Which breathalyzer should you choose? Which breathalyzer is better, semiconductor or electrochemical? Which breathalyzer is more accurate, semiconductor or electrochemical.

In the life of car enthusiasts, sometimes situations arise when the next day after a fun feast you need to go on a trip. But how can you determine whether you can drive? Even if you feel fine, this does not guarantee that there is no alcohol left in your blood. In this case, a personal breathalyzer will help the driver avoid risks and worries at the sight of State Traffic Inspectorate employees.

The principle of its operation is identical to a breathalyzer, a device used by traffic police officers. Using a built-in sensor, the device analyzes the air exhaled by a person, based on the data obtained, calculates the amount of alcohol in the blood and produces a result indicating the absence or presence of intoxication.

Professional breathalyzers are registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments and undergo mandatory verification, and their readings can be used in court. Breathalyzers are intended for personal use only. They are slightly inferior in accuracy to breathalyzers and, unlike them, are not designed for a large number of daily tests. The main task of such a device is to make it clear to the driver how safe it is for him to drive a car at a particular moment.

Types of breathalyzers

There are several ways to classify breathalyzers. By sensor type They are divided into semiconductor and electrochemical.

U semiconductor breathalyzers the meter is a sensor, usually made of tin oxide. Once turned on, it heats up to a high temperature. If there is ethanol vapor in the air, it burns on the surface of the sensor, increasing its conductivity. The device records changes and calculates the alcohol content in the blood.

The advantages of breathalyzers with a semiconductor sensor are simplicity of design and low cost. The main disadvantage is considered to be high sensitivity to external factors: the measurement result may be affected by the consumption of certain products, the cigarette smoked before the study, or the presence of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other substances in the air. The service life of the semiconductor sensor is also not too long - it is designed for an average of 300 measurements. After this, the breathalyzer will need to be calibrated (set up) yourself or at a service center, or the sensor in it will need to be replaced.

U electrochemical breathalyzers The role of the sensor is played by the anode coated with a catalyst. Due to the contact of ethanol vapor, a chemical reaction begins with the release of free electrons, which are captured by the analyzer. Such a device is highly accurate: it does not react to other impurities and is equipped with a pump that allows you to obtain air from deep in the lungs.

Electrochemical breathalyzers are reliable, durable and can take up to 1000 measurements without calibration. True, the cost of such devices is noticeably higher than their semiconductor analogues.

By testing method Breathalyzers are divided into contact and non-contact. They also produce universal models that can operate in any blowing mode.

To perform analysis using non-contact breathalyzer The device is brought to the lips at a distance of about 2 cm and blown forcefully into a special hole. The device is hygienic and can be used by several people at once, but it also has its drawback - its accuracy is affected by wind, strong odors and other external factors.

Contact breathalyzer used in conjunction with a mouthpiece - a small, replaceable plastic attachment. To carry out the analysis, you need to tightly clasp it with your lips, like a cocktail straw, and exhale the air. This method is more accurate and reduces the risk of contaminants affecting the results. Many contact devices are sold with a set of several mouthpieces, for storage of which there is a compartment in the case.

Another way to classify breathalyzers is by the presence or absence of a display. Devices without display- the simplest and smallest models. They show the results of the analysis using three LEDs: green light indicates the absence of alcohol in the blood, yellow warns of the presence of a small amount of alcohol, and red indicates severe intoxication.

Breathalyzers with display, which displays the amount of alcohol in the blood, are more informative. They also produce models with two displays - one serves to display the analysis results, and the second shows the current time, like a digital watch.

Based on their appearance, devices are divided into regular and key fobs. Breathalyzer keychain compact and convenient. As a rule, this is a model with a minimum of functions, equipped with a key ring. Conventional breathalyzers more dimensional, they resemble a smartphone in size.


Most breathalyzers show results in several units of measurement. All devices analyze the amount of alcohol vapor in the air - this value is measured in milligrams per liter. The blood alcohol content is calculated depending on the mg/l value and can be indicated in different ways: the symbols “VAS%” indicate the percentage, and “VAS ‰” are the ppm familiar to Russians.

Other important characteristics of breathalyzers are: measurement range And error. Different models take measurements in the range from 0 to 4 ppm, and their error usually depends on the type of sensor and the amount of alcohol consumed: for semiconductor devices it averages 10-20%, and for electrochemical devices - 5-10%.

As batteries Most breathalyzers use AAA batteries. They also produce battery-powered devices that operate from the mains, an on-board cigarette lighter, or connect to an iPhone.

In addition to the main function - determining blood alcohol - breathalyzers can have additional options. These include a built-in flashlight, clock, alarm clock, timer, thermometer, and sound indication.

Criterias of choice

To make a successful purchase, you need to consider several factors when choosing. If you are not an avid drinker, but rather need the device as a fun souvenir, you can purchase a breathalyzer keychain. It will not take up much space in your pocket or purse, and will cost only a few hundred rubles. True, such devices do not always have a display, and the measurement range is not too large - within two ppm.

For those who want to buy a more serious, but not too expensive device, conventional models with a semiconductor sensor are suitable. If you plan to use the breathalyzer indoors or in a closed car, you can choose a non-contact device.

For drivers who want to minimize the device’s error and extend its service life, breathalyzers with mouthpieces are suitable. This detail not only reduces the influence of external factors, but also protects the device from accidental damage due to saliva or food particles getting inside.

For your home, you can choose a model with an AC adapter - in this case, you don’t have to worry about replacing batteries. If you need a breathalyzer mainly in the car, it would be best to buy a device that operates from a cigarette lighter.

Owners of Apple equipment will appreciate breathalyzers for iPhone. They are compact, do not require batteries and connect directly to a smartphone - this is especially convenient for those who are annoyed by an excess of gadgets in the car.

If you spend a lot of time driving and plan to use the device regularly, the best solution would be to buy a durable and accurate breathalyzer with an electrochemical sensor - this is exactly what is installed in professional breathalyzers. Of course, you will have to pay more for this model, but you will get a truly reliable device with minimal error that does not require frequent calibrations.

For those for whom the determining factor is the price of a breathalyzer, the following information will help you make a decision.

Simple key fobs without a display are quite inexpensive - less than 300 rubles. In the price range from 300 to 1000 rubles, there is a wide selection of non-contact semiconductor breathalyzers with a display. For models with the same type of sensor and mouthpiece, you will have to pay more - from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Buyers who are willing to pay more than 2,000 rubles can become the owners of a breathalyzer with a sensitive electrochemical sensor.

Testing for intoxication is an unpleasant procedure and entails liability. To prevent detention based on the presence of odor and ppm in breath vapor, personal breathalyzers are used. The devices have a variety of sensitive sensor designs. How to choose a suitable breathalyzer for personal use that has minimal measurement error and ease of operation?

Which breathalyzer to choose: semiconductor or electrochemical?

In the production of breathalyzers, there are several types and devices are divided according to purpose:

  • professional;
  • personal;
  • specialized.

The purpose of the device depends on the requirements

Let's consider the selection criteria:

  1. Breathalyzer accuracy class. For personal use, choose low-end models. In surveys, law enforcement services use more accurate sensors. The choice of internal device of the tester depends on the accuracy. Mass inspections require increased measurement accuracy and speed of device preparation. If for personal use the devices are inexpensive and allow up to 4 tests per day, then professional breathalyzers can be used up to 30 times a day. The pause between checks of professional devices is no more than 10 seconds.
  2. Performance speed. ​In home use, a couple of extra minutes is not important. When used in enterprises, several people are checked at checkpoints during these minutes. For these purposes, specialized instruments are used that have low pause values ​​between measurements and measurement accuracy.
  3. Terms of Use. Sobriety testing of drivers takes place in difficult conditions for a breathalyzer. Temperature changes during measurements at different times of the year affect the test results. Factors of the chemical composition of the air being tested are also taken into account. Exhaled vapor has a heavy chemical composition, which can cause the sensitive sensor of the breathalyzer to malfunction. This composition is found in cigarette smoke or exhaust gases.
  4. Ability to work with peripheral equipment. To print the test results, traffic police officers use the built-in printer in the breathalyzer. The possibility of connecting via ports to a personal computer to save a database of checks is being considered.
  5. Display information. Selecting the display of device information for easy analysis of results. The digital display shows concentration values ​​in percent, ppm or mg/l. The simplest devices have two indicator diodes - green is positive, red is the set value is exceeded. Laws are changing and a device set to one sensitivity threshold becomes unsuitable for determining intoxication.
  6. Device dimensions. An important characteristic is the dimensions of the breathalyzer used. The device, which fits in your pocket, looks more compact and fits comfortably in your hand when checking.

Additional selection criteria are the cost of the product, appearance and maintainability. When a breathalyzer element fails, it is more practical to replace a separate part than to buy a new device. When purchasing a device, the possibility of replacing the mouthpiece and sensor is taken into account. The presence of additional sensors will affect the choice of model. Some models are equipped with an air volume sensor.

The volume sensor eliminates the error from incorrect exhalation that has interruptions. Measurements are carried out automatically when the set volume is reached and the accuracy is calculated for a constant vapor value. A built-in pump is used in conjunction with a volume sensor. A pump is used to draw air from the depths of the lungs, which increases the accuracy of the tested ethanol concentration.

Based on the type of sensitive element, breathalyzers are divided into:

  • photometric;
  • semiconductor;
  • electrochemical.

The sensitive element of a photometric device works on the principle of capturing a deflected beam of light passing through the air being tested. Breathalyzers require certain operating conditions. They have measurement errors if temperature conditions are not observed. The cost of such devices is quite high and they are not widely used. They are the most accurate instruments and most models are made of a stationary type.

As the service life increases, the photometric device does not reduce its performance. The distinctive feature of a semiconductor device and an electrochemical one is due to the loss of its precision properties depending on the frequency of use. Semiconductor products have a smaller measurement margin than electrochemical products.

The mouthpiece may have a saliva filter and a check valve. This prevents saliva from entering the measurement chamber and prevents air from being inhaled. Each breathalyzer used undergoes periodic verification and calibration. The verification periods are established by the manufacturer and are indicated in the product passport. Semiconductor device and electrochemical have found application in personal purposes and professional testing. Let's take a closer look at each type of device.

The sensor of a semiconductor device is a semiconductor sensing element. During testing, the sensor heats up to a temperature of about 100 degrees. Ethanol vapors, burning on the surface, concentrate and change the conductivity of the sensor. The changed conductivity is recorded by the measuring circuit and converted into a digital form that is accessible to perception. Heating of the sensor is the most noticeable drawback of such devices. Tin oxide is used as the sensor material.

Heating makes the device more demanding of ambient temperature and humidity. The accuracy of such a product allows an error of up to 20 percent. The device's sensor is sensitive to the chemical composition of exhaled air. Smoking a cigarette before the examination will significantly distort the results and may damage the sensor. Polluted ambient air and high humidity will introduce some error in the readings.

The operation of electrochemical testers is based on the use of the property of a catalyst to release free electrons under the influence of ethanol molecules. The sensor is an anode coated with a catalyst. When alcohol vapor is deposited onto the catalyst, electrons are released. Electrons are captured by the conversion circuit and translated into information on the device screen. Such a sensor does not react to other vapor inclusions. Thus, high measurement accuracy is achieved.

The sensor does not require heating of the sensitive element and preparation for operation takes a matter of seconds. The influence of ambient temperature is minimal. The design of the sensor allows the use of a built-in pump. The pump is used to improve measurement accuracy. The breathalyzer is serviceable and, if it breaks down, allows you to replace individual elements, which will save the cost of a new purchase.

Comparative features of devices

Comparative analysis of semiconductor breathalyzer (PA) and electrochemical (EA):

  • Verification of PA devices is every 6 months - EA after 12 months.
  • The influence of the chemical composition of exhaled air on the sensitive element of the first type of product is higher than on electrochemical sensors.
  • PA requires up to 5 minutes to prepare for work, EA is prepared in 10 seconds.
  • EAs have a built-in pump and volume sensor.
  • PAs operate with error at high and low ambient temperatures. In PA, accuracy depends on the chemical composition of the exhaled air.
  • EAs operate stably under difficult conditions. The devices are selective to ethanol and the readings do not depend on the gas content of the room.

Rules for error-free air intake

The result of the intoxication test depends on compliance with the rules for using the device. At home, for self-monitoring, the ppm level can be checked several times a day before driving. Our own device allows us to carry out measurements under standard conditions.

Question, how to choose a breathalyzer for personal use, interests many car enthusiasts. Having at your disposal a similar device for determining the amount of alcohol contained in the body, you will decide for yourself whether it is worth driving a vehicle today.

Until recently, only traffic inspectors used breathalyzers, and it was almost impossible to find devices on the open market. In a free market and the active development of technological progress, any driver, if desired, will purchase a device.

Can you trust breathalyzers?

Among car enthusiasts, you will hear stories of how a breathalyzer determined the presence of alcohol in the body of a completely sober person.

There is an opinion that such devices react not only to alcohol in the exhaled air, but show a positive result in cases where the driver has recently drunk kvass, kefir or regular soda. Similar situations are possible if low-quality breathalyzers are used for testing.

To understand which breathalyzers are best to trust, we recommend understanding the types of devices, their operating principles and functionality.

The main design element of any breathalyzer is a sensor for determining the amount of ethyl alcohol vapor in the air exhaled by a person. Based on the principle of operation, breathalyzers are classified into several types:

  • semiconductor;
  • electrochemical;
  • spectrophotochemical.

The operating principle of breathalyzers with semiconductor-type sensors is based on recording the conductivity values ​​of air and vapor. Semiconductor-type breathalyzers are not widely used, which is explained by a number of disadvantages:

  • low sensitivity to ethanol;
  • the accuracy of measurements is influenced by external factors, for example, ambient temperature;
  • instability of the device.

Breathalyzers equipped with an electrochemical sensor are precision instruments characterized by high sensitivity to ethanol, operating stably and producing correct results regardless of the ambient temperature. Professional breathalyzers are equipped with sensors of this type.

Perfect in terms of accuracy of measurements performed are spectrophotochemical breathalyzers. The operating principle is based on the ability of ethyl alcohol vapor to absorb infrared radiation.

The devices are characterized by absolute sensitivity to ethanol and exceptionally high operating stability. The disadvantage is that they depend on the ambient temperature, so they are mainly used in laboratory conditions.

Answering the question to what extent the device readings are correct, we emphasize that the models included in TOP best breathalyzers 2018 – 2019 years, equipped with highly sensitive sensors.

How to choose a breathalyzer for personal use?

For understanding, how to choose a breathalyzer for personal use, experts advise to be guided by the following criteria:

  • First of all, decide on acquisition purposes devices. If you are only going to check your alcohol level after drinking at home, an uncertified model that determines indicators with a small error is sufficient.
  • Frequency of application– the second criterion taken into account when choosing a breathalyzer. For personal purposes, choose a model that allows for twice daily use. If two or more people plan to use such a device every day, we recommend purchasing an expensive breathalyzer model.
  • Availability of spare parts and consumables − the opportunity to use branded technical service for a specific breathalyzer model. If various problems occur with the device, it would be nice to know where it will be repaired.
  • Accuracy and stability of measurements– no less important parameters that must be taken into account when choosing a device.
  • Reliability– the ability of the device to operate for a long time in the required mode and not fail.
  • Design, dimensions and weight breathalyzer, providing ease of use, storage and transportation.

TOP best 2018 – 2019: reviews, descriptions, prices

Popularity ratings, descriptions, reviews of current users - information that helps in making the right decision on which ones to choose breathalyzers. TOP best 2018 – 2019 devices for such purposes include:

  • Ritmix RAT 350;
  • Inspector AT200;
  • Dingo E010;
  • AT 6000;
  • Carline Alco 200.

Ritmix RAT 350

Ritmix RAT 350 is a budget semiconductor-type breathalyzer designed to determine the concentration of alcohol vapor in the air exhaled by a person. The cost is 790 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • compact dimensions of the device body, made of Soft-touch plastic, scratch-resistant and non-slip in the hand;
  • The device is powered by two AAA batteries, enough for several months of operation;
  • auto shut-off function;
  • ease of care and maintenance.
  • not found

User reviews indicate the reliability of the device and the high accuracy of the measurements performed. An inexpensive breathalyzer that operates on regular batteries, as noted by the owners, quickly and without any particular difficulties determines the amount of alcohol vapor.

Inspector AT200

The Inspector AT200 is an easy-to-use and inexpensive breathalyzer capable of determining breath alcohol levels in the range from 0 to 4 ppm. The device is equipped with a semiconductor type sensor and a three-line backlit display, which simplifies interaction with it. Approximate price: 500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • exhalation continuity control function, eliminating the possibility of obtaining an erroneous result due to incorrect sampling;
  • Operates on two AAA batteries, lasts for a long time;
  • the presence in the design of the device of a sound indicator that is triggered when the alcohol content in the sample taken is exceeded by 0.5 ppm or more;
  • ease of use and maintenance.
  • doesn't always work the first time

According to most reviews about the Inspector AT200 device, it is distinguished by its stylish design, high measurement accuracy and autonomy of the device, which runs on regular batteries. It's simple and pleasant to use.

Dingo E010

Dingo E010 is a popular breathalyzer with an electrochemical sensor, used for personal purposes and in professional activities by traffic police inspectors. 12,000 rubles is the average price of the device.


  • the ability to work in two modes of sampling exhaled air: with and without a mouthpiece;
  • the presence of a sensor self-test option and the ability to connect a breathalyzer to a PC;
  • operates on two regular AAA batteries;
  • large informative display;
  • simple operation, compact size and light weight.
  • high price.

Typical review:

The disadvantage of the tester is that it is a little expensive, but in all other respects it is an excellent device, convenient, accurate and easy to maintain.

AT 6000

AT 6000 is an easy-to-use breathalyzer equipped with a new generation semiconductor sensor. It is inexpensive, only 950 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • compactness, ease of use and maintenance;
  • the presence of a digital information display with blue backlight;
  • powered by three regular AAA batteries;
  • sensor self-diagnosis function.
  • cannot withstand shocks or falls.

Popular review

A simple but accurate device, there are practically no discrepancies with traffic police testers. For the price it's a pretty good device with useful features.

Carline Alco 200

Carline Alco 200 is a highly sensitive semiconductor breathalyzer that operates without a mouthpiece. 1000 rubles is the cost of the device.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • large backlit display;
  • ability to select units of measurement (ppm or BAC);
  • no need to replace mouthpieces;
  • the presence in the design of a built-in flashlight and a second display showing time and air temperature;
  • Powered by two AAA batteries.
  • are missing.


An excellent breathalyzer, no mouthpieces, everything is simple, fast and accurate. There are additional functions, a small thing, but nice.

How many ppm of alcohol is allowed for drivers in 2018 – 2019?

Wondering about how many ppm of alcohol is allowed in 2018 – 2019 for drivers, we get the following indicators:

  • up to 0.16 ppm– in exhaled air;
  • up to 0.3 ppm- in blood.

How long will it take for a breathalyzer to not show alcohol?

To answer the question clearly, How long does it take for a breathalyzer to show alcohol?, is impossible, it depends on a number of factors: gender, height, weight of the person, strength of the alcoholic drink and its quantity.

On average, alcohol is completely eliminated from the body from 2 hours (500 ml of not too strong beer) to almost 19 hours (500 ml of vodka).

What kind of breathalyzers does the traffic police use?

Question " What kind of breathalyzers does the traffic police use? Nowadays?" interests many car enthusiasts. Such devices include devices of predominantly electrochemical type, capable of performing a large number of daily measurements with a high degree of accuracy.

All devices are required to undergo certification and regular inspections.

Breathalyzer for smartphone: should you trust it?

Recently, owners of cell phones based on Android OS had the opportunity to purchase an ultra-compact breathalyzer for smartphone. The device connects to the MicroUSB connector of a cell phone and is able to transfer all measurement data to it. This miniature device is inexpensive and extremely convenient to use.

However, it will not be a complete replacement, since the measurement error when using such a device reaches 20%.

A breathalyzer is a device for detecting the presence and amount of alcohol in the body. The basis for analysis is the air exhaled by a person. It interacts with the device’s sensor. After certain reactions, the device displays a quantitative result on the display.

Currently, breathalyzers are widely used in transport companies, in some enterprises, in medical institutions and at the household level, for personal purposes.

There are several types of devices, depending on the type of sensor, purpose and design for air supply.

By type of sensor or sensor, devices can be:

  • Electrochemical. The operating principle is based on the chemical reaction of a special reagent to alcohol vapor. Considered accurate and stable, but more expensive. Most often used in professional breathalyzers.
  • Semiconductor. A semiconductor is used as a sensor, the electrical conductivity of which changes under the influence of exhaled vapors. The result is displayed in digitized form on the display. Such devices are less durable and accurate, but cheaper and easier to operate.
  • Spectrophotometric or infrared. An infrared sensor extracts the spectrum of alcohol from the vapor. A diagram showing the amount of alcohol is displayed. These devices are accurate and have a long service life. The disadvantages include cost and demanding environmental conditions.

By type of air supply design:

  • With a mouthpiece. Provides direct air supply to the sensor, eliminating external influences.
  • No mouthpiece. Exhalation is performed freely; the accuracy of the result is influenced by external conditions, exhalation force, angle of inclination of the device, etc.
  • Can be used with or without a mouthpiece. More versatile devices.
  • With screening mode(forced air bleed). When a special button is pressed, the device captures a sample of air from the subject’s mouth. It is advisable in cases where a person cannot or does not want to do “blowing” on his own.

By functional purpose:

  • Professional. Designed to check a large number of people per day, up to 300 people. They are used in their professional activities by traffic police officers, police, and doctors. These are functional devices with a high level of accuracy. They have a high cost. They must be registered by the Ministry of Health and included in the State Standard register. The readings of such devices have evidentiary value in court.
  • Special. They also have a high level of accuracy and quality characteristics. They are used in enterprises and institutions, for example, in cafes and clubs. May be certified by the Ministry of Health. Designed for fewer measurements per day, unlike professional ones, up to 30 procedures.
  • Personal. Used for personal self-monitoring and infrequent checks. Less accurate and durable, in most cases inexpensive and easy to use. The readings of such devices are not conclusive.

In our review, we offer you the best breathalyzers in several categories - these are 13 models selected by our experts based on user reviews.

Rating (2019) Prices, ₽ A country
1. from 990₽ China
2. from 800₽ China
3. from 500₽ China
4. from 1700₽ China
5. from 600₽ China
1. from 3600₽ China
2. from 3300₽ China
3. from 5400₽ China
4. from 3000₽ Korea
1. from 6200₽ Russia
2. from 7400₽ Russia
3. from 8600₽ Korea
4. from 42000₽ Germany

The best inexpensive breathalyzers

The cost of breathalyzers is influenced by a number of factors. The main ones are: sensor type, quality of materials and intended service life. Devices with a semiconductor sensor cost an order of magnitude less than devices with an electrochemical version. Inexpensive devices are usually designed for a small number of measurements per day and are intended for personal use.

5 Airline ALK-D-02

Fifth position in the ranking is occupied by a bright compact device from Airline. Dimensions approximately 10 by 4 cm, thickness 2 cm, it easily fits into a pocket or glove compartment of a car. Model ALK-D-02 is intended for personal use and has a semiconductor sensor.

Measures the presence of alcohol in the blood up to 1.9 ppm, the indicators are displayed on the LCD display. The device is fast: warming up in up to 10 seconds, delivering results in up to 5 seconds. The type of blowing is non-contact, air is taken through special holes in the device body.

Equipped with visual and audio indication. When exceeding the alcohol limit is detected, a long sound signal is issued. Powered by two 3A batteries. Additional features include a built-in flashlight.

Owners of the model note stable operation, ease of use and low cost.


  • Fast measurement.
  • Stability.
  • Ease of use.
  • Price.
  • Flashlight.
  • Compactness.


  • Small inscriptions on the display.
  • The sound signal does not turn off.
  • Only for self-control.

Airline ALK-D-02

4 Delta AT-200

Model for individual use with a high-tech semiconductor sensor-analyzer. In the category of inexpensive devices it has the highest cost. Owners of the Delta AT-200 note the excellent sensitivity of the measurement sensor, build quality, compact size and nice design.

The device detects alcohol concentration up to 1.9 ppm. If the level exceeds the norm, the device beeps. It has a powerful charge from three AAA batteries, which is enough for 200 measurements. There is an auto power off function. The model has a wide operating temperature range from -10 to +50 degrees.

The LCD display has a blue backlight, the indicators are clearly visible. The reliability of the device is ensured by the self-test function when turned on.

The device has 5 replaceable mouthpieces; convenient storage is provided for them in the device body. Includes a case for storing the breathalyzer.


  • Sensitive sensor.
  • Charge for 200 measurements.
  • Operating temperature range.
  • Display quality.
  • Compact.
  • Storage for mouthpieces in the case.
  • Self-test mode.


  • Indicators are for self-control only.

Delta AT-200

3 Ritmix RAT-307

The most inexpensive in the category, the most compact device 9.5 by 3.5 cm, thickness 1.7 cm. The breathalyzer is equipped with a complex semiconductor sensor that ensures measurement accuracy. Detects ethanol up to 1.9 ppm. Ritmix RAT-307 is intended for personal use. It has a non-contact blowing method, so it does not require additional purchase of mouthpieces.

This device is one of the fastest in its class, preparation and measurement time takes up to 10 seconds. Economical battery consumption is ensured by the auto-shut-off function in case of inactivity of the device.

The model has a built-in clock and has a memorable design, with a black and white color scheme. The set includes a strap for comfortable wearing on your hand.

Users note the reliability of the device and the adequacy of quantitative readings.


  • Price.
  • Compact.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Auto power off function.
  • Low battery indicator.
  • Watch.


  • Frequently change batteries.
  • Only for self-control.

2 Blast BAT-201

The second position in the ranking is occupied by a device from a relatively young brand, BLAST BAT-201. The breathalyzer for personal use has an attractive design, available in black or white. Equipped with a semiconductor sensor.

A simple and easy-to-use device, a successful example of a combination of low price and decent quality. Provides the ability to select the alcohol measurement unit: ppm or mg/l. Measuring range from 0 to 1.9 ppm. Backlit display. When the measurement norm threshold is exceeded, a sound signal is triggered. Preparation time for work is 13 seconds, result delivery time is up to 5 seconds.

Runs on two AAA batteries. Has an auto power off function to save battery.

Air intake is carried out in a non-contact manner. Does not require additional costs for the purchase of replacement mouthpieces.


  • Fast response and output of results.
  • Display backlight.
  • Auto power off mode.
  • High quality sensor.
  • Ergonomic shape.
  • Price.


  • No batteries included.
  • Use for self-control only.

1 Ritmix RAT-310

The best in the inexpensive category is another device from Ritmix, model RAT-310. Compact semiconductor breathalyzer for personal use. The keychain model with a durable body runs on two AAA batteries and is equipped with five replaceable mouthpieces. Equipped with a visual indication, prompts for the further algorithm of actions necessary for the user appear on the screen. The display backlight makes using the device convenient in poor lighting.

Measurement range from 0 to 1.9 ppm, with a measurement step of 0.1. It takes only 10 seconds to prepare for measurement and give readings. The measurement error does not exceed 10%, this is a good indicator for personal devices.

The device is capable of operating at temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees. According to user reviews, it has proven to be reliable and corresponds to the intended period of use.


  • Compact.
  • Comfortable.
  • Heats up quickly and gives results.
  • Accurate.
  • Easy to use.
  • Replacement mouthpieces included.
  • Price.


  • No batteries included.
  • Only for self-control.

The best breathalyzers in the mid-price range

The most popular models are those in the mid-price range. In most cases, these breathalyzers have an electrochemical sensor, which is more accurate and reliable compared to a semiconductor one. They are designed for a larger number of measurements before the next calibration of the device. Intended for personal use.

4 Dingo A-022

The fourth position among breathalyzers in the mid-price category is occupied by a model with a semiconductor sensor. The device is intended for personal self-monitoring. The type of testing is non-contact.

Dingo A-022 is the most inexpensive model in this category, but has good technical characteristics. Wide measurement range from 0 to 4 ppm. Air intake without a mouthpiece simplifies the process. The display is backlit, making the device convenient to use in low-light conditions.

The sound indication has several alert levels; with a high alcohol content, the device plays a long signal. The interval between preparation for work and between measurements is about 2 minutes. The measurement result is displayed after 2 seconds.

The device is as compact as possible, 10.4 by 4 cm, thickness 2 cm. Powered by two AA batteries. Operating temperature ranges from 10 to 40 degrees above zero. The device requires calibration after 300 measurements. The manufacturer defines the service life as 5 years.


  • Reliability.
  • Compactness.
  • Measuring range.
  • Sound indication.
  • Quick setup of readings.
  • Price.


  • Interval of preparation for work.
  • No exhalation control.

Dingo A-022

3 Alcogran AG-100

The next device in the rating has an electrochemical sensor and a blowing control system. Intended for personal use, with contact measurement method. Includes 5 replacement mouthpieces.

Alcogran AG-100 quickly takes measurements. The preparation time takes up to 10 seconds, the same interval is allocated for the testing itself. The blowing force is moderate and takes 6 seconds.

The device measures the amount of alcohol to one ppm, with an accuracy of 0.05. Information is displayed on a four-digit, two-color display. If the measurement result exceeds the threshold, the display backlight color changes to red. Operates at positive temperatures from 10 to 40 degrees.

The model is lightweight, compact in size, 10.5 by 4 cm. It has a memorable design, with an interesting color scheme.

Power is provided by 1 AAA battery, which is included. It is enough for about 250 measurements. The device requires calibration after 500 measurements; for convenience, it is equipped with a measurement counter that displays the readings on the screen.


  • Accuracy.
  • Compactness.
  • Equipment.
  • Two-color display.
  • Measurement counter.
  • Calibration after one year.
  • Design.


  • Measurement range up to 1 ppm.
  • Price.

2 Inspector AT600

Model for personal use with an electrochemical sensor. Inspector AT600 determines the amount of alcohol in the human body up to 2 ppm with a high level of accuracy ± 0.06.

The breathalyzer has a stylish design, the display is highlighted in contrasting colors, and the buttons are conveniently located. Screen with large numbers, backlight, four-digit display. These details make the device comfortable to use in any conditions. The size of the device is 11.5 by 6 cm.

The breathalyzer quickly takes measurements. It takes up to 15 seconds to prepare for work, the testing itself lasts up to 10 seconds. After 60 seconds, you can retest. Equipped with visual and sound indication when the alcohol limit is exceeded.

The device is powered by a 9V Krona battery, the charge of which is sufficient for several hundred measurements. The breathalyzer is equipped with a memory function for five measurements and continuous exhalation control. Includes 5 mouthpieces. Requires calibration every 12 months.


  • Accuracy.
  • Rapidity.
  • Convenient shape.
  • Large numbers.
  • Display backlight.
  • Sound indication.
  • Memory function.
  • Continuous exhalation control.
  • 5 mouthpieces.


  • Operating temperature from +10 degrees.
  • No battery.

1 Inspector AT550

The first position in the mid-price range ranking is occupied by the personal breathalyzer with an electrochemical sensor Inspector AT550. The device is characterized by high selectivity to ethanol and accuracy of readings up to ±0.025 mg/l. The owners characterize it as a reliable, stably operating device.

The measurement range of the breathalyzer is from 0 to 2 ppm, with an accuracy of hundredths. The screen has a color indication: green – the device is ready for use; yellow – batteries need to be replaced; red – exceeding the permissible alcohol level. Exceeding the norm is also accompanied by a sound indication.

AT550 is lightweight, compact, 11.1 by 3.5 cm. Includes 3 replacement mouthpieces. Can be used in hot weather, operating temperature from +5 to +40 degrees.

The device is designed for approximately 500 measurements, after which it is necessary to calibrate.


  • Precise electrochemical sensor.
  • Reliable.
  • Stable.
  • Color indication.
  • Compact.
  • Comfortable.


  • Requires calibration after 6 months.

The best professional breathalyzers

Professional breathalyzers are highly productive; their technical capabilities allow several hundred measurements to be taken daily. The type of sensor can be semiconductor, electrochemical, or photometric. All of them have the highest level of measurement accuracy. Designed for use in enterprises, medical institutions, and traffic police control systems. Testimony from professional breathalyzers is accepted as evidence in court.

We invite you to consider the best models in this category, costing from 6,200 to 42,000 rubles.

4 Dräger Alcotest 6810

It ranks fourth in the ranking of professional devices. The Drager Alcotest 6810 quickly and accurately determines the concentration of ethanol vapor in exhaled air. Equipped with a high quality electrochemical type sensor.

The portable electronic device has an ergonomic shape and is equally convenient for use with the right and left hands. Designed for contact and passive air intake. The second method expands the capabilities of the device, especially in cases where forced testing is necessary.

The advantage is the built-in memory for 2000 measurements, and, if necessary, compatibility with a PC or portable printer.

Energy-saving device, two AA alkaline batteries or two 1.2 V batteries provide up to 1500 measurements without replacing elements.

All stages of preparation and testing are accompanied by the full text being displayed on the display and additionally by sound signals. The control system is simple and accessible.


  • High accuracy.
  • Quality.
  • Functionality.
  • Fast measurements.
  • Built-in memory.
  • Compatible with PC, printer.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Ease of Management.
  • Operating temperature range.


  • Price.

Dräger Alcotest 6810

3 Dingo E-010

A popular model, suitable for group or individual use, has a medical device registration. Dingo E-010 is equipped with a blowing control system and supports a self-diagnosis function. The accuracy and reliability of the device is ensured by a high-quality electrochemical sensor.

The range of instrument readings is up to 4 ppm, with a scale resolution of 0.01. Operates at temperatures from 0 to +40 degrees. Power is provided by two rechargeable batteries or AAA batteries.

Despite its compact size (10.6 by 5 cm), the device has high performance. Preparation time for testing is about a minute, blowing time is 4 seconds, displaying indicators on the screen within 2 seconds.

The breathalyzer is designed for 40 measurements per day and requires calibration every thousand measurements. For convenience, it is equipped with a test count counter.

The peculiarity of Dingo E-010 is the possibility of measurements with a mouthpiece and a non-contact method. In the second case, the indicators will be less accurate. The model has an output for connecting to a PC and special software.


  • Accuracy.
  • Reliability.
  • Rapidity.
  • Certification.
  • Ease of use.
  • Measurement counter.
  • Blowing control.
  • Self-diagnosis.
  • PC output.


  • No memory function.
  • Not applicable in the field of state metrological control.

Dingo E-010

2 AlcoHunter Professional X

The next model in the rating corresponds to the level of performance of professional breathalyzers and is distinguished by high accuracy and maximum sensitivity. The device is compact in size, weighing about 120 grams.

AlcoHunter Professional X determines blood alcohol content in ultra-low doses, from 0.01 ppm. Equipped with a comprehensive system of protection against measurement fraud and procedural errors. Adapted to difficult weather conditions, allows measurements at air temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees and air humidity up to 85%.

The device is equipped with a color LCD display with a clear, user-friendly interface.

Replaceable mouthpieces are used for sampling. The batteries are powered by two removable batteries or 3A batteries. For initial preparation for operation, the breathalyzer requires about three minutes, for subsequent measurements about a minute. Up to 1000 thousand measurements are provided before calibrating the sensor.


  • High precision sensor.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Convenient display.
  • Number of measurements before calibration.
  • Anti-fraud system.
  • Operating temperature range.


  • Exhalation time for sample collection is up to 10 seconds.

AlcoHunter Professional X


The leader in the ranking of professional breathalyzers is the domestic model Meta 01. The device has an optimal ratio of cost, quality, and functional characteristics.

The device was originally designed for use by traffic police services and has the appropriate certification for use for professional purposes.

The device is designed for daily use with a large number of measurements. Has an autonomous power source with a minimum continuous operating interval of 8 hours. Equipped with a sensitive semiconductor sensor, it has high measurement accuracy. Reading range from 0 to 3 ppm.

The breathalyzer operates in temperature conditions from 1 to 40 degrees above zero, humidity up to 80%. The measurements are accompanied by audio and visual indications displayed on a large, high-quality display.

The model has functions for monitoring the alcohol content in the ambient air and exhalation control, ensuring the correctness of measurements.


  • Increased measurement accuracy.
  • Reliability.
  • Easy to use.
  • Powerful autonomous power source.
  • Exhalation control.
  • Determination of alcohol vapor in the environment.
  • Durable material.
  • Price.


  • In case of downtime, it requires a run.


Which breathalyzer is better to buy?

So, before choosing a breathalyzer, you need to determine the purpose of the purchase and several priority indicators that will be important for you.

If you need the device as a means of self-control, for individual use, a personal breathalyzer is quite suitable for you. For mass or group use, for enterprises, professional models are considered.

The next factor is cost. The devices are conventionally divided into budget models, mid-price models, and expensive professional models. The first category has an approximate range from 500 to 3000 rubles, the second from 3000 to 6000, professional models can cost from 6000 to several tens of thousands of rubles. In each category you can choose the model that suits you.

Among personal breathalyzers, devices with an electrochemical sensor are considered more accurate. Air intake through the mouthpiece makes the analysis better; with this method, the influence of extraneous factors is less.

If you do not have high demands on the accuracy of measurements, the very fact of determining the presence and excess of alcohol in the blood is important to you, you can consider an inexpensive model with a semiconductor sensor. Or a model without a mouthpiece. The latter have their advantages: they do not require searching and the cost of purchasing mouthpieces, and are easier to use.

It is worth paying attention to the operating temperature, whether it will suit your conditions. The frequency of calibration is also an important point; find out whether it will be possible to carry out the process without problems. Pay attention to the quality, size of the display and information displayed.

Last but not least is the design and dimensions of the device; it is always nicer to have a convenient thing that will please the eye. Enjoy the shopping!

Today I am reviewing TWO different versions of one device, almost identical in appearance. It would be a sin not to compare the guts :) We all know that the filling of consumer electronics is not a constant thing. But in order to be able to compare the changes taking place in nature, the stars had to align very well. And the purpose of the device is clear - measuring the alcohol content in exhaled air. With a double purpose, good and bad. That is, on the one hand, do not endanger your life and those of others. And the other is to deprive sellers of striped sticks of swag.

Legal framework in Russia

(I don’t dare write about other states)
in the Russian Federation are approved by Government Decree. Above is a link to the current edition in consultant.ru, which is updated as legislation changes.

Main figure at the time of publication

The fact of using substances that cause alcohol intoxication is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible total measurement error, namely 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled air.
After much wrangling, our legislators introduced (in tireless concern for us, the orphans) a very low permissible alcohol content. The declared goal is to distinguish a person who has not drunk anything from someone who has consumed as little as possible. That is, this 0.16 is the total error plus possible background values. Accordingly, in a device like the one being reviewed, I am completely uninterested in its readings on half a liter of white water. What is interesting is the sensitivity to minimal doses.

The captain reminds that a device like the one being monitored cannot provide official data, as it is needed to record the result on a paper tape, certified and verified

Quote from the Resolution

Examination for the state of alcohol intoxication is carried out using technical measuring instruments that provide recording of the research results on paper, approved for use by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, verified in the prescribed manner by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, the type of which is included in the state register of approved types of measuring instruments (hereinafter referred to as technical measuring instruments).

Before an examination for alcohol intoxication, an official who is granted the right of state supervision and control over the safety of traffic and operation of a vehicle of the corresponding type, or an official of the military automobile inspection, informs the driver of the vehicle being examined about the procedure for examination using a technical measuring instrument, the integrity of the state verifier's stamp , the presence of a verification certificate or verification record in the passport of the technical measuring instrument.

It’s clear that everyone is interested in what should happen and how it should happen if they stop it. But any legal documents are written in bird language, so I quote

I note that in one point this iconography is outdated. They will be deprived of their rights for alcohol found not only in the exhalation, but also in the blood. The maximum permissible limit is less than 0.3 g per 1 liter of biomaterial. . (But this does not directly apply to the device under review, so let’s wrap it up.)

Delivery and why two copies

Ordered August 19, 2018, shipped August 21, received September 12. Full track
The breathalyzer came, everything seemed fine. The numbers show that the clock is ticking. On a sober exhalation it shows zeros. So while I realized that it shows zero even with light breastfeeding, some time passed. Well, what can you do - marriage happens, it happened to me before. Wrote, sent another
Shipped on September 24, August, received on October 5. Full track again

But, as it turned out, the hardware versions are different. And who is stopping me from comparing?


Transport packaging - gray PE bag and many layers of white foam

Commercial packaging is identical - cardboard box with a plastic tray inside

Additional Information


On the left everything is old, on the right - new. The face of the new one is no different. Well, maybe the lanyard is a little longer

But on the back side there are minor differences. The shape of the air intake grille has changed slightly. There is one less hole on the back cover. The message Reset appeared near one of the holes.

The rest of the sides are the same.


Digital breathalyzer with sound alert
Semiconductor sensor
Measurement limits 0.00-0.95 mg/l*
Accuracy 0.05 mg/l
Measurement time: warm-up 10-15 s, measurement no more than 5 s.
Clock accuracy 2 s per day
Two LCD screens: alcohol tester and clock/temperature
Temperature in C and F
Automatic shutdown
Power**: ag13 watch battery (not included), 2 x AAA breathalyzer batteries (not included)
Dimensions: 100 x 37 x 17 mm

*About units of measurement. The screen says g/l. Which, of course, is a small mistake. A thousand times, that's all. Well, they forgot the little letter m... By the way, a liter of air weighs about 1.3g. So an alcohol concentration of tenths of a g/l does not seem realistic in any case.
**About food. Only the old modification has two types of elements. The new one uses AAA batteries.

The indication of accuracy makes a pleasant impression. It’s a pity that I can only check the alcohol level very approximately.

Checking functionality

In the summer I came across this option (I liked the rest of their beer much less. I couldn’t drink port at all.). And I liked it. 0.45 l, 5.9% alcohol. I'm 110 kg

Background value is zero
Half a bottle of beer, brushed my teeth, after 5 minutes - half a milligram per liter. It’s clear that intoxication from half a bottle of beer, according to subjective sensations, is exactly zero.

Another 15 minutes (20 total) passed - 0.3 mg/l

Another 15 minutes (35 in total) - 0.2. There is little point in measuring further, taking into account the declared accuracy.

IMHO roughly corresponds to reality - the beer is not strong, my carcass is large. But the fact that the declared accuracy of the device approximately corresponds to such an important measured value is not encouraging. How much is the actual accuracy? How long will it go? So I consider the device to be a display meter. Something shows - I wouldn’t look at the numbers, and if it was yesterday, I wouldn’t get behind the wheel.

This would be a perfect test from the neck, tired and without eating©. But I very rarely have a hangover; there are plenty of other fun things to do in life.

Instructions and equipment

The instructions in both are from the old model, with mention of a separate battery for the watch. In general, how much did you have to drink to come up with such nonsense with separate batteries?

The package includes a device, packaging, manual and lanyard. No batteries.

Inner world

Again, the old one is on the left, the new one is on the right. It can be seen that the contacts for the AG13 battery have been removed.

Old version

The batteries painted on the inside of the case are visible, the polarity is clear.

Alcohol detector closer

We break out the board - it’s not a pity, it’s still not working (fastening is done using screws and melting the housing element)

Larger - a “body” like a blot is visible. Because it controls the top display - I assume it's a clock.


New option

The full photo is above. Pay

Non-volatile memory, tiny, and some of the contacts are bridged.

Large chip without markings. Microprocessor, I guess.

The SMD components are soldered, to put it mildly, unevenly... And the flux is like dirt.

I didn’t remove the board from this version - there’s still nothing particularly interesting on that side. Even the hour blot was moved to this side.


I didn’t expect that externally practically indistinguishable versions from the same store would be so different inside. The new version is IMHO more correct because it does not require a separate battery to power the watch. Such an engineering solution could only be made with a big hangover. Banguda said that the old version is no longer in stock, there is only a newer one. And good.

The sensor in both looks the same - three-legged without markings. IMHO this is MQ303A,

Advantages and disadvantages

+ allows you to determine the small alcohol content in exhaled air. And you don’t really need to know more. Shows numbers - go cold.
+ there is a clock and a thermometer - we could do without a clock. A thermometer, I think, is needed for measurements.

Even the stated accuracy is comparable to the threshold value. And how much real accuracy is there... So we don’t pay much attention to the numbers, it’s a display meter. Something shows - it's dangerous.
- especially since such a device is, in principle, not suitable for official measurements. But what is suitable is worth completely different money.
- unclear service life. I googled it and the sensors seem to last for about three years.
- we missed the letter m in units of measurement - grams instead of milligrams. Doesn't affect anything. But, like sloppy soldering, it raises questions. Are the testers there after drinking a liter and soldering...


Regarding the two different versions, this is a vivid example of how outwardly identical devices can be completely different inside; this is not a replacement of the capacitor brand - a complete rework of the board. Why. in fact, there are requests to open it whenever possible.

There are plenty of disadvantages :), but all are compatible with life. The device is a display meter - it works, it reacts to a glass of beer as it should, and it produces plausible numbers. It copes with the task of showing that you don’t have to get behind the wheel. There is no calibration, so I think it’s possible to check the performance with the same glass of beer once every couple of months.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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