Kies failed to start the application. Why samsung kies does not see the phone

Today we will deal with what a parallel configuration is and what to do if the application failed, since its parallel configuration is incorrect. How to fix this problem?

How applications are arranged

The parallel configuration allows you to specify all versions of the libraries used to start it in a special manifest. It is recorded when creating software. Accordingly, when trying to start the application, the system reads this manifest and is looking for the necessary resources. Their absence leads to the fact that the application cannot be launched. And the reason is the wrong parallel configuration. If the situation does not correct, then start the application (and often this is a favorite game) will not succeed.

The concept of parallel configuration was introduced by Microsoft, whose creation platform for the Creating P.Net Framework is used everywhere. The conflict begins due to a multitude of Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable software product issues. This is a programming system in which a huge number of programs is created. Its installation often occurs when installing software. You can see what versions of you are present. To do this, go to the program review:

Parallel configuration is incorrect - how to fix?

Different methods are known to correct the incorrect parallel configuration when the application is started. But before you have to understand: Windows is not really to blame, and even after it is reinstalled, you will not be able to launch the old game. Therefore, you can make a rollback to the recovery point, which was created before the emergence of the conflict. Other actions on the OS will correct the problem and launch the application will not help.

The very first thing to be done is to reinstall the application that failed to run. For example, the Yandex browser does not start - the parallel configuration is incorrect. Download the new installer on the developer's website and run. Perhaps now you managed to run the application.

When reinstalling the error that calls cannot be done (for example, there is no installer) or after reinstalling, nothing has changed, proceed to action to fix the bug.
We offer you three options that, as practice showed, help correct the error "Incorrect parallel application configuration":

  1. Reinstalling Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable.
  2. Analysis of errors in system manifestations.
  3. Cleaning the registry.

Reinstalling MSVC packages

This is the most acceptable way to correct the incorrect parallel configuration. Most users noted that after these actions managed to run by. First of all, write off which versions you are present to not forget the download you need. For 64-bit PCs, X86 and X64 are needed, and for 32-bit - only x86. You need exactly the indicators of Hshan # and year.
Uninstalling is performed simply: in the program and components window, press the PCM on the line of the application and select "Delete". Or press the top button on the toolbar.

Restart PC. Do not start anything - most of your programs will no longer work, because nothing else has been fixed.
Next you should follow and install deleted versions. You can find them on the official website of Microsoft:

Choose "download" or "download". The installer file will appear in the browser loading panel (bottom). Click it and follow the instructions.

After all the installations, run the OS reboot, restarting the computer. If the application still failed to start - reinstall it again. You may have managed to correct the wrong parallel configuration.

Attention! The list contains all addresses for updates for packages of different versions. Choose only the necessary!

Also, to correct the wrong parallel configuration, it is necessary to reinstall the package .Net Framework itself. Addresses for download:

Analysis of Manifesta

Carefully reading the error message about the wrong parallel configuration, you will see the offer to use the SXStrace.exe program to correct it. This is a system application that allows you to save all data on the launch of applications to a separate file. To use them, do the following:

Fix through registry editor

Sometimes the cause of the wrong parallel configuration is failed in the registry entries. So that we manage to fix this problem, launch the registry - PCM on the button of the main menu, "Run", enter the REGEDIT.

Create a copy of the registry. To do this, execute the command in the "File" menu - "Export" and specify where you save. If you spoil something, you can then use the IMPORT operation. Also create a recovery point.
In the registry editor, the path underlined in the screenshot below. To be able to correct the error, be very attentive.

In the folder that opens, find the records: _....
AND ....

Go to folder 8.0 and look at the right side.

The default version is the last parameter version. If it is not so, change. Press PCM on the first line.

And enter the desired value.

Do the same in the 9.0 folder. Close the editor and reboot. Try running the program. Most likely, you managed to correct the parallel configuration.
Once again, we want to remind you that the registry is better not to open without any special needs and do not change anything on its own. In any case, save it a copy, create a disk or a recovery flash drive and a recovery point. And then experiment.
We hope that information will help you solve the problem of incorrect parallel configuration.

Standard task of software developers - application configuration. For each platform, its solution is specifically. The configuration function includes:

  • synchronization of processes;
  • assembly of results;
  • distribution of work;
  • running etc.

Annexes use a parallel data processing method that allows you to simultaneously perform several actions.

In the process of joint operation programs, the situation occurs when the program does not start and gives an error: "Failed to start the application, since its parallel configuration is incorrect."

Causes of manifestation

In nature, it can be assumed knowing that the development of applications is carried out in a specific environment using the toolkit. Most often it lies in damage to C ++ libraries (Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable).

To solve the task of starting the application, we use the proposed application configuration diagnostic program. The command line program finds a problem manifest. The task of the user is to restore spoiled manifests (system components).

Program teams:


In the logs received by the word "error" or "error" we will find a damaged component. Our task is to restore it.

Algorithm recovery

We will conduct an algorithm for restoring the application of the application:

  1. To exclude problems when installing operating system updates, set the system availability tool to update. We choose the version corresponding to our architecture.
  2. Now exception the application development environment errors, reinstalling Microsoft Visual C ++. We load MS Visual C ++ with SP1 update package, corresponding to the discharge of the installed operating system. Before installing the downloaded version, you need:
    • remove a problem program;
    • delete an existing Visual C ++ redistributable package;
    • restart the system;
    • install the downloaded Visual C ++ package;
    • reload the car.
  3. Except the error of the toolbox and program execution environment. To do this, reinstall .NET Framework:
    • load the component by reference;
    • we delete the previous version;
    • we update the registry of the system, reboot;
    • install the downloaded package.
  4. We install that caused the error, the application.
  5. Reboot your computer.

In most cases, manufactured manipulations solve the task.

Additional task solutions

If the recovery does not help:

  1. You can use the system recovery point - make a rollback.
  2. In the event that this agent did not help in solving the problem, you will have to resort to the extreme means - reinstalling the operating system. You can put on top of existing. In this case, problem files may remain and this will increase the solution to the problem. It is better to reinstall with full formatting.

A licensed distribution is desirable to install the operating system so that in subsequent work does not struggle with problems when installing:

  • drivers;
  • software products;
  • non-existent fonts, etc.

Tip! Do not use third-party beast type assemblies, LDIMM, filling, etc.

If you have any questions about eliminating the error, write to us! Specify what difficulty arose and that you have already taken so that we can help.

Sometimes Samsung Kies errors and other EXE system errors can be associated with problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the samsung kies file, but when these programs are deleted or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (erroneous) EXE registry entries remain.

In principle, this means that while the actual path to the file could be changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to find the file on this incorrect link (on the location of the files on your computer), Samsung kies may occur. In addition, malware infection could damage the registry entries associated with Samsung Kies. Thus, these damaged EXE registry entries need to be corrected to fix the problem at the root.

Editing the Windows registry manually to remove the samsung kies key errors not recommended if you are not a PC maintenance specialist. Errors allowed when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Because of this risk, we strongly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %% Product %% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Samsung Kies registry problems. Using the registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, causing samsung kies error) and non-working links within the registry. Before each scanning, a backup is automatically created, which allows you to cancel any changes to one click and protecting you from possible damage to the computer. The most pleasant thing is that the resolution of the registry errors can dramatically increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced PC user, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use of the registry editor can lead to serious problems and require reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that malfunctions that are the result of the incorrect use of the registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to back up, exporting a portion of the registry associated with Samsung Kies (for example, Samsung Kies):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the samsung kies key (eg. Samsung Kies) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the SAMSUNG KIES key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, for example, "samsung kies backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your samsung kies registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.

Hello, Alexander. You do not write which specific problems arise when installing, so I will try to list the main causes of problems.

To begin with, I will describe the installation process itself. To install KIES 1.5.1 and the Samsung phone driver to the computer (Windows XP), you need to have access to the Internet (no Internet - Kies 1.5.1 will not be installed), download and install programs:

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (Microsoft .NET Framework 4 does not need to be installed - it will not help);

Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86);

Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9, 9.5 & 11 for Windows XP SP3 (KB978695);

Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (V2);

Security Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (MSXML 6.0) And Service Pack 1 (KB933579);

Windows Media Player at least 10th version;

ActiveSync (Windows XP), Device Center (Windows Vista);

Kies 1.5.0 (if kies 1.5.1 will not be installed, install kies 1.5.0, then start the KIES 1.5.1 installation, during the installation of KIES 1.5.0 will be removed);

Kies 1.5.1 (Preferably restart the computer before installation).

After installation, the KIES 1.5.1 program will start automatically. Recommended from kies exit (close). Now you can connect the phone to the computer in the removable disk mode (all applications in the phone must be disabled), after that the installation of the Samsung drivers will begin. After installing the drivers, the phone will be displayed as a flash drive.

Before starting the KIES program, you need to connect to the Samsung computer in Samsung Kies (all applications in the phone must be disabled), after that, the installation of the phone drivers to work with Kies will begin. After installing the drivers, you can run KIES. Such a sequence will most likely save you from hanging and incomprehensible errors.

Now the first probable problem can be understood: all of the above programs are not installed on the computer.

After installing the computer, it is advisable to restart. When the Samsung kies is reloaded, it will start automatically and enabled in Tree. Separately, run Samsung Kies when connecting the phone is not necessary - the program itself starts. First we transfer the phone to "Settings / Connection / Connection / USB / SAMSUNG KIES" (if the "Select Manual" mode is configured, each time you connect the cable with a selection of the phone connection mode to a computer), then connect the cable and Samsung Kies itself starts and determines telephone. There may also be problems without rebooting.

If you are running Kaspersky Anti-Virus (or other antivirus), there may also be problems when installing KIES. To solve this problem, add kies.exe from the root folder to the list of trusted programs (settings - threats and exceptions - trusted programs).

Perhaps the installation blocks firewall. Then try installing in Safe Mode mode.

If you have already installed the old version of KIES, when installing, the previous version will be deleted first, while you select no deletion of KIES data, which are data from the phone. Separately, do not remove the old version in advance to avoid problems. If you still deleted the old version - then it is likely that some fragments of the old version remained in the registry, which interfere with the full installation of the old version. Clean the registry using any available program available (for example, Regcleaner) and try installing anew.
