When and how to call an ambulance. How to call for medical help on a mobile phone? To meet your loved one

A competent call for an ambulance can significantly reduce the arrival time of the team and save the life of the victim.

If there are more than three victims, say so!

Road accident. There are many victims, more than three...

In general, in this case it is better to call “01”. they will call all the necessary services themselves.

At the Ambulance Center there are computers with special program. Until the girl at the other end of the telephone line fills out all the windows of this program, the information will not arrive at the substation!!

So, let's call ambulance :

The dispatcher will introduce himself:

Hello 305th is listening, how can we help you? It makes sense to remember the number. You can ask again.

First of all, she is interested in (in this order):

Floor. Male, female, other... or number of victims

Age. Approximately, there is no need to kick him with the goal of “jumping exactly in grams...”

What's happened. Briefly, road accident, unconscious, etc.

Address. Street, house, building, entrance, floor, apartment number, entrance code or intercom (this will speed up the arrival of the team to you) Exact address, with landmarks, how to get there, if the car cannot drive up to the very place of the emergency, then where and who will meet.

If it's hard to find , then where you meet them. Be sure to send a person to meet specialists.

Who called- passerby, relative, neighbor, etc.

Leave your phone number . The team may have clarifications as they move towards you. This is especially important if you are somewhere on the freeway or in a place that is unfamiliar to you.

Work order number- Take “03” from the dispatcher, the so-called “order number”. this will allow you to find the victim later, and thank the ambulance doctor if you wish,

We hang up only after the dispatcher hangs up.

Upon arrival of the ambulance, do not disturb them, but check their squad number.

Remember! 1st brigade - one casualty!

Therefore, when calling, indicate the number of victims!

In general, do not neglect the advice that you can get from the dispatcher. Ambulance workers are universal specialists; they have been working in emergency medicine for many years. In simple cases, you can safely resolve the situation using the advice of specialists. Ask the dispatcher to switch you to a specialist and, if there is such an opportunity, he will do it.


Before you pick up the phone and dial 03, decide what you really want? Relieve pain or resolve an acute life-threatening situation? Get a certificate sick leave, another supporting document to present at work? Do you need treatment or a prescription?

“Ambulance” - emergency service

Does not issue any prescriptions or certificates. For this purpose there is a local service, doctors and nurses. They also prescribe treatment and monitor it.

If you call an ambulance

We learn words from childhood “01”, “02” And “03” . We know that if an accident happens, we need to call these numbers. Competent people will come and help.

And if, fortunately, not everyone needs the first two phones in life, then, alas, everyone dials “zero-three” sooner or later. Dialed and heard on the phone by a woman or less often male voice uttering the cherished and so necessary words at this moment: “The ambulance is listening.”

“Listen...” Do you know what and how to say? How to communicate with the person on the other side of the wire connecting you? I will try to give several recommendations that will facilitate your conversation and, take my word for it, can improve the quality of care provided to you even before the ambulance doctor sees you for the first time.

To say hello or not depends only on you. If you think that exchanging greetings takes up valuable time, you can get down to business right away. Although the phrases “Hello - Hello” will take a maximum of three seconds.

Try to formulate in the very first sentence why you are calling an ambulance. For example: “My heart hurts” or “I fell and injured my leg, I can’t step on it.”

After this, answer the dispatcher’s questions, as briefly and accurately as possible. If you were asked to call an ambulance for someone (neighbor, passer-by, relative), try to find out if you were sick with something before when you were treated last time how long ago the condition worsened, what prompted you to call an ambulance right now (the pain has intensified or changed in nature, new complaints have appeared, health has worsened). You will be asked about this and please try to answer correctly.

Do not think that these questions are meaningless and only delay the beginning of assistance.

There are algorithms that have been tested and tested at thousands of ambulance stations over many years. These algorithms include, among other things, the dialogue between the dispatcher and the caller.

Ambulance workers are experts in everything. You never know in advance what the next challenge will be. Therefore, it may be somewhat superficial, but we must know and be able to apply knowledge from any field of medicine. From a fracture to a heart attack, from childbirth to dysentery, anywhere at any time, you need to assess the situation in a few seconds, make a decision and begin providing assistance.

Each correct answer clarifies the possible picture of the disease.

We can say that treatment begins before the ambulance leaves the station. It starts from the moment the doctor takes the call card. The reason for the call, the dispatcher’s explanations for receiving calls, age, time of day - everything begins to connect with each other and build a connection. When a doctor enters an apartment, he already has several suitable options in his head, which are clarified, discarded or detailed when analyzing the situation, appearance and behavior of the patient and others. Before the doctor utters the sacramental phrase: “What are you complaining about?” He has a preliminary diagnosis ready.

Some, apparently fearing refusal when calling an ambulance, give a deliberately wrong reason. Thinking that “stomach pain” or “head pain” does not sound significant enough, they immediately say “heart hurts”, or even “dying”. You can re-read what I said above and understand: rebuilding is always more difficult than building. The discrepancy between the expected and actual picture produces an error in the algorithms, the breakdown of the old and construction new versions, which takes some time and causes irritation from the doctor towards the patient for lying, and from the patient towards the doctor - for seeming slow-wittedness and slowness.

Some are either embarrassed or afraid to talk about their previous use of alcohol when called. Do not do this! A patient's consumption of alcohol is not a reason for refusing to accept a call. At the same time, alcohol has an analgesic (pain-relieving) property and, with a sufficiently large dose, can blur the whole picture. And, if the patient claims that “... drank only 50 grams...”, then the severity of the disease can be underestimated.

After questions about well-being, you also need to answer exactly who is calling the ambulance: last name, first name, patronymic, age, gender of the sick person; who calls an ambulance - a relative, a colleague, a passerby. Give the exact address indicating the entrance number and floor. Give the entrance number as a serial number and only then you need to clarify: “Third from the bank” or “First from the market.” It is advisable to explain how best to approach your house and it will be very good if someone can go out to meet the ambulance. Then additionally tell us where exactly you will meet her. When the car arrives, give some sign that you are not just a passer-by, for example, raise your hand or, at night, flash a flashlight.

If you can’t or don’t want to meet, at least unlock the door. Now everyone is trying to fence themselves off, installing iron doors up to the ceiling in the corridor, tightly blocking the light of the only light bulb. With such illumination of our entrances, they simply will not find you!

At the end of the conversation, give the phone number from which you are calling the ambulance. This is also not a whim. If you still mess up something and the ambulance can’t find you, they will call you back on this phone number and clarify.

AND general recommendation- no matter how terrible the situation may seem, do not panic. Twist fear and hysteria within yourself. By quickly and intelligently explaining the situation to the dispatcher, you will achieve more than if you shout into the phone for five minutes: “What are you doing?! Yes, the man will die! Come immediately! Yes, we are!...”, often forgetting to even give the address. It’s better to ask what can be done before the ambulance arrives.

In general, do not neglect the advice that you can get from the dispatcher. As I already said, ambulance workers are universal specialists; they have been working in emergency medicine for many years. In simple cases, you can safely resolve the situation using advice.

Lastly. Before you pick up the phone and dial 03, decide what you really want? Relieve pain or resolve an acute life-threatening situation? Receive a certificate, sick leave, or other supporting document to present at work? Do you need treatment or a prescription?

“Ambulance” is an emergency service. Does not issue any prescriptions or certificates. For this purpose there is a local service, doctors and nurses. They also prescribe treatment and monitor it.

The latest: “Ambulance” remains, perhaps, the last completely free medical service. If you do not have a medical insurance policy or it is invalid, this will not be a reason to refuse the call.

Calling an ambulance is usually caused by unexpected and stressful situations. In such conditions, people tend to forget even simple numbers phones. Panic leads to the fact that the operator on the other end of the line hears only confused, chaotic explanations in raised tones, and in the meantime, time is wasted, which is so necessary for the patient. How to call an ambulance correctly and what information should be provided to the operator? We will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Ambulance and ambulance - aren't they the same thing?

Many people don’t know, but these are two completely different services.

  • Emergency appears in an emergency form: in case of sudden acute conditions that pose a threat to the patient’s life. This is help in case of accidents, road accidents, fractures, injuries, heart attacks, poisoning, sudden illnesses accompanied by fainting, bleeding, convulsions or breathing problems.
  • Emergency team travels in cases where there is no immediate threat to a person’s life and urgent hospitalization is not required. However, the emergency physician may discover that the patient's condition is more serious than previously thought. In this case, he calls an ambulance, which hospitalizes the person. That is, reasons to call the emergency room may be fever, dizziness, headaches and pain in the chest, neuralgia, difficulty breathing (except asthma), as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases (when there is no threat to life).

For acute pain in the heart and bleeding, dial 103, and for high temperature and pressure - regional emergency room.

Ambulance and emergency telephone numbers

A single emergency call number in Ukraine with landlines is number 103. But due to the widespread modern means communication, you can call an ambulance using other methods. This innovation has already been introduced for people with disabilities and in accordance with European standards. So, in addition to 103 from a landline phone, you can call an ambulance by telephone-fax by dialing 234-53-56, e-mail [email protected]. To call an ambulance from your mobile, send free SMS to number 10-003 for Kyivstar subscribers and 096-5613977 for other operators mobile communications. Within 3 minutes you should receive confirmation that the call has been accepted. Depending on the nature of the complaint, a single operator will route the call to an ambulance, emergency room, local police officer or psychiatrist.

Emergency numbers are different for each area, but you can still call an ambulance, and if there is no immediate threat to the person's life, the operator will tell you the emergency number in your area.

Besides, to call an ambulance from a mobile phone of any cellular operator, you need to dial 112. This is the telephone number of a single dispatch center that distributes all incoming calls (police, fire, ambulance, etc.).

What to say when calling?

Try to formulate in the very first sentence why you called the ambulance. For example: “My heart hurts” or “I fell from a height, injured my leg, I can’t step on it.” After that, answer all the dispatcher’s questions.

It is important not to hide your state of alcohol intoxication from the operator, since even while approaching you, doctors formulate a method of providing assistance and a list of possible medications. And some of them are not compatible with alcohol.

If you are calling for help not for yourself, try to find out whether the person has been sick with something before, when was the last time he was treated, how long ago the condition worsened, etc.

If you see a drunk person on the street, especially one who is sleeping, try to find out if he needs help. It will take you a few minutes, but perhaps you will save a person’s life. One of these “drunk people” may be a diabetic patient or a person with epilepsy.

After asking questions about your well-being, you need to give the exact address indicating the entrance number and floor. It is advisable to explain the best way to get to your house. It’s good if someone can go out to meet the ambulance. Then additionally tell us where exactly you will meet her. Be sure to make some kind of sign that explains that you are not just a passer-by, such as raising your hand or (at night) flashing a flashlight or cell phone.

Daily Our Lord Jesus Christ and thousands of prayers of believers are offered to His saints. Orthodox Christians ask for a variety of things, seek help in the most difficult life situations. But it's safe to say that greatest number petitions are prayers for health and family. Perhaps these are the two most important components of earthly human happiness. And in our embittered world it is becoming more and more difficult to create a strong family and find that one person with whom you can walk your whole life hand in hand. It’s easier for believers - they trust in the Lord in everything and believe that prayer to meet their soulmate will help them.

Icon of Jesus Christ

Who can I pray to to find love?

No matter what age a person is, he will always want to have a loved one nearby. This is true for both young people and mature individuals who have seen a lot in life. An Orthodox person, if he has not chosen the monastic path, will always strive to create a family. It is not for nothing that in Orthodoxy the family is considered the Small Church, and the path of marriage is blessed and saving.

Prayers for the family:

But how can you find that very person with whom you can start a family of love and fidelity? Of course, prayer will help with this. You can make this request to:

  • Our Lord Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • any other saint revered in the family.
Important! We must remember that there is no one specific prayer, reading which will quickly help you find your soulmate.

In order for the Lord to hear a person and fulfill his request, one must try to correct his entire life according to His teaching. The value is not in itself the fact of reading certain sacred texts, but their impact on the human soul.

The outward expression of prayer can be very different. You can also use ready-made compiled texts from prayer books. Unfortunately, there are a lot of divorced people now pseudo-Christian movements that, under the guise of true faith in God, preach occult false teachings. In order not to fall under their influence, it is better to buy any religious books and prayer books in a church or in specialized Orthodox stores.

In addition to personal prayer, you can resort to the conciliar help of the Church. To do this, you can order a prayer service and reading of an akathist in your church. For example, many believing young girls pray with an akathist to the Great Martyr Catherine or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. These saints helped many people create strong families and find their soul mate.

Important! When ordering any services in the church, it is highly advisable to attend the service in person!

The prayer of the Church has great power only when combined with faith in the soul specific person. No matter how much the Lord God loves us, He never tramples on free will. A person must choose for himself whether he follows the Lord or not. And if the choice is not in favor of God, no prayers will have power.

About prayer:

In addition, you can pray to any other saint if you have a heart for him or if your family has a special veneration for him. You can often come across the opinion that certain saints help only in specifically indicated situations, while you cannot approach them with other requests. This is an erroneous opinion; the “specialization” of saints is just a tradition of turning to them with certain problems. If a person wants, he can pray to his beloved saint about exactly what is bothering him at a given time.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Why God doesn't hear prayers

You can often hear the opinion that I pray and pray, but God doesn’t hear. Why does this happen? The whole point is that the person does not actually pray at all. He simply comes to God with his desire and demands its fulfillment. And if he doesn’t receive what he asks for, he immediately gets offended and says that God doesn’t hear him.

When it comes to finding a life partner, this is especially common. Boy or girl (or maybe already adult man or woman) want to start a family, but at the same time are not at all ready to change their lives. They demand that God “provide” them with a ready-made husband or wife, but do not at all care about what kind of spouses they themselves will be.

Important! Many people cannot find a soul mate simply because they are completely unprepared for family life.

In particular, many couples today prefer ordinary cohabitation or the so-called without obligations to a full-fledged family. This is very convenient, because as soon as anything happens, you can disperse and no one owes anyone anything. But this approach extremely devalues ​​relationships, and each time it will be more and more difficult to find love. Frequently changing partners can be visually compared to a strip of tape. New feed will stick firmly to the surface, but if you often tear it off and re-glue it, sooner or later it will stop sticking altogether.

It’s the same in relationships between a man and a woman - the more often we change our partner, the more difficult it is to “stick” to a new person. We are losing the supply of love given to us by the Lord God. And then we run to the temple and look for what prayer will help us meet our loved one.

The best thing you can do to meet your soulmate soon is not to waste God’s precious gift of love. Don’t waste your time on small, meaningless relationships, don’t rush from side to side. It is much better to concentrate your energies on your inner spiritual life - go to church, try not to sin, cleanse your soul with confession and communion. The Lord God will definitely give such a person a good match and bless him to start a family.

Therefore, you should not think at all that the Lord does not hear our prayers or requests to meet with a loved one. Perhaps we are simply not yet ready to embrace all the joy and fullness of marriage, and the Lord is waiting for us to start working above oneself, above oneself soul. You need to rely on God, try to live according to His commandments, and then a person will definitely receive everything he needs for a happy life!

Watch the video with a prayer for marriage

Many of us have had to go to an ambulance. Often you have to call a doctor in an unusual situation, when a decision needs to be made at lightning speed, because the price of delay can be a human life. Oddly enough, but often the time of arrival of an ambulance depends on how accurate and full information the applicant was able to provide. Let's figure out how to properly call an ambulance.

How to make a call

Modern people do not experience communication problems. Everyone has with them mobile phone, from which you can make a call at any time. If you have a landline phone nearby, it is preferable to make a call from it. After all, not everywhere and not always cellular works flawlessly. Sometimes there may be network failures, so a landline phone will become more reliable in this case. The emergency medical number when calling from a landline phone is known to everyone since childhood - 03. If you still call from a mobile phone, you can dial single number emergency service 112. Not a single telecom operator for calling to this number does not charge fees. Readers of MirSovetov should remember that you can call 112 even if negative balance on the account and even if there is no SIM card in the phone. The rescue service will listen to you and transfer the call to the right emergency department. Despite operational work emergency services, in this case, valuable time may be lost. Therefore, it is worth knowing that each operator has its own number reserved by which you can call an ambulance. Beeline subscribers need to dial 003. Megafon, MTS, Tele2, U-tel subscribers need to dial 030. Sky-Link and Motiv subscribers need to dial 903. If you have another regional operator contact, it is better to check the ambulance number.
It’s not uncommon to call an ambulance and get an answering machine. Many people in this case, instead of staying on the line, drop the call and start calling again. There is no need to do this. Your call will automatically be queued and the first available operator will answer you.

What to say during the call

Sometimes we seek medical help in a stressful or even panic situation. This especially happens when you or your loved one suddenly feel ill, and you yourself cannot determine the cause, which means you don’t know how to help. Try to remain calm while talking on the phone. Otherwise, in a panic, you may confuse the address or forget to send important information. So, when the operator on duty responds, you should tell, firstly, what happened. If you know the disease or the reason for the patient’s poor health, name it. If you cannot determine why the person suddenly became unwell, describe the symptoms as clearly as possible. For example: “The man suddenly turned pale, began to breathe heavily, fell to the floor, and is now in a pre-fainting state.” A description like “I don’t know, you know, the person feels bad” will complicate the operator’s task. After all, based on your words, he decides which team to send to the call: cardiac, trauma, intensive care, psychiatric, toxicological, neurological, obstetric, etc. For the same purpose, the operator will ask you to name the patient’s gender and age. After all, diseases in men and women can often differ. Exactly the same as for young people and older people. Be sure to tell us what you have already done. If you were given any medicine, please provide the name. It is better not to throw away ampoules or empty packs of tablets before the doctor arrives, because in the intervening time you can easily forget the name of the medicine. Be sure to show them to the arriving doctor. It is quite possible that if you do not inform the doctor or deliberately conceal this information, this may affect the patient’s well-being. After all, the doctor may give a medicine that is incompatible with the one the patient took a few minutes ago, or give the same one again, thereby increasing the dose of the drug, which will also entail negative consequences.
State the address clearly and legibly. In some cities there are many consonant names of streets and alleys. The operator may hear another similar name, and then the ambulance will arrive at wrong address, and valuable time will be lost. It happens that the applicant confuses the names: instead of an avenue or boulevard, he says street, instead of a dead end or passage, an alley. And in many, especially large cities, there may be both Gagarin Street and Gagarin Avenue, Cosmonauts Boulevard and Cosmonauts Lane, etc. Very often errors occur in the numbering designation. The number of the building or building may be confused or not given at all, or the wrong letter may be indicated. Although it seems to us that we know our work or home address by heart, in emergency situations anything can happen. Therefore, be extremely careful when providing your address. Don't forget to tell the entrance code if you call an ambulance to your home. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the doctor to enter the entrance, especially if it is at night. To contact you, the operator will ask for your contact number phone. It's better to tell the city. Because in the bustle and panic, you can leave your mobile somewhere in another room and simply not hear the call if suddenly the need arises to contact you.

How to meet an ambulance

After you have made a call and are told that an ambulance is on the way, take care of how the doctor can get to you faster. If possible, send someone or go down yourself to open the door at the entrance. First of all, this should be done by those who live in houses in which there are no combination locks, and the doors can only be opened from the inside. And also for those whose intercom is not working properly. Otherwise, the doctor simply will not be able to call you at your apartment. If you called an ambulance to work, try to send someone to meet and accompany the doctors in advance. If you have a pass system at work, write out a pass in advance or discuss this issue with security and the administration of your organization.
In many cities there is an acute problem of car parking. Despite the fact that places are now allocated for the location of special equipment, it happens that an ambulance does not have the opportunity to drive close to to the right address. Try to think through this question too. You may be familiar with the cars of your neighbors or work colleagues parked nearby. In this case, try asking them to move the car and make room for the arriving ambulance. This is especially important if you believe that the victim will have to travel in an ambulance to the hospital and will have difficulty getting to the ambulance on their own. If there is a possibility that the patient will have to be carried on a stretcher, try to find two men physically suitable for this. These could be members of your family or, again, neighbors and work colleagues. Ambulance teams do not always have people who can deliver a patient on a stretcher to the car.
Prepare the victim’s documents in advance: passport and insurance policy. If there is a possibility that the patient will be hospitalized, collect essentials: a robe, slippers, a change of underwear, etc. Then in a hurry you simply won’t have time to do it.

In what cases is it necessary to call an ambulance?

For some reason, many of us, to put it mildly, do not always favor doctors and often endure ailments and pain until the very end, hoping that we will be able to cope with the problem on our own. Unfortunately, this position is not always correct. Of course, this does not mean at all that because of every sudden feeling of bad health, it is worth calling an ambulance, which already has enough work to do. In this case, we advise you the following. If you know exactly the symptoms of the disease and know for sure how to cope with it, you should not alarm the doctors. If you are experiencing this condition for the first time and do not know what could have caused it, or feel that you simply need the help of a specialist, do not hesitate and contact an ambulance. It also happens that the operator refuses a call, usually in cases where a person can independently get to the nearest hospital or clinic. Emergency medical services do not yet go to patients to relieve alcohol intoxication. Ambulance workers have a gradation of calls. The urgency of departure depends on how urgent the request is. Thus, the primary ones include: road traffic accidents, heart disease, accidents, etc. If the patient’s life is not in danger, and the call is related to lower back pain, fever, shortness of breath, cough, exacerbations of chronic diseases without a sharp deterioration, etc., then the ambulance team will arrive within two hours.
Cases where medical care is necessary include: conditions that may threaten the life and health of the patient, a sudden sharp deterioration in health, severe acute pain, accidents, injuries and fractures, severe poisoning, complications during pregnancy, childbirth that threatens life and health other citizens.

We always wish health to ourselves and our loved ones first and foremost. Therefore, it is worth thinking about your own condition and well-being. Don’t be afraid to call an ambulance, because it has been working for many centuries to save people’s lives. Never wait for a sudden deterioration in your health. It is better for a doctor to waste time on a trivial call than for delay and untimely seeking help to entail serious consequences. When making a call, remain calm and do not lose your composure. Remember that doctors will rely on the information you initially provide, so the information should be as accurate as possible. Take care of yourself and your loved ones and be healthy!

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