Which monitor to choose for your computer? Main types of monitors. Types of modern monitors

computer monitor is a device designed to display visual (graphic, text, video) information.

Also, some monitors have built-in sound speakers, and can thus reproduce sound, but this feature is not included in the main characteristics of the monitor.

When purchasing or assembling a personal computer (PC) from separate ones, you should definitely pay attention to the characteristics of the monitor, which we will consider below.

Previously, a monitor was called a display; now this name is rarely used.

1 Diagonal length and proportions of the monitor

Diagonal is measured in inches. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters. Previously, the measurement (“standard”) of an inch was the width of the thumb on an adult man’s hand. An inch when indicating the diagonal of a monitor is represented by a quotation mark “ - in the form of a double stroke. In English, inch is inch, abbreviated as in.

Most often you can find monitor models with diagonals of 15”, 17”, 19”, as well as 21”, 23” and 27 inches. The last option (27”) is more suitable for professional designers, photo editors, video editors, etc. Of course, ordinary users can also use it if they have the opportunity and desire to have a large monitor.

Monitors may have the same size in inches, but they will differ in proportions (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Monitors have the same diagonal, but different proportions

As for the proportions (the ratio of the length and width of the sides of the monitor), three formats are most widespread -

  • 16:9,
  • 16:10,

These numbers mean the following. 16:9 - this means that the width of the monitor (horizontally) is 16 conventional units, and the height of the monitor (vertical) is 9 of these same conventional units. More precisely, the width of the monitor is greater than its height by 16 divided by 9 times, that is, 1.78 times.

And, for example, a ratio of 4:3 means that the width is greater than the height by only 4 divided by 3 times, that is, 1.33 times.

Monitors with an aspect ratio of 16:9 and 16:10 are widescreen. They are good for watching widescreen and widescreen video movies. It is convenient to open several windows at the same time.

Monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are convenient for those who work with editors, with graphic files etc., but for some they are more familiar.

Monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3 are often more convenient for work, and 16:9 for entertainment. Nowadays, widescreen monitors are also used more often for work, simply because they are more common.

Rice. 2 Two monitors in one housing

Widescreen monitors are convenient for those who like to work with several at once. Such users often use PC configurations with 2 (Fig. 2) or even 3 monitors at the same time.

The diagonal length and proportions of the monitor are what users pay attention to first, but the main characteristics of the monitor, of course, do not end there.

2 Type

Currently, there are only two main types of monitors:

CRT monitor

As for the CRT, then this abbreviation stands for “cathode ray tube”.

These monitors are similar to old TVs (they are almost the same size and weight). They are older and are rarely used due to their large size, energy consumption and harm to the eyes.

Cathode ray tubes use high voltage, fast charged particles, and other technical things that are more harmful to users than more modern LCD displays.

LCD is an abbreviation for Liquid Crystal Display, which translates as liquid crystal display.

LCD monitors are more compact and lightweight because they can have almost flat shape. Therefore, today they are used almost everywhere.

LCD monitor

The picture on LCD monitors is formed from a set of small dots (pixels), each of which can have a specific color. There are none here harmful effects on the user and his eyes, which were the cathode ray tubes.

The first models of LCD monitors were slow, they could not reproduce fast-changing images without distortion, and therefore cathode ray displays were competitive for some time. However, technology does not stand still, and modern LCD monitors already devoid of the shortcomings of their predecessors.

Today, when buying a monitor, you can see a varied range of exclusively LCD displays. Cathode ray tubes are becoming a thing of the past.

3 Resolution

This is the number of pixels (the dots that make up the display) vertically and horizontally. The more pixels, the higher quality image can be obtained. And vice versa, the fewer there are, the more blurry, less clear, and lower quality the image will be. Therefore, if you want to see clearer pictures, you need to have more pixels.

In general, a pixel is the smallest point on a monitor screen. The whole picture is made up of such points. The more dots and the fewer these dots, the clearer the image. Hence the need to have more pixels to get better quality images.

Typically, resolution depends on the size of the display and its aspect ratio. For example, you can often find:

  • 16:10 format monitors have a resolution of 1440x900,
  • for 4:3 format monitors – resolution 1600x1200,
  • 16:9 format monitors have a resolution of 1920x1080.

Numbers, for example, 1920x1080 mean:

– horizontally the monitor has 1920 pixels – the minimum points from which the image is composed,

– the monitor has 1080 pixels vertically,

– in total there are: 1920 multiplied by 1080 equals 2,073,600 pixels, that is, more than 2 million tiny dots, from which a beautiful, clear image is formed color image.

In addition, the term pixel density is often used. Density is calculated using the formula “the number of points on any side divided by the length of this side.” This is needed to represent how many pixels are in one millimeter or one centimeter of the screen. But, as a rule, people have already gotten used to pixels, so the phrase “pixel density” is used much less often.

4 Matrix type

There are many types of matrices, they are not so easy to understand. They depend on the manufacturing technology of the matrix, and due to this they differ from each other in image quality, viewing angle, speed of image change and other parameters.

The viewing angle means that in some places the image is visible from all sides, and in others strictly at almost a right angle, so that the “neighbor” cannot see what is shown on your monitor.

The following types of matrices are distinguished:

– relatively inexpensive, but not the highest image quality TN+film panels. Their disadvantage is small viewing angles (move a little to the side and you won’t see anything), a decrease in brightness and contrast if you look at the image from the side and not at a right angle, etc.

– numerous IPS matrices with different nuances and differences from each other, having wide viewing angles, deep black color, good color rendition. Various types of such matrices can have both short (bad, slow) and fast (good, high-speed) response times, which allows slow matrices to be used for office work, and fast ones for watching videos, games and other applications that require fast graphics .

– VA matrices, PVA matrices and other types of matrices that differ from each other in response time (speed), color rendering, viewing angles and other characteristics.

5 Contrast level and viewing angle

Contrast is measured by comparing the brightness of the monitor's white and black pixels. The average value of this indicator is 1:700. The numbers mean that the brightness of black pixels is 700 times less than the brightness of white pixels, which is a very decent value. Although now it is quite common to find monitors with a contrast ratio of up to 1:1000.

The viewing angle affects from what position in relation to the monitor you can easily distinguish the picture. Many modern monitors have a viewing angle of 170-175 degrees.

We remember from school geometry that 180 degrees is a rotated angle, that is, looking at the monitor tangentially to its plane. Therefore, a viewing angle of 175 degrees is an opportunity to see the image even when standing to the side of the monitor. In other words, the picture is visible even if you direct your gaze almost parallel to the display.

6 Pixel response time

Also quite a significant indicator. How less time response, the faster the picture will change (pixels will respond faster to the signal).

High-quality modern monitors have a response time of 2-9 milliseconds. The number 9 milliseconds means that the image of each pixel can change more than 100 times per second.

And the number 2 milliseconds means the ability to change the image of each pixel 500 times in 1 second! We remember that the human eye no longer has time to distinguish between changes in a picture with a frequency of more than 24 times per second, and therefore 500 times per second is a very good result!

The faster the response, the better quality moving pictures the monitor can reproduce. Therefore, lovers computer games and those who like to watch high-quality films on a monitor screen prefer monitors with high response times, and are willing to pay extra money for this quality.

7 Connectors and ports for connecting a monitor

An important point when choosing a monitor is the option of connecting it to a computer. First of all, you need to know what connectors are on the computer.

If the monitor is selected for a desktop PC, then the computer may have different ports, for example DVI, VGA, HDMI.

Laptops usually use a VGA port to connect an external monitor.

But in “apple” Apple computers Ports such as Mini DisplayPort and ThunderBolt are used. All this should be kept in mind when choosing a monitor.

As a rule, monitors have the ability to connect to a DVI and (or) VGA port, but this must also be clarified.

If you need to connect the monitor to other ports, you may need special adapters with which the monitor can be connected to the computer. And then you need to take care of these adapters in advance.


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And is intended for the exchange of information between the user and the computer. A computer monitor is a universal device designed to visually display text and graphic information.

Monitors can be classified in various ways: by type of information displayed (alphanumeric, graphic, etc.), by display size (2D, 3D), by type of video adapter (VGA, SVGA, etc.), by type of device of use (computer monitor, advertising monitor, etc.) But perhaps the most commonly used classification is the classification by screen type.

Following this latest classification, today we can distinguish three main types of monitors:

  • cathode ray monitors (Cathode Ray Tube);
  • liquid crystal monitors (Liquid Cristal Display);
  • plasma monitors (Plasma Display Panel).

The first type of monitors. Even people who do not have special knowledge about computer technology know that the first monitors had a large, voluminous appearance and were very reminiscent of old color TVs, not only in appearance, but also in the design principle.

Similar monitors are still produced today, in a modern, modernized form. They are called CRTs, or cathode ray tube monitors. A CRT is a monitor, which is an electron-vacuum device in a glass bulb. Information is displayed on the screen using a cathode ray tube.

The electron gun located in the neck of the device heats up and produces a stream of electrons. Focusing and deflection coils direct this flux to a specific point on the screen, which is coated with a phosphor. Thus, under the influence of electron energy, an image is formed from luminous dots of the phosphor.

Second type of monitors- LCD or liquid crystal monitors. This type is the most common today. The name itself indicates that they use the properties of liquid crystals.

The operating principle of an LCD monitor is as follows. A light filter located in the display creates two light waves, transmitting the one whose polarization plane is parallel to its axis.

The second polarizing filter is placed opposite the first. When it rotates (changes the polarization axis), the amount of light energy between the filters changes. Thus, the brightness of the screen is adjusted until the passage of light completely stops.

To convey color, the display has another light filter, which contains three cells (red, blue and green) for each pixel of the image.

Liquid crystal monitors occupy a leading position in the modern computer market, leaving cathode-ray monitors far behind. Their advantages are obvious. Firstly, LCD monitors are very compact, and secondly, they do not flicker. To this we can add good quality(clear) images and absence of electromagnetic radiation.

Thus, the LCD monitor can be conveniently and compactly placed on the desktop, enjoy working and watching movies on the screen, and, most importantly, protect your precious vision.

The third type of monitors- monitors with a plasma panel (Plasma Display Panel). Their cost is higher than that of the previous two types of monitors.

The principle of operation of plasma monitors is based on the fact that when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, a light discharge occurs, and special phosphors on the screen begin to glow. Radiation occurs in a highly rarefied gas environment. During a discharge, a so-called conductive cord is formed between the electrodes, which consists of ionized gas molecules (plasma).

The Plasma Display Panel control circuit sends signals to conductors that are printed on the inner parts of the panel glass. Thus, personnel development occurs.

The brightness of each image element depends on the glow time of the corresponding cell: the brightest ones shine constantly, the dark ones do not light up at all. The bright areas of the panel emit uniform light, making the image on the plasma panel flicker-free, providing optimal eye protection.

Previous publications:

I'm a guest for laptops..
and so do I bigger screen The laptop is working hard, but I don’t argue, gamers won’t understand me, but the nerds who spent 8-16 hours a day reading the dog information so with every fiber of the soul for the laptop screen with a diagonal of at least 19 and a viewing angle of 160, and to adjust its brightness to suit you contrast, many will understand me, and those who don’t understand, let them go... And stare at their crap monitor or TV, bespectacled people hello_))) read books, don’t go for walks at night, they won’t understand you.. You are our mental potential, which is no one doesn't want to shake it.
17.10.2011 20:45:21

But there are others important indicators when choosing:

  • matrix type;
  • diagonal;
  • screen rotation;
  • permission;
  • scan;
  • viewing angles;
  • backlight brightness and contrast;
  • response time;
  • curvature;
  • availability of connectors;
  • safety.


A matrix is ​​a monitor element that forms a picture. The following types are distinguished:

  • OLED.

They have the same basis - liquid crystals. The specifications for the monitor indicate the letters LED or WLED (light emitting diodes) - this is just the type of backlight that everyone uses modern displays. It is characterized by low energy consumption and takes up little space.

TFT TN is an obsolete technology that appeared as a replacement for ray tube screens. The main advantages are low cost and fast time response. But they are offset by mediocre picture quality, which is affected by poor viewing angles.

The screens of most devices are built on the basis of IPS (in-plane switching) matrix. Their main advantage is large viewing angles, but the cost of such panels is much higher than budget types. Previously, the price gap was more catastrophic, but now everything has settled down, even the response time has returned to normal.

VA ( Vertical Align) matrices were developed as an alternative to more expensive IPS models, allowing to reduce the price and response time. They are divided into MVA and PVA, differing only in the companies developing this technology. The latter was developed by Samsung, which reduced the brightness of black. VA have better contrast and color rendering, which ensures black uniformity over the entire area, without visible highlights. Gaming monitors This type has a response time of up to 1 ms. But at a higher angle, the picture becomes slightly yellowish and slightly less contrasty - when working in close proximity this is not so noticeable. Therefore, VA panels are the most versatile and affordable.

PLS is a pure copy of IPS - careful examination will not reveal any differences. Price is the main factor in this case.

OLED is the most advanced technology in the development of matrices. They have recently appeared at astronomical prices. It lacks the concept of black brightness, and the contrast is close to infinity. Response time is measured in tenths of milliseconds. Important problem– fragility due to rapid pixel burnout.

Screen size

We select the diagonal of the monitor based on the distance to the workplace and tasks, user-decisive. The most common sizes are 21.5”, 24” and 27”. It is better not to take a longer length if you are sitting close, since your neck will be constantly strained to cover the necessary part of the screen with your gaze. On a 27” panel, we stop at 4K resolution; for Full HD, a smaller diagonal is sufficient.

Ergonomic design

Tilt angle and screen height change are some of the important characteristics. After all, adjusting the height of a computer chair does not always lead to a comfortable view of the picture. Moreover, if the monitor does not have best parameters according to review.

Most panels are characterized by flexible ergonomics. The ability to rotate the screen 90º allows you to better adapt to reading e-books or viewing photos in portrait mode.


Today the following types of resolutions are popular: Full HD, 2K, Quad HD, Ultra HD and 4K. Most of the monitors on the market are of the first type (1920x1080 pixels). They have low price, and does not require a modern computer configuration.

2K (2048x1080) and QHD (2560 x 1440) are somewhere in between and not so common.

The difference between the last two is small (3840 x 2160 pixels versus 4096x2160). More and more films and games are being released in this resolution, which is only compatible with latest models PC components. There is no need to be afraid of such resolutions, as the situation is gradually changing: tablets with 4x nuclear processor They already provide a high-quality picture via an HDMI cable.

Monitor scan

This parameter is more important for extreme gamers than for ordinary users. Ignore it if you're not a gaming fan as standard frequency Screen refresh at 60 Hz is more than enough. On the market you can find panels with a frequency of 120 or 144 Hz - not every video card can deliver it at high resolution, and the difference in cost is large.

Viewing Angles

This is an essential characteristic for a monitor with a lack of ergonomics, or if you use it to watch movies with a large family. Ideal values ​​are 178° horizontally and 178° vertically. Only in this case the colors are not distorted and the contrast is not disturbed.

Brightness and Contrast

The specification focuses on backlight brightness (200 cd/m 2, 250 cd/m2 or 300 cd/m2 ) and contrast (static and dynamic). Dynamic is not very interesting to us, since it tells how many times the monitor is brighter when turned on than when it is turned off. Therefore, we are looking for a static contrast value, that is, with the same backlight level. For a VA matrix it is equal to 3000:1.

These two indicators are closely related. Please pay attention to displays with maximum values brightness and static contrast, which will provide the best image richness.

Response time

At the monitors personal computers there is a delay (lag) in information visualization. For example, 2 ms GtG (Grey-to-Grey) means that during this time a pixel on the screen changes its brightness gray from 10% to 90%. It affects the speed at which the picture changes on the display, which is especially important for fast-paced games. Ordinary users won't notice this. Typically monitors have a response time between 1 and 8 ms. If you use a TV as a screen, then 20 ms is considered a good level.


A couple of years ago curved panels appeared. Nowadays there is more variety, since, following Samsung, other companies are making such models, for example, LG, Philips, HP, Asus, Iiyama, BenQ, Acer, Dell.

Is there any sense in these innovations? Manufacturers claim that this provides the most comfortable conditions for viewing content on the screen, and the radius of curvature is comparable to a cinema screen. But immersion in the reality of what is happening can only be felt on a large diagonal, from 27”. And this costs a lot of money. The dimensions are also increasing: it is difficult to make thin frames and a compact back wall. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves whether they need it.


On this moment The following ports are relevant for communication with system unit computer: DVI, HDMI and DP. VGA cable ( analog signal) are not taken into account due to the low quality of the image.

Display Port version 1.4 has the highest throughput. (7680x4320 @60 Hz). But now this is redundant: 8K monitors cannot be found on the market.

If the number of points per unit area is 4096 by 2160 at 60 Hz, then the HDMI 2.0b connector is used, version 1.4 operates at a frequency of up to 30 Hz.

DVI-D Dual Link is suitable for resolutions up to 2560x1600 at a refresh rate of 60 Hz or 1920x1080 at 120 Hz.

Please refer to the specification graphics adapter and determine which digital port is appropriate to use.


The main thing when working behind a monitor is to protect your eyes as much as possible. You can take a few minutes away from it every hour. Additionally, we have developed several automatic modes. For example, “Eye-saver” and “Eye Saver Mode” reduce blue light from the screen, and “Flicker Free” technology neutralizes flicker, resulting in reduced eye strain.

More will come to the rescue curved screen. It was designed based on the shape of the human eye, following its contour. This way, less fatigue is achieved by focusing less frequently on the image.

So, based on the price-quality ratio, the choice fell on a monitor with:

  • VA type matrix;
  • 24” diagonal;
  • It is possible to rotate the screen;
  • Full HD resolution;
  • refresh rate from 60 Hz;
  • maximum viewing angles of 178º;
  • brightness 300 cd/m2;
  • static contrast 3000:1;
  • minimum response time (1-2 ms);
  • curved panel;
  • there is a connection via an HDMI cable;
  • Blue light protection technology available;
  • minimum flicker.

It’s even better if, before purchasing, you come to the store yourself with a program recorded on a flash drive to check for defective pixels and evaluate the quality of the transmitted image. Well-known stores provide this opportunity.

The monitor as a means of visually displaying information has existed for a long time and has experienced several revolutionary changes in its history. If not a few years ago manufacturers were mainly fighting for the ability to provide high basic picture characteristics, today the competition between different concepts for implementing this device is becoming fiercer. Modern types of monitors differ in many criteria, determining not only image quality, but also the availability of communication interfaces, energy saving indicators, functionality and other performance qualities.

What is the difference between a monitor and a TV?

At first glance, modern computer monitors are no different from televisions. By at least, if you compare small models of similar size, you may not notice the difference. And yet it is there. So, if a classic TV is standalone device, which receives and reproduces audio and video signals from cable and satellite stations, then the monitor processes and provides graphic information, the source of which is a special video card. Concerning external differences, then they are most clearly expressed by the type of monitor on a laptop, which can be represented by one of the matrices of the family. In particular, today the most common matrix formats are TN, MVA and the most modern development - IPS. Compared to the same TVs, these modules provide more high quality and detailing of the reflection of graphic information per unit of screen area.

for computer displays

The basic module, which is balanced in characteristics and therefore widely used, is TN. This system provides a good response time, averaging 20 ms, and has a low manufacturing cost. But due to modest color rendering indicators and low contrast, such matrices are not in demand among sophisticated connoisseurs high-quality image. Best replacement Such devices are IPS and TFT modules - a type of monitor that has decent contrast, does not stand out and broadcasts optimal color reproduction at large viewing angles. But the TFT module in modern modifications is more expensive and requires higher power consumption.

Classification by type of information reflected

There are two fundamentally different concepts for displaying information on the screen in the form of an image. The alphanumeric system, which is implemented in displays that process a character or text signal, is considered classic. Among the latest varieties of this family, the so-called intelligent monitor, endowed with editing capabilities and pre-processing the received data, deserves attention. The second way of displaying information is graphic, which, in turn, is also divided into two groups. In particular, there are vector and raster types of monitors, which have their own characteristics. For example, the raster output model is designed specifically for computer equipment with the appropriate graphics subsystem. Vector displays are more often used in radars, slot machines and other equipment that does not require high-quality display of graphic data.

Classification by screen type

The oldest monitor today is a cathode ray tube monitor. These are CRT screens, which are practically no longer available for sale. LCD monitors can also be considered traditional and also obsolete. At the same time, there are different types LCD monitors running on liquid crystals. These are the same matrices that are used to equip laptops - the most modern ones include IPS and TN+film modules. In the general family of screens, the most progressive is LED technology, based on light-emitting diodes. Such monitor models provide high image quality and in some versions show good energy-saving capabilities. A technologically more advanced continuation of this concept is the OLED monitor, which uses an organic light-emitting diode.

Classification by interface

Nowadays, it makes sense to talk about two types of interfaces that are most widespread - analog VGA and the HDMI system, which, although not new, provides high quality transmission of “pictures” and sound. The VGA port is already the latest representative analog interfaces. On the background digital channels signal transmission, it noticeably loses in quality, but is still used to maintain the usual functionality of the equipment in terms of connection. As for HDMI, it is essentially adapted for household appliances DVI-D interface, also designed for multi-channel audio processing. Today, this connector can be equipped with any type of LCD monitor, as well as projectors and plasma panels. To implement a connection via this channel, you must use a passive DVI-D system adapter. It should be borne in mind that not all analog outputs They even theoretically allow the possibility of connecting via HDMI and using an adapter.

Classification by video adapter type

Any monitor needs an input signal processing system. This function with further translation is performed by video adapters that allow several connection configurations. In particular, individual video cards require PCI slots or AGP, which provide high efficiency and operational flexibility. Another connection option is a chip group graphics core, which is built into the board. This decision It is cheaper and does not involve any hassle during use, but is inferior to the previous option in terms of the same efficiency and performance. Modern types of computer monitors are most often equipped with a full-fledged integrated video adapter. This option is even cheaper, but, again, does not allow you to maximize the potential of the input signal.

Classification by type of coating

There are two types of coatings for monitors - matte and glossy. The first option is good because it does not allow the incident light to be reflected, but at the same time it is characterized by lower color rendering rates. Glossy models, on the contrary, provide a more saturated and bright image, but due to the reflection of glare they can cause inconvenience in terms of visual perception. When evaluating these types of monitors, you should not forget about the practicality of caring for them. For example, on matte surface there are no marks or streaks left, which cannot be said about glossy coatings.

General characteristics

The operational parameters of the monitors determine how comfortable the perception of the “picture” will be. First of all, it is worth noting the resolution, which in the latest models is 2560x1600. will determine how saturated the image will be. Monochrome models are practically never found on the modern market, and versions in the latest families at least have a 32-bit matrix. Almost everything standard types monitors operate at frequencies in the range of 60-100 Hz. As this value increases, the flickering effect during broadcasting decreases, which improves viewing comfort. Of course, the size of the monitor also matters. Today you can find small-format models of 17-20 inches, and screens of 30-40 inches.

Monitor selection criteria

In addition to the main characteristics, you should take into account the functionality of the monitor, its ergonomics and the presence additional accessories. In terms of functionality, the models differ in the range of settings, the presence of special operating modes, special features energy-saving operation, etc. When assessing which type of monitor is best for specific tasks, it would be useful to decide on the implementation of the interface. IN in this case is selected the most convenient way performing the same settings - through the monitor menu or through mechanical controls on the case. As for additional accessories, they mainly relate to fastening elements. The better the quality of the brackets, racks and retaining panels, the more reliable the stability of the entire structure will be.

Monitor manufacturers

The leaders in the segment are manufacturers such as BenQ, ASUS, DELL, Samsung, etc. The developers of these companies strive to master not only the main technological areas in terms of improving image quality, but also focus on the specific interaction of monitors with other computer components. The middle class is represented by brands like Hitachi, SuperSonic and Philips. All major types of monitors from LCD to the latest models on the OLED platform. And if in terms of technological perfection this product may be inferior to the above-mentioned leading companies, then in terms of price it has an advantage. For example, an average one in terms of characteristics can be purchased for 10-12 thousand rubles, while offerings from ASUS or BenQ with similar operating parameters cost about 15-18 thousand. At the same time, it is also popular budget segment, in which both premium and little-known companies try to present their developments. In this group you can find models modern monitors with a price tag of about 5-7 thousand.


Segmentation of monitors by class and type is becoming more complex and vague as new developments are introduced. Subtypes are appearing in seemingly established segments - liquid crystal and LED monitors. Two popular varieties are overgrown various modifications, are endowed with new functions and improved in ergonomic properties. In particular, modern types monitors have long switched to digital interfaces, are gradually equipped with support for the promising 4K playback format and are increasingly appearing in touch versions. Of course, improvement does not stand still basic principles creating monitors. In this regard, the greatest interest among manufacturers is logically aroused by the LED platform and the OLED system that continues it, with its own technological modifications.

If you are reading these lines, then you know exactly what a monitor is. Otherwise, where would you read these lines from? From the monitor we receive all text and graphic information. Without it, the computer is just a box in which there is a lot of things, but it is impossible to know what exactly.

What types of monitors are there?

From the time of their birth to today, monitors have undergone a certain “evolutionary” development. It resulted in the birth of three types of devices.

1. CRT monitors.

They are distinguished by their large overall dimensions, impressive weight and flickering screen.

A mandatory design element of these devices is a cathode ray tube (CRT). It is a glass vessel filled with vacuum. On one side the tube is narrow, like a neck, and on the other it is wide and flat. This is the screen. On the front side it is coated with a special substance – phosphor. It has the property of glowing under the influence of a flow of electrons. The slightly flickering image on a CRT monitor screen is the result of bombardment of the phosphor by a controlled flow of charged particles.

In color monitors, the screen is covered with tiny particles of red, blue and green phosphors. The flow of charged particles is provided by three electron guns. This is how a color image appears on CRT monitor screens.

CRT monitors are becoming a thing of the past due to their main disadvantages - large dimensions, high power consumption and electromagnetic radiation. But at the same time, they have advantages that more people cannot always boast of. modern views monitors. The main ones are high speed display the image on the screen and its high quality from any viewing angle. Therefore, DVD movie lovers and avid gamers are in no hurry to part with CRT monitors.

2. Liquid crystal monitors.

They are also called LSD monitors, which are basically the same thing. The image reproduction technology in such devices is based on the use of liquid crystals with unique properties. They are capable depending on the direction electromagnetic field skip or not skip a certain color component. That is, we can say that liquid crystal molecules are filters that can be controlled and thereby regulate the output of the desired color effects on the screen in the form of images.

The main advantages of LSD monitors include their compactness, low power consumption, and the absence of radiation and screen flickering. Therefore, probably most people today want buy a monitor with LCD screen.

3. Plasma monitors.

They are distinguished by expressive brightness and contrast of the image. But there are also disadvantages - relatively high power consumption and low resolution. Screen plasma monitor consists of many small flasks filled with an inert gas. Their inner surface is covered with a phosphor, the smallest dots of which are illuminated with the desired color under the influence of a plasma discharge in an inert gas environment. The discharge occurs as a result of applying voltage to the electrodes with which the flasks are “stitched”.

Having considered all types of monitors, we can come to the following conclusion that liquid crystal devices are currently the most popular. Thanks to your undeniable advantages, they managed to completely oust CRT monitors from the market. Plasma designs for working with a computer are rarely used. They are more often used as televisions and monitors for large audiences.

If the information about monitors in this article is not enough for someone, then you can find out more about these devices .

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