When will the next version of windows come out? What the new version of Windows will offer

After Windows 7 and 8, Windows 10 followed. An almost logical continuation would have been the release of Windows 11. However, Microsoft has changed its strategy: most likely, there will no longer be a “successor” to Windows 10 at number eleven.

It will probably remain the latest version of the OS. In the future, the operating system will exist as “Windows as a Service”. Unlike the existing currently strategy, Windows will be distributed in copies available for purchase. For the first time, the concept of receiving a system as downloading an update was applied to Windows 10.

Windows 10 will become the standard OS

Microsoft is taking advantage of Apple's strategy: the Mac OS version is already available only as a download from the developer. Users don't need to go to the store, they can download latest version right on your Mac without much effort.

Completely new systems will no longer appear on the market at intervals of a couple of years. Instead, Windows 10 is defined as the standard and constantly evolving version. All innovations will be introduced through regular updates.

Each version of Windows has a certain lifespan. According to the newsletter life cycle Windows, support for Windows 10 will end in 2025. But this does not mean the end of the tenth system and the appearance of Windows 11. Most likely, the end of support will relate to a specific update, which will guarantee updates for several more years.

Before official release operating system Windows 10 (it took place in July 2015), it became known that Microsoft plans to release regular updates for it, which, in fact, will be similar to the Service Packs that were released for Windows XP (a total of three services were released -pack), Windows Vista(two service packs) and Windows 7 (one).

operating room Windows system 8 also received an update in the form of Windows 8.1, released a year later, which was essentially a regular service pack, but since Microsoft needed to somehow distance itself from the failed product, they decided to add an additional dot with a number to its name.

By the way, on October 26, the Windows 8 operating system, which became Microsoft history, turned exactly 5 years old: the “eight” was released on October 26, 2012.

An even more dramatic marketing move with the renaming of the commercially unsuccessful G8 was made during the presentation new Windows 9, which miraculously turned into a product called Windows 10. As Microsoft explained during the presentation of its new operating system, which took place on September 30, 2014, the new product was so different from the failed “eight” that it was decided to skip the number 9 and immediately name the new one Windows 10 OS. In fact, this was nothing more than a publicity stunt, since, like, the new “ten” was nothing more than a service pack for Windows 8.1.

In October 2014, the very first publicly available build of Windows 10 Technical Preview mentioned Windows 8.1 Update 2. Rumors about the development of this update appeared immediately after Windows 8.1 in April 2014. It was assumed that the second update would be released in the summer, and on August 12, 2014 (i.e. 8.12, which obviously means “8.1 Update 2” in the American date system) the so-called “August update” actually came out, but Microsoft immediately said that this is not Update 2 and that there will never be a second update at all - instead of releasing new major update packages for Windows 8.1, Microsoft promised to release more frequent updates every month on "Patch Tuesday" (every second Tuesday of every month).

On September 30, 2014, Microsoft announced a new operating system called Windows 10. The next day, October 1 (i.e. 10.1) the first preview version of Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9841) for corporate clients. In this build, one of the documents mentions Windows 8.1 Update 2, and this mention is related to the Start menu. Apparently, the Start menu was supposed to become available in Windows 8.1 only with Update 2.

Apparently, Microsoft originally planned to release a second major update to Windows 8.1 in the summer or fall of 2014, adding a Start menu and calling it either Windows 8.1 Update 2 or Windows 8.2. But in the end, Microsoft decided to abandon the development of the commercially unsuccessful “eight” and resort to a cunning advertising trick, jumping over the number and presenting the “ten” right away.

At the same time, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 would be the company's last operating system, and that no Windows 11 or 12 would be released - instead, the company promised to endlessly refine Windows 10, releasing regular updates.

On this moment four major ones have already been released Windows updates 10 (codenamed Threshold 2 and Redstone 1-3), and the fifth update (Redstone 4) is already in development and scheduled for release in spring 2018. Like Softodrome already, each of these updates is actually separate version Windows 10

- Windows 10 version 1507(this is the original Windows 10, released in July 2015, and known under the code name Windows Threshold, under which the successor to the “eight” Windows 9 was developed).
- Windows 10 version 1511(the very first, Windows 10, released in November 2015, also known as Threshold 2)
- Windows 10 version 1607(called Windows 10, released August 2016, known as Redstone 1)
- Windows 10 version 1703(update released April 2017, known as Redstone 2).
- Windows 10 version 1709(update, released on October 17, 2017, the latest “ten” update at the moment, known under the code name Redstone 3).

Currently, the next Windows 10 update is in development, the first builds of which are already available to participants Windows programs Insider:

- Windows 10 Redstone 4. The version is still unknown and will depend on the month the RTM build was signed. Its release is scheduled for spring 2018, so there is no doubt that the version number will contain the numbers 18, unless, of course, Microsoft refuses to continue churning out updates for Windows 10 and comes up with something new to attract users.

It is now obvious that Microsoft's original plan to turn Windows 10 into a bomb that was supposed to blow up the operating system market. Despite all attempts, Windows 10 not only failed to repeat the success of the “seven”, but Microsoft also refused to further develop it at all mobile version Windows and Winphone releases. Mobile Windows Phone 8.1, although it lagged behind its competitors, did not end up closing the mobile division. In the case of the “ten”, the former chief developer of Winfons first went on vacation, after which he returned and took up other things, apparently also not very successfully.

Will Microsoft continue to release updates for the failed “ten”? Or, as in the case of the G8, it will resort to the usual advertising trick and rebrand, abandoning the name Windows 10 and releasing the next update under a new name, for example Windows 11, or (for greater effect) will jump over a dozen numbers and release Windows 20 right away?

This is, of course, unlikely, since this numbers trick is unlikely to work again. Therefore, it seems more likely to abandon digital designations (according to at least for a while) and the release of a new OS under a completely different name. Most likely, the Windows brand will still be present in the name (it is too expensive to give up, although rumors about a possible abandonment of the brand Windows yet 5 years ago), but the second part of the name of the new operating system will most likely be alphabetic, as is the case with Windows XP or Windows ME. It is possible that it will be , also known as Andromeda OS, rumors about which have recently appeared.

Today, more than half of computer users and mobile devices choose operating systems from Microsoft. Of course, products from this corporation, specializing in the creation and promotion of software for computers, are not without their drawbacks. Not long ago, the world saw a new version of the Windows operating system; it was assigned the number 10, and not 9, as many interested users thought. What name will it bear? next version- Windows XP 11, 13, 15?

Why do many people want Microsoft to create and release a new version of Windows?

The IT world is waiting for news about the release of Windows 11 for two reasons:

  • Users who have already worked with the new operating system have found a number of shortcomings in the software, for example, the collection of personal data, passwords and browsing history in the browser.
  • Users do not want to constantly update the same operating system; they are interested in getting a brand new product that will satisfy their needs to a greater extent.

Microsoft's new development strategy

Despite the fact that various technical portals previously reported that Windows startup 11 is planned for 2017-2018, a Microsoft expert (Jerry Nixon) dispelled all rumors at the Ignite conference in the USA. There he said that the Windows operating system number 10 will be the last in the line of software for computers and mobile devices.

What does it mean? The corporation decided to change the strategy for the development and promotion of its product. Previously, Microsoft released a new Windows product almost every 3-4 years. Global updates are now a thing of the past. This idea came to the creators of the world-famous software because writing and debugging a new version of Windows takes more than 2 years, and a lot of money is spent on it. In other words, users shouldn't wait for Windows 11 to release.

Windows should now be treated as a service

Microsoft has decided to completely change the approach to developing and creating new software. Now programmers will only work on writing and modifying the components of the existing operating system. Simply put, Windows Explorer We won't see 11.

Now updates for will be released constantly (1-2 times a year). First edition new build Redstone took place in August 2016. they want their brainchild to be perceived as a service. To update or obtain a particular program or component, you will need to apply for paid subscription, rather than installing the entire operating system again, you won’t need to get used to the new design and menu. Microsoft will not release Windows 11.

Microsoft does not rest on its laurels and despite the recent release of a major anniversary update for Windows 10 is doing its best to ordinary users They won't see it until next year. Since details about new products are Lately A lot has been revealed, in this article we decided to put together all the currently known information about what’s new in Windows 2017.

Let us immediately clarify that we are not talking about Windows 11. We may not see its release at all, since Microsoft has long announced a plan according to which, instead of releasing new versions of Windows every few years, one or more major updates will be released annually for current system corporation, i.e. for Windows 10.

The first such update was codenamed Threshold 2 (Threshold is the internal name of the original “ten”) and was released last fall. In turn, this summer the corporation released the Redstone update, which ordinary users became known under the official name Anniversary Update.

This year, such major updates for Windows 10 are no longer expected, but next year the corporation is preparing two such updates at once, codenamed Redstone 2 and Redstone 3. It is these that we will mean here and further in the text under the general designation Windows 2017.

The first of these updates is expected to be released in the spring of next year, and the second will be released in the summer or fall.

Some of the new features in them are known thanks to Microsoft itself and the first test builds of Redstone 2. However, where more information became known thanks to insiders familiar with the “inner kitchen” of the corporation, and specifically Zach Bowden.

However, even Bowden cannot yet say specifically which of the two upcoming Redstone updates this or that new product is planned for, which makes the use of something common for these two updates Windows combinations 2017 is even more practical at the moment.

Changes in the first builds of Windows 2017

First public tests Windows builds 2017 (Redstone 2) Microsoft company started publishing back in August. To date, six builds have already been released, the most relevant of them at the time of writing this article – 14936 – was released a few days ago.

Alas, there are no major changes in these assemblies yet. Among small innovations We note the display of special notifications in Explorer, a new greeting in the notification center, a slightly updated connection interface, as well as several new options and icons in the Settings panel.

In addition, the system with updates to each new build no longer returns the ones you deleted standard applications. In addition, entering a PIN code has been simplified: the OS does not pay attention to whether your NumLock key is activated or not, and native support for USB Audio 2.0 is also integrated.

Windows 2017 will also come with an updated Edge browser. In current test builds, the browser received a new keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O, which sets focus to address bar, as well as support for importing or exporting favorites to an HTML file.

In addition to the improved engine, Edge will offer new mechanisms for interacting with Cortana: it will be possible, for example, to use the assistant in such a way that it prevents you from accidentally closing the desired tab until you complete the task associated with it.

In addition to the updated standard browser, least small update will receive the “Maps”, “Notes” applications, as well as universal version Skype.

Contacts on the taskbar

If the paragraph above describes the changes that the corporation has already made, then starting with this section we move on to what has not yet been officially shown, but is known thanks to well-established insiders or other sources.

One of the not yet shown Windows innovations 2017 should be new block contacts, which will be located in the area system tray on the taskbar. According to the developers, this block will display links in the form of round icons to those people with whom you are currently communicating or have recently communicated using Skype or some other similar programs.

In addition, contacts of those people over whom you are managing can also be shown here. working together over any documents in Office applications. All this will slightly improve usability, providing instant access to the user’s in-demand contacts.

Work on this panel has allegedly been going on since the time of the original one, but the developers did not have time or for some reason decided to postpone this opportunity specifically on Windows 2017.

Reduced eye strain

Another new feature that Microsoft is currently working on will reduce the amount of blue light emitted from the device's screen. This will reduce eye strain and should also improve sleep for people who have just long time spent in front of the computer.

The corresponding setting may appear in the notification center:

The user will be able to choose between automatic and manual action this function, in the latter case independently adjusting the temperature of the blue light at its discretion. This kind of functionality is, of course, not new. Apps such as f.lux already offer it.

Office Hub

It's no secret that in addition to Windows, Microsoft has several other extremely popular ones among users. software products. One of these is the package office applications Microsoft Office. According to an insider, the corporation intends to add in future major updates for Windows 10 Office Hub is a single center that brings together everything related to Office 365 and, obviously, Office in general.

There will be links to the applications themselves, a feed of documents you recently worked with, Email, calendar events that can be viewed either as a single feed or separately. There may be integration with Skype and other features.

Where exactly in the system interface the button for this center will be located has not yet been decided. In the concepts above, Office Hub is located between the “task view” and the search field, but Microsoft is talking about something else possible option, in which Office Hub is located on the right side of the taskbar near the Action Center.

Working Sets

Working Sets, which can literally be translated as “working sets,” is another Microsoft idea aimed at facilitating tasks associated with serious work.

Sometimes the user is faced with tasks that may involve several people at once. various programs, as well as associated files and documents. In addition, such projects may be associated individual contacts and correspondence in communication programs. Actually, working sets are designed to combine all this together.

At a minimum, these will be some kind of universal shortcuts, which, by placing them on the taskbar or in the Start menu, you can get instant access to any content, contacts and applications related to a specific project. However, everything may not be limited to shortcuts here: Microsoft intends to closely integrate the Cortana voice assistant with workspaces, Edge browser and notification center.

Improved Notification Center

Debuted in original Windows 10, Microsoft significantly improved the notification center in the next two updates and, apparently, wants to continue working on it in Windows 2017. So, in particular, the lower part of the panel of this center currently contains a largely chaotic set of shortcut links. Some of them refer to applications, while others refer to specific functions.

Microsoft decided to add more logic and visualization to this set of commands and shortcuts, so that in the foreseeable future the lower part of the Action Center interface will look like this:

The screenshots show an updated version of the center for Windows Mobile, however, most likely, it will be the same in desktop Windows. As you can see, links to applications and functions are now separated and displayed with round and square icons, respectively. In addition, new indicators and regulators will appear.

New level of protection in Edge

A universal, cloud-based clipboard should solve this problem, allowing you to instantly move and copy any type of data from device to device, as well as conveniently sort it into groups. Created this technology based on what was already presented last year by the corporation Microsoft applications OneClip:

We can only hope that, like OneClip, the new feature in Windows 2017 will allow you to operate with data not only on devices with Windows and Windows Mobile, but also, for example, with devices running Android control and iOS.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at the Windows 10 servicing model (Windows-as-a-Service), formerly known as Windows Branching. This topic has caused a lot of confusion since the introduction of Windows as a Service.

In this article, we will try to clarify and talk in detail about the updated Windows 10 service model and operating system release schedules.

Cumulative and feature updates for Windows 10

System administrators and IT professionals should become familiar with the Windows 10 maintenance schedule. However, before moving on to an overview of the current release schedule for new versions of the system, there are a few important terms to understand.

First of all, you need to clearly understand the difference between feature updates (Feature Upgrades) and cumulative updates (Quality Updates).

    Feature Upgrades. As the name suggests, feature updates include latest features, features and enhancements for Windows 10 devices. Microsoft releases two feature updates per year - in March and September. Since feature updates contain full copy operating system, they can be used to install the latest version of Windows 10 on Windows computers 7 or Windows 8.1, as well as on new devices without an OS.

    Cumulative updates (Quality Updates). Cumulative updates are similar to the monthly security updates and patches that were used before Windows release 10, but have a number of significant differences. Firstly, cumulative updates are intended for a specific version of Windows 10. Secondly, Microsoft plans to release as many cumulative updates as needed for supported versions of Windows 10. These updates are aimed at improving the quality of the OS.

Windows 10 Service Types

When Microsoft first introduced the servicing branch model (Windows 10 Branching Model), businesses could choose from four available branches. They differed in the availability of functional updates and the length of the support period:

  • Windows Insider Program ( this program primarily intended for ordinary consumers And system administrators who want to test the latest features and improvements before they become generally available).
  • Current Branch - the availability of a new version of Windows 10 immediately after the public release.
  • The Current Branch For Business (CBB), a version of Windows 10 prepared for enterprises, becomes available approximately 4 months after the public release.
  • Long-Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) - branch with long-term technical support, is designed for ATMs, manufacturing equipment and other mission-critical specialized devices that do not require regular updates.

The updated Windows 10 servicing model was introduced in the spring of 2017. Currently, organizations can choose from three servicing options. Choose the option that best suits your requirements:

  • Windows Insider Program- most large enterprises have a small staff of specialists who test preview versions future updates to improve customization and deployment and address potential compatibility issues.
  • Semi-Annual Channel (SAC)- replaces the concepts “Current Branch” (CB) and “Current Branch for Business” (CBB). Now IT teams in organizations can use the semi-annual channel in System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) for pilot deployment and testing. The enterprise then decides when to move to a broader deployment.
  • Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC)- formerly known as the long-term service branch (LTSB). Suitable for organizations that are deploying Windows 10 to a long period time and strive to limit the introduction of non-essential changes. Customers will receive regular security updates throughout the entire period using Windows 10 - up to 10 years. This option Excellent for ATMs, manufacturing equipment and other critical specialized applications.

In Microsoft articles, you may also see the terms “Semi-Annual Channel (Pilot)” and “Semi-Annual Channel (Wide)”. They correspond to “Current Branch” and “Current Branch for Business”. Now the terms Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) and Semi-Annual Channel are used instead.

It is important to highlight one point that may cause confusion. After the initial release is published, enterprise-ready updates will not be released. For example, 4 months after the release of Fall Creators Update October 17, 2017, semi-annual channel update Fall Creators Update will not work. The initial update is the final update.

This section will focus on the Semi-Annual Channel service type for Windows 10 Enterprise and Education, because the long-term service channel does not receive functional updates, and Windows 10 Insider Preview versions precede public releases.

Schedule updated September 13, 2018.

As you can see in the graph above, Microsoft published the first release of Windows 10 for Current Branch in July 2015. Version “1507” indicates the release date in year/month (YYMM) format. From this Microsoft version I deviated a little from the plan. Windows 10 version 1507 was originally scheduled to end support on March 26, 2017, but the date was subsequently pushed back to May 9, 2017. Only the LTSC channel continues to receive updates at this time.

  • In November 2015, Microsoft released the first feature update (version 1511 or the so-called November Update) for Current Branch. For Current Branch for Business this version became available in March 2016.
  • On August 2, 2016, Microsoft released the Anniversary Update (version 1607), which was widely deployed to organizations.
  • On April 11, 2017, Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) became available for the Current Branch. On July 27, 2017, Microsoft released this update for the Current Branch for Business, and therefore it is considered ready for organizations.
  • The Fall Creators Update (version 1709) was originally scheduled for September, but released on October 17, 2017.
  • Windows 10 April 2018 Update (version 1803) - originally Spring Creators Update - was scheduled for release on March 14, 2018, but was delayed until April 30, 2018 due to reported issues.
  • The next update, Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809, codenamed Redstone 5) was initially released on October 2, 2018, but was then withdrawn once significant bugs were discovered that caused data loss. The final version of version 1809 was re-released on November 13, 2018.

Let us indicate the most important release and support dates for versions:

Windows 10 Initial Release 1507 RTM (OS Build: 10240.17236)

  • Release date for Current Branch: 07/29/2015
  • End of support for Current Branch: 05/09/2017 (official confirmation from Microsoft dated April 13, 2017)
  • Not available for semi-annual channel
  • Release date for Current Branch: 11/10/2015
  • Release date for Current Branch for Business: 04/08/2016
  • End of support: 04/10/2018 (Microsoft)
  • Release date for Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted): March-April 2019
  • End of support: September-October 2020 (earlier than two releases before)

* expected in line with extended support for Windows 10 announced by Microsoft on September 6, 2018.

Note: Sometimes it can be difficult to find out the system version number. To quickly find out the version number of Windows 10, type winver into the search bar, press Enter, and you will see a dialog box with information about the current OS version.

When will support end for my version of Windows 10?

Microsoft initially announced that it would support two versions of Current Branch for Business (i.e. 1511 and 1607) simultaneously. This means that once the N+2 version is published to Current Branch for Business, the 60-day countdown will begin until the end of life of the N version.

For example, if you are using version 1511 of Current Branch for Business, then you will have 10 months from the launch of version 1703 for Current Branch (April 2017), i.e. you will be able to do this until January 2018. In extreme cases, organizations will be able to use the same version for a maximum of 16 months, and a constant update cycle will ensure that security measures are maintained.

However, in reality, exact deadlines may not be observed. Following this policy, support for version 1507 was supposed to end in January 2017, but it was extended until May 9.

New simplified release schedule

On April 20, 2017, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 feature updates will be released twice a year, synchronously with Office updates 365 ProPlus and Microsoft SCCM - in September and March. The duration of the support period will be 18 months.

However, in November 2017, Michael Niehaus, former director of product marketing at Microsoft, announced that the software giant would provide businesses with educational institutions, who are currently running Windows 10 version 1511, an additional six months to fix “critical” and “important” security vulnerabilities. And in February 2018, Microsoft announced that it would also provide a 6-month end of support (EoL) extension for Windows 10 versions 1607, 1703, and 1709.

Most of the initially simplified support periods have been revised to a new support model: starting September 6, 2018, Microsoft has expanded the support window for all currently supported Windows releases 10 Enterprise and Education (versions 1607, 1703, 1709 and 1803) up to 30 months. Additionally, starting with 1809, all fall updates will also receive extended support to 30 months, and all spring updates will only get 18 months.

Skip updates

To make it easier to deploy cumulative security and feature updates, they are delivered in a cumulative form, i.e. include all previous improvements as well as new changes. This means that after installing the new version, your device will receive the most current version operating system.

If you're wondering whether you should install all the updates or whether you should skip some of them, remember that you can safely skip one or two feature updates. It's made even easier with Microsoft's new expanded support.

However, since new versions are available for a limited period of time, it is very important to install all patches and features on time. It is important to take into account the end of support date for a specific version in order to maintain maximum safety systems


It is now clear that the sheer variety of management options and the forced nature of updates is forcing IT departments to quickly adapt to the new update culture that is part of Windows as a Service.

As older versions of Windows 10 approach end-of-life each month, organizations must prepare for the latest feature updates. In the future, this may lead to the depreciation of older system functions that may be used in some mission-critical applications in the enterprise.

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