Which car radar detector (radar detector) is better? How to choose a car radar detector

A radar detector, or, as it is also called, an anti-radar, is a device that warns the driver about the presence of special radars on the road, with the help of which traffic police officers determine the speed of a moving car. Prices for radar detectors can vary significantly, so it is important to understand their main functions and understand how to choose a good radar detector.

We will talk about what types of radar detectors there are, what radars and cameras they can warn about, and how they differ from each other. And at the end of this article, be sure to watch the video, which clearly shows why one radar detector can cost 10 times more than another.

Classification of antiradars and radar detectors

If we give a precise definition to a radar detector and a radar detector, then these are completely different devices.

  1. Radar detector is a device that suppresses the radar signal when a car approaches a certain distance. It does not allow the radar to set the speed of the car. Since such a device emits powerful radio waves, its use in Russia and many other countries is prohibited. If the police discover such a device, the driver will have to pay a heavy fine and lose an expensive device.
  2. Radar detector is a passive radio receiver. It does not block the detected pulse, but only warns the motorist about the use of radar on this section of the road. The use of radar detectors does not contradict the legislation of many countries, including the Russian Federation. Out of ignorance, most car owners call ordinary and inexpensive radar detectors “radar detectors.”

But it so happens that most of our drivers use radar detectors very often called radar detectors.

Speed ​​measuring radars are a source of radio waves and can operate on different frequencies. Accordingly, radar detectors must detect these wave ranges. The domestic committee on radio frequencies determined following parameters for police radars:

  • X-band has a frequency of 10.525 GHz;
  • K-band has a frequency of 24.15 GHz;
  • La-band represents laser emitters.

X-band radars were used in the “perestroika” 90s of the last century. They have now been replaced by more modern devices, operating in the K-band.

The operating principle of the radar is based on the emission of short pulse signals, and receiving their reflection from an object measuring speed, for example, from a car. Based on the difference in the time of sending the pulse and receiving its reflection, the processor calculates the speed of the vehicle moving towards the opposite direction.

Currently, it is not difficult for a radar detector to detect a signal in the K-band. The problem is whether the driver will have time to reduce the speed before the traffic police determine it. Modern radar detectors are capable of detecting the operation of police radars operating in this range from a distance of 1.5-2 km, but not all models can boast such indicators, or rather, only a few.

Radars can be a headache for those who like to drive fast. laser type. Thus, the LISD2 and Amata devices send a narrowly directed laser beam towards a moving car. To detect it, an expensive radar detector is required.

But the determination of the operation of the laser radar, as a rule, occurs after the latter has completed its task, and the driver will still have to pay a fine for speeding. However, it is worth noting that radars with laser emitters are expensive and are rarely found on roads, and there are no prerequisites for their widespread use.

Operating modes and functions of the radar detector

To prevent the purchased radar detector from becoming a useless toy in the car, it must respond to most modern radars that are in service with traffic police officers.

Today, all modern radar detectors support the following operating modes:

  • X-mode, defines the signal that is sent in the X-band;
  • K-mode, catches short-pulse signals sent in the K-band;
  • The “Strelka” mode determines the most popular “Strelka” radar in Russia today;
  • The “Laser” mode allows you to determine the activation of a laser radar.

It is worth noting that almost all new models of radar detectors are capable of detecting absolutely all police speed meters, except, perhaps, the newest OSKON radar. They differ from each other only in reception range and volume extraneous signals(noise immunity).

Important parameters and functions of the radar detector

The main task of any radar detector is to timely warn the driver about a working portable or stationary radar. In this case, it is important that the period of time between the radar detector signal and the moment the speed is determined is sufficient to slow down the vehicle to the required speed.

When choosing a radar detector, you need to pay attention to the following important parameters:

  • radio signal detection distance,
  • general functionality and additional options,
  • capturing all types of signals from modern radars,
  • high processing speed of the caught pulse,
  • GPS/GLONAS module,
  • reliable operation of the device,
  • reliability of determination of results,
  • high-quality and uninterrupted work,
  • low number of false signals (noise immunity).

Types of radar detector mounts

Various methods are used to mount the radar detector in the windshield area.

  1. Brackets. Most often, models of radar detectors with brackets are mounted on Windshield. There are different variants brackets, some are mounted using two suction cups, others use three suction cups.
  2. Vacuum suction cup. Used by some premium brands. If the device is powerful, then as a rule it weighs more than budget models, and such radar detectors also need a powerful mount.
  3. Sticky mats. Very convenient way mounting of the radar detector, since it can be installed on any surface, while the shape of the mat does not change over time. However, this method is dangerous because due to poor ventilation the device may overheat and fail. This is especially true for radar detectors working with satellites, since GPS/GLONASS chips actively consume energy and heat up. Therefore, if you want your radar detector to last for more than one season, it is better not to use mats.
  4. Velcro. It is quite rare to find radar detectors that are attached with Velcro. And the demand among motorists for such a mount is not very high.

Popular models of radar detectors (radar detectors)

The category of inexpensive radar detectors includes radar detectors costing up to 5,000 rubles. Korean devices stand out in this segment Sho-me Signature Smart And Street-Storm STR-5210EX GPS BT. The first one has built-in GPS and a signature filter, which means it works better in the city. The second one is equipped with modular GPS and has a better reception range, which makes it more preferable on the highway.

Both detectors are very popular and cope with their tasks at speeds up to 150 km/h, when there are no additional interferences such as:

  • radar detectors,
  • cell towers,
  • radio transmitters,
  • gas stations,
  • power lines.

Among budget radar detectors they can also boast of high quality and reliability Chinese models from Supra. For example, radar detector SUPRA DRS-iG77VSTD, in our opinion, is one of the best radar detectors in this price segment. It detects in advance almost all modern types of traffic police radars, including Strelka, has good sensitivity and protection against false positives.

Radar detectors with a cost of 6-15 thousand rubles fall into the middle price category. Compared with budget models devices from the “golden mean” are characterized by increased reliability, functionality and a number of additional options.

  • Street Storm STR-9540BT has good functionality and a decent range;
  • Omni RS-500 works very well and the price is reasonable. In terms of range, it is quite a bit inferior to the top models in its category, but its useful functionality is beyond praise.

The previously popular Whistler and Cobra radar detectors are now of lower quality than before. And ultra-long-range devices from Beltronics, due to the lack of GPS in them, are no longer supplied to Russia (due to the impossibility of receiving radarless systems via satellites).

Automotive radar detectors of the highest price category have the most complex and modern types protection. They work constantly, ensuring the reception of radar signals not only of domestic design, but also foreign analogues. You can confidently travel around Europe with them, but it is worth remembering that in many EU countries the use of radar detectors is prohibited.

The high cost of top-end radar detectors will be 100% justified when actively driving a car. Among the best manufacturers The Canadian brand Escort stands out among the elite devices. Their best-selling and also the only model adapted for Russia is Escort RedLine EX INTL- everything is here in abundance. The range of 1.5-2 km mentioned at the beginning of the material is provided today only by this detector, but it also costs very, very decently.

When choosing a radar detector, first of all you need to check whether the manufacturer has an official website and technical support, as well as free coordinate updates with radarless and stationary cameras. If there is no website, then this is the first sign that this is outright Chinese consumer goods with which you are buying a pig in a poke.

Choosing your first radar detector is quite difficult. Before purchasing, it is advisable to read user reviews, study tests of different models, read reviews on the Internet, determine the price range of the radar detector and its scope of application. Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances will advise you to purchase a device they have tested.

We also highly recommend visiting the website i-Radar.ru - “Your expert on radar detectors”: on it you will find a huge number useful information on selection, installation, configuration and maintenance of radar detectors.

Video: which radar detector to choose for a car (comparison of cheap and expensive)

In the world of modern technology, a radar detector is an irreplaceable device (gadget) included in the package. It informs the driver in advance about radars installed along the highway to control your speed. Thanks to this portable “assistant”, the driver can save significant amounts on fines. Money. It is especially useful when long trips or traveling on long distances and in unfamiliar areas. But the modern market is so saturated with these products that it is sometimes very difficult to choose a suitable and reliable option.

Radar detector, what kind of device is it?

Before you go to the store or start searching on the Internet for different models of this product, you must first understand what kind of equipment it is and how it works. A radar detector is often called a radar detector or the two definitions are confused. The first device is a conventional receiver in design and operating principle. passive type. It is tuned to a specific frequency range and, when a source of one of them is detected, notifies the user with sound signals.

In turn, the radar detector is both a receiver and powerful source signal of a certain frequency and refers to active type. Having detected a signal emitted by a traffic police radar or a video surveillance camera to control the speed of cars on the road, it begins to emit its signal with high power and noise to suppress the original source. That is, this product is a suppressor of any radiation in the frequency range to which it is tuned.

Attention! The use of radar detectors is prohibited by the legislation of our state due to the fact that they are a powerful source of signal radiation at frequencies prohibited for use by civilians.

Unlike a radar detector, a radar detector is not a powerful signal source that operates in a prohibited frequency range. Accordingly, it is not prohibited by this law and is permitted for use by ordinary citizens.

frequency range

One of the important requirements when purchasing this product is the frequency range to which it is tuned and operates. Accordingly, to facilitate the selection of a detector based on this criterion, it is necessary to know at what frequencies the traffic police radars operate. Initially, the means for monitoring and measuring the speed of vehicles that appeared at the traffic police worked only at a frequency of 10.525 GHz (according to the international classification - X-band), for example, models such as “Falcon” or “Barrier”. But this range is considered outdated because in accordance with the law adopted in 2012, all such devices must be equipped with photo or video recording.

Since 2013, the following frequencies have been used in our country on which police radars operate:

  • 24.15 GHz – K-band. 90% of all radars operated by traffic police officers operate at this frequency: “Vizir”, “Binar”, “Iskra”, etc.
  • 13.45 GHz – Ku-band. Used by Western European countries, but due to the coincidence of the frequency of radar operation with satellite broadcasting TV channels practically abandoned it.
  • 34.7 GHz – Ka-band. Used to operate equipment made in the USA. This frequency use speed cameras located along the road as usual. The disadvantage is a false alarm in 100% of cases if a military or specialized unit is located near the route.
  • Laser radiation. Devices that use lasers in their work are essentially rangefinders that measure speed based on the difference in the return time of two sent signals. Due to the high price of the laser equipment, it is not widely used and LISD-2 and AMATA operate on its basis in Russia.

Attention! Standardly installed systems such as “AvtoUragan”, “Odyssey” and “Avtodoria” calculate the speed of a car by measuring the time it passes a certain section of the road between two cameras. For detection similar devices The radar detector must be equipped with a GPS sensor and an up-to-date database of coordinates of this equipment.

Main characteristics of the radar detector

For timely detection of radars by traffic police officers and speed control systems on a specific section of the road, the radar detector must meet the following requirements:

Products with high key performance indicators will help you timely detect speed control devices that are operated in normal or mobile modes.

Advice. Radar detectors equipped with GPS or Glonas systems with an up-to-date coordinate base for the location of equipment such as “AVTODORIYA” belong to the premium class, which are tuned to all possible frequency ranges and have a minimal percentage of false alarms. Accordingly, the price is significantly higher than that of analogues.

Rating of radar detectors 2016 – 2017

When choosing the appropriate device model, user reviews and ratings from leading experts in the field play an important role. Based on these data, the TOP 10 best models of radar detectors have been compiled:

  1. Sho-Me Combo No. 1;
  2. KARKAM T2;
  3. Vio MiVue 698;
  4. Neoline X-COP 9000;
  5. DATAKAM G5-Cyti-Max-BF;
  6. Nakamichi NV-75;
  7. Incar VR 940;
  8. SilverStone F1 A-70-GPS;
  9. Playme P200 TETRA;
  10. Subini STR XT-8.

When choosing this device, be guided by the basic requirements that it must meet both the advice of professionals and consumers. Also beware of obsolete models, because a correctly selected radar detector will be an indispensable assistant while driving along the highway and in populated areas.

How to choose a radar detector - video

One of the irreplaceable automotive gadgets, along with DVRs and GPS navigators, is a radar detector. This simple device can more than once save a car owner from receiving a seemingly inevitable “letter of happiness.” If you like to drive fast at the limit of the speed limit, purchasing a radar detector will help you avoid unplanned expenses.

There is understandable confusion among users regarding the name of these miracle devices. You should not mistake radar detectors for one thing with their similar antiradar devices, since the operating principles and internal architecture of these gadgets are fundamentally different. A radar detector is a powerful modulating device designed to enhance interference in a certain frequency range or to “interrupt” the signals sent by direction-finding radars. In turn, radar detectors are designed solely to capture radiation emanating from such direction finders, without jamming or “interrupting” it.

Today you can find many radar detectors on sale from different manufacturers, including such popular brands as: Sho-Me, Cobra, Neoline, SilverStone, Street Storm, Whistler, SUPRA and others. Each model differs from a number of others in cost, technical characteristics, as well as in recognizing various radiation ranges. It is very difficult to understand all the intricacies and such a variety of offers.

The selection of goods took place taking into account the following criteria:

  • Functionality and characteristics of the radar detector
  • Cost (value for money)
  • Device popularity
  • Reviews from real users
  • Expert opinion.

The best radar detectors for detecting the Strelka radar complex

Technologies for video recording of speed limit violators are growing every year. Recently, the latest radar systems of the Strelka type have appeared on the roads. The complex consists of two parts - a wide-angle camera and the radar itself. The camera features allow you to measure 4 lanes of traffic in both directions at once and at a distance of up to 350 meters! That is, the driver may not see the camera and may not have time to slow down before a protocol is already issued against him.

The ability to recognize Strelka-type radars is an undeniable advantage of the radar detector, since not all modern models are capable of detecting such complexes. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with three the best models, which should notify you of the approach of the Strelka radar complex.

5 Neoline X-COP 4200

Good ergonomics. Nice design and adaptive display interface
Country: South Korea
Average price: 4,790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

According to the proud tradition of Neoline, the X-COP 4200 model appears before users as the most ergonomic car radar detector with a magnificent exterior design. Its profile is a complete and accurate identification of radar systems, on which the main operational emphasis was placed. Detection of cameras and single radars of standard operating ranges was missing several relevant ones (at this moment) protocols, however, the laser radiation capture sensor (800-1100 nm long) still got into the common device.

As users note, the undeniable advantage of the Neoline X-COP 4200 is a very informative LED display, containing several color gradations with the corresponding sound of the warning system. Of course, with such characteristics, the device deserves to be included in the rating, but it is not able to compete for the leading place.

4 SilverStone F1 Monaco

The best branded radar with a high degree of accuracy
Country: South Korea
Average price: 6,080 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Another popular model is the SilverStone F1 Monaco radar detector. The device does an excellent job of identifying many well-known radar systems.

The radar detector is also equipped with a GPS receiver and can operate in the Ku band. There is an “Auto” mode for automatically selecting the sensitivity level. The SilverStone F1 Monaco uses digital processing radio signal and for these purposes a DSP is used - a digital processor. The use of digital technologies allows the use of many signal processing algorithms and improves radio interference filtering.

User reviews

Advantages: profitable price, excellent signal reception (catch everything!), minimum false alarms in the city, good design, thoughtful voice prompts, build quality.

Disadvantages: there are some questions about the freshness of the firmware, the buttons are not very convenient.

3 Playme SOFT

Optimal set of functions and capabilities. High degree of reliability
Country: China
Average price: 9,290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A good option for a radar detector for cars at an average cost, containing the necessary optimum of expansion modules and functions in order not to lose relevance over the next 3-5 years. Playme SOFT is a faithful assistant in getting rid of unnecessary fines, working on the basis of a laser detector and a digital processing system for received signals. Its characteristic is impeccable performance in identifying radar systems at 360 degrees, accompanied by timely voice notification commands.

Operating temperature range of this device varies from -20 to +70 degrees Celsius, which is standard practice for all currently produced radars. There is an energy saving mode, which is required in case of autonomous operation or generator malfunctions. An anti-CAS function has been implemented that protects the device from collision sensors. And, finally, it is worth noting the expanded possibilities for user settings, the presence of an LCD display and the declared durability, which impressed even experienced users a lot.

2 SHO-ME Signature Lite

Minimum percentage of false positives (7-10%)
Country: China
Average price: 5,460 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This gadget for cars was released in 2017, and in as soon as possible managed to gain fame as a good “fighter” against fines and violations. The personal “feature” of SHO-ME Signature Lite is digital signal processing, accompanied by the presence of a DSP module (improving noise filtering) and a VCO oscillator, which increases the selectivity of the radar. There is a whole range of supported detection systems (Strelka, Avtodoriya, etc.), as well as a scattering of standard radar bands (K, X, Ka, etc.).

As another method of combating false alarms, SHO-ME Signature Lite integrates a signature analysis function, thanks to which the number of radar misfires was reduced to a record minimum (about 7-10%). Coupled with a low price, pleasant appearance and the presence of a whole list of custom settings this model becomes a real candidate for leadership in the category.

1 Sho-Me G-700STR

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 5195 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

We simply had to include the most popular Sho-Me G-700STR device in the list of the best radar detectors. This radar detector detects many modern radars, including Strelka, Robot, Avtodoriya, Chris, Krechet, Arena and so on. Works great in the bands: K, Ka, Ku, X. Can independently select optimal mode receiver operation: sensitivity level, set of filters. This will be especially useful if you travel equally often around the city and on country roads.

The device is equipped with GPS with the ability to indicate points of false alarms. Low price– a huge plus of the Sho-Me G-700STR. In terms of price-quality ratio, in the budget price segment, this is one of the best offers today.

Of the minuses, we would note the lack of support for the F-POP standard. That is, the G-700STR may have problems identifying radars operating in pulse mode, such as Berkut or Iskra. In this case, you will have to purchase another, more expensive device.

Reviews from car owners about the Sho-Me G-700STR are overwhelmingly positive. The detector perfectly detects ambushes, promptly updates the database, and has excellent voice accompaniment. Many note the excellent design, thoughtful functionality and affordable price.

Negative reviews in small numbers are associated with rare warranty claims (typical of all devices) and frequent false alarms (you just need to install beacons for false alarms).

Video review

The best inexpensive radar detectors with GPS: budget up to 10,000 rubles.

The benefits of a GPS receiver built into a radar detector can hardly be overestimated. WITH using GPS the device can notify the driver of the approach to a stationary radar, which is stored in its memory. And, on the contrary, in places of false alarms, the car owner can save a mark by coordinates so that in the future the radar detector does not emit an empty signal.

GPS is an indispensable assistant for detecting the well-known radar complex "AVTODORIYA", which measures the average speed of a car on a certain section of the road. The radar detector cannot detect the Avtodoriya signal, since such radars do not emit signals, but simply photograph the license plate of the car, receiving a light signal from the car itself. The location of Avtodoriya can only be determined by obtaining a database on the location of these complexes. For such purposes, a GPS receiver is needed, which signals the approach to the radar, based on coordinates from the database.

The quality of GPS performance depends on how often the radar database is updated. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the three best radar detectors with a GPS receiver.

4 Prestige RD-202

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 2,850 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Stagnation by attribute appearance befell the Prestige RD-202 somewhat unexpectedly, but was crowned with natural qualitative growth technical side, completely confusing consumers. It just so happened that connoisseurs of a beautiful wrapper turned their backs on the automotive gadget, but those who remained showed remarkable wisdom in their choice. Despite the rather meager (by today’s standards) number of detectable ranges (Ultra-X and Ultra-K), this radar works perfectly with complexes such as “Strelka” and Robot, promptly informing the driver about approaching the control point. By the way, it is the notification and accuracy of action, according to user reviews, that are the most strong point this installation.

Among the pleasant features of the Prestige RD-202, there is also the possibility of being placed on a dashboard (using a mat) or mounted on the windshield (using suction cups). Despite the bulky and ugly body, the information display turned out to be very successful, somewhat brightening up the paucity of appearance for such an advantageous device.

3 Whistler 119ST+

Best in number of supported standards
Country: Philippines
Average price: 5190 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Whistler 119ST+ is a radar detector with GPS, which is one of the best in terms of the number of supported standards in the budget price segment. For just over 5,000 rubles you get a device that performs excellently when detecting radars in Ultra-K (Berkut, Iskra-1), Ultra-Ka, POP modes. When purchasing a Whistler 119ST+, the car owner receives a pre-installed database of radars and cameras, including the AVTODORIA complex - measurement systems average speed car on a certain section of the road.

The device can operate in the Ku band (frequency 13450 MHz) - for Russia this function is useless, since we do not use radars operating at this frequency. But in Europe and the Baltics, on the contrary, the Ku band is actively used, so the Whistler 119ST+ radar detector will be more useful there.

User reviews

Advantages: It picks up cameras and radars well, GPS works great. Affordable price, good quality, easy installation.

Disadvantages: Too frequent false alarms, even reacts to store doors. There is a GPS speed threshold, which is not clear how to turn it off.

2 Artway RD-200 GPS

The cheapest radar detector with GPS function
Country: China
Average price: 3,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Despite the “cheapness” noted in the category, the Artway RD-200 GPS is a very functional automotive device that makes maximum use of all the advantages of additional modules. Its arsenal includes a whole selection of current radar ranges, up to Ultra-X (Ka) and POP, as well as the three most common tracking systems.

As a pleasant bonus to the already good hardware, the Artway RD-200 GPS offers consumers a high-quality LED display without any adaptation difficulties. There is a digital signal processing unit, which is very rare for models of this price level. In this situation, problems with quality could be expected, but user reviews indicate the high adaptability of the radar detector even to harsh operating conditions. Therefore, due to technological research, this model becomes one of the most preferred in its segment.

1 Sho-Me G-1000 STR

Best functionality
Country: China
Average price: 6300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Sho-Me G-1000 STR is a more advanced model of the popular Sho-Me G-700STR radar detector, which we talked about at the beginning of our review.

This radar detector with GPS is distinguished by support for the POP standard, that is, the radar detector will detect much more cameras, operating in pulse mode. There is an OLED display. Camera database and software updated without connecting to a computer.

Other nice features include the “Auto” mode, turning off individual ranges (to reduce the likelihood of false alarms). There is a DSP - a digital processor for signal processing, the advantages of which we have already talked about. Together with the device goes adhesive tape for attaching the radar detector to any convenient place without damaging the car’s interior.

The cost of Sho-Me G-1000 STR is 6,000 rubles, which is not much for a device with similar functionality.

Users of this device speak very positively about the performance of the G-1000 STR. There are no problems with detection by most radar systems. The settings are clear and convenient. The GPS receiver is working correctly.

Conclusion - Sho-Me G-1000 STR is one of the best radar detectors with GPS in terms of price-quality ratio.

The best radar detectors in the middle segment: budget up to 20,000 rubles.

3 Whistler Pro-80ST RU

User selection
Country: Philippines
Average price: 13,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Mid-price radar detector, not very impressive in performance characteristics, but different interesting design. According to user reviews, there is nothing disgusting about this model - the array of complaints made mainly concerns the suction cup holders, which over time lose their ability to compress. There are also no complaints regarding signal direction finding for the Whistler Pro-80ST RU: the radar is configured to detect (in fact) four ranges: K, Ka, X and POP.

Alas, this is where almost all the functions of the device end. Some may say that introducing fewer “chips” has a positive effect on reliability, and they will be right in their own way. But why then are other manufacturers able to provide radars with additional functionality, and instill such quality that a number of premium models can envy? A very significant question for Whistler, even despite the universal love of users.

2 Neoline X-COP 5700

Excellent ergonomic characteristics
Country: South Korea
Average price: 9,790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Neoline company, which is very rich in good radar detectors, did not fail to give users another good gadget representing the X-COP series. Externally attractive, this model combines good functionality and good performance features. The latter is worth dwelling on in more detail. Neoline X-COP 5700 implements a strict control system that is responsible for the most comfortable driving. So, to turn off the sound indication, you don’t need to be distracted by the radar and look for the volume control - you just need to move your hand in front of the device’s display and enjoy the silence in the cabin. What about technical characteristics, then the detector viewing angle of 180 degrees is very noteworthy here. The radar is capable of receiving K, Ka, (obsolete) X band signals, as well as tracking laser radiation (in the range of 800-1100 nm).

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the function of automatically selecting priority between the GPS database and standard detection - this is especially useful in cases where the road is “strewn” with radars with a special operating algorithm.

1 Street Storm STR-9540SQ

Richest functionality
Country: South Korea
Average price: 10,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It so happened that in the entire line of STR gadgets for cars from Street Storm, the most durable was not the most advanced, but no less cool model 9540SQ. Having a high enough price to scare off potential budget buyers, this radar detector masterfully compensates for it with excellent performance. It does an excellent job of notifying the presence of POP, Instant-On, Ultra-X radars (with Ka and K), as well as complexes such as Strelka, Kordon, Avtodoriya and Robot within the range of action. A superheterodyne receiver, configured to eliminate the possibility of triggering on individual wave sources, is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of operation.

It is noteworthy that the Street Storm STR-9540SQ has a 360-degree viewing angle, which adds confidence and invulnerability in terms of preventing traffic violations on highways and city roads. The series of advantages is completed by a pleasant design and a clear information display that provides information in symbolic form.

The best radar detectors in the premium segment: budget up to RUB 50,000.

3 Escort Passport Max

High degree of reliability
Country: Canada
Average price: 43,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A premium radar that boasts two important positive properties: amazing survivability and excellent performance. The decline in its ratings began after a sharp increase in price (almost doubling). Before the price increase, it cost a little more than 24 thousand, which was quite acceptable for such a device. The current price level places slightly different demands on it, which this radar, alas, is not able to withstand.

It’s impossible to say that the Escort PASSPORT Max looks ugly, but you can’t call it beautiful either. According to users, the unsightly appearance is compensated by some kind of phenomenal indestructibility, which we noticed earlier. Even with harsh use, the device (namely the fasteners) does not lose tenacity and stability. The radar detector regularly notifies the driver when approaching sources of standard (K, Ka, X) radiation or laser direction finders. Also noteworthy is the constant synchronization with the GPS base, which contains the location of many “cunning devices” broadcasting in fundamentally different ranges. It is impossible to say that such a set is worth a lot, but it is definitely a high level.

2 Whistler Pro-3600ST Ru GPS

Optimal performance
Country: Philippines
Average price: 44,690 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A device that is not fundamentally different from the third contender for the title of best, but has some winning features that the Escort PASSPORT Max was so lacking. Among the basic functions of Whistler Pro 3600 Ru, we can note the fixation of standard ranges with the addition of a special mode for detecting a short-term POP signal, as well as the ability to synchronize GPS.

The main differences begin to appear at the stage of examining the appearance and viewing the warning capabilities of the radar detector. It is modular (the receiver is installed under the hood, while the indicator remains in the cabin), but is made somewhat neater than its competitor. As for alerts, when you turn on the voice signal function, you can configure the radar to broadcast in Russian, English, Ukrainian and Kazakh (!) languages, which undoubtedly increases its value both in the domestic Russian market and abroad.

1 Neoline X-COP S300

Best price
Country: South Korea
Average price: RUB 25,990.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Another worthy representative of the Neoline company still reached the title best radar detector in the premium segment, and, it should be noted, quite deservedly. The symbiosis of low (relative to others) cost, style and functionality literally disarmed users who immediately paid attention to the new product of 2017.

The main value of the Neoline X-COP S300 lies not in its decorative functions, and not even in the extensive list of direction-finding radiation (which is not true). This detector works perfectly with special radars such as Strelka, Robot, Cordon and Avtodoriya, regularly reporting when approaching them. Significantly facilitating the ability to catch such signals is the signature analysis function, which reduces the number of false positives. Overall, the Neoline X-COP S300 is definitely worth the money and is one of the most interesting radar detectors on the entire automotive market.

How to choose a good radar detector

As in any other category, choosing a radar is far from simple. In order not to make a mistake and subsequently not be disappointed in your purchase, we recommend that you pay attention to the following parameters:

Radar type. There are three fundamentally different types of radar detectors: monoblock, combining a receiver and an indicator under a monolithic body; modular, in which the receiver is placed under the hood, and the indicator remains in the car’s interior; combined, simultaneously performing the functions of a GPS navigator, video recorder, or both.

Range. The safety of money in your wallet largely depends on the frequency of the perceptible range if you love high speed. Modern radar detectors detect radiation from the X, Ka, K-bands, as well as numerous variants of pulsed and intermittent (short-term) signals such as POP, F-POP, Instant-On, Ultra-K, etc.

AvailabilityGPS-module, with the help of which a radar detector can notify the driver about the presence of radars and cameras on a section of the road that operate in fundamentally different frequency ranges.

Definition of complex radars. At the moment, there are four types of radars in Russia: Avtodoriya, Robot, Kordon and relatively new complex"Arrow". The ability to detect them is a serious addition to the functionality of detectors, and the position from which you should start first.

Availability of signal filters. Filtering of received signals is necessary in order to reduce the influence of third-party interference on the receiver. Such interference forces the device to send false signals, misleading the driver and once again distracting from the real situation on the road.

Mounting type. There are three types of mounting radar detectors: with suction cups, Velcro or with a sticky mat. The third option is often inconvenient because it can take up useful space on the front panel. The first and second options are more popular.

A car radar detector is designed to warn the car owner that instrumental speed control is being carried out on a specific section of the road. Naturally, the smart device will warn the driver in advance, and using the hint, you can reduce the speed to the permitted traffic rules. It is worth noting that the radar detector will work much earlier than the traffic police inspector will be able to measure the speed of the car.

Question: how to choose a car radar detector— very responsible and difficult: the quality of the radar detector’s response determines the likelihood of not getting a fine for speeding, and, accordingly, the driver’s opportunity to save money, nerves and time. In favor of which device to choose, what to guide your decision-making and what to pay attention to first, we will try to outline below.

Adaptation to Russian conditions

All police radars used on Russian roads were developed specifically for Russia. Unlike other categories of electrical appliances, it is Russian radar equipment that is more productive than the well-known leaders in the field of electronics (Japanese, Koreans and Americans). Accordingly, detecting radars from a domestic manufacturer is much more difficult; only a radar detector adapted for Russia can cope with the task.

We can summarize: purchasing such a device is a conscious choice of a motorist who wants to have information about controlling the permitted speed limit and avoid punishment for violating traffic rules.

Is it possible to use a radar detector in Russia?

The use of radar detectors is not prohibited. You can buy and use a radar detector absolutely hassle-free. Representatives of the traffic police believe that the use of these devices leads to a reduction in accidents on the roads and strongly encourage their use. To purchase a radar detector, no permits or certificates are required. They are absolutely legal in Russia.

But it should be noted that the use of radar detectors as opposed to the use of radar detectors in Russia is prohibited by law and provides for confiscation of the device and a fine. The thing is that radar detectors have a fundamentally different operating principle, aimed at generating high-frequency powerful radiation, which is aimed at suppressing the signal from speed meters. By current legislation Private use of this equipment is prohibited.

Design features of the radar detector

Radar detectors differ according to the type of design. Now on sale you can find:

  • ordinary detectors (which are separate device in a monoblock case),
  • devices for separate installation (consisting of several blocks),
  • detectors built into some device (for example, a car video recorder or rearview mirror).

Radar detector test 2012 showed that ordinary radar detectors of a monoblock design are the most popular. They are easy to use and can be installed in any car in a matter of seconds. They have quite compact dimensions- about the size of a pack of cigarettes, or a little more. Such a device will definitely not take up a large amount of space on the windshield or dashboard.

Radar detectors combined with another automotive device are less popular among car enthusiasts. There are devices mounted in the rearview mirror in the cabin, in the car video recorder, etc. Of course, such solutions save space in the car, but such savings often lead to a significant loss in the quality and characteristics of the purchased device. For example, not a single DVR combined with a radar detector has FULL HD resolution yet.

Devices of the third group - radar detectors intended for separate installation - require a trip to the installation center, since their installation is quite complex and requires a qualified specialist. This device It is mounted once and is never removed, remaining in the car all the time.

If you are looking for and want to purchase a radar detector, first you need to decide which device design will be most optimal.

Support for different bands

Today in Russia radars operating at the following frequencies are used:

  • X band (10525 MHz);
  • K-band (24150 MHz);
  • Ku band (13450 MHz);
  • Ka band (34700 MHz);
  • Laser

Choosing the “right” radar detector requires support for the legacy X-band and modern K- and Ka-bands, the ability to detect laser waves and short pulses from radars that operate in a certified POP mode (most detectors perceive them as normal interference).

The ability of the radar detector to selectively turn off certain ranges will be very useful, thereby increasing the speed of the radar detector processor and reducing false alarms.

Selectivity, sensitivity

Depending on the sensitivity indicator, the detection range of the police radar is determined: the higher it is, the more time the driver has to reduce speed. When making a decision, which radar detector to choose, it is necessary to take into account that the device has good sensitivity in the radio frequency and optical range.

The selectivity characteristic means that the device is able to distinguish the radar signal from interference (signals received from other devices that operate in similar ranges). No device can eliminate all unnecessary signals, but a good radar detector has a fairly small percentage of misses.

Other useful features

If you pay attention to details, then you can ask whether the radar detector you like has the following capabilities:

  • fast processing of the received data (this is possible if a high-performance processor is used to complete the device);
  • automatic muting (volume sound signal after giving a warning about approaching the police radar, it gradually decreases and turns off);
  • reduced display brightness mode (this is convenient when traveling in the dark);
  • Russified soundtrack and other functions.

Attractive design

Since the radar detector is mounted on the windshield, it will always be in the field of view of both the driver and passengers. Therefore, most drivers find it more pleasant to choose a radar detector not only in favor of a functional, but also an aesthetic device with stylish screen and a coating that is pleasant to the touch.

Cost Differences

The answer to the question is how to choose a radar detector, often depends on the price of the device. Cheap Chinese-made devices are not worth trusting; not everyone has the opportunity to pay for an elite device, but middle-class products are well worth the preference. Devices in this price category, in addition to affordable cost, have other advantages: good sensitivity and selectivity, impulse noise filter, user-friendly interface and adjustment, wide viewing angle of the laser sensor, storage of personal settings in the device’s memory.

Identification of modern radars of all types

This point is the most important: if “Iskra” or “Falcon” is not a problem for any radar detector to detect, then “Strelka-ST” will bring the owners of almost all radar detectors bitter disappointment in the purchase and a receipt for payment of a fine. Why almost? Yes, because today there are new generation Street-Storm devices on the market that see both the insidious Strelka and all known radars (including laser ones).

StreetStorm devices, in addition to detecting radars of all types and Strelka-ST:

  • are distinguished by the use of the latest technologies for data processing from manufacturers from Korea,
  • have high operating speed, ensured by a modern digital processor and special software,
  • adapted to domestic requirements,
  • have high sensitivity and selectivity in all ranges,
  • have an increased approach distance to the radar (thanks to the polarized horn antenna),
  • have a stylish RubberTouch coating.

The cost of these devices is almost two times lower than that of analogues from other manufacturers of the same devices.

Warning about Strelka-ST radars

The Strelka-ST cameras sending out “chain letters” are not visible to a conventional radar detector. A large number of models are triggered only by the IR illuminator, which is part of the Strelka, and not by the video camera itself.

So which radar detector catches the arrow?

In reality, only a radar detector with a GPS receiver (or a GPS informer) can detect this camera.

The GPS radar detector is equipped with a database containing the coordinates of the location of video cameras. When approaching this point, the device will give a danger signal in advance. The database is updated constantly and contains coordinates of video cameras throughout Russia. The user, if desired, can independently update the radar detector via the Internet.

If you want to protect yourself from receiving chain letters, buy a device equipped with a GPS informant. Conventional radar detectors currently cannot detect Strelka cameras, since the operating frequency range of this police device is invisible to them.

There are also GPS dash cams that have a camera warning feature. In such devices, camera detection is also implemented using databases with coordinates. An example of such DVRs:

A radar detector is a device that is installed in a car and helps to detect a working police radar. A warning when a working radar is detected in a certain range is displayed on the screen. They are used to avoid administrative punishment or a fine in case of intentional or unintentional violation of traffic rules.

The primary characteristics of radar detectors are:

  1. Active detection operating range
  2. Determination of all types of signals received from police radars;
  3. Range and degree of immunity from interference;
  4. Received signal analysis speed
  5. Durability
  6. Additional functionality.

With the development of technology, police radars are also developing, and, consequently, their operating ranges are being updated, starting from the simplest continuous models and ending with modern pulse devices that cause a lot of trouble for drivers.

The fact is that such devices operate in short pulses, without emitting constant waves, and various models There may be different durations and frequency of pulses. A device operating on the basis of pulses can measure the speed of a car in a short time interval of 0.3-0.6 seconds, during which the radar emits 4-6 pulses.

In Russia the following frequencies can be used: X-band, Ka-band and K-band. There are also Ku-bands, as well as laser (La-bands and L-bands) and VG-2.

  • X-band is the oldest frequency at 10.5-10.55 GHz, originally intended for use in location devices. On its basis, the first radars, both domestic and imported, were created (“Barrier” or “Falcon”). At the moment, this frequency is practically not used anywhere.
  • K-band is the next range with a carrier frequency of 24.05-24.25 GHz. It has a shorter period and increased energy potential.

The radar detection range is one and a half times greater than the range of devices operating in the X-bands, and has more compact dimensions. This frequency has a wider bandwidth and catches a little less interference. This range is used by almost half of modern radars.

Ka-band – carrier frequency 34.4-36.0 GHz. Actively used in American road radars. It is considered the most promising due to even more reduced period durations and increased potential. Detection range is about 1.5 km with increased accuracy. It has a bandwidth of about 1000 MHz and an additional ultra-wide 1300 MHz, due to which it received the name Super Wide.

To choose a radar detector that copes with detection from pulsed radars, you need to check when purchasing whether the radar detector has necessary functions signal detection in K and X-bands.Instant-on and Ultra-X technologies are used to detect the X-band, and Ultra-K for the K-band. In addition, the radar can be implemented with POP technology, which detects all types of pulse radars with high accuracy.

There are many transceiver devices operating in the Ku-band in Ukraine and Russia, so false alarms can occur very often.

The key characteristic of radar detectors is range. It indicates the maximum distance at which the device can be detected by police radar. Protection from interference is also important, the level of which determines the number of false alarms generated by the device. In high-quality anti-radars, the security indicator should be as close to zero as possible.

In many models there are two modes - “Highway” and “City”. In the very first mode, sensitivity is increased to the maximum and allows you to detect the radar at a great distance, while in the second mode it is reduced in order to catch less interference and reduce the number of false signals.

Additional functions that significantly influence the determination in the choice:

  • Backlight adjustment – ​​reduces or increases the brightness of the display, especially appreciated at night;
  • Automatic volume reduction when a signal is sent indicating that a radar has been detected;
  • Voice signals. IN modern models voice signals are used that use a high pitch, which will allow you to hear the alert even with loud music;
  • Digital compass. The option shows the direction of movement of the car.

Conventionally, radars can be divided into three classes:

  • Budget models (up to $200) – Crunch, Star;
  • Middle class ($200-500) – Whistler, Cobra, PNI, Super Cat and Beltronics;
  • Top devices (over $500) – Beltronics, Valentine One and Escort.

A few comments about the manufacturers:

  • Radar detectors from the manufacturer Crunch are in great demand; the devices are known for their high range and functionality. The model range includes a series capable of picking up all types of police radar signals.
  • Star radar detectors are known for their excellent signal recognition quality, absence of defects and reliable operation. The disadvantage is the narrow model range and modest design, despite this, devices from this company can be found in many cars.
  • The Whistler radar detector has an optimal balance between interference protection and detection range; in addition, the device is capable of detecting covert surveillance cameras in addition to radars. Powerful processors provide reliable protection against interference.

The main parameter when choosing a radar detector is the optimal balance between the maximum sensitivity of the device and the accuracy of signal identification. Preference should be given to models that have the ability to select modes for driving in the city and on the highway. Also, when choosing, you should take into account the conditions under which the device will operate, your driving style and the availability of the options you need.

2024 gtavrl.ru.