Which telephone connection is better? How to choose the best mobile operator in Russia

Roskomnadzor conducted a quality study mobile communications in Moscow. The measurements were carried out from January 20 to March 10 this year in GSM networks, 3G, LTE via automated system control in accordance with the methodology approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

MTS was recognized as the highest quality in the absolute majority of study parameters: the operator showed the highest proportion of successful connections when making calls (99.7%), the lowest number of dropped calls (0.5%). MTS turned out to have best network mobile Internet among operators " big three» - average speed connections for all networks was 7.1 Mbit/s.

For most parameters characterizing the quality of speech transmission, Tele2 showed the second result out of four. And in three of the four parameters characterizing the quality of mobile Internet access, it completely surpassed the Big Three. In particular, Tele2 has the lowest percentage of unsuccessful connections to the server and interrupted sessions via the http protocol.

The measurements were carried out according to certain rules: for example, when testing the quality of speech transmission test call took 180 seconds, and the speed of movement vehicle, on which there was a person with a smartphone, was 40 km/h. Communications were tested outside buildings on all four networks at the same time and in the same places so that the conditions were equal.

Tele2 representative Konstantin Prokshin agrees with Roskomnadzor’s conclusions. In less than a year, Tele2 has built a high-quality network with good coverage, he says: in total, the operator has about 8,000 in Moscow and the region base stations. Megafon has 24,000 of them, says Pavel Larin, a representative of its metropolitan branch; representatives of MTS and VimpelCom do not share similar data.

MTS representative Dmitry Solodovnikov is not surprised by the results of the measurements: among the Big Three operators, the MTS network is the best in terms of voice quality and mobile Internet speed. But he considers it incorrect to compare Troika’s networks with the newcomer’s network: the Tele2 network has just been built, is fragmented and has more than 10 times fewer subscribers than any of the Troika operators (at the end of 2015 - 1.27 million, Tele2 itself reported). This means that the load is 10–15 times lower.

Beeline does not agree with the results of the study and would like to familiarize itself with the map of detours and a sample of tests, says its representative Anna Aibasheva. Around the same dates as Roskomnadzor, the quality of communication in Moscow was measured by DMTel and Beeline was recognized as the best in terms of the most important indicators for the client - the ability to get through, connection stability and voice quality in both GSM and 3G networks , she informs.

From the results of Roskomnadzor tests, it is not clear what the quality of communication is in networks of different standards (2G, 3G, 4G); there are no measurements for the Moscow region, regrets Larin from Megafon. Last December, Telecom Daily tested on the streets of Moscow using special equipment voice communication in GSM and 3G networks, as well as mobile 3G and LTE access. By key parameters, which determines the quality of speech transmission, Tele2 took second place there too. Megafon was in first place according to Telecom Daily.

The question of choosing a mobile operator is purely individual due to the different requirements of each of us: someone needs the cheapest and fastest possible Mobile Internet, for another - many minutes, and for a third, it’s generally possible to make inexpensive calls abroad.

Below we will compare the Big Four operators on such parameters as the quality of communication and mobile Internet, 4G coverage map and tariff availability, and also analyze user reviews, according to which a rating of Russian cellular operators will be compiled.

The best mobile operators 2018-2019

The comparison involves the four largest domestic operator, namely:

  • Megaphone
  • Beeline
  • Tele 2

We do not consider popular enough Yota company, since it is a subsidiary brand of Megafon. Iota does not have its own communication towers and uses the infrastructure of the parent organization to provide services, and therefore is completely dependent on it.

Voice quality

Statistical data on the percentage of unsuccessful voice connection attempts from subscribers will help us objectively assess the quality of communication. different operators. This information was obtained as a result of testing conducted by Roskomnadzor in 2017 in Moscow and the largest cities of Russia.

  1. MegaFon - 0.7%
  2. MTS - 0.8%
  3. Tele2 - 1.2%
  4. Beeline - 15.1%

An obvious outsider is Beeline, whose defect rate is more than 10 times higher than that of other operators. Also, the yellow ones were behind everyone else in terms of intelligibility of transmitted speech, problems were observed in 4.3% of cases. The leader here is Tele2, whose subscribers complained about the audibility of the interlocutor only in 0.1% of cases.

But on the transfer text messages Beeline is perfect, it demonstrates an uncompromising 0% defect rate and delivers absolutely every message.

Percentage of SMS messages not received:

  • Beeline - 0%
  • Tele2 - 1.2%
  • MegaFon - 1.7%
  • MTS - 2.4%

But no matter how good the operator is in terms of SMS, can this be considered sufficient compensation? bad connection, taking into account the fact that text communication Nowadays it happens mainly in instant messengers and social networks?

Mobile Internet quality

The map of 4G coverage in Russia, provided by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, shows that in terms of LTE coverage area, the leaders by a significant margin are Megafon and MTS (in terms of the absolute number of 4G towers, MegaFon is the first).

But the outsider here is the relatively young Tele2, so if you want to purchase a Tele2 SIM card for the Internet, first carefully study the coverage map.

Regarding 3G coverage, things are similar.

In terms of average mobile Internet speed, Megafon is in the lead, and Beeline is again at the top. last place.

Average Internet speed (Mbit/s):

  1. MegaFon - 13.1
  2. MTS - 10.1
  3. Tele2 - 9.4
  4. Beeline - 5

So that you can decide who has the best tariff offers, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our large offer from MTS, Megafon, Beeline and MTS.

Which operator is more profitable?

It is difficult to compare the pricing policies of operators, since subscription fees for the same service can vary greatly depending on the region. However, here the results obtained by analysts from ComNews come to the rescue, according to which the most profitable operator when using the so-called “small basket” (without mobile Internet and additional services) turned out to be MTS, but at the same time, in terms of the average cost of connected services, MTS is the most expensive operator. This only indicates that the Reds offer tariffs that can satisfy both the most frugal users, and those who want to get the most out of their phone.

  1. Tele 2.
  2. Beeline.
  3. Megaphone.

And the positions here are quite logical: Tele2, which recently entered the market, is trying to provide as much cheap services to attract new subscribers.

Reviews about mobile operators

At this point we have collected general impression users about operators, based on their publications on review aggregators, forums and social networks.


Users consider one of the main advantages of MTS to be the fact that it has good reception everywhere and allows you to call from almost anywhere in Russia. The signal does not disappear even outside of large cities, and directly on their territory it is consistently good everywhere. MTS is the most popular operator in the Russian Federation, with about 78 million users, according to whom it is the best telecom operator in the country.

MTS is often noticed to be cunning when announcing the terms of new tariffs that have a large number of specified small print restrictions. Users also complain about connections being made without the subscriber’s knowledge. paid services. However, the problem is not widespread and indignation is most often heard from subscribers who do not understand their tariffs.

More disadvantages that irritate users:

  • It's hard to get through to Live Support.
  • In salons, users who are far from technology are forced to use unnecessary services.

As for the rest, MTS fully justifies its leading position in the mobile communication services market. They are stable high speed Internet, good connection, and reasonable rates.


MegaFon began installing 4G towers earlier than other competitors, which firmly secured its title as the operator with the fastest mobile Internet, and this is true. Besides, Personal Area MegaFon is a very convenient service that surpasses in functionality similar applications from other operators. However, the path to this miracle was thorny and long; MegaFon was previously famous for the anecdotal crookedness of its online services, and the work of USSD teams was far from ideal.

By frequency of imposition unnecessary services MegaFon can compare with MTS. However, inattentive subscribers who like to click anywhere and not read confirmation requests will suffer everywhere. Today MegaFon, although not the most profitable pricing policy, provides consistently high quality communications and mobile internet. It is noteworthy that the company is trying to retain customers who want to switch their numbers to other operators by offering them popular tariffs.


Tele2 came out on Russian market later than other operators, and therefore throughout its existence it was forced to play the role of catch-up, which, in turn, turned out to be beneficial for subscribers. Despite the relatively small number of towers cellular communications, Tele2 has normal coverage in most major cities and regions of the Russian Federation, and also provides the most favorable tariff conditions and is distinguished by the highest loyalty to users.


Beeline, once one of the most popular mobile operators, has been losing its popularity for several years in a row. They also affect low speed Internet, and mediocre connection quality, and less favorable rates against the background of competitors. For almost all points of comparison, Beeline was in last place; today there is absolutely nothing to attract new clients from this company and now it is one of the least interesting options for connecting.

This is where the comparison comes to an end; let everyone draw their own conclusions, taking into account the needs, quality of communication and pricing policy of operators in your region. What do you think is the best mobile operator?


  1. mamont62
  2. Elena
  3. Robert
  4. Tatiana
  5. man
  6. Sergey
  7. Savva
  8. Konstantin
  9. Igor

Roskomnadzor conducted a study of the quality of mobile communications in Moscow. The measurements were carried out from January 20 to March 10 this year in GSM, 3G, LTE networks using an automated control system in accordance with the methodology approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia.

MTS was recognized as the highest quality in the absolute majority of study parameters: the operator showed the highest proportion of successful connections when making calls (99.7%), the lowest number of dropped calls (0.5%). MTS also had the best mobile Internet network among the Big Three operators - the average connection speed for all networks was 7.1 Mbit/s.

For most parameters characterizing the quality of speech transmission, Tele2 showed the second result out of four. And in three of the four parameters characterizing the quality of mobile Internet access, it completely surpassed the Big Three. In particular, Tele2 has the lowest percentage of unsuccessful connections to the server and interrupted sessions via the http protocol.

The measurements were carried out according to certain rules: for example, when testing the quality of voice transmission, a test call took 180 seconds, and the speed of the vehicle in which the person with the smartphone was was 40 km/h. Communications were tested outside buildings on all four networks at the same time and in the same places so that the conditions were equal.

Tele2 representative Konstantin Prokshin agrees with Roskomnadzor’s conclusions. In less than a year, Tele2 has built a high-quality network with good coverage, he says: in total, the operator has about 8,000 base stations in Moscow and the region. Megafon has 24,000 of them, says Pavel Larin, a representative of its metropolitan branch; representatives of MTS and VimpelCom do not share similar data.

MTS representative Dmitry Solodovnikov is not surprised by the results of the measurements: among the Big Three operators, the MTS network is the best in terms of voice quality and mobile Internet speed. But he considers it incorrect to compare Troika’s networks with the newcomer’s network: the Tele2 network has just been built, is fragmented and has more than 10 times fewer subscribers than any of the Troika operators (at the end of 2015 - 1.27 million, Tele2 itself reported). This means that the load is 10–15 times lower.

Beeline does not agree with the results of the study and would like to familiarize itself with the map of detours and a sample of tests, says its representative Anna Aibasheva. Around the same dates as Roskomnadzor, the quality of communication in Moscow was measured by DMTel and Beeline was recognized as the best in terms of the most important indicators for the client - the ability to get through, connection stability and voice quality in both GSM and 3G networks , she informs.

From the results of Roskomnadzor tests, it is not clear what the quality of communication is in networks of different standards (2G, 3G, 4G); there are no measurements for the Moscow region, regrets Larin from Megafon. Last December, Telecom Daily tested voice communications on GSM and 3G networks, as well as mobile 3G and LTE access on the streets of Moscow using special equipment. In terms of key parameters that determine the quality of voice transmission, Tele2 took second place there too. Megafon was in first place according to Telecom Daily.

What is the easiest and most affordable way to choose high-quality and inexpensive mobile Internet for your home, country house, or work? An important indicator is not only price policy, which in conditions of high competition differs only slightly, but also speed. If you don’t want to wait for hours for the required video to load, then you need to pay attention to this criterion first.

Attention! If the download speed is less than 1Mg, be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to watch movies online. For high-quality video communication via Skype, you need at least 500 KB per second. for reception and transmission. For online games from 256 to 512 KB per second.

Internet speed at each specific point depends on the equipment and technical support one operator or another.

Most important indicator when choosing - mobile Internet speed

Speed ​​testing and finding the most suitable operator

  1. Check out the basic tariffs on the official websites of the main telecom operators.
  2. Find suitable tariff, meeting your needs for cost and speed and write down several options.
  3. Try to find a map of base stations of operators in your region (the map is not available everywhere). This is necessary in order to decide which Internet will work better.
  4. The most difficult and time-consuming stage: network testing. To do this, you will need a smartphone with 3G support on Android or any 3G modem. Or you can immediately buy a modem so that it is not tied to any specific operator, otherwise you won’t be able to test the networks. If you don’t want to buy, you can look to rent a 3G modem or borrow one from friends for a while.
  5. To test, you need to get SIM cards from three major operators whose tariffs you have written out. Connect to them the most cheap internet and login to the network.
  6. You can check your Internet speed from your phone or modem at http://www.speedtest.net/. It is advisable to perform the check several times during the day. This will help identify problem periods for each operator.
  7. If you are satisfied with the measurement results, connect the optimal tariff and use it. If you don't like the speed, try the networks of other providers.

Review of tariffs of the main operators

Let's say you find several operators that are quite satisfactory in terms of data transfer speed. The choice of one of them will now depend on the most favorable conditions. As a rule, the services of the “Big Three” are approximately at the same level, but each has its own nuances and highlights that tip the scales when choosing. In addition, Tele2 operates in some regions, which provides good competition to the main operators.

Advice. If you have unstable signal reception (this can be determined by the “sticks”), the speed can be increased by purchasing a 3G antenna. Advanced technicians will be able to do it themselves.

Almost every supplier has a set of special packages that include mobile Internet. But there are also unlimited tariffs, however, since 2015 they also began to take into account consumed traffic.

Optimal mobile Internet speed - from 512 KB per second

Offer from Megafon

For those who need it more internet, the operator offers a number of interesting options. They are differentiated by the average volume of monthly traffic and can easily be connected to any tariff. It happens that the SIM card is only used on the modem. So for her would be better suited"Megafon-online" with the absence subscription fee, plus internet package.

One of the most economical packages - from 70 MB per day with daily payment. The largest package costs about 1300 rubles. Theoretically, it should be unlimited, but in fact only night traffic is not limited. The monthly norm has to be divided into all 30 days. 3 GB will cost the user 350 rubles, and 36 GB for a modem or router - 890 rubles.

Beeline operator and mobile Internet

The “yellow-black” operator, as its subscribers lovingly call it, offers a package of services called “Highway”. In many respects it is similar to the previous operator, but the most extensive set of Internet options is a little more expensive.

Advice. Typically, a phone number that is not yet calling or sending SMS will be canceled after 90 days. If you connect “Internet forever” to it with free traffic, the number will not be blocked.

20 GB with unlimited traffic at night costs 1200 rubles. per month.
The basic tariff, which satisfies the average need for downloading video and audio files, is called “Internet Forever”. It is distinguished by the absence of a subscription fee and a monthly gift of 200 MB.

The advantage of this provider is that modems work in all corners of Russia.

Internet services of the MTS network

MTS pleases its users with a line of Internet packages that are slightly similar to competitors’ offers. Modems from MTS operate throughout Russia, but there is a separate fee for this service.

Experts have calculated that the traffic fee for the most voluminous tariff is slightly higher than that of Megafon, and slightly lower than Beeline. Basic tariff for modems is “MTS Connect”. 30 GB of traffic with night unlimited will cost the user 1,200 rubles, and the minimum tariff is 3 GB for 350 rubles.

Interestingly, after the limit is unexpectedly exhausted, you can buy more. By the way, the operator has interesting opportunity– “Turbonights”, when you can connect an additional night unlimited for only 200 rub.

Mobile Internet from Tele2

At the end of 2015, the long-awaited Tele2 operator came to Moscow. It is famous for its low prices for communications and mobile Internet. It lived up to expectations - you can use the Internet at several tariffs:

  • 15 GB of traffic for 599 rubles per month;
  • 7 GB of traffic for 299 rubles;
  • 30 GB of traffic for 899 rubles.

At the same time, you can connect, for example, to the “Very Black” tariff and get 1000 minutes of calls to phones throughout Russia, 1000 SMS and 10 GB of traffic for 599 rubles.

If the limit is exceeded, the speed decreases, but you can continue to use the Internet.

There is one thing - the phone from which you are supposed to use the Internet must support 3G or 4G.

Additional offers

The solution to choosing a cellular operator for unlimited internet primarily depends on the conditions provided by the provider. They may change over time, so check the current status on the operator’s websites or contact the support service. It is also important to consider additional features and the speed of information transfer in your area.

Mobile Internet which operator to choose - video

So today we will try to find out which operator provides the best connection. In general, it is quite difficult to decide on it. Each region of Russia has its own characteristics and communication services. The article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cellular operators in general. What do subscribers think about various network operators? Which is the best connection among them?


Let's start, perhaps, with the largest operator. It's about about a company called Rostelecom. Its branches are located in many cities of Russia. Many subscribers believe that this is the best connection. We are talking about all types of television and mobile communications. By the way, this operator is in great demand in Internet matters. Subscribers note that Rostelecom offers reasonable prices, as well as fairly high-quality network operation. During some major weather incidents, of course, failures occur, but not as often as with competitors.

The network reaches even remote corners of cities. With all this, no breaks or failures were recorded during conversations. This is especially true for landline phones. We can conclude that Rostelecom can be trusted.


There are subscribers who claim that only the MTS operator has the best connection. However, there are mixed opinions about the company. The thing is, when it comes to mobile operator, subscribers are beginning to pay attention to many points related not only to the quality of communication. They leave their mark on the rating of a particular company.

What can you say about MTS? In general, this operator really provides in Russia quality services, not in all places, but in most. Best quality Communications from the company will be provided in those points of the city where transmission lines are located. On the outskirts, the mobile signal decreases.

Unfortunately, MTS's Internet cannot boast of its quality. There is more discontent here than joy. And all because in most regions the network signal is low. Pages take a long time to open or don’t load at all. In developed cities you can still admire the Internet from MTS, but among the trees or in the village - not.

This company is the best telecom operator if you evaluate the prices for the proposed tariffs. Many argue that it is communications from MTS that are beneficial to sociable people. In general, the network is stable, although it works with some interruptions. The most frequent failures occur during heat waves or hurricanes.


Next, you should pay attention to such a large company as MegaFon. Perhaps few people can say that this company has the best connection. Rather, she's not bad. In any case, some subscribers speak negatively about the corporation.

This opinion was formed for several reasons. Firstly, prices for the Internet and network access services. Initially they are small, but soon begin to grow. With all this, while talking or surfing the Internet, you may notice connection interruptions. This, of course, will suit few people.

Secondly, if we talk about World Wide Web, then the connection speed in most cases leaves much to be desired.

Consumers also claim that even with the slightest weather anomalies, you can be left without communication, especially in remote regions. Within developed cities, you will simply see constant network failures. Many subscribers say that MegaFon is clearly not the best connection in Russia.


The next quite worthy competitor of Rostelecom and MTS is Beeline. This is one of the few companies that tries to attract subscribers with its quality, but it is not ideal either. What do users think about Beeline?

Overall they are satisfied. Network outages are extremely rare. The Internet works efficiently, the speed is high even in the worst conditions weather conditions. also practically does not disappear. If you do not want to use the services of Rostelecom, then we can say that Beeline is the best telecom operator, albeit with its own shortcomings.

For example, with the cost of your services. Beeline is recognized as the most unprofitable and expensive operator, but its communications are quite high quality. True, in Lately some subscribers began to complain about frequent interruptions in Beeline's operation. Plus, this operator very often connects paid services and does not notify its customers about it.

"Tele 2"

Who has the best connection? To be honest, it is very difficult to decide, because each subscriber remains with his own opinion. The Tele2 company has rather mixed opinions. This is another large cellular operator, a worthy competitor to MTS and Beeline.

He attracts a new audience with prices, most of them anti-crisis. This makes me happy. But the quality of communication, as users say, is not excellent everywhere. This is due to the fact that Tele2 has only recently begun to spread throughout Russia, so the communication system is not established everywhere. In large cities there are no complaints either about the Internet or cellular network. But in remote places there are enough of them.

In principle, if you live in a large city where there is Tele2, but do not plan to travel outside of it, then you can be sure that with this operator you will have the best connection at favorable rates. But in cases active use mobile communications or the Internet outside the developed infrastructure, it is still better to choose someone else as an operator.


The latest company to date is Yota. This operator appeared in Russia not so long ago. Positions itself as a company that provides everything you need. Better connection, favorable rates, fast internet- this is exactly what you can find at Yota.

Practice shows a slightly different picture. Subscribers claim that Yota really offers huge selection services, but their quality cannot be considered excellent. If mobile network works still acceptable, then with the Internet everything is much worse. Communication is constantly interrupted, information is processed slowly, and it may even refuse to work in some regions.

What do we get in the end? Which connection is better? Based on the above, we can summarize:

  1. "Rostelecom".
  2. "Beeline".
  3. "MTS".
  4. "Tele 2".
  5. "Megaphone".
  6. Yota.

This is the opinion held by many subscribers. True, Rostelecom is often used only for home Internet and telephone, and as mobile operator not considered.

2024 gtavrl.ru.