Which government body establishes the procedure for the functioning of the unified information system? The procedure for functioning of the unified information system in the field of procurement has been determined

The Unified Information System (abbreviated as UIS) is one of those “pillars” on which the entire public procurement system in Russia rests. Therefore, it is logical that in order to work in the field of public procurement, you need to thoroughly know everything about this system: what it is needed for, what functions and tasks this system performs. Let's look at its basic principles in this article.

Legal regulation and UIS

The requirement for the creation and maintenance of a Unified information system approved in Federal Law No. 44-FZ, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury when creating the Unified Information System” (dated September 30, 2014) and “On the procedure and timing of commissioning the Unified Information System” (dated January 23, 2015 year).

It is also worth noting the integration of VSRZ and EIS. VSRZ is external system placing an order, the creation of which is provided for by 44 Federal Laws. Such systems are created in regions and municipalities. They can be integrated with the Unified Information System, which allows you to create a single information space. EIS government procurement has become more convenient and informative.

Important clarification: if the information posted on regional system, integrated with Unified system, differs from the one posted in the Unified Information System - then the one that is posted on the federal resource is paramount.

So, the Unified Information System provides:

  • extension functionality for the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Businesses;
  • expansion of functionality for control and audit bodies;
  • possibility of posting tender documentation in electronic form;
  • usage electronic signature for documents;
  • integration of information with different information systems, which allows you to generate and post documents without additional input in the EIS.

Advantages of the UIS

Unlike the old government procurement website, a single trading platform involves placing documents in electronic form rather than scanned, which makes the search process much more convenient. The search has become more convenient thanks to the appearance of a search parameter constructor.

An important advantage is optimization user interface, which united many different functions. In addition to the basic functionality of the site, on the UIS you can find a list of unscrupulous service providers posted by the authorities supervising contract executors. Also on home page site can be found news feed, in which all news related to changes and innovations in 44-FZ and 223-FZ are quickly posted - this will allow a specialist in the field of public procurement (both the customer and the supplier) to avoid mistakes and save time.

This trading platform also allows you to track UIS purchases thanks to the RSS newsletter function. Thus, by subscribing to the newsletter, a specialist will be able to quickly receive new information without having to constant search on the resource. EIS trades have also become systematized and easily found.

On January 1, 2016, the Unified Procurement Information System (UPI) began operating in Russia. With the help of this information and technical resource, goods, works and services are purchased for state and municipal needs (Federal Law 44-FZ), as well as for the needs of state-controlled companies (Federal Law 223-FZ). Since 2018, procurement of works and services for the overhaul of common property of apartment buildings has also been carried out through the Unified Information System (Federal Law 185-FZ, Government Decree dated July 1, 2016 No. 615 “On the procedure for attracting contractors to provide services or carry out work for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building").

During the existence of the UIS, its functionality has changed several times due to changes regularly made to the procurement legislation. In this article we will try to answer the question of what the UIS is, how it works, and also tell you what new functions are planned to be implemented in the UIS in the near future.

To begin with, let us turn to Federal Law No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services for state and municipal needs,” or more precisely to the definition of the Unified Information System given in paragraph 9 of Article 3 of this law. “A unified information system in the field of procurement is a set of information contained in databases, information technology And technical means, ensuring the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official EIS website on the Internet. The website address is www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Article 4 of Law 44-FZ allows constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with the Unified Information System. But if there are discrepancies in the posted procurement information, the information posted in the Unified Information System always takes priority. This approach significantly simplifies the life of procurement participants, allowing them to use only the Unified Information System to search for information about procurements carried out under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 185-FZ. Spend time looking through numerous information resources subjects of the federation, municipalities or state corporations no longer makes sense.

What are the main tasks of the EIS? The answer is also contained in Article 4 of Law 44-FZ. But this issue is discussed in more detail in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2015 N 1414, which approved the “Rules for the functioning of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement.” According to the Rules, the Unified Information System, in interaction with other information systems, ensures:

a) formation, processing, storage and provision of data to participants of the contract system;

b) compliance control:

Information on the volume of financial support included in procurement plans - information on the volume of financial support for procurement, approved and communicated to the customer;

Information included in procurement plans and schedules - information contained in procurement plans;

Information contained in notices of procurement and procurement documentation - information contained in procurement schedules;

Information contained in the protocols for identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) - information contained in procurement documentation;

The terms of the draft contract sent in the form of an electronic document to the procurement participant with whom the contract is concluded - information contained in the protocol for determining the supplier (contractor, performer);

Information about the contract included in the register of contracts concluded by customers - the terms of the contract;

c) use of an electronic signature for signing electronic documents, the type of which is provided for by procurement legislation;

d) the ability to verify an electronic signature throughout the entire storage period of information and documents contained in a unified information system;

e) placement of information and documents provided for by procurement legislation;

f) exchange electronic documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on procurement, between participants in the contract system;

g) formation and maintenance of a catalog of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

h) the ability to monitor procurement in accordance with the law;

i) the ability to monitor and assess the compliance of procurement plans for goods, works, services, procurement plans for innovative products, high-tech products, medicines, as well as certain types of legal entities with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in procurement;

j) the ability to analyze and evaluate procurement information for the purpose of conducting a procurement audit;

k) the possibility of obtaining information and documents contained in the unified information system necessary to carry out control provided for in Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ.

Participants in the contract system have access to the UIS after completing the registration, identification, authentication and authorization procedures in the UIS. Identification, authentication and authorization in the UIS are carried out using electronic signature verification key certificates.

Access to the official website of the EIS on the Internet, with the exception of the section for public discussion of procurement, is free for everyone. Access to the site for posting information during mandatory public discussion of procurement is provided to discussion participants after they have completed the procedures self-registration, identification, authentication and authorization.
The information contained in the Unified Information System is publicly available and provided free of charge. Information constituting a state secret is not posted in the unified information system.

Technical and software The UIS and its official website must ensure round-the-clock continuous operation, availability of information and documents, their protection and backup. In addition, the EIS provides information interaction with external information systems - system " Electronic budget", electronic platforms conducting procurement procedures in accordance with federal laws 44-ФЗ and 223-ФЗ (purchases under the law 185-ФЗ are carried out according to the rules of 44-ФЗ), information systems of the FAS, the Federal Treasury, regional information systems.

In order to eliminate abuses in the process of procurement procedures, the State Information System “Independent Registrar” was created, recording all actions (or inactions) of participants in the contract system in the field of procurement in the Unified Information System and on the electronic platform. The system is currently operating in limited mode. The Independent Registrar GIS will be fully operational from October 1, 2019.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 442 of April 13, 2017, the authorized body for organizing the work of the UIS was appointed Federal Treasury. It is entrusted with the following functions:

To develop, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance, functional requirements for the UIS;

For the creation, development, maintenance and maintenance of the UIS;

To establish the procedure for registration in the UIS and the procedure for using the UIS.

Now let’s imagine ourselves in the place of a potential participant in government procurement who first encountered the Unified Information System by accessing the Internet resource www.zakupki.gov.ru. What can he find there?

Yes, a lot of things. A wide variety of information needed by both participants and procurement customers. Law 44-FZ (Part 3 of Article 4) lists in detail, what information should be contained in the UIS. In order not to bore readers, we list only the most important, in our opinion:

1) Plans and procurement schedules, information on their implementation.

2) Information about the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or group of foreign states.

3) Information on procurement and execution of contracts.

4) Register of contracts concluded by customers.

5) Unified register procurement participants.

6) Register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors, performers).

7) Library of standard contracts, standard contract terms.

8) Register of complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, their results and orders issued.

9) Register of bank guarantees.

10) Register of single suppliers

11) Results of procurement monitoring, audit in the field of procurement, as well as control in the field of procurement.

12) Customer reports required by law;

13) Catalog of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.

14) List of selected electronic platforms and information about their tariffs.

15) List of banks for opening special accounts.

16) Information about the work of the GIS “Independent Registrar” and the Unified Trade Aggregator “Berezka”.

17) Regulatory legal acts regulating the field of public procurement.

18) Materials for working in the EIS.

Let's say right away that not all information is freely available. For example, previously, visitors to the EIS website had access to a register of issued bank guarantees ensuring the execution of contracts concluded under laws No. 44-FZ and 185-FZ. However, due to changes made in the law “On the contract system in the field of procurement”, from July 1, 2018, access to the register of bank guarantees was limited. Now this function is available only to procurement customers, and only information about bank guarantees issued before July 1, 2018 remains freely available.
An undoubted advantage of the EIS is the fact that starting from 2017, all procurement plans and schedules are only in machine-readable form. This has significantly expanded the ability to search for procurement information using simple search queries, for example, in the search engines Yandex or Google. And this despite the fact that the EIS has its own search system, which allows you to conduct both simple and advanced searches using many parameters.

Now let's move on to the most important thing. You have decided to participate in government procurement. Where should you start? The answer to this question is quite simple - You need to start by registering your company in the Unified Information System.

Before starting registration, you should make sure that you have an enhanced qualified electronic signature and the director of the company (or individual entrepreneur) is registered as an individual on the Portal public services RF. Without meeting these conditions, it is impossible to complete the registration procedure in the UIS.
We will not describe the registration procedure in detail. You can read about this in the article on our website. Step-by-step video instructions After registration you can find it in the “Videos” section in our VKontakte community.

Information about registered companies, individual entrepreneurs and individuals is included in the Unified Register of Procurement Participants, each of them is assigned unique number register entry.

No later than 1 day later, registered participants must receive accreditation on all electronic platforms selected by the Government for work under 44-FZ. For the sake of objectivity, let’s say that this deadline, unfortunately, is not always met. Often the accreditation procedure on electronic platforms takes several days. You need to be prepared for this and take it into account when planning your participation in procurement.

When making purchases in electronic form according to 223-FZ, the customer has the right to choose any electronic platform. Its name can be clarified in the procurement notice posted in the Unified Information System. And this will not necessarily be one of the sites operating according to the rules of 44-FZ (you received accreditation for these electronic signatures automatically after registering with the Unified Information System). If necessary, you will have to independently undergo accreditation for each new electronic signature. The accreditation procedure is quite simple and, as a rule, does not cause difficulties.

The next step should be to open a special account with an authorized bank. It will be needed to submit applications for participation in procurement procedures. After this, you can begin selecting tenders in areas of interest. For this you can use search engine EIS or specialized programs. And then all that remains is to prepare and send an application for participation, provide security and win the purchase.

Assistance to participants in government procurement under 44-FZ, 223-FZ, 185-FZ

Obtaining electronic signature, registration in the Unified Information System, selection of tenders and tender support,

bank guarantees and loans, insurance and factoring

And in conclusion, let's briefly talk about what changes await the EIS in the near future.

At the beginning of April 2019, the Federal Treasury announced the launch mobile version EIS. True, it has so far been developed only for mobile devices on iOS platform and can work for mobile phones IPhone5 and higher. The application is already available for download for free in the AppStore. Looking forward to the release soon similar application for Android.

At the same time, the Treasury announced the launch of a “mini-version” of the UIS before the end of the first half of 2019. This will be a smaller, but functionally complete copy of the system. It is planned to be used during off-peak hours to carry out routine maintenance on the main UIS.

In 2019, it is also planned to implement electronic document management functionality in the UIS for concluding contracts, subcontracts, as well as signing electronic certificates of work performed. Electronic actuation will become mandatory for all procurement procedures under 44-FZ.

It is likely that already in 2019 the EIS will be able to make purchases from the catalog of goods, works and services (KTRU). This will require integration of the system with electronic stores and trade aggregators.

Perhaps, from July 1, 2019, the Unified Information System in the field of procurement will be integrated with the register of legal entities held administratively liable for illegal remuneration under Art. 19.28 Code of Administrative Offences. The corresponding draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation was developed by the Ministry of Finance. It is assumed that when passing electronic registration To participate in the procurement, the supplier will be automatically checked to determine whether he is in the register of “bribe takers”. At positive result verification, the company will not be allowed to register to participate in the auction.

This concludes our short story about the capabilities of the EIS. If your company is going to take part in procurement, experts from the Credit Insurance Agency advise you to spend a little time getting acquainted with the capabilities of the UIS. Simple and clear interface The system does not cause any difficulties even for novice users.
But if you don’t have time for this, remember - you can always entrust

The Government of the Russian Federation, by its resolution, approved the rules by which the unified information system in the field of procurement (UIS) will operate (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2015 No. 1414 “On the procedure for the functioning of the unified information system in the field of procurement”). Its commissioning is ensured from January 1 of the current year instead of the official website for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services www.zakupki.gov.ru. However, the address of the site on which the UIS information should be contained will remain the same, and access to it will, as today, be provided free of charge.

The Cabinet of Ministers has established a number of requirements that the EIS must comply with. In particular, the system will provide:

  • generation, processing, storage and provision of data (including automated) to participants of the contract system;
  • control over the compliance of certain information with each other (for example, information from schedules must correspond to information from procurement plans, and procurement notices and procurement documentation cannot contradict schedules);
  • the use of electronic signatures by participants in the contract system and the ability to verify it, as well as the exchange of electronic documents between them;
  • the ability to analyze and evaluate procurement information for the purpose of conducting a procurement audit, etc.

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It is stipulated that if any documents and information included in the UIS are changed, their previous versions must be preserved, and site users will be able to familiarize themselves with them. At the same time, simultaneously with the publication of new documents and information, a list of changes made will also be posted.

UIS participants are UIS subjects (that is, customers and suppliers), as well as users of the official website (individuals and legal entities, including participants in mandatory public procurement discussions).

Services for UIS participants must be provided around the clock and continuously, with the exception of cases of routine and technological work. At the same time, the average waiting time for a response to user requests via technical support phone numbers should not exceed five minutes.

Another resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers established that no later than January 1, 2017, through the Unified Information System, it should be possible to submit applications for participation in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) and final proposals (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2015 No. 1509 “On Amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation").

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