What songs will be performed? They strictly look at the age limit.

If the painting shows a ballerina, you are looking at a work by Edgar Degas. No matter how funny it may sound, in a nutshell you can describe the work of almost every artist. Yes, it will be a kind of manual for dummies, but art is a complex thing, so we’ll start small. How to learn to understand painting - in the “Cultural Investigation” section.

Everything is not as difficult as it seems. For example, the Flemish painter Rubens was very fond of painting plump women. But in fact, he is not the only one - his contemporaries also liked ladies with bodies. At the beginning of the 17th century, it was believed that volumetric shapes were an indicator of physical health and inner greatness. Today, such “beauties” with appetizing curves would be sent to the gym.

Here's another example. If you see bizarre images that look like something out of a dream, rest assured that this is Salvador Dali. Some art critics call him a genius, others - a hack. Caricature artist Vladimir Melnikov explains: there are no difficulties in Dali’s technique, so his style can be easily copied.

“What is surrealism? Label whatever you want. Not a tiger, but another character flies, and not from a rifle, but from a cannon, and a small striped fly leads this procession. And on washing machine blurred watch,” shared Vladimir Melnikov.

It turned out to be more difficult to copy the artist Marc Chagall. But it’s easy to draw a cartoon in his style. If you see figures hovering over a city, it’s definitely Chagall.

To ensure you don't get stuck in a world-class museum, here's another tip. If on the canvas you see muscular, handsome men with ideal forms, then you know - this is Michelangelo. The artist glorified the beauty of the body both on canvas and in marble. His famous David, created in the early 16th century, became the ideal of male beauty for many years.

But another Italian, Caravaggio, saw the ideal of male beauty in a completely different way. His representatives of the stronger sex are very similar to women. He chose appropriate poses for his heroes.

The famous Dutchman Rembrandt did not think about the beauty of his heroes. The artist painted realistic paintings - the faces of the characters can be compared to flashes of light against the background of the surrounding darkness. Therefore, if the hero looks like a tramp, illuminated by a dim street lamp, then rest assured - this is Rembrandt.

On eternal question How the impressionist Claude Monet differs from the impressionist Eduard also has a simple answer. If you see blurry outlines of nature, this is Claude Monet, if you see people against the backdrop of nature, this is Edouard Manet.

“Claude Monet is an artist classified as impressionist; he painted mostly landscapes and water lilies. If you see realistic images painted with broad strokes, and at the same time it seems to you that the image is flat, this is Edouard Manet,” explained art critic, senior researcher at MMOMA Olga Turchina.

The style of the artist Hieronymus Bosch cannot be confused with anything. He lived in the 15th century in the Netherlands and remains one of the most mysterious painters. If everything is mixed up in the picture: people, animals, monsters, then this is Bosch.

Of course, any art critic will say that advice on how to distinguish artists at first glance is like a joke. To really understand the works of famous masters, you need to often go to museums and read more than one book.

Every person strives for career growth, but to succeed at work, you need certain knowledge that will help you climb the career ladder. Today, work in real estate is considered one of the most prestigious and promising. But when choosing this path, you must prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to become the best in your business.

To become a realtor you don't need special education. Knowledge in the construction industry will be useful, because with its help you can advantageously emphasize the pros and cons of the proposed facility. But this is not a necessary condition.

For getting necessary knowledge It is enough to take special courses. They will tell you about the principles of work of a real estate agent, explain how to properly communicate with clients and answer all your questions. Anyone can take the course, but not everyone will be able to actually start working in real estate.

What does it take to work as a realtor?

  1. Ability to learn. The more knowledge, the more opportunities to succeed. A realtor needs to understand the legal side of the issue and the relevant documentation.
  2. Activity. Only active person able to be in constant search clients and suitable housing for them, as well as solve other work issues.
  3. The gift of persuasion. Where would we be without him? A realtor is first and foremost a seller. And to succeed, he needs to sell a lot and of high quality.
  4. Calmness and friendliness. The work of a real estate agent is directly related to people, and they are different. It is important to remain a calm, objective and sympathetic person, despite uncertainty, dissatisfaction, Bad mood client.

Where to begin?

If you have completed your studies, then the next step is to find a company to work for. Of course, you can register as an individual entrepreneur and work privately, but this is not the most The best decision to start a career. Why? Because only in a company with an established business will you be able to observe the entire “kitchen” from the inside. This The best way gain experience, get comfortable in the profession and expand your contact list.

That is why you should send your resume to those companies that are already established in the professional market. Only in such places can you gain real experience, which is valuable in any business.

How to succeed?

  1. Learn. Read more information on the topic, study new programs, attend professional seminars. Look for an innovative way to conquer the real estate market.
    Find yourself a mentor. Carefully observe the principle of his work, listen to advice, fulfill his requests in order to expand your knowledge in this area. Sharing experiences is always good.
  2. Work. Your responsibilities will include many different things related to renting, buying and selling real estate. You will have to select options and accompany tenant buyers, negotiate details with them, and draw up documentation.
    In addition, of course, you will have to settle controversial issues and satisfy other people's demands. All this requires perseverance, patience and professionalism.
  3. Maintain a good reputation. Reputation is everything! When working with people, it is important to make a good impression, otherwise clients will leave for another specialist. Don't speak badly about your clients or colleagues. Show your best side only.
  4. Remain calm and friendly. People must like you and work in their interests, then there is a high probability that they will contact you again and recommend you to their friends. When the client is satisfied, your salary increases.

But clients are not always pleasant people, and there will be those who will show disrespect, displeasure, or take it out on you for some mistakes. At such a moment, it is important to remain calm, competent and friendly so as not to aggravate the current situation.

Do not give up! Every business has its pitfalls, but if you work on yourself and strive for the ideal, you will definitely become a successful real estate agent.

What do you think, what skills, knowledge and personal qualities What character should a successful real estate agent have? Share your opinion, and perhaps experience, in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

Today, for the first time, you decided to get behind the wheel on your own, without a driving instructor, and were left alone with the car and the road.
I want to give you a few practical advice before the first
independent trip.
First of all, you need to convince yourself that you
sufficiently prepared and learned a lot, and most importantly, peace of mind,
you will succeed.
Go to your car, open it and get behind the wheel. Adjust the seat, seat back, interior mirror and side mirrors. Check that you have all the documents that you must have with you during your trip. These include:
1. Vehicle registration certificate;
2.Driver's license.
3. OSAGO policy.
After making sure that all documents are present, open the car hood lock and open the hood itself. Now you need to make sure that all filling containers,
which are located in the engine compartment are filled. These include:

Expansion tank

Cooling system expansion tank (it is made of transparent plastic, usually located on the side of the steering wheel. On a cold engine, the fluid level should be between the min and max marks).

Brake master cylinder reservoir

The brake master cylinder reservoir (located on the side of the steering wheel, 4 metal tubes extend from the cylinder itself. The brake fluid level should be between the min and max marks).

Method for checking the fluid level in the power steering.

According to the marks on the fuel tank;
According to the marks on the dipstick located on the cover of the power steering reservoir.
To check the fluid level, there are corresponding marks on the power steering reservoir:
for the minimum and maximum levels of hot liquid - Hot min and Hot max, respectively;
for the minimum and maximum level of cold liquid - Cold min and Cold max, respectively.
Checking the hot liquid level marks is carried out when warmed up to operating temperature engine, according to the marks of cold power steering fluid - when the engine has cooled down.
The fluid level in the power steering reservoir should be between the min and max marks. The reservoir itself is located mainly on the left side of the engine compartment and high-pressure hoses extend from it.

Oil dipstick

Use an oil dipstick to check the oil level in the engine. (The dipstick also has min and max marks, and the oil level should be closer to the max mark, but not exceed it). To accurately measure the oil level in the engine, proceed as follows; remove the oil dipstick and wipe it dry with a rag. Then put it back in place and remove it again. The remaining oil at the end of the dipstick will be an indication of the oil level in your engine. It is better to check the oil level when the engine is cold, and if you want to check the oil level immediately after a trip, do this will happen in 10-15 minutes. During this period of time, the oil will completely drain into the engine sump and your check will be more accurate. Before checking the oil level, the car must be placed on a level surface.

The reservoir with windshield fluid. (It is located differently for different brands of cars, it is filled to top level at the max mark, or also up to the top level, but visually).
Be sure to check the tire pressure (for most passenger cars it is 2 or 2.2 atmospheres).
If everything is in order, get behind the wheel, fasten your seat belt, start the car and warm up the engine. An engine is considered warm if its temperature is +40 degrees or higher.

Warm up and start moving. Now I want to give a few useful tips on practical driving for a novice driver:

  1. Try to drive during daylight hours.
  2. It is safest to start driving on streets with little traffic. If you start in winter or summer, prepare appropriate tires.
  3. At first, do not drive during rush hour. You can get up early in the morning, and wait out this time at work in the evening.
  4. I recommend starting to drive only one route (where you studied with a driving instructor). Moreover, it is advisable to know the route thoroughly. You can practice on it early in the morning or on weekends when there is little traffic. It will also be better if there are no U-turns, left turns or exits from a secondary road.
  5. Don't drive for a long time. It’s better to make short trips, but more often, and when you’re tired, rest.
  6. Avoid driving on the highway at first; keep in mind that cars drive there at higher speeds.
  7. At first, try to ride in the same shoes.
  8. Do not try to go around all the potholes if you are not sure that you can handle the maneuver. Remember that there may be other cars on the side that you didn't notice because... Usually, at first, an inexperienced driver only has time to look ahead. It’s better to let the suspension suffer than the “side” of your and someone else’s car.
  9. Park away from other cars; it’s better to even leave the car further from your destination and walk than then think about how best to get out. It’s better to park in such a way that you can drive out later. You need to constantly practice parking forward and reverse.
  10. Be patient. Many newcomers fall into difficult situations due to the inability to move quickly, although this can be easily learned. To do this, practice this maneuver until it becomes automatic in any deserted place. After a couple of days - no problems.
  11. Don't be annoyed. If you stall at a traffic light and they honk at you, don’t be nervous. Usually, novice drivers frantically start the car and stall again. It’s better to turn on the emergency lights and wait for the next traffic light.
  12. Of course, driving at first is very difficult. However, it's all a matter of time spent behind the wheel. After three to five thousand kilometers you will remember the beginning of your driving experience with a smile.
  13. Now let's talk about the most common mistakes made by novice drivers : Driving through an intersection on a red traffic light.
  14. This often happens when a novice driver is focused only on the road in front of him and does not look at the signs and traffic lights. Try to balance your speed and observation. Because Driving into an intersection at a red traffic light can lead to an emergency situation. Driving around turns, U-turns, entering the yard.
  15. Before these maneuvers, a novice driver, even reducing speed, twists the steering wheel too much and does not have time to unscrew it back. As a result, a skid may occur, so until you have leveled the steering wheel back, under no circumstances press hard on the gas. Pedestrian crossing.
  16. Before passing a pedestrian crossing with pedestrians standing or crossing the road, many novice drivers brake very sharply, stopping the car in front of a zebra crossing. This may come as a surprise to cars driving behind you. Therefore, if you see a pedestrian crossing the road or about to cross, brake in advance and smoothly so that other motorists can understand your maneuver and also slow down. Riding in yards.
  17. Many novice drivers, when driving into the yard for the first time, cannot control the controls, because... speed is usually higher than they can control in narrow spaces. Do not forget to reduce the speed to a very low speed so that you can calmly handle the steering wheel turns. Distance behind the car in front.
  18. When stopping at a traffic light, you must stop behind standing car so that you can see at least part of its rear wheels, because... a car can roll away before starting, especially uphill, and, as a rule, a truck. If it rolls back, you will be to blame because... did not maintain a safe distance.

Good luck and be careful!!!


When driving on a winter road, adhere to the following rules:
- Drive at a reduced speed.
- Don't forget to increase the distance and interval, because... on such a road you need more space to stop the car.
- Try to maintain a constant speed, using the gas pedal gently and smoothly.
- When driving uphill, maintain a constant speed, having previously selected the desired gear, so as not to change them on the rise.
- In dangerous areas (ice, water, oil, etc.), do not change the speed limit.
- Even if the road is covered with sand, be careful and refrain from accelerating, the sand may have been sprinkled unevenly.
- Drive the car smoothly, do not make sudden movements, they can lead to skidding.
- Slow down as smoothly as possible, especially when approaching intersections and turns.
- Recognize dangerous sections of the road (packed snow, ice, etc.) in advance in order to have time to reduce your speed.
- In order for you to be able to slow down smoothly, maintain a safe distance from the car moving ahead.
- When choosing a stopping place on a slippery road, be careful. Try to find the least slippery section of the road in advance.
- If a dangerous (critical) situation arises, do not try to correct it by applying emergency braking, this may lead to skidding and loss of control over the vehicle.

Brake intermittently and try to leave the roadway, if possible (for example, a snowdrift near the road will help you stop and at the same time leave the roadway). Better a snowdrift than a collision with an oncoming car.

Remember that any movement you make on a slippery surface should be smoother, more precise, and more controlled than on a dry road. Do not make sudden turns of the steering wheel, sudden braking, sudden gear changes, or sudden pressing of the gas pedal. Even and soft steering of the car will give it greater stability and reduce the likelihood of skidding, which is always present on slippery roads.


Hello friends. Today I will not write huge articles or lessons with dozens of pictures. But I just want to give you a lot of short tips that should improve your time at the computer. Whether you are new to computers or an experienced user, it doesn’t matter, everyone will find something useful here. Among so many!

Do you think I can write for you? ? Now we will check it.

01. Be vigilant.

02. Don't sit too long at the computer.

03. Clean your PC from debris.

04. Delete files you no longer need.

05. Benefit from it.

06. Play in moderation.

08. Master the computer.

09. Look for answers to any questions on the Internet.

10. Movies, music and more are available for free.

11. Online shopping is much cheaper.

12. Learn new things via the Internet.

13. Master the touch typing method.

14. Learn how to reinstall the system.

15. Make sure your laptop or system unit the computer does not overheat.

16. Install good antivirus, for example Avast or Kaspersky

17. Remove the flash drive safely.

18. Try working in Total Commander, instead of regular folders.

19. A router is a great thing wireless Internet this is great.

20. Format new flash drives in NTFS, because FAT is already outdated.

21. Master Photoshop - an excellent and necessary thing.

22.V Lately The fastest browser is Google Chrome.

23. Use it to synchronize bookmarks, notepads and more.

24. I switched to Windows 7 a long time ago. What about you?

25. Update drivers regularly, for example Driver program Genius

26. Make free Skype calls around the world from one computer to another.

27. Keep your passwords in a safe place, such as on a flash drive.

28. You can block access to the site through the hosts file.

29. You can delete something that cannot be deleted using the Unlocker program.

30. To watch videos on the Internet, you need to install Flash Player.

31. Don't leave your address Email at every step.

32. System Restore will return your PC to a working state.

33. Use automatic switch Punto keyboards Switcher.

34. Use uTorrent torrent to download files: movies, music, programs.

35. Once every 3-4 months, open the system unit and clean it from dust.

36. Don't eat at the computer.

37. Clean your keyboard occasionally.

38. The computer must be in order.

39. Fresh thermal paste must be applied to the processor; a radiator is installed on top.

40. Once a month, take a break from the computer for a day, or better yet, two.

41. To convert videos or songs, use the Format Factory program.

42. Once a month, scan all your hard disks for the presence of viruses.

43. Do not leave foreign objects on the laptop keyboard.

45. Don't store large files on your desktop.

46. ​​Make sure that system disk there was enough free space.

47. Never send SMS anywhere. You still won't receive a code in response.

48. Uninstall programs correctly, for example, through the Uninstall file.

49. Teach computers to others, help them with their work.

50. If Odnoklassniki does not work, then first check your computer for viruses.

51. Netbooks are dying out; it’s better to buy a tablet or a full-fledged laptop.

If you, dear reader, found at least 2-3 tips useful, then it means that I wrote this article not in vain. Dozens of people who read it will take them into service in the computer world.

2024 gtavrl.ru.