Class hour "November 26 - World Information Day." World Information Day November 26th World Information Day

Nevedrova Natalya

On the introduction of the World Information Day holiday



Municipal educational institution "SO Monakovskaya school"


Completed by a 10th grade student

Nevedrova Natalya

Teacher Fendrikova E.V.


November 26 is Information Day, which is held on the initiative of the International Academy of Information. Information is an abstract concept that has many meanings, depending on the context. And in the narrow sense - awareness, message, data, news. Information has always played an important role in human life. And since the mid-20th century, the need and amount of information has increased significantly.

World Information Day is celebrated today in all countries of the world. This holiday has been held annually since 1994 on the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization (MAI) and the World Information Parliament (VIP). On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place. The global trend these days is the modernization of television broadcasting through the transition to digital technologies, the development of high-speed Internet and mobile communications. Russia is following this trend. In 2008, a strategy for the development of the information society until 2015 was adopted, which determined the strategic goals and direction of activities of government authorities in the field of development of the information society in Russia.

One of the most important areas of informatization of Russian society is the development of Internet technologies. According to the latest data, 35 percent of the Russian population are Internet users. Mobile high-speed Internet technologies of the third and fourth generation are being actively implemented.

In October, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev instructed the heads of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Defense to clear the necessary frequencies for operators providing 3G and 4G services. In turn, the Ministry of Defense promised that high-speed 3G communication networks will appear in Moscow by the New Year. “This year, the Ministry of Defense has shown an amazing pace of work and a good level of interaction,” noted Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev at one of the meetings on frequencies. “They live up to our hopes, and we would like to continue cooperation in the same vein.”

With the help of the Internet, Russians will soon be able to receive a whole range of government services in the “electronic government”. On the eve of the “information holiday” - November 25 - the Russian program for creating a public services portal was launched in test mode. According to Shchegolev, “at the end of the year, a single portal of public services will be launched, namely, 74 services that are on the priority list and are prepared first and are displayed on the portal.”

The minister is convinced that “providing mass government services online will improve services for Russians, freeing them from bureaucratic delays and extortions.” In 2010, Russians will be able to receive about 300 federal services on one Internet portal /forms and information for obtaining a passport, social assistance, vouchers, pensions/.

Russia, together with other countries, is confidently entering the era of high-quality digital television. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications expects that digital broadcasting in the country will begin in a number of regions as early as January 2010. The concept of the federal target program for the development of television and radio broadcasting in Russia, approved in September, will be implemented in 2 stages. The first stage, which expires this year, should provide conditions for the transition to a digital format for the distribution of programs and approve projects for the construction of digital networks in all regions of Russia.

The second stage of the program (2010-2015) involves making a widespread transition to digital broadcasting, creating conditions for the gradual switching off of analogue broadcasting in the country and completing the creation of a unified information space.

Information is almost the main value in our time. And its number is increasing every day. And after all, how much is still not known, not reported and not recorded. The digital future that was thought and dreamed about is becoming the familiar digital present. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a personal computer, or the Internet, or a mobile phone, or any other digital “device”... Let’s try to assess the current state of ICT (information and communication technologies) in hard numbers.

In 2004 . approximately 20% of the world's population (1 billion people) have never used a computer or cell phone. The current population of the Earth is 6.67 billion people (as of January 1, 2010). The number of PCs in the world is 1,050,000,000 (in 2004 there were 700 million PCs in the world; in Russia - 20 million). The number of cellular users worldwide is about 3 billion. In developed countries, each family (the average composition of an average family is 3.1 people) has 1-2 computers and 3-4 mobile phones. People spend most of their computer time reading documents, email, and browsing the web. The number of Internet users in the world is 1.2 billion. The number of Internet users in Russia is more than 40 million. The Internet penetration level in Russia does not exceed 25%. The average age of a Russian Internet user is 31 years. The number of files posted on the Internet has exceeded 3 billion. The most popular search queries are weather, work, horoscope, dating, jokes, download music... The total number of sites on the Internet is 155,583,825 (January 2009). The average Internet user spends 31.3 hours per month on the World Wide Web, during which time he views about 2,500 web pages. Electronic money and online stores are becoming increasingly popular. The most popular product for online store users is books. There are approximately 56 thousand schools in Russia (two thirds of them are rural). The number of PCs in Russian schools is about 670 thousand. 50 thousand Russian schools have access to the Internet. In Russian educational institutions, the number of computers must correspond to the ratio established by the Federal program - 1 computer per 80 students.
Many schools have between 100 and 200 students per computer.

In 2009 . The popularity of laptops, social networks and Internet video is predicted to increase. The concept of electronic state and electronic government is being developed. The IT industry is increasingly service-oriented. There has been a shift away from the traditional perception of IT as “hardware”. The IT market is growing faster than the economy as a whole. The need for IT specialists in Russia in 2010 is about 400 thousand people.

According to forecasts, the number of PC users in the world should reach 2 billion by 2015. In mobile communications, the emphasis is gradually shifting from voice to data transmission.

40% of PCs in the world are not protected from viruses and network threats (!). It usually only takes 10-15 minutes for a PC connected to the Internet without protection to become infected. Every day, 6 thousand web pages are infected on the Internet. The level of piracy in Russia (unlicensed software) is about 80%.

ICT-related diseasesComputer vision syndrome (computer vision syndrome) is a rapid deterioration of vision (symptoms: decreased visual acuity, watery eyes, headache). Tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome) is a “mouse” disease characterized by numbness or pain in the wrist of the hand that manipulates the mouse. Physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle). Thrombosis (blockage of veins with blood clots). Back pain, scoliosis, osteochondrosis. Computer addiction. Gaming addiction. Information dependence. Internet addiction. Mobile addiction – from a mobile phone (expressed in the need to constantly make/receive calls, send/receive SMS, MMS...). Information stress. Since there is an avalanche-like growth of information, even trained ICT users are often “stressed” by the fact that they do not have time to process this information. Recently, psychologists have started talking about the fact that the inability to use information technology (especially among older people) leads to the so-called digital divide, inequality based on access to ICT, and warn that this is fraught with social consequences.

November 26 – World Information Day Prepared by: Fuflygina Natalya Nikolaevna, head. library of the FGKOU SKK MIA of Russia, Samara, 2016 World Information Day

On November 26, 1992, at the first International Informatization Forum, a decision was made to hold ceremonial events dedicated to World Information Day. At the same time, the start date of World Day was set - November 26, 1994.


In primitive society, information was mainly expressed orally, in writing, drawings, gestures and facial expressions. Thousands of years later, evolution and progress have led us to the use of printed means of transmitting information and the use of technical means, the development of new communications, with the help of which you can learn, see or hear something without leaving your own home.



The word “information” was given to us by Latin (information stands for “statement, explanation”). The most common opinion is that information, in a broad sense, is information transmitted by one person to another person orally, in writing or in some other way (for example, using conventional signals, using technical means), as well as the very process of transmitting or receiving this information.

Many have probably heard the phrase: “He who owns the information owns the world.” Where did this saying come from? Here is one version of the appearance of this expression: “Two hundred years ago, Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo to the British. According to legend, Nathan and Jacob Rothschild watched the battle closely. Apart from financial concerns, the Rothschilds could only afford one hobby - carrier pigeons. After the battle, the pigeons were immediately released with coded instructions tied to their feet. But the Rothschilds did not want to take risks and, as soon as they were convinced that Napoleon was losing the battle, Nathan, driving expensive horses, rushed to London.

The story of one statement

In the morning, Nathan Rothschild appeared at the London Stock Exchange. He was the only one in London who knew about Napoleon's defeat. Lamenting Napoleon's success, he immediately began selling his shares en masse. All the other stockbrokers immediately followed his example, as they decided that

The British lost the battle. English, Austrian and Prussian securities became cheaper every minute and were bought in bulk by Rothschild's agents.

The story of one statement

The stock exchange learned that Napoleon had lost the battle only a day later. Many security holders committed suicide and Nathan made £40 million. Real information received earlier than others allowed the Rothschilds to play a win-win game on the stock exchange.

The Rothschilds not only came up with the famous phrase “Whoever owns the information controls the world,” they prepared everything so that the information would come to them first.”

The role of information in human life

Information has always played a very important role in the life of mankind. However, since the mid-20th century, as a result of social progress and the rapid development of science and technology, the role of information has increased immeasurably. In addition, there is an avalanche-like growth of a large mass of diverse information, called the “information explosion.”

Four laws of information theory:

1. The information you have is not what you want.

2. The information you would like to receive is not what you actually need.

3. The information you really need is not available to you.

4. The information that is generally available to you is worth more than you can pay for it.

Happy Information Day!

Information in itself is not power, otherwise the most powerful people in the world would be librarians. (Bruce Sterling)

We wish you to be an informed person!

Information sources

Template source: Nadezhda Andreevna Tikhonova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Kostanay


Stack of books

Stack of books 1

Information Day

Information sign


history of the holiday

Spread of information

Rider on a horse


Results of the movement

Information explosion




Long before the advent of computers and the introduction of the Internet into our lives, one banker, namely, tycoon Nathan Rothschild, uttered a wise phrase: “Whoever owns the information owns the world.” It was as if he looked into the future at that moment, because now, two centuries later, these words turned out to be the motto of a large number of people who know a lot about making fabulous profits. Information technologies are gradually penetrating into all spheres of human existence, and in general, the world today is at a stage of development called the “information explosion.” How can one not establish a holiday in honor of such a significant substance? On November 26, each of us has a great opportunity to celebrate what has existed for 19 years.

history of the holiday

The decision to hold solemn useful events dedicated to World Information Day was made by the leadership of two large and reputable companies: the International Academy of Informatization (IAI) and the World Information Parliament (WIP). This happened 11 years ago, on November 26, 1992 at the first International Forum of Informatization. At the same time, the start date of World Day was set - November 26, 1994. A major role in the establishment of the holiday was played by the fact that representatives of the UN gave the go-ahead to include existing significant events on a global scale in the register. As is known, the MAI has an important general consultative status in two divisions of the United Nations: the Economic and Social Councils. In principle, preparatory work in the field of creating the basic concepts of World Information Day began back in 1973, but, as it turned out, it requires many years of careful design.

Holiday goals

The goals of World Information Day are noble and diverse. First of all, it is making life easier for humanity by simplifying the procedure for obtaining large volumes of information in the shortest possible time and at high speed. In other words, the desire to make such a broad concept as information work for oneself. With help World Information Day its initiators intended to draw the attention of specialists to the main problems and tasks in this field of knowledge in order to make the existence of earthly inhabitants better from the point of view of information technology. A world-class trend that is still relevant today is the comprehensive development of mobile communications, high-speed Internet, and the replacement of conventional television with something closer to the spirit of the times - digital. We can say that the main goal World Information Day lies in the continuous, full-fledged informatization of society. She stands before the leadership of every state.

In this regard, the Russian Federation is trying to keep up with highly developed world powers. Five years ago, a certain strategy was developed, and a course was taken to carry out universal informatization of the domestic society in 2015. But today the country has already achieved considerable results in this area. So far, digital state television has begun to operate only in part of the Russian territories; cellular communication companies are increasing the area of ​​GSM, GPRS, EDGE coverage every year, 3G is being replaced by 4G, that is, the speed of data transmission via the Internet is increasing. And how much remains to be done in the future - it’s impossible to list! Currently, the number of World Wide Web users in Russia is equal to 50% of the country's population. For comparison: just two years ago this figure barely reached 35.

Definition and types of information

The term with which humanity is accustomed to designate various types of information received and transmitted was given to us by Latin. The word information stands for “statement, explanation.” Of course, such a meager interpretation does not convey the full multifaceted meaning inherent in this concept. To this day, the latter is the subject of heated debate among scientists. They all want to find a clear answer to a simple question: what is information? There are the following options, formed as a result of differentiation according to the scope of application of the term.

  • The well-known and most commonly used semantic content of the term “information” sounds like “data that can arouse interest in someone.” A classic example would be sensational news in a newspaper, regular gossip heard from friends, or an advertisement on a pole.
  • Cybernetics, a science closely related to computer science, interprets the word “information” as something abstract that can become an effective means for performing a useful action.
  • The field of technical activity suggests considering information as a message, a short letter of some kind, encrypted using special characters or signals. Morse code, for example, allows you to transfer information in this form.

The American Claude Shannon once spoke very well and clearly about the term “father” of computer science that interests us. According to his point of view, information is nothing more than a means that eliminates gaps in knowledge or brings utmost clarity to the understanding of a problem. Another scientist, this time the founder of the science of cybernetics Norbert Wiener, presented an equally interesting version of deciphering the concept of information. It literally sounds like this: “Information is the designation of content received from the external world in the process of our adaptation to it and the adaptation of our senses to it.” In any case, thanks to the existence of information, the store of our knowledge is constantly replenished, we keep up with the times and are even able to avoid many troubles if we manage to obtain warning information in advance. Provided we have certain data, each of us has a chance to change our lives for the better. You just need to know how to properly use the information received.

Information subjected to all kinds of manipulation by a person comes in various types. In order to streamline the latter, scientists have created a convenient classification of types of information, which is based on a system of criteria. Thus, according to the method of perception, olfactory, gustatory, auditory, visual and tactile information are distinguished. The most important of them is, of course, that which is perceived through vision. The form of presentation of information can be of four types: audio, numeric and the most common – text. There are other principles of separation, but all of them are no longer so significant.

Today we no longer even think about where we can get this or that information. The era of the flourishing of information technology has long and firmly entered into its legal rights. The world we live in is literally permeated with various news and messages. Just have time to react. But did you know about the existence of World Information Day? He turns 23 this November day.

The official founding date of the holiday is considered to be November 26, 1994. However, plans for its implementation appeared a little earlier. In 1992, on the same autumn day, an event of world significance took place. Namely, the International Forum of Informatization. Serious global issues were on the agenda. How to make people's stay in the information space more useful? What significant events and activities in the world are worth hearing? And much more. How can one not think about setting up a special celebration day? It should be noted that the UN was enthusiastic about this promising initiative. The idea itself came from authoritative organizations: the International Academy of Informatization and the World Informationological Parliament. And in 1994, the holiday was registered by UNESCO. Officially.


Most people in many cities around the world do not even think about holding celebrations to mark this day. But it could become a good tradition. Issues of control and processing of information, its transmission through various information channels would be discussed. If we think globally, the goal of World Information Day is to improve the quality of life of the population by providing the necessary information in the shortest possible time. As you know, various resources and sources help us with this. We resort to some of them every day, others in moments of special inspiration.

The concept of "Information"

Every day we are infused with a fair amount of the most diverse from various sources. But before we talk about them, important details about the very meaning of this term should be mentioned. Who first introduced it into use and what does it mean? After all, many do not think about such questions, taking advantage of the generous gifts of civilization every day.

So, the term “information” was introduced into scientific circulation by Norbert Wiener. In 1948. According to the scientist, this is “a designation of content received from the outside world in the process of adaptation to it.” However, even today there is no strict and generally accepted concept of the term “information”. Lively discussions on this matter have not stopped to this day, and in different spheres of life the term can be interpreted in completely different ways.

It is important to mention that this word originated even earlier. Until the 40s of the 20th century, the concept of “information” was translated from Latin as “clarification”. So simple and without any science. This term was used to describe ongoing events, phenomena in life, or to designate this or that object.

But in 1948, qualitative changes took place. Norbert Wiener, who studied “Cybernetics,” became, in a way, the first educator who opened the world’s eyes to such seemingly simple things that have now long been understood by everyone. For example, it was Wiener who showed that absolutely everyone is unable to live without information. Its flows are continuous and occur for everyone. Even in the simplest organisms.

And still in the same memorable year of 1948, the sphere of influence of the concept of “information” expanded. This time thanks to engineer Claude Shannon. It was he who proposed to measure it in some way. The amount of information is gradually beginning to gain momentum. A computer system is being introduced, information channels in the form of various sources are expanding their sphere of influence.

Receiving the information

- Internet
Today the World Wide Web is used by everyone without exception. One click, and now you have all the necessary information at your disposal. Social networks have long been an integral attribute of a modern person who follows fashion trends. Don't want to lag behind life? Create a profile on Twitter, Facebook. Yes, anywhere. It's still inevitable. Announcements of upcoming events, news reports in search engines. There is no escape from this. The online space is conquering the world. Here we find work, make purchases in online stores, not to mention the fact that thanks to the virtual world, some people get married.

- Books
Another source of obtaining quality knowledge is a book. When immersed in a fascinating read, we sometimes don’t notice how more than one minute passes. With the help of books, we can not only plunge into fictional worlds, but also become familiar with new facts. Returning again to traditions, let’s say that it would be very useful to organize mass events in Libraries on World Information Day. For example, readers of all ages would get acquainted with book worlds and learn a lot of new things for themselves.

- A television
Various information is provided to people from blue screens. For example, the same advertising. We can switch channels and persistently ignore it, or, conversely, succumb to an irresistible temptation and allow ourselves to buy something that we have long dreamed of, but somehow forgot about. Of course, we also watch the news, a variety of programs. All this helps us easily and quickly navigate in this world, so saturated with information technology.

Of course, there is also radio, as well as many other sources of increasing knowledge and obtaining quality information. Every day this area is developing rapidly and this cannot but rejoice. In our country, World Information Day has recently received some attention.

And this is not surprising, because existing information systems are being modernized almost every second, and the number of information feeds is increasing. And so on ad infinitum. After all, acquiring knowledge is a constant process. The information boom has already reached considerable heights. It's only the beginning. Do you agree?

World Information Day is celebrated on November 26 - it was introduced at the initiative of the IAI (International Academy of Informatization), which has general consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Information, in the broad sense of the word, is data, information that is transmitted by one people to other people using oral, written or some other message, in the case of using technology or using signals (for example, light). Information has always played an important role in the interaction of people - it’s not for nothing that there is a proverb “Information rules the world.” Note, not money (as some may think), but information - because without information money is not worth so much.

Since the 20th century, the role of information has even increased. There is talk about an “information explosion” - an avalanche-like increase in the mass of different information (which is now available to people).

On the day of information I wish
All you have to do is always be in the know.
Let there be strength and desire
Get more knowledge for you.

Let there be many interests,
Strive to know and understand
I wish you to study every day,
Read, delve and learn.

Information worldwide
We celebrate the holiday.
Only thanks to her
We know everything in the world.

Let the spacious brain accommodate
Bytes of information.
Never stay
You feel prostration.

Happy World Information Day. Whoever owns information owns the world. Therefore, I wish you to always have the same correct, accurate and necessary information in order to be able to move forward, do the right things, easily resolve any issues and confidently achieve success.

Information worldwide
Today we celebrate the day
Open the pages of life
There will never be laziness.

I wish you positivity,
Only good news
Let life become more interesting,
Simpler, brighter, more fun.

Information is important
Here and there it is needed...
I come to you with great congratulations!
A day full of information!

You take possession of it
You'll be right everywhere
No one will guide you
Well, go ahead with a smile!

World Information Day holiday,
Which you can't miss
Not everyone will be able to
Follow the news.

So be strong and brave
After all, you bring the truth to everyone,
May luck smile on you
And you won’t encounter grief at all.

Always be positive
And accept the good
So let in the information world,
You have always been lucky in everything.

No way without information -
Collapse, trouble and “lid”,
We absorb every fact
And every thought.

I wish you this holiday
Only good information
Cool cases, good
Useful propaganda.

Information is very important
After all, it conveys an important essence!
She should help people
And show you the right path!

Information must be valued
After all, she rules the entire world!
We can’t live without information at all,
We must always remember this!

We often need the Internet,
We have a lot of questions for him.
There is an answer to everything in it,
He is a help in any work.

System administrators work here,
They will always help us.
Well, how would we live without them?
Without them, of course, we would be in trouble.

Dependent on information
Today we are more than ever.
Our century has exceeded all speeds,
You always need to know everything quickly.

The telephone operators are also with us,
And there are many more people
Who will deliver the information?
It helps us every day.

Let's congratulate them together
Their day has come today.
Thanks to everyone in this world
He brought us information.

Happy information day! We will need them
The knowledge that is contained in it is different.
Let's smile together now
Happiness and success will definitely be multiplied!

Let the information be only good,
Gives fun, good news.
So that on a planet so huge
Life is more beautiful and interesting for us!

I congratulate you on Information Day,
She is very important to all of us,
She and I rule the whole world,
Which means everyone around her needs it.

Let information forever
No one will use it for evil,
So that in every person in the world
Only happiness and goodness bloomed.

Congratulations: 24 in verse, 6 in prose.