Button html: application, production. How to create an HTML button that acts as a link

Almost all people (some more, some less) love order, because order is always convenient. It’s convenient when a person has order at his desk, at work, or in his apartment. And it’s very convenient when you go to an unfamiliar site, and there is also order, everything is easy and simple.

Usually this order is called a friendly (intuitive) interface. An Html button is simply an indispensable tool for putting things in order on a website and organizing a user-friendly interface.

How to make a button in HTML?

Buttons for an HTML site are created in one of two ways:

1. Using the input tag. The syntax for such a command is as follows:

2. Using the button tag:

Label on a button Example of code that creates a button in html in two ways at once: Button


The result is two identical buttons:

Thus, although the result is two absolutely identical html buttons, the code for them is slightly different. It doesn't matter how you create the button in html.

The only difference between the two methods is that when using the button tag, you can place your set in the container in the form of an image and text, and it will all be active, and when using the input tag, it will be possible to use either only an image or only text.

But at the same time old versions of the browser Internet Explorer may not render the modern button tag correctly.

Types of HTML buttons 1. HTML link button

Button with HTML link(for example, a back button for an html site or a back button html) can be created using “anchor” links. A typical “anchor” looks like this:

Such an “anchor” is invisible and can be placed in any place you see fit. In order to go to the “anchor”, use the following command:

button name

Clicking on the name of the button instantly moves the cursor to the “anchor”.
Let's say we need a button to go to the beginning at the bottom of the site, and a button to go down at the beginning:




It looks like this:

2. Submit button

Buttons like Submit exist to send information entered by a site visitor to the server. For example, the simplest organization for entering a password looks like this:

3. Reset button

Reset type buttons are designed to update form data (return them to their original state). To create such a button, use the following code:

4. HTML button with a picture

In HTML, buttons can be decorated with any images. To do this, just use the following code:

Button with picture and text:

For example:

Thus, when creating HTML buttons, you can show your creativity: any design fantasies can be realized by writing fairly simple code.

Good bad

    You've probably seen on my website in the guest book or on the forum, forms for adding messages with special buttons. And, if you wanted to get the same...

Beginning website creators (not those who use ready-made solutions, but those who want to create websites on their own) study html, but it is not always possible to understand all the nuances of creating a website with your own hands the first time.

HTML button in website menu in design style

Links are the only thing that can allow you to move from one page to another, however simple links are complete absence designer model, so you need to look for options on how to refine the link and give it a beautiful look.

Html perform two functions: firstly, they make it possible to switch to specified page, and secondly, they have a design that fits and harmonizes with the overall style of the page.

A button is essentially the same link, only it has a nice appearance and, if required, changes shades or shape when you click or hover over it.

You can make a button in two ways: yourself or using services for creating buttons.

The first method allows you to learn and understand the essence of all the work, and the second - you simply get a result, and, moreover, limited in capabilities.

HTML buttons for a website are not so much a difficult job of creation, but rather a labor-intensive revitalization of the button. The word “animation” means making it responsive to clicks, hovering, or changing at the moment of clicking, for which you need to use CSS or JavaScript.

Button using an image

Simple button html has and is created by inserting an "a" (link) tag into (image).

The above example is, in fact, a simple link image, but it can have any appearance and fit perfectly into the design, however this button html cannot “work”, that is, change its appearance in different situations.

In order for the button to have a non-standard appearance and be able to change depending on the situation, you should change its original appearance and add CSS.

Buttons for a website using CSS

CSS is another programming language that is only responsible for styles and is called Cascading Style Sheet.

The button code for the html site will look like:

  • Here the "name" attribute is the name of the form, the "method" attribute specifies the submission method (possible POST methods or GET), and the "action" attribute must indicate the URL of the script on the server to which the data from the form should be sent. If the address is not specified, the data will be transferred to the URL of the same page. As a rule, such interactive pages are formed by universal scripts that also provide receiving/processing data from the same page.

    After the opening tag of the form, we should place form elements that are more suitable for user input the right type data. Such elements can be: Input text field: Here, as in all other "input" tags, the "type" attribute specifies the type of the element, "name" is the name that will be sent along with the data entered in this field, and "value" - this is the default value with which the test input field will be filled. --Field:--Field for a “label with a checkmark”: Here there is the presence of the “checked” attribute, so that by default the checkmark will be there.--A group of radio buttons, from which you need to select only one:
    Please note - all group elements must have the same name, but different meanings(value). Only one value will be passed to it - the one that the visitor will mark or the one that was selected by default (by the checked attribute). - Drop-down list:
    Field one
    Field two
    Field three
    Here, each "option" tag is in a drop-down list. As for a group of radio buttons, only one value will be transmitted from the field selected by the visitor, or selected by default (here - by the selected attribute). - Multiline text field: Here multiline The "cols" and "rows" attributes specify the width (in characters) and height (in lines) of the text input field.--Hidden field: This field will not be visible to the person filling out the form, but will also be sent along with the rest of the data.--Field for selecting a file to send: Sending a file requires that the tag opening the form contain additional attributes. At a minimum, you should add the "enctype" tag. For example, like this:

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