What are the actions after registering with Apishops? Apishops product affiliate program

Every person wants to earn money online by spending minimal amount effort and money. To a large extent, the possibility of realizing such a goal consists of two features: skills and time.

The effectiveness of working exclusively for yourself is higher than working for someone else. But for work to bear significant fruit, knowledge and the ability to apply it are required.

Landing Page is a site with one home page, which contains informational blocks, product descriptions, photographs and an order form.

A one-page website is the main way to generate income in any product affiliate programs. Apishops is no exception in this regard.

In various affiliate programs, the webmaster receives profit for different targeting actions:

1) Purchased order
2) Completed application
3) Subscription to the service
4) Application installation
5) Payment for the information product

The Apishops affiliate program specializes primarily in products, the target action of which is a purchased order.

How to create a Landing Page in Apishops

Sign in account(Don’t have an account in the Apishops product? - create one).

Go to " Range» in the tab on the panel.

Let's set the price at 2190 rubles and see what the commission for the transaction will be.

The profit from the application was 670 rubles, quite a significant amount considering the fact that you do not pay for delivery, return, call center work and purchase of assortment.

Let's create our one-page website.

Here you can choose whether to put your own URL or use the second-level domain system of the CPA network. If you want to put a landing page on your URL, after registration you need to enter it in the field and change the basic project settings.

We will work with the system subdomain. Enter our Domain name in Latin. In my case it will be " fir-slim-no-fat". The subdomain will be shop-girl.ru.

Yes, it is possible to choose what value your domain name will be under. The selection is in the photo. Since lingerie belongs exclusively to women's themes, let there be shop-girl.ru.
Next, press the button “ Create a website«.

After creation, we find ourselves in system panel landing page, in which you can see delivery fees and costs in different currencies (RU, BY and KZ).

Apishops has functionality for logistics to Belarus and Kazakhstan. The service can send parcels to the countries of the former CIS and is international in nature. Previously, Ukraine was also on the list, but after 2016 it was removed from the states to which delivery is carried out. All activities are regulated from Moscow.

Our landing page ready for advertising. Now copy the URL link to the line ( http://fir-slim-no-fat.shop-girl.ru/ - as in the example) and advertise your product using any accessible ways.

The list of completed applications for which a commission is accrued looks like this.

How much income can you earn working with the Apishops affiliate program?

Good afternoon friends!

If you don’t know where to start, or have no motivation, then visit the page announcing the best ways to start making money with your family or friends:

In the last newsletter, we began to study methods for building your business on the Internet.
And we looked into it.
Today we will continue to study the creation personal internet store, but already
based on another, very popular resource.
We will also consider the main free methods free advertising on the Internet.

This training material outlines a scheme for making a profit,
based on product sales. I can immediately please those “afraid” of costs,
We’ll do without them here and sell other people’s goods. At the same time, we have
will free clients and, accordingly, free sales.
Note: Stores usually pay per customer. But this fee is included in
the cost of the goods, therefore, the buyer pays additionally for
own purchase in this store. For some it goes without saying
an obvious fact, for some it is a discovery.
To make it easier to understand the scheme, we will divide all the work into points:
1. Registration on the Apishops and Avito platforms (or other
similar to a bulletin board);
2. Creating a one-page website for the selected product and creating
advertisements on Avito;
3. Repeat point 2 ad infinitum, processing in parallel
What do we need for work?
- Computer (can be replaced with a smartphone, tablet, etc.) with
Internet access.
- Mobile phone.

Apishops – commodity affiliate program with thousands of choices
products and the ability to create a website in a few clicks. Markup on
You determine the product yourself.

Remember: you should not underestimate the price of the product too much, because... you lose on this
your income. Rarely better, but expensive! Also, don’t overprice –
you may lose clients. Everything depends directly on the region
sales, demand, supply and solvency of the population.
Avito is a free bulletin board. You don't have to choose it exactly
Sometimes better sales come from other message boards, for example "From Hand to Hand".
Sometimes advertising on one of the local forums gives impressive results.
So look and try - where the most sales come from is where it should be
concentrate your efforts. On which notice boards is it accepted?
sell and buy in your region, that’s where you need to act.

Note: Only sell in your region! If you live in St.
Petersburg, then conduct sales only by Leningrad region, If
If you live in Lipetsk, then sell in the Lipetsk region. If to you
If a buyer comes from another region, then, of course, process the order.
Because unrealized profit is a loss!

After you have registered on the Apishops site, create a website
one-page page for the selected product. I recommend starting with hit products,
and then switch to electronics, garden items, children's products and
toys (by the way, they are in great demand), etc. Choice on this
The site is simply huge.
Next, create an ad on the bulletin board.
And you repeat this ad infinitum.
After a while they will start calling you and ordering goods. You need
find out the buyer's name, phone number to confirm the order, and quantity
Note: I recommend having a separate mobile phone and number
for this work, because there will be a lot of calls (including a lot of SMS-
advertising, but these are the costs of the profession)
After receiving information from the buyer, go to the previously created
you a one-page website for the product ordered by the buyer and enter
its details in the order field.
In general, the whole way to make money!

Fill in the required fields and click the “Finish” button
Confirm your registration in a letter that will be sent to you by email.
That's it, registration is completed!
You can log in with your username at this service, and get acquainted
system capabilities.

Same thing, or see below.
Go to the website: www.avito.ru or a similar bulletin board.

Hover over “Personal Account” and select “Register”

Fill out all fields and click the “Register” button. Also
Confirm your registration via your email.
On Avito you need to confirm your phone number. Enter the phone number
from which you will work.

First you need to decide what product you want to advertise, for
To do this, go to the page http://partner.apishops.com/ and select
“Assortment” tab.

Copy the unique article number (ID) of the product you have chosen.
Be sure to select for which country you want to create a website: Russia (if
If you choose Russia, the site also applies to Belarus) or Ukraine.

The process of adding a site is very simple, just go to
to the Partner Panel page - and select the item from the list
“A one-page selling website for any product (created instantly in
one click!)"

After selection, information for entering data will appear below

In the “apishops.ru subdomain address” field, you can enter any name for
subdomain (in English letters), in the example “siemensopenstage” is indicated,
those. the system will create the domain “http://siemensopenstage.apishops.ru”. If the name
has already been created previously - you will see the message “the subdomain already exists in
system” – pick one that doesn’t exist yet.
In the “Product ID” field you need to enter a unique article number (ID) from the section
“Assortment”, which we copied earlier. After entering
article number (ID) You can click on the link “Show product” and opposite
the system will display the name of the product with this article (ID).
“Delivery region” - here you need to select the correct region if the article
(ID) of the product is taken for a Russian product, you must select
“Russia”, otherwise the store will not be created.
Note: If you choose Russia, this product is also available for
“Template type” – select “Standard” - there is no fundamental difference,
which template to choose - you can choose any other.
After filling in all the required fields, click on the “Add” button to
within a couple of seconds you will be transferred to the products section of the one-page page, this
means the store has been added


“Item number” – in this column, products will be assigned a unique
article is yours personal number goods for which it will be
be associated with your store (in this example
from “http://siemensopenstage.apishops.ru/”). For our purposes this is exactly what we need.
There will be this article, website address and product name. DO NOT confuse with
article number (ID) of the product from the “Assortment” section.
“Price” – in this column you can set your price. Based
the price you set, the commission will change, which can be

View in the “Commission” column by clicking on the “show” link.

To configure a one-pager, you need to go to the settings section, in the menu
on the left is the "Settings" link

One setting is important to us: “Order Form Type”. There are two types of form:
“Simplified order form” and “ Full form order."
I recommend choosing “Simplified order form”, then all you have to do is
you will need to find out the buyer’s name, phone number and quantity, but here is the address
Apishops service managers will find out the delivery when confirming the order.

At the very bottom of the page, click the “Save” button (Fig. 11).
Congratulations, your website is ready!
Immediately copy the article number, product name and website address to a file
“List of Products” (excel table, attached), in the appropriate fields

Note: “List of Products” is the main map of this work.
Do not worry about appearance, text, video! After all, for us the most


Fill in the required fields, select “Regular sale”, and
Click the button “Continue with the package “Regular sale””.
Note: Please indicate the category correctly, otherwise your ad will not be
will be posted. In the title, as well as in the ad itself, do not use
words: sale, promotion, cheapest, huge discounts, etc. –
moderators won't let you through this announcement. Best of all, check out
site rules.
On the next page enter the captcha, and within 30 minutes this
the ad will appear in the Avito search.
Note: in each ad please indicate your individual
product article, and make a note: “Please, when ordering

Please indicate the item number of the product” – this will make your work easier.

Your article number on the one-page website you created for the selected product

The article is in your affiliate panel of the Apishops system.
The title of the ad must contain the full
model name.
If the website you created does not have a description and technical data
goods, then find them on the Internet and copy them into the ad

Be sure to include a photo of the product in your ad (upload it from
website you created).
On at this stage work for quantity, not quality, and only later
You will begin to improve your ads - aiming for more
Note: if there are no calls, then most likely you have chosen the wrong one
product category. This means that the market in your region is oversaturated with data.
product, just switch to another type, to another category.
It is impossible to say with certainty which product will “go” in your region, and
what time. There was a period when iPhones were selling out like crazy, children's
tablets, almost always there are all sorts of “women’s things” (miracle curlers, sets
for manicure, myostimulators, etc.), are also popular TV-
goods. Look for your sales - there will be many of them.
In any place and there is always a shortage and an excess of something, and
this can only be determined practically, by “groping”
profitable niche. This is achieved by increasing the number
variety of goods and increasing exposure of this product to the public
(to potential buyers).
Now you need to repeat Step 1 (creating a one-page website)
and Action 2 (creating an ad on Avito). Set yourself a goal to repeat.
these two actions a day at least 30 - 100 times, then after a week, you
will be “inundated” with calls and, therefore, applications, which will greatly help
rapid growth of your material well-being.
Note: On Avito (as well as on other boards) - advertisements are posted
on certain period(most often 30 days) after which they are needed
reactivate. Reactivation hundreds of advertisements are made for
A couple of minutes.


1. To increase the click-through rate (number of views) of your ad
add a little creativity to the title, DON'T be "like everyone else":
- Indestructible tablet for very active children;
- Unique iPhone;
- Sexy mouse;
- A laptop that brings good luck;
- Glamorous backpack (I don’t like the word “glamorous”, but it works
for some goods, which means you have to use it.
Something that will “catch” the eye and attract the cursor! No need here
come up with unimaginable rhymes, just add one or two words,
only the “necessary” words. Experiment and you will find them (these “needed”
words), you will feel what is better to insert and where.
2. In the product description, include selling elements and describe the benefits
- All my friends who have such a laptop have a salary
increased two to three times, but a good omen,
I bought the same one and am already starting to feel positive
effect - who's next?;
- On the same tablet, my child even dances and whatever;
- Girls often come up to me with the same backpack and try
make a date, but there are so many for me... so
I’m sharing, who wants to buy a backpack like this?
3. Be sure to upload product photos:
- Download from the site you created;
- Find interesting and eye-catching product photos in
Internet (Google.Images, Yandex.Images, and similar resources in
4. Summon potential client to action:
- Call now;
- You won’t find a better deal;
- Hurry up to order before it runs out;
- There are only a few left, hurry up and order!
It is not necessary to do everything, you can do the work cold,

Technically, without thinking or introducing innovations, but a lot and often.

Note: Some free message boards do not require
confirmation of your phone number, which means you can safely indicate
Apishops service phone number and product article. Thus, you can exclude
this stage of your work, therefore, you will make your work easier!
This is the simplest and most understandable step.
When you receive a call from a client, you will find out his Name, article number (if not
knows the article, the name) of the product, the required quantity and telephone number for
Make yourself a cheat sheet for the first time:
1. Name.
2. Article.
3. Quantity.
4. Telephone.
Quickly write all this down in a notepad and say goodbye.
Note: sometimes, very rarely, there are clients who need
consultation on the product, if you are a specialist. of this product, then of course you can
consult. But it’s easier to tell the truth: “This is an online store and I
I’m just accepting an order for the product.”
After you have received the buyer's data, you open Excel-
table “Product List” of your one-page sites (see below)
search for the desired product by article or name and go to the site where you
You need to enter the received customer data into the order form

Important note: Be sure to be polite to the client if you know how
good persuasion - tell him that you will personally get any product for him
(within legal limits, of course), fortunately there are thousands of them on Apishops. Often clients
come back, and this is already an increase in the base of regular customers.

I think everyone can handle this
Withdrawal is carried out using Yandex-Money, Paypal, by bank transfer to a legal entity.
face or on bank card Payoneer (issued by the system to partners
request), Webmoney, as well as to almost any bank cards,
released in the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
Payment period - within 7 working days from the date of application for payment (if
such payment methods as wire transfer, to a bank card -
much faster).
If you need an instant payment, then this is also possible -
Just check the “instant withdrawal” box when requesting a payment.

Congratulations to those who have reached the beginning of this chapter and have already been able to launch
your business online. If you have done everything as it is written, then you already
orders must come in and profits must flow. Maybe not very much yet
big (who didn’t try hard), but you already felt it -
Now it's a matter of quantity. Strive to increase every day
turnover, and when the profit reaches 100,000 rubles (each
determines the threshold for moving to the next level), you can safely
draw up entity and follow one of the further paths.

It's simple! You hire a person who will process applications
(accept phone calls and fill out the order form), and in parallel
post at least 100 advertisements on bulletin boards, according to the list
sites created by you. And it’s better not on one board, but on several at once
- after all, it’s not you who are working here, but for you, so the employee needs to
strive to “pump out” maximum profit, because you pay him for it
Afterwards, you hire another person: give him a phone and start
him an account on message boards. Moreover, he will be the first to teach him
the employee you hired.
And you can repeat this until you cover the entire market in your region.
Important rule: in Personal Area Apishops don't let anyone in - sites
you will have to do it yourself, but it will be brought to automaticity, so
moreover, you will always explore (“probe”) the market, and that means
decide for yourself which product should be introduced.

If you have reached the level of 100,000 rubles, then you have already started
“feel” and “see” the market and demand. You know people's needs
what they need and for what money. Here you can safely improve the quality of sites and
engage in advertising - master traffic arbitrage on
professional level:
- Contextual advertising;
- Targeted advertising;
- Banner advertising;
- Teaser advertising;
- Advertising in the media;
- Advertising in mailing lists;
- Etc.
On the Apishops platform you can quickly and automatically launch advertising in
Yandex.Direct and more. There are all the necessary tools for this.

Because You have already become a supply and demand professional, also
you already have initial capital and sales skills - you can
feel free to establish your own supplies of goods that are used
increased demand. Thus, all commissions for additional services
will remain with you, increasing your capital.

A combination of the above roads.

That's it initial information about working with your online store
You received. What other ways are there to find potential buyers?
First, go through my articles on this site, study the practice of working in
social networks (VKontakte, Facebook...)
If this is not enough, wait for the next newsletters, I will try to describe other free ones
traffic extraction methods.
Peace and good luck to everyone!

Creating a One-Page Page – step by step guide . Do you have a group on Odnoklassniki? Looking for ways to monetize? I suggest you try selling physical goods in a sensational service. For me, this service turned out to be a salvation, it helps to get good profits, without any stress. When I found out about it, I had already had enough time to experience the problems that arise for a person selling on the Internet: the need to take orders, spend a lot of time communicating with clients, answering their questions and “just chatting.” People rarely like to communicate only on business, give them also intimate conversations about the meaning of life :)

And there are also those who “I’ll just ask”, who don’t want to place an order, but consider it their duty to find out everything about the product and conditions, say “I’ll think about it” and disappear. Sometimes I felt like an octopus, communicating with three or four clients at the same time, writing down orders, looking through comments on advertising post. Then sorting the goods (I sold), checking for serviceability, and sending by Russian Post from overcrowded offices, queues - this is generally a “song”. When I found out how it works Apishops what's in it huge selection goods and even my turtle night lights were there, I was ready to jump for joy!

Apishops makes it possible to have your own online store without purchasing goods, without having to deal with accepting applications, packaging and shipping goods. The service workers will do this for you. Your task is only to choose a product, create a selling page ( one-pager) and advertise the product in your group. For every unit of goods purchased, you will receive your profit!

In my case, one-page websites with turtle nightlights worked even better, and there were more orders. For some reason, there is more trust in an online store, even if it only has one product, than in an unknown account where some woman is selling something. What if she’s a fraud? - the people think and walk by. And only the bravest ones place an order...

So the service is excellent, especially suitable for lazy people, housewives and those who do not want to bother with all the product nuances. I can be classified into all of the above groups. So, I put aside my spoons to show by my own example how to start working in Apishops, namely, make a simple one-page website, set it up and start selling.

Step 1. Simple registration

Let's go to . Everything is simple here: enter your data, confirm via email, be sure to come up with good password(“enemies do not sleep,” as my dad, who served as a scout, says). After registration, the service will provide you with your small, cozy office from which you can manage your trading.

Step 2. Product selection

Here we come to an interesting moment in choosing goods. Go to the section Range, in the pop-up window, set any basic markup (you can edit it later), this is necessary so that you can see your approximate profit.

How to choose a product? Apishops has a huge selection of products, you can create an entire online store (this is available after approval by technical support), or select several products and create your own selling page for each ( one-pager).

So far I haven’t set my sights on a whole store, I’m making do with one-pagers. I think that in some ways they are even better. The buyer’s eyes do not run wild at the sight of a huge assortment, but on the contrary, they seem to focus on one product. The visitor comes to one-pager already interested in a specific product, and there is a very high probability that he will buy it.

In the Assortment section you will see this list. There are a lot of product names, there is plenty to choose from! Open the list of items and view the products. If you immediately know what you want to sell, use the search to find the product you need.

No one in your group will give a definite answer as to which product will be 100% suitable for your group, but there are always assumptions:

✔ Choose a product that resonates with the theme of the group. Toys, diapers, strollers - in groups for mothers; DVRs, seat covers, navigators - in groups for motorists, etc. Think about what your audience might need and offer it to them. It is more difficult for those whose group does not have a clearly defined direction - quote books, stories, anecdotes. It is worth remembering here that 80% of online shoppers are women, they are, as a rule, the main inhabitants of groups, and it is worth focusing on them. What women want: to lose weight, to be beautiful, to make their life easier, to please their children/husbands/boyfriends and themselves.

✔ Among such an abundance of goods, you can get confused. Look at what other groups are selling, rate the classes, likes, comments, if any. If you see that people are interested in this product, then it is highly likely that it will do just as well for you.

Try to choose a product with low cost, so that you can make a good markup on it, and at the same time it does not turn out to be too expensive. People are most willing to buy goods worth up to 1 thousand rubles.

Be relevant. Are February 14th and 23rd ahead? It’s worth urgently stocking up on one-page pages with souvenirs and gifts for the holidays. There will definitely be an increased demand for them, and sales will most likely occur.

Step 3. Making a one-page website

You can create a one-page page for absolutely any product. Let's say I want to start selling Forms for boiling eggs without shells, which I had my eye on; they were selling well in another group. In the search window I enter briefly Eggs (mentally meaning: forms for boiling eggs). If you type a few words into a line, Apishops may become dull and not find the product you need, although it is in the database. If you search for the word Molds, Apishops will find molds for ice, for paving slabs, for plaster, and molds for eggs will get lost in this heap; you will have to search for a long time. Try several search options to find the product you're looking for.

So, the search for “Eggs” turned up my molds. And there are many varieties of them, from different manufacturers, their base price is also different. I'm analyzing the ratio base price goods and commissions (profit). Sometimes it is better to take the product with the lowest cost in order to increase the price and get a larger commission. Sometimes a product is not the cheapest, but they give more commission for it than for others that are cheaper. I choose the first option of molds, the commission for them is a little higher, and there is room to increase the price.

I copy the article number of the molds I like.

Next I return to the Projects section:

I put a tick in the Add field new project, the type I choose is One-page selling website for any product (created instantly in 1 click!)

I fill out the form below: I come up with a random subdomain, with Latin letters(this will be the address of my page). I came up with the lazyeggs subdomain, the first thing that came to mind. It doesn’t sound very decent if translated into Russian. Well, it’s okay, it’ll do :) The point is that this method is suitable for the lazy, those who don’t like peeling the shells from boiled eggs. Lazyeggs.apishops.ru– this is the page address I got. If suddenly the address is busy, the service will write to you about it.

In field " Product ID» insert the article the desired product, which I copied in the Assortment section. In field " Color» I choose the color of the one-page header (it is better to choose warm positive colors: yellow, pink, orange). I leave the template type as New with a floating header, it is the most normal. If you want, you can experiment. Next, in a frame, I compose a short selling text, short description product, such that a person would want to purchase our product. When everything is ready, I press the button “ Add».

The one-pager is ready!

Step 4. Setting the price, name, commission

After creation, a window opens with settings for the Product price, name, description and pictures.

Here you can change the name of the product to make it sound more harmonious (the name is normal, I won’t touch it). Here we manage the price of the product. Click on the pencil to indicate the desired Product Price. Wherein: the higher the Price, the higher your Commission(earnings) per unit of goods. You are free to set the price of the product at your discretion, but sometimes Apishops sets the price limits, below or above which the price cannot be changed.

I raise the price to 650 rubles, receiving a good commission of 270 rubles. There is no need to increase prices too much. Perhaps this price will have to be reduced if people do not take the goods well. You can also get to the price settings from the Projects section by clicking on Products, under the project name.

Let's now evaluate the one-page website itself; to do this, I'll click on the tiny arrow next to the project name.

Step 5. Bringing the one-page page to mind

When I first created a one-page with projector turtles and, rubbing my hands, went to look at it, I was in for a surprise. Instead of a video with turtles, which I thought should have been there, I saw a video with a talking hamster. Well, this video is written by default when creating a one-page page. Now look what mine looks like one-pager with egg molds. Again this video with a hamster, it will need to be replaced.

I also don’t like the small number of photos in the standard version, the cheaply misleading inscription Hurry up to buy right in the title, and the reviews from the “buyers” are terrible. Here, for example, is what a certain Sergei Popov “writes”:

Nightmare! It seems that Sergei Popov suffers from mental retardation at the very least. In fact, no Sergei Popov, who wrote the review, actually exists. This text is written in the html code of the one-page page and is just part of the interface. All these shortcomings can be easily corrected. Let's get started!

Change the video with the hamster to the correct one

We return to Apishops. Go to Project Settings.

First of all, I check the box: Enable manual modification of templates. In the Url field YouTube video: I copy the hint link, which is written in blue small print below the field: //www.youtube.com/embed/your video?wmode=transparent&rel=0

Words " your video"I change it to the address that I copied from Y-tube. It turns out: //www.youtube.com/embed/NA8ZZCBibMM?wmode=transparent&rel=0

If you want the video to start automatically when a visitor visits the page, you need to add a small tail to this line: &autoplay=1 It’s better to do just this: a video that launches independently catches the visitor and attracts his attention, keeping him on the page and pushing him to buy. Let's add a trigger tail and get: //www.youtube.com/embed/NA8ZZCBibMM?wmode=transparent&rel=0&autoplay=1

Note. If you don’t find a suitable video (this happens) or don’t want there to be a video on the page, just erase everything that is in the YouTube video URL field. Don't forget to save.

We edit “Hurry up to buy” and “customer” reviews.

Why am I removing the words " Hurry up to buy"from the title? Because I personally associate them with cheap scams since the days of sofa shops. Therefore, I always remove this word “Hurry”, leaving only the name of the product. And I always edit customer reviews. They usually attract increased attention; they create trust in the page. A doubtful person will definitely read them to make sure that the product is worth buying. Can you imagine what will happen if they read the message of Sergei Popov and others like him? These reviews are so crooked, you can see with the naked eye that they were generated by a machine. We need good, human feedback. Someone will say I’m being picky, and that’ll do… well, you can leave it as it is if these nuances don’t bother you. The owner is a gentleman.

To edit all this, you will have to delve into the html guts of the one-pager. I had some modest skills in working with html lying around from school computer science lessons. Check if the Manual modification of templates checkbox is checked, otherwise we will not be allowed into the “operating room”. Go to Templates

Opposite the template name Home page (index.jsp) click Change. A window with the html code of the page will open. We find the content of the promotion and remove the intrusive words “Hurry up to buy.” If you like them, then leave them as they are.

Let's scroll through the text further. We get to the content of the reviews. We erase the text that comes on behalf of Alina Smirnova and others “ buyers" Instead, we write our own, more suitable for this product. I also change the names of the “buyers” just in case.

We only change the text that is written in Russian; you don’t need to touch any tags in brackets, unless you’re a pro, of course. At the very bottom of the page with the code, click the button Save. As a rule, there are few product photos on a default one-page page. Usually I look for pictures in Yandex or Google and add them to the one-page page. This can be done by clicking on the picture icon in the section Products of this one-pager.

Through these simple operations, I brought my page into a more acceptable form that suits me. Video matches, beautiful bright pictures, good feedback. All this causes buyer's trust and the desire to purchase the product.

You can safely invite guests :)

2024 gtavrl.ru.