How to charge your phone faster from your computer. method - replacing a more powerful power supply

Today on the agenda is a question that is very popular and will be useful to every user of an Android phone. Let's imagine a situation: you received a Sotmarket promotional code, buy yourself a smartphone, and start using it. But it often happens that you need to go somewhere, but the phone is discharged, and there is only time left to charge it by a maximum of 5%, admit it, this has happened?

What to do?

There are several ways and here is the first of them. If you need to quickly charge your device, you need to charge it by connecting the original charger through an adapter to a power outlet. In this case, the smartphone will charge much faster than when you connect it to your laptop only via a USB cable.

Another charging option

The next trick is to use Airplane Mode while the phone is charging. You, of course, will not be able to receive calls and messages during the charging time, but this way you can achieve a stronger filling of the battery with energy in a shorter period of time.

Turning off the phone

If you are very pressed for deadlines, the best solution is to turn off your smartphone. So he will not spend energy at all, but will only receive it. Naturally, in this case it is better to charge the device from an outlet.

Limitation of capabilities

If you turn off your phone or switch it to airplane mode, it is not possible, the option of turning off unnecessary ones will suit you. this moment functions. This could be a GPS connection, a wireless network adapter, Bluetooth, etc. These interfaces take up some of the battery charge, and when they are turned off, you can charge your smartphone faster.

Hands off!

The last tip is that you should not touch your smartphone while it is charging. You don’t have to disable any functions, don’t limit modes, or set your device to vibrate. Just don’t check the charge level every minute, let the phone charge quietly and you will be happy.

To increase time battery life gadgets on Android, manufacturers are forced to increase battery capacity. But at the same time, the charging time of the Android device becomes longer. And the question becomes more and more urgent - how to enable fast charging and check if it supports this function your device?

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What is Quick Charge?

A phone that goes off at the wrong time is already a reason bad mood for almost everyone modern man. There are several ways to “reanimate” a phone. This is an adapter for a battery, a power bank, or an adapter with the Quick Charge function. Let's look at Quick Charge in more detail.

Quick Charge is a modern development from Qualcomm, which became the first among fast charging standards. This technology works by increasing the current supplied to the battery from the power supply.

There are already three Quick Charge updates:

  1. Quick Charge 2.0. The battery is charged to 50% in approximately 30 minutes
  2. Quick Charge 3.0. The battery charges to 80% in about 35 minutes
  3. Quick Charge 4.0. According to research, it is more effective previous version by 20% and almost does not heat the case. The current voltage is selected individually for each gadget and charging period

Most of the technology is in the power supply, and the processor is responsible for controlling current and voltage.

Fast charging function

The main function of Quick Charge is to recognize the current state of the battery and properly regulate the power supply of the gadget. Thanks to this, charging from 0 to 60% will be much faster than from 60 to 100%. This makes it possible to charge the device from 0 to 50% in 30 minutes. Proper power regulation will prevent high voltage and current from harming the battery.

How to enable fast charging

When purchasing a new smartphone, many users begin to understand it and wonder how to enable fast charging. In order to quickly charge the device, you need the smartphone itself, which supports this function, a powerful power supply, which also supports accelerated charging and USB cable. Any additional measures no need. The function itself is activated during charging, provided that the device supports Quick Charge.

At the moment, there are already many smartphones that support this function. Namely: Xiaomi Mi6, Xiaomi Mi Max, HTC 10, Meizu MX6, LG G6, Moto X Force, Galaxy S8 and so on. A more complete list can be found on the Qualcomm website.

How to disable fast charging

Quick Charge is a great feature that allows you to charge your phone many times faster. But there is one negative point in it, which poses a significant threat. This is heating of the body and insides of the gadget, which can cause permanent damage.

Not all devices have the option to disable fast charging. Some firmwares have it. To check for this feature, go to the battery settings menu. If you cannot disable the function programmatically, then there are two options for resolving the issue:

  1. change
  2. buy a less powerful charger

If you enable fast charging, what's the harm?

It has long been no secret that slower charging is more gentle on the battery than fast charging. A side effect of fast charging is that the case heats up. Heat almost always has a bad effect on any electronic devices. And yet, at the moment there is no absolute evidence that frequent use Fast charging Quick Charge negatively affects the performance of the battery and the device as a whole.

The average lifespan of a smartphone is about 1.5-2 years. During this time, the user will not have time to exhaust all battery resources. The wear and tear will be the same as using a conventional charger.

If you have any questions regarding Quick Charge, write in the comments.

Answers on questions

Fast charging does not work. What could be the reason?

Make sure your device and power adapter support Quick Charge. Also, the malfunction of the function is affected by a possible breakdown of the smartphone, adapter or USB cable.

Oh oh. Have you forgotten that you were going to dine with your beloved wife, who is supposed to meet you in a luxurious restaurant? But what's wrong with that? The problem is that your smartphone battery is already running low, and you need to be accessible outside the office.

And then you start to think, maybe you can postpone lunch with your wife, but perhaps this development of events will upset her? Or maybe there is a way that will allow you to quickly charge your smartphone or tablet in the time you still have left? The good news is that there is indeed a very simple a way to charge your smartphone and tablet up to 50% faster.

Probably, each of us has encountered a similar case when we needed to quickly charge a smartphone or tablet. In this small article we will try to tell you about simple actions, which will help charge your smartphone or tablet twice as fast.

Did you know this?

Please note that the power generated by the battery in your smartphone or tablet will feed a bunch of hungry radio modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, mobile network radio module). If you turn off all radio stations on your device, then you can charge your gadget about 30–40% faster. It is also worth not forgetting about other two very important battery consumers: the processor and the display. The display can be turned off by locking your smartphone or tablet, but what should you do with the processor and why does it consume energy if the device is locked? The fact is that there are many applications running in the background, and the device uses CPU, for this we recommend that you unload all running programs. By turning off the display and unloading all applications, you will be able to increase the efficiency of the charging process by 10–20%.

Here's how simple solutions may affect the charging process. If you have never thought about this, believe me, you will be surprised that in such a short time your smartphone or tablet will be sufficiently recharged, and this charge will be enough for the entire duration of lunch. This way you can meet your wife and be in touch all the time.

Once again step by step: what to do to charge your smartphone and tablet up to 50% faster?

  • First– put your device into airplane mode. This way you will turn off all power-hungry radio modules;
  • Second- unload everything running applications in the background (we finish their work);
  • Third– turn off the display, just lock the gadget. We do not use the device while charging;
  • And of course, don’t forget to charge your phone :).

The only downside is that while the phone is in airplane mode, the radios are turned off, which means you won't be able to make or receive calls. But heck, there are also landline phones.

If you are interested in other questions, go to ours, there is something to read there. Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

So, imagine that you come home in the evening. It doesn’t matter from work, from school or just after shopping. The only important thing is that a friend unexpectedly called you and asked you to meet in an hour at a cafe. And, as usually happens, at the end of the conversation your phone announced that the battery was low. This is a very dear person to you, so it will not be possible to refuse or reschedule the meeting. You understand that the journey will take you about 20-30 minutes, which means you have about half an hour left to charge the phone, which is 15-20% of the charge. Few, even very few. After all, you have never been to this cafe before and you may have to call your friend and find out where it is and where he is. But you are not sure that by this moment your smartphone will not run out.

Any modern mobile device even in background continues its vigorous activity. For update social networks, weather widgets, news, balance, exchange rates and other services consume a lot of energy. Of course, you can turn off all synchronization on your phone manually, but this will take time that you no longer have. But that's not all. The radio module of the smartphone constantly scans cellular network, which also takes a lot of battery resources. Yes, you can enable Airplane mode. Then all processes that used mobile network will stop working. However, there will still be many system processes, which do not depend on the presence of communication. So what to do?

The solution is simple. You must completely turn off your smartphone/tablet and connect it to a power source. When turned off, the device will not waste energy, but only receive it. In other words, 100% of the charge entering the battery will remain in it. Charging time is significantly reduced.

On the contrary, when the device is turned on, it also receives 100% charge, but immediately about 50% is spent on maintaining system processes and other services. Therefore, in reality, the gadget only gets half a charge, which increases the charging time.

Let's return to our story. Immediately after your friend called, you turned off the phone and set it to charge, while you yourself began to get ready for the meeting. In half an hour you are completely ready. Unplug your phone from charging, press the power button and go put on your shoes. Then leave the house, close the door and look at the screen of your smartphone. Oh, miracle! It was charged 50-60%. When used sparingly, this is enough to call your friend several times and even order a taxi at the end of the evening.

Extra 20% charge

As a bonus, I want to tell you about one more useful trick: how to increase your phone's charge by 20%. You may have noticed how a fully charged smartphone for some reason lost 20-30% of its charge for a very short period of time (15-20 minutes), and then the battery consumption continued as usual.

It’s unlikely that anyone today can imagine their normal day without a smartphone. This device is not only used for communication, but helps in study and work, and replaces a player, camera, computer and video camera. Therefore, if the gadget’s battery is discharged in inopportune moment, this could turn into a real disaster. How to quickly charge your phone, and what to do to maximize battery life - the answers to these questions are in our article.

Most owners mobile phones have devices on Android platform. If you need emergency charging of your gadget, you can use these life hacks.

  1. Put your smartphone into airplane mode. This option enables blocking of all signals coming to the device. Therefore, the battery will be able to charge 25% faster than in normal mode.
  2. Turn off your phone. This method will minimize energy costs. Of course, you won't be able to receive and send calls while charging. But if the situation is critical, sacrifices must be made.
  3. Give the gadget a rest. After placing the battery to charge, you need to move away from the device. After all, even just turning on the screen drains the battery.
  4. Remove the cover. This advice is especially relevant during the hot season. After all, in the protective shell the phone receives additional overheating to what is already present in environment. A cooled battery will be able to charge more efficiently.
  5. Charge using a power outlet. The USB port of a computer or laptop does not provide fast charging, just like popular wireless devices. Only standard cable and 220 Volt.
  6. Use a quality adapter. Cheap charging device not only reduce the charging speed, but also negatively affect the operation of the gadget. It is better to purchase a normal device from the manufacturer of your phone.

By using special programs You can speed up Android charging time. DU Battery Saver and Avast apps battery saver provide optimal energy consumption, increasing the operating time before the next charge by 15 - 30%.

Very fast iPhone charging

Device owners Apple can also significantly speed up the battery charging process if they use useful tips.

  1. Power saving mode helps your phone charge quickly. After all, the less energy the device consumes, the faster it will replenish its reserves. The iOS 11 model already has quick button switch to this mode, in older iPhones you should go to the battery settings.
  2. If you do not use the gadget while charging, the process will go much faster. When you have to go out and every minute counts, it’s better to turn off your phone altogether.
  3. With airplane mode turned on, you can charge your iPhone to 30-40 percent in half an hour. Indeed, in this state, network search, wi-fi, GPS and bluetooth are turned off, which affect the energy consumption of the device.
  4. If you remove protective case with an iPhone, charging will speed up significantly. The whole secret is in the heating of the battery, which occurs under additional “clothing” and requires energy to cool.
  5. In its terms of use, Apple recommends using original device, and also use a power outlet rather than a computer’s USB connector.
  6. If there is no other way out, and you have to use USB charging, you need to disable synchronization, which draws additional energy, and also make sure that the computer or laptop does not “fall asleep”.

To optimize battery consumption, you can use the application for iPhone Mobile Doctor pro.

Ways to quickly charge Windows Phone

New models Microsoft, such as the Lumia 950 XL, have a reconditioned battery with a feature that allows you to charge your phone very quickly. In just half an hour the battery accelerated by 50 percent.

But it would be useful for owners of smartphones of this brand to know the secrets of extremely fast charging.

  1. Do not touch the phone while charging. This way, the remaining battery power is used to backlight the screen and open applications.
  2. It is worth switching the gadget to “airplane mode”. This optimizes the operation of all applications and reduces the functionality of the device. But the battery replenishment speed increases.
  3. Radical and effective method- turn off the phone. Nothing will distract your smartphone from working to replenish energy.
  4. We must give up wireless charging and the method via the USB port of a computer. They work too slowly, so they are not suitable in an emergency.

It's worth purchasing a Powerbank. Then, if the drive is charged, you can connect the device to it, and charge it, albeit slowly, on the go, if you need to rush on the road.

It became clear how to charge the gadget as quickly as possible. Is it possible to use the precious charge that the battery has received especially carefully?

To do this you need:

  • close all currently unnecessary applications;
  • turn the screen brightness to minimum;
  • turn off mobile data, wireless network if you don't use them;
  • set in settings minimum time For automatic shutdown gadget screen and its lock;
  • remove additional vibration mode;
  • connect headphones to listen to music, do not use speakers;

turn off system sounds.
A following tips will help make your smartphone battery last much longer from one charging process to the next.

  1. It is better not to charge the gadget to 100 percent and not to discharge it to zero. It is better for the battery to be in a state of 40 - 80%, which extends its life. Therefore, if you choose between several charges a day for a couple of percent and complete emptying, and then fully charged, then preference should be given to the first option.
  2. Once every month or a month and a half, you should completely discharge the gadget’s battery, and then do full cycle charge to maximum. This process adjusts the battery threshold settings.
  3. It is necessary to use the original, so-called native charging device. Only it provides maximum safety device and retains the factory battery characteristics.
  4. Do not allow your smartphone to overheat or overcool. Temperatures below 40 or above 35 degrees are no longer suitable for using gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the device from the sun, heating devices and extreme weather conditions.
  5. If the battery is not in use, it is better not to store it completely discharged; it should be brought to at least 30 - 40 percent before removing it. Otherwise, after several months of improper storage, the battery will have to be thrown away.

By listening to the advice, you can make sure that your smartphone is always ready at right moment help with communication, work or study. It is very easy to follow the rules, you just need to have the desire.