How to earn electronic money on webmoney. How to make money on WebMoney? We are creating a business based on the virtual money service! Wallet opening and certification

Today we will talk about making money in the WebMoney electronic money system. In this article you will learn how to make money using the WebMoney resource. This electronic currency service makes it possible not only to create a virtual wallet, but also to earn money.

To start earning money in WebMoney, you need to register in the system.

There are many ways to earn money and they are varied. In this article we will look at ways to make money using Web Money.

Ways to earn money on WebMoney

1) Issuance of initial certificates.

In order to start issuing certificates, you need to get a personal one and make a deposit of about 100-200 dollars. After receiving the certificate, you will be able to issue them yourself. You can set the price of the certificate issued by you yourself. And as a participant in the affiliate program, you can count on a profit equal to fifty percent of its cost.

2) Issuance of loans.

WebMoney users who have a formal certificate can both take out a loan and issue it. If you have funds that you can put into free circulation, that is, invest them, then you can start issuing loans. I would like to add that it is not necessary to have a lot of capital to get acquainted with the credit exchange; you can use small amounts of a few dollars.

3) Investing, buying gold.

WebMoney provides an opportunity to invest in gold. In addition to various currencies in WebMoney, you can create a WMG wallet, which is equivalent to one gram of gold.

4) Earn money by inviting people to the mobile version of WebMoney.

You will earn money by using an affiliate program to attract users to the mobile version of this service. The profit will consist of receiving a percentage of the turnover of the attracted user.

5) Trading shares of various companies.

Using a WebMoney wallet, you can earn money by trading shares of well-known global companies such as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Gazprom, etc. This opportunity is provided by the INDX trading platform.

6) Sale of digital goods.

Sell ​​books, essays, term papers, etc. for money. If you are knowledgeable in a certain area and can write essays or coursework on this topic, you can offer your services and earn money from them. You can also create and sell graphic images or edit them.

In order to start earning money using WebMoney using the above methods, you need to register and then use the search or section for individuals of the site to find a job of interest.

Many users of the global network are already earning money using the WebMoney resource. Why are you worse? After reading our article, all you have to do is choose the method that suits you and start your career on the Internet.

Interesting article

This article, first of all, will be of interest to those who are looking for options for making money on the Internet with withdrawal of funds to WebMoney.

Among electronic payment systems on the Internet, WebMoney is the most widespread (at least in the vastness of the former USSR), and deservedly occupies one of the leading places. Most often, system participants carry out operations to transfer funds from one account to another, to purchase and sell currency, to pay various bills and goods. To make it clearer, WebMoney can be compared to such a familiar institution as a bank, only this bank is virtual. But if you create an account in it and create electronic wallets, then you can carry out, in general, familiar and understandable manipulations with your money, also, by the way, electronic. What if it happens that you need not virtual funds, but the usual cash or non-cash money, then you can always withdraw your savings from your WebMoney wallet to a bank card.

WebMoney has some advantages that make it so popular among our users. Firstly, the service is very convenient and safe. Operations for withdrawing money, as well as transferring from account to account, are carried out quickly and very simply. Even a beginner can easily handle them. In this payment system, users are given the opportunity to work with several currencies.

Well, and not the least role in the process of popularizing WebMoney is played by positive reviews from people who have already encountered it. So, without exaggerating, we can say that WebMoney is among the top payment systems on the global market.

Closer to the topic: where and how to earn WebMoney?

First, about where to make money. Yes, on almost any site that provides users with the opportunity to earn money. After all, almost all of them (about 90%, to be more precise) cooperate with this electronic payment system. So the scope for activity is very wide. If we describe all the sites and all the ways to make money on them, it will take a lot of time and a lot of articles. Therefore, we will focus only on some of the most popular and popular ones.

By the way, some resources provide several different opportunities to become a little richer at once and therefore repetition cannot be avoided. However, this fact should be treated not as a complexity, but as a positive phenomenon. After all, a wide choice is always better than none.

Ways to earn money that require investment

Currency exchange. We have already said that WebMoney can be compared to a banking organization, only existing not in our real physical world, but somewhere on the global web, which does not at all exclude the possibility of carrying out ordinary financial transactions, including currency exchange. And people have long learned to make money by exchanging one kind of money for another. You can do this with electronic money. We will explain exactly how below.

For example, a certain hardworking user earned 10 dollars, which naturally “fell” into his WebMoney (WMZ) dollar wallet. But a person needs rubles, that is, he needs to transfer money from a WMZ wallet to a WMR wallet (ruble wallet). The payment system provides such an opportunity; it has its own exchanger, but the conversion rate, frankly speaking, is not the most attractive, and the commission charged is not small. It is clear that every sane person will look for an opportunity to exchange currency with less losses for themselves.

And the search may lead our hard worker to the Exchanger website, on the pages of which he will find a list of merchants who are ready to carry out exchanges on much more favorable terms than those offered by WebMoney.

If you have some savings in electronic wallets and would like to increase them, then no one is stopping you from doing the WebMoney exchange. Your earnings will be the difference between the purchase price and the sale price of the currency (just like in real life with real money). Of course, before you engage in these speculations, you first need to carefully study the rules of the above site.

At first it will be difficult, also because the lack of experience will affect it, and there may not be enough money in wallets for big earnings. But gradually, savings from currency exchange transactions will grow, and, therefore, the opportunities for earning money will expand.

Don't expect money to immediately flow to you like a river. At first, earning one to five dollars a day will already be a success. But if you are persistent, then over time your income can grow several times, or even tens of times. In a couple of months, your account will be replenished daily by ten, or even fifteen dollars, which, you see, is very good for a beginner.

However, as in every business, there are difficulties here. You must constantly be aware of exchange rate fluctuations in order to update your exchange offer in time, and this requires constant attention, sometimes not only during the day, but also at night. If you are ready for such an exhausting schedule, are not afraid of difficulties and learn quickly, then try it, it is quite possible that this is where you will succeed. In the end, you can always quit.

The next way to make money using the WebMoney payment system is familiar to you. We are talking about lending. True, it is familiar to most people from the point of view of borrowers. And the lenders are mainly banks. WebMoney gives users the opportunity to act as lenders, since loans here are not issued by the payment system itself, but users help each other out with money (the site has a special section on lending).

Lending services are provided on the Credit WebMoney exchange. Exchange participants are divided into two groups - some want to borrow money without unnecessary red tape and going to banks (borrowers), and others (lenders) are ready to give them this money (not without benefit for themselves, of course). It is clear that those who want to earn money need to join the group of creditors.

The rules of the game, so to speak, you set yourself. That is, you declare how much you can borrow, for how long and at what interest. Your next step is to research the potential borrower. Take this process seriously, because the risk of non-repayment of the loan is very high. Be sure to talk to the person who wants to borrow from you, study the available information about him (you will find it in the WebMoney certificate) and only then make a decision.

According to reviews from people who make money through lending, you can get a decent profit, but not right away. At first, you need to be prepared for non-returns, and perceive this as an inevitable working moment. Over time, each lender develops its own base, which includes reliable and decent borrowers, and then works only with these people. Of course, it is advisable to expand the list of borrowers with whom you are willing to cooperate, so, one way or another, you will have to take risks. But you need to take very small risks with strangers. If a person repays the loan on time, the next time the amount can be increased slightly. And so on until you are convinced of the integrity of this user.

Free" ways to earn money

Of course, it’s good when you can earn money without investing your own money. But we want to warn you right away that many of these ways of earning money do not bring much profit, and in order to earn more or less normal money, you will either have to spend a lot of time or engage in several types of activities at the same time.

  • Clicks are a popular way to make money. Not so long ago, earning money from clicks for many served as the first step on the path to more serious activities on the Internet, and those who neglect this step initially experience some difficulties in the field of Internet work (this method is something of an introductory course). True, the further it goes, the less users are seduced by this work. And yet, this method of earning money is still quite popular, so it makes sense to briefly familiarize yourself with it.

There is nothing complicated here. All you need to do is go to a certain page (advertising site), spend some time there and close it. Simple, right? Well, since it’s so simple, then you’re paid accordingly - your earnings per day will be a hundred rubles, or even less.

  • Surfing (also for beginners). The essence of surfing, in fact, is not much different from the essence of making money on clicks - the same page viewing. So it is also suitable for beginners. The peculiarity of surfing is that it can be either automatic or manual. Manual work, like any manual work, is paid slightly higher, but you won’t earn much in either way. The ceiling is one hundred rubles a day, and even that is unlikely.

This may seem paradoxical, but it is better, in our opinion, to launch autosurfing and at the same time earn additional money, for example, with the same clicks or in some other way.

  • You can also make money from captchas. First, let's figure out what a captcha is. You have definitely encountered them if you had to register on any services, forums, etc. resources. Remember the requirement to enter numbers or letters from the picture in a special field? So these pictures are captchas. The job, in fact, is to enter an image from a picture into the field intended for this.

If you decide on this type of earnings, then it is best for you to try to do it on the RuCapcha service. You won’t be deceived here, the reward is guaranteed to be transferred to WebMoney, and it will be paid quickly. There is a lot of work on the site. But we must warn you that this work is boring and monotonous, and the pay is very low. It is more suitable for teenagers who want to earn money for small expenses. Older people can find a more interesting and profitable activity.

  • Social networks can be used for more than just communication. Well, in general, the title already says it all. Social networks, indeed, can be used not only to “chat” with friends, listen to music or look at someone’s photos. By hanging out on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or any other similar resource, you can also earn money along the way. Some sites are ready to pay you if you perform certain actions on the social network (reposts, likes, etc.).
  • Write articles, they get paid for it. Writing articles can perhaps be called one of the most profitable options for earning money through WebMoney. This method does not require any investment, and you can earn quite serious money. So if you have a penchant for “writing,” go for it.

Not the most experienced copywriter can easily earn five, ten, or twenty dollars in a standard working day (8 hours). On average it turns out very well. Of course, at first it will be a little difficult, you will need to learn a little, but after gaining some experience, you will already be, as they say, in the subject and will be able to cope with the tasks that you find on various content exchanges without much stress. There are a lot of tasks there (articles are in demand now), they vary in topic and complexity, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

You can easily find a list of content exchanges and their characteristics on the Internet.

  • Complete tasks and earn money. You can also top up your WebMoney wallet by completing tasks. Tasks can be very different. You may have to register somewhere, maybe leave a comment or write a review. You may also be required to participate in a particular community, or watch advertisements on a website, or participate in a forum, in general, anything.

The tasks are not difficult and anyone can complete them. So get to work now.

Let's sum it up

Here, in general terms, is everything a novice user needs to know in order to make money on WebMoney. It was said above that there are other ways to make money, but if you understand the ones we have discussed here, you can take the first, but confident step towards improving your financial well-being. After all, there is nothing super complicated or inaccessible here; everyone can try it.

Millions of people are interested in making money online today. Many people do this well, and to withdraw funds they use payment systems, including WebMoney. But few people know that, in addition to regular freelancing, there is an opportunity to earn a good income on the service itself. In addition, there are enough projects that work closely with the system and “issue” their own banknotes. We will tell you in this article how you can make money on WebMoney.

Performing various tasks

Earning money on the Internet with withdrawal to WebMoney can be different. The resource allows you to get money for publishing your own book, selling advertising, trading debts on the stock exchange, and even for investment activities. If you enter the site and go to the “Individuals” menu tab, and select “Earn” in the drop-down list, all options will open to the user.

The easiest way to make money on WebMoney without investments is to complete simple paid tasks. Even children use this method. You won’t earn a lot of money, but such projects still generate interest. No special effort or qualifications are required, but the person will learn something new. For example, the specialized CashBOX service helps you make money from accounts on social networks.

On social networks

  1. Vkserfing and V-like, allowing you to work on the VKontakte site.
  2. VРrka – focuses on working with different social networks.

Money here is paid for:

  • interesting posts;
  • likes;
  • comments;
  • participation in surveys and discussions;
  • invitations to join the group.

It is worth noting that this is not a complete list of ways to get money. Moreover, payments are instantly credited to your wallet. In many cases, it is possible to earn WMZ.

Per clicks

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to earn extra money. Accruals go for visiting sites and viewing advertisements. You can receive money on WebMoney for watching videos on YouTube. In other words, not work, but rest. In addition, it is convenient:

  • no investment required;
  • The employment procedure is simple.

If you wish, you can always find referrals - people who will register using your link in the project and thereby increase their earnings. This is the answer to the question of how to make money on WebMoney.

But it’s not enough to just scroll through a few videos on YouTube. Advertising services share profits only on mailers. At the same time, income can be received not only in rubles. Many resources offer autosurfing for WMZ.

Through mailers

A simple exchange of links gives way to an exchange of visits, when a person receives visitors to his own for surfing other people’s sites. Various programs for earning WebMoney were invented, including the so-called paid mail. The user leaves his email, which is regularly sent advertising messages, for viewing which he receives a reward.

Mailers offer various tasks:

  • registration in any project with or without activity;
  • compiling reviews and comments;
  • watching YouTube videos;
  • activity on social networks;
  • installation of programs and widgets.

Reading mail with WebMoney brings more income than with simple clicks, although the tasks are not very difficult. It is recommended to use several trusted sites at once, the output from which to WM has no problems.

The best by far are NeoBux and ClixSense, but they are more suitable for members with a large list of referrals. Among Russian resources, it is worth noting WMmail and ProfiTCentR. For those who plan to make money from video, we can recommend ForumOk and SEOsprint.

To make the profit more tangible, do not hesitate to invite friends, acquaintances and relatives to projects. Passive income in the form of a percentage of their earnings will steadily replenish the budget. WMmail has a fairly profitable referral system - as many as five levels.

On captcha

We have figured out how to get money on WebMoney even for entering a captcha. Most popular sites:


You can start working immediately after registration. It's better to try your hand by typing a few test codes. The main thing is to have diligence, attention and a good reaction. This earning option is gradually gaining popularity due to its flexible accrual system. At night they pay twice as much.

On polls

Paid surveys with withdrawal on WebMoney also allow you to make good money. By answering simple questions in standard questionnaires, you can get real income. There are enough offers on the network, including Russian ones. The most famous sites:

  1. "Paid survey". Upon registration, a bonus is awarded, surveys are sent frequently.
  2. "Expert opinion". The reward here is quite large.
  3. "Questionnaire". One of the most popular questionnaires.
  4. RublKlub. Returns part of the money spent on online purchases.
  5. Opinion. Questionnaires arrive frequently and withdrawals occur quickly.
  6. MyIyo is a foreign questionnaire that supports the Russian language. Surveys are received frequently, but small amounts can be withdrawn. You pay extra for inviting a friend or confirming his email.

Survey sites with daily surveys and withdrawal of money via WebMoney, of course, are not found, but you can always choose the best option.

On freelance exchanges

A more effective way to make money is on freelance exchanges. There are many of those. The most common exchanges are articles and translations. For example, rewriters and copywriters use Advego and TextSale. Lots of offers for IT specialists.

After registering and choosing a specialization, you can get acquainted with job offers. The method is not easy, it requires qualifications, but it is one of the most profitable options without any investment.

At the games

Games with withdrawal of money on WebMoney are one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet among young and even older fans of online games. There are two options: with and without investment. If you don’t invest, you can get pleasure and bonuses, but you won’t earn serious money from it. Much more attractive games with the withdrawal of real money:

  1. Taxi Money is one of the best. The participant buys a virtual taxi and works as a driver, for which he receives non-virtual money.
  2. Golden Birds. Not a bad option. It features fast withdrawals to various wallets.
  3. Ferma neighbors. This game is interesting in itself, in addition to the money earned.
  4. Golden Mines. You can get real money for the work of virtual gnomes in the mine. When replenishing your account from 5 thousand rubles. referrals who have independently registered in the project become available.

Slot machines with withdrawal of money on WebMoney can be found in large numbers on English-language sites. Here you can earn up to several thousand rubles per day, but you can also lose everything.

Earnings with investment

If you invest, then only in large-scale projects. You can play not only chess or poker, but also in a casino. Of course, the chances of winning are, let’s say, low, but at least you’ll have an interesting time. Real earnings in WM are also achievable through loans, withdrawal and exchange of funds.

On loans

Today WM is perhaps the only online lending service. Only here can one participant in the system lend money to another with at least some guarantee of return. Earning money on loans in WebMoney is quite real. Moreover, when the question is posed correctly, it brings the greatest income. In this case, no certificates or additional documents are needed.

You can give a loan only if you have a personal certificate. In addition, you will have to obtain a special script for connecting to the credit machine. This costs money, since the free version of the program module can be used by criminals to steal personal data. The work also involves another risk - a poorly chosen client can leave you without money. Therefore it is important to consider:

  1. Borrower's certificate. The higher its level, the less chance you have of running into a scammer.
  2. Trust limit (TL) of the borrower. If he has already taken out loans and paid them back on time, the risk is less.
  3. Loan size. Don't give it too big.

If the money is not returned, WebMoney allows you to use the Debt Exchange service - the rights to repay the loan can be sold to collectors.

Questionable methods

Almost immediately with the advent of the Internet, it was filled with all sorts of scams and financial pyramids. Those who want to get WMZ for free are attacked from all sides. And it cannot be said that the majority of them do not understand the dubiousness of some proposals. It’s just how a person is designed – he believes in his luck, although nothing is given for free.

Many people believe advertisements, naively believing that no one can deceive them. Once caught by scammers, they never stop looking for the answer to the question of how to get a lot of money from WebMoney, not wanting to understand that it’s all a myth. As a result, real opportunities are missed.

Profit on exchange

Exchange is an integral part of the WM service. This way you can quickly make money on WebMoney. Exchange rates on the site change every day, and they are set based on the results of trading on the WM Trader service. Here, any user can buy and sell, but actually exchange one currency for another. Trading binary options with a skillful approach brings a lot of money. But there are also plenty of risks.

There are many platforms on the network that make money by exchanging currencies between various payment systems. There are many sites that tell you how to make money for free on WebMoney and offer to do it quickly. But not everyone works honestly. As a rule, scammers offer the most favorable exchange rates. After transferring money to the account of such a site, you can say goodbye.

It is best to create your own service for withdrawing money from WebMoney wallets. This will require a higher level certificate, registration of a legal entity and an office. But this option is for businessmen, people with a special mindset.

Using a magic wallet

Another type of fraud is associated with the so-called magic wallet. Messages are sent out saying that a wallet has been opened, after transferring funds to which you can get some crazy income. Allegedly, a failure occurred in WebMoney, and the system credits money in favor of the client. This is pure deception, designed for the greed of the user. Messages of this kind usually appear on forums, in chat rooms, and sometimes even come by email.

To summarize, it can be noted that working on the Internet takes a lot of time and effort. Earning money on WebMoney can be a good source of income if you understand the nuances and correctly take into account the risks.

How to make money on WebMoney: Video

Do you have a real job, but would you like to earn WebMoney so that you can have money in your e-wallet? Great idea! You can use your e-wallet to pay for the Internet, telephone and utilities without leaving your home. And for this it is not at all necessary to top up your electronic account with real money.

You can earn WebMoney without investment on the Internet, and even without much effort. But you need to immediately decide whether the income that various sites offer for making money on the Internet will suit you. Earning WebMoney involves performing certain actions on the Internet, on which the amount of your income will depend. And your actions will depend on what methods of making money on the Internet you choose. There are only two options here:

  • Simple ways to earn WebMoney, absolutely independent of your knowledge and skills;
  • Complex ways to make money that require certain skills.

What you choose is up to you. Here it should be taken into account that it is much easier to earn wmr or wmz in simple ways, but the income in this case will also be appropriate.

Earning WebMoney in simple ways

Where on the Internet you can earn WMZ or WMR in more complex ways

There are more serious ways on the Internet to earn WebMoney without investments than those described above. But to do this, you must be able to do something that may be in demand among other network users. For example, content exchanges offer good income, and remote work exchanges can provide decent WebMoney earnings to almost anyone whose specialty is in demand on the Internet. More serious methods involve more serious earnings with withdrawal to WebMoney.

So that we don’t have to repeat ourselves and once again describe where you can earn WMZ or WMR, we simply suggest going to the page Sites for making money on the Internet. All categories offered there, except for foreign sites, are suitable for earning WMZ and WMR.

WebMoney is an electronic payment system with history. Many ways to make money using this system are no longer as relevant as they used to be, so in this article I will talk about those ways to make money on webmoney that have still not lost their relevance.

If money sits on your webmoney wallet for a long time as a dead weight, you are missing out on potential profits.

Take, for example, the same one. In the webmoney system, the title character of Bitcoin is WMX. If you had transferred money to WMX in recent months, you could have doubled and tripled your money. I am not saying this as a guide to action, but simply as one of the possibilities.

So, today WebMoney is still alive and quite attractive from the point of view of money making, so below I’ll tell you about how to make money on webmoney. Just keep one thing in mind: all these methods require that you have WebMoney funds. Those. We do not earn webmoney, but work with the money we already have at our disposal.

So, let's go.

#1 Buywmx and hold

If you have read my articles about cryptocurrencies (,), and in general if you are interested in the topic of making money on cryptocurrencies, then you should probably know that Bitcoin has many forks. For example, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond. But that is not all. There are still many other Bitcoin forks ahead: Bitcoin Silver, Bitcoin Platinum, Bitcoin Uranium, Bitcoin Cash Plus, Super Bitcoin, Lightning Bitcoin. I won’t explain what the essence of the fork is, you can google it.

The main thing is that if you have one bitcoin, then in the event of a fork, i.e. When a new coin appears, for example, Super Bitcoin, you, as the holder of one cue ball, will be automatically credited with a coin in the new network, i.e. on the Super Bitcoin network. Thus, you had one Bitcoin, and after the fork you got 1 Bitcoin and one Super Bitcoin.

Thus, the earning strategy is as follows: we buy wmx (the equivalent of bitcoin in webmoney) and simply hold it until the fork appears. After the fork, if it is a solid fork, webmoney will add a new title sign, as was the case with WMH (Bitcoin Cash) and, accordingly, instead of one WMX you will have 1 WMX and 1 WMH. By the way, they also credited WMX holders with another recent fork of BitcoinGold.

Some information about how it works

By the way, storing bitcoins in WMX is safe. If, for example, you transfer WMX to the wrong place or lose access to your account, then theoretically all this can be fixed. If you store bitcoins at home using, for example, Bitcoin Core, if you forget the seed phrase, password and private keys, then you will never see your money again and no one will help you with its recovery. WebMoney has been on the market for 20 years, so you can trust it.

#2 Investing in gold

The principle is approximately the same as described above. You can buy gold through the Web Money system without VAT and unnecessary overpayments. To do this, we create a WMG wallet, after which we go to the exchange and exchange the title units we have, for example, WMZ, for WMG. Next, we wait for the price of gold to rise and perform a reverse exchange of WMG for WMZ. The difference in rate will be our earnings.

# 3 Play with exchange rates on the exchange

On the exchange, by the way, you can conduct full-fledged trading on the difference in rates, similar to forex. Here you can change the title characters wmz, wme, wmr, wmx, wmg, etc. The trading turnover on the exchange is more than $10 million per day, so there is some kind of liquidity. True, you can earn more or less decent money here only with a capital of at least $10,000 or more.

Below is a video that explains the essence of trading operations on the WebMoney exchange

# 4 Trading on the exchange

This is the official webmoney trading platform. And she, apparently, is one of the oldest in the RuNet*/ The point is that you don’t need to register with any broker. It is enough to register on the exchange, after which you can independently carry out operations to buy and sell shares and other assets. Yes, here you will need to delve into the topic in order to understand what to buy. But if you choose your assets wisely, you can make money. Advantages of the exchange:

    Commission for completed transaction 0%

    No account maintenance fee

    Replenishing your account on the exchange via webmoney, replenishment commission 0.8%

    The main disadvantage of the exchange is the small trading volume.

A brief overview of how trading works on

#5 Issuance of certificates

The WebMoney system operates an affiliate program of the Certification Center. The opportunity to earn money here is based on the certification of other participants in the system.

There are two types of affiliate programs:

    Issuance of initial certificates

    Issuance of personal certificates

The point is that any participant in the webmoney system who has been registered for at least 1 year, has a personal certificate, BL >50, a confirmed “Authority Agreement” and a balance amount of at least 100 wmz can become a participant in the affiliate program. Such a system participant can independently issue initial and personal certificates. The cost of such a service is determined by the participant himself. As a rule, the profit is 50-70% of the cost of the certificate.


There are more types of earnings on WebMoney, but many of them are outdated, so I don’t even see the point of remembering them. The most profitable way to make money is the one I described under #1. We buy wmx, hold, get free forks + profit from the increase in the exchange rate (we hope there will be some). This is a passive way of earning money that meets current realities and is very profitable. But again, you need to take into account that to make good money you need solid starting capital.