How to make money selling domains step by step instructions. Earning money by reselling domain names

good way earning money at home.

You can earn thousands of dollars and more in this business. To do this, you will only need to register domains in your name for the purpose of further resale.

Selling beautiful domains

In such a business, everything depends only on you, on your instincts and intuition. Your task is to choose a free, beautiful domain name and register it in your name. After which, you put these domain names on the exchange, where they are sold. There is another option - to offer registered domains to various companies that are interested in purchasing a domain of your topic.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to implement domain auction among several companies that are contenders to purchase your domain. I would like to note that as a result of such auctions, the price increases several times if the lot is “valuable”.

Factors influencing domain value:

  • domain age
  • Domain name
  • domain zone (,, domain_name.rf,
  • TIC and PR indicators (if in simple language, then this is the authority of the resource)

The domain can be sold as an independent unit, or with a ready-made website. In the second case, additional factors are added to the cost of the domain name - site design and content, site authority in search engines.

The most expensive deals for buying and selling domains

Domain business is actively developing all over the world. The cost of domains can amount to thousands of dollars and this is not the limit. You can get hundreds of dollars for a domain name that sounds decent and several thousand dollars for a nice name.

Here are examples of transactions that have gone down in history. To reach such heights, you need to try hard. So, the most expensive domain, which was sold for 14 million dollars, just listen to this figure, this is the domain In second place in our ranking is the domain, which sold for over $7 million. On the third place -, the deal was worth about $7 million.

Exciting numbers, aren't they? As a result, the new owners received beautiful domain names, which will help them promote their products in the future. And the user who created such a domain became a real millionaire.

Beautiful domain names are a promising business idea. People buy domains for 20-30 dollars, and then sell them for several thousand dollars, or even more. Why don’t you try to make this idea a reality yourself?! After all, selling domains is a promising niche. All you have to do is find and come up with a domain that will be worth millions in the future.

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Yes, the guys put on another thriller. It’s so believable that you’re amazed.

Earning money on Antique Domains site review.

This is a scam, albeit a clever one. Yes, domains are for sale. Yes, everything is plausible. But not completely. You will see all this later. Here the prices are almost the same. I can list them all easily and simply. The authors did not think through this issue, which would immediately arouse suspicion. What kind of auction is this with only seven prices? We will announce them right away, since they will cheat you out of such sums. Let's highlight everything in red so you know. You can't pay that kind of money. This is a scam. 480, 640, 860, 975 1230, 987, 199 rubles . These are all the auction prices that gullible people are being scammed at. This cannot happen in nature. Forgot. Everything is designed for suckers and narrow-minded people. But we are not suckers to buy into this nonsense. And I will definitely prove that this is a scam. First. All payments go through a fraudulent service It doesn't seem strange that the auction is running through a fraudulent platform. Personally, this immediately caught my eye. Well, no auction can carry out payments through someone unknown.

Earning money on Antique Domains reviews.

Reviews are all the product of the author’s imagination. You can't believe a word there. The reviews are all lies and provocation to make people believe that everything works. Experts have not yet had time to pay attention to this miracle of nature in their reviews. But this particular scam has already risen to the top. Slowly, but very confidently, he is moving towards the top of the rankings. But more on that later.

Do not forget that scammers do not sleep and often change website addresses and company names. Therefore, remember the characters and cabinets so that later, all this can be determined. The main thing is attentiveness.

What happens to the domain? Yes, as always, he registered specifically for this scam. What exchange and domain auction can we talk about if the domain was registered on March 24, 2017, that is, yesterday. Hosting in general has already become boring. It's a favorite of scammers. CloudFlare, Inc. – United States, California, San Francisco o. Let its creators forgive me, but it’s time for them to think about the main thing and stop this chaos. God be with them. Our task is to be fully armed and not fall for the bait of scammers. There is no website as such. There is a page on the Internet and that’s it. There is nothing else on this site. This is proof of a scam.

Making money on Antique Domains and domain auctions is a scam and fraud.

Well, then everything follows the already established pattern. A professional announcer tells how he makes good money and what huge sums he makes. Yes, 300 thousand per week, that’s a lot of money. But why exactly this amount, and not a million? After all, by investing a lot of money here you can make a million in a day.

Registration is primitive, that is, to divert attention. As always, I type all sorts of nonsense and I’m already in the office. Let's not dwell on this. Well, then the work itself. Our task is to buy a domain so that we can sell it at a higher price later. The page is made primitively. An auction can't look like that. You can see this for yourself, now you can see for yourself.

We are trying to buy a domain. What do we see? We get to the payment page for the service. Can you imagine such an auction? I personally don't. This is a complete scam of money. I immediately realized that there was simply no auction.

Earning money on Antique Domains and domain auction is a scam and the author.

Who is the author of this creative opus? Earning money on Antique Domains and domain auction was written and promoted by someone alphabet. He hasn’t been included in our reviews yet, which means he’s new. Well, people are haunted by the fame of Ostap Bender. They are all trying to become his followers. So here it is. He has already attracted 25,219 people to his scam, and this in one day. Made 360 ​​sales. His total income is already 163 thousand rubles. Yes, our people quickly part with their money.

Conclusions. Earning money on Antique Domains and domain auctionThis is a scam and a scam. No domains can be sold. This is all a deception and a scam for money. People, come to your senses! This is already a cry from the heart. I'm just sorry for your lost money.

Brief summary. The reviews are all drawn by the author. No auction antique domains not in nature. The site was registered only yesterday. Registration is formal, which is unacceptable in normal sites. There are only five prices in the auction, which goes against the nature of the auction. All payments go through a fraudulent service I think I have convinced you not to pay on this service. You will never see money there. This is another scam, and done very stupidly.

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Today, at the request of our regular reader, we will consider one of modern methods making money on the Internet – making money on domains. After reading this article, you will learn what options there are for making money on domains, what cybersquatting, reselling, interception, and parking of domains are, why these methods of making money are interesting, what their advantages and disadvantages are, what the risk is for a person who wants to make money selling domains, and what he may get as a result. Thus, firstly, you will increase your financial horizons, and secondly, you will draw conclusions whether making money on domains is interesting to you specifically.

What is a domain?

To begin with, just a little theory so that everyone understands what we are talking about.

Domain(or Domain name) - these are the letters and symbols that you type in the browser line to get to the site, we can say that this is the identifier of the site on the Internet..

Domain name consists of a unique identifier and a non-unique domain zone designation, which is written separated by a dot. There are international domain zones(for example, .com, .net, .info, etc.) and domain zones tied to a specific country (.ru, .рф, .ua, etc.).

Absolutely anyone can register any unoccupied domain name for any desired period (further, if desired, they can extend this period). The exception is names in certain domain zones that require the provision of certain documents. To do this, you need to contact any domain registrar or reseller in the desired domain zone. Once a particular domain name is registered to one owner, no one else can take it. However, if the domain registration expires in the future and the owner does not renew it, the domain name will become vacant and will be put up for sale by the registrar.

The domain registration service is paid, but inexpensive. Its cost depends on the period for which the domain is paid for: the longer the term, the lower the cost per month or year of registration. On average, domain registration for a year costs 10-20 dollars, and in a number of domain zones it costs even less.

How to make money on domains?

Now let's talk about how you can make money on domains. In its financial essence, it is speculative earnings, carried out according to the principle “bought cheaper - sold more expensive.” However, at the same time, it has a number of unique features.

In particular, you must have good creativity, good instincts and understanding of the domain name market, be able to search for and find buyers for domains, and, of course, have .

To make money on domains using any of the methods that will be discussed below, the most important thing is to really understand the value and cost of each domain name, to be able to select those that can really be resold profitably.

History knows examples when global domain names, registered on time at their standard price, were resold, attention, for millions of dollars! And in RuNet - for hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Let's highlight several key areas for making money on domains:

  1. Domaining– registration of domains for the purpose of resale.
  2. Cybersquatting– registration of domains for a specific brand for the purpose of resale;
  3. Domain Reselling– mediation between domain registrars and registrars;
  4. Domain interception– tracking domains with expiration dates for the purpose of redemption and further resale;
  5. Domain parking– earnings on empty domains until they are sold;
  6. Renting domains– transfer of the domain name for management with the collection of rent.

Now let's look at all these ways to make money on domains in more detail.

Domaining (registration and sale of domains).

So, the simplest and most common option is to make money by selling domains by selling domain names for more than the cost of registering them.

To engage in domaining, you can either register domains from scratch or buy already registered ones in order to sell them at an even higher price. The most important thing in this way of earning money is to be able to see the potential in a specific domain name and not make mistakes. Because if the registered or purchased domain is not sold, then your activity in this direction will be unprofitable: you will incur expenses and will not receive income.

When choosing domains for resale, you should follow the following rules:

  1. The shorter the domain name, the more expensive it can be sold.
  2. An expensive domain name must contain popular words or their transliteration (for example, in the financial sector - finance, forex, invest, money, business, dengi, finansy, biznes, etc.). Moreover, for domains in international domain zones the English word will be more important, and for Russian-language zones - transliteration.
  3. The more popular a domain zone, the more expensive domain names are.

The most relevant areas for domaining now are:

  • Business, investments;
  • Auto;
  • Real estate;
  • Tourism;
  • Construction;
  • Services.

You can buy and sell domains on special websites – domain auctions, as well as on popular webmaster forums.

Cybersquatting is the purchase or registration of domain names for the purpose of further resale. Translated from English, it means “domain capture”. With a competent approach to business, a cybersquatter has a chance to build his own business, which will bring good profits.

To begin with, a domain name is purchased from a seller - a registrar or on a special exchange, and then resold for a high price. The point is to have time to take a successful domain and sell it for good money.

It is unlikely that domains like will be in demand, but or will be of interest to many webmasters. Since users often misspell website addresses, owners of similar domain names receive good traffic to their resources.

How to search for domains for resale?

  • Your own ingenuity and imagination. You can go through known resources and try to check available domains by changing one or two characters ( typosquatting), for example, –, –, or register the same name in another domain zone: ru, com, рф, etc. You can also use areas of other steps, but their resale value will be several times lower.
  • Domain interception, i.e. re-registration of known addresses that were forgotten to renew. This method is often used by experienced cybersquatters. The fact is that upon registration, a domain name is transferred to its owner only for temporary use, for no longer than one year, then within a month there is an opportunity to renew it. There are often cases when the owner simply forgets to renew the term of use of the domain name, which is where it works savvy cybersquatter, registering it in his name and reselling address to the former owner already more expensive, or is looking for another buyer.

Benefits of making money by reselling domains

Tips for those who want to make money by reselling domains

  • New domains must be registered only through verified registrars, for example,, 2domains, (for Ukraine). Otherwise, you can give money, and after a while you discover that the domain belongs to a completely different person;
  • When selecting a domain, it is best to use verification services search queries By keywords . Short phrases by high frequency queries users – an ideal domain that will collect decent traffic;
  • The procedure for transferring a domain to a new owner requires re-registration with certified documents from a notary. When registering, you should find out about the availability of a faster re-registration procedure. Some registrars simplify this procedure. To do this, the owner will need to write consent to remote transfer domain management rights;
  • With the development of the Internet, there are new zones for domain name registration. Experienced cybersquatters take advantage of this and occupy similar profitable addresses in all zones at once;
  • To purchase attractive release addresses, you can use special services. Such auctions are held on and ru-center.

Financial prospects of cybersquatting

The domain reselling business is commercially attractive. It is worth remembering only the grandiose transactions of addresses that were once successfully registered.

For example, the domain, which was received by its first owner absolutely free, back in the 90s, was sold for 14 million US currency! This is the undisputed leader in the top of the most expensive resold domains.

Impressive sums were also received for the sale of:

  • – 7 million;
  • – 3.5 million;
  • – 3.25 million;
  • – 3 million.

And this is only a small part of successfully completed transactions. In RuNet, of course, the amounts are not so large compared to foreign ones, but here too there are leaders.

For example, was bought for 250 thousand dollars, cost 92 thousand US dollars, and for the new owner had to pay 80.6 thousand dollars.

The prospects are good, and with the expansion of domain zones for registrations, the earning potential is only increasing. The main thing is to have time to get an attractive domain, and better than tens such addresses, and sooner or later there will definitely be buyers for them.

Buy a domain, sell a domain, register a domain - make money on domains.

Opportunity make money on domains now available to anyone! This niche is relatively free. Hurry up to participate before others get ahead of you.

In 2009, in September, beloved by the inhabitants of the Runet domain RU took a new height - 2300000 registered domain names. By the way, this same year on April 7th was the anniversary of the Runet - 15 years!

2,300,000 - the figure, at first glance, is not bad, but if you look at it from a different angle, it becomes obvious that best years domain zone RU more to come.

Let's look at the distribution domain registrations.RU by region. Statistics from the Department of Statistical Research will help us Ru-Center. It turns out that 38% of all registered in RU zone names fall on our capital, Moscow. It is followed by St. Petersburg (7%), followed by the Moscow region (6.7%). ATTENTION! A little over 1% registrations in.RU falls on the Sverdlovsk, Rostov, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions and the Krasnodar Territory. The remaining regions have not even reached this level.

Thus, the development prospects are simply colossal! Recently Dmitry Medvedev complained about the insufficient pace of development digital technologies and in particular Internet speeds in Russia.

Low speed Internet connections, relatively high cost, inaccessibility in remote and not so remote regions are negative factors that, according to the instructions of our president, must be overcome. A special federal program has been developed.

What I mean is that a surge in the popularity of the Internet among Russians is inevitable, thanks to lower prices, increased availability and quality. New users, new webmasters, new demand, new offers. As can be seen from the statistics, Russia, excluding the very center, is a continuous white spot, unplowed virgin land for domain registrar.

It is clear that the very existence, expansion, and development of the Internet is impossible without DOMAINS.And on domain sales can and should be good earn, get your piece of the sweet pie.

What is a domain?

Domain name (domain) is a unique alphanumeric designation (including the letters A to Z, numbers 0 to 9, and the hyphen "-") that is mandatory element Internet addresses. Domain name allows you to identify a website or address Email on the Internet.

Domain registration- a naturally in-demand service, because without domain It is impossible to create a website. A domain is simultaneously the name, face and door of any website.

Who registers domains?

If we talk about the zone RU And RF, then the “most important”, law-creating and law-issuing, responsible body is

Coordination center of the RU domain- a non-profit organization created in 2001 to develop domain name registration rules V domain RU, accreditation of registrars and research of promising projects related to the development of the Russian national domain.

This organization issues rights to domain registration so-called Accredited Registrars. And the latter, in turn, provide an opportunity for smaller intermediaries - registrars register domains under your own brand and at your own prices (any).

How can you open your own domain business?

This may sound strange, but almost nothing! I mean for the money it's almost free. You will only need money to register a domain for your website - from 99 rubles and about the same for hosting, where you will place your site.

You can sell domains at your own prices! It can be 120 rubles or 600, it all depends on your appetite. Available for sale not only domains.RU, but also others domain zones- at the moment there are 18 most popular zones.

Accredited registrar a special panel has been developed for those interested earn money by registering domains. If you decide to open your domain business, then you just need to install this panel and connect it to “your” recorder.

It's not that difficult, but only if you have certain software skills and are able to install it yourself reseller panel and create a website around it.

I admit that I lost six months before I “figured out” how to do all this correctly. In principle, as it turned out, it’s nothing complicated, you just need to learn and gain experience. If you are a fairly experienced webmaster, then domain business open for you right now. You are provided with detailed step by step guide everyone necessary actions FROM AND TO, and you can also freely download everything necessary files, scripts, etc. You can find out all the details.