How to protect your home Wi-Fi network with a password. How to easily set a password for your home Wi-Fi network

Hello everyone! Recently I was asked to tell you how to set a password on a wifi router, otherwise people are tired of giving away their Internet to their neighbors.

Of course, Wi-Fi has become a very popular wireless network, which is especially attractive for users of tablets, smartphones, and laptops. But often regular PCs also connect to a Wi-Fi network. This technology is also good because there will be no stupid wires in the apartment or office that spoil the surrounding view, as well as the design. However, do not forget about the security of such a network. When users install a Wi-Fi network, most do not even know where the Wi-Fi password is set. Thus, the network will not have protection, and anyone can connect to it. Let's solve this problem.

How to set a password on a wifi router? 3 simple steps!

In fact, learning how to deliver or can be a difficult business. This is explained by the fact that today the number of manufacturers of wireless routers is constantly growing. Each manufacturer uses its own shell to configure the router. To make your task a little easier, we will set a Wi-Fi password step by step.

Step #1. Open the web interface of the router.

Any modern router is configured using a web interface. Don't be intimidated by the word "web interface". In other words, this is an ordinary small website that has a router, and the site opens in any browser.

We use our favorite browser, go to the address bar, enter the IP address of the router there, often these are the addresses:

  • or

If you don't know which one to enter, you can simply enter them one by one. As soon as you have entered the router's IP address, you will see a form in which you must enter your login and password to access. After you have entered your username and password, the router’s web interface will appear in front of you. In the picture below, you will see the web interface for ASUS.

Step #2. We find the section with WI-FI settings.

We study the web interface in more detail, and notice the section where they are produced. There you can either set a password or change it.

As we see in the example of ASUS, in order to access the section, you need to go to the “Wireless network” link, and then go to “ Additional settings».

Step #3. Set a password for the WI-FI router.

In the section with WI-FI settings, select the authentication method, then the encryption algorithm, and then enter the key password) to access WI-FI.

  1. Where “authentication” is indicated, you must select WPA2. This is new and at the same time a good option security.
  2. We will set the encryption algorithm to “AES”.
  3. Well, don’t forget about the password for WI-FI. To do this, use the “Key” field and enter a set of numbers and letters there.

After making the settings, do not forget to save, and then, if necessary, reboot the router itself.

These steps are enough to set up a password for WI-FI. When you continue to connect to the network, .

That's all for me! I hope you already know how to set a password for a wifi network in just a couple of clicks. If you still have questions for me, please ask them in the comments. And don’t forget to enter your name at the end of the article email address and receive my lessons on it. Peace for everyone!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

The topic of this article is how to set a password for a WiFi network. Such networks are widespread. Almost every home already has wireless router or modem. But the manufacturer does not install keys for connecting via wireless communication. This is done so that the buyer can freely enter the settings menu and set their values.

It is worth noting that after purchasing and connecting to the interface for the first time, the manufacturer strongly recommends installing new key to access settings. On some router models, the user is not even given the right to choose. That is, you will definitely have to change your login and password. It is also recommended to make security settings.

Setting up a security key for a wireless connection

So, how to set a password for a WiFi network. First, let's answer the question why this is necessary. The fact is that the access point, be it a router or wireless modem, has a fairly large range of action. This means that not only you will be able to connect to the created group.

Very often, this is used by attackers or simply lovers of “freebies”. But if you don't unlimited Internet(service package from the provider), then such unauthorized guests can greatly harm you. In addition, you risk losing confidential data or getting a virus on your computer. Therefore, manufacturers wireless equipment It is strongly recommended to set complex passwords.

How to set a password on WiFi: Video

How to encrypt your home Wi-Fi network

So we come to the main question, how to set a password for a private WiFi network. As you already know, to organize such groups, routers, modems or other devices with wireless adapter. IN in this case We will talk specifically about routers. All security settings are set in the router settings. So first, let's enter the device settings menu.

We will look at how to set a password for a WiFi Internet connection using the D-LinkDIR-615 router as an example. So, we connect to the device using a cable or wirelessly. Now you need to open your browser. IN address bar register the IP of your router. In my case, the address is

It is worth noting that this IP address is used in most cases. But, sometimes you can find these -, or As a rule, all the necessary data is indicated in the instructions for the device or on the router itself (carefully inspect the router from all sides).

How to easily find out the IP address of a WiFi router: Video

Press "Enter". Now the system asks you to enter your username and password. Initially, the equipment manufacturer sets the following values ​​– admin, admin, respectively. Click “Ok” and get to the settings menu.

How to set a password for home here? Internet WiFi? Everything is very simple. At the bottom of the screen you need to find and click the “Advanced settings” button. After this there will be several additional windows. We are interested in the “WiFi” section, where you should enter the security settings.

In the window that opens, you can change only one parameter - network authentication. This is nothing more than a type of encryption. The default value is “Open”. This means that on this moment your network is not protected in any way. So, we need to choose the encryption type. It is recommended to install WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed as this is the strongest cipher that provides high level protection.

After this, a line will appear in which you must enter the key. In some cases, the system automatically generates secure code and offers it. You, in turn, can leave it or change it to your own. After that, click “Apply”. That's all, now you know how to install.

How to connect to a WiFi router: Video

But what if you are using a modem and not a router? How to put a password on wireless Internet WiFi modem? Everything is extremely simple. The point is that the settings wireless router absolutely identical to the modem parameters. These devices work in a similar way. The only differences are in the names of some sections. However, the setting principle is the same.

Just as with a router, you need to connect to the device and enter the IP address in the browser. After this, enter your login and password (admin, admin) and get to the modem menu. Find it here WiFi settings and open security settings. Then everything is as described above. Now you know the answer to the question of how to set a password for a private WiFi network. This will improve security and prevent unauthorized connections intruders.

I have more than 10 years of experience in the IT field. I am engaged in designing and setting up commissioning works. We also have extensive experience in building networks, system administration and working with access control and video surveillance systems.
I work as a specialist at the Techno-Master company.

Wireless WiFi network – great way for organizing a home network. You can connect to it not only mobile devices, but also desktop computers. This way you can significantly reduce the number of wires in your home. However, the WiFi network has one drawback. It is available to everyone within the coverage area of ​​the access point. In order to minimize the risks associated with this, you need to set a password for WiFi. In this material we will talk about how to set a WiFi password on a D-Link router.

Step No. 1. Go to the web interface.

Any router is managed through the so-called web interface. The web interface is a small website that is hosted on the router itself. Using this site, you can manage your router and change all settings. Therefore, if you want D-Link on your router, then you first need to log into the web interface.

To enter the web interface, open any browser and enter . If you don’t know what IP address your router is accessible at, then try first, and then In most cases, one of these IP addresses is used.

After you enter the router's IP address in the address bar, you will see an authorization form to log into the router's web interface. Here you need to enter the login and password for the router. Without this data, you will not be able to log into the web interface and set a WiFi password.

At this stage, it very often turns out that the user has forgotten or does not know the login/password for the router. If you also find yourself in a similar situation, then the following tips should help you:

  • If you have not changed the login and password for the router, then you should try entering the standard login and password. In most cases on D-Link routers The following login/password pairs are used: admin/admin, admin/password or user/user. Try them all, one after another.
  • If your router was set up by another person, then contact him and ask for the password.
  • As a last resort, you can reset the router settings. After resetting the settings, you will be able to log into the web interface using the standard login and password. But, you need to take into account that after resetting the settings, the router will have to be configured again.

Step No. 2. Go to the section with WiFi settings.

So, after you have entered correct login and password, the router’s web interface should open in front of you. Next you need to go to the section with Wi-Fi settings. On D-Link routers, this section is called “SETUP – Wireless Settings”. In some cases, in order to access the settings you will need to additionally click on the “MANUAL WIRELESS NETWORK SETUP” button (see screenshot).

Step No. 3. Change the “Security Mode” parameter.

After this, a page for manually setting up a Wi-Fi network will open in front of you. If your router does not have a WiFi password set at all, then you need to start by changing the “Security Mode” parameter from “None” to “WPA-Personal”. This parameter sets the method WiFi protection networks. “None” mode means that protection is disabled and no password is used. While “WPA-Personal” provides optimal security and allows you to set a password for Wi-Fi.

Step No. 4. Set a password.

After changing the “Security Mode” parameter, we can set a WiFi password on our D-Link router. To do this, enter New Password into the "Pre-Shared Key" text field.

Once you have entered the new WiFi password, all that remains is to save the changes. To do this, click on the “Save Settings” button. Typically, in the web interface of D-Link routers, this button is at the top of the page.

That's it, you have set a password for WiFi router D-Link. After rebooting the router, the changes will take effect and in order to connect to Wi-Fi you will have to enter a new password.

Today, wireless networks have become extremely widespread and are used both at home and in production. This is due to the fact that you can easily connect to such a network within the range of the router. The mobility of the device that is connected also increases, since there is no need for a cable. In addition, money is saved on the purchase of wire and time on its installation.

No password. What to do?

Despite all positive points, it is worth taking care of the security of the network, since without a password anyone can connect to it without permission and who are within the range of the router. Such connections lead to a drop in speed, as well as additional costs for traffic used by others. To prevent this from happening, measures must be taken.

Many users are very often interested in this question, although there are quite a lot of answers to it, especially since each router comes with instructions for setting a password. Some people don't want to read it, others just don't understand, but setting a password is not the most difficult task.

Principles for setting a password

Today there is a large number of various models routers, but they have the same configuration principles. The first step is to check that the router is configured correctly. If everything is entered correctly, then the device will have access to the Internet. If the exit is in global network is not possible, this means that the router settings are incorrect. You must enter the data following the device instructions and the provider's recommendations.


When the router is configured correctly and the computer connects to the Internet, you need to set a Wi-Fi password. This can be done using a computer or laptop. It does not matter how the devices are connected - via cable or wirelessly. You can also set a password using a tablet or smartphone.

To do this, you need to launch a browser on your computer. After downloading it, you need to enter in the address bar, but sometimes this does not work, then you should enter This should help.

Login to the interface

When the interface loads, a window will appear on the screen in which you must enter your username and password. To make things easier, manufacturers specify the value admin on each line. If after entering this username and password you cannot enter the settings, there may be two reasons for this.

One of them may be changing the login and password when installing the router. In this case, you should find out this information from the technician who set up the router. If this cannot be done, then you need to return the factory settings and change the password and login yourself.

Otherwise, the default values ​​on the router are different. As a rule, the changed login and password are indicated on the bottom of the router or in the instructions.

After you have successfully logged in, a page for setting up the router will appear on the screen. Each device has it, but the setup principles are practically the same. Very often there are models that do not support the Russian language. This may cause difficulties for users who do not understand English language or they don’t know him well enough.

Verification algorithm

Here you should go to manual setting, where you need to find the item responsible for safety. It will require you to set a password. To do this you need to find the tab network check authenticity, in which several algorithms will be proposed. The most reliable of them is WPA2-PSK.

After this, the “Encryption Key” field will appear, in which you need to enter a combination of characters that will serve as a password to connect to the router. It is recommended that the password contain letters and numbers. The length of the combination must not be less than eight characters.
After this, you need to click on the “Save” button and the system will issue a notification that the password change was successful.