When will update 10.3 3 be released for iPhone? Developer Updates

Apple recently released an operating system update - iOS 10.3. In this article we will look at the new version of the OS and its variations for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

There are already some rumors about iOS 11, but its release is still months away. On this moment Apple continues to work on the 10th version of the operating system. After a long beta testing, it is now finally update available iOS 10.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. As expected, in new version The OS has many updates for mobile devices companies within which new functions have been added and the security system has been improved.

iOS 10.3 - First impressions

The update was downloaded for iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 and iPhone 5. The update file is quite large, over 600 MB for iPhone 7, and the installation process took longer than usual. This was partly due to the new file system - APFS. No problems were found during the download and installation of the update, but you should have time (approximately 20 minutes) to update the OS.

Serious problems at work new firmware was not found. Some innovations have also been seen on older devices. The operating time of all four smartphones on a single battery charge has increased slightly. There were no charge leaks at any time active use, nor in standby mode. Wireless technologies: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular data are stable. On iPhone smartphone 5, an increase in the speed of loading the OS and its operation in general was noticed. The menu works faster and smoother than in other versions of iOS 10.

Currently, iOS 10.3 is available for all three types of devices. Its installation is recommended if the user is interested in new firmware features, including new system protection, and if there are some problems with the previous version of the OS. Otherwise, it is better to familiarize yourself with the update in more detail before installing it on your smartphone.

Problems in iOS 10.3

This version of the OS has undergone long-term beta testing, but from time to time some problems still make themselves felt. Many users complain about sudden sudden battery discharge, some problems with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, device freezes, sudden spontaneous reboots and startup problems third party applications. To date, all these problems have been solved by specialists. Apple. Typically, after updates are released iOS problems of this nature always make themselves felt. Most of these problems can be easily solved using a computer in the office or at home. If you find a bug in the new version of the OS, you should report it to Apple developers.

With iOS 10.3 you can roll back to a previous version of the OS
If you decide to install the update, you can always go back to the previous version of iOS. If any problems are noticed in the new version, you can quickly return iOS 10.2.1. However, you cannot return to an older version of the operating system and this should be taken into account when installing the update on devices iOS version which is earlier than 10.2.1.

iOS 10.3 - New OS features

The company has introduced a new Clips application, for which you need to update your device to version 10.3. Exact date its release has not yet been announced, but it is due out in April. The application provides functionality for creating unique videos. It allows you to combine videos, music and photos and share them on iMessage, Instagram, Facebook and others in social networks. The Live Tiles option in the application allows you to create animated subtitles, titles voice input. It also provides various effects and filters.

Install iOS 10.3 to improve security

If user safety comes first, you should seriously consider iOS installation 10.3. The update includes about 60 patches. It's pretty a large number of, because in previous versions there were no more than 14 of them.

One of the patches fixes the bug Safari browser– ransomware, which was used by scammers to scam money from users who viewed adult materials on their devices.

The patches address many security issues by allowing users to store their personal files in internal memory iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In addition to new patches, the new version of the OS also includes those that were created earlier for previous updates. If users haven't updated their devices from iOS 9.3.5, for example, all the important changes that were included in iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.2.1 are also contained in iOS 10.3.

Especially for Apple users -

What awaits users in the future

The company plans to release the next update - version iOS 10.3.2, which this moment is in beta testing. It will most likely fix all bugs and security issues, and will not provide new functionality. You can also try this version, but remember that tested versions of iOS often contain many bugs and errors. Usually these are problems with running services, connecting to wireless networks, fast consumption battery charge at battery life. Therefore, installing the iOS 10.3.2 beta version is not recommended.

On January 24, the first beta version of iOS 10.3 was released and showed a number of new features that we will be able to fully use in the final version. operating system after testing is completed.

1. The dark mode of the interface has not appeared. Theater Mode, which was rumored even before the release of the first test version of iOS 10.3, turned out to be the prerogative of the Apple Watch.

And to dark theme This mode has nothing to do with the interface. It is needed to turn off automatic activation watch screen when you turn your hand and the sounds of the device in an inappropriate situation.

2. iOS now has built-in search for AirPods. Instead of third party programs Apple added this feature to standard application Find iPhone.

3. Reviews of applications in App Store Now you can evaluate. By using new opportunity indicate useful and not comments or complain about unacceptable ones.

Today this is just a guess, but in the future this way the list of comments could be sorted, displaying only interesting reviews first.

4. Developers are allowed to respond to reviews in the App Store. With this new Apple capabilities plans to establish feedback between the program creator and the user.

5. The podcast app now has its own widget. It displays the last played recordings with playback by simple tap on what is needed.

6. New file system named APFS. This feature is more relevant to application development than to application use. But this innovation should greatly increase the speed of iOS devices.

7. Quickly change application icons on the home screen. Now developers can do this without having to update the entire application as was previously the case.

With this feature, developers will be able to use application icons as small widgets to display current date, weather outside the window, time and so on.

8. New animation opening and closing applications. Now the corners of the window are rounded when expanded or collapsed. If you don’t know this, it’s not so easy to notice the innovation.

9. Fresh menu with gadgets in the Apple ID section. Now this item ranks first in the list of device settings. And here all the gadgets that are connected to the account are displayed.

10. Visual display of space in the iCloud menu. Now the storage cloud service is shown as a diagram divided by type of occupied space.

11. Expansion of work with Siri for third-party applications. Voice assistant now not only knows about cricket games, but also knows how to pay bills, check payments, book trips, etc.

12. CarPlay has prepared for the invasion of electric vehicles. Now it shows the availability of charging stations for them. Plus - displays the latest running applications.

13. The Diagnostics and Usage menu has been renamed. Now in the privacy section of the settings there is an inscription Analytics. But the functions here remain unchanged.

14. New actions via 3D Touch have appeared in Maps. By pressing firmly on the desired area, you can view information about the weather here.

15. HomeKit was taught to work with new accessories. Now the smart home system can interact with programmable switches. And it’s time for third-party manufacturers.

16. Hidden keyboard for one-handed typing on iPad. IN open access she's not there yet. But we have all been waiting for this feature since the advent of the first tablet. Apple yet in 2010 year.

17. Developers can ask for app ratings. Instead of homemade “requests”, they will be required to use a standard one, which works three times a year for one user.

18. iOS 10.3 does not work with the Yalu jail of hacker Luca Todesco. After the release of the first test version of iOS 10.3, he released a test version of the hack only for iOS 10.2 and without iPhone support 7.

19. iOS 10.3 will be released in March or April 2017. Last year, the final version of iOS 9.3 was released along with the announcement of the 9.7-inch iPad Pro 21 March. But this year the situation is not yet clear.

If release new iPads, including a frameless 10-10.5-inch model, will still take place in the spring of 2017; the final iOS 10.3 may be rolled out along with them. But latest rumors We moved the tablets to the fall.

20. Some features may change before release. It cannot be ruled out that before the final version of iOS 10.3 this list can be trimmed or supplemented. And this already depends on the test results.

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this week Apple started iOS testing 10.3.3 among developers. This cumulative update, of course, is not as interesting as the upcoming large-scale update to iOS 11, but it is still worthy of attention. We've put together five things you need to know about the new version of the OS.

iOS 10.3.3 beta

If you want to test iOS 10.3.3 before official release, you have this opportunity.

Apple allows developers to install beta versions of updates ordinary users as part of the testing program. But before you decide to install preview version iOS, it is worth remembering that you may encounter all sorts of errors.

You can downgrade to iOS 10.3.1/10.3.2

If you have problems with iOS 10.3.3, you can rollback to the previous final version of iOS. At this time Apple moment signs iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.1. That is, for a limited time you will be able to install any of these versions.

Users who are waiting for a jailbreak should return to iOS 10.3.1. Apple will soon stop issuing digital certificates, and only iOS 10.3.2 can be installed.

What's new in iOS 10.3.3

The lack of new features is one of the reasons why you shouldn't rush to upgrade to iOS 10.3.3. The OS does not bring any innovations at the level user interface, except three new background images on the 12-inch iPad Pro. And even for the sake of wallpapers, it’s not worth updating; they can be downloaded separately.

iOS update 10.3.3 is aimed primarily at eliminating errors and increasing operational stability. But not only.

iOS 10.3.3 will improve the speed of devices

iPad Pro users can expect new wallpapers, while others will have to make do with traditional bug fixes. The question arises: how much will the transition to iOS 10.3.3 affect device performance?

Recently, a video comparison of the final version of iOS 10.3.2 with the first appeared on the iAppleBytes YouTube channel beta version of iOS 10.3.3. The participants in the experiment were iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. Judging by the test results, new release will bring certain improvements in terms of performance and speed of applications.

date iOS release 10.3.3

Apple has not announced a release date for the final version of iOS 10.3.3, so how long the update will remain in beta status is unknown. The company usually reveals such details from the stage during presentations, so perhaps the release date will become known on June 5th.

Among the developers. This cumulative update, of course, is not as interesting as the upcoming large-scale update, but still worthy of attention. We've put together five things you need to know about the new version of the OS.

iOS 10.3.3 beta

If you want to test iOS 10.3.3 before the official release, you have this opportunity.

Apple allows beta versions of updates to be installed by developers and regular users as part of a testing program. But before you decide to install the preview version of iOS, it is worth remembering that you may encounter various kinds of errors.

You can downgrade to iOS 10.3.1/10.3.2

If you have problems with iOS 10.3.3, you can rollback to the previous final version of iOS. Apple is currently signing iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 10.3.1. That is, for a limited time you will be able to install any of these versions.

For users who are waiting for a jailbreak, . Apple will soon stop issuing digital certificates, and only iOS 10.3.2 will be able to be installed.

What's new in iOS 10.3.3

The lack of new features is one of the reasons why you shouldn't rush to upgrade to iOS 10.3.3. The OS doesn't bring any innovations at the user interface level, other than three new background images on the 12-inch iPad Pro. And even for the sake of the wallpaper, it’s not worth updating, their .

The iOS 10.3.3 update is aimed primarily at eliminating bugs and improving stability. But not only.

iOS 10.3.3 will improve the speed of devices

iPad Pro users can expect new wallpapers, while others will have to make do with traditional bug fixes. The question arises: how much will the transition to iOS 10.3.3 affect device performance?

Recently, a video comparison of the final version of iOS 10.3.2 with the first beta version of iOS 10.3.3 appeared on the iAppleBytes YouTube channel. The participants in the experiment were iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. Judging by the test results, the new release will bring certain improvements in terms of performance and application speed.

iOS 10.3.3 release date

Apple has not announced a release date for the final version of iOS 10.3.3, so how long the update will remain in beta status is unknown. The company usually reveals such details from the stage during presentations, so perhaps the release date will become known on June 5th.

Congratulations! The final version of iOS 10.3 was released today. Before this, 7 beta versions were released over the course of 3 months... Let's take a look at all the system innovations regarding iOS 10.2.1

How to install iOS 10.3?

What's new in iOS 10.3?

A review rating has appeared in the App Store. It works simply. You need to hold your finger on the review for a couple of seconds. A pop-up window will appear with three response options: “Helpful”, “Not Helpful”, “Report a Problem”.

If you click “Report a problem”, it will pop up separate window, where you can leave a complaint about the review.

From now on, developers will be able to respond to users in the App Store. It's super convenient for everyone. Before this, the App Store had a one-way communication... Users demanded something, and the developer basically had no way to help or answer questions.

Another pleasant innovation for developers is the ability to quickly change application icons without having to update the entire application. What does this give? For example, weather applications will be able to change the weather on their icons. Sports team applications - show on the icon the change in the score in the match...

New file APFS system, which is designed to increase the speed of the system. Visually the system works faster, but maybe this is a placebo? :) Plus, I can’t imagine how the system becomes different during an update without any formatting. Apple are wizards! So, maybe they reduced the animation time and due to this it seems that everything is flying. The system even boots a little faster. APFS on the English wiki.

IN iOS settings 10.3 is hard to miss new line with Apple ID. It leads to a list of your gadgets and account settings. It was high time to do this.

If you click on iCloud here, a graphical display of the contents of the cloud storage will appear.

iOS 10.3 introduced the “Find My AirPods” feature to search for headphones. Look for it in the Find iPhone application, which is designed to find lost gadgets.

That's all the more or less significant innovations of iOS 10.3. There are a few other changes too small to even mention.

Popular questions and answers for iOS 10.3

Question: Is it possible to rollback to iOS 9, 8, 7, 6?

No, rollback will be possible for some time on iOS 10.2.1 (iOS 9, 8, 7 are no longer available). Usually within 1-2 weeks Apple stops signing old version firmware and it will also become unavailable.

Question: What is the best way to flash? Through an update on the tablet or an update in iTunes?

Doesn't matter. :) Over-the-air updates are usually more convenient and faster.

Question: Is it better to update to 10.3 or flash it through recovery?

According to the tradition of news about updates

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