The home button on the iPhone 6 clicks. The Home button on the iPhone creaks - what to do?

Some owners of iPhone SE began to notice that when pressing Home button makes an uncharacteristic sound, reminiscent of a crunch. Even though the smartphone is working normally, the key play and sound are starting to become quite annoying. What is the reason for such a squeak and how to fix the problem?

Why does the home button on the iPhone SE crunch?

There are not many reasons why a button clicks. Here is a list of possible factors leading to improper functioning of the part:

  • dirt causing the keys to stick;
  • manufacturer's defect;
  • breakdown of the Home button due to mechanical damage;
  • moisture ingress.

Cleaning the button

If the iPhone SE home button starts to crunch, we recommend cleaning it at home. You will not be able to insert a toothpick or a cotton swab into the microscopic gap along the contour of the rim. Therefore, it is best to use bookmark stickers.

You will need:

  1. Place the end of the bookmark under the Home button. Try to do it along the contour so that it fits into the gap. To create a hole, you can slightly press the key on one side and insert the end of the sticker on the other.
  2. Walk along the contour, removing dust and dirt from under the key.
  3. If a sticker gets stuck somewhere, be sure that a lot of debris has accumulated there. Reduce the length and try to pull out the dirt step by step.
  4. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times until all the dirt comes out through the rim.

Manufacturing defects

Does the home button on your iPhone SE crackle as soon as you start using your new smartphone? Then you are out of luck, because the reason for this is most likely a manufacturing defect. For example, assemblers did not secure the display module tightly during production.

The only correct solution in this case would be to contact service center or carrying out repairs yourself.

DIY repair

If you notice a button squeaking after you recently disassembled your smartphone (for example, you changed the screen), then with a high probability you can say that a third-party element got into the button. You need to disassemble the smartphone again, and then use antistatic tweezers to correct the location of the key.

Remember, to independently disassemble the iPhone SE, it is advisable to acquire a set of tools:

  • a Phillips screwdriver and a regular screwdriver for removing screws;
  • antistatic tweezers;
  • spudger;
  • suction cup for opening the case.

The iPhone SE Home button crunches and periodically refuses to work

It happens that the home button not only makes an unpleasant grinding noise, but also does not respond to commands. Regular cleaning can only temporarily solve the problem. In such a situation, you can try placing the key on silicone.

For this:

  1. Apply silicone to a cotton swab or toothpick.
  2. Fill the space under the button with the silicone mixture so that it completely covers the gap.
  3. Wipe off any remaining material from the surface of the phone.
  4. Check functionality.

Such measures were not successful and the Home button still does not function? Then the only solution is to replace it, especially since the cost of the part is not that high.

Repair and replacement of elements

In order for the home button to work like clockwork without third-party sounds, you will need to replace the connector for charger and some lower loops, which goes as follows:

  1. Analysis of the device.
  2. Removing the battery.
  3. Disconnecting cables from the main part of the smartphone.
  4. A board cutout that caused the Home button to no longer function.

Replace the element yourself or contact a service center for help. In most cases, the service center refuses warranty repair, referring to the fact that the button became unusable during operation. Therefore, in 90% of cases you will have to pay repairmen.

The occurrence of a crunching or grinding noise when pressing the Home key on iPhones is a fairly common problem. Along with the squeak, the functionality of the button may partially or completely disappear.

Causes of grinding noise

Why does the Home button on my iPhone crunch? This may happen due to the following reasons:

  • The display module was not securely attached after disassembling the phone;
  • Water, dust or dirt has entered the button mechanism;
  • Broken key part.

In the first case, it is easy to get rid of the problem yourself. If you have recently changed the case, display, or simply opened back cover iPhone, with reassembly A foreign element could get into the gap between the button and the screen. Perhaps you have placed all the components unevenly. Remove display module again and using special tweezers, correct the location of Home. Then reassemble the device and test the key operation.

Remember that you can only disassemble an iPhone without damaging its parts using original repair tools. Standard set should include:

  1. Flat screwdriver 2mm;
  2. Phillips PH00 screwdriver;
  3. Suction cup for the display part;
  4. Tweezers (necessary for precise placement or detachment of parts);
  5. Plastic spatula for disconnecting cables.

The easiest and fastest way to eliminate crunching

If you purchased a phone and immediately encountered a grinding sound on the Home key, you have the right to replace your smartphone with a new one at an official service center. Apple Center. Even if the iPhone is old, but the warranty is still valid, you can get a new, working device.

The problem of third-party sounds after pressing buttons can be eliminated very easily. In 90% of cases, you will not need to disassemble or repair anything. Even a beginner can cope with the task. The sudden appearance of a crunching sound in Home on an iPhone indicates the presence of a foreign element in the gap between the tap and the button itself.

In this case, the only solution is to clean the key. To do this, you will need a regular cotton swab and a little alcohol. Moisten the part in alcohol (there should not be a lot of it). Then press the button with the stick and, holding it in this state, begin cleaning the edges of the part using circular movements. After a few seconds, release Home. If the cotton wool is dirty, then you managed to get some of the debris out. Repeat this step until the wand is completely clean after the next cleaning.

Home button crunching with loss of functionality

Is the key on your iPhone crunchy, hard to press, and occasionally doesn’t work? In this case, cleaning with alcohol can also help, however, the effect will not last long. After a few weeks, Home begins to experience functional glitches again.

To completely eliminate the problem, lubricate the key mechanism with silicone. A small drop will be enough. It is advisable to apply it with a cotton swab, performing exactly the same movements as when cleaning the keys. The liquid should get into the gap between the button pad and the part itself. After applying the silicone, you should thoroughly wipe the smartphone to remove any possible residues of the substance. Now when you press it will not appear extraneous sounds, and the button will work normally for a long time.

If after completing all the steps the crunching noise has disappeared, but the functionality of the button still does not work, you need to replace the mechanism with a new one. You can also do this yourself. You can calibrate the key operation).

Any instructions for self-repair You can find your iPhone on our website, or call a specialist for to any place convenient for you.

Many owners of iPhones of the 5th and 6th generations are faced with an annoying nuisance - the “Home” button of their expensive device begins to play and crackle slightly when pressed.

At the same time, there seem to be no deviations in the operation of the device, but every day this key begins to irritate more and more.

What to do, if The button on iPhone 5 and 6 is loose? Can I fix the problem myself? Let's figure it out.

First you need to understand the reason for the appearance of this unpleasant play and creaking.

According to mobile electronics repair specialists, crunching, squeaking and clicking noises on the iPhone 5 are caused by dust and sand microparticles getting under the button.

Over time, a whole layer of dirt accumulates under the key, which causes the button to not fit tightly. Because of this, short-term jamming may occur, accompanied by unpleasant sounds. For the same reason Home button crunches on iPhone 6 and 6s.

To get rid of the unpleasant sound when you press the main key of your smartphone, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence, that is, clear the accumulated dirt from the gap between the rim of the “Home” key and the phone panel.

This can be done without disassembling the device, but there is one a big problem- this gap is microscopically small. A cotton swab or even a toothpick cannot get into this thin gap, but plastic office self-adhesive stickers and bookmarks are perfect for this.

The process itself can be described as follows:

  1. The pointed end of a thin bookmark must be carefully placed under the rim of the key. It’s easier to do this if you move the corner of the sticker around the circle of the “Home” button.
  2. To make the process easier, we recommend that you lightly press the key on one side - this will create a wider gap on the opposite side.
  3. When the edge of the sticker bookmark fits into the gap, you should slowly trace the entire circle. As the filling moves, particles of compacted dust and other dirt should come to the surface.
  4. If the bookmark gets stuck at a certain moment, this means that there is an accumulation of a large number of garbage. IN in this case You should slightly remove the sticker and continue cleaning step by step, gradually deepening the sticker.
  5. The procedure must be done several times until all the dirt comes out from under the button.


Button play on iPhone - isolated case or mass defect

Not only Apple devices are susceptible to the problem of button and display play. With any smartphone that has a similar button, a similar problem can arise, since during operation dust will inevitably get into even the most microscopic crevice.

However, the cause of play in the Home button on iPhone 5/6 may also be a manufacturing defect, for example, if the display module was not firmly secured when assembling the smartphone. In this case, you should contact the service center.

The specialist will remove the display module and, using special tweezers, correct the position of the internal part Home keys and will reassemble the device.

If the problem cannot be resolved, the device will be replaced under warranty.

The occurrence of a squeak due to contamination of the phone is not a warranty case and you will most likely have to pay to clean the button at a service center.

Do all iPhones 5 and 6 have a crunching home button?

Are there many such “creaky” iPhones? It is not necessary to say that the problem is widespread, however, judging by the posts on the forums, many people have a mechanical clicking sound when pressing the “Home” button.

Some users do not consider this to be any kind of pathology at all, but simply regularly carry out preventative cleaning of their favorite device.

Many users have encountered the problem that . Moreover, problems often begin not six months after use, but literally immediately after unpacking. This does not always indicate a breakdown of the key or cable itself; often this behavior is associated with a small flaw that the manufacturer made when designing the phone.

In most cases, it can be fixed without disassembling the phone, using available tools. If you have, then you can apply a special lubricant to an ordinary thick and thin strip of paper, and then lubricate the key. To do this, just insert it into the hole between the case and the button.

Other reasons for clicking on the iPhone 5s Home button

But there are other reasons for the appearance mechanical problems when you press the Home button. Devices that have been in use for a long time will experience wear on this key. It is due to the fact that the button is subjected to the greatest mechanical loads, since it is pressed most often. As a result, the key mechanism fails and it begins to make strange sounds.

Another cause of breakdown can be the ingress of foreign elements and water. The liquid oxidizes the contacts, so the stroke becomes tight and stiff as it moves down. Prevent similar problem Only careful use of a smartphone or constant wearing of special waterproof cases can help.

Features of iPhone 5s Home button repair

Repairing a button on an iPhone 5s is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that it will be required complete disassembly smartphone. In the new Apple device complicated the internal structure, and also used a special compound that tightly covers all the parts. To access the key, you will need to disassemble the smartphone using special tools and clean it inside. All operations should be carried out with the utmost care, since there is a high risk of accidental damage to microcircuits, which are quite fragile, and tracks.

Hi all! What does a person do immediately after iPhone purchases? That's right, he begins to study him closely. Scratches? Cracks? Gaps? All this is sought with enviable, sometimes even some kind of manic-paranoid persistence. Is this strange? I don't think so. After all, when buying a fairly expensive device, we have the right to expect that everything in it will be perfect.

And at the time of such research one can easily discover the fact that mechanical buttons The switches (volume) are not set tightly and shake a little. On the one hand, it's frustrating. On the other hand, maybe it’s like this for everyone? Let's figure out whether the play of the Power and volume up (decrease) buttons is a defect or is it normal design feature iPhone?

One two Three. Let's go! :)

Personal experience or are the buttons on the author’s iPhone wobbly?

They wobble, but not much. Moreover, I noticed this right from the moment I purchased mine. first iPhone 5S. I was very worried about this and even wanted to. But all this desire lasted only the first few weeks. Then, as they say, “scored” and now this device It has served me for the 4th year in a row.

The most interesting thing is that after all this time, the Power button shakes almost the same as it did from the very beginning of use. Although, there are still small improvements - at the end of the article there are observations about what this may be connected with.

In general, if you think logically, then there will always be a small gap in the buttons - after all, they must be pressed, which means there will be a small gap.

Before writing this article, I went around to friends, acquaintances, and relatives and “felt” their iPhone for wobbly volume and power buttons. To be honest, I haven’t seen anyone have the most ideal fit - there is a slight move in 100% of cases. Although, on a couple of iPhone SEs the play was quite strong (in my opinion), but the owners simply do not pay attention to it and use the phone for their own pleasure.

On which models is the defect most common?

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, in most cases users are unhappy with the iPhone 5S and SE.

What is logical:

  • These are some of the most popular and widespread iPhones on the market. How more devices- the more likely it is that someone will be upset.
  • The body of the devices is absolutely the same. Apple, having released the iPhone SE, did not change anything in the design, which means the problem with loose buttons smoothly transferred to the new model.

And although from iPhone owners 6 and 7, you can also hear complaints about the dangling power and volume keys, there are still much fewer of them.

Wobbly buttons on iPhone - defective or not?

Let's move on to the most interesting part - is such a defect a defect? What will be the result of contacting the service center - will they repair (exchange) or will they say that “this is the norm”?

In fact, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Each person has his own idea of ​​quality - what for some seems like a normal move and “fit” of the buttons, in the eyes of another it will be a terrible backlash.

Moreover, this applies to both the user and the service center employee. There are no clear criteria like “the power key should have a gap of 1 mm and move to the sides by 0.5 mm” in any instructions.

Besides, this disadvantage may manifest itself in different ways:

  1. There is some play, but it doesn't affect anything.
  2. Loose buttons get in the way normal functioning devices - for example, you can hear them rattling when recording a video, or they are pressed “somehow wrong” and freeze, or there is some other good reason recognize this defect as a defect.

Accordingly, in the first case, the service center will call this “technical play”, normal situation, design features - and will, in general, be right. But in the second, you can already focus on the fact that rattling prevents you from using the device normally, which means it’s a defect and.

How to fix button play yourself?

Some forums advise disassembling the device and placing something under it. Power button- they say, after this the key will become like a glove and will stop dangling. In my opinion, this is a rather dubious event because:

  • Assembly and disassembly must be done very carefully, and the warranty will be lost (if there is one).
  • Stuffing any foreign objects inside the iPhone (even if this action has a good purpose) is also undesirable.

There is much more simple ways eliminate play:

  1. Use a thick (for example, silicone) case.
  2. Wait until dust accumulates in the button hole (during normal and everyday use).

I agree - there are not very many options. And the second point generally seems ridiculous. But!

Some users actually note the fact that after some time the Power backlash decreases and attribute this phenomenon precisely to the hole being clogged with fine dust. I don’t know how true these messages are, but I definitely wouldn’t intentionally contaminate my iPhone :)

P.S. If the buttons on your iPhone are wobbly, be sure to tell your story in the comments! Does this bother you and will you contact (or have already contacted) the service center?

P.S.S. Is everything good with your iPhone and the buttons fit like a glove? Like and press the buttons social networks! Let's see how many are so lucky! :)