How to create a WebMoney electronic wallet. How to create a webmoney wallet in Russia

If you are puzzled by the question of how to create a webmoney wallet without spending a lot of time searching necessary information, then you have come to the right place! We will now look at detailed example how to do it quickly. In order to create wallets, you first need to register in the system and receive your personal WMID ( registration number user). Each person can make up to ten such registrations, which means that if desired and necessary, you can receive 10 WMIDs and, accordingly, the required number of wallets for each account. So, let's get down to action.

Registration of a new WMID!

Initially, you need to go to the website and click on the “registration” button:

The system will immediately request your number mobile phone. It is important that this number is valid and accessible, since access codes will subsequently be sent to it:

The next step after entering the phone number is to fill in personal data (date of birth, country of residence), as well as a security question when restoring access to your account and address Email:

If you do not want to receive notifications in the form of news or various promotions, uncheck the corresponding fields, as they are checked by default. Next, the system will allow you to check the entered data again, and if an error is detected, you can always go back to make a correction:

If everything is filled out correctly, click on the “continue” button and you will be taken to the phone verification page. At this stage, an SMS will be sent to the specified mobile phone number - a message with special code, which you will need to enter in the appropriate field:

If you still haven’t received the SMS message, click on the link called “HERE” and the service will transfer you to the support service. At this stage, it will be necessary to either send an SMS message with the specified text to any of the provided numbers (there is no additional charge for SMS, everything is within the limits tariff plan mobile operator), or scan the QR code using special application to recognize it (if such a program is installed on your mobile phone):

After clicking the “continue” button, the page of your personal Keeper Standard wallet will open. Specified number phone number automatically becomes the page login. Next you need to come up with strong password to enter. Do not duplicate your email password under any circumstances - come up with a new one and enter it twice. It is also necessary to indicate the verification digital code from the picture:

After performing these actions, a message will appear stating that there are no wallets - and this is absolutely true, because you have just completed the registration stage:

How to create a webmoney wallet in Keeper Standard ?

Having closed this notification, you can see the 12-digit WMID code and pseudonym certificate appearing in the right corner (we’ll talk about what this is a little later). To create a wallet you only need to perform a few steps. On the top, already open, panel of the “finance” tab in capital letters it says “CREATE A NEW WALLET”. Just below from the drop-down menu you can select any of the proposed types. We also be sure to agree to the terms of use of the certificates and click the “create” button:

The following message will appear to confirm that all actions are correct:

Now you can see the created wallet in the “finance” menu:

Let us remind you that no matter what title characters you use to create wallets, they have a clear structure: the letter is indicated first, and then a twelve-digit code. The correspondence between currencies and wallet types can be seen here:

We also note that the user has the right to open all of the specified types of wallets (but there are some restrictions). So, to add the next type, you need to click on the plus sign top panel menu item “finance” and select “create wallet” from the drop-down menu:

The further procedure is no different from the actions already described. On the screen we see a field with a drop-down list of types of currencies - select the required one, accept the terms of the agreement and click the “create” button:

What restrictions exist when creating wallets?

Now that you know how to create a webmoney wallet, let’s return to the question regarding the certificate. As you have already noticed, after registration you are automatically assigned a pseudonym certificate. During the registration process itself, you also did not need to enter your full name, passport data and identification code. By the name of the certificate itself, you can understand that your data is not available to the system - in in this case You are incognito. This status has its pros and cons. The advantage for you is that your passport data is not exposed on the Internet.
The thought of this makes some users uncomfortable, although in reality there is nothing wrong with it - the data is simply stored on the WebMoney server. Now let's move on to the shortcomings, and there are many more of them. At the stage of creating wallets under a pseudonym certificate, you may encounter the problem of creating them in other title units. Allowed for creation are a wallet in the currency of your country, as well as WMZ, WME and WMG. If you try to create a wallet in other titles, you will see the following messages:

If there is a need to create wallets other than those allowed for the pseudonym passport, you will have to upgrade your passport.

How to upgrade a pseudonym's certificate to formal?

To do this, you need to follow the specified link, after which the following window will appear:

As you can see, the login was filled in automatically based on your WMID. Confirm your entry with your password and the number from the picture. Formal is the next level certificate, which is also issued free of charge to WebMoney participants, but with certain requirements. Here you will not only need to enter your personal data, but also attach photographs or scanned copies of your passport. In return, the participant gets the opportunity not only to open additional wallets, but also to carry out additional actions on their use, for example, replenish them by bank or postal transfer, withdraw funds different ways. You can learn more about all this from the following publications: Thus, owners of a formal certificate receive many more opportunities than owners of a pseudonym certificate. And the majority convenient ways Both deposits and withdrawals require a minimum of a formal certificate with verified passport data. To receive it, after authorization, click on the “get” field formal certificate»:

After this, the system will issue short instructions on why this type of certificate is needed. If you have not changed your mind, then click on the “continue” button:

Now you will need to fill in the required data (your personal data, such as full name, address, passport details):

You can either fill out the recommended data or refuse. But a photo or scan of passport data is required for uploading. After checking the data you provided with copies of your passport, a decision will be made to issue a certificate. It is very important that all data matches, otherwise the application will be refused. After receiving a formal certificate, many additional very convenient opportunities webmoney systems!

Now you are armed with knowledge about how to create a webmoney wallet and what you need to pay attention to. However, before receiving a formal certificate and creating different types wallets, make sure you really need it. The WebMoney security system is built in such a way that you will no longer be able to delete both your account (WMID) and a separate wallet. You may not need to use all the functions of the system, and you may well be able to limit yourself to an alias certificate along with established restrictions. The choice is always yours!

Everyone who, in one way or another, has encountered making money online, has felt the need to register in electronic payment systems. The most significant of them on the RuNet is the well-known WebMoney, which is a guarantor of online payments.

I'm opening a section Payment systems, where I will consider everything popular payment systems online payments. Registration in them, features of work and pitfalls. Therefore, I recommend subscribing to blog updates. Today's headliner is .

So-called “title marks” are in circulation in the system. They have equivalents of the world's major currencies, which are used by the majority of clients who carry out electronic transactions with money. Actually, is electronic money that has its own internal current exchange rate.

Payment system is a unique service that provides its clients with a lot of services. Everyone who engages in e-commerce and makes money online is necessarily a participant in this system.

Operations on the part of the system are constantly monitored and if complaints begin to be received regarding the dishonesty of a particular counterparty, then , in turn, can unilaterally suspend cooperation and block the wallets of this unscrupulous counterparty. These things happen quite often, especially in the forex market and trust management environment.

The presence on the website of the inscription “ Certified WebMoney participant” is expensive, for the reason that the system takes registration very seriously, and the issuance of various types of certificates. The service very clearly monitors the possibility of financial fraud and if any organization is deprived of certification , then you should pay special attention to this. This is the first bell, it just doesn’t happen.

The registration process seems complicated and tedious to many, but you don’t need to do anything supernatural there. You just need to follow the system’s recommendations step by step.

How to create a WebMoney wallet. Step-by-step registration, obtaining a certificate

1 Go to and enter your phone number.

2 Then we proceed to entering personal data. Take this moment very seriously (if, of course, you take the financial aspects of your life seriously at all). They are necessary for further receipt of certificates in the system or for attaching a bank card to your account.

Also, if any controversial issues arise, you may need to confirm this data again. If your data differs from what has already been entered, problems may arise when carrying out the actions indicated above. I recommend that you create a separate email for financial transactions.

3 After entering real personal data, click on Continue.

4 Let’s start linking your email address to your account; to do this, enter it and click Send. An email will be sent to you with an activation code.

5 Then, an SMS will be sent to your phone number. This is necessary to confirm it and link it to your account.

6 Complete registration. Enter your password. I recommend taking this seriously. And mark it somewhere for yourself.

7 You have been assigned a WMID - this is your identifier in the payment system. Using WMID, you can determine all the information about you and all the information about the transactions you made. Make a note of it too. You will need it to log in and manage wallets.

As you can see, it is available a large number of financial services. I use many of them: replenishing a mobile phone, paying for hosting, paying for an Internet provider, transfers between bank cards, shopping in online stores, and so on.

8 Now go to your account on the website and create wallets for the currency you need. Now management is done using WebMoney Keeper Mini is the online system identifier . Only your WMID is used to log in. To avoid fraudulent activities, I recommend installing .

Video guide for registering for .

9 Let's start setting up your wallet Set the authorization method via . This is a program that is installed on your computer. During authorization, a connection with mail, telephone and computer is established. All this minimizes the possibility of your account being hacked.

10 The next stage is the collection of more complete personal information about you. This data will be closed from third-party publicity and is needed by the system to completely and absolutely link the registered account to you. As I already said, in case of controversial situations, you can always prove that you are you, based on exactly this data.

11 After registration, you are assigned an alias certificate (the lowest in the hierarchy of certificates). In general, the certificates issued by the system speak about the degree of trust the system has in you. I will talk about the transition from one certificate to another in the following articles, therefore. I now have a personal certificate and I have something to tell you about this.

There are the following types of certificates:

  • Alias
  • Formal
  • Elementary
  • Personal
  • Seller's certificate and so on

The first four are enough. Those that come below are already professional certificates. And they are needed for specific purposes.

For the simplest purposes of online payments, I recommend obtaining a formal certificate. To do this, you need to fill in your passport details. The next step is to receive personal certificate. It is necessary for serious work in ecommerce, in particular for transferring large amounts. Once you receive it, the system’s trust in you will increase significantly.

You can get it through the official system registrar in your city (this is a paid procedure and costs about $25) or by sending documents by mail to the company’s main office in Moscow. There is about certificates detailed information on the official site.

For more information about certificates and how to obtain them, watch the video:

Installing and configuring WebMoney Keeper Classic

1 Install WebMoney Keeper Classic official on the computer and enter your data.

3 Enter email address. Set authorization using Question-Answer and click Next.

4 Enter the number from SMS. Enter your WMID, password and go to the keeper on your computer.

5 That's it. Next, we create wallets through Menu – Wallets – Create New.

If something is not clear, watch the video detailed installation and working with him.

To carry out exchange transactions of title units for other currencies, there are many exchangers. Below are the most profitable ones. Among the advantages, I would like to note the automatic exchange, favorable rates and the system of cumulative discounts. Here they are (the banners contain affiliate links):

That's all. Happy e-commerce. Today we got acquainted with the popular payment system and figured out how to start it wallet, we sorted out the registration and certificates of WebMoney, as well as its general provisions. We set it up the same way . Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

What is Webmoney?

Webmoney is a payment system that allows you to exchange real money for electronic money and then make payments with this electronic money on Internet sites. So, for example, you can buy with electronic money by paying with webmoney.

You can also do the opposite operation, exchange electronic money from your webmoney wallet for real money through a network of exchangers, or withdraw money to your bank account or plastic card account.

Wallet..wallet...Where can I get it? :)

So, step by step instructions.

Click "Continue"

Or you can not click, but simply launch the wallet through Start-Programs-Webmoney or by clicking on the icon on your computer.

After this, you will need to enter a password to enter the wallet. The password must be entered as normal, and not “123456”, so that bad people cannot pick it up, but also so as not to forget it yourself :) Enter it and click “Next”.

A window like this will appear. And here you need to press the keyboard and move the mouse until the entire bar is filled with green.

After this, the key generation process will start.

You will be assigned a WebMoney ID. It is usually referred to as WMID. This number must be remembered, because... it will be the login to enter the wallet.

After this, you will need to indicate the disk and directory where to save the file, and also indicate the access code for the keys. You will need this code if you install the wallet on another computer or after reinstalling Windows. Therefore, this code must also be remembered.

After this you will need to check your email again

and enter the activation code.

A window like this will appear. Uncheck the "Start procedure...." checkbox. Click "Finish"

All. Now your webmoney wallet will start.

Now click on the "Wallets" tab

This bookmark will be empty and we need to fix this :)

Click right button mouse and select “Create” ... we mean create a wallet.

And we create, for example, a WMR ruble wallet. Or dollar WMZ. Or in another currency - hryvnia, Belarusian rubles, etc.

After you finish, the wallet, amount, and the actual wallet number will appear in the wallets tab. If someone wants to transfer you WMR webmoney rubles, they will need to provide your R-wallet. Report along with the letter R, not just numbers!

After you have made one wallet, you can create wallets in other currencies.

Obtaining a formal certificate.

After you have installed your wallet, it initially has an alias certificate. This is the youngest certificate in the WebMoney system and this means that not all opportunities are available to you. Therefore, you need to obtain at least a formal certificate.

Attention. If you have problems at this stage, it means something is wrong with your browser’s security settings. Set them as default. To do this, go to the browser menu Tools - Internet Options - Security tab and set the default settings there.

If everything is OK, then remember the code that is shown to you, click “Login”

Enter this code into the form and click Yes

The WebMoney certification page will open.

Click on the icon that I have circled in red.

Here you need to fill in all fields marked with a red asterisk. *

After filling out the form and clicking on the appropriate. button, you will see that you have been assigned a formal certificate.

All. Now you can start replenishing your webmoney wallet.

How to top up your wallet.

Click the right mouse button and select “Top up”.

We select the wallet that we want to top up and select the method of replenishment.

The most convenient way is probably through terminals, which are usually already installed in many places.

Or select in the keeper the item “Where can I top up my wallet in my city?”

In RuNet, popular electronic money is WebMoney (abbreviated WM, in Russian “webmoney”). Many online stores and commercial portals work with Webmoney.

Who is thinking about getting additional income online, he may need to create a Webmoney wallet for this. WebMoney can also be used to pay for products and services, utility bills, mobile communications, television, etc.

Many users create WM wallets and, if they have some experience (and experience, as they say, is an acquired taste), they are happy to use this payment system.

How to create a Webmoney wallet

If you create a Webmoney wallet, then you can work with it either directly through the browser, or through applications installed on your computer or mobile phone. For those who use small amounts, it is probably easier to work through a browser.

You should register on the official Webmoney website only once, and then you can use your Webmoney wallet through “Login” (4 in Fig. 1).

In Fig. 1 in top menu You can see that registering WebMoney for free takes 4 steps (the steps are clickable):

It all starts with the first step:

1) Phone input

To create a Webmoney wallet, follow the link to

And enter your mobile phone number, which you should have at hand during registration:

Rice. 1. The first step to create a Webmoney wallet: enter your phone number

Enter the phone number without errors in the field marked with number 1 in Fig. 1 in the format: country code, without spaces, immediately operator code and phone number. For Russia, the country code is 7. Therefore, we enter the phone number for Russia, for example, in this form: 79100012345. Click the “Continue” button (3 in Fig. 1). Hurray, the first step has been taken!

Number 2 in Fig. 1 noted that you can use WebMoney applications for social networks if you have accounts in in social networks.

Is it possible to register a webmoney wallet for Ukraine? Of course it's possible.
When entering the site, you can immediately click on the language selection (5 in Fig. 1). Then we’ll see what languages ​​WebMoney is friendly with:

Rice. 2. Selecting a language on the WebMoney website

There are Russian, English, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and others. German missing, probably the Webmoney payment system is not used in Germany.

Registration of a webmoney wallet for Ukraine and for some other countries (see languages ​​in Fig. 2) consists of the same four steps that are described here.

2) Entering personal data

In order to be able to resolve possible questions or problems with WebMoney, you should enter reliable data: letter by letter, as in your passport. After registration, the data cannot be changed or edited; you may have to create another Webmoney wallet. Although it will be possible to change your mobile number and e-mail.

By clicking “Continue” (3 in Fig. 1), we proceed to the second registration step:

Rice. 3. Second step for registering WebMoney for free: entering personal data

1 in Fig. 3 – enter your date of birth. To do this, click on the small triangles in field 1. A drop-down menu of numbers will appear, in which you need to find and click on your date.

2 in Fig. 3 – select your country of residence if another country is offered. If you click on the small triangle in field 2, you will see a huge list of countries: there is plenty to choose from. You need to find your country and click on it to select it.

3 in Fig. 3 – in this field, enter your email without errors.


  • To register in the payment system, it is better to use a new e-mail and, if possible, not show this e-mail on the Internet in the future. This is useful for reducing spam in your mailbox, and most importantly, to prevent account hacking. Login: Password, Security Question from new mail should be written down in a notepad.
  • There is no need to confuse the password for your e-mail and the password for your Webmoney wallet, these are different passwords.

4 in Fig. 3 – select a security question.
In addition to the mother's maiden name, you can select “Favorite number”, “Pet name”, “Favorite sports team”, “First car brand”. (By the way, in Spain, at birth, every child is given 2 surnames: the first from the father, the second from the mother. They have two surnames in their passports. Therefore, for Spaniards, the option with the mother’s maiden name is unlikely to work).

5 in Fig. 3 – enter the answer to the question you chose in field 4.
It is better to write all this data in a notepad as the data necessary to access your WebMoney wallet.

6 in Fig. 3 – you can leave the checkboxes (they are checked by default), or you can uncheck them.

7 in Fig. 3 – without a check mark next to “I give... consent” the further path is ordered, so this check mark is required!

Please note that at each step you can return to the previous step by clicking on the “Return” button. While registration is not completed, you can easily edit your data to create a Webmoney wallet.

Click “Continue” (8 in Fig. 3). The “Check again the correctness of the personal data you provided” window will appear.

Rice. 4. Check your details for registering a WebMoney wallet

We carefully check all the data again, it is better to write it down. At the bottom of this window there are buttons “Return” (if something is wrong) and “Continue”.

If everything is correct, click “Continue” again. Hurray, the second step is done!

3) Phone check

After clicking on the “Continue” button, an SMS message containing a code to confirm that you are the owner of the phone is immediately sent to your mobile phone.

Rice. 5. Confirm mobile number for Webmoney registration: enter the code from SMS

Enter the code received on your mobile phone in SMS message(1 in Fig. 5), and click “Continue” (2 in Fig. 5).

4) Password assignment

Here you need to come up with a password for your Webmoney wallet. This must be New Password, which has nothing to do with the password for the e-mail that you specified when entering your personal data (Fig. 3).

You can use it. A password consisting only of numbers is bad, because numbers are most quickly found using appropriate password-guessing programs. In addition to letters, the wallet password must at least include letters. The presence of other characters (!, :, etc.) increases the strength of the password.

1 in Fig. 6 – come up with a strong password and write it down in a notepad,
2 – repeat entering the same password, the main thing is to repeat without errors,
3 in Fig. 6 – enter the characters from the picture.

Click "OK".

Note: write in notebook or otherwise your data entered during registration. Relying only on your memory amid the flow of information in life and on the Internet is a utopia.

We get to the window (Fig. 7), in which you can immediately select the wallet currency.

A wallet with ruble currency is WMR, its number begins with the letter R, for example, the ruble WebMoney number can look like this: R530000018008. Although it will be possible later in your Webmoney account create wallets with other currencies if you need them. Rubles are selected below (number 0 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Accept the agreement and create your WebMoney wallet

On the right top corner pay attention to WMID - this is not yet the Webmoney wallet number (1 in Fig. 7), this is a WM identifier, which is just the participant’s address payment system webmoney.

Do not confuse WMID with WebMoney wallet number, these are different things. Topping up WebMoney means putting money into your WebMoney wallet number, but NOT into WMID.

So, as can be seen in Fig. 8, the task of creating a Webmoney wallet has been solved:

Rice. 8. WebMoney ruble wallet created

WebMoney wallet number in Fig. 8 is highlighted with the numbers 1. It is this number that will be needed in order, for example, to top up a WebMoney wallet through the terminal, which will be discussed below.

Email confirmation

In your email, which you specified during registration (Fig. 3), we look for a letter from Webmoney Team with the heading “Confirm your email address”:

Rice. 9. Confirmation of email address for WebMoney wallet

To confirm your email, click on the long link (red frame in Fig. 9). True, the entrance to the Webmoney wallet is carried out mainly by mobile phone number, by at least, for an anonymous (unidentified) user.

Login after registration

Registration on the WebMoney website takes place only once. In the future, you can log in on your computer (smartphone) through a browser using the link:

Login to Mini WebMoney

To log into your WebMoney wallet, you need to enter your login and password. You should use a mobile phone number rather than an e-mail as your login.

In the future, if necessary, you can identify your WebMoney wallet in order to change the status of an anonymous user to an identified one. There are other levels of WebMoney certification; if necessary, you can pass them.

Exit from WebMoney

The correct exit from the WebMoney wallet is the small button in the upper right corner, which is shown in Fig. 8 is circled in a red rectangle.

How to deposit money on Webmoney?

You can put money into your Webmoney wallet, or, if necessary, into someone else’s wallet. To deposit money into someone else’s Webmoney wallet (for example, through a terminal), you don’t have to create your own wallet, although dealing with your own wallet is, of course, easier and more pleasant.

To commit electronic payments directly from home, from the office or via mobile devices, you need to top up your Webmoney wallet. To replenish your Webmoney account there are different variants, below is a helpful overview.

Webmoney replenishment methods

The official website of the payment system has information about all available methods replenishment of WM-wallet. This includes

  • bank transfer,
  • replenishment from a mobile phone,
  • remittance,
  • terminals and
  • special Webmoney cards.

You can use the option that suits you at the moment.

You can top up your Webmoney wallet in rubles. And if another currency is needed for payments, then inside the payment Webmoney systems can be done fast exchange. Currency exchange in Webmoney can be carried out directly through the system itself or through third party services(through reliable exchangers). In order not to lose money on commissions when exchanging them, you can remember that it is reliable and practical to use WebMoney online, for example, to pay for mobile, Internet, etc.

How to deposit money on webmoney through the terminal

If you want to top up Webmoney with cash, then to do this you will need to write down (or print) the Webmoney wallet number on a piece of paper. As already mentioned, the WM ruble wallet number can look like this: R530000012345. This type of number should be written down without errors.

With your Webmoney wallet number written down on a piece of paper, you should go to the nearest terminal, which is located in a store, shopping or office center, bank, or train station. All modern terminals are equipped with a replenishment function electronic wallets. Through the terminal you can top up your Webmoney wallet or any other wallet.

  • In order to deposit cash, you need to go to the “Electronic Commerce” section at the terminal.
  • After that, select the “Webmoney” icon and enter the number of your or another R-wallet (ruble wallet) into the field that appears without errors. Be sure to check that your input is correct.
  • Next, click “Forward” and deposit the required amount through the bill acceptor in the terminal.

Please note that Webmoney replenishment through the terminal requires payment of a commission. The amount of additional costs can range from 3 to 10%, depending on which electronic terminal you use. If you need to transfer a certain amount to someone, take this point into account, otherwise you will have to go to the terminal again to deposit the money.

Money is credited to your Webmoney account almost immediately. Don't forget to take your receipt from the terminal to avoid possible problems with non-crediting of funds. Unfortunately, no one is immune from technical failures. You can, for example, deposit money through the terminal into a WebMoney wallet, come home or to the office and check the receipt of money in your wallet on your computer (smartphone).

Alternative ways to replenish your Webmoney wallet

You can receive funds to your WM wallet not only by depositing cash or electronic money. You can earn a certain amount on the Internet. Article exchanges, comment exchanges and other projects for making money on the Internet work with Webmoney (and some only with Webmoney), so you can receive the money received for completing tasks to your Webmoney wallet.

For beginners, suitable ways to earn money include writing reviews, writing articles for content exchanges, passing paid surveys, posting messages, comments on forums and social networks, etc. Of course, it will take time to earn even a small amount. Perhaps, for the first income, it is not the amount that is important, but the fact of receiving it. Therefore, this option for replenishing a WebMoney wallet has a place.

Now you know how to create WebMoney and deposit money there.

How to create webmoney wallets of other currencies

You can create Webmoney wallets in the following currencies:

  • the ruble currency is WMR, such an account begins with the letter R (1 in Fig. 8),
  • currency dollars is WMZ, the account number begins with the letter Z (4 in Fig. 10),
  • Euro currency is WME, its number is preceded by the letter E,
  • WMU – equivalent to UAH,
  • WMB – equivalent to BMY,
  • WMX – equivalent to 0.001 BTC,
  • WMG – equivalent to 1 gram of gold,
  • WMK is the equivalent of KZT.

A ruble WebMoney wallet has already been created, now we create a WebMoney wallet for the same WMID (1 in Fig. 10), for example, in dollars. This can be done in 6 clicks:

Rice. 10. How to create a WebMoney wallet with another currency: steps are numbered

1 in Fig. 10 – you need to log into your Webmoney account,
2 in Fig. 10 – click on the + icon,
3 – click “Create wallet”,
4 – select the required currency,
5 – read and be sure to check the box next to “I accept the conditions...”
6 in Fig. 10 – click “Create”. A wallet will appear with a number that will begin with the letter Z (since the currency was selected in Fig. 10).

How to remove Webmoney

Deleting WebMoney is not as easy as it might seem. The official website of Webmoney states that before deleting your Webmoney wallet you must:

  • Withdraw all funds.
  • Pay off loans, if any.
  • Complete claims and claims, if any.

Rice. 11 How to delete a Webmoney wallet

1 in Fig. 11 – you need to go into your wallet,
2 – click on Settings,
3 in Fig. 11 – in the window that opens, click “Submit a denial of service request.”

The request is checked by WebMoney technical support. A message is sent by e-mail that after 7 days the service will be completely stopped, all data will be deleted permanently.

Webmoney technical support

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Webmoney- world system, which works with Internet payments and a person can receive earned money, make an online purchase, pay for services, etc. But for all these manipulations it is necessary to create a Webmoney wallet. The convenience of this method is beyond doubt, since all transfers are carried out within 5 minutes, which significantly reduces the time required to resolve all financial issues. At the same time, the user has the opportunity to withdraw his funds from the system at any time and transfer them into real money.


WMID represents unique number account, which is provided once and remains in the system forever. Despite this, it can be obtained again, but only with the same registration data. This is done in order to carry out, for example, commercial activities through one WMID, and use the other for personal needs, etc.

Each user can create a wallet within their account. Webmoney works with various currencies, but more on that later. A wallet is a place where personal funds are stored. Any user has the right to create as many cash accounts as he needs. In order to have access to your wallets, you need to install “Keeper”, with which you can log in to WMID. Therefore, if you decide to create a Webmoney wallet, then the first thing you need to do is register.

Registration in the system

In order to go through the registration procedure, you must first go to the official website and find the necessary link there.

When you have found it, after clicking, the system should redirect you to a page where you need to indicate your mobile number. This is followed by several sequential steps, during which you need to indicate your data, mailbox, TIN, passport. After this, you will receive corresponding notifications by email and phone with confirmation of registration.


Every New user, which has not yet been verified, is able to manage only Keeper Mini, which has fairly modest capabilities and a limit on daily transfers of funds, which can protect its owner from unauthorized hacking and theft of funds. So, if this happens, the owner may suffer only minor losses. Login to this "Keeper" occurs using a login and password.

During your first login, you need to note whether you already have a previously created account and just want to add another means of authorization, or whether you are a newbie. As you can see, wallets do not exist in this “Keeper” yet. In order to create them, you need to find the “+” icon, then “Add”, and then select the required currency. All payment transactions in this “Keeper” undergo mandatory SMS confirmation; you can remove it in the settings.


Before creating a Webmoney wallet, any user needs to become familiar with the term “certificate”. This is nothing more than a personal identifier, thanks to which the system can recognize you, something like a virtual passport. There are several types of such certificates, namely:

  1. Pseudonym certificate - issued to those users who have chosen not to provide their personal identification information. In this case, there are certain restrictions on the system's services.
  2. A formal certificate is issued if you have filled out personal information about yourself and provided confirmation in the form of scanned documents. It is basic and most common among system participants.
  3. A personal certificate is issued to those users who contact the authorized representative for personal confirmation documents and your person’s compliance with them. Thanks to this, a participant in the system has access to some additional functions, such as the opportunity to take out a loan.

Types of wallets

Before you start Webmoney, you need to figure out exactly what type of finance is needed, because they differ somewhat from generally accepted abbreviations in the world:

  • US dollars - WMZ (Z).
  • Russian rubles - WMR (R).
  • Ukrainian hryvnia - WMU (U).
  • Euro - WME (E).
  • Belarusian rubles - WMB (B).
  • Gold - WMG (G).

These are the main types that will be available to the user, not counting wallets for credit transactions.

Creating a wallet

Any participant in the system has the opportunity to create exactly as many wallets as he needs. It’s just worth noting right away that there is no need for extra ones, since it will be impossible to remove them.

Let's look at creating wallets using the example of "Keeper Mini". First, you need to carefully consider everything that appears before your eyes in order to quickly navigate. Now you need to find the corresponding tab, which will say “Wallets”. After clicking, the corresponding window opens, where when you click “Add more” appears special page creation. Here you need to select the equivalent, for example, US dollars, then read Terms of use and, having accepted it, click on the “Create” button. If everything is done correctly, the wallet will instantly appear in Keeper. However, you can create only one wallet for one currency. If this is not enough for the user, it is necessary to use other login methods, for example, Keeper Classic.

By the way, in “Keeper Classic” the whole process is similar.

How to open a Webmoney wallet in Belarus?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about registering from any country, and especially from the CIS. It all comes down to simply indicating in the registration form all the necessary data about your actual location, be it Belarus or another country. Similarly, you can create a Webmoney wallet in Ukraine.

As for novice users, then the best option there will be Keeper Mini, since it has the most simple registration which takes no more than 2 minutes.

At the same time, "Keeper Light" will be more difficult to register. Keeper Classic will remain the most difficult due to the fact that it must be installed on your PC and then saved special file keys. But in fact, it is also the most secure, not to mention all its capabilities.

For the convenience of users, there is also mobile version, it is easy to install, quick to register, but limited in its functionality.

Operations with wallets

After you have succeeded in creating a Webmoney wallet, you should top it up. This can be done in various ways, depending on where you live and what type of funds you have. It should immediately be noted that there are a large number of such methods, and of all that the official website offers, it is worth noting the following:

  • C bank card online.
  • Payment terminals.
  • Internet banking.
  • Electronic money.
  • From a mobile phone account.
  • Through the cash registers of retail chains.
  • Transfer to the Guarantor for storage.
  • Through a bank branch.
  • Remittance.
  • Postal transfer.
  • Prepaid cards and vouchers.
  • ATMs.
  • Bank transfer.
  • Webmoney exchange offices.

As you can see, the list is really impressive, and if necessary, everyone will find their preferred method. The only difference is the commission interest rate and the time it takes for the funds to arrive in the wallet. You just have to adhere to the required sequence: first we open a Webmoney wallet, figure out how to use it, and then top it up.

In some cases, when making a direct payment, you only need to indicate your wallet number in the selected currency. For other methods, for example, when purchasing a card through an authorized point of sale, this is not necessary. Since everything is done either in “Kiper” itself, or through the official website. So creating a Webmoney wallet is only half the battle; you need to manage it correctly, replenish and withdraw funds.

Beware - scammers!

To summarize all of the above, it is worth noting that after we open a Webmoney wallet, additional responsibility falls on our shoulders, because money loves accuracy and thrift. Therefore, in no case should you forget about such problems as scammers and swindlers. You should never trust “miracle” exchangers electronic currency, which offer very favorable rates, you should not transfer money to those accounts (if it is not your friend) that cannot provide you with an invoice. And in general, in the event of any non-standard situation, it is better to double-check everything on the official Webmoney website or ask your more experienced comrades than to end up with nothing.

Now you know how to create and top up a Webmoney wallet without experiencing any problems, and how not to fall for the tricks of scammers. Remember that all money loves to be counted and carefully stored, and it makes no difference whether it is in a real wallet or in a virtual wallet.