The computer does not see the iPhone 4s. Why the computer doesn't see the iPhone: reasons

Probably everyone who has ever dealt with Apple technology knows that it is possible to fully use the functionality of an i-smartphone only after mastering iTunes program. It allows you to exchange between Apple devices and a PC, as well as a number of other useful manipulations, and therefore if the computer suddenly does not see the iPhone, this turns into a real problem.

Unfortunately, the statistics of user requests are not reassuring - the computer does not see the iPhone 5, does not recognize the iPhone 5S via USB, the laptop does not display my iPhone 6 - thousands of owners google similar requests every day in the hope of solving the problem themselves.

However, in most cases, it is true that you can solve it yourself without the help of professionals. In this article, we will analyze the reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone, and we will also tell you what to do if a problem arises. this situation. The recommendations below will help users of all models of i-smartphones - iPhone 6, 4S, and any others.

In fact, to the question - why doesn’t the iPhone connect to personal computer- there are only 4 answers. Here they are:

  • There is a problem with the USB ports
  • The functionality of the connecting cable is impaired
  • A software conflict has occurred
  • Broken iPhone

However, each of these situations can arise various reasons and the options for solving the problem in one case or another will be different. So next we will look in detail at each of the above reasons and tell you how to fix this or that problem with synchronizing your i-device and PC.

Problems with USB ports

The problem with USB ports is one of the most common reasons why the computer doesn't see your iPhone. Especially if your PC is, as they say, not the first freshness. USB ports are not the most reliable part of a computer, and therefore, often after 3-4 years of operation, when trying to connect this or that device to them, various problems appear - from a banal freeze to a complete refusal to recognize the device.

How to understand that you are dealing with problem ports? First, try connecting your iPhone to another USB port - it often happens that one has already failed, but the second is still working properly. No visible progress when connecting to a different port? Okay, let's explore the problem further - connect the i-gadget to another PC. Is he not around? Then we go the other way - connect any other device to the PC via USB. Like the iPhone, it doesn’t show up? Then, well, the answer has been found - you have a problem with the ports. Sometimes, by the way, you can revive them by simply cleaning them - take alcohol and a cotton swab and responsibly remove all dirt and dust. Perhaps this step will make the ports work and synchronization will be successful. If this does not help, restart your PC. Also unsuccessful? Then, most likely, you will have to change ports.

The functionality of the connecting cable is impaired

If USB ports are not the most reliable part of a PC, then the connecting cable for charging and connecting to a computer is not the most reliable iPhone part. Users have been scolding the Apple giant for this problem for several years now, and not without reason. The “native” cable is not cheap, but it quickly becomes unusable, and the Chinese one does not always “know how” to interact with iTunes. That is, it will charge the smartphone, but it will not establish a connection between the PC and the iPhone.

So if the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB, and you have already checked the ports and they are working, it’s time to start diagnosing the cable. Many people check the cable this way: they connect the iPhone to the charger and if the battery starts charging, they consider it to be working, but such diagnostics are not entirely correct. You see, the structural feature iPhone cable is such that to connect a PC and an i-device, all contacts must be in good working order, but for charging, this is not the case.

The only way to check if the problem is in the cable is to connect the iPhone to the computer using another ORIGINAL a cable through which another “Apple” is perfectly recognized on your PC. And only after the success of this operation can we say unequivocally that the cable is to blame.

By the way, sometimes, in order for the connecting cable to work, as in the case of USB ports, cleaning the contacts helps. But in most cases it needs to be replaced.

Software conflict

Both the cable and ports are working properly, but your iPhone won’t connect to your computer? Let's consider the following problem - software conflict. Underneath this scary headline are very banal reasons why you can’t connect your iPhone to your PC.

Firstly, perhaps the matter has not been for a long time updated iTunes, in this case, you just need to go to the official Apple website and download the current version.

Secondly, there is a possibility that the computer does not see the device due to an incorrectly configured antivirus or firewall. The security program may have classified the iPhone as an unsafe device, or may have considered iTunes' attempt to contact the device to be suspicious. Apple servers to identify the i-gadget. To check the relevance of this communication problem, you need to temporarily disable your antivirus and/or firewall and see if the situation changes. iPhone started to show up? This means that the problem is in the security programs and they need to be reconfigured so that they do not consider the activities of iTunes and iPhone suspicious.

Another software-related reason why a connected iPhone cannot be seen is the Apple Mobile service not working correctly. Device Service. To resolve the problem with it, restart it. Click the "Start" menu, go to "Control Panel", then "Services". In this section, find the Apple Mobile Device Service and double-click on it. A new window will open, in it click “Stop” and then “Run”. And also check the “Startup type” parameter, it should be automatic. After making the adjustments, we restart the PC and check if our problem has been resolved.

The iPhone itself is broken

And finally, about the saddest thing - all the ports are working and the cable too, iTunes is the latest, security programs are disabled, the AMDS service is working properly, but synchronization between the iPhone and PC still fails? Then the problem is in the i-smartphone itself. There may be a software failure and a simple reboot of the iPhone will help - do it and try again to synchronize with the computer. Did not help? Then it’s a matter of problems with the hardware, and in such a situation we recommend not to engage in self-diagnosis, The best decision— take your iPhone to a service center, where they are guaranteed to find the problem and help you fix it, without harming the device itself.

Why doesn't the computer see my iPhone as a flash drive?

Newcomers to the Apple world often search the Internet for an answer to the question: “Why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone 5 (any smartphone model can be there) as removable drive?. And if you have the same question, we hasten to make you happy - everything is fine with your device. The fact is that iOS, the platform on which all i-gadgets operate, is closed, which significantly increases the security of Apples, but often negatively affects their ease of use.

In particular, the computer really does not see the iPhone as a flash drive - in Windows Explorer it is displayed as portable device or generally defined in the “Other devices” category. If you double click on iPhone icon, a folder with photos taken on the device will open and all the user can do is transfer them to the PC, and even the reverse operation will not be available. If you want to record a photo on your i-smartphone, welcome to iTunes.

We emphasize! This state of affairs is relevant for all PC operating systems and for all iPhone models- neither Windows 7 nor Windows 10 sees the iPhone as a removable drive - this is a feature of iOS. If on some portal you are given recommendations that supposedly will help you see your iPhone as a flash drive, you shouldn’t trust them!

Let's summarize

There are a lot of reasons why the PC does not see the iPhone 4 or any other, but in most cases the user can independently diagnose the problem and solve it. We hope this article will be of great help to you in this matter! However, do not overestimate your strength - if the problem is in the hardware of the iPhone itself, you are unlikely to be able to independently identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Of course, you can say - why can’t I disassemble my device itself? You can do it, but what will it give you? Even if you see a damaged microcircuit, will you dare to remove it yourself and install a new one? Not sure? Then there is no need to go inside such a complex device as an iPhone, it’s better to trust the pros! However, we hope it doesn’t come to that!

Though modern devices based on iOS can be used independently of a PC; situations arise when it is necessary to use this option. When the computer does not see the iPhone connected via a cable to the USB port, the problem may be in the drivers for iTunes or other services. Sometimes things are simpler because the cable may have broken or the iPhone was simply connected incorrectly. First you need to find out the cause of the problem in order to correct the situation.

Why doesn't the computer see the iPhone?

The most common answer to the question of why the computer does not see the iPhone is a problem connecting to iTunes service. Sometimes, to solve this problem, you need to click confirm connection to PC on your mobile device. If after this action the PC does not see the iPhone, it is worth checking the functionality of the USB port. Problems may arise due to old versions of programs, applications and drivers for chipsets motherboard. In other cases, consulting a specialist will help to find out the cause of the situation.

Cable breakage

The main reason the device is not connected to the PC due to a faulty or damaged connecting cable. Inspect the existing USB cable for damage. There are cases when the contacts inside the wire are damaged (this is difficult to identify visually) and the computer does not see the iPhone. To check, compare the operation of the device with another cable: if the problem is in the accessory, then everything will work out. Have you verified that the cord is damaged? You can solve the problem as follows:

  • purchase a new cable;
  • try to fix it yourself;
  • contact a specialized service center.

iPhone won't connect to computer via USB

The second most common problems are with USB ports: The connection is unstable or the device cannot be detected at all. May be present mechanical damage connectors of both the PC and the mobile device or their clogging. It is possible that if there is no synchronization, the computer does not see the iPhone: its operating system is outdated. Often there may be a solvable problem with USB driver. The interaction between the PC and the phone is affected by security programs, which can also prevent the connection.

Error when starting the Apple Mobile Device service

Restarting the mobile device or laptop helps resolve the desynchronization issue. It happens that the PC is unable to start the Apple Mobile Device service. The obstacle may be third-party software or a regular “glitch” that can be corrected by restarting this service. Correction method incorrect operation is a reinstallation that is done simultaneously with the reinstallation of all iTunes software components.

Why doesn't iTunes see iPhone?

Users of Apple devices constantly encounter problems interacting with their PC. In some cases, iTunes does not work on the computer, in others errors are displayed. The reasons for the lack of response may be faulty cable, USB port or slot for charger. A status error occurs Apple services, old drivers, antivirus ban or malware influence. An outdated version of iTunes or the device’s operating system interferes with normal synchronization and, as a result, the computer will not be able to see the iPhone.

Problems with iPhone

A laptop or PC will not be able to recognize the connected device when the iPhone is not working. It may not respond to clicks or touches on the screen, or it may simply turn off. Try to force restart your iPhone. Hold bottom button volume control (for new models) or “Home” (for iPhone 6 and lower) and the “Power” button until the “apple” appears on the display.

On average, this takes about 10 seconds. Otherwise, connect your phone to charge for at least an hour. Typically, the device starts charging within a few minutes. In case of failure, it is worth checking the integrity of the connector, cord and adapter. Parts must be undamaged and clean. After making sure that the charging system is visually in order, but the computer does not see the iPhone, you will have to use the help of a service center.

What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone

Users may encounter an issue where they receive an invalid iPhone response when trying to connect. This often happens due to Lockdown folders in software files Apple software. The fix for this problem is simple. Windows users you need to go to the Apple folder in Explorer in the Application Data or ProgramData section and delete the folder called Lockdown in the trash. After the reboot, iTunes should resume, and the PC will begin to recognize the Apple communicator.

How to connect an iPhone to a computer via USB

Contents of each mobile Apple gadget contains connecting cable. It connects an iPhone to a computer via USB using the principle of a flash drive for the purpose of exchanging videos, files, photos and others. In addition to this, you will need a PC with installed application iTunes latest version. The disadvantage of this method is the physical attachment to a stationary PC or laptop. The process goes through stages that are important for you to complete:

  • connect USB cable to the device;
  • connect to PC;
  • next comes iTunes installation(if this program has not been installed previously);
  • launching and setting up synchronization.

What to do if iTunes doesn't see iPhone

In cases where the iPhone does not connect to iTunes, you can use standard set tips:

  • check the integrity of the cable, phone connector, USB;
  • allow the connection by clicking OK in the pop-up window on the device screen;
  • update drivers, phone or PC OS;
  • install the iTunes update or simply restart the program;
  • restart Apple Mobile Device;
  • execute reboot iPhone or PC.

How to reinstall Apple Mobile Device

When Apple Mobile Device Service does not start, it is worth making several attempts to download it again. To do this you need:

  • turn off the phone, turn off the iTunes application;
  • for Windows OS command line write services.msc;
  • in the window that appears, find the service we need and open its properties;
  • change the startup type to “Automatic” and stop the service;
  • After waiting a little, click the “Run” button;
  • Restart your computer and reconnect your iPhone via USB by opening iTunes.

If there is no solution to the problem, you will have to install this software component again. Removing and reinstalling Apple Mobile Device Service involves simultaneously removing and reinstalling all iTunes items. In the Program Files section, search for and delete iTunes folders, iPod, Bonjour. In the Apple folder, Common Files section, delete Apple Application Support, Mobile Device Support, CoreFP. Then download a new one installation file from the Internet and follow simple instructions, how to connect iPhone to computer to restore operation.

What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone as a removable drive

The main reasons why an iPhone is not detected as a flash drive (removable disk) are following problems:

  • USB connection failure;
  • problems with iTunes components;
  • problems with the device.

To correct the situation is real, it is important to find out what was the result of the error. A damaged cable will require replacement. If the USB port is broken, you can use another available one. When software problems restart your device, PC, or reinstall Apple software components through Control Panel. If the tips described above did not help and the laptop does not see the iPhone via USB, it is worth diagnosing the phone at a service center Apple Center.


The iPhone is a legendary device and an object of desire for millions of people around the world. However, even with this phone there are difficulties. Let's try to figure it out and what to do about it. The Apple phone is also popular in our country. Despite the fact that this device is much more expensive than its competitors, it is in incredible demand - it is prestigious and elegant.

Why the computer doesn't see the iPhone: reasons

So, you connect to iPhone computer, but in response there is silence. First of all,

experts advise examining the cable for possible cuts or cracks. This is especially true for people who have pets. If such inspection does not produce results, try inserting the cable into another USB port— perhaps that is the problem.

Also take a look at the phone connector - there is a chance that the contacts have oxidized. To lead them to normal state, just use the eraser, running it directly over the contacts.

If, however, the computer does not see the iPhone due to the cable, and it needs to be replaced, we recommend purchasing an original part - even if it is made in China, it costs a little more than a copy, it will work much longer. Counterfeits are prone to glitches and break quickly.

The computer does not see the iPhone: the problem is in the communicator

If you were able to find out that neither the USB port nor the cable is to blame for the problem, most likely the problem occurred in the phone itself. In practice often

The bottom cable becomes unusable. This part breaks, as a rule, when the smartphone is subject to falls. Probably, one day the phone fell on the back of the case, and this affected the performance of the cable.

If, for example, the computer does not see the iPhone 5 for the reason described above, the work to replace the specified part will cost about 1000 rubles, possibly higher. IN in this case the price does not significantly depend on the modification of the communicator. Note also that sometimes iPhone owners They change the cable themselves.

However, it is highly not recommended to take such actions without the necessary skill, since there is a high probability that you will not be able to put the smartphone back together if you do not have professional knowledge in this area. Thus, something else may fail along the way.

The destructive power of water

Very often the problem occurs when moisture gets into the smartphone. You may object: “The computer doesn’t see the iPhone 3g, but I didn’t go swimming with it.” This is not necessary. It is enough just to keep the communicator in a room with high humidity. This can cause serious problems because moisture still gets into the interior of the phone.

If you recognize your case in these lines, you need to turn off the device and

contact the service center specialists. But particularly inventive users disassemble the communicator themselves and then dry it. However, you can resort to such measures only if you are absolutely confident in your own abilities.

It's all the current's fault

From time to time, the computer does not see the iPhone 4s (possibly another modification) due to problems with the power chip. Unfortunately, this part is expensive, and replacing it can cost about 3,000 rubles, and sometimes more.

In addition, we must not forget that firmware can also show character. Failures are especially common when unofficial firmware. You need to return the phone to its “clean”, factory condition.

Possible solutions

When it comes to a USB cable, when replacing it with a working and proven one, it’s good that you can purchase such a useful thing in many stores electronic technology.

If the problem is internal and you have experience in iPhone repair, you can replace the non-functioning part yourself. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, contact professionals from branded service centers.

iTunes App Doesn't Notice iPhone, or Software Issues

First, reinstall the iTunes app by downloading latest version on the official site. If this doesn't help, let's move on to setting up the operating system.

If the Windows XP platform is deployed on the computer, you must perform the following actions: close iTunes after disconnecting the device. Go to the “Start” menu, select “Run”, and enter “services.msc” in the window that appears. Similar result can be achieved by going to the “Control Panel”, the “Administration” section, the “Services” item.

the service restart will be completed, iTunes will be fully prepared for working together with a communicator.

If you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed on your computer, the action plan is as follows: go to right click mouse on " Apple iPhone" and select the "Update driver" function, which is present in the appeared Next, search for the driver on the computer using the appropriate item.

After this, we are interested in choosing a driver from the list of already installed ones. We turn to “install from disk”. In the dialog box that appears, click the “Browse” button. Go to drive “C”, the “Program Files” folder, then “Common Files”, then “Apple”, the “Mobile Device Support” we need and, finally, the “Drivers” directory. Run the file “usbaapl”.

Click “OK” in the installation from disk window. Click “Next” and complete the driver installation. Open iTunes to check whether the device is recognized correctly.

If the problem occurs in the Mac OS X environment, disconnect the communicator from the computer, first closing it in iTunes. Opening file manager called “Finder” and move several elements to the “Trash”: the folder with the “iTunes” application, a shortcut for this program from a special launcher, the files “AppleMobileDevice.kext” and “AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg”.

We restart the computer, delete the contents of the Recycle Bin, and restart the computer again. Download the latest version iTunes applications for the Mac platform. We connect the device and use iTunes. So we have looked at the main cases in which the computer does not see the iPhone, as well as ways to solve this problem. Just a few simple steps can help you get rid of the problems that have arisen, but if this does not happen, you should take the device to a service center for in-depth testing as soon as possible.

Sometimes the owners of "apple" mobile phones wondering why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB. This method of connecting gadgets is used quite often. For example, to restore an iPhone. And if the computer stops seeing the phone, a number of problems arise. Why is this happening? And how to deal with such situations? We will talk about all this below. Often there is no real reason to panic. Therefore, even a schoolchild can cope with the task.

Main reasons

Why can't my computer see my iPhone via USB? Answering this question is more difficult than it seems. After all, both the telephone and the computer are complex equipment. Even a small operating system failure can lead to the situation under study.

Most often, users encounter the following sources of the problem:

  • mechanical damage to the USB cable;
  • failure of USB ports and connection sockets on the iPhone;
  • viruses;
  • outdated software;
  • absence or installation of old versions of drivers;
  • old OS (on a computer or phone);
  • conflict of programs on the computer;
  • antivirus restrictions;
  • hardware damage and failures in the smartphone.

In fact, fixing most of the problems listed is easier than it seems. And then we will figure out how to make Apple phones work when connected to a computer.

About correct joining

Why did the computer stop seeing the iPhone via USB? It is quite possible that the user simply connected the devices to each other incorrectly. Such situations do occur in practice.

So, to properly connect your iPhone to your PC, you will need:

  1. Install and launch iTunes.
  2. Insert one end of the USB cable into the iPhone, the other into the USB socket on the computer.
  3. Wait a while.

A few seconds after this connection, the iPhone will synchronize with the computer. iTunes will see the corresponding equipment, after which you can work with it further.

Disabled equipment

Why can't my computer see my iPhone via USB? The fact is that synchronizing devices is only possible if the PC and smartphone are turned on.

Accordingly, sometimes users try to connect a discharged or turned off iPhone to a computer, and this fails.

How to fix the situation? For example:

  1. Charge your iPhone and try syncing again.
  2. Just turn on the phone. The technique works if there is at least some battery life on the smartphone.

But, as practice shows, the proposed problem does not occur very often. And even a schoolboy can fix it. What if the computer does not see the iPhone via USB, provided that all equipment is turned on?

Cable integrity

The connection wire may be damaged. Then the only correct solution is to replace the cable. You can buy it at any specialized store (with accessories for Apple or computer equipment).

To check the functionality of the USB cable, you will need to carefully examine it. Perhaps some damage will be noticeable on the surface. It is advisable to connect the cable to another phone and computer.

Sometimes the cause of synchronization failures is that the connection cable is too long. For example, bought independently in a store. By replacing the wire with a shorter one, the problem can be eliminated.


The computer does not see the iPhone 6 via USB? If everything is fine with the cable, it’s time to check the device connection sockets. Their damage is rarely visible to the eye.


  1. Connect another device to the computer (to the “problem” socket). For example, a flash drive.
  2. Connect your smartphone through the appropriate socket to another device.

In the first case, the gadget was never detected by the operating system? This means the USB connector is damaged. Just connect the cable to another port and the problem will disappear.

In the second case, you will have to take the iPhone to a service center. Only after repairing the connection connector on the phone will it be possible to synchronize it with the PC.

Antivirus and firewall

Has your computer stopped seeing your iPhone via USB? Sometimes users note that similar problem Occurs when the firewall and antivirus are active. These applications may block access to operating system programs and other devices.

It is enough to disable them to correct the situation. This is done like this:

  1. Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray and select the “Exit” option. The corresponding button under the “Disable” view can be found in the program settings.
  2. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Administration" - "Services". Go to "Firewall" and check the box next to "Disable".

Ready! You can now try to connect again. It is advisable to restart the computer after the manipulations have been performed.

Viral infection

The computer does not see the iPhone 5S via USB? If this is not the first time a similar problem has arisen, you will have to check the OS for viruses. Malware can completely destroy computer software. Often, lack of synchronization with peripheral devices on a PC indicates the presence of viruses.

All the user needs to do is scan the operating system using any antivirus. Discovered dangerous objects are treated with special button. Anything that cannot be deleted is either quarantined or completely deleted.

It is advisable to run the SpyHunter program after scanning. It helps to find and remove computer spies. Because of them, problems sometimes arise with synchronizing devices on a PC. The application works like an antivirus.

Old programs

Why can't my computer see my iPhone via USB? If the user has not updated the operating system for a long time (including on the phone), and also if he is using old software, the problem will be obvious. Over time, outdated versions of applications simply cease to be supported.

To resolve the problem you must:

  1. Update Windows. To do this, the operating system has an "Update Wizard".
  2. Conduct iOS update. You will need to go to “Settings” - “Software Update”, having first connected to Wi-Fi, and then click on the “Update” button.
  3. Delete old version iTunes and download the latest build of the application to your computer. After initializing it, the problem with synchronizing the phone will be resolved.

Everything is simple and clear. Update software does not require any costs. All listed programs and applications are distributed free of charge.


It’s still not clear why the computer doesn’t see the iPhone via USB? Didn't all of the above scenarios work?

It is worth paying attention to the drivers installed on your computer. Their absence or outdated version may cause synchronization problems.

The driver update algorithm is presented as follows:

  1. Open the website of the manufacturer of a particular device.
  2. Select the device model.
  3. Specify the operating system you are using.
  4. Download the installation file.
  5. Launch the installation wizard and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

You can do it differently. To update the driver you need:

  1. Open "Device Manager".
  2. Select the required equipment and right-click on it.
  3. Go to the "Properties" section.
  4. Open "Drivers".
  5. Click on "Update".

A few minutes of waiting - and the job is done. Everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Apple Mobile Device

Wondering why the computer does not see the iPhone 4 via USB, users sometimes notice that a failure occurs when loading the Apple Mobile Device service. As a rule, this is just a glitch. This can be fixed by restarting the associated software.

If the Apple Mobile Device startup error persists, you will have to completely reinstall the service. It is advisable to do this with an iTunes update.

Force reboot

We found out why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB. Did the listed solutions to the problem not help? Something else is worth trying. The thing is that in some cases the problem under study occurs due to iOS system failures. Helps eliminate them forced reboot"Apple" device.

This is done like this:

  1. Press the bottom volume button or the Home button (iPhone 6 and above).
  2. Hold down the "Power" button.
  3. Keep the controls pressed for approximately 10 seconds.

That's all. After your phone restarts, you can try to connect it to your PC again. If unsuccessful, you will have to contact service centers. They will quickly help you correct the situation.

On the Internet, many users ask the question why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and they are unable to synchronize their smartphones. Over the years, a significant knowledge base has accumulated that helps make friends iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with computers running Windows 8, 7, Vista, Windows XP and Windows 10. Below we will describe how to solve the problem.

We explain why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and how to fix it

First steps

You need to start with the simplest steps before looking for deeper sources of the problem:

If the computer still does not see the iPhone

iPhone Drivers and Windows Computers

Windows computers need drivers iOS systems for correct recognition iPhone devices, iPad and iPod touch. If the device is not recognized, the drivers may not be installed, may be out of date, or may not be configured correctly. Drivers are installed using the iTunes media player, but there are other methods for installing them.

Many people find iTunes cumbersome and inconvenient. Therefore, there is a tool for installing iOS drivers on a computer without iTunes, which can help you recognize your iPhone in a few minutes. CopyTrans Drivers Installer installs drivers automatically.

Installing, updating or restoring iOS drivers via iTunes

If iTunes is not on the computer, the computer will not recognize the iPhone correctly as a camera. At iPhone connection Access is only available to the camera gallery. Cannot be seen, synchronized or swiped backup music, messages, videos and other device content.

To get iOS drivers from iTunes, download them from this link.

iTunes version may be outdated and may not support iPhone. Update iTunes by going to Help > Check for Updates.

iTunes is installed and updated, but the iPhone does not recognize:

  1. completely remove from computer iTunes and its components (the contents of the library will not be deleted);
  2. restart your computer;
  3. reinstall iTunes;
  4. check your iPhone connection.

If problems remain

iTunes is installed, but iPhone does not recognize it

Check your work Apple service Mobile Device:

Secondly, make sure that Apple Mobile Device USB Driver is installed and active:

If you see a "!" next to the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver line, right-click on the line and click “Enable”.

If you see a "?" next to the line Apple Mobile Device USB Driver, right-click on the line and click “Uninstall”.

It is possible that you can find out the reasons why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB and fix it using another method. We'd love for you to tell us about it in the comments below.