When I take a photo, an address appears on how to remove it. How to specify a location in Contact

If you've been paying attention, photos of your friends and other users may have their location marked.

The geolocation feature is also available for your personal data. You can indicate your residential address. Now I'll show you everything.

So, how to specify location in Contact?

Indicate the location in the photo

Select and open the desired photo for viewing (see). Now at the bottom, find and click on the “More” link. Will open extra menu. Here, click on the “Specify location” link.

Allow your browser to receive your location by clicking the button "Report location", in the window that appears.

Now find it on the map desired point. Use search, or manually determine the location. Next, put a mark by clicking on the desired location on the map. And press the button "Save location".

Now, when viewing this photo, the description will indicate the place on the map that you marked. Clicking on it will search for photos that other users have taken in that location.

Using this tool, you can find out where a photo was taken and find other photos based on this location (see).

We indicate our address

Go to your page and click on the button "Edit".

Now go to the “Contacts” tab, and click on the “Specify location” link.

A form will open in which you need to indicate your home address. Select your country, city, etc. here. Also give a name to this point on the map. When you fill everything out, click the “Save” button.

Video lesson: how to specify a location in a contact


This function allows you to make your content more informative. Your friends and guests (see), will be able to find out where you go, what places you visit, etc. And also find other photos at the specified location.


In contact with

It’s not always pleasant to notice that the photo you posted on VK shows the place where you are. Especially if the goal is for your photographs to tell a story about an event, and not at all about the place where you were. Or you simply don’t want every user who visits your profile to be able to view this private information. So that this small but not very pleasant moment stops bothering you, remove the VK location in the photo.

How to remove a location from a VKontakte photo

Delete location from VKontakte photo You can immediately below the photo where the location is indicated. Select a photo that has location markings. Expand it to full screen. Further:

  1. On the right, parallel to the comments field, find the “Actions” designation.
  2. Expand the tab. Tap the "Specify Location" criterion
  3. A map with a checkmark will appear in front of you, which shows the place where the photo was taken. Move down. Click on the delete location label.

Now, when you open a photo, your coordinates will no longer be displayed under it. You can view all the photos with coordinates in the field under the detailed information, which is designated as . VK also has some peculiarities. The location is not always indicated in the pictures you upload.

If you post a photo from your PC, the location is most often not indicated. It is impossible to determine if, for example, they sent you a photo in a message, and then you uploaded it from your phone. As a rule, showing a place in a photo depends on whether you have geolocation enabled. When you rent a place, your smart gadget automatically determines its coordinates. When you upload a photo to VK, it also automatically displays these coordinates. To disable geolocation on iPhone:

  1. Tap the Settings section.
  2. Go to the privacy section.
  3. Select a geolocation service point.
  4. Here you can immediately disable all applications that determine your coordinates. And also switch down and disable only camera geolocation.

After this, your gadget will stop automatically giving out your coordinates and at the same time, you will use the battery more economically.

How to mark a location in a contact on a photo

Do you want to tell everyone about where you've been? Or find who traveled to the same places as you? Make it possible by marking the location in the contact on the photo. Move to the albums section and select the pictures on which you want to indicate a place.

Right below the photo you will see the corresponding inscription. Click on it. In the map that will be in front of you, enter the name of the city where you were. Here you can also indicate an avenue or street, a house or a national park. If you and your friends have a certain place where you gather all the time and in your company you call it in a special way, then you can enter exactly this name. Also in the description you can put a hashtag, or make to make you easier to find. If everyone who was close to you posts this photo on their profile and puts a hashtag under the photo, then by clicking on it you can see all the photos. It is also possible to mark coordinates from the image map.

When downloading and saving images to social media You can indicate the location where this photo was taken. This feature is called "geotag" or location. Sometimes tags are placed automatically. In VK, you can set an address under each photo. If for some reason the user decides to change it or delete it altogether, but does not know how to do it, this article will help him.

Removing a location from a VKontakte photo occurs in the menu under the photo. To do this, on your VK page, in the left column, click “photos”.

All albums and images downloaded and saved on the page will open in the window. Click on the picture whose geotag you want to remove. The address that was entered when saving or changing the image will be indicated on the right.

Click on it and you will go to the map page. You can also access this menu through the “More” button under the photo. In the pop-up tab, select the item - specify a location.

Click on the right top corner to the “edit” pencil icon. Here you can also change the label where the image was taken by dragging the cursor to the desired location.

If you enter the address (indicating the country or city) in the line, then the label will appear automatically.

If you still decide to completely remove it, then click “Delete place”. The button is located in the lower left corner.

If you need to remove several geotags at once, you will have to repeat these steps several times.

Since there is no function to delete all geotags at once. This procedure will not take much time, and the algorithm is quite simple.

Features of work

To see all geotagged images, open the photo map. But VKontakte does not always display your location. If you upload a photo from your computer, the location will most likely not be determined. Or if they sent you a photo in a message, and then you upload it to VK via your phone.

Modern gadgets determine coordinates by default. That's why you need to know about the "enable/disable geolocation" feature on your device.

After all, not every user will like the fact that his personal information is available for everyone to view.


When taking photos with new digital cameras or smartphones, we often don't know what information is recorded in the image outside of the image itself.

The photo file also often includes information about digital camera, as well as... exact location of the image thanks to the GPS geolocation feature!

How to remove geolocation from photos?

This does not mean that we were spied on - on the contrary, such data is called EXIF ​​and is very useful for subsequent photo analysis. If we were in two places, thanks to geolocation, we can recreate the exact route or use geographic data to find the place where the photo was taken. However, we don't always want to share such data with third parties, and unfortunately, when we share a photo online, everyone will have access to it. However, we can clear photos from EXIF data before sending them to the network.

Removing personal information from photos

We will use the BatchPurifier LITE app to remove geolocation, digital camera information and other items. This is a simple tool that free version can easily clear all photos added to the list from personal information.

The first step is to add photos to the list in the File Selection tab. We can add the entire folder with photos (Add folder option) or selected files (Add files). There's nothing stopping you from placing files there by dragging and dropping. After adding, click "Next"

In the next step we must select what data you want to delete photos. If you want to clear it completely, just select all. If we only want to remove the geolocation data, the date and time the photo was taken and information about the digital camera, it is enough that you activate EXIF. We can read about all the more options in the side scroll menu. Select and then click Next.

Now we must select the location where you want to save the new, disinfected files. If we want to save them in a new directory, then select the option “Save as new files in this folder” and provide the folder path. On the other hand, if we want to replace original files, and then select "Replace original files."

After clicking the "Done" button, the application will remove all personal data from our photo. Photos prepared in this way can be shared online without fear of someone reading our residential address from the EXIF ​​data.

In practice, we ourselves provide information about our activities, our location, and do not even think about how this information can be used against us. Even if some of us try to hide personal information, there may still be a leak since there are too many ways to get this information.

Geotagging is one of the similar problems for users. Geotagging comes as a feature of the camera app, which is available on almost all new smartphones. It allows you to add the location where photos were taken along with data and timestamps.

The good thing is that the feature can be disabled: turn off the feature in your phone's camera app, and future photos won't have GPS coordinates.

How to disable the geotagging function on most Android phones, and also remove Geo tags of existing images?

How to view a photo's location data

1. On PC

On your computer just click right click click on the photo and select from context menu select Properties.

From Properties go to the tab in detail, and you will see all the information related to the photo along with its location coordinates.

2. On Android

Open the photo and find the section in the menu Properties to see all the details of the photo along with the coordinates.

You can also click on menu Show on the map to see the location on Google Maps.

How to disable geotagging on Android

The process for disabling this feature varies depending on the phone manufacturer's camera app. There is no exact answer to this question, however, the shutdown process is different smartphones fairly identical. Here are the two most common ways to access the Geotagging feature.

On most Android phones, you can simply open the camera app and tap Settings. IN Settings scroll down to option GPS tag(or similar) and disable it. There is also a possibility that you may see an icon rather than a text.

If this disabling option does not work, then try opening the camera, click on the icon Settings in the camera app, and then tap the icon again Settings.

A window will open, click on the icon Settings again, you should see the option GPS tag. Turn it off.

Disable tracking completely

If you want to turn off tracking completely (from all sources), you can do this directly in your phone settings.

Press Settings and find Location. Disable the feature.

Note: This will disable tracking from all sources, so any app that uses your location to provide services will not work properly.

How to remove geotags from existing photos

If you took photos with the location function turned on, then if necessary, geotags attached to images can be easily removed using a suitable tool.

For example, you can use the GeoBye-Bye application. The application is very easy to use, detects and removes geotags of any photo. However, the application does not have the function Choose all, so you have to work with each image separately. This is quite tedious if you have a lot of photos that need cleaning.

Install the application and launch it. In the interface, click on the “+” located at the bottom of the screen and select the application to view images (if prompted).

Select the image from which you want to remove geotags or check whether they are present or not.

If a geotag is detected, click on the GPS icon with a line through it in the lower right corner of the screen. The app will create a copy of the image, and the new copy will not contain location information. Use a new copy and delete the original image.

If this is not enough for you, you can use the PC utility ExifCleaner. This tool can clean up geotags and other similar data in batch mode, but you will have to convert photos from your phone to your computer.

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