How to make money on Vics. WIX as a blog builder

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Hello, dear readers and tomorrow's millionaires! Did you know that every day in small towns about 10 people open their own businesses? All these people need to be known! Professional agencies can create a simple but high-quality resource with information about the company for no less than 200,000 rubles. Not bad information for those who are interested in creating a website to make money, isn’t it?

Our article today will be mainly for those who want to make big money. However, I do not promise you mountains of gold or that all this will be very easy for you. We'll have to work. In this article, I will tell you why this can be beneficial for website creators, how much money you can expect, and how to use the disadvantages of budding entrepreneurs to your own advantage.

Let's talk about prices

Every businessman needs a beautiful website. But not everyone can pay 200,000 for it, and even more so, beginners.

Lack of funds is the main disadvantage of young entrepreneurs. As a rule, there are very few of them, but the activity is off the charts. In addition, one cannot ignore the understanding of young people that the Internet sphere is very important for promotion. If you are not on the Internet, you do not exist.

Add to this the ambitions of the younger generation. Everyone wants to become famous. Everyone understands that they need to become famous. The competitive ability is quite low, there is a lack of knowledge and skills, but there is a great desire to be the new Steve Jobs, and to quickly occupy your niche and start making a profit.

These two disadvantages play into the hands of those who know how to make websites to order, and their earnings directly depend on their skills in “selling”. Professional agencies hardly work with WordPress. There are shortcomings in the encoding and file architecture. For advanced specialists it is too simple, with significantly fewer features. But for a beginner it’s a pleasure to work here! A huge number of programs to help you work, simplified work with design and structure.

The easiest and most profitable way to earn money is to sell a website (). The lower price for it can be motivated by a simplified engine. The market price must be announced, but “Why should you bother with file architecture and codes? After all, working in complex systems requires additional knowledge, but WordPress does not require any special skills. In addition, everything will already be ready, clear logistics only adds advantages, you receive a finished product,” you will tell the client.

By communicating with the client personally, you can receive from the sale of the site from 30,000 rubles. Moreover, creation, if desired and diligent, will not take more than one day!

The first steps towards your own business

  • Beauty Salons.
  • Flower shops.
  • Photo studio.
  • Leading the wedding.

Agree, all these people do not have enough money to order a portal from prestigious companies, but they still want to tell about themselves...

It is best to go to the client prepared. Usually, companies offer to look at a portfolio, but I recommend going further: make a ready-made website.

You can create a prototype for free using the increasingly popular Wix service ( ). The age of the site affects the place in the search results, in addition, your client will see what you offer him. The customer will not have to wait long. The portal is already ready and just needs a little modification.

How to work with Vicks?

You can log in to the service via Google+, Facebook or register via email.

Here you will be offered a huge number of free templates, you don’t even have to make a website from scratch!

Look, let’s take this ready-made topic.

And we start having fun.

And this way you can create many websites. Vicks is incredibly easy to use. Working with design is a pleasure. The service provides free hosting, as well as a domain for one year, removal of your own advertising, connection to Google Analytics and $75 for advertising on the Internet when purchasing an annual subscription.

Working with the service is more like a game and you can “work” here for a very long time. However, there are also disadvantages. They won’t pay you much for this site, and there is a high probability that, having learned about the existence of the service, many cunning clients will decide to take their first steps in building a site, but without you.

I recommend that you practice designing with " Vixom " You can learn a lot from the professionals here. But I don’t recommend choosing it as the main engine for your resources ().

In our business, word of mouth is very important and one upset client who tries the system, and he will definitely do this, if only to add text, he will see that you have deceived him. He will definitely be upset, and if he doesn’t organize a seven-year war for you, in an attempt to squeeze the money back, he will definitely tell his friends what a bad person you are.

You can motivate your decision to abandon Vicks and switch to another engine by the fact that the service only works on one hosting. And he's pretty slow.

What is the best way to make a website? Try to implement everything on WordPress. It is not much more difficult for a person who understands, but it is incredibly difficult for someone who is ignorant of this issue. There will be no questions for you, because the person will see that you worked. He won’t really understand how, but the result will definitely please him. There will be no such bitter feeling of lies, betrayal and imperfection of the seller.

Several of your websites with good traffic will allow you to go to clients personally and “push” the finished product! The larger your audience, the more expensive it will cost. But don’t forget about the limit, beginners won’t pay you 200,000, but more advanced ones would be better off turning to large and prestigious companies.

Site exchanges

I suggest you go to clients in person. If the client has already started looking, then it is unlikely that he will turn to you. And here is a ready-made person with a good product - what else is needed?

If you don’t want to communicate or if a resource is lying around and no one wants to buy it, you can use exchanges:


Here you can buy portals that are already making a profit. The reason for the sale most often lies in the fact that the creators do not have time to keep track of everything. New projects appear, but a person does not turn into Ganesh with an extra pair of hands.

I’ll tell you honestly, a person who knows how to work on the Internet will never disappear, and even more so with a good portfolio. Very soon there will be people who will certainly need your services. Texts, design and good ready-made portals will always be in price. People will start contacting you!

Entrepreneurs always have little time to do advertising, even though they really need it. It is simply necessary to offer your services. After completing one or two projects in the city, they will learn about you and start contacting you directly, word of mouth will start working.

In addition, do not forget to create for the client to work in the site admin area. Don't inflate your prices, especially at first. Don't be afraid, over time you will talk about unrealistic busyness and raise your check. It’s one thing when you come with an offer, and it’s quite another when a person comes to you and wants something from you. This needs to be understood.

I learned this rule after losing a lot of money. An incredibly cool company approached me, and to my delight I quoted the amount at the usual rate as two or three times less than what I could have received. The guys were surprised and quickly accepted my conditions. I still work with them. Still, it's a little disappointing.

Although it’s not as if they were surprised by the low cost and decided to refuse cooperation. Large corporations are afraid of little money and often do not want to work with those who undervalue their work.

Additional earnings from “hanging” sites

Create your own website to make money, which you can later easily sell to a small company.

Let's say you live in Orel and your city is full of cafes with oriental cuisine. You are more than sure that another small restaurant of Caucasian cuisine will definitely open soon. This is normal for your region.

Here's an idea! Think about the domain right away. It’s great if you can sell it along with the site. Think: restaurant-57 (this is the code of the Oryol region), cuisine-oriental or food-Caucasus. Something general and meaningful, suitable for many establishments.

Create a , which can later be replaced with the name of the bar.

In the “About Us” category or directly on the main page, write an article, but not about a specific establishment, but say: “We are simple Oryol guys who love Caucasian food very much, but we know practically nothing about it. So we decided to figure out what was what. Actually, food will be discussed on our portal.” After the sale, you can change the text. Post some promotion with the ability to download coupons for lunch at a discounted price.

What else do restaurants usually need? Menu! Why not, you can attach articles to each photo: cooking recipes, production features, interesting facts about the dish, and so on. Everything that a potential audience of a news publication and a potential client is looking for. That’s right, try to be a blog that, if desired, can be easily converted into a selling website for a small company.

Until you sell the portal to a client, make money from site visitors. On my blog you can find articles where I tell you in detail how to do this. I won't go deeper into the topic.

Google Adsense and Yandex Direct will help with the search, advertising banners, teasers, links that some sites need. there is a small nuance with the latter; in this case, sell temporary links. Remember that later you will have to give your brainchild to your uncle with money and his own business. It will mercilessly remove every single link.

Look, let’s say it will take you a week to create a website. Then you can supplement it with new materials a couple of times a month and thus acquire a new audience, while simultaneously offering your resource to those in need.

At first, everything will not work out as successfully as we would like. But over time, you will learn to work quickly and make a profit in 2-3 months. At least 200 rubles a day. But this is already 6,000 per month. What if there are several sites? The more professionally you work, the more you will earn. You may not want to part with the site. In this case, ask the client for a larger amount. It’s not a fact that he will agree, but who cares! Offer him something else.

Look, your work will be paid in any case: either by advertising (using search engines), or by a client when purchasing a site.

I hasten to bow out on this. Create your own website to make money, don’t sit idle. In the future, we will definitely look at methods of making money on affiliate programs, don’t miss it. Appreciate your life and every moment of it. Time is money when you know how to sell it correctly! Subscribe to my blog, it's useful. True true.

When choosing a free website builder, I chose the WIX service. Although I have basic skills in creating websites using HTML code, saving free time and the ability to create a beautiful and functional website are much more important. Here they offer any novice webmaster to create their own website, even without special knowledge. In general, the advertising did its job. With such a significant advantage and functionality of the WIX constructor, my site is missing several features, which I cannot implement for free, or not at all. So, these are my reviews of WIX website builder.

I wouldn’t like to position them as negative and call them minuses, I’ll call them this:

What I'm missing in WIX. Reviews WIX website builder

1) Website directories do not see backlinks

When ordering registration services in, some of them require banners to be placed on the main page. I can't directly add them to the site. How to insert HTML code into WIX? It is possible to place it by adding the “Add HTML Code” application. This function creates a separate frame on the page, the code of which cannot be determined correctly by directories.

2) There is no free mailbox on WIX

Typically, when purchasing paid hosting, the user is allocated an e-mail on the hosting domain. WIX does not provide such a “bonus”. It is possible to get a mailbox from Google for 245 rubles per month. There is a fairly simple way out of this situation - connect your Yandex mailbox to your domain. Step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

3) Paid site search

Lack of free site search function. You can, of course, add a paid Site Search application for 120 rubles per month. Very convenient, beautiful and informative. Its free version allows you to perform only 30 search queries per month and synchronize the search database with site materials once a week.

Personally, it’s very convenient for me while browsing a site, if I find an interesting link, click on it with the mouse wheel and the page will open in a new tab, while the original page remains open to read later. On a site created in WIX, when you click with the mouse wheel, the link opens in the same window.

5) Back, back

In order to return to the previous page, you have to press the “Back” button 2 times.

7) You can print a page only through the browser menu

There is no simple function - a print page button. When adding HTML code through the “Adding HTML Code” application, only the text located in the frame created by this application is printed. That is, a blank page.

8) How to monitor comments

There is no way to track comments on blog posts in the WIX site control panel. As the amount of published material increases, it becomes impossible to control the texts left by visitors.

Wix is ​​one of the most famous and popular website builders. Today the number of its users is approaching 90 million. The site has been operating openly since 2008. The reason for this popularity is the wide capabilities and convenience of the service.

One quick glance is enough to understand that Wix is ​​a leader in its niche!


The free Wix website builder has a number of significant advantages compared to other similar services:

  • Over 500 different templates that are suitable for various business sectors. They can be used by those who are far from design and do not quite understand what exactly they want and need;
  • Support in Russian. There is a help desk, a separate forum and a group on the social network VKontakte;
  • Advanced features of the visual editor. It allows you to move any elements, insert and delete information anywhere on the page, and perform other actions.

The service allows you to set up redirects, connect analytics, and set an individual favicon. You can also set up SEO.

Create your website for free!


The high quality of ready-made templates and their quantity allow you to choose what you need in almost any area, be it an online store, a service website, a one-page website, etc. These are not just beautiful pictures, but also good functionality. Selecting the one you need is quite simple. All of them are divided by site types and niches. Separately, there is an overview of the most popular, as well as new ones:

Those who want to create their website design from scratch can use blank templates.

Almost all templates have a beautiful design. The design quality is excellent.

It is worth noting that the templates have a responsive design and will look equally good on both a computer and a mobile device:

You can preview a template before choosing a template.

An important factor is that the system allows you to use templates and create a website for free.

Create your website for free!


In addition to standard templates, each user can create their own individual website design; the system offers ample opportunities for this:

  • Background. The Wix online designer allows you to use not only the usual color scheme as a background, but also various pictures. The parallax effect allows you to add depth to your site. This possibility is achieved due to the difference in the speed of movement of various objects;
  • Menu. You can do it either traditionally or with anchors, which is most often used for long pages, landing pages, etc. An anchor allows you to leave a kind of link to a separate block on the page. You can also create a floating menu;
  • Lists. The user can style them as he wishes;
  • Video, photo, music. The user can add any images, player, video from his computer, Youtube and other video hosting sites;
  • Buttons. The system offers a choice of buttons for sites of various sizes and shapes. You can choose: rectangular, round, oval or with rounded corners;
  • Containers. They allow you to place photos, text, etc. in them that can attract the visitor’s attention.
  • Boundary lines. Allows you to make horizontal stripes. This is most often used on landing pages.
  • Styles. Users can upload sliders, panoramas, custom styles, and more.
  • There is a function for separate editing of standard and mobile versions.
  • Contacts. The user can create a feedback form, add a map, subscriptions, etc.
  • Social media. There is integration with almost all popular social networks and services.
  • Blog. You can also customize based on a ready-made layout.
  • Shop. Allows you to set up collections, design a product display, connect online payments, enter discount coupons, view orders, set delivery options, currency, language, etc.
  • App Market. You can add an app store to your website, which contains many widgets, paid and free.

In addition, the user can insert HTML code and Flash videos. It is possible to configure a login for users or an administrator, the panel of which has extensive capabilities and an impressive number of necessary functions:

The user can edit all added blocks, move them around the page, change their sizes, backgrounds, etc.

Moreover, all functions are clear and simple. It will not be difficult for a newbie to understand the system. Above each block there is an icon with quick access to the FAQ of a specific element. In addition, there is .

The service allows you to create an attractive business card website, blog or forum without any special knowledge. It is enough to have imagination and desire.

Create your website for free!


Each user receives a free third-level domain on the designer's website. In the case when a user wants to host a website on his domain, the service offers to upgrade to paid packages:

  • Connect Domain – cost per year – 123 rubles/month. You can connect your domain. In addition, the user receives 500 megabytes of disk space. However, Wix ads cannot be deleted;
  • Combo – 249 RUR/month. Free domain, 3 gigabytes of disk space, disable advertising, promotional code for 3000 rubles in Yandex Direct.
  • Unlimited – 375 RUR/month. Free domain, 10 gigabyte disk space, disable advertising, promotional code for 3000 rubles in Yandex Direct.
  • eCommerce – 488 RUR/month. Free domain, 20 gigabyte disk space, disabling advertising, promotional code for 3000 rubles in Yandex Direct. This tariff was created for creating an online store.

In addition to the continuous exchange of files and protocols, there is a lot of money circulating on the Internet. If you are looking for a new source of income or a part-time job in addition to your main job, then pay attention to the network: there are many options for earning money, among which it is not difficult to find something suitable.

With such a choice, however, it is easy to get confused. We are usually all for the trial and error method, but we would not dare to advise wasting time and effort on incomprehensible experiments when it comes to money.

However, there is a solution to this problem: you just need to carefully study the issue. We want to help you a little and offer ten promising areas for making money on the Internet. Check them out and think about which ones you can implement now.

01. Conduct online classes

Your knowledge and experience can become a good source of income. Are you good at knitting or are you an interesting teacher of chemistry? Great! Start giving online lessons and charging for access to learning materials.

02. Get involved in affiliate marketing

You can advertise various online services and products on the Internet. If thanks to you people register or make a purchase, you will receive a commission reward. Many companies have affiliate programs, and Wix does. This earning option is ideal for those who have a blog or website where you can write about the services and products of your partners.

03. Write texts

If you can write well, then know that it is an invaluable skill. A variety of customers really need you: large companies - to write technical documents and manuals; for applicants - to prepare resumes or motivation letters; small business owners - for writing marketing texts and many, many others.

04. Make websites with Wix

You can’t imagine how many times we see the same story: a person needs a website, he makes it on Wix, he likes both the process and the result, he publishes the website on the Internet, and suddenly requests from friends and acquaintances start pouring in: make it for me same! In general, the idea of ​​Wix is ​​that anyone can make a website, but in practice it turns out that not everyone has the time to do this. So why don't you make websites for money? If you have extensive experience in creating websites on Wix, you can join Wix Arena - a special platform for web designers that will help attract clients and create custom Wix websites.

05. Open an online consulting agency

And consult people on topics that you are knowledgeable about. These could be issues of finance, health, legislation, in general, anything. You can work only online or combine online consultations with personal meetings.

06. Do research

The Internet is an inexhaustible source of information. Companies are constantly searching for business information, some are researching their ancestry, and writers are researching reference materials. Not everyone has the ability to thoroughly check data, so people often prefer to hire someone who is willing to do research work for money. This person can be you.

07. Open an online store

Online sales continue to grow, which means that selling goods online is a good and promising idea. With Wix, you can quickly launch your own and start an online retail business without any extra cost or effort.

08. Work as an editor or translator

It's very simple: the customer sends you a text for proofreading, literary editing or translation, you do what is needed and send the completed task to the client. This simple work does not take much effort, and you always have time and resources to develop your projects.

09. Become an SMM specialist

10. Sell your creativity

Do you want to earn extra money, but, being a creative person, do not want to sit through everyday life in the office? Then start selling what you create: illustrations, cartoons, videos, handmade candles, custom songs and anything else that your rich imagination tells you. IN

For readers of our blog, we systematically publish information on how you can quickly and easily create a high-quality website at minimal cost.

In the service that we will consider today, there will be no costs required at all, and the domain and hosting will be provided free of charge.

We will talk about the Wix service, which has been operating since 2006 and already has a huge user base.

All that is required from users who want to get a site is to indicate their Email and come up with a password to enter the site, after which they will immediately be prompted to create a site.

Wix Project

Use Wix get Flash website for free and use it as your own business.

To tell you more about this service, we will create a platform, and at the same time we will report to you:

1 . After you provide the information required for registration, the system will automatically redirect you to a page with a catalog of templates:

On this page we will need to select the external design for the future site. To finalize the template and customize it “for yourself,” you need to click the “editor” button, it can be seen in the screenshot above.

After this it will open Site Editor, which is intuitive to use. All you need to do to change the design is select different blocks with your mouse cursor and move them in the desired direction.

In addition, you can change texts, remove unnecessary blocks, correct the menu, and all this is done right in the editor:

2. Once you've customized the template, save the project and follow the instructions. In the next step you will be asked to place your website on the Internet, agree to the terms, indicate the name of the site, as well as some other parameters (for example, title or description of the site).

3. Once a site is posted online, you can check it using the address that was specified when it was published. As an example, we created a project there and it is worth noting that it took no more than a couple of minutes:

Of course, it is quite difficult to call this project high-quality, but do not forget that we spent very little time on its creation.

After performing several not at all difficult steps, we got ready site, which can be used for various purposes.

To get a domain for a site, go to settings and select “Site Address”, then go to the colored block and enter the address that you will use for a year: