What devices are hidden under the name “desktop weather stations.” Weather stations Where to buy a home weather station

If you love traveling and often go to a dacha far from the city, then you will appreciate the functionality of such a device, since the weather, even within the same locality, can differ significantly in different directions. At the same time, Internet resources cannot always offer accurate information about upcoming changes in the state of the atmosphere. A home weather station with a wireless sensor is designed to make spending time anywhere as comfortable as possible. In addition to accurately indicating the temperature, the models are equipped with the functions of a clock, barometer, alarm clock, air humidity indicator and even a sunrise and sunset time sensor.

Why you should buy a weather station for your home

Despite the many well-known sources that allow you to find out weather conditions anywhere in the world, the device operating directly at the location is the leader. A special remote sensor always displays current information on the device screen, regularly updating the data. You can buy a wireless weather station in our store at an affordable price.

Currently, home weather stations are popular. Almost everyone wonders how to choose it. Yes, there really is quite a choice. Electronic devices are replete with a huge number of brands, models, designs, and functionality. It turns out that you can choose your home weather station according to your wishes. But you need to remember that the more functions, the more accurate the data must be, the more expensive the device is.

Digital thermometers

In addition to conventional mercury thermometers, you can hang a digital one at home. It’s better to say right away that the first is preferable. But some people want to keep up with the times or improve the design. Digital thermometers also mean the price of the device, its functionality - these and other questions concern every buyer. Here are examples of the most rated digital thermometers.

RST 02100

Its price is approximately 800-900 rubles. The dimensions of such a device are small. Shows both room and street temperatures. It is possible to save previous values. The kit includes a remote sensor with a three-meter wire. Judging by user reviews, the readings are accurate. Please note that the device has no other functions except indoors and outdoors.

Oregon Scientific EW92

A similar device with a price of about 2000 rubles. There is a difference in dimensions (it is larger than previously described). The temperature is updated every 40 seconds. Warns of frost.

with multiple indications

LaCrosse WS 9057

This is a European production model. The appearance is pleasing to the eye. Shows all necessary geophysical parameters. The only thing it doesn't show is wind speed and direction. There is a very similar model with such functions, but it costs about 17,000 rubles.

RST 02929

A weather station with a beautiful design and many indicators. The sensor on the street is able to determine the direction and speed of the wind and transmit it to the main unit. The accuracy of the measurements does not fail. There are almost all kinds of additional functions.

Kweller S8200

Stylish design, presence of control buttons and settings. The display on the left shows the following readings: weather forecast (picture), pressure, date and time, current memory capacity (tablet-shaped diagram). On the right side of the screen, the humidity and air temperature in the room and outside the house, where the sensor hangs, is clearly presented. The speed and direction of the wind is very beautifully illustrated.

Home weather station with astrological calendar

They are even on sale. For those who are interested not just in weather forecasts and watches, but also in astrology, a similar home weather station is perfect. How to choose such models? In fact, the choice is not that great. Let's again introduce the RST company, which creates such devices. Below is the model itself with code 02787. Its price starts from 7,000 rubles.

The display changes color depending on the weather. What data is displayed besides the astrological calendar? Outdoor and room temperatures, humidity and atmospheric pressure with indication. In the upper left corner there is a beautiful image of weather phenomena. Data accuracy is high.

How to choose a home weather station and not regret the money spent? Before purchasing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics and study the opinions of people who themselves use such devices.

Models that are better not to take

Many interested people want to buy a home weather station that is cheaper and has the most functions. A sample on a store window can please the eye with its colorful display and many indications. If the price is no more than 1000-1500 rubles, it is better not to delude yourself. These are ordinary trinkets, not home weather stations. What to choose then? Of course, whatever is more expensive.

Weather stations produced by Hama, unfortunately, are the most unreliable. The price for them most often does not exceed 1000 rubles, some cost only 500. There are plenty of functions, but, according to reviews from users of such devices, they are completely useless. Air humidity is displayed incorrectly, and temperature changes occur over a long period of time, including giving false values.

You don’t have to rack your brains for a long time and buy the first device you come across. But then you will regret the money spent. Sometimes the problem is not in the correctness of the readings, but in the settings. It's better to look at the instructions in the store. Are there step-by-step recommendations, a sequence of actions?

Some people prefer an analog device rather than a home electronic weather station. How to choose in this case? Yet these are completely different things. It’s one thing to buy a regular one that shows the temperature absolutely accurately, and another thing to buy a digital device from which you don’t know what to expect.

Undoubtedly, separate thermometers, barometers and other instruments for determining values ​​the old fashioned way are much more expensive, but they are more durable, unpretentious and the most accurate. And electronics require constant changing of batteries and comparison of readings. It's a matter of each person's taste.

Does it make sense to buy?

Some people wonder: do I even need this weather station? It will also be useful for those who suffer from chronic diseases. Some people's blood pressure rises when the weather changes; for others, doctors recommend keeping the air in the room dry or, conversely, humid. And some dangerous diseases require that the room be at a certain temperature. A home weather station will help with this. The reader already knows how to choose such a device with the best characteristics and the highest accuracy. A home weather station will be a good purchase. Especially if it is necessary to monitor and maintain the physical parameters in the room of a sick person. Many parents try to monitor the condition of their newborn’s room. After all, it is so important that there are no drafts, cold or heat.

Fans of capricious and exotic plants will also be delighted with their purchase. Since it is important to observe and maintain the required relative humidity in the room or greenhouse. Temperature is also important for plants. The gardener will know whether it is necessary to insulate the area, or, conversely, open all windows and doors if warm and sunny weather is expected.

Using modern household climate control equipment in our own home requires us to control the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air. These indicators directly affect a person’s well-being and performance. But the accuracy of their readings often does not inspire confidence in the user, so most people additionally use thermometers, hygrometers and other climate control devices in their homes.

Today there is a good alternative to all these devices and devices, which is called a home weather station. There are two main types of weather stations: mechanical and electronic. In addition, home weather stations differ in appearance, functionality, the presence and number of external sensors, design and, accordingly, price. This publication will take a closer look at desktop home weather stations.

What are desktop weather stations?

A desktop weather station is a fairly compact device designed to monitor and analyze temperature and humidity characteristics, changes in atmospheric pressure and obtain other data that makes it possible to predict the weather for the next 24 hours with a high degree of reliability.

Mechanical weather stations tend to be more of an interior item than a weather station, although this does not prevent them from accurately measuring:

  • Temperature using a mercury, alcohol or spring thermometer.
  • Humidity level in the room using a mechanical hygrometer.
  • Atmospheric pressure using an aneroid barometer built into the body of the product.
  • Quite often, desktop weather stations are equipped with a clock.

Mechanical weather station clocks are usually made from valuable types of wood and precious metals. They will look great in your living room, decorate your executive office, or make the perfect gift for your loved ones.

Mechanical weather stations can have the most bizarre shapes. Some models are produced in the form of a marine compass, globe, geometric figures, etc. The only disadvantage of these devices is their rather low functionality, which, however, is not of great importance.

Features of desktop electronic weather stations

If mechanical devices can only be called full-fledged weather stations, since it is still an interior or even status device, then electronic desktop weather stations received from their manufacturers all possible functionality, which depends on the model of the device, its purpose, the presence of sensors and sensors , as well as additional capabilities of the device.

Externally, a digital weather installation is a display that displays the necessary data for monitoring and analyzing the weather. In addition to digital data, the display most often displays the clock, date, calendar and symbols reflecting the weather forecast for the next 12 hours.

  • Budget models are usually equipped with sensitive sensors for measuring indoor temperature and humidity. Often called thermohygrometers, depending on the model, they may be equipped with an electronic barometer and one external temperature sensor.
  • Mid-range devices have greater functionality due to the ability to collect data from several external sensors, of which up to 5 can be installed.
  • Professional home weather stations have their own software to analyze and produce the most complete and accurate weather forecast.

Despite the similarity of functions in various models of digital weather stations, they differ in purpose and additional capabilities:

Advantages and disadvantages of desktop climate control devices

The main advantages of desktop devices include a variety of designs, powerful functionality and the ability to move the device around the room. In addition, in desktop models, most control buttons are located on the back of the device, which prevents accidental pressing or data reset.

At first glance, there are no shortcomings in desktop climate control devices, but upon closer examination, one was still found. This is insufficient stability of the device. Almost all digital weather stations suffer from this problem. Mechanical ones do not have this drawback, but they have rather weak functionality, which, given their cost, is still a serious disadvantage.

When choosing a desktop weather station, try to pay attention not only to the design, brand and cost of the product. Based on the lack of reliability of installation of the device, pay attention to the material from which the device body is made. It would be very nice if it was made of durable ABC plastic or metal. It is also a good idea if the LCD display is protected by glass, which will help preserve the fragile display if the device is dropped.

Vague weather forecasts, often far from reality, are a thing of the past, because now everyone has access to their own home weather station. The online store "Gradus+" invites those who no longer trust Internet weather stations to take a closer look at the range of home electronic weather stations, because buying a household weather station allows you to make the best wireless weather forecasts for the next 24 hours, and there is no mechanical routine work at all .

If you are looking for the best household weather station for your home, you have come to exactly the right place, because we are an online store with mechanical and various electronic home barometers, thermometers, hygrometers and other similar measuring instruments. And, of course, among our range there is a wireless electronic weather station.

Where to buy a home weather station?

From us you can buy a home weather station from such well-known manufacturers as RST, Brig+ Company, etc. The home weather stations we sell have high-quality electronic components, so no matter where your home is, the readings of the device will be incredibly accurate, and you will More than once mentally thank the assortment of our store with the best wireless household appliances.

Is the weather becoming more and more unpredictable, and forecasts becoming less and less objective? Those who do not want to rely on information received from weather forecasters can be recommended to buy a home weather station.

Portable weather stations for personal use are simply necessary for people who leave their homes every day, going to work until the evening. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to understand what is best to wear and whether it is worth taking an umbrella with you.

Weather stations for home use include:

  • electronic and mechanical hygrometers;
  • hygrometers-thermometers;
  • digital desktop weather stations.
Desktop weather stations are complex electronic devices that receive information about humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind force, temperature and cloudiness from a sensor located outside the window (on the balcony, etc.). The sensor is an autonomous device that wirelessly transmits all information to the station itself, located indoors.

Some models have a memory function and a calendar, thanks to which the user can conduct full observations of the weather conditions. Portable devices have a stylish design and can fit into any interior; they can be placed on your desktop in order to always be aware of impending bad weather or a sharp drop in temperature.

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