of the MTS GSM-900/1800 network in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Thus, today the MTS network has been put into commercial operation in 82 of the 83 regions of Russia in which MTS has licenses to provide communication services.

OJSC "Mobile TeleSystems" (MTS). History of formation and development of the company

Company<Мобильные ТелеСистемы>was founded as a closed joint stock company in October 1993. MGTS (Moscow City Telephone Network OJSC) and three other Russian communications companies, which together owned 53% of the initial share capital, and two German companies, Siemens AG and DeTeMobil GmbH (an affiliate of Deutsche Telecom AG), which collectively owned 47 % shares. AFK Sistema began acquiring shares in MTS from Russian co-founders in early 1995. DeTeMobil increased its stake in MTS mainly through the acquisition of shares from Siemens. MTS acquired the status of an open joint stock company in March 2000, and the initial issue of its shares was registered by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market (Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the body regulating the circulation of securities in Russia) on April 28, 2000.

30.1% of the shares of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC are controlled by Deutsche Telekom, 50.4% by AFK Sistema. At the same time, 44.8% belongs to the Russian company directly, 3% through VAST LLP and 2.6% through Invest-Svyaz Holding.

The Mobile TeleSystems company began providing cellular communications services in the GSM standard in 1994. In the summer of 2000, the company issued American Depository Receipts (ADR) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Until 2003, 40.1% of MTS shares belonged to Deutsche Telekom, 40.4% to AFK Sistema, 17% were in free circulation in the form of ADR. MTS capitalization amounted to $4.3 billion. MTS serves about 10 million people in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

March 1, 2000, as a result of the merger of JSC<МТС>and JSC<РТК>Open Joint Stock Company was formed<Мобильные ТелеСистемы>.

On April 28, 2000, the Federal Securities Commission of the Russian Federation registered the initial issue of shares of the OJSC<МТС>. In the same year, the company entered the world stock markets.

Since June 30, 2000, MTS shares have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange (in the form of American Depositary Receipts) under the symbol MBT. Having started in the Moscow license zone in 1994, MTS received licenses in 1997 and began to actively develop in Tver and the Tver region, Kostroma and the Komi Republic. In 1998, MTS bought<Русскую Телефонную Компанию>and together with it acquired licenses for the construction of a network in the Smolensk, Pskov, Kaluga, Tula, Vladimir and Ryazan regions. By participating in the work of the ReCom company, MTS is building networks in the Bryansk, Kursk, Oryol, Lipetsk, Voronezh and Belgorod regions. The concluded agreement with the Rosico company allows MTS to develop the GSM-1800 standard in another 17 regions of Central Russia and 11 regions in the Urals. Today OJSC<Мобильные ТелеСистемы>is the largest Russian cellular operator of the GSM 900/1800 standard. The company has licenses to provide mobile communication services of the GSM 900/1800 standard in 48 regions of Russia, where 89.5 million people or 60% of the country's population live, and actively operates in 32 regions, where 68.7 million people live , which is 47% of the total population of the Russian Federation.

The company currently has more than 9.7 million subscribers, of which more than 7.6 million are in Russia. The company's network employs more than 6,600 base stations and 76 switches, and operates more than 200 of its own sales and subscriber service centers. The rate of connection of new subscribers to the MTS network continues to be high. In Russia, 20,000-30,000 new users connect daily, of which about 13,000 are in Moscow. Among new subscribers, approximately 50% choose prepaid tariffs of the family<Джинс>, and among contract tariff plans the most popular are group tariffs<МТС. Оптима>.


Company<Мобильные ТелеСистемы>(MTS), which provides cellular telephony services, intends to expand into foreign markets. The most likely regions for the development of MTS's foreign business are India, Iran, Pakistan and Lebanon.

Despite strong cultural differences with Russia, consumer behavior in these markets is very similar to Russia. Most experts agree that European mobile markets are already close to saturation, while the developing cellular infrastructure in Asia remains an attractive investment opportunity.

MTS has already created analytical groups that are working on scenarios for the company’s entry into Asian markets.


The Belarusian-Russian joint limited liability company "Mobile TeleSystems" (JLLC "MTS") has been providing cellular communication services in GSM 900/1800 standards in Belarus since June 27, 2002. The founders of JLLC "MTS" are RUE "Intercity Communications" (Belarus) - 51% and OJSC "MTS" (Russia) - 49% of the authorized capital. The subscriber base of MTS JLLC in Belarus at the beginning of March 2003 was about 60 thousand subscribers. The company intends to invest more than $60 million in the development of the cellular communication network in the republic. Direct investments of MTS OJSC in Belarus currently amount to $5.3 million, investments of MTS JLLC in communication infrastructure - $32.1 million. MTS OJSC considers the expansion of the network coverage area to be the main area of ​​investment in the Belarusian project. Over 8 months of work on the Belarusian market, the number of roaming partners of MTS JLLC amounted to 39 operators in 27 countries.

The meeting of shareholders of the Ukrainian cellular company UMC approved the transfer of 57.7% of the company's shares to the Russian operator MTS. UMC must submit the required documents to the Ukrainian registration authorities next week to register the transfer of shares. After such registration, MTS becomes the owner of a controlling stake in UMC. Registration is expected to be completed during March 2003, MTS said in a press release.

MTS acquires for $194.2 million a 57.7% stake in UMC from KPN (16.3%), Deutsche Telekom (16.3%) and Ukrtelecom OJSC (25%).

Completion of the acquisition of UMC will allow MTS to enter the developing Ukrainian mobile communications market and increase the population living in the licensed territory of MTS to 162.4 million people.

On March 26, Mobile TeleSystems announced the acquisition of PTT Telecom Kyiv LLC, a subsidiary of the Dutch telecommunications operator KPN. PTT Telecom Kyiv is the owner of a 1% stake in the Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC) company. The purchase of PTT Telecom Kyiv is part of the deal for MTS to acquire a 57.7% stake in UMC for $194.2 million and, in particular, to buy out KPN’s 16.3% stake in UMC for $55 million.

2024 gtavrl.ru.