Cartographic programs. Programs for working with maps Programs for cartography

I have repeated it many times, 99% of the time I dig for coins. And my main source of digging points is vintage maps. Yes, digging for taverns and inns is not skimming the cream, but farmsteads easily give out 5-15 coins. And there are a lot of them. Lately, for me, copping on farmsteads has generally turned into a serial process. You put 10-15 points in one area, go out and dig. If not a single coin comes out within an hour, you move on.

For this process I use my own small set of navigation programs. On a large computer these are Ozi Explorer and SASPlanet. In the field on one phone is Androzic and on the second is a mobile version of Ozi Explorer.

By and large in Hamburg, it is possible and completely possible to get by only with mobile versions. Everything is the same and everything works great. But I still look first on a large PC, here the screen is large and you can cover at least an entire province with one glance.

Ozi Explorer program

For me personally, the Ozi Explorer program is the most basic navigation tool for coping (and generally navigating outside the city). Its meaning and purpose is to work with raster (originally not drawn on a computer) maps. There is a picture of a map and it corresponds to some coordinate grid - you can always plug it into Ozi Explorer and link it to the GPS system. Even a hand-drawn map can be used!

I have old maps for Ozi Explorer attached to sheets 3 layouts and 10 layouts. By the way, super detailed (detailed) maps of the SMG, General Survey Plans - worst of all coincide with the reality of navigation.

Modern maps for Ozi Explorer. Of course, this is a kilometer of the USSR General Staff. There are some areas of 500 meters. Sometimes I use military maps of the Red Army and German ones. But it’s by no means for a WWII cop; it’s very good to use them to figure out farmsteads that were demolished before the war (they were herded into collective farms).

There are also overview maps of 5 and 10 kilometers. I often load maps of satellite images I created myself (I do it using SASPlanet, it’s very easy).


Directly in the field on a cop, I use an Android phone as a navigator. (free). This program understands the files of its big brother Ozi Explorer and has almost all the basic functionality. At least everything that is needed is present in the mobile versions of Ozi Explorer.

Ozi Explorer for WM

My second phone is on Windows Mobile. Yes, I agree, phones on Windows are sad shit behind the times, but... No matter how unpleasant it will be for Google (the Android system is from them), my phone on WM is an order of magnitude more stable than on Android. And navigation works faster and better. If I put a track on record, I can be sure on WM that I won’t lose anything, and at home I can see in detail where I went. On Android it’s a grandmother in a headscarf, she may or may not record it.

The second great tool for working with maps on a large computer. The main advantage is that SASPlanet downloads maps itself (from different sources) and can overlay maps. For example, the vector designation of roads and cities on Google maps, on the old map 10 layout by Strelbitsky. Or satellite images from Google, and a vector map from Yandex. Plus a mega bonus, all these overlays can be saved in a format for Ozi Explorer.

Progress does not stand still, and today dozens of programs are available for tourists that facilitate and automate work with topographic maps, which are vital for planning a route and moving along it. After all, having a detailed, high-quality and up-to-date map reduces the risk of an emergency situation occurring on the route, and facilitates the decision-making process if such a situation does arise. Many countries realized this and released extremely detailed maps, and the Americans generally opened up access to their originally military global navigation system (GPS).

For us, tourists, the most relevant are the maps posted on the websites of the University of Berkeley and the “Czech website”. You can “link” them yourself or buy them already linked to work in OziExplorer. Overview maps of the Caucasus (already linked) can be downloaded for free from this site.


The most famous and widespread program for working with raster maps. And since the most detailed maps for tourism are scanned topographic ones, there is virtually no alternative to using this program. Offhand, the most popular features of this program are:

    convenient cataloging of maps: with one click you can open a map to the south/north/east/west of the current one, or a more/less detailed one for the same point

    convenient exchange of tracks/points. You no longer need to spend hours explaining to a person by phone or mail what route you are talking about - just “draw” it on top of the map in the program and send the resulting file, a couple of kilobytes in size, by mail and the recipient will definitely understand you.

    synchronization with navigators. The most popular models Garmin, Magellan and others are supported. You can draw a path and mark key points on top of a detailed map and send them to your navigator. Or get this information into the program from the navigator and see on a good map how you walked :)

    calculating distance in a couple of mouse clicks (curvimeter no longer needed)

    printing any map fragment at a given scale with all your notes (or without them)

    convenient selection of maps - by clicking on the overview map (index) you can select which map from those available for a given area should be opened

Version STRM- very detailed, but there are annoying inaccuracies in places where remote sensing results are difficult to obtain (high mountains, rocks, ice). Installation: unpack the files from the archive into any convenient folder. IN OziExplorer enter menu“Height” (requires Ozi 3D installed) - setting up work with heights - on the second tab in the Globe (Arcview) line, check the box and specify the path to the folder into which you unpacked the files from the archive.

Download, 67.2 MB

NameSearch database

To the territory of the Caucasus. Almost thirty thousand names of mountains, rivers, settlements and other objects. Enter the first letters of the name into the search box and you will be asked to select an object from those found. With one click you can open a map with this object. Installation: unzip the files from the archive to any folder, launch Ozi and click the icon on the toolbar. In the window that appears, click the "Load" button and specify the path to the file unpacked from the archive. Important: the search is case sensitive, i.e. Capitalize the first letter of the name.

Download, 0.6 MB

Global Mapper 19.1
Global Mapper is an affordable and easy-to-use GIS application that offers access to an unparalleled variety of spatial datasets and provides just the right level of functionality to satisfy both experienced GIS professionals and beginning users.

Global Mapper Overview
Equally well suited as a standalone spatial data management tool and as an integral component of an enterprise-wide GIS, Global Mapper is a must-have for anyone who works with maps or spatial data.
Low-cost and easy-to-use GIS Supports over 250 spatial data formats Optional LiDAR Module for powerful point cloud processing Advanced projection management using GeoCalc library* Unmatched and complimentary technical support *Requires current Geographic Calculator license
Global Mapper is more than just a utility; it offers a surprisingly extensive collection of analysis and data processing tools in a truly affordable package. Providing support for virtually every known spatial file format as well as direct access to common spatial databases, this remarkable application can read, write, and analyze all of your current data.
Global Mapper's intuitive user interface and logical layout helps smooth the learning curve and ensures that users will be up-and-running in no time. Your company will quickly see a significant return on investment brought about by efficient data processing, accurate map creation and optimized spatial data management.
Terrain Analysis and 3D Data Processing
With a particular emphasis on terrain and 3D data processing, Global Mapper's out-of-the-box analysis functions include view shed and line-of site modeling, watershed delineation, volume measurement and cut and fill optimization, raster calculation, customized gridding and terrain creation, contour generation, and much more.
Complementing these powerful analysis tools is a complete suite of raster and vector data creation and editing functions offering everything from simple and intuitive drawing to image rectification and vectorization.
Recent Developments in Global Mapper
For almost twenty years, Global Mapper's development has depended on direct interaction with users and many of the major functional enhancements can be clearly traced to individual requests.
Version 19.1 - New Querying Tool and Profile Line Exporting
The major functional enhancements introduced with the release of version 19.1 include a completely redesigned attribute querying tool offering multivariate attribute search options with advanced user-defined functions and expressions.; a new option to save and export 3D lines from the Path Profile tool; support for drag-and-drop docking of most floating windows including the Map Layout Editor, Coordinate Convertor, and 2D Map Views; an enhanced 3D Viewer, allowing the user more precise control over the process of zooming and panning; and consolidation of the advanced attribute management tools, such as Attribute Joining and Calculation, into the Attribute Editor Window.
Version 19.0 - Attribute Editor and Dynamic Hillshading
The most significant developments in version 19 include a powerful new attribute querying and editing tool. Replacing the former search function, the Attribute Editor is a spreadsheet-like display that allows real-time editing of feature attributes in a dockable window. Terrain visualization has been enhanced with an interactive tool for dynamically positioning the hillshading light source using real-time click and drag control. When displaying the 3D View, an option has been added to limit the geographic extent of terrain data displayed based on the visible extent of the 2D map, which significantly improves the rendering speed.
Additional improvements in the version 19 release include an expanded list of built-in online data sources, which now includes streaming services form individual U.S. states and Canadian provinces (when available). The process of docking windows has been streamlined with drag and drop positioning for all dockable windows, including the 3D Viewer, Path Profile and Attribute Editor. Raster calculation now offers several new built-in functions including Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and Advanced Vegetation Index (AVI).
Version 18 - Redesigned and Improved Interface
Version 18 introduced a complete redesign of the interface along with a fresh new logo and updated button graphics. The toolbars were reorganized to promote more efficient access to critical functionality and each toolbar can be customized by adding or removing buttons to reflect the requirements of each user. A dockable multiview map display was also added allowing simultaneous side-by-side views of a particular geographic area at different zoom levels or using different datasets.

A Low-Cost GIS Alternative
By providing a complete GIS data management and analysis application, right out-of-the-box, Global Mapper simplifies the deployment of spatial technology in your company or organization. There's no need to juggle extensions or costly add-ons to gain access to the functionality that you need. Global Mapper's aggressive development and release cycle ensures that the product grows with you as your needs and requirements change. Now you can unblock the GIS dataflow logjam by providing a workable GIS software tool for everyone who needs access to this critical data.
At a fraction of the cost of traditional GIS alternatives and with free set-up and general use support, as well as flexible licenses including single seat, network and USB Dongle licensing, there"s no reason not to add Global Mapper to your GIS toolkit .

ArcGIS 3D Analyst software.

ArcGIS 3D Analyst is an additional ArcGIS module for creating,

visualization and analysis of three-dimensional objects and surfaces. ArcGIS is a series of software products developed by ESRI, Inc. (USA).

ArcGIS contains more than four hundred tools for analysis, conversion, data management, geocoding, dynamic segmentation, cartography, working with rasters, interpolation methods and data quality assessment, zonal filtering, multivariate analysis, raster algebra, building and checking topology, creating graphical diagrams and etc.

All ArcGIS products can use additional modules for processing and analyzing spatial data:

– AgsMar – display, editing, data analysis, creating maps;

– ArcGIS 3D Analyst – creation, visualization and analysis of three-dimensional objects and surfaces;

– ArcCatalog – data access and management;

– ArcToolbox – projection management tools and data conversion;

– ArcGeostatistical Analyst – for interpolating surfaces based on statistical analysis of spatially distributed data.

ArcGIS and extensions, including ArcGIS 3D Analyst, are the optimal platform for creating 3D scenes of large areas.

Figure 5 – Interface of the ArcGIS 3D Analyst program.

ArcGIS 3D Analyst provides advanced 3D data display tools, surface construction tools, 3D data editing tools, and a variety of analytical functions. Using the module, you can interactively view the Earth from different perspectives, obtain information about objects, identify objects visible from different locations on the earth's surface, and create realistic representations of the earth's surface. It is also possible to animate a three-dimensional image and virtually fly over the stage. ArcGIS 3D Analyst allows you to:

– create a three-dimensional representation of the Earth using conventional GIS data;

– analyze three-dimensional data using tools for calculating volumes, slopes, constructing horizon lines - visibility, surface modeling, etc.;

– view data on scales from planetary view to local view;

– navigate through multiscale data with relief and overlaid images without jumps;

– carry out spatial analysis in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space;

– display the results of modeling and analysis in three-dimensional space;

– use three-dimensional models and symbols to create realistic scenes;

– export 3D animated representations to video files;

Applications for ArcGIS 3D Analyst: cartography, geology, meteorology, hydrology, archaeology, forestry, agriculture, healthcare, mining, real estate, municipalities, retail chain management, etc.


Virtual GIS is an application module of the Erdas Imagine system (ERDAS).

ERDAS IMAGINE (Earth Resources Data Analysis System) is a system for analyzing Earth remote sensing data presented in raster formats.

A characteristic feature of the system is that it has become an almost standard developer environment for writing application software for remote sensing processing - many companies (not only American) design their developments as expansion modules for the Erdas Imagine system.

“The core of the ERDAS IMAGINE software is one of three base package options: IMAGINE Essentials, IMAGINE Advantage and IMAGINE Professional. Each subsequent package includes the previous one and expands its functionality. Additional expansion modules:

– processing vector data (Vector);

– orthorectification, interferometric and stereo processing of radar images (Radar Mapping Suite);

– atmospheric correction (ATCOR);

– three-dimensional GIS (Virtual GIS);

– subpixel classification (Subpixel Classifier);

– block triangulation, creation of digital elevation models and orthorectification of aerospace and ground images, full-featured photogrammetric processing (LPS);

– application development (Developer’s ToolKit);

– radiometric and geometric correction of images from “Resurs-O”, Lineament analysis LESSA.”

ERDAS IMAGINE supports several vector formats, including vector-topological. All vector formats convert into each other without the import-export procedure.

The Virtual GIS module is available for use with any of the three variants of the ERDAS IMAGINE base packages.

The authors give the following brief description of the Virtual GIS module and its high rating: “The Virtual GIS module (virtual GIS) represents the cutting edge of the development of GIS technologies and digital data processing. The idea is simple: by processing in real time a digital terrain model with a raster image (image, map) superimposed on it, the user can “fly” over a synthesized, but quite realistic, perspective image of the area, interactively changing the flight direction, its speed, and the direction of view . In addition, vector maps in ARC/INFO format can be superimposed on the relief. In a 3D image, both raster pixel values ​​and ARC/INFO vector data attributes are available using a special cursor. Since the direction of view can change up to the nadir, the difference between a plan (cartographic) and a perspective image actually disappears, especially since contrast transformations and other processing can be carried out on a perspective image.”

SiteBuilder 3D program.

The SiteBuilder 3D package is built on the basis of the well-known developments of MultiGen - Paradigm, Inc. (USA) - a leader in the field of three-dimensional visualization. This product is implemented as a software add-in for Arc View GIS 3.2 and ArcGIS 8.x/9.x.

Arc View was developed by ESRI, Inc. (USA) and is part of the ArcGIS family of programs. ArcView is a powerful tool for managing, displaying, and analyzing spatial information. Used as a stand-alone desktop GIS package, as well as a client application in the ArcGIS system.

Arc View consists of three basic modules: ArcMare – display, editing and analysis of data, creation of maps; AxcCatalog – data access and management; ArcToolbox – projection management and data conversion tools.

All ArcGIS products can use additional modules to solve specialized spatial analysis problems: ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, ArcGIS 3D Analyst, etc.

SiteBuilder 3D tools are accessed from the ArcView secondary menu. The input data is 2D data from ArcView layers and additional 3D information that is either already contained in the ArcView data or extracted from digital maps, DEMs, etc. SiteBuilder 3D creates a 3D map representing the terrain and then “drapes” it contours of the area by overlaying the map on top of it, thereby creating a new three-dimensional scene. Then, using special libraries (SiteBuilder’s 3D Features Libraries), 3D templates are selected for roads, buildings, trees, rivers, lakes, etc. The selected templates are automatically built into the 3D scene. The 3D scene can be viewed either in full screen mode or alongside the 2D map in the ArcView window. In this mode, progression through the 3D scene is synchronized with progression across the 2D map.

SiteBuilder 3D allows you to create three-dimensional scenes with a huge number of objects and a high degree of detail.

To achieve the desired level of detail without reducing rendering speed, SiteBuilder 3D uses virtual texture technology, including support for atmospheric phenomena (clouds, fog, changing time of day).

You can select information to create a texture from aerial or satellite imagery, or from the map display in the ArcView window. In both cases, SiteBuilder 3D automatically converts the image or map into a virtual texture and overlays it onto the terrain model. It is possible to add 3D symbols (models, colors, textures, etc.) to two-dimensional data to increase the realism of the created three-dimensional scene.

GIS MAP 2011 program - GIS Panorama.

The “Panorama” project is a set of geoinformation technologies, including the professional GIS MAP 2011, the industrial vectorizer of electronic maps Panorama - Editor, GIS application development tools for various platforms GIS ToolKit , system of accounting and registration of land holdings and Law, converters for exchange Data with other GIS.

The technology for constructing a three-dimensional model is implemented on the basis of applications included in the GIS MAP 2011. These applications include: Map editor, Classifier editor, Library editor of three-dimensional views of objects, Construction of a three-dimensional model, Three-dimensional map editor, Measurements on a three-dimensional map, Printing and Creating presentations .

The technology for constructing a three-dimensional model is intended for creating three-dimensional models of varying degrees of detail and solving applied problems. Based on the degree of detail, models are divided into standard, detailed, interior and thematic models.

The technology allows you to create three-dimensional models of the territory, models of architectural ensembles, interior interiors, above-ground and underground communications.

MAP 2011 - GIS Panorama also implements an original style of modeling a three-dimensional scene, which consists of synthesizing the scene when launching the viewer (Navigator 3D) from a digital map (plan) containing metric and semantic information of objects. Three-dimensional views of objects are created according to the principle of a constructor from graphic primitives. The View Builder contains several standard object views. The user has the ability to create new views.

PHOTOMOD program.

Currently, the PHOTOMOD brand combines a wide range of software tools for digital photogrammetric processing of remote sensing data, which allows obtaining spatial information based on images of almost all commercially available imaging systems, such as frame digital and film cameras, high-resolution space scanning systems, as well as synthetic aperture radars .

PHOTOMOD can be used as a local full-featured digital photogrammetric station, a distributed network environment for implementing large projects, additional workstations to your existing photogrammetric systems to perform the most labor-intensive processes.

Figure 6 – PHOTOMOD program interface.

Advantages of the system:

    closed technological cycle for obtaining all types of final products: DEMs, 3D vectors, orthophotomaps, digital maps without the use of other software products;

    support for various types of filming systems;

    a wide range of exchange formats ensuring compatibility with other photogrammetric and geographic information systems;

    support for a large number of coordinate systems, as well as the ability to specify your own coordinate system;

    automation of photogrammetric processes;

    flexible modular configuration that allows you to select the optimal configuration of PHOTOMOD products to solve certain problems;

    high system performance and reliability;

    distributed network environment for implementing large projects;

    quality control at all stages of the technological process;

    various methods of stereo observation;

    support for various input means (3- and 5-button mice, specialized 3D manipulators);

    ease of installation and configuration;

    ease of learning, ease of use;

    qualified and prompt technical support;

    various levels of training in working with the system;

    complete technical documentation;

    widespread in Russia and other countries of the world;

    optimal price/performance ratio;

The PHOTOMOD software package finds application wherever it is required to obtain the most accurate metric information about the Earth. PHOTOMOD allows you to solve the entire range of tasks of mapping, cadastre, monitoring, and spatial analysis. The system provides complex GIS, geoportals, and cartographic web applications with a high-precision cartographic basis.

      Data sources for creating and updating a 3D scene

The main data sources for creating and updating 3D scenes are:

    remote sensing (materials from aerospace surveys, laser ranging, radar interferometry);

    archival cartographic materials on paper;

    digital topographic maps and plans;

    geodesy and engineering geology;

    additional attribute information;

    ground photographs of buildings (phototextures);

    libraries of three-dimensional models of various objects.

Modern technologies for obtaining digital models of relief and territorial objects involve the use of Earth remote sensing data. The so-called “single data set”, generated at a time, has the greatest information value and includes three types of data:

    laser location data (clouds of laser points);

    aerial photographic data (digital aerial photographs);

navigation data (GPS, GLONASS and inertial system data).

1 2 3

1 – materials from aerospace surveys; 2 – laser ranging materials; 3 – materials of radar interferometry

Figure 7 – images of remote sensing materials.

Figure 8 – images of materials from digital topographic maps and plans.

Figure 9 – images of materials from ground photographs of buildings (phototextures).

Figure 10 – images of materials from libraries of three-dimensional models of various objects.

Bibliography Autodesk Maya program

    Dissertation pp. 27,30,31,69,71,71 – 1.1 General information

    Dissertation pp. 71- 94 –1.2 Software review

    http:// ru. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ SketchUp– SketchUP program– ArcGIS 3D Analyst program

    http:// www. angles. ru/? page=3 – PHOTOMOD program

  1. Dissertation pp. 30 – 1.3 data sources

    Zhurkin, I. G. Technology for obtaining a measuring three-dimensional video scene based on materials from aerospace surveys [Text] / I. G. Zhurkin, T. A. Khlebnikova // Geodesy and cartography. − 2009. − No. 8. − P. 43−48.